// HttpMessage.java
// $Id: HttpMessage.java,v 1.45 2007/02/09 22:05:52 ylafon Exp $
// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996.
// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html
package org.w3c.www.http;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import org.w3c.util.ArrayDictionary;
import org.w3c.util.EmptyEnumeration;
import org.w3c.www.mime.MimeHeaderHolder;
import org.w3c.www.mime.MimeParser;
* The basic class for all HTTP messages, as define in the HTTP spec.
* This class is the base class for a number of other classes, including
* both the ingoing/outgoing requests and replies.
public class HttpMessage implements MimeHeaderHolder, Cloneable, HTTP {
// FIXME doc
public final static int EMIT_HEADERS = (1<<0);
public final static int EMIT_BODY = (1<<2);
public final static int EMIT_FOOTERS = (1<<3);
public final static int EMIT_ALL = ((1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2));
// HTTP message well-known headers
public static int H_CACHE_CONTROL = 0;
public static int H_CONNECTION = 1;
public static int H_PROXY_CONNECTION = 2;
public static int H_DATE = 3;
public static int H_PRAGMA = 4;
public static int H_TRANSFER_ENCODING = 5;
public static int H_UPGRADE = 6;
public static int H_VIA = 7;
public static int H_PROTOCOL = 8;
public static int H_PROTOCOL_REQUEST = 9;
public static int H_PROTOCOL_INFO = 10;
public static int H_PROTOCOL_QUERY = 11;
public static int H_SET_COOKIE = 12;
public static int H_COOKIE = 13;
public static int H_TRAILER = 14;
public static int H_MAN_EXT = 15;
public static int H_OPT_EXT = 16;
public static int H_CMAN_EXT = 17;
public static int H_COPT_EXT = 18;
public static int MAX_HEADERS = 61;
* The header value factory.
protected static Hashtable factory = new Hashtable(23) ;
* The header value repository.
* At this time, I am using this quite inefficient scheme, but the API
* have been carefully designed to enable a more efficient implementation.
protected Dictionary headers = null ;
* The major version of this message, according to HTTP specs.
protected short major = 1;
* The minoir version of this message, according to HTTP specs.
protected short minor = 1;
* The date at which this message was last emitted.
protected long emitdate = -1;
* The state dictionary.
protected ArrayDictionary state = null;
* The extension namespace counter.
private int extCurrentNamespace = 10;
HeaderValue values[] = null;
protected static
HeaderDescription descriptors[] = new HeaderDescription[MAX_HEADERS];
// Initialize the global header factory
protected final static void registerHeader(String name, String cls) {
HeaderDescription d = new HeaderDescription(name, cls);
factory.put(d.getName(), d);
protected final static void registerHeader(String name
, String c
, int i) {
HeaderDescription d = new HeaderDescription(name, c, i);
descriptors[i] = d;
factory.put(d.getName(), d);
static {
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpCacheControl"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpTokenList"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpTokenList"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpDate"
, H_DATE);
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpTokenList"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpTokenList"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpCaseTokenList"
, H_VIA);
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpTokenList"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpBag"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpBag"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpBag"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpBag"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpSetCookieList"
, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpCookieList"
* Get a header value, given its name.
* @param name The name of the field whose value is to be fetched.
* @param def The default value if the field is undefined.
public HeaderValue getHeaderValue(String name, HeaderValue def) {
// Check the description, for fast access:
HeaderValue v = null;
HeaderDescription d = (HeaderDescription) factory.get(name);
if ( d != null && d.offset >= 0) {
v = values[d.offset];
} else if ( headers != null ) {
v = (HeaderValue) headers.get(name);
return v == null ? def : v ;
* Get a header value by name.
* @param name The header's name.
* @return The value of the header, as a String, or
* <strong>null</strong>
* if undefined.
public final HeaderValue getHeaderValue(String name) {
return getHeaderValue(name.toLowerCase(), null);
* Fast access to header value.
* <p>This method provides a very fast access to pre-defined header
* values. You can use it on all headers that have an access token.
* @param idx The token of the header to access.
* @return An instance of <code>HeaderValue</code> or <strong>null
* </strong> if undefined.
public final HeaderValue getHeaderValue(int idx) {
return values[idx];
* Set a header value.
* @param name The name of the header to define.
* @param value It's HeaderValue.
public void setHeaderValue(String name, HeaderValue value) {
String lname = name.toLowerCase();
HeaderDescription d = (HeaderDescription) factory.get(lname);
if(d != null && d.offset >= 0) {
values[d.offset] = value ;
} else {
if ( headers == null )
headers = new ArrayDictionary(5, 5);
headers.put(lname, value);
* Get a header value, keyed by it's header description.
* This is usefull when enumerating headers, by the mean of
* <code>enumerateHeaderDescriptions</code>.
* @param d The header description.
* @return A HeaderValue instance, if the header is defined,
* <strong>null</strong> otherwise.
public HeaderValue getHeaderValue(HeaderDescription d) {
// Try to be as fast as possible:
if ( d.offset >= 0 ) {
return values[d.offset];
} else {
return ((headers != null)
? (HeaderValue) headers.get(d.getName())
: null);
* Set a header value, keyed by it's header description.
* @param d The header description.
