* Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
* $Id: KeyInfoFactory.java,v 1.12 2005/05/10 16:35:35 mullan Exp $
package javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.security.KeyException;
import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException;
import java.security.NoSuchProviderException;
import java.security.Provider;
import java.security.PublicKey;
import java.security.Security;
import java.security.cert.X509CRL;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.crypto.MarshalException;
import javax.xml.crypto.NoSuchMechanismException;
import javax.xml.crypto.URIDereferencer;
import javax.xml.crypto.XMLStructure;
import javax.xml.crypto.dom.DOMStructure;
import javax.xml.crypto.dsig.*;
import sun.security.jca.*;
import sun.security.jca.GetInstance.Instance;
* A factory for creating {@link KeyInfo} objects from scratch or for
* unmarshalling a <code>KeyInfo</code> object from a corresponding XML
* representation.
* <p>Each instance of <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> supports a specific
* XML mechanism type. To create a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>, call one of the
* static {@link #getInstance getInstance} methods, passing in the XML
* mechanism type desired, for example:
* <blockquote><code>
* KeyInfoFactory factory = KeyInfoFactory.getInstance("DOM");
* </code></blockquote>
* <p>The objects that this factory produces will be based
* on DOM and abide by the DOM interoperability requirements as defined in the
* <a href="../../../../../../technotes/guides/security/xmldsig/overview.html#DOM Mechanism Requirements">
* DOM Mechanism Requirements</a> section of the API overview. See the
* <a href="../../../../../../technotes/guides/security/xmldsig/overview.html#Service Provider">
* Service Providers</a> section of the API overview for a list of standard
* mechanism types.
* <p><code>KeyInfoFactory</code> implementations are registered and loaded
* using the {@link java.security.Provider} mechanism.
* For example, a service provider that supports the
* DOM mechanism would be specified in the <code>Provider</code> subclass as:
* <pre>
* put("KeyInfoFactory.DOM", "org.example.DOMKeyInfoFactory");
* </pre>
* <p>Also, the <code>XMLStructure</code>s that are created by this factory
* may contain state specific to the <code>KeyInfo</code> and are not
* intended to be reusable.
* <p>An implementation MUST minimally support the default mechanism type: DOM.
* <p>Note that a caller must use the same <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* instance to create the <code>XMLStructure</code>s of a particular
* <code>KeyInfo</code> object. The behavior is undefined if
* <code>XMLStructure</code>s from different providers or different mechanism
* types are used together.
* <p><b>Concurrent Access</b>
* <p>The static methods of this class are guaranteed to be thread-safe.
* Multiple threads may concurrently invoke the static methods defined in this
* class with no ill effects.
* <p>However, this is not true for the non-static methods defined by this
* class. Unless otherwise documented by a specific provider, threads that
* need to access a single <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> instance concurrently
* should synchronize amongst themselves and provide the necessary locking.
* Multiple threads each manipulating a different <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* instance need not synchronize.
* @author Sean Mullan
* @author JSR 105 Expert Group
* @since 1.6
public abstract class KeyInfoFactory {
private String mechanismType;
private Provider provider;
* Default constructor, for invocation by subclasses.
protected KeyInfoFactory() {}
* Returns a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> that supports the
* specified XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM").
* <p>This method uses the standard JCA provider lookup mechanism to
* locate and instantiate a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> implementation of
* the desired mechanism type. It traverses the list of registered security
* <code>Provider</code>s, starting with the most preferred
* <code>Provider</code>. A new <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> object
* from the first <code>Provider</code> that supports the specified
* mechanism is returned.
* <p> Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via
* the {@link Security#getProviders() Security.getProviders()} method.
* @param mechanismType the type of the XML processing mechanism and
* representation. See the <a
* href="../../../../../../technotes/guides/security/xmldsig/overview.html#Service Provider">
* Service Providers</a> section of the API overview for a list of
* standard mechanism types.
