package samples.reflect.hello1;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import alt.jiapi.reflect.Instruction;
import alt.jiapi.reflect.InstructionFactory;
import alt.jiapi.reflect.InstructionList;
import alt.jiapi.reflect.JiapiClass;
import alt.jiapi.reflect.JiapiMethod;
import alt.jiapi.reflect.Loader;
import alt.jiapi.reflect.Signature;
public class HelloWorldBuilder {
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
new HelloWorldBuilder();
public HelloWorldBuilder() throws Exception {
// Load the target class:
Loader loader = new Loader();
JiapiClass clazz = loader.loadClass("samples.reflect.hello1.Test");
// Add an empty method for a clazz. The method signature must
// match the method from HelloWorld interface, the only difference
// is that we want to implement the method now so it can't be abstract.
Signature signature = new Signature("void", new String[] {} );
JiapiMethod method = clazz.addMethod(Modifier.PUBLIC, "helloWorld",
// Then create the method body. The body will make a call to
// System.out.println and then just return.
InstructionList il = method.getInstructionList();
InstructionFactory iFactory = method.getInstructionFactory();
JiapiMethod println = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("println", new String[]
// il.add(iFactory.getField(loader.loadClass("java.lang.System").getField("out")));
// JiapiMethod println = loader.loadClass(System.out.getClass().getName()).getMethod("println", new String[] { "java.lang.String" } );
il.add(iFactory.pushConstant("hello world!"));
// Finalize the modified class and dump it to the file:
clazz.dump(new FileOutputStream("Test.class"));