* @param v The HeaderValue instance, or <strong>null</strong> to
* reset the header value.
public void setHeaderValue(HeaderDescription d, HeaderValue v) {
if ( d.offset >= 0 ) {
values[d.offset] = v;
} else {
if ( headers == null )
headers = new ArrayDictionary(5, 5);
headers.put(d.getName(), v);
* Fast write accessor to headers.
* <p> This method provides a very fast write access to header
* values. It can be used with any of the headers that have
* a pre-defined access token.
* @param idx The access token of the header's to write to.
* @param value The new header value.
public final void setHeaderValue(int idx, HeaderValue value) {
values[idx] = value;
* Remove a header, by name.
* @param name The name of the header to remove.
public void removeHeader(String name) {
String lname = name.toLowerCase();
HeaderDescription d = (HeaderDescription) factory.get(lname);
if ( d != null ) {
if ( d.offset >= 0 ) {
values[d.offset] = null;
} else if ( headers != null ) {
* Remove a header, by address.
* A fast version of the above.
* @param idx The index of the header to remove.
public final void removeHeader(int idx) {
if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < MAX_HEADERS))
values[idx] = null;
* Enumerate all the available headers for that message.
* This method returns an enumeration of HeaderDescription instances,
* which you can then use to access most efficiently header values.
* @param all If <strong>true</strong> the enumeration will cover
* all headers (even the ones that are not defined for that message)
* otherwise, it will cover only defined headers.
* @return An enumeration.
public Enumeration enumerateHeaderDescriptions(boolean all) {
return new headerEnumerator(this, all);
* Enumerate all the headers defined for that message.
* This method returns an enumeration of HeaderDescription instances,
* which you can then use to access most efficiently header values.
* @return An enumeration.
public Enumeration enumerateHeaderDescriptions() {
return new headerEnumerator(this, false);
* State management - Add a piece of state to this request.
* If the piece of state already exists, it is overriden by the new
* value.
* @param name The name of the piece of state to define.
* @param value It's corresponding value, or <strong>null</strong> to
* reset the value.
public void setState(String name, Object value) {
if ( value != null ) {
if ( state == null )
state = new ArrayDictionary(4, 4);
state.put(name, value);
} else if ( state != null ) {
* State management - Lookup the value of a state on this request.
* @param name The name of the piece of state to look for.
* @return An object, if the piece of state is defined, <strong>null
* </strong> otherwise.
public Object getState(String name) {
return (state == null) ? null : state.get(name);
* State management - Remove a piece of state from this request.
* @param name The name of the piece of state to remove.
public void delState(String name) {
if ( state != null )
* State management - Is the given state defined for the message ?
* @return A boolean <strong>true</strong> if the state is defined,
* <strong>false</strong> otherwise.
public boolean hasState(String name) {
return (state != null) && (state.get(name) != null);
* Get an enumeration of the states names.
* @return an Enumeration
public Enumeration getStateNames() {
return ((state != null) ? state.keys() : new EmptyEnumeration());
* Get a clone of this HTTP message.
* @return An HttpMessage, of the class of the message receiver.
public HttpMessage getClone() {
try {
// Start by a std clone:
HttpMessage cl = (HttpMessage) clone();
// Then all tables:
cl.values = new HeaderValue[MAX_HEADERS];
System.arraycopy(values, 0, cl.values, 0, MAX_HEADERS);
if ( cl.headers != null )
cl.headers = ((ArrayDictionary)
((ArrayDictionary) headers).clone());
if ( cl.state != null )
cl.state = (ArrayDictionary) state.clone();
return cl;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException ("Clone not supported !");
* Get a clone of this HTTP message.
* It is a semi-deep clone, not a complete one.
* @return An HttpMessage, of the class of the message receiver.
public HttpMessage getDeeperClone() {
try {
// Start by a std clone:
HttpMessage cl = (HttpMessage) clone();
// Then all tables:
cl.values = new HeaderValue[MAX_HEADERS];
for (int i=0; i< MAX_HEADERS; i++) {
if (values[i] != null) {
cl.values[i] = (HeaderValue)
((BasicValue) values[i]).clone();
// that _should_ be ok.
if ( cl.headers != null )
cl.headers = ((ArrayDictionary)
((ArrayDictionary) headers).clone());
// FIXME need to do a better cloning of that.
if ( cl.state != null )
cl.state = (ArrayDictionary) state.clone();
return cl;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException ("Clone not supported !");
* Get a header field value as a String.
* @param name The name of the header.
* @return A String giving the header value, or <strong>null</strong>
* if undefined.
public String getValue(String name) {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(name);
return (value != null) ? value.toExternalForm() : null;
* Get a header field value as a String.
* @param d The header description.
* @return The String value for the given header, or <strong>null</strong>
* if undefined.
public String getValue(HeaderDescription d) {
HeaderValue v = getHeaderValue(d);
return (v == null) ? null : v.toString();
* Define a new header field.
* @param name The name of the header to be defined or reset.