* @return a new <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>mechanismType</code> is
* <code>null</code>
* @throws NoSuchMechanismException if no <code>Provider</code> supports a
* <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> implementation for the specified mechanism
* @see Provider
public static KeyInfoFactory getInstance(String mechanismType) {
if (mechanismType == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("mechanismType cannot be null");
Instance instance;
try {
instance = GetInstance.getInstance
("KeyInfoFactory", null, mechanismType);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
throw new NoSuchMechanismException(nsae);
KeyInfoFactory factory = (KeyInfoFactory) instance.impl;
factory.mechanismType = mechanismType;
factory.provider = instance.provider;
return factory;
* Returns a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> that supports the
* requested XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM"),
* as supplied by the specified provider. Note that the specified
* <code>Provider</code> object does not have to be registered in the
* provider list.
* @param mechanismType the type of the XML processing mechanism and
* representation. See the <a
* href="../../../../../../technotes/guides/security/xmldsig/overview.html#Service Provider">
* Service Providers</a> section of the API overview for a list of
* standard mechanism types.
* @param provider the <code>Provider</code> object
* @return a new <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>mechanismType</code> or
* <code>provider</code> are <code>null</code>
* @throws NoSuchMechanismException if a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* implementation for the specified mechanism is not available from the
* specified <code>Provider</code> object
* @see Provider
public static KeyInfoFactory getInstance(String mechanismType,
Provider provider) {
if (mechanismType == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("mechanismType cannot be null");
} else if (provider == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("provider cannot be null");
Instance instance;
try {
instance = GetInstance.getInstance
("KeyInfoFactory", null, mechanismType, provider);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
throw new NoSuchMechanismException(nsae);
KeyInfoFactory factory = (KeyInfoFactory) instance.impl;
factory.mechanismType = mechanismType;
factory.provider = instance.provider;
return factory;
* Returns a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> that supports the
* requested XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM"),
* as supplied by the specified provider. The specified provider must be
* registered in the security provider list.
* <p>Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via
* the {@link Security#getProviders() Security.getProviders()} method.
* @param mechanismType the type of the XML processing mechanism and
* representation. See the <a
* href="../../../../../../technotes/guides/security/xmldsig/overview.html#Service Provider">
* Service Providers</a> section of the API overview for a list of
* standard mechanism types.
* @param provider the string name of the provider
* @return a new <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* @throws NoSuchProviderException if the specified provider is not
* registered in the security provider list
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>mechanismType</code> or
* <code>provider</code> are <code>null</code>
* @throws NoSuchMechanismException if a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* implementation for the specified mechanism is not available from the
* specified provider
* @see Provider
public static KeyInfoFactory getInstance(String mechanismType,
String provider) throws NoSuchProviderException {
if (mechanismType == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("mechanismType cannot be null");
} else if (provider == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("provider cannot be null");
} else if (provider.length() == 0) {
throw new NoSuchProviderException();
Instance instance;
try {
instance = GetInstance.getInstance
("KeyInfoFactory", null, mechanismType, provider);
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
throw new NoSuchMechanismException(nsae);
KeyInfoFactory factory = (KeyInfoFactory) instance.impl;
factory.mechanismType = mechanismType;
factory.provider = instance.provider;
return factory;
* Returns a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> that supports the
* default XML processing mechanism and representation type ("DOM").
* <p>This method uses the standard JCA provider lookup mechanism to
* locate and instantiate a <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> implementation of
* the default mechanism type. It traverses the list of registered security
* <code>Provider</code>s, starting with the most preferred
* <code>Provider</code>. A new <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> object
* from the first <code>Provider</code> that supports the DOM mechanism is
* returned.
* <p> Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via
* the {@link Security#getProviders() Security.getProviders()} method.
* @return a new <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* @throws NoSuchMechanismException if no <code>Provider</code> supports a
* <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> implementation for the DOM mechanism
* @see Provider
public static KeyInfoFactory getInstance() {
return getInstance("DOM");
* Returns the type of the XML processing mechanism and representation
* supported by this <code>KeyInfoFactory</code> (ex: "DOM")
* @return the XML processing mechanism type supported by this
* <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
public final String getMechanismType() {
return mechanismType;
* Returns the provider of this <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>.
