* JFugue - API for Music Programming
* Copyright (C) 2003-2008 David Koelle
* http://www.jfugue.org
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package org.jfugue;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import nu.xom.Attribute;
import nu.xom.Builder;
import nu.xom.DocType;
import nu.xom.Document;
import nu.xom.Element;
import nu.xom.Elements;
import nu.xom.Node;
import nu.xom.ParsingException;
import nu.xom.ValidityException;
// helper class
class XMLpart extends Object
{ public String ID;
public String part_name;
public String score_instruments;
public String midi_instruments; // channel1|name1~channel2|name2
public XMLpart()
{ ID = "";
part_name = "";
score_instruments = "";
midi_instruments = "";
* voiceDef
* MusicString voice can be a combination of part and voice
class voiceDef
int part;
int voice;
* Parses a MusicXML file, and fires events for <code>ParserListener</code> interfaces
* when tokens are interpreted. The <code>ParserListener</code> does intelligent things
* with the resulting events, such as create music, draw sheet music, or
* transform the data.
* As of Version 3.0, the Parser supports turning MIDI Sequences into JFugue Patterns with the parse(Sequence)
* method. In this case, the ParserListeners established by a ParserBuilder use the parsed
* events to construct the Pattern string.
* MusicXmlParser.parse can be called with a file name, File, InputStream, or Reader
* @author E.Philip Sobolik
public final class MusicXmlParser extends Parser
{ private Map<String, Object> dictionaryMap;
private Builder xomBuilder;
private Document xomDoc;
private String[] volumes = {"pppppp", "ppppp", "pppp", "ppp", "pp", "p", "mp",
"mf", "f", "ff", "fff", "ffff", "fffff", "ffffff"};
// note difference between maxVolume and minVolume should be divisible by 13
private byte minVelocity = 10;
private byte maxVelocity = 127;
private byte curVelocity = Note.DEFAULT_VELOCITY;
private byte beats; // beats per measure
private byte divisions; // divisions per beat
private int curVoice; // current voice
private int nextVoice; // next available voice # for a new voice
private voiceDef[] voices;
// private double totalMeasurePct;
// private double lastNoteInMeasureDuration; // adjusted duration of the
// last note in the measure
public MusicXmlParser()
{ xomBuilder = new Builder();
dictionaryMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
beats = 1;
divisions = 1;
curVoice = -1;
nextVoice = 0;
voices = new voiceDef[15];
// totalMeasurePct = 0.;
// lastNoteInMeasureDuration = 0.f;
public void parse(String musicXmlString)
{ xomDoc = xomBuilder.build(musicXmlString, (String)null); // URI is null
catch (ValidityException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
catch (ParsingException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
catch (IOException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
public void parse(File fileXMLin)
{ try
{ xomDoc = xomBuilder.build(fileXMLin);
catch (ValidityException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
catch (ParsingException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
catch (IOException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
public void parse(FileInputStream fisXMLin)
{ try
{ xomDoc = xomBuilder.build(fisXMLin);
catch (ValidityException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
catch (ParsingException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
catch (IOException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
public void parse(Reader rXMLin)
{ try
{ xomDoc = xomBuilder.build(rXMLin);
catch (ValidityException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
catch (ParsingException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
catch (IOException e)
{ e.printStackTrace();
// Tempo methods
/** The default value for the Tempo. */
private int tempo = 120;
* Sets the tempo for the current song. Tempo is measured in "pulses per quarter".
* The parser uses this value to convert note durations, which are relative values and
* not directly related to time measurements, into actual times. For example, a whole
* note has the same duration as four quarter notes, but neither a whole note nor a
* quarter note equates to any real-life time delay until it's multplied by the tempo.
* The default value for Tempo is 120 pulses per quarter.
* @param tempo the tempo for the current song, in pulses per quarter.
protected void setTempo(int tempo)
{ this.tempo = tempo;
* Returns the tempo for the current song.
protected int getTempo()
{ return this.tempo;
// End Tempo methods
* Parses a MusicXML file and fires events to subscribed <code>ParserListener</code>
* interfaces. As the file is parsed, events are sent
* to <code>ParserLisener</code> interfaces, which are responsible for doing
* something interesting with the music data, such as playing the music,
* displaying it as sheet music, or transforming the pattern.