* @param value It's String value, or <strong>null</strong> to reset
* the value.
public void setValue(String name, String strval) {
String lname = name.toLowerCase();
HeaderDescription d = null;
// If reset ing value:
if ( strval == null ) {
d = (HeaderDescription) factory.get(lname);
if ( d != null ) {
if ( d.offset >= 0 ) {
values[d.offset] = null;
} else if ( headers != null ) {
// Get or create the appropriate value holder:
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(lname);
if ( value == null ) {
if ( d == null )
d = (HeaderDescription) factory.get(lname);
if ( d == null ) {
registerHeader(name, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpString");
value = new HttpString();
} else {
value = d.getHolder();
// Set (or reset) the byte value:
byte bval[] = new byte[strval.length()];
strval.getBytes(0, bval.length, bval, 0);
value.setBytes(bval, 0, bval.length);
// Register this new header:
setHeaderValue(lname, value);
* Probe this message for a defined header.
* @param name The name of the header to check.
* @return <strong>true</strong> if the header is defined, <strong>
* false</strong> otherwise.
public boolean hasHeader(String name) {
return getHeaderValue(name) != null;
* Probe this message for a defined header, fast access !
* @param idx The index of the well-known header to check.
* @return <strong>true</strong> if the header is defined, <strong>
* false</strong> otherwise.
public boolean hasHeader(int idx) {
return values[idx] != null;
* MimeHeaderHolder implementation - The MIME parser callback.
* This method is called if the HttpMessage is created by parsing
* an input stream. Each time the MIME parser detects a new header
* field, it calls back this method.
* @param name The name of the header that has been encountered.
* @param buf The buffer containing the header value.
* @param off The offset of the header value in the above buffer.
* @param len The length of the header value in the above buffer.
public void notifyHeader(String name, byte buf[], int off, int len) {
// Get the header value repository, or create a new one:
String lname = name.toLowerCase();
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(lname);
if ( value == null ) {
HeaderDescription d = (HeaderDescription) factory.get(lname);
if ( d == null ) {
// Slow header access anyway:
value = new HttpString();
if ( headers == null )
headers = new ArrayDictionary(5, 5);
registerHeader(name, "org.w3c.www.http.HttpString");
headers.put(lname, value);
} else {
value = d.getHolder();
if (d.offset >= 0) {
values[d.offset] = value;
} else {
if ( headers == null )
headers = new ArrayDictionary(5, 5);
headers.put(lname, value);
// Notify the header value of the newly received bunch of bytes:
value.addBytes(buf, off, len);
* MimeHeaderHolder implementation - HTTP message about to be parsed.
* No further action is required at this point (we do not distinguish
* between request or reply here). The MIME parsing is to continue normally
* so we return <strong>false</strong>.
* @return Always <strong>false</strong> to conotinue the MIME parsing.
* @exception HttpParserException if parsing failed.
* @exception IOException if an IO error occurs.
public boolean notifyBeginParsing(MimeParser parser)
throws HttpParserException, IOException
return false;
* MimeHeaderHolder implementation - HTTP message parsing done.
* Nothing special to be done here, return straight.
* @exception HttpParserException if parsing failed.
* @exception IOException if an IO error occurs.
public void notifyEndParsing(MimeParser parser)
throws HttpParserException, IOException
* This message is about to be emited.
* Take any appropriate actions.
* @exception IOException if an IO error occurs.
protected void startEmit(OutputStream out, int what)
throws IOException
return ;
* This message has been emited.
* Take any appropriate action.
* @exception IOException if an IO error occurs.
protected void endEmit(OutputStream out, int what)
throws IOException
return ;
* Emit the headers.
* @exception IOException if an IO error occurs.
protected void emitHeaders(OutputStream out, int what)
throws IOException
if ((what & EMIT_HEADERS) != EMIT_HEADERS) {
// If no date is set, then it's time to set it ourself:
emitdate = System.currentTimeMillis();
if ( ! hasHeader(H_DATE) ) {
setHeaderValue(H_DATE, new HttpDate(true, emitdate));
//Update the Connection Header for hop by hop extensions
String oldconn[] = getConnection();
HttpTokenList connection = null;
if (oldconn != null) {
connection = new HttpTokenList(oldconn);
} else {
connection = new HttpTokenList(new String[0]);
HttpExtList extl = getHttpCManExtDecl();
if (extl != null) {
connection.addToken("C-Man", false);
HttpExt exts[] = extl.getHttpExts();
for (int i=0 ; i < exts.length ; i++) {
HttpExt ext = exts[i];
Dictionary headers = getExtensionHeaders(ext);
Enumeration henum = headers.keys();
while (henum.hasMoreElements()) {
String header =
ext.getRealHeader((String) henum.nextElement());
connection.addToken(header, false);
extl = getHttpCOptExtDecl();
if (extl != null) {
connection.addToken("C-Opt", false);
HttpExt exts[] = extl.getHttpExts();
for (int i=0 ; i < exts.length ; i++) {
HttpExt ext = exts[i];
Dictionary headers = getExtensionHeaders(ext);
Enumeration henum = headers.keys();
while (henum.hasMoreElements()) {
String header =
ext.getRealHeader((String) henum.nextElement());
connection.addToken(header, false);
if (hasHeader("C-Ext"))
connection.addToken("C-Ext", false);
String tokens[] = (String[])connection.getValue();
if ((tokens != null) && (tokens.length > 0))
setHeaderValue(H_CONNECTION, connection);
//update cache control for Ext header
if (hasHeader("Ext"))
// Emit well-known headers first:
for (int i = 0 ; i < MAX_HEADERS ; i++) {
HeaderDescription d = descriptors[i];
HeaderValue v = values[i];
if (v instanceof HttpSetCookieList) {
// ugly hack :(
HttpSetCookieList hscl = (HttpSetCookieList) v;
if (hscl.isOriginal()) {
int nbc = hscl.length();
if (nbc == 0) { //the ugliest hack I have ever wrote ;-)
out.write(':'); out.write(' ');
out.write('\r'); out.write('\n');
} else {
for (int j = 0 ; j < nbc ; j++) {
out.write(':'); out.write(' ');
hscl.emitCookie(out, j);
out.write('\r'); out.write('\n');
} else {
int rcs = hscl.copyLength();
for (int j = 0 ; j < rcs ; j++) {
out.write(':'); out.write(' ');
hscl.emitCopyCookie(out, j);
out.write('\r'); out.write('\n');
} else if ( v != null ) {
out.write(':'); out.write(' ');
out.write('\r'); out.write('\n');
// Emit extension headers:
if ( headers != null ) {
Enumeration e = headers.keys();
while ( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
String n = (String) e.nextElement();
HeaderDescription d = (HeaderDescription) factory.get(n);
HeaderValue v = (HeaderValue) headers.get(n);
if ( v != null ) {
out.write(':'); out.write(' ');
out.write('\r'); out.write('\n');
out.write('\r'); out.write('\n');
public void dump(OutputStream out) {
try {
emitHeaders(out, EMIT_HEADERS);
} catch (Exception ex) {
* Emit this message to the given output stream.
