package org.jgroups.protocols;
import org.jgroups.Event;
import org.jgroups.Message;
import org.jgroups.PhysicalAddress;
import org.jgroups.TimeoutException;
import org.jgroups.annotations.Property;
import org.jgroups.util.Promise;
import org.jgroups.util.UUID;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* The PING protocol layer retrieves the initial membership (used by the GMS when started
* by sending event FIND_INITIAL_MBRS down the stack). We do this by mcasting PING
* requests to an IP MCAST address.
* The responses should allow us to determine the coordinator whom we have to
* contact, e.g. in case we want to join the group. When we are a server (after having
* received the BECOME_SERVER event), we'll respond to PING requests with a PING
* response.
* @author Bela Ban
public class PING extends Discovery {
/* ----------------------------------------- Properties -------------------------------------------------- */
@Property(description="Time (in ms) to wait for our own discovery message to be received. 0 means don't wait. If the " +
"discovery message is not received within discovery_timeout ms, a warning will be logged")
private long discovery_timeout=0L;
/* --------------------------------------------- Fields ------------------------------------------------------ */
protected final Promise<Boolean> discovery_reception=new Promise<Boolean>();
public void stop() {
public boolean isDynamic() {
return true;
public void sendGetMembersRequest(String cluster_name, Promise promise, boolean return_views_only) throws Exception{
// Mcast GET_MBRS_REQ message
PhysicalAddress physical_addr=(PhysicalAddress)down(new Event(Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, local_addr));
List<PhysicalAddress> physical_addrs=Arrays.asList(physical_addr);
PingData data=new PingData(local_addr, null, false, UUID.get(local_addr), physical_addrs);
PingHeader hdr=new PingHeader(PingHeader.GET_MBRS_REQ, data, cluster_name);
Message msg=new Message(null); // mcast msg
msg.putHeader(, hdr); // needs to be getName(), so we might get "MPING" !
public Object up(Event evt) {
if(evt.getType() == Event.MSG) {
Message msg=(Message)evt.getArg();
PingHeader hdr=(PingHeader)msg.getHeader(;
if(hdr != null && hdr.type == PingHeader.GET_MBRS_REQ && msg.getSrc().equals(local_addr)) {
return super.up(evt);
void sendMcastDiscoveryRequest(Message discovery_request) {
down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, discovery_request));
protected void waitForDiscoveryRequestReception() {
if(discovery_timeout > 0) {
try {
catch(TimeoutException e) {
log.warn("didn't receive my own discovery request - multicast socket might not be configured correctly");