// LabelBureauResource.java
// $Id: LabelBureauResource.java,v 1.13 2000/08/16 21:37:43 ylafon Exp $
// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996.
// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html
package org.w3c.jigsaw.pics ;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.Attribute;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.AttributeHolder;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.AttributeRegistry;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.BooleanAttribute;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.FileAttribute;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.FramedResource;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.Resource;
import org.w3c.tools.resources.StringArrayAttribute;
import org.w3c.www.http.HTTP;
import org.w3c.www.http.HttpEntityMessage;
import org.w3c.www.http.HttpMessage;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.forms.URLDecoder;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.forms.URLDecoderException;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.http.HTTPException;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.http.Reply;
import org.w3c.jigsaw.http.Request;
* An HTTP interface to query a Label bureau.
* This conforms to the
* <a href="http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/PICS/labels.html">PICS
* protocol specification</a>.
* <p>This entity defines the following parameter:</p>
* <table border>
* <caption>The list of parameters</caption>
* <tr>
* <th align=left>Parameter name</th>
* <th align=left>Semantics</th>
* <th align=left>Default value</th>
* <th align=left>Type</th>
* </tr>
* <tr>
* <th align=left>bureau</th>
* <th align=left>Name of the LabelBureau database</th>
* <th align=left><em>none</em></th>
* <th align=left>java.lang.String</th>
* </tr>
* </table>
* <p>This entity also inherits the parameters from the PostableResource.</p>
public class LabelBureauResource extends FramedResource {
* Attribute index - Our label bureau identifier.
protected static int ATTR_BUREAU_IDENTIFIER = -1 ;
* Attribute index - Our label bureau identifier.
protected static int ATTR_BUREAU_SERVICES = -1 ;
* Attribute index - debug flag.
protected static int ATTR_BUREAU_DEBUG = -1 ;
static {
Attribute a = null ;
Class cls = null ;
try {
cls = Class.forName("org.w3c.jigsaw.pics.LabelBureauResource");
} catch (Exception ex) {
ex.printStackTrace() ;
System.exit(1) ;
// The bureau identifier (a file attribute):
a = new FileAttribute("bureau"
, null
, Attribute.EDITABLE|Attribute.MANDATORY);
ATTR_BUREAU_IDENTIFIER = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;
// The services ... to fix a IE bug with PICS :(
a = new StringArrayAttribute("services",
ATTR_BUREAU_SERVICES = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;
// The debug flag
a = new BooleanAttribute("debug",
ATTR_BUREAU_DEBUG = AttributeRegistry.registerAttribute(cls, a) ;
* Our loaded label bureau:
protected LabelBureauInterface bureau = null ;
* Get our label bureau identifier.
public File getBureauIdentifier() {
return (File) getValue(ATTR_BUREAU_IDENTIFIER, null) ;
* Get the service list
public String[] getServices() {
return (String[]) getValue(ATTR_BUREAU_SERVICES, null);
public boolean getDebugFlag() {
return getBoolean(ATTR_BUREAU_DEBUG, false);
* Check that we have loaded our bureau, or load it.
protected final void acquireBureau() {
if ( bureau != null )
return ;
File repository = getBureauIdentifier() ;
if ( repository != null )
bureau = LabelBureauFactory.getLabelBureau(getBureauIdentifier()) ;
return ;
* Build a PICS reply out of the given content.
* @param request The request to reply to.
* @param sb The StringBuffer containing the content to send back.
protected Reply makePICSReply (Request request, StringBuffer buffer) {
String content = buffer.toString() ;
Reply reply = request.makeReply(HTTP.OK) ;
reply.setContent (content) ;
if (getDebugFlag()) {
System.out.println("********* PICS REPLY *********");
return reply ;
protected Reply makePICSErrorReply(Request request, String msg) {
Reply reply = request.makeReply(HTTP.OK) ;
String content = "("+PICS.PICS_PROTOCOL_ID+" error "+
if (getDebugFlag()) {
System.out.println("********* PICS REPLY *********");
return reply;
* Get the generic labels for a set of service and a set of urls.
* @param request the incomminmg request
* @param format the pics format
* @param urls the urls to label
* @param services the services to ask
* @param data the URLDecoder
* @return A Reply instance
* @exception HTTPException if processing the request failed.
protected Reply getGenericLabels (Request request,
int format,
String urls[],
String services[],
URLDecoder data)
throws HTTPException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (128) ;
sb.append ("("+PICS.PICS_PROTOCOL_ID) ;
// Go through each service:
for (int is = 0; is < services.length ; is++) {
LabelServiceInterface s = bureau.getLabelService (services[is]) ;
if ( s == null ) {
sb.append (" error " + "(no-ratings \"unknown service\")") ;
continue sloop ;
s.dump (sb, format) ;
sb.append (" labels ") ;
try {
for (int iu = 0 ; iu < urls.length ; iu++) {
LabelInterface l = s.getGenericLabel (new URL(urls[iu])) ;
if ( l == null ) {
sb.append (" error "+"(not-labeled \""+urls[iu]+"\")");
continue uloop ;
if ( iu != 0 )
sb.append (" ") ;
l.dump (sb, format) ;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Reply error = request.makeReply(HTTP.BAD_REQUEST) ;
error.setContent ("You are requesting an invalid URL,") ;
throw new HTTPException (error) ;
sb.append (")") ;
return makePICSReply (request, sb) ;
* Get the normal (generic or specific) labels.