* This methods emits the given message to the stream, after invoking
* the <code>startEmit</code> method. Once the whole message has been
* emited, the <code>endEmit</code> method is called back.
* @param out The output stream to emit the message to.
* @exception IOException If the message couldn't be emited to the
* given stream, due to IO errors.
public void emit(OutputStream out)
throws IOException
startEmit(out, EMIT_ALL) ;
if ( major > 0 )
emitHeaders(out, EMIT_ALL);
endEmit(out, EMIT_ALL) ;
* @param out The output stream to emit the message to.
* @param what (fixme doc)
* @exception IOException If the message couldn't be emited to the
* given stream, due to IO errors.
public void emit(OutputStream out, int what)
throws IOException
startEmit(out, what);
emitHeaders(out, what);
endEmit(out, what);
* Header accessor - set the cache control associated with the message.
* This method should not be used in general, it's much more preferable
* to use the various cache control accessors available.
* @param control The cache control policy, or <strong>null</strong>
* to reset the value.
public void setCacheControl(HttpCacheControl control) {
setHeaderValue(H_CACHE_CONTROL, control);
* Header accessor - get the cache control policy.
* @return The current cache control policy, or <strong>null</strong>
* if undefined.
public HttpCacheControl getCacheControl() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_CACHE_CONTROL);
return (value != null) ? (HttpCacheControl) value.getValue() : null;
* Set the <code>max-age</code> value of the associated cache control.
* This method hides as much as possible, the difference between
* HTTP/1.1 max-age, and HTTP/1.0 expires headers. It will set only
* the appropriate one.
* @param maxage The max-age value, or <strong>-1</strong> to reset the
* value.
public void setMaxAge(int maxage) {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
if ( cc == null ) {
if ( maxage == -1 )
return ;
setCacheControl(cc = new HttpCacheControl(true));
* Get the <code>max-age</code> value for the current cache control.
* @return The max age value, as an integer, or <strong>-1</strong> if
* undefined.
public int getMaxAge() {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
return (cc == null) ? -1 : cc.getMaxAge();
* Set the <code>s-maxage</code> value of the associated cache control.
* Set the s-maxage value on an HTTP/1.1 reply
* @param maxage The max-age value in seconds, or <strong>-1</strong>
* to reset the value.
public void setSMaxAge(int smaxage) {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
if ( cc == null ) {
setCacheControl(cc = new HttpCacheControl(true));
* Get the <code>s-maxage</code> value for the current cache control.
* @return The s-maxage value, as an integer (seconds), or
* <strong>-1</strong> if undefined.
public int getSMaxAge() {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
return (cc == null) ? -1 : cc.getSMaxAge();
* Get the <code>no-cache</code> directive of the cache control header.
* @return A list of token (potentially empty) encoded as an array of
* String (with 0 length if empty), or <strong>null</strong> if
* undefined.
public String[] getNoCache() {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
return (cc == null) ? null : cc.getNoCache();
* Set the <code>no-cache</code> directive of the cache control header.
* @param nocache A list of headers name encoded as an array of String
* (of length possibly <strong>0</strong>), or <strong>null</strong>
* to reset the value.
public void setNoCache(String nocache[]) {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
if ( cc == null ) {
if ( nocache == null )
setCacheControl(cc = new HttpCacheControl(true));
* Set the <code>no-cache</code> directive globally.
public void setNoCache() {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
if ( cc == null )
setCacheControl(cc = new HttpCacheControl(true));
* Add the given header name to the <code>no-cache</code> directive.
* @param name The header name to add there.
public void addNoCache(String name) {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
if ( cc == null )
setCacheControl(cc = new HttpCacheControl(true));
* Check the <code>no-store</code> directive of the cache control header.
* @return A boolean <strong>true</strong> if set, <strong>false</strong>
* otherwise.
public boolean checkNoStore() {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
return (cc == null) ? false : cc.checkNoStore();
* Set the <code>no-store</code> directive.
* @param onoff Turn it on or off.
public void setNoStore(boolean onoff) {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
if ( cc == null ) {
if ( ! onoff )
setCacheControl(cc = new HttpCacheControl(true));
* Check the <code>only-if-cached</code> directive.
* @return A boolean, <strong>true</strong> if the directive is set,
* <strong>false</strong> otherwise.
public boolean checkOnlyIfCached() {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
return (cc == null) ? false : cc.checkOnlyIfCached();
* Set the <code>only-if-cached</code> directive.
* @param onoff Turn it on or off.
public void setOnlyIfCached(boolean onoff) {
HttpCacheControl cc = getCacheControl();
if (cc == null) {
if ( ! onoff )
setCacheControl(cc = new HttpCacheControl(true));
// FIXME add all the other cache control directive
* Header accessor - set the connection header value.
* @param tokens The connection tokens as a String array, or <strong>null
* </strong> to reset the value.
public void setConnection(String tokens[]) {
, ((tokens == null)
? null
: new HttpTokenList(tokens)));
* Header accessor - get the connection header value.
* @return The tokens of the connection header, as a String array, or
* <strong>null</strong> if undefined.
public String[] getConnection() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_CONNECTION);
return (value != null) ? (String[]) value.getValue() : null;
* Add the given header name to the <code>Connection</code> header.
* @param name The name of the header to add to the <code>Connection</code>
* header.
public void addConnection(String name) {
HttpTokenList list = (HttpTokenList) getHeaderValue(H_CONNECTION);
if ( list == null ) {
String sList[] = new String[1];
sList[0] = name.toLowerCase();
setHeaderValue(H_CONNECTION, new HttpTokenList(sList));
} else {
list.addToken(name, false);
* Does the connection header include the given token ?
* @return A boolean.
public boolean hasConnection(String tok) {
HttpTokenList list = (HttpTokenList) getHeaderValue(H_CONNECTION);
return (list == null) ? false : list.hasToken(tok, false);
* Header accessor - set the proxy connection header value.
* @param tokens The connection tokens as a String array, or
* <strong>null</strong> to reset the value.
public void setProxyConnection(String tokens[]) {
, ((tokens == null)
? null
: new HttpTokenList(tokens)));
* Add the given header name to the <code>Proxy-Connection</code> header.
* @param name The name of the header to add to the
* <code>Proxy-Connection</code> header.
public void addProxyConnection(String name) {
HttpTokenList list = (HttpTokenList)getHeaderValue(H_PROXY_CONNECTION);
if ( list == null ) {
String sList[] = new String[1];
sList[0] = name.toLowerCase();
setHeaderValue(H_PROXY_CONNECTION, new HttpTokenList(sList));
} else {
list.addToken(name, false);
* Header accessor - get the proxy connection header value.
* @return The tokens of the connection header, as a String array,
* or <strong>null</strong> if undefined.
public String[] getProxyConnection() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_PROXY_CONNECTION);
return (value != null) ? (String[]) value.getValue() : null;
* Does the proxy connection header defines the given token.
* @param tok The token to check for.
* @return A boolean.
public boolean hasProxyConnection(String tok) {
HttpTokenList l = (HttpTokenList) getHeaderValue(H_PROXY_CONNECTION);
return (l == null) ? false : l.hasToken(tok, false);
* Header accessor - set the date of this message.
* @param date The date of the message, following Java runtime conventions
* (number of milliseconds since epoch), or <strong>-1</strong> to
* reset the value.
public void setDate(long date) {
, ((date == -1) ? null : new HttpDate(true, date)));
* Header accessor - get the date of this message.
* @return A long giving the date of this message, following the Java
* runtime convention (milliseconds since epoch), or <strong>-1</strong>
* if undefined.
public long getDate() {
HeaderValue date = getHeaderValue(H_DATE);
return (date != null) ? ((Long) date.getValue()).longValue() : -1;
* Header accessor - set the pragmas applicable to this message.
* @param tokens The pragma tokens as a String array, or <strong>null
* </strong> to reset the value.
public void setPragma(String tokens[]) {
, ((tokens == null)
? null
: new HttpTokenList(tokens)));
* Header accessor - get the pragmas applicable to this message.
* @return The pragma tokens applicable to this message, encoded
* as a String array, or <strong>null</strong> if undefined.
public String[] getPragma() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_PRAGMA);
return (value != null) ? (String[]) value.getValue() : null;
* Header accessor - Check for a given pragma.
* @param pragma The pragma to check for.
* @return A boolean <strong>true</strong> if this pragma is set,
* <strong>false</strong> otherwise.
public boolean hasPragma(String pragma) {
HttpTokenList list = (HttpTokenList) getHeaderValue(H_PRAGMA);
return (list != null) ? list.hasToken(pragma, false) : false;
* Add the given directive to the <code>Pragma</code> header.
* @param name The name of the directive to add to the <code>Pragma</code>
* header.
public void addPragma(String name) {
HttpTokenList list = (HttpTokenList) getHeaderValue(H_PRAGMA);
if ( list == null ) {
String sList[] = new String[1];
sList[0] = name.toLowerCase();
setHeaderValue(H_PRAGMA, new HttpTokenList(sList));
} else {
list.addToken(name, false);
* Header accessor - set the transfer encoding for this message.