* the input is a XOM Document, which has been built previously
* @throws Exception if there is an error parsing the pattern
public void parse() throws JFugueException
{ DocType docType = xomDoc.getDocType();
Element root = xomDoc.getRootElement();
if (docType.getRootElementName().compareToIgnoreCase("score-partwise") == 0)
{ Element partlist = root.getFirstChildElement("part-list");
Elements parts = partlist.getChildElements();
XMLpart[] partHeaders = new XMLpart[parts.size()];
for (int p = 0; p < parts.size(); ++p)
{ partHeaders[p] = new XMLpart();
parsePartHeader(parts.get(p), partHeaders[p]);
parts = root.getChildElements("part");
for (int p = 0; p < parts.size(); ++p)
{ parsePart(p, parts.get(p), partHeaders);
* Parses a <code>part</code> element in the <code>part-list</code> section
* @param part is the <code>part</code> element
* @param partHeader is the array of <code>XMLpart</code> classes that stores
* the <code>part-list</code> elements
private void parsePartHeader(Element part, XMLpart partHeader)
{ // ID
Attribute ID = part.getAttribute("id");
// may be changed by midi-instrument below
partHeader.ID = ID.getValue();
// part-name
Element partName = part.getFirstChildElement("part-name");
partHeader.part_name = partName.getValue();
// may or may not have 1 or more score-instrument and
// midi-instrument elements
// score-instruments
int x;
Elements scoreInsts = part.getChildElements("score-instrument");
for (x = 0; x < scoreInsts.size(); ++x )
{ partHeader.score_instruments += scoreInsts.get(x).getValue();
if (x < scoreInsts.size()-1)
partHeader.score_instruments += "~";
// midi-instruments
Elements midiInsts = part.getChildElements("midi-instrument");
for (x = 0; x < midiInsts.size(); ++x )
{ Element midi_instrument = midiInsts.get(x);
Element midi_channel = midi_instrument.getFirstChildElement("midi-channel");
String midiChannel = (midi_channel == null) ? "" : midi_channel.getValue();
if (midiChannel.length() > 0)
{ partHeader.midi_instruments += midiChannel;
partHeader.midi_instruments += "|";
Element midi_inst = midi_instrument.getFirstChildElement("midi-name");
String midiInst = (midi_inst == null) ? "" : midi_inst.getValue();
if (midiInst.length() < 1)
{ Element midi_bank = midi_instrument.getFirstChildElement("midi-bank");
midiInst = (midi_bank == null) ? "" : midi_bank.getValue();
if (midiInst.length() < 1)
{ Element midi_program = midi_instrument.getFirstChildElement("program");
midiInst = (midi_program == null) ? "" : midi_program.getValue();
partHeader.midi_instruments += midiInst;
if (x < midiInsts.size()-1)
partHeader.midi_instruments += "~";
* Parses a <code>part</code> and fires all the appropriate note events
* @param part is the entire <code>part</part>
* @param partHeaders is the array of XMLpart classes that contains
* instrument info for the <code>part</code>s
private void parsePart(int p, Element part, XMLpart[] partHeaders)
{ for (int x = 0; x < partHeaders.length; ++x)
{ if (part.getAttribute("id").getValue().equals(partHeaders[x].ID))
{ if (partHeaders[x].midi_instruments.length() < 1)
{ parseVoice(p, x);
parsePartElementInstruments(p, partHeaders[x].part_name);
parsePartElementInstruments(p, partHeaders[x].midi_instruments);
Elements measures = part.getChildElements("measure");
for (int m = 0; m < measures.size(); ++m)
{ Element measure = measures.get(m);
Element attributes = measure.getFirstChildElement("attributes");
if (attributes != null)
{ // default key = Cmaj
byte key = 0, scale = 0; // scale 0 = minor, 1 = major
Element attr = attributes.getFirstChildElement("key");
if (attr != null)