* @param request the incomminmg request
* @param format the pics format
* @param urls the urls to label
* @param services the services to ask
* @param data the URLDecoder
* @return A Reply instance
* @exception HTTPException if processing the request failed.
protected Reply getNormalLabels (Request request,
int format,
String urls[],
String services[],
URLDecoder data)
throws HTTPException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (128) ;
sb.append ("("+PICS.PICS_PROTOCOL_ID) ;
// Go through each service:
for (int is = 0; is < services.length ; is++) {
LabelServiceInterface s = bureau.getLabelService (services[is]) ;
if ( s == null ) {
sb.append (" error " + "(no-ratings \"unknown service\")") ;
continue sloop ;
s.dump (sb, format) ;
sb.append (" labels ") ;
try {
for (int iu = 0 ; iu < urls.length ; iu++) {
URL u = new URL (urls[iu]) ;
LabelInterface l = s.getSpecificLabel (u) ;
if ((l == null) && ((l = s.getGenericLabel(u)) == null)) {
sb.append (" error "+"(not-labeled \""+urls[iu]+"\")");
continue uloop ;
if (iu != 0)
sb.append (" ") ;
l.dump (sb, format) ;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Reply error = request.makeReply(HTTP.BAD_REQUEST) ;
error.setContent ("You are requesting an invalid URL.") ;
throw new HTTPException (error) ;
sb.append (")") ;
return makePICSReply (request, sb) ;
* Get tree labels.
* @param request the incomminmg request
* @param format the pics format
* @param urls the urls to label
* @param services the services to ask
* @param data the URLDecoder
* @return A Reply instance
* @exception HTTPException if processing the request failed.
protected Reply getTreeLabels (Request request,
int format,
String urls[],
String services[],
URLDecoder data)
throws HTTPException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (128) ;
sb.append ("("+PICS.PICS_PROTOCOL_ID) ;
// Go through each service:
for (int is = 0; is < services.length ; is++) {
LabelServiceInterface s = bureau.getLabelService (services[is]) ;
if ( s == null ) {
sb.append (" error " + "(no-ratings \"unknown service\")") ;
continue sloop ;
s.dump (sb, format) ;
sb.append (" labels ") ;
try {
for (int iu = 0 ; iu < urls.length ; iu++) {
boolean spaced = false ;
LabelInterface l[] = s.getTreeLabels(new URL(urls[iu]));
if ( l == null ) {
sb.append (" error "+"(not-labeled \""+urls[iu]+"\")");
continue uloop ;
sb.append ((iu == 0) ? "(" : " (") ;
for (int il = 0 ; il < l.length ; il++) {
if ( il != 0 )
sb.append (" ") ;
l[il].dump (sb, format) ;
sb.append (")") ;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Reply error = request.makeReply(HTTP.BAD_REQUEST) ;
error.setContent ("You are requesting an invalid URL.") ;
throw new HTTPException (error) ;
sb.append (")") ;
return makePICSReply (request, sb) ;
* Get generic tree labels.
* @param request the incomminmg request
* @param format the pics format
* @param urls the urls to label
* @param services the services to ask
* @param data the URLDecoder
* @return A Reply instance
* @exception HTTPException if processing the request failed.
protected Reply getGenericTreeLabels (Request request,
int format,
String urls[],
String services[],
URLDecoder data)
throws HTTPException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer (128) ;
sb.append ("("+PICS.PICS_PROTOCOL_ID) ;
// Go through each service:
for (int is = 0; is < services.length ; is++) {
LabelServiceInterface s = bureau.getLabelService (services[is]) ;
if ( s == null ) {
sb.append (" error " + "(no-ratings \"unknown service\")") ;
continue sloop ;
s.dump (sb, format) ;
sb.append (" labels ") ;
try {
for (int iu = 0 ; iu < urls.length ; iu++) {
URL u = new URL (urls[iu]) ;
LabelInterface l[] = s.getGenericTreeLabels(u) ;
if ( l == null ) {
sb.append (" error "+"(not-labeled \""+urls[iu]+"\")");
continue uloop ;
sb.append ((iu == 0) ? "(" : " (") ;
for (int il = 0 ; il < l.length ; il++) {
if ( il != 0 )
sb.append (" ") ;
l[il].dump (sb, format) ;
sb.append (")") ;
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Reply error = request.makeReply(HTTP.BAD_REQUEST) ;
error.setContent ("You are requesting an invalid URL.") ;
throw new HTTPException (error) ;
sb.append (")") ;
return makePICSReply (request, sb) ;
public void setValue(int idx, Object value) {
super.setValue(idx, value);
if (idx == ATTR_BUREAU_DEBUG) {
public void initialize(Object values[]) {
super.initialize(values) ;
acquireBureau() ;
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {