package example22;
import org.jibx.runtime.BindingDirectory;
import org.jibx.runtime.IBindingFactory;
import org.jibx.runtime.IMarshallable;
import org.jibx.runtime.IUnmarshallingContext;
import org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException;
import org.jibx.runtime.impl.MarshallingContext;
import org.jibx.runtime.impl.UnmarshallingContext;
public class BindingSelector
/** URI of version selection attribute. */
private final String m_attributeUri;
/** Name of version selection attribute. */
private final String m_attributeName;
/** Array of version names. */
private final String[] m_versionTexts;
/** Array of bindings corresponding to versions. */
private final String[] m_versionBindings;
/** Basic unmarshalling context used to determine document version. */
private final UnmarshallingContext m_context;
/** Stream for marshalling output. */
private OutputStream m_outputStream;
/** Encoding for output stream. */
private String m_outputEncoding;
/** Output writer for marshalling. */
private Writer m_outputWriter;
/** Indentation for marshalling. */
private int m_outputIndent;
* Constructor.
* @param uri version selection attribute URI (<code>null</code> if none)
* @param name version selection attribute name
* @param versions array of version texts (first is default)
* @param bindings array of binding names corresponding to versions
public BindingSelector(String uri, String name, String[] versions,
String[] bindings) {
m_attributeUri = uri;
m_attributeName = name;
m_versionTexts = versions;
m_versionBindings = bindings;
m_context = new UnmarshallingContext();
m_outputIndent = -1;
* Get initial unmarshalling context. This gives access to the unmarshalling
* context used before the specific version is determined. The document
* information must be set for this context before calling {@link
* #unmarshalVersioned}.
* @return initial unmarshalling context
public IUnmarshallingContext getContext() {
return m_context;
* Set output stream and encoding.
* @param outs stream for document data output
* @param enc document output encoding, or <code>null</code> for default
void setOutput(OutputStream outs, String enc) {
m_outputStream = outs;
m_outputEncoding = enc;
* Set output writer.
* @param outw writer for document data output
void setOutput(Writer outw) {
m_outputWriter = outw;
* Set nesting indent spaces.
* @param indent number of spaces to indent per level, or disable
* indentation if negative
void setIndent(int indent) {
m_outputIndent = indent;
* Marshal according to supplied version.
* @param obj root object to be marshalled
* @param version identifier for version to be used in marshalling
* @throws JiBXException if error in marshalling
public void marshalVersioned(Object obj, String version)
throws JiBXException {
// look up version in defined list
String match = (version == null) ? m_versionTexts[0] : version;
for (int i = 0; i < m_versionTexts.length; i++) {
if (match.equals(m_versionTexts[i])) {
// version found, create marshaller for the associated binding
IBindingFactory fact = BindingDirectory.
getFactory(m_versionBindings[i], obj.getClass());
MarshallingContext context =
// configure marshaller for writing document
if (m_outputWriter == null) {
if (m_outputStream == null) {
throw new JiBXException("Output not configured");
} else {
context.setOutput(m_outputStream, m_outputEncoding);
} else {
// output object as document
context.startDocument(m_outputEncoding, null);
// error if unknown version in document
throw new JiBXException("Unrecognized document version " + version);
* Unmarshal according to document version.
* @param clas expected class mapped to root element of document (used only
* to look up the binding)
* @return root object unmarshalled from document
* @throws JiBXException if error in unmarshalling
public Object unmarshalVersioned(Class clas) throws JiBXException {
// get the version attribute value (using first value as default)
String version = m_context.attributeText(m_attributeUri,
m_attributeName, m_versionTexts[0]);
// look up version in defined list
for (int i = 0; i < m_versionTexts.length; i++) {
if (version.equals(m_versionTexts[i])) {
// version found, create unmarshaller for the associated binding
IBindingFactory fact = BindingDirectory.
getFactory(m_versionBindings[i], clas);
UnmarshallingContext context =
// return object unmarshalled using binding for document version
return context.unmarshalElement();
// error if unknown version in document
throw new JiBXException("Unrecognized document version " + version);