{ Element eKey = attr.getFirstChildElement("fifths");
if (eKey != null)
key = Byte.parseByte(eKey.getValue());
Element eMode = attr.getFirstChildElement("mode");
if (eMode != null)
{ String mode = eMode.getValue();
if (mode.compareToIgnoreCase("major") == 0)
scale = 0;
else if (mode.compareToIgnoreCase("minor") == 0)
scale = 1;
throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.KEYSIG_EXC, mode);
scale = 0; // default = major
fireKeySignatureEvent(new KeySignature(key, scale));
// divisions and beats used to calculate duration when note type not present
Element element_divisions = attributes.getFirstChildElement("divisions");
if (element_divisions != null)
this.divisions = Byte.valueOf(element_divisions.getValue());
Element element_time = attributes.getFirstChildElement("time");
if (element_time != null)
{ Element element_beats = element_time.getFirstChildElement("beats");
if (element_beats != null)
this.beats = Byte.valueOf(element_beats.getValue());
// tempo
Element direction = measure.getFirstChildElement("direction");
if (direction != null)
{ Element directionType = direction.getFirstChildElement("direction-type");
if (directionType != null)
{ Element metronome = directionType.getFirstChildElement("metronome");
if (metronome != null)
{ Element beatUnit = metronome.getFirstChildElement("beat-unit");
String sBeatUnit = beatUnit.getValue();
if (sBeatUnit.compareToIgnoreCase("quarter") != 0)
throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.BEAT_UNIT_MUST_BE_QUARTER, sBeatUnit);
Element bpm = metronome.getFirstChildElement("per-minute");
if (bpm != null)
{ this.setTempo(BPMtoPPM(Float.parseFloat(bpm.getValue())));
fireTempoEvent(new Tempo(this.getTempo()));
// notes
Elements notes = measure.getChildElements("note");
// totalMeasurePct = 0.f;
for (int n = 0; n < notes.size(); ++n)
parseNote(p, notes.get(n));
/* attempt to adjust for rounding errors with un-supported durations
// if the total length of all the notes doesn't equal a full measure,
// add a pad rest
float minDif = (1.f / (beats * divisions));
double padDur = (1. - totalMeasurePct);
if (padDur > minDif)
{ Note pad = new Note();
fireMeasureEvent(new Measure());
} // end of measure
* parses MusicXML note Element
* @param note is the note Element to parse
private void parseNote(int p, Element note)
{ Note newNote = new Note();
boolean isRest = false;
boolean isStartOfTie = false;
boolean isEndOfTie = false;
byte noteNumber = 0;
byte octaveNumber = 0;
// long durationNumber = 0;
double decimalDuration;
// skip grace notes
if (note.getFirstChildElement("grace") != null)
Element voice = note.getFirstChildElement("voice");
if (voice != null)
parseVoice(p, Integer.parseInt(voice.getValue()));
Element pitch = note.getFirstChildElement("pitch");
if (pitch != null)
{ String sStep = pitch.getFirstChildElement("step").getValue();
{ case 'C': noteNumber = 0; break;
case 'D': noteNumber = 2; break;
case 'E': noteNumber = 4; break;
case 'F': noteNumber = 5; break;
case 'G': noteNumber = 7; break;
case 'A': noteNumber = 9; break;
case 'B': noteNumber = 11; break;
Element Alter = pitch.getFirstChildElement("alter");
if (Alter != null)
{ String sAlter = Alter.getValue();
if (sAlter != null)
{ noteNumber += Integer.parseInt(sAlter);
if (noteNumber > 11)
noteNumber = 0;
else if (noteNumber < 0)
noteNumber = 11;
Element Octave = pitch.getFirstChildElement("octave");
if (Octave != null)
{ String sOctave = Octave.getValue();
if (sOctave != null)
octaveNumber = Byte.parseByte(sOctave);
// Compute the actual note number, based on octave and note
int intNoteNumber = (octaveNumber * 12) + noteNumber;