* This just sets the transfer encoding, it is up to the rest of the
* application to make sure that the encoding is actually applied
* at emiting time.
* @param tokens The transfer encoding tokens as a String array, or
* <strong>null</strong> to reset the value.
public void setTransferEncoding(String tokens[]) {
, ((tokens == null)
? null
: new HttpTokenList(tokens)));
* Add an encoding token to the given reply stream (ie the body).
* @param name The name of the encoding to add.
public void addTransferEncoding(String name) {
HttpTokenList l = (HttpTokenList) getHeaderValue(H_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
if ( l == null ) {
String sList[] = new String[1];
sList[0] = name.toLowerCase();
setHeaderValue(H_TRANSFER_ENCODING, new HttpTokenList(sList));
} else {
l.addToken(name, false);
* Header accessor - get the transfer encoding applying to this message.
* @return The list of encoding tokens, as a String array, or <strong>
* null</strong> if undefined.
public String[] getTransferEncoding() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
return (value != null) ? (String[]) value.getValue() : null;
* Header accessor - Check for a given transfer encoding.
* @param encoding The pragma to check for.
* @return A boolean <strong>true</strong> if this encoding is set,
* <strong>false</strong> otherwise.
public boolean hasTransferEncoding(String encoding) {
HttpTokenList l = (HttpTokenList) getHeaderValue(H_TRANSFER_ENCODING);
return (l != null) ? l.hasToken(encoding, false) : false;
* Header accessor - set the upgrade header of this message.
* @param products An array of products you want this message to carry
* or <strong>null</strong> to reset the value.
public void setUpgrade(String products[]) {
, ((products == null)
? null
: new HttpTokenList(products)));
* Header accessor - get the upgrade header of this message.
* @return A list of products, encoded as an array of String
* or <strong>null</strong> if undefined.
public String[] getUpgrade() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_UPGRADE);
return (value != null) ? (String[]) value.getValue() : null;
* Header accessor - set the Via header of this message.
* @param vias The hops to be placed in the <code>Via</code> header, or
* <strong>null</strong> to reset the value.
public void setVia(String vias[]) {
, ((vias == null) ? null : new HttpTokenList(vias)));
* Header accessor - get the via header of this message.
* @return A Via array describing each hop of the message, or <strong>
* null</strong> if undefined.
public String[] getVia() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_VIA);
return (value != null) ? (String[]) value.getValue() : null;
* Add a via clause to the via header.
* @param via The new via clause.
public void addVia(String via) {
HttpTokenList list = (HttpTokenList) getHeaderValue(H_VIA);
if ( list == null ) {
String sList[] = new String[1];
sList[0] = via;
} else {
list.addToken(via, true);
* Get the set of protocol extensions that have been applied to that
* that message.
* @return A bag containing the description of the protocol extensions
* applied to that message, or <strong>null</strong>.
public HttpBag getProtocol() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_PROTOCOL);
return (value != null) ? (HttpBag) value.getValue() : null;
* Set the protocol extensions applied to that message.
* @param protocols A bag instance, describing the protocol extensions
* applied to the message, or <strong>null</strong> to reset previous
* value.
public void setProtocol(HttpBag bag) {
setHeaderValue(H_PROTOCOL, bag);
* Get the set of protocol extensions requested by this message.
* @return A bag containing the description of the protocol extensions
* requested by this message, or <strong>null</strong>.
public HttpBag getProtocolRequest() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_PROTOCOL_REQUEST);
return (value != null) ? (HttpBag) value.getValue() : null;
* Set the protocol extensions required by this message.
* @param protocols A bag instance, describing the protocol extensions
* required by the message, or <strong>null</strong> to reset previous
* value.
public void setProtocolRequest(HttpBag bag) {
setHeaderValue(H_PROTOCOL_REQUEST, bag);
* Get the protocol extensions informations carried by this message.
* @return A bag containing the description of the protocol extensions
* informations carried by that message, or <strong>null</strong>.
public HttpBag getProtocolInfo() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_PROTOCOL_INFO);
return (value != null) ? (HttpBag) value.getValue() : null;
* Attach protocol extensions informations to that message.
* @param protocols A bag instance, describing the protocol extensions
* informations to attach to the message, or <strong>null</strong> to
* reset previous value.
public void setProtocolInfo(HttpBag bag) {
setHeaderValue(H_PROTOCOL_INFO, bag);
* Get the set of protocol extensions that are queried through this
* message.
* @return A bag containing the description of the protocol extensions
* queried by that message, or <strong>null</strong>.
public HttpBag getProtocolQuery() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_PROTOCOL_QUERY);
return (value != null) ? (HttpBag) value.getValue() : null;
* Set the protocol extensions queried by that message.
* @param protocols A bag instance, describing the protocol extensions
* queried by the message, or <strong>null</strong> to reset previous
* value.
public void setProtocolQuery(HttpBag bag) {
setHeaderValue(H_PROTOCOL_QUERY, bag);
* Get this message trailer
* @return A list of encoding tokens, encoded as a String array, or
* <strong>null</strong> if undefined.
public String[] getTrailer() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_TRAILER);
return (value != null) ? (String[]) value.getValue() : null;
* Set this message trailer
* @param encodings A list of encoding tokens, encoded as a String array
* or <strong>null</strong> to reset the value.
public void setTrailer(String trailers[]) {
, ((trailers == null)
? null
: new HttpTokenList(trailers)));
* Get the value of the SetCookie header.
