// HttpManager.java
// $Id: HttpManager.java,v 1.90 2007/04/10 13:22:22 ylafon Exp $
// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996.
// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html
package org.w3c.www.protocol.http ;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.net.URL;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import org.w3c.www.mime.MimeHeaderHolder;
import org.w3c.www.mime.MimeParser;
import org.w3c.www.mime.MimeParserFactory;
import org.w3c.util.LRUList;
import org.w3c.util.ObservableProperties;
import org.w3c.util.PropertyMonitoring;
import org.w3c.util.SyncLRUList;
class ManagerDescription {
HttpManager manager = null;
Properties properties = null;
final HttpManager getManager() {
return manager;
final boolean sameProperties(Properties props) {
if (props.size() != properties.size())
return false;
Enumeration e = props.propertyNames();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) e.nextElement();
String prop = properties.getProperty(name);
if ((prop == null) || (! prop.equals(props.getProperty(name))))
return false;
return true;
ManagerDescription(HttpManager manager, Properties props) {
this.manager = manager;
this.properties = (Properties)props.clone();
class ReplyFactory implements MimeParserFactory {
public MimeHeaderHolder createHeaderHolder(MimeParser parser) {
return new Reply(parser);
* The client side HTTP request manager.
* This class is the user interface (along with the other public classes of
* this package) for the W3C client side library implementing HTTP.
* A typical request is launched though the following sequence:
* <pre>
* HttpManager manager = HttpManager.getManager() ;
* Request request = manager.createRequest() ;
* request.setMethod(HTTP.GET) ;
* request.setURL(new URL("http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/"));
* Reply reply = manager.runRequest(request) ;
* // Get the reply input stream that contains the actual data:
* InputStream in = reply.getInputStream() ;
* ...
* </pre>
public class HttpManager implements PropertyMonitoring {
private static final boolean debug = false;
private static final
String DEFAULT_SERVER_CLASS = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpBasicServer";
* The name of the property indicating the class of HttpServer to use.
public static final
String SERVER_CLASS_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.server";
* The name of the property containing the ProprequestFilter to launch.
public static final
String FILTERS_PROP_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.filters";
* The maximum number of simultaneous connectionlrus.
public static final
String CONN_MAX_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.connections.max";
* The SO_TIMEOUT of the client socket.
public static final
String TIMEOUT_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.connections.timeout";
* The connection timeout of the client socket.
public static final
String CONN_TIMEOUT_P ="org.w3c.www.protocol.http.connections.connTimeout";
* Header properties - The allowed drift for getting cached resources.
public static final
String MAX_STALE_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.cacheControl.maxStale";
* Header properties - The minium freshness required on cached resources.
public static final
String MIN_FRESH_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.cacheControl.minFresh";
* Header properties - Set the only if cached flag on requests.
public static final
* Header properties - Set the user agent.
public static final
String USER_AGENT_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.userAgent";
* Header properties - Set the accept header.
public static final
String ACCEPT_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.accept";
* Header properties - Set the accept language.
public static final
String ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.acceptLanguage";
* Header properties - Set the accept encodings.
public static final
String ACCEPT_ENCODING_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.acceptEncoding";
* Header properties - are we parsing answers in a lenient way?
public static final
String LENIENT_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.lenient";
* Header properties - should we reuse a connection for POST?
public static final
String KEEPBODY_P = "org.w3c.www.protocol.http.keepbody";
* Header properties - Should we use a proxy ?
public static final
String PROXY_SET_P = "proxySet";
* Header properties - What is the proxy host name.
public static final
String PROXY_HOST_P = "proxyHost";
* Header properties - What is the proxy port number.
public static final
String PROXY_PORT_P = "proxyPort";
* The default value for the <code>Accept</code> header.
public static final
String DEFAULT_ACCEPT = "*/*";
* The default value for the <code>User-Agent</code> header.
public static final
String DEFAULT_USER_AGENT = "Jigsaw/2.2.6";
* This array keeps track of all the created managers.
* A new manager (kind of HTTP client side context) is created for each
* diffferent set of properties.
private static ManagerDescription managers[] = new ManagerDescription[4];
* The class to instantiate to create new HttpServer instances.
protected Class serverclass = null;
* The properties we initialized from.
ObservableProperties props = null;
* The server this manager knows about, indexed by FQDN of target servers.
protected Hashtable servers = null;
* The template request (the request we will clone to create new requests)
protected Request template = null ;
* The LRU list of connections.
protected LRUList connectionsLru = null;
* The filter engine attached to this manager.
FilterEngine filteng = null;
protected int timeout = 300000;
protected int conn_timeout = 3000;
protected int conn_count = 0;
protected int conn_max = 5;
protected boolean lenient = true;
protected boolean keepbody = false;
protected Hashtable _tmp_servers = null; // synced during creation
* Update the proxy configuration to match current properties setting.
* @return A boolean, <strong>true</strong> if change was done,
* <strong>false</strong> otherwise.
protected boolean updateProxy() {
boolean set = props.getBoolean(PROXY_SET_P, false);
if ( set ) {
// Wow using a proxy now !
String host = props.getString(PROXY_HOST_P, null);
int port = props.getInteger(PROXY_PORT_P, -1);
URL proxy = null;
try {
proxy = new URL("http", host, port, "/");
} catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
// Now if a proxy...
if (( proxy != null ) && (proxy.getHost() != null))
} else {
return true;
* Get this manager properties.
* @return An ObservableProperties instance.
public final ObservableProperties getProperties() {
return props;
* PropertyMonitoring implementation - Update properties on the fly !
* @param name The name of the property that has changed.
* @return A boolean, <strong>true</strong> if change is accepted,
* <strong>false</strong> otherwise.
public boolean propertyChanged(String name) {
Request tpl = template;
if ( name.equals(FILTERS_PROP_P) ) {
return true;
// return false;
} else if ( name.equals(TIMEOUT_P) ) {
setTimeout(props.getInteger(TIMEOUT_P, timeout));
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(CONN_TIMEOUT_P) ) {
setConnTimeout(props.getInteger(CONN_TIMEOUT_P, conn_timeout));
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(CONN_MAX_P) ) {
setMaxConnections(props.getInteger(CONN_MAX_P, conn_max));
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(MAX_STALE_P) ) {
int ival = props.getInteger(MAX_STALE_P, -1);
if ( ival >= 0 )
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(MIN_FRESH_P) ) {
int ival = props.getInteger(MIN_FRESH_P, -1);
if ( ival >= 0 )
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(LENIENT_P) ) {
lenient = props.getBoolean(LENIENT_P, lenient);
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(KEEPBODY_P) ) {
keepbody = props.getBoolean(KEEPBODY_P, keepbody);
return true;
} if ( name.equals(ONLY_IF_CACHED_P) ) {
tpl.setOnlyIfCached(props.getBoolean(ONLY_IF_CACHED_P, false));
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(USER_AGENT_P) ) {
, props.getString(USER_AGENT_P
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(ACCEPT_P) ) {
, props.getString(ACCEPT_P, DEFAULT_ACCEPT));
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_P) ) {
String sval = props.getString(ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_P, null);
if ( sval != null )
tpl.setValue("accept-language", sval);
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(ACCEPT_ENCODING_P) ) {
String sval = props.getString(ACCEPT_ENCODING_P, null);
if ( sval != null )
tpl.setValue("accept-encoding", sval);
return true;
} else if ( name.equals(PROXY_SET_P)
|| name.equals(PROXY_HOST_P)
|| name.equals(PROXY_PORT_P) ) {
return updateProxy();
} else {
return true;
* Allow the manager to interact with the user if needed.
* This will, for example, allow prompting for paswords, etc.
* @param onoff Turn interaction on or off.
public void setAllowUserInteraction(boolean onoff) {
protected static synchronized
HttpManager getManager(Class managerclass, Properties p)
// Does such a manager exists already ?
for (int i = 0 ; i < managers.length ; i++) {
if ( managers[i] == null )
if ( managers[i].sameProperties(p) )
return managers[i].getManager();
// Get the props we will initialize from:
ObservableProperties props = null;
if ( p instanceof ObservableProperties )
props = (ObservableProperties) p;
props = new ObservableProperties(p);
// Create a new manager for this set of properties:
HttpManager manager = null;;
try {
Object o = managerclass.newInstance();
if (o instanceof HttpManager) {
manager = (HttpManager) o;
} else { // default value
manager = new HttpManager();
} catch (Exception ex) {
manager = new HttpManager();
manager.props = props;
// Initialize this new manager filters:
String filters[] = props.getStringArray(FILTERS_PROP_P, null);
if ( filters != null ) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < filters.length ; i++) {
try {
Class c = Class.forName(filters[i]);
PropRequestFilter f = null;
f = (PropRequestFilter) c.newInstance();
} catch (PropRequestFilterException ex) {
System.out.println("Couldn't initialize filter \""
+ filters[i]
+ "\" init failed: "
+ ex.getMessage());
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Error initializing prop filters:");
System.err.println("Coulnd't initialize ["
+ filters[i]
+ "]: " + ex.getMessage());
// The factory to create MIME reply holders:
manager.factory = manager.getReplyFactory();
// The class to create HttpServer instances from
String c = props.getString(SERVER_CLASS_P, DEFAULT_SERVER_CLASS);
try {
manager.serverclass = Class.forName(c);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Unable to initialize HttpManager: ");
System.err.println("Class \""+c+"\" not found, from property "
// Setup the template request:
Request tpl = manager.template;
// Set some default headers value (from props)
// Check for a proxy ?
// CacheControl, only-if-cached
tpl.setOnlyIfCached(props.getBoolean(ONLY_IF_CACHED_P, false));
// CacheControl, maxstale
int ival = props.getInteger(MAX_STALE_P, -1);
if ( ival >= 0 )
// CacheControl, minfresh:
ival = props.getInteger(MIN_FRESH_P, -1);
if ( ival >= 0 )
// general, lenient
manager.lenient = props.getBoolean(LENIENT_P, true);
manager.keepbody = props.getBoolean(KEEPBODY_P, false);
// General, User agent
String sval;
, props.getString(USER_AGENT_P
// General, Accept
, props.getString(ACCEPT_P, DEFAULT_ACCEPT));
// General, Accept-Language
sval = props.getString(ACCEPT_LANGUAGE_P, null);
if ( sval != null ) {
if (sval.trim().length() > 0) {
tpl.setValue("accept-language", sval);
// General, Accept-Encoding
sval = props.getString(ACCEPT_ENCODING_P, null);
if ( sval != null ) {
if (sval.trim().length() > 0) {
tpl.setValue("accept-encoding", sval);
// Maximum number of allowed connections:
manager.conn_max = props.getInteger(CONN_MAX_P, 5);
// timeout value
manager.timeout = props.getInteger(TIMEOUT_P, manager.timeout);
// connection timeout
manager.conn_timeout = props.getInteger(CONN_TIMEOUT_P,
// Register ourself as a property observer:
// Register that manager in our knwon managers:
for (int i = 0 ; i < managers.length ; i++) {
if ( managers[i] == null ) {
managers[i] = new ManagerDescription(manager, p);
return manager;
ManagerDescription nm[] = new ManagerDescription[managers.length << 1];
System.arraycopy(managers, 0, nm, 0, managers.length);
nm[managers.length] = new ManagerDescription(manager, p);
managers = nm;
return manager;
* Get an instance of the HTTP manager.
* This method returns an actual instance of the HTTP manager. It may
* return different managers, if it decides to distribute the load on
* different managers (avoid the HttpManager being a bottleneck).
* @return An application wide instance of the HTTP manager.
public static synchronized HttpManager getManager(Properties p) {
return getManager(HttpManager.class, p);
public static HttpManager getManager() {
return getManager(System.getProperties());
* Get the String key for the server instance handling that request.
* This method takes care of any proxy setting (it will return the key
* to the proxy when required.)
* @return A uniq identifier for the handling server, as a String.
public final String getServerKey(Request request) {
URL proxy = request.getProxy();
URL target = request.getURL();
String key = null;
if ( proxy != null ) {
return ((proxy.getPort() == 80)
? proxy.getHost().toLowerCase()
: (proxy.getHost().toLowerCase()+":"+proxy.getPort()));
} else {
return ((target.getPort() == 80)
? target.getHost().toLowerCase()
: (target.getHost().toLowerCase()+":"+target.getPort()));
* Get the appropriate server object for handling request to given target.
* @param key The server's key, as returned by <code>getServerKey</code>.
* @return An object complying to the HttpServer interface.
* @exception HttpException If the given host name couldn't be resolved.
protected HttpServer lookupServer(String host, int port)
throws HttpException
int p = (port == -1) ? 80 : port;
String id = ((p == 80)
? host.toLowerCase()
: (host.toLowerCase() +":"+p));
// Check for an existing server:
HttpServer server = (HttpServer) servers.get(id);
if ( server != null ) {
return server;
// Create and register a new server:
synchronized (_tmp_servers) {
if (_tmp_servers.containsKey(id)) {
server = (HttpServer) _tmp_servers.get(id);
synchronized (server) {
while (server.state == null ||
server.state.state != HttpServerState.PREINIT) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
} catch (IllegalMonitorStateException ex) {
if (server.state.state == HttpServerState.OK) {
return server;
} else if (server.state.ex != null) {
throw server.state.ex;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error "+
"in lookupServer");
} else {
try {
server = (HttpServer) serverclass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception ex) {
String msg = ("Unable to create an instance of \""
+ serverclass.getName()
+ "\", invalid config, check the "
+ SERVER_CLASS_P + " property.");
throw new HttpException(ex, msg);
try {
synchronized (server) {
server.initialize(this, new HttpServerState(server), host, p,
timeout, conn_timeout);
try {
} catch (IllegalMonitorStateException imse) {};
// FIXME for long running servers the growing hashtable is
// a potential leak. This is a hard way of taking care of that
// if (servers.size() > conn_max) {
// closeAnyConnection();
// servers = new Hashtable(conn_max);
// }
} finally {
synchronized (_tmp_servers) {
if (server.state.state == HttpServerState.OK) {
if (!servers.containsKey(id)) {
servers.put(id, server);
} else {
// System.err.println("ERROR State is "+server.state.state
// +" for " + server);
return server;
* The given connection is about to be used.
* Update our list of available servers.
* @param conn The idle connection.
public synchronized void notifyUse(HttpConnection conn) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("+++ connection used");
* The given connection can be reused, but is now idle.
* @param conn The connection that is now idle.
public synchronized void notifyIdle(HttpConnection conn) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("+++ connection idle");
* The given connection has just been created.
* @param conn The newly created connection.
protected synchronized void notifyConnection(HttpConnection conn) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("+++ notify conn_count " + (conn_count+1)
+ " / " + conn_max);
if ( ++conn_count > conn_max )
* The given connection has been deleted.
* @param conn The deleted connection.
protected synchronized void deleteConnection(HttpConnection conn) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("+++ delete conn_count: " + conn_count);
protected synchronized boolean tooManyConnections() {
return conn_count >= conn_max;
* Try reusing one of the idle connection of that server, if any.
* @param server The target server.
* @return An currently idle connection to the given server.
protected synchronized HttpConnection getConnection(HttpServer server) {
HttpServerState ss = server.getState();
HttpConnection hcn = ss.getConnection();
if (hcn != null) {
return hcn;
* Wait for a connection to come up.
* @param server, the target server.
* @exception InterruptedException If interrupted..
protected synchronized void waitForConnection(HttpServer server)
throws InterruptedException
wait(30000); // FIXME should be tunable, now set to 30s
* Close some connections, but pickling the least recently used ones.
* One third of the max number of connection is cut. This is done to
* eliminate the old connections that should be broken already.
* (no Socket.isAlive());
* @return A boolean, <strong>true</strong> if a connection was closed
* <strong>false</strong> otherwise.
protected synchronized boolean closeAnyConnection() {
boolean saved = false;
int max = Math.max(conn_max/3, 1);
for (int i=0; i < max; i++) {
HttpConnection conn = (HttpConnection) connectionsLru.removeTail();
if ( conn != null ) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("+++ close request");
saved = true;
} else {
// now purge the server Hashtable
synchronized (servers) {
Enumeration e = servers.keys();
if (debug) {
System.out.println("+++ hashtable purge starting: "
+ servers.size() + " entries");
int nbconn = 0;
int rnbconn = 0;
int nbkept = 0;
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String id = (String) e.nextElement();
if (id != null) {
HttpServer server = (HttpServer) servers.get(id);
int conn_count = server.state.getConnectionCount();
if (conn_count <= 0) {
if (debug) {
System.out.println("+++ hashtable purge: "+id);
} else {
if (debug) {
nbconn += server.state.getConnectionCount();
if (server.state.conns != null) {
rnbconn += server.state.conns.size();
System.out.println("+++ hashtable keep: "+id
+" ( "
+" )");
if (debug) {
System.out.println("+++ hashtable purge done, keeping "
+ servers.size() + " entries");
System.out.println("+++ hashtable stats, keeping "
+ nbconn + " ( "+ rnbconn
+ " ) connections for " + nbkept
+ " servers ( "
+ ((float)nbconn / (float)nbkept) + " )");
return saved;
* One of our server handler wants to open a connection.
* @param block A boolean indicating whether we should block the calling
* thread until a token is available (otherwise, the method will just
* peek at the connection count, and return the appropriate result).
* @return A boolean, <strong>true</strong> if the connection can be
* opened straight, <strong>false</strong> otherwise.
protected boolean negotiateConnection(HttpServer server) {
HttpServerState ss = server.getState();
if ( ! tooManyConnections() ) {
return true;
} else if ( ss.notEnoughConnections() ) {
return closeAnyConnection();
} else if ( servers.size() > conn_max ) {
return closeAnyConnection();
return false;
* A new client connection has been established.
* This method will try to maintain a maximum number of established
* connections, by closing idle connections when possible.
* @param server The server that has established a new connection.
protected final synchronized void incrConnCount(HttpServer server) {
if ( ++conn_count > conn_max )
if (debug)
System.out.println("+++ incr conn_count: " + conn_count);
* Decrement the number of established connections.
* @param server The server that has closed one connection to its target.
protected final synchronized void decrConnCount(HttpServer server) {
if (debug)
System.out.println("+++ decr conn_count: " + conn_count);
if (conn_count < 0) {
* Run the given request, in synchronous mode.
* This method will launch the given request, and block the calling thread
* until the response headers are available.
* @param request The request to run.
* @return An instance of Reply, containing all the reply
* informations.
* @exception HttpException If something failed during request processing.
public Reply runRequest(Request request)
throws HttpException
Reply reply = null;
int fcalls = 0;
// Now run through the ingoing filters:
RequestFilter filters[] = filteng.run(request);
if ( filters != null ) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < filters.length ; i++) {
if ((reply = filters[fcalls].ingoingFilter(request)) != null)
// Locate the appropriate target server:
URL target = request.getURL();
if ( reply == null ) {
HttpServer srv = null;
boolean rtry ;
do {
rtry = false;
try {
URL proxy = request.getProxy();
if ( proxy != null )
srv = lookupServer(proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort());
srv = lookupServer(target.getHost(), target.getPort());
reply = srv.runRequest(request);
} catch (HttpException ex) {
for (int i = 0; i < fcalls; i++)
rtry = rtry || filters[i].exceptionFilter(request, ex);
if ( ! rtry )
throw ex;
} finally {
// request.unsetServer();
} while (rtry);
// Apply the filters on the way back:
if ( filters != null ) {
while (--fcalls >= 0) {
Reply frep = filters[fcalls].outgoingFilter(request, reply);
if ( frep != null ) {
reply = frep;
return reply;
* Get this manager's reply factory.
* The Reply factory is used when prsing incomming reply from servers, it
* decides what object will be created to hold the actual reply from the
* server.
* @return An object compatible with the MimeParserFactory interface.
MimeParserFactory factory = null ;
public MimeParserFactory getReplyFactory() {
if (factory == null) {
factory = new ReplyFactory();
return factory;
* Add a new request filter.
* Request filters are called <em>before</em> a request is launched, and
* <em>after</em> the reply headers are available. They allow applications
* to setup specific request headers (such as PICS, or PEP stuff) on the
* way in, and check the reply on the way out.
* <p>Request filters are application wide: if their scope matches
* the current request, then they will always be aplied.
* <p>Filter scopes are defined inclusively and exclusively
* @param incs The URL domains for which the filter should be triggered.
* @param exs The URL domains for which the filter should not be triggered.
* @param filter The request filter to add.
public void setFilter(URL incs[], URL exs[], RequestFilter filter) {
if ( incs != null ) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < incs.length ; i++)
filteng.setFilter(incs[i], true, filter);
if ( exs != null ) {
for (int i = 0 ; i < exs.length ; i++)
filteng.setFilter(exs[i], false, filter);
* Add a global filter.
* The given filter will <em>always</em> be invoked.
* @param filter The filter to install.
public void setFilter(RequestFilter filter) {
* Find back an instance of a global filter.
* This methods allow external classes to get a pointer to installed
* filters of a given class.
* @param cls The class of the filter to look for.
* @return A RequestFilter instance, or <strong>null</strong> if not
* found.
public RequestFilter getGlobalFilter(Class cls) {
return filteng.getGlobalFilter(cls);
* Create a new default outgoing request.
* This method should <em>always</em> be used to create outgoing requests.
* It will initialize the request with appropriate default values for
* the various headers, and make sure that the request is enhanced by
* the registered request filters.
* @return An instance of Request, suitable to be launched.
public Request createRequest() {
return (Request) template.getDeeperClone() ;
* Global settings - Set the max number of allowed connections.
* Set the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can remain
* opened. The manager will take care of queuing requests if this number
* is reached.
* <p>This value defaults to the value of the
* <code>org.w3c.www.http.connections.max</code> property.
* @param max_conn The allowed maximum simultaneous open connections.
public synchronized void setMaxConnections(int max_conn) {
this.conn_max = max_conn;
* Global settings - Set the timeout on the socket
* <p>This value defaults to the value of the
* <code>org.w3c.www.http.connections.timeout</code> property.
* @param timeout The allowed maximum microsecond before a timeout.
public synchronized void setTimeout(int timeout) {
this.timeout = timeout;
Enumeration e = servers.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
((HttpServer) e.nextElement()).setTimeout(timeout);
* Global settings - Set the connection timeout for the socket
* <p>This value defaults to the value of the
* <code>org.w3c.www.protocol.http.connections.connTimeout</code> property
* @param timeout The allowed maximum microsecond before a timeout.
public synchronized void setConnTimeout(int conn_timeout) {
this.conn_timeout = conn_timeout;
Enumeration e = servers.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
((HttpServer) e.nextElement()).setConnTimeout(conn_timeout);
* Global settings - set the HTTP parsing lenient or not.
* @param lenient, true by default, false to detect wrong servers
public void setLenient(boolean lenient) {
this.lenient = lenient;
* Is this manager parsing headers in a lenient way?
* @return A boolean.
public boolean isLenient() {
return lenient;
* Global settings - Set an optional proxy to use.
* Set the proxy to which all requests should be targeted. If the
* <code>org.w3c.www.http.proxy</code> property is defined, it will be
* used as the default value.
* @param proxy The URL for the proxy to use.
public void setProxy(URL proxy) {
* Does this manager uses a proxy to fulfill requests ?
* @return A boolean.
public boolean usingProxy() {
return template.hasProxy();
* Global settings - Set the request timeout.
* Once a request has been emited, the HttpManager will sit for this
* given number of milliseconds before the request is declared to have
* timed-out.
* <p>This timeout value defaults to the value of the
* <code>org.w3c.www.http.requestTimeout</code> property value.
* @param ms The timeout value in milliseconds.
public void setRequestTimeout(int ms) {
* Global settings - Define a global request header.
* Set a default value for some request header. Once defined, the
* header will automatically be defined on <em>all</em> outgoing requests
* created through the <code>createRequest</code> request.
* @param name The name of the header, case insensitive.
* @param value It's default value.
public void setGlobalHeader(String name, String value) {
System.err.println("**** " + name + " : " + value);
template.setValue(name, value);
* Global settings - Get a global request header default value.
* @param name The name of the header to get.
* @return The value for that header, as a String, or <strong>
* null</strong> if undefined.
public String getGlobalHeader(String name) {
return template.getValue(name);
* Dump all in-memory cached state to persistent storage.
public void sync() {
* Create a new HttpManager.
* FIXME Making this method protected breaks the static method
* to create HttpManager instances (should use a factory here)
* @param props The properties from which the manager should initialize
* itself, or <strong>null</strong> if none are available.
protected HttpManager() {
this.template = new Request(this);
this.servers = new Hashtable();
this._tmp_servers = new Hashtable();
this.filteng = new FilterEngine();
this.connectionsLru = new SyncLRUList();
public synchronized String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
HttpConnection hcn = (HttpConnection) connectionsLru.getHead();
sb.append("Connections: ");
sb.append(" out of ");
if (hcn != null) {
sb.append("**** Idle Connections list ****\n");
while (hcn != null) {
sb.append(" ");
try {
hcn = (HttpConnection) hcn.getNext();
} catch (ClassCastException ccex) {
} else {
sb.append ("*** NO IDLE CONNECTIONS ***\n");
return sb.toString();
public static void main(String args[]) {
try {
// Get the manager, and define some global headers:
HttpManager manager = HttpManager.getManager();
manager.setGlobalHeader("User-Agent", DEFAULT_USER_AGENT);
manager.setGlobalHeader("Accept", "*/*;q=1.0");
manager.setGlobalHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip");
PropRequestFilter filter =
new org.w3c.www.protocol.http.cookies.CookieFilter();
PropRequestFilter pdebug =
new org.w3c.www.protocol.http.DebugFilter();
Request request = manager.createRequest();
request.setURL(new URL(args[0]));
Reply reply = manager.runRequest(request);
//Display some infos:
System.out.println("last-modified: "+reply.getLastModified());
System.out.println("length : "+reply.getContentLength());
// Display the returned body:
InputStream in = reply.getInputStream();
byte buf[] = new byte[4096];
int cnt = 0;
while ((cnt = in.read(buf)) >= 0) {
// System.out.print(new String(buf, 0, cnt));
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (ex instanceof HttpException) {
((HttpException) ex).getException().printStackTrace();