if ( intNoteNumber > 127) {
throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.NOTE_OCTAVE_EXC,"", Integer.toString(intNoteNumber));
noteNumber = (byte)intNoteNumber;
isRest = true;
// duration
// Element type = note.getFirstChildElement("type");
// if (type == null)
{ // get duration from duration element rather than type element
Element element_duration = note.getFirstChildElement("duration");
decimalDuration = (element_duration == null)
? beats * divisions
: Double.parseDouble(element_duration.getValue()) / (beats * divisions);
/* else
{ String sDuration = type.getValue();
if (sDuration.compareToIgnoreCase("whole") == 0)
durationNumber = 1;
else if (sDuration.compareToIgnoreCase("half") == 0
durationNumber = 2;
else if (sDuration.compareToIgnoreCase("quarter") == 0)
durationNumber = 4;
else if (sDuration.compareToIgnoreCase("eighth") == 0)
durationNumber = 8;
else if (sDuration.compareToIgnoreCase("16th") == 0)
durationNumber = 16;
else if (sDuration.compareToIgnoreCase("32nd") == 0)
durationNumber = 32;
else if (sDuration.compareToIgnoreCase("64th") == 0)
durationNumber = 64;
throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.NOTE_DURATION_EXC, "", sDuration);
decimalDuration = 1.0 / durationNumber;
Element element_dot = note.getFirstChildElement("dot");
if (element_dot != null)
decimalDuration *= 1.5;
// Tempo is in PPQ (Pulses Per Quarter). Turn that into
// "PPW", then multiply that by durationNumber for WHQITXN notes
double PPW = (double)this.getTempo() * 4.0; // 4 quarter notes in a whole note
long duration = (long)(PPW * decimalDuration);
Element notations = note.getFirstChildElement("notations");
if (notations != null)
{ // ties
Element tied = notations.getFirstChildElement("tied");
if (tied != null)
{ Attribute tiedType = tied.getAttribute("type");
{ String sTiedType = tiedType.getValue();
if (sTiedType.compareToIgnoreCase("start") == 0)
isStartOfTie = true;
else if (sTiedType.compareToIgnoreCase("end") == 0)
isEndOfTie = true;
// velocity
Element dynamics = notations.getFirstChildElement("dynamics");
if (dynamics != null)
{ Node dynamic = dynamics.getChild(0);
if (dynamic != null)
{ for (int x = 0; x < this.volumes.length; ++x)
{ if (dynamic.getValue().compareToIgnoreCase(this.volumes[x]) == 0)
{ this.curVelocity = (byte)(((this.maxVelocity - this.minVelocity)
/ (this.volumes.length - 1)) * x);
byte attackVelocity = this.curVelocity;
byte decayVelocity = this.curVelocity;
// Set up the note
if (isRest)
{ newNote.setRest(true);
newNote.setAttackVelocity( (byte)0 ); // turn off sound for rest notes
newNote.setDecayVelocity( (byte)0 );
{ newNote.setValue(noteNumber);
Element element_chord = note.getFirstChildElement("chord");
newNote.setType( (element_chord == null) ? Note.FIRST : Note.PARALLEL);
/* attempt to adjust for rounding errors in non-supported durations
if (newNote.getType() == Note.FIRST)
{ if ((totalMeasurePct + decimalDuration) > 1.)
{ decimalDuration = 1. - totalMeasurePct;
lastNoteInMeasureDuration = decimalDuration;
totalMeasurePct = 1.;
{ float minDif = (1.f / (beats * divisions));
if (1. - (totalMeasurePct + decimalDuration) < minDif)
{ decimalDuration = (1. - totalMeasurePct);
totalMeasurePct = 1.;
totalMeasurePct += decimalDuration;
if (totalMeasurePct == 1.) // just did a last note in measure
decimalDuration = lastNoteInMeasureDuration;
* Looks up a string's value in the dictionary. The dictionary is used to
* keep memorable names of obscure numbers - for example, the string FLUTE
* is set to a value of 73, so when users want to play music with a flute,
* they can say "I[Flute]" instead of "I[73]".