* @return AN HttpSetCookie instance, or <strong>null</strong> if
* undefined.
public HttpSetCookieList getSetCookie() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_SET_COOKIE);
return (value != null) ? (HttpSetCookieList) value.getValue() : null;
* Set the value of the Set-Cookie header.
* @param setcookies The HttpSetCookie value.
public void setSetCookie(HttpSetCookieList setcookie) {
setHeaderValue(H_SET_COOKIE, setcookie);
* Get the cookies attached to that message.
* @return An instance of HttpCookie holding the list of available
* cookies, or <strong>null</strong> if undefined.
public HttpCookieList getCookie() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_COOKIE);
return (value != null) ? (HttpCookieList) value.getValue() : null;
* Set the cookies attached to this message.
* @param cookies The HttpCookie instance describing the cookies, or
* <strong>null</strong> to reset value.
public void setCookie(HttpCookieList cookie) {
setHeaderValue(H_COOKIE, cookie);
* Get the String identifying the HTTP version used for this message.
* @return A String identifying the protocol version.
public String getVersion() {
switch(major) {
case 0:
switch(minor) {
case 9:
return "HTTP/0.9";
case 1:
switch(minor) {
case 0:
return "HTTP/1.0";
case 1:
return "HTTP/1.1";
return "HTTP/"+major+"."+minor;
* Get the major version number of this message.
* This method returns the major version that the caller should use to
* <em>drive</em> message processing. It <em>may not</em> match the
* version number actually emitted on the wire, which is computed
* by the API itself.
* @return A ninteger giving the major version number.
public short getMajorVersion() {
return major;
* Get the minor version number of this message.
* This method returns the minor version that the caller should use
* to drive message processing. It <em>may not</em> match the
* minor version number emitted on the wire, which is computed by the
* API itself.
* @return An integer giving the minor version number.
public short getMinorVersion() {
return minor;
* Get the date at which this message was last emitted, if ever it was.
* @return The date, in milliseconds since Java epoch at which this message
* was emitted, or <strong>-1</strong> if the message was never emitted.
public long getEmitDate() {
return emitdate;
* Get an Http Extension Listfrom the following list:
* <ul>
* <li>Mandatory (End-to-End) Extensions
* <li>Mandatory (Hop-by-Hop) Extensions
* <li>Optionnal (End-to-End) Extensions
* <li>Optionnal (hop-by-Hop) Extensions
* </ul>
* @param ext the Extension id
* @return a HttpExtList containing the extension declaration (or null)
public HttpExtList getExtList(String id) {
HttpExtList extlist = getHttpManExtDecl();
HttpExt ext = (extlist != null ? extlist.getHttpExt(id) : null);
if (ext == null) {
extlist = getHttpCManExtDecl();
ext = (extlist != null ? extlist.getHttpExt(id) : null);
if (ext == null) {
extlist = getHttpOptExtDecl();
ext = (extlist != null ? extlist.getHttpExt(id) : null);
if (ext == null) {
extlist = getHttpCOptExtDecl();
ext = (extlist != null ? extlist.getHttpExt(id) : null);
if (ext == null) {
extlist = null;
return extlist;
* get the String value of the given header relative to the given
* Extension. This method search the header in the following declarations:
* <ul>
* <li>Mandatory (End-to-End) Extensions
* <li>Mandatory (Hop-by-Hop) Extensions
* <li>Optionnal (End-to-End) Extensions
* <li>Optionnal (hop-by-Hop) Extensions
* </ul>
* @param ext the extension
* @param header the extension header
* @return a String (or null)
public String getExtHeader(String ext, String header) {
String value = getManExtHeader(ext, header);
if (value == null) {
value = getCManExtHeader(ext, header);
if (value == null) {
value = getOptExtHeader(ext, header);
if (value == null) {
value = getCOptExtHeader(ext, header);
return value;
* get the String value of the given header relative to the given
* Extension. This method search the header in the following declarations:
* <ul>
* <li>Mandatory (End-to-End) Extensions
* </ul>
* @param ext the extension
* @param header the extension header
* @return a String (or null)
public String getManExtHeader(String ext, String header) {
return getExtHeader(getHttpManExtDecl(), ext, header);
* get the String value of the given header relative to the given
* Extension. This method search the header in the following declarations:
* <ul>
* <li>Optionnal (End-to-End) Extensions
* </ul>
* @param ext the extension
* @param header the extension header
* @return a String (or null)
public String getOptExtHeader(String ext, String header) {
return getExtHeader(getHttpOptExtDecl(), ext, header);
* get the String value of the given header relative to the given
* Extension. This method search the header in the following declarations:
* <ul>
* <li>Mandatory (Hop-by-Hop) Extensions
* </ul>
* @param ext the extension
* @param header the extension header
* @return a String (or null)
public String getCManExtHeader(String ext, String header) {
return getExtHeader(getHttpCManExtDecl(), ext, header);
* get the String value of the given header relative to the given
* Extension. This method search the header in the following declarations:
* <ul>
* <li>Optionnal (hop-by-Hop) Extensions
* </ul>
* @param ext the extension
* @param header the extension header
* @return a String (or null)
public String getCOptExtHeader(String ext, String header) {
return getExtHeader(getHttpCOptExtDecl(), ext, header);
private String getExtHeader(HttpExtList list, String ext, String header)
if (list == null) {
return null;
HttpExt extheader = list.getHttpExt(ext);
if (extheader != null) {
String realheader = extheader.getNamespace()+"-"+header;
return getValue(realheader);
return null;
* Get The Mandatory (End-to-End) Extension declaration list.
