// Ssiframe.java
// $Id: SSIFrame.java,v 1.13 2000/08/16 21:37:46 ylafon Exp $
// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996.
// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html
package org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi ;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.w3c.www.http.HTTP;
import org.w3c.www.http.HeaderValue;
import org.w3c.www.http.HttpDate;
import org.w3c.www.http.HttpEntityMessage;
import org.w3c.www.http.HttpInteger;
import org.w3c.www.http.HttpMessage;
import org.w3c.www.http.HttpReplyMessage;
import org.w3c.www.http.HttpRequestMessage;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.Attribute;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.AttributeHolder;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.AttributeRegistry;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.BooleanAttribute;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.ClassAttribute;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.FileResource;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.IntegerAttribute;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.ProtocolException;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.ReplyInterface;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.RequestInterface;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.Resource;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.ResourceException;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.event.AttributeChangedEvent;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.http.HTTPException;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.http.Reply;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.http.Request;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.HTTPFrame;
import org.w3c.util.ArrayDictionary;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.commands.CommandRegistry;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.ProtocolException;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.ResourceException;
* This resource implements server-side parsing of HTML documents.
* Any comment of the form <code><!--#commandName param1=val1
* ... paramn=valn --></code> will be interpreted as an include
* directive.
* <p> Commands are looked up in an instance of the class
* supplied in the registryClass attribute, which must be a subclass
* of <code>org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.CommandRegistry</code>.
* @author Antonio Ramirez <anto@mit.edu>
* @author Benoit Mahe <bmahe@sophia.inria.fr>
* @see org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.commands.CommandRegistry
* @see org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.commands.Command
public class SSIFrame extends HTTPFrame {
public static final boolean debug = false ;
/** Attributes index - The segments */
private static int ATTR_SEGMENTS = -1 ;
/** Attributes index - The total unparsed size */
private static int ATTR_UNPARSED_SIZE = -1 ;
/** Attribute index - The class to use for making the CommandRegistry */
private static int ATTR_REGISTRY_CLASS = -1 ;
/** Attributes index - The maximum recursive parsing depth */
private static int ATTR_MAX_DEPTH = -1 ;
/** Attribute index - Whether or not to deny insecure commands */
private static int ATTR_SECURE = -1 ;
* The command registry used by the resource.
private CommandRegistry commReg = null ;
* The most specific class of the current command registry.
private Class regClass = null ;
* Here we keep track of created registries to avoid
* making more than one per registry class.
private static Dictionary regs = new ArrayDictionary(5) ;
/** Will hold the increments for finding "<!--#" */
private static byte startIncrements[] = new byte[128] ;
/** Same thing for "-->" */
private static byte endIncrements[] = new byte[128] ;
/** The start pattern */
private static byte startPat[] =
/** The end pattern */
private static byte endPat[] =
// For value-less parameters
private static final String emptyString = "" ;
* Our "very global" variables
protected Dictionary vars = null;
* Message state - the current recursion depth
public static final String STATE_DEPTH =
"org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.SSIResource.depth" ;
* Message state - the current variables
public static final String STATE_VARIABLES =
"org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.SSIResource.variables" ;
private boolean cacheReplies = true;
protected void doNotCacheReply() {
cacheReplies = false;
protected boolean cacheReplies() {
return cacheReplies;
* Listen its resource.
public void attributeChanged(AttributeChangedEvent evt) {
String name = evt.getAttribute().getName();
if ((name.equals("file-stamp")) || (name.equals("file-length"))) {
setValue(ATTR_SEGMENTS, (Segment[]) null);
private final int getUnparsedSize()
return getInt(ATTR_UNPARSED_SIZE,-1) ;
private final void setUnparsedSize(int unparsedSize)
setValue(ATTR_UNPARSED_SIZE,new Integer(unparsedSize)) ;
* Makes sure that checkContent() is called on _any_ HTTP method,
* so that the internal representation of commands is always consistent.
* @param request The HTTPRequest
* @param filters The filters to apply
* @return a ReplyInterface instance
* @exception ProtocolException If processing the request failed.
* @exception ResourceException If this resource got a fatal error.
public ReplyInterface perform(RequestInterface request)
throws ProtocolException, ResourceException
if (! checkRequest(request)) {
return performFrames(request);
if (fresource != null)
return super.perform(request) ;
* Perform a get (associated with a FileResource)
* @param request the HTTP request
* @return a Reply instance.
* @exception ProtocolException If processing the request failed.
* @exception ResourceException If this resource got a fatal error.
protected Reply getFileResource(Request request)
throws ProtocolException, ResourceException
Reply reply = handle(request) ;
return reply != null
? reply
: super.getFileResource(request) ;
* Perform a post.
* @param request the HTTP request
* @return a Reply instance.
* @exception ProtocolException If processing the request failed.
* @exception ResourceException If this resource got a fatal error.
public Reply post(Request request)
throws ProtocolException, ResourceException
Reply reply = handle(request) ;
return reply != null
? reply
: super.post(request) ;
* Handles all relevant HTTP methods.
* Merges the partial replies from each of the segments into
* one global reply.
* <strong>Remark</strong>: no direct relation to PostableResource.handle()
* @param request The HTTP request
* @return a Reply instance.
* @exception ProtocolException If processing the request failed.
public Reply handle(Request request)
throws ProtocolException
if (fresource == null)
return null;
System.out.println("@@@@ handle: "+
? "internal" : "external") ) ;
fresource.checkContent() ;
Integer depth =
(Integer) request.getState(STATE_DEPTH) ;
if(depth == null) depth = new Integer(0) ;
int unparsedSize = 0 ;
Segment[] segments = getSegments() ;
if(segments == null) {
parseFirstTime() ;
if( (segments = getSegments()) == null )
return null ; // Last resort: fall back to superclass
Reply reply = null ;
try {
// Obtain a command registry
updateRegistry() ;
vars = (Dictionary)
request.getState(STATE_VARIABLES) ;
// Initialize the registry-dependent variables:
vars = commReg.initVariables(this,request,vars) ;
// Add our "very global" variables
vars.put("secure",getValue(ATTR_SECURE,Boolean.TRUE)) ;
vars.put("maxDepth",getValue(ATTR_MAX_DEPTH,new Integer(10))) ;
vars.put("depth",depth) ;
vars.put("registry",commReg) ;
// Prepare the initial reply
// (which represents the unparsed parts of the document)
// and a prototype reply for segments that return null.
reply = createDefaultReply(request,HTTP.OK) ;
Reply defSegReply = createDefaultReply(request,HTTP.OK) ;
int unpSize = getUnparsedSize() ;
if(unpSize == -1)
reply.setHeaderValue(Reply.H_CONTENT_LENGTH,null) ;
reply.setContentLength(unpSize) ;
defSegReply.setHeaderValue(Reply.H_CONTENT_LENGTH,null) ;
long ims = request.getIfModifiedSince() ;
long cmt = fresource.getFileStamp() ;
// used to be getLastModified()
// should be something better
// than either
System.out.println("@@@@ IMS: "+cmt+" vs "+ims) ;
if(ims != -1 && cmt != -1 && cmt <= ims) {
reply.setStatus(HTTP.NOT_MODIFIED) ;
defSegReply.setStatus(HTTP.NOT_MODIFIED) ;
} else if(ims != -1) {
System.out.println("@@@@ Removed NOT MODIFIED") ;
if(cmt != -1)
defSegReply.setLastModified(cmt) ;
// For each segment:
// . obtain a reply,
// . merge its headers with the global reply's headers,
Reply[] partReps = new Reply[segments.length] ;
for(int i=0;i<segments.length;i++) {
if(!segments[i].isUnparsed()) {
System.out.println("@@@@ Analyzing segment " +
segments[i]) ;
partReps[i] = segments[i].init(this, request,
vars, commReg, i);
if(SSIFrame.debug) {
if (partReps[i] == null)
System.out.println("@@@@ (null segment)") ;
System.out.println("@@@@ cacheReplies : "+
partReps[i] != null ? partReps[i] : defSegReply) ;
// Set a stream, unless we're not supposed to.
// Also handle the case of no command segments.
switch(reply.getStatus()) {
(new SSIStream(cacheReplies(),
new RandomAccessFile(fresource.getFile(),
"r"))) ;
System.out.println("@@@@ Last-modified: " +
reply.getLastModified()) ;
reply.setDate(System.currentTimeMillis()) ;
return reply ;
} catch(SSIException ex) {
reply = createDefaultReply(request,HTTP.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) ;
reply.setContent("SSIFrame is misconfigured: "+
throw new HTTPException(reply) ;
} catch(Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace() ;
if(SSIFrame.debug) {
System.out.println("@@@@ Fallback to FileResource") ;
return null ; // Last resort: fall back to superclass
// The headers to merge and their corresponding callbacks
// (more to come)
private static final int mergeHeaders[] =
} ;
private static final Merger mergers[] =
new IntMaximizer(), // Reply.H_AGE
new IntAdder(), // Reply.H_CONTENT_LENGTH
new DateMinimizer(), // Reply.H_EXPIRES
new DateMaximizer() // Reply.H_LAST_MODIFIED
} ;
* Merges the headers (and status code) of a segment's reply with
* those of the global reply.
* @param glob the global reply
* @param part the segment's partial reply
private void merge(Reply glob, Reply part)
// Deal with status code first
int pstat = part.getStatus() ;
int gstat = glob.getStatus() ;
if(pstat == HTTP.NOT_MODIFIED) {
switch(gstat) {
glob.setStatus(HTTP.OK) ;
} else if(gstat == HTTP.NOT_MODIFIED) {
System.out.println("**** removed NOT MODIFIED") ;
glob.setStatus(HTTP.OK) ;
// Now handle headers
// "pointers to methods" would make this simpler
for(int i=0;i<mergeHeaders.length;i++)
part.getHeaderValue(mergeHeaders[i]))) ;
// Now handle annoying quasi-headers:
int pint,gint ;
// Cache-Control: max-age=n
// (don't merge if set as attribute)
if( getMaxAge() != -1 &&
(pint = part.getMaxAge()) != -1 ) {
if( (gint = glob.getMaxAge()) != -1)
pint = Math.min(gint,pint) ;
glob.setMaxAge(pint) ;
* Retrieves the segments from the attribute
* @return An array of segments
private final Segment[] getSegments()
return (Segment[]) getValue(ATTR_SEGMENTS,null) ;
* Updates the working command registry if either the registryClass
* attribute has changed or it has never been created before.
* <p>To avoid unnecessarily creating command registry
* instances, this method will keep track of which kinds of command
* registries have been created, and avoid making duplicates.
* @exception SSIException If the operation can't be performed.
private void updateRegistry()
throws SSIException
try {
Class attrRegClass = (Class) getValue(ATTR_REGISTRY_CLASS, null) ;
if(attrRegClass == null)
attrRegClass = Class.forName
("org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.commands.DefaultCommandRegistry") ;
if(regClass == null ||
!attrRegClass.equals(regClass)) {
regClass = attrRegClass ;
commReg = fetchRegistry(regClass) ;
} catch(ClassNotFoundException ex) {
throw new SSIException("Cannot make registry: "+ex.getMessage()) ;
* Returns an instance of the given command registry class,
* either a new instance, or an old one if it exists in the dictionary.
* @exception SSIException If the operation can't be performed.
private CommandRegistry fetchRegistry(Class regClass)
throws SSIException
try {
CommandRegistry reg = (CommandRegistry) regs.get(regClass) ;
return reg;
else {
reg = (CommandRegistry) regClass.newInstance();
regs.put(regClass,reg) ;
return reg;
} catch(Exception ex) {
throw new SSIException("Cannot fetch command registry: "+
ex.getMessage()) ;
/** Reads the unparsed file into memory, if not already done */
private byte[] readUnparsed()
throws IOException
File file = fresource.getFile();
ByteArrayOutputStream out =
new ByteArrayOutputStream((int)file.length()) ;
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] buf = new byte[4096] ;
int len = 0;
while( (len = in.read(buf)) != -1)
byte[] unparsed = out.toByteArray() ;
return unparsed ;
* Does a first-time parse and sets the segment list attribute
* accordingly.
private void parseFirstTime()
if (debug)
System.out.println("@@@ parseFirstTime");
cacheReplies = true;
byte[] unparsed = null ;
try {
unparsed = readUnparsed() ;
} catch(IOException ex) {
setValue(ATTR_SEGMENTS,null) ;
return ;
// The parsing code was adapted from phttpd
int byteIdx = 0, startInc, endInc, startParam, endParam, paramIdx,i ;
byte ch, quote ;
int max ,length = 0;
boolean valueFound ;
int unparsedSize = 0 ;
// For maintaining the segment list
Vector buildSegments = new Vector(20) ;
StringBuffer cmdBuf = null ;
String cmdName = null ;
Vector /*<String>*/ parNames = null ;
Vector /*<String>*/ parValues = null ;
String name = null , value = null ;
// To store where the last segment ended
int lastSegEnd = 0;
do {
byteIdx += 4;
while(byteIdx < unparsed.length) {
if( (ch = unparsed[byteIdx]) == (byte) '#' )
if(byteArrayNEquals(unparsed, byteIdx-4,
startPat, 0,
4)) {
// This is an ugly work-around to the
// absence of unsigned bytes in Java.
byteIdx += startIncrements[ch>=0 ? ch : 0];
if(++byteIdx >= unparsed.length)
break; // Nothing found
// Record the start of the command name and parameter list
startInc = (startParam = paramIdx = byteIdx) - 5 ;
// Add the previous segment of unparsed text
// (Unless empty)
if(startInc > lastSegEnd) {
buildSegments.addElement(new Segment(lastSegEnd,
unparsedSize += startInc - lastSegEnd ;
lastSegEnd = startInc ;
// Now find the end of the comment
byteIdx += 2;
while(byteIdx < unparsed.length) {
if( (ch = unparsed[byteIdx]) == (byte) '>')
if(unparsed[byteIdx-2] == (byte) '-' &&
unparsed[byteIdx-1] == (byte) '-')
// This is an ugly work-around to the absence of
// unsigned bytes in Java:
byteIdx += endIncrements[ch>=0 ? ch : 0] ;
if(++byteIdx >= unparsed.length)
break; // No end found
// The end of the parameter list is 3 bytes earlier
endParam = byteIdx - 3 ;
// Record the nominal end of the command segment
endInc = byteIdx ;
// Skip white space before command
while(paramIdx < endParam && isSpace(unparsed[paramIdx]) )
if( paramIdx >= endParam )
continue; // No command name
max = endParam - paramIdx ;
cmdName = parseCmdName(unparsed,paramIdx,max) ;
// If not found, take this one as unparsed and
// search for the next include.
if(cmdName == null) {
buildSegments.addElement(new Segment(startInc,
unparsedSize += endInc - startInc ;
lastSegEnd = endInc ;
parNames = new Vector(5) ;
parValues = new Vector(5) ;
parNames,parValues) ;
buildSegments.addElement( new Segment(this,
endInc)) ;
lastSegEnd = endInc ;
} while(byteIdx < unparsed.length) ;
// Add the last chunk of unparsed text as a segment
buildSegments.addElement(new Segment(lastSegEnd,
unparsedSize += unparsed.length - lastSegEnd ;
setUnparsedSize(unparsedSize) ;
Segment[] segs = new Segment[buildSegments.size()] ;
buildSegments.copyInto(segs) ;
setValue(ATTR_SEGMENTS,segs) ;
private final String parseCmdName(byte[] unparsed,int start,int max)
StringBuffer cmdBuf = new StringBuffer(80) ;
char ch ;
for(int i=0;i<max;i++) {
ch = (char) unparsed[start+i];
if(Character.isWhitespace(ch)) break ;
cmdBuf.append(ch) ;
return cmdBuf.length() == 0? null : cmdBuf.toString() ;
private final void parseCmdParams(byte[] unparsed,
int start,int end,
Vector names,Vector values)
String name = null ;
String value = null ;
int startParam = -1 ;
int paramIdx = start ;
while(paramIdx < end) {
if(paramIdx >= end)
byte ch = unparsed[--paramIdx];
startParam = paramIdx;
while(paramIdx < end
&& !isSpace(ch)
&& ch != (byte) '=')
ch = unparsed[++paramIdx];
int length = paramIdx - startParam ;
if(length<=0) break;
name = new String(unparsed,0,startParam,length) ;
value = emptyString ;
boolean valueFound = false ;
|| ch == (byte) '=') {
if(ch == (byte) '=')
valueFound = true ;
ch = unparsed[++paramIdx] ;
if(paramIdx >= end)
valueFound = false ;
byte quote ;
if(ch == '"' || ch == '\'' ) {
quote = ch ;
ch = unparsed[++paramIdx];
startParam = paramIdx ;
while(paramIdx < end && ch != quote )
ch = unparsed[++paramIdx];
length = paramIdx - startParam ;
value = new String(unparsed,
paramIdx++ ;
} else {
startParam = paramIdx ;
while(paramIdx < end
&& ! isSpace(ch))
ch = unparsed[++paramIdx];
length = paramIdx - startParam ;
value = new String (unparsed,
names.addElement(name) ;
values.addElement(value) ;
* Analogous to standard C's <code>strncmp</code>, for byte arrays.