* @return the provider of this <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
public final Provider getProvider() {
return provider;
* Creates a <code>KeyInfo</code> containing the specified list of
* key information types.
* @param content a list of one or more {@link XMLStructure}s representing
* key information types. The list is defensively copied to protect
* against subsequent modification.
* @return a <code>KeyInfo</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>content</code> is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>content</code> is empty
* @throws ClassCastException if <code>content</code> contains any entries
* that are not of type {@link XMLStructure}
public abstract KeyInfo newKeyInfo(List content);
* Creates a <code>KeyInfo</code> containing the specified list of key
* information types and optional id. The
* <code>id</code> parameter represents the value of an XML
* <code>ID</code> attribute and is useful for referencing
* the <code>KeyInfo</code> from other XML structures.
* @param content a list of one or more {@link XMLStructure}s representing
* key information types. The list is defensively copied to protect
* against subsequent modification.
* @param id the value of an XML <code>ID</code> (may be <code>null</code>)
* @return a <code>KeyInfo</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>content</code> is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>content</code> is empty
* @throws ClassCastException if <code>content</code> contains any entries
* that are not of type {@link XMLStructure}
public abstract KeyInfo newKeyInfo(List content, String id);
* Creates a <code>KeyName</code> from the specified name.
* @param name the name that identifies the key
* @return a <code>KeyName</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>name</code> is <code>null</code>
public abstract KeyName newKeyName(String name);
* Creates a <code>KeyValue</code> from the specified public key.
* @param key the public key
* @return a <code>KeyValue</code>
* @throws KeyException if the <code>key</code>'s algorithm is not
* recognized or supported by this <code>KeyInfoFactory</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>key</code> is <code>null</code>
public abstract KeyValue newKeyValue(PublicKey key) throws KeyException;
* Creates a <code>PGPData</code> from the specified PGP public key
* identifier.
* @param keyId a PGP public key identifier as defined in <a href=
* "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2440.txt">RFC 2440</a>, section 11.2.
* The array is cloned to protect against subsequent modification.
* @return a <code>PGPData</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>keyId</code> is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key id is not in the correct
* format
public abstract PGPData newPGPData(byte[] keyId);
* Creates a <code>PGPData</code> from the specified PGP public key
* identifier, and optional key material packet and list of external
* elements.
* @param keyId a PGP public key identifier as defined in <a href=
* "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2440.txt">RFC 2440</a>, section 11.2.
* The array is cloned to protect against subsequent modification.
* @param keyPacket a PGP key material packet as defined in <a href=
* "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2440.txt">RFC 2440</a>, section 5.5.
* The array is cloned to protect against subsequent modification. May
* be <code>null</code>.
* @param other a list of {@link XMLStructure}s representing elements from
* an external namespace. The list is defensively copied to protect
* against subsequent modification. May be <code>null</code> or empty.
* @return a <code>PGPData</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>keyId</code> is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the <code>keyId</code> or
* <code>keyPacket</code> is not in the correct format. For
* <code>keyPacket</code>, the format of the packet header is
* checked and the tag is verified that it is of type key material. The
* contents and format of the packet body are not checked.
* @throws ClassCastException if <code>other</code> contains any
* entries that are not of type {@link XMLStructure}
public abstract PGPData newPGPData(byte[] keyId, byte[] keyPacket,
List other);
* Creates a <code>PGPData</code> from the specified PGP key material
* packet and optional list of external elements.
* @param keyPacket a PGP key material packet as defined in <a href=
* "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2440.txt">RFC 2440</a>, section 5.5.
* The array is cloned to protect against subsequent modification.
* @param other a list of {@link XMLStructure}s representing elements from
* an external namespace. The list is defensively copied to protect
* against subsequent modification. May be <code>null</code> or empty.
* @return a <code>PGPData</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>keyPacket</code> is
* <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>keyPacket</code> is not in the
* correct format. For <code>keyPacket</code>, the format of the packet
* header is checked and the tag is verified that it is of type key
* material. The contents and format of the packet body are not checked.