* @return a HttpExtList instance or null;
public HttpExtList getHttpManExtDecl() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_MAN_EXT);
HttpExtList list = null;
if (value != null) {
list = (HttpExtList) value.getValue();
if (list != null) {
return list;
* Set The Mandatory (End-to-End) Extension declaration list.
* @param exts the extension declaration list.
public void setHttpManExtDecl(HttpExtList exts) {
setHeaderValue(H_MAN_EXT, exts);
* Get The Mandatory (Hop-by-Hop) Extension declaration list.
* @return a HttpExtList instance or null;
public HttpExtList getHttpCManExtDecl() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_CMAN_EXT);
HttpExtList list = null;
if (value != null) {
list = (HttpExtList) value.getValue();
if (list != null) {
return list;
* Set the Extension declaration.
* WARNING: The ManOpt flag of exts must have been set.
* @param exts the extension declaration list.
public void setHttpExtDecl(HttpExtList exts) {
switch (exts.getManOptFlag())
case HttpExtList.MAN:
setHeaderValue(H_MAN_EXT, exts);
case HttpExtList.CMAN:
setHeaderValue(H_CMAN_EXT, exts);
case HttpExtList.OPT:
setHeaderValue(H_OPT_EXT, exts);
case HttpExtList.COPT:
setHeaderValue(H_COPT_EXT, exts);
setHeaderValue(H_MAN_EXT, exts);
* Set The Mandatory (Hop-by-Hop) Extension declaration list.
* @param exts the extension declaration list.
public void setHttpCManExtDecl(HttpExtList exts) {
setHeaderValue(H_CMAN_EXT, exts);
* Get The Optionnal (End-to-End) Extension declaration list.
* @return a HttpExtList instance or null;
public HttpExtList getHttpOptExtDecl() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_OPT_EXT);
HttpExtList list = null;
if (value != null) {
list = (HttpExtList) value.getValue();
if (list != null) {
return list;
* Set The Optional (End-to-End) Extension declaration list.
* @param exts the extension declaration list.
public void setHttpOptExtDecl(HttpExtList exts) {
setHeaderValue(H_OPT_EXT, exts);
* Get The Optionnal (Hop-by-Hop) Extension declaration list.
* @return a HttpExtList instance or null;
public HttpExtList getHttpCOptExtDecl() {
HeaderValue value = getHeaderValue(H_COPT_EXT);
HttpExtList list = null;
if (value != null) {
list = (HttpExtList) value.getValue();
if (list != null) {
return list;
* Set The Optional (Hop-by-Hop) Extension declaration list.
* @param exts the extension declaration list.
public void setHttpCOptExtDecl(HttpExtList exts) {
setHeaderValue(H_COPT_EXT, exts);
protected void setNamespaces(HttpExtList extl) {
HttpExt exts[] = extl.getHttpExts();
for (int i = 0 ; i < exts.length ; i++) {
if (exts[i].isGenerated())
throw new HttpExtException("This extension Object is already "+
"associated to an HttpMessage: "+
if (exts[i].needsHeaders())
* Get the headers relative to the given Http Extension declaration.
* @param ext the HttpExt
* @return a Dictionnary of <String, HeaderValue>
public Dictionary getExtensionHeaders(HttpExt ext) {
ArrayDictionary extheaders = new ArrayDictionary(5, 5);
if (headers != null) {
Enumeration henum = headers.keys();
String namespace = ext.getNamespace();
if (namespace == null) {
return extheaders;
namespace += "-";
while (henum.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) henum.nextElement();
if (name.startsWith(namespace)) {
//remove namespace
String realname = name.substring(3);
extheaders.put(realname, headers.get(name));
return extheaders;
* Set an extension header relative to the given extension declaration.
* @param ext The extension declaration
* @param name the header name
* @param value the header value
public synchronized void setExtensionHeader(HttpExt ext,
String name,
String value)
if (ext.isGenerated())
throw new HttpExtException("This extension Object is already "+
"associated to an HttpMessage: "+
String namespace = ext.getNamespace();
if (namespace == null) {
namespace = generateExtNamespace();
setValue(namespace+"-"+name, value);
* get a new namespace.
* @return an int.
protected synchronized String generateExtNamespace() {
return String.valueOf(extCurrentNamespace++);
public void setEnd2EndExtensionAcknowledgmentHeader() {
public void setHopByHopExtensionAcknowledgmentHeader() {
public final static void registerExtHeader(String name, String cls) {
registerHeader(name, cls);
public HttpMessage(MimeParser parser) {
this.values = new HeaderValue[MAX_HEADERS];
public HttpMessage() {
this.values = new HeaderValue[MAX_HEADERS];