* (Should be in some utility package, I'll put it here for now)
* @param ba1 the first byte array
* @param off1 where to start in the first array
* @param ba2 the second byte array
* @param off2 where to start in the second array
* @param n the length to compare up to
* @return <strong>true</strong> if both specified parts of the arrays are
* equal, <strong>false</strong> if they aren't .
public static final boolean byteArrayNEquals(byte[] ba1, int off1,
byte[] ba2, int off2,
int n)
// So that only one addition is needed inside loop
int corr = off2 - off1;
int max = n+off1;
for(int i=off1;i<max;i++)
if(ba1[i] != ba2[i+corr])
return false;
return true;
* Does the same as Character.isSpace, without need to cast the
* byte into a char.
* @param ch the character
* @return whether or not ch is ASCII white space
* @see java.lang.Character#isSpace
private final boolean isSpace(byte ch)
return ch==' ' || ch=='\t' || ch=='\n' || ch=='\r' ;
public long getLastModified()
long a = super.getLastModified() ;
return a - a % 1000 ;
public final Reply createDefaultReply(Request request, int status)
Reply reply = super.createDefaultReply(request,status) ;
reply.setHeaderValue(Reply.H_LAST_MODIFIED,null) ;
return reply ;
public final Reply createCommandReply(Request request, int status)
return createDefaultReply(request,status) ;
static {
// Initialize search increments first
for(int i=0;i<128;i++) {
startIncrements[i] = 5 ;
endIncrements[i] = 3 ;
startIncrements[(int)('<')] = 4;
startIncrements[(int)('!')] = 3;
startIncrements[(int)('-')] = 1;
endIncrements[(int)('-')] = 1;
// Initialize attributes
Attribute a = null;
Class cls = null;
Class regClass = null ;
try {
cls = Class.forName("org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.SSIFrame") ;
regClass =
Class.forName("org.w3c.jigsaw.ssi.commands.DefaultCommandRegistry") ;
} catch (Exception ex) {
// The maxDepth attribute
a = new IntegerAttribute("maxDepth"
, new Integer(10)
, Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
ATTR_MAX_DEPTH = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls,a) ;
// The secure attribute
a = new BooleanAttribute("secure"
, Boolean.TRUE
, Attribute.EDITABLE) ;
ATTR_SECURE = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls,a) ;
// The segments attribute
a = new SegmentArrayAttribute("segments"
, null
, Attribute.COMPUTED) ;
ATTR_SEGMENTS = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls,a) ;
// The unparsedSize attribute
a = new IntegerAttribute("unparsedSize"
, null
, Attribute.COMPUTED) ;
ATTR_UNPARSED_SIZE = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls,a) ;
// The registryClass attribute
a = new ClassAttribute("registryClass"
, regClass
, Attribute.EDITABLE ) ;
ATTR_REGISTRY_CLASS = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls,a) ;
* Merger classes are used to provide callbacks and make
* header merging more uniform. (Though it may be overkill...)
abstract class Merger {
abstract HeaderValue merge(HeaderValue g,HeaderValue p) ;
class IntMaximizer extends Merger {
HeaderValue merge(HeaderValue g,HeaderValue p)
if(p != null) {
if(g != null) {
((HttpInteger) g)
.setValue(Math.max( ((Integer) g.getValue()).intValue() ,
((Integer) p.getValue()).intValue() )) ;
} else return p ;
return g ;
class IntMinimizer extends Merger {
HeaderValue merge(HeaderValue g,HeaderValue p)
if(p != null) {
if(g != null) {
((HttpInteger) g)
.setValue(Math.min(((Integer) g.getValue()).intValue() ,
((Integer) p.getValue()).intValue())) ;
} else return p ;
return g ;
class IntAdder extends Merger {
HeaderValue merge(HeaderValue g,HeaderValue p) {
System.out.println("&&&& Adder: g="+g+", p="+p) ;
if(g != null) {
if(p != null) {
int b = ((Integer) g.getValue()).intValue() +
((Integer) p.getValue()).intValue() ;
((HttpInteger) g)
.setValue( b ) ;
} else return null ;
return g ;
class DateMinimizer extends Merger {
HeaderValue merge(HeaderValue g,HeaderValue p)
if(p != null) {
if(g != null) {
((HttpDate) g)
.setValue(Math.min(((Long) g.getValue()).longValue() ,
((Long) p.getValue()).longValue())) ;
} else return p ;
return g ;
class DateMaximizer extends Merger {
HeaderValue merge(HeaderValue g,HeaderValue p)
if(p != null) {
if(g != null) {
((HttpDate) g)
.setValue(Math.max( ((Long) g.getValue()).longValue() ,
((Long) p.getValue()).longValue())) ;
} else return p ;
return g ;