* @throws ClassCastException if <code>other</code> contains any
* entries that are not of type {@link XMLStructure}
public abstract PGPData newPGPData(byte[] keyPacket, List other);
* Creates a <code>RetrievalMethod</code> from the specified URI.
* @param uri the URI that identifies the <code>KeyInfo</code> information
* to be retrieved
* @return a <code>RetrievalMethod</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>uri</code> is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>uri</code> is not RFC 2396
* compliant
public abstract RetrievalMethod newRetrievalMethod(String uri);
* Creates a <code>RetrievalMethod</code> from the specified parameters.
* @param uri the URI that identifies the <code>KeyInfo</code> information
* to be retrieved
* @param type a URI that identifies the type of <code>KeyInfo</code>
* information to be retrieved (may be <code>null</code>)
* @param transforms a list of {@link Transform}s. The list is defensively
* copied to protect against subsequent modification. May be
* <code>null</code> or empty.
* @return a <code>RetrievalMethod</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>uri</code> is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>uri</code> is not RFC 2396
* compliant
* @throws ClassCastException if <code>transforms</code> contains any
* entries that are not of type {@link Transform}
public abstract RetrievalMethod newRetrievalMethod(String uri, String type,
List transforms);
* Creates a <code>X509Data</code> containing the specified list of
* X.509 content.
* @param content a list of one or more X.509 content types. Valid types are
* {@link String} (subject names), <code>byte[]</code> (subject key ids),
* {@link java.security.cert.X509Certificate}, {@link X509CRL},
* or {@link XMLStructure} ({@link X509IssuerSerial}
* objects or elements from an external namespace). Subject names are
* distinguished names in RFC 2253 String format. Implementations MUST
* support the attribute type keywords defined in RFC 2253 (CN, L, ST,
* O, OU, C, STREET, DC and UID). Implementations MAY support additional
* keywords. The list is defensively copied to protect against
* subsequent modification.
* @return a <code>X509Data</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>content</code> is <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>content</code> is empty, or
* if a subject name is not RFC 2253 compliant or one of the attribute
* type keywords is not recognized.
* @throws ClassCastException if <code>content</code> contains any entries
* that are not of one of the valid types mentioned above
public abstract X509Data newX509Data(List content);
* Creates an <code>X509IssuerSerial</code> from the specified X.500 issuer
* distinguished name and serial number.
* @param issuerName the issuer's distinguished name in RFC 2253 String
* format. Implementations MUST support the attribute type keywords
* defined in RFC 2253 (CN, L, ST, O, OU, C, STREET, DC and UID).
* Implementations MAY support additional keywords.
* @param serialNumber the serial number
* @return an <code>X509IssuerSerial</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>issuerName</code> or
* <code>serialNumber</code> are <code>null</code>
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the issuer name is not RFC 2253
* compliant or one of the attribute type keywords is not recognized.
public abstract X509IssuerSerial newX509IssuerSerial
(String issuerName, BigInteger serialNumber);
* Indicates whether a specified feature is supported.
* @param feature the feature name (as an absolute URI)
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified feature is supported,
* <code>false</code> otherwise
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>feature</code> is <code>null</code>
public abstract boolean isFeatureSupported(String feature);
* Returns a reference to the <code>URIDereferencer</code> that is used by
* default to dereference URIs in {@link RetrievalMethod} objects.
* @return a reference to the default <code>URIDereferencer</code>
public abstract URIDereferencer getURIDereferencer();
* Unmarshals a new <code>KeyInfo</code> instance from a
* mechanism-specific <code>XMLStructure</code> (ex: {@link DOMStructure})
* instance.
* @param xmlStructure a mechanism-specific XML structure from which to
* unmarshal the keyinfo from
* @return the <code>KeyInfo</code>
* @throws NullPointerException if <code>xmlStructure</code> is
* <code>null</code>
* @throws ClassCastException if the type of <code>xmlStructure</code> is
* inappropriate for this factory
* @throws MarshalException if an unrecoverable exception occurs during
* unmarshalling
public abstract KeyInfo unmarshalKeyInfo(XMLStructure xmlStructure)
throws MarshalException;