* <p>
* The Dictionary feature also lets users define constants so that if the
* value of something were to change, it only needs to be changed in one
* place. For example, MY_FAVORITE_INSTRUMENT could be set to 73, then you
* can say "I[My_Favorite_Instrument]" when you want to play with that
* instrument. If your favorite instrument were ever to change, you only
* have to make the change in one place, instead of every place where you
* give the Instrument command.
* </p>
* @param bracketedString the string to look up in the dictionary
* @returns the definition of the string
* @throws JFugueException if there is a problem looking up bracketedString
private String dictionaryLookup(String bracketedString) throws JFugueException
{ int indexOfOpeningBracket = bracketedString.indexOf("[");
int indexOfClosingBracket = bracketedString.indexOf("]");
String word = null;
if ((indexOfOpeningBracket != -1) && (indexOfClosingBracket != -1)) {
word = bracketedString.substring(indexOfOpeningBracket+1,indexOfClosingBracket);
else {
// It appears that "bracketedString" wasn't bracketed.
word = bracketedString;
word = word.toUpperCase();
String definition = (String)dictionaryMap.get(word);
while ((definition != null) && (dictionaryMap.containsKey(definition.toUpperCase()))) {
definition = (String)dictionaryMap.get(definition.toUpperCase());
// If there is no definition for this word, see if the word is actually a number.
if (null == definition) {
char ch = 0;
boolean isNumber = true;
for (int i=0; i < word.length(); i++) {
ch = word.charAt(i);
if ((!Character.isDigit(ch) && (ch != '.'))) {
isNumber = false;
if (isNumber) {
trace("Dictionary lookup returning the number ",word);
return word;
} else {
//throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.WORD_NOT_DEFINED_EXC,word,bracketedString);
definition = "";
trace("Word ",word," is defined as ",definition);
return definition;
* Look up a byte from the dictionary
* @param bracketedString the string to look up
* @returns the byte value of the definition
* @throws JFugueException if there is a problem getting a byte from the dictionary look-up
private byte getByteFromDictionary(String bracketedString) throws JFugueException
{ String definition = dictionaryLookup(bracketedString);
Byte newbyte = null;
if (definition.length() > 0)
{ try {
newbyte = new Byte(definition);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.EXPECTED_BYTE,definition,bracketedString);
newbyte = new Byte("-1");
return newbyte.byteValue();
* Look up a long from the dictionary
* @param bracketedString the string to look up
* @returns the long value of the definition
* @throws JFugueException if there is a problem getting a long from the dictionary look-up
private long getLongFromDictionary(String bracketedString) throws JFugueException
{ String definition = dictionaryLookup(bracketedString);
Long newlong = null;
try {
newlong = new Long(definition);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.EXPECTED_LONG,definition,bracketedString);
return newlong.longValue();
* Look up an int from the dictionary
* @param bracketedString the string to look up
* @returns the int value of the definition
* @throws JFugueException if there is a problem getting a int from the dictionary look-up
private int getIntFromDictionary(String bracketedString) throws JFugueException
{ String definition = dictionaryLookup(bracketedString);
Integer newint = null;
try {
newint = new Integer(definition);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.EXPECTED_INT,definition,bracketedString);
return newint.intValue();
* Look up a double from the dictionary
* @param bracketedString the string to look up
* @returns the double value of the definition
* @throws JFugueException if there is a problem getting a double from the dictionary look-up
private double getDoubleFromDictionary(String bracketedString) throws JFugueException
{ String definition = dictionaryLookup(bracketedString);
Double newdouble = null;
try {
newdouble = new Double(definition);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new JFugueException(JFugueException.EXPECTED_DOUBLE,definition,bracketedString);
