Package com.ericdaugherty.mail.server

Source Code of com.ericdaugherty.mail.server.Mail

* $Workfile: $
* $Revision: 120 $
* $Author: edaugherty $
* $Date: 2003-10-15 14:06:23 -0500 (Wed, 15 Oct 2003) $
* This program is a 100% Java Email Server.
* Copyright (C) 2001, Eric Daugherty
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* For current versions and more information, please visit:
* or contact the author at:
* This program is based on the CSRMail project written by Calvin Smith.

package com.ericdaugherty.mail.server;

//Java imports
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.Properties;

//Log4j imports
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

//Local imports
import com.ericdaugherty.mail.server.configuration.ConfigurationManager;
import com.ericdaugherty.mail.server.configuration.ConfigurationParameterContants;

* This class is the entrypoint for the Mail Server application.  It creates
* threads to listen for SMTP and POP3 connections.  It also handles the
* configuration information and initialization of the User subsystem.
* @author Eric Daugherty
public class Mail {

    // Variables


    private static ServiceListener popListener;
    private static ServiceListener smtpListener;
    private static SMTPSender smtpSender;
    private static ShutdownService shutdownService;

    /** The SMTP sender thread */
    private static Thread smtpSenderThread;

    /** The ShutdownService Thread.  Started when the JVM is shutdown. */
    private static Thread shutdownServiceThread;

    /** Logger Category for this class.  This variable is initialized once
     * the main logging system has been initialized */
    private static Log log = null;

    // Public Interface

     * Provides a 'safe' way for the application to shut down.  This
     * method is provided to enable compatability with the JavaService
     * NT Service wrapper class.  It defers the call to the shutdown method.
     * @param args
    public static void shutdown( String[] args ) {
        log.debug( "NT Service requested application shutdown." );

     * Provides a 'safe' way for the application to shut down.  It will attempt
     * to stop the running threads.  If the threads to not stop within 60 seconds,
     * the application will force the threads to stop by calling System.exit();
    public static void shutdown() {

        log.warn( "Shutting down Mail Server.  Server will shut down in 60 seconds." );


        catch (InterruptedException ie)
            log.error("Was interrupted while waiting for thread to die");
        }"Thread gracefully terminated");
        smtpSenderThread = null;

    // Main Method

     * This method is the entrypoint to the system and is responsible
     * for the initial configuration of the application and the creation
     * of all 'service' threads.
    public static void main( String[] args ) {

        // Perform the basic application startup.  If anything goes wrong here,
        // we need to abort the application.
        try {

            // Get the 'root' directory for the mail server.
            String directory = getConfigurationDirectory( args );

            // Initialize the logging mechanism.  We want to do this before we do
            // anything else.
            initializeLogging( directory );

            // Initialize the Configuration Manager.
            ConfigurationManager configurationManager = ConfigurationManager.initialize( directory );

            //Start the threads.
            int port;
            int executeThreads = configurationManager.getExecuteThreadCount();

            //Start the Pop3 Thread.
            port = configurationManager.getPop3Port();
            if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug( "Starting POP3 Service on port: " + port );
            popListener = new ServiceListener( port, Pop3Processor.class, executeThreads );
            new Thread( popListener, "POP3" ).start();

            //Start SMTP Threads.
            port = configurationManager.getSmtpPort();
            if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) log.debug( "Starting SMTP Service on port: " + port );
            smtpListener = new ServiceListener( port, SMTPProcessor.class, executeThreads );
            new Thread( smtpListener, "SMTP" ).start();

            //Start the SMTPSender thread (This thread actually delivers the mail recieved
            //by the SMTP threads.
            smtpSender = new SMTPSender();
            smtpSenderThread = new Thread( smtpSender, "SMTPSender" );

            //Initialize ShutdownService
            shutdownService = new ShutdownService();
            shutdownServiceThread = new Thread(shutdownService);
            Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook( shutdownServiceThread );
        catch( RuntimeException runtimeException ) {
            System.err.println( "The application failed to initialize." );
            System.err.println( runtimeException.getMessage() );
            System.exit( 0 );

    // Private Interface

     * Parses the input parameter for the configuration directory, or defaults
     * to the local directory.
     * @param args the commandline arguments.
     * @return the directory to use as the 'root'.
    private static String getConfigurationDirectory( String[] args ) {

        String directory = ".";
        File directoryFile;

        // First, check to see if the location was passed as a paramter.
        if (args.length == 1) {
            directory = args[0];
        // Otherwise, use the default, which is 'mail.conf' in the current directory.
        else if( (directoryFile = new File( directory )).exists() ) {
            System.out.println( "Configuration Directory not specified.  Using \"" + directoryFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\"" );
        // If no file was specified and the default does not exist, printing out a usage line.
        else {
            System.out.println("Usage:  java com.ericdaugherty.mail.server.Mail <configuration directory>");
            throw new RuntimeException( "Unable to load the configuration file." );

        return directory;
     * This method is responsible for initialzing the logging mechanism used
     * by this application.  All required information is loaded from the
     * configuration file.
    private static void initializeLogging( String configurationDirectory ) {

        File logConfigurationFile = new File( configurationDirectory, "log.conf" );

        if( !logConfigurationFile.exists() ) {
            initializeDefaultLogging( logConfigurationFile );
            boolean enableLog4j = false;
                // Get a reference to the org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configureAndWatch( String filename )
                // method.
                Class propertyConfigurator = Class.forName("org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator");
                Method configureMethod = propertyConfigurator.getMethod( "configureAndWatch", new Class[] { String.class } );

                // Invoke the method using the config file we verified.
                configureMethod.invoke( null, new Object[] { logConfigurationFile.getAbsolutePath() } );

                log = LogFactory.getLog( Mail.class );

       "Logger using log4j.");

                // log4j is successfully configured.
                enableLog4j = true;
            catch( ClassNotFoundException classNotFoundException )
                // log4j is not available.
            catch( NoSuchMethodException noSuchMethodException ) {
                // log4j is not available.
                System.err.println( "Found log4j Class but method configureAndWatch(String) is not available." );
            catch( IllegalAccessException illegalAccessException ) {
                // log4j is not available.
                System.err.println( "Found log4j Class but method configureAndWatch(String) caused an IllegalAccessException." );
            catch( InvocationTargetException invocationTargetException ) {
                Throwable targetException = invocationTargetException.getTargetException();
                System.err.println( "Error occured while configuring log4j: " + targetException );

            // If log4j was not configured, initialize the default logger.
            if( !enableLog4j ) {
                initializeDefaultLogging( logConfigurationFile );

     * Initializes the logger with the default configuration if no log file is found.
     * @param logConfigurationFile the file that may contain properties
     * to use to configure the default logger.
    private static void initializeDefaultLogging( File logConfigurationFile ) {

        String DEFAULT_THRESHOLD = "info";
        String threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD;

        // See if the default threshold is defined in the log.conf file.
        if( logConfigurationFile.exists() ) {

            try {
                Properties logConfigurationProperties = new Properties();
                logConfigurationProperties.load( new FileInputStream( logConfigurationFile ) );

                threshold = logConfigurationProperties.getProperty( ConfigurationParameterContants.LOGGING_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD, DEFAULT_THRESHOLD );
                threshold = threshold.trim();
                if( !threshold.equals( "debug" ) && !threshold.equals( "info" ) && !threshold.equals( "warn" ) &&
                    !threshold.equals( "error" ) && !threshold.equals( "fatal" ) ) {
                    System.err.println( "Invalid value for property " + ConfigurationParameterContants.LOGGING_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD + ": " + threshold );
                    threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD;
            catch (IOException ioException) {
                System.err.println( "Error loading properties from: " + logConfigurationFile.getAbsolutePath() + ". " + ioException );
                threshold = DEFAULT_THRESHOLD;

        // commons-logging will default to a logging configuration.
        // see
        System.setProperty( "org.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.defaultlog", threshold );
        log = LogFactory.getLog( Mail.class );
        log.warn( "log.conf file not found.  Using default log configuration.");

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