return newdouble.doubleValue();
* Parses a voice and fires a voice element
* @param v is the voice number 1 - 16
* @throws JFugueException if there is a problem parsing the element
private void parseVoice(int p, int v) throws JFugueException
{ // XML part ID's are 1-based, JFugue voice numbers are 0-based
int voiceNumber = -1;
for (int x = 0; x < this.nextVoice; ++x)
if (p == voices[x].part && v == voices[x].voice)
voiceNumber = x;
// if not found, add it to the array
if (voiceNumber == -1)
{ voiceNumber = nextVoice;
voices[voiceNumber] = new voiceDef();
voices[voiceNumber].part = p;
voices[voiceNumber].voice = v;
if (voiceNumber != this.curVoice)
fireVoiceEvent(new Voice((byte)voiceNumber));
curVoice = voiceNumber;
* Parses a <code>XMLpart.midi_instruments</code> and fires a voice or
* instrument events
* @param instruments is the <code>XMLpart.midiinstruments</code> string to parse
* Can be a list of ~ separated pairs - midi-channel|InstName where InstName
* can be a midi-name, midi-bank, or program Element
private void parsePartElementInstruments(int p, String instruments)
{ if(instruments.indexOf('~') > -1)
{ String[] instArray = instruments.split("~");
// just do the first in the array
String[] midiArray = instArray[0].split("|");
if (midiArray.length > 0 && midiArray[0].length() > 0)
parseVoice(p, Integer.parseInt(midiArray[0])-1);
if (midiArray.length != 1)
* parses <code>inst</code> and fires an Instrument Event
* @param inst is a String that represents the instrument. If it is a numeric
* value, it is interpreted as a midi-bank or program. If it is an instrument
* name, it is looked up in the Dictionary as an instrument name.
private void parseInstrument(String inst)
{ byte instrumentNumber;
{ instrumentNumber = Byte.parseByte(inst);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
{ instrumentNumber = getByteFromDictionary(inst);
trace("Instrument element: inst = ",inst);
if (instrumentNumber > -1)
fireInstrumentEvent(new Instrument(instrumentNumber));
* converts beats per minute (BPM) to pulses per minute (PPM) assuming 240 pulses per second
* In MusicXML, BPM can be fractional, so <code>BPMtoPPM</code> takes a float argument
* @param bpm
* @return
public static int BPMtoPPM(float bpm)
{ // convert BPM to PPM assuming 240 pulses per second
return( new Float((60.f * 240.f) / bpm).intValue() );
** Used for diagnostic purposes. main() makes calls to test the Pattern-to-MusicXML
** parser.
** If you make any changes to this parser, run
** this method ("java org.jfugue.MusicStringParser"), and make sure everything
** works correctly.
** @param args not used
public static void main(String[] args)
{ testMusicXmlParser();
private static void testMusicXmlParser()
{ //File fileXML = new File("C:\\Documents and Settings\\Philip Sobolik\\My Documents\\"
// + "Visual Studio 2005\\WebSites\\NYSSMA3\\"
// + "NYSSMA-Flute-2.xml");
File fileXML = new File("/users/epsobolik/documents/binchois.xml");
//File fileXML = new File("/users/epsobolik/documents/SchbAvMaSample.xml");
try {
FileInputStream fisXML = new FileInputStream(fileXML);
// test the XML file by displaying the first 1024 characters
FileChannel fc = fisXML.getChannel();
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate((int)fc.size());
// while(buf.hasRemaining())
// System.out.print((char)buf.get());
// fisXML.close();
// System.out.print('\n');
// set up the source MusicXML file (parser)
MusicXmlParser MusicXMLIn = new MusicXmlParser();
// MusicXmlParser.setTracing(Parser.TRACING_ON);
// set up the target MusicString (renderer)
MusicStringRenderer MusicStringOut = new MusicStringRenderer();
// attach the render to the parser
// start the parser
// display the MusicString
Pattern p = MusicStringOut.getPattern();
// File fileMS = new File("/users/epsobolik/documents/SchbAvMaSample.jFugue");
// FileOutputStream fosMS = new FileOutputStream(fileMS);
// String ps = p.toString();
// for (int c = 0; c < ps.length(); ++c)
// fosMS.write(ps.charAt(c));
// fosMS.close();
// play the pattern
Player player = new Player();
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block