
Source Code of

* Copyright (c) 2007-2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id:,v 2005/09/13 12:14:32 pvedula Exp $


import com.sun.java_cup.internal.runtime.Symbol;
import java.util.Dictionary;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl;

* @author Jacek Ambroziak
* @author Santiago Pericas-Geertsen
* @author G. Todd Miller
* @author Morten Jorgensen
* @author Erwin Bolwidt <>
public class Parser implements Constants, ContentHandler {

    private static final String XSL = "xsl";            // standard prefix
    private static final String TRANSLET = "translet"; // extension prefix

    private Locator _locator = null;

    private XSLTC _xsltc;             // Reference to the compiler object.
    private XPathParser _xpathParser; // Reference to the XPath parser.
    private Vector _errors;           // Contains all compilation errors
    private Vector _warnings;         // Contains all compilation errors

    private Hashtable   _instructionClasses; // Maps instructions to classes
    private Hashtable   _instructionAttrs;;  // reqd and opt attrs
    private Hashtable   _qNames;
    private Hashtable   _namespaces;
    private QName       _useAttributeSets;
    private QName       _excludeResultPrefixes;
    private QName       _extensionElementPrefixes;
    private Hashtable   _variableScope;
    private Stylesheet  _currentStylesheet;
    private SymbolTable _symbolTable; // Maps QNames to syntax-tree nodes
    private Output      _output;
    private Template    _template;    // Reference to the template being parsed.

    private boolean     _rootNamespaceDef; // Used for validity check

    private SyntaxTreeNode _root;

    private String _target;

    private int _currentImportPrecedence;

    private boolean _useServicesMechanism = true;

    public Parser(XSLTC xsltc, boolean useServicesMechanism) {
        _xsltc = xsltc;
        _useServicesMechanism = useServicesMechanism;

    public void init() {
        _qNames              = new Hashtable(512);
        _namespaces          = new Hashtable();
        _instructionClasses  = new Hashtable();
        _instructionAttrs    = new Hashtable();
        _variableScope       = new Hashtable();
        _template            = null;
        _errors              = new Vector();
        _warnings            = new Vector();
        _symbolTable         = new SymbolTable();
        _xpathParser         = new XPathParser(this);
        _currentStylesheet   = null;
        _output              = null;
        _root                = null;
        _rootNamespaceDef    = false;
        _currentImportPrecedence = 1;


        _useAttributeSets =
            getQName(XSLT_URI, XSL, "use-attribute-sets");
        _excludeResultPrefixes =
            getQName(XSLT_URI, XSL, "exclude-result-prefixes");
        _extensionElementPrefixes =
            getQName(XSLT_URI, XSL, "extension-element-prefixes");

    public void setOutput(Output output) {
        if (_output != null) {
            if (_output.getImportPrecedence() <= output.getImportPrecedence()) {
                String cdata = _output.getCdata();
                _output = output;
            else {
        else {
            _output = output;

    public Output getOutput() {
        return _output;

    public Properties getOutputProperties() {
        return getTopLevelStylesheet().getOutputProperties();

    public void addVariable(Variable var) {

    public void addParameter(Param param) {

    private void addVariableOrParam(VariableBase var) {
        Object existing = _variableScope.get(var.getName());
        if (existing != null) {
            if (existing instanceof Stack) {
                Stack stack = (Stack)existing;
            else if (existing instanceof VariableBase) {
                Stack stack = new Stack();
                _variableScope.put(var.getName(), stack);
        else {
            _variableScope.put(var.getName(), var);

    public void removeVariable(QName name) {
        Object existing = _variableScope.get(name);
        if (existing instanceof Stack) {
            Stack stack = (Stack)existing;
            if (!stack.isEmpty()) stack.pop();
            if (!stack.isEmpty()) return;

    public VariableBase lookupVariable(QName name) {
        Object existing = _variableScope.get(name);
        if (existing instanceof VariableBase) {
        else if (existing instanceof Stack) {
            Stack stack = (Stack)existing;

    public void setXSLTC(XSLTC xsltc) {
        _xsltc = xsltc;

    public XSLTC getXSLTC() {
        return _xsltc;

    public int getCurrentImportPrecedence() {
        return _currentImportPrecedence;

    public int getNextImportPrecedence() {
        return ++_currentImportPrecedence;

    public void setCurrentStylesheet(Stylesheet stylesheet) {
        _currentStylesheet = stylesheet;

    public Stylesheet getCurrentStylesheet() {
        return _currentStylesheet;

    public Stylesheet getTopLevelStylesheet() {
        return _xsltc.getStylesheet();

    public QName getQNameSafe(final String stringRep) {
        // parse and retrieve namespace
        final int colon = stringRep.lastIndexOf(':');
        if (colon != -1) {
            final String prefix = stringRep.substring(0, colon);
            final String localname = stringRep.substring(colon + 1);
            String namespace = null;

            // Get the namespace uri from the symbol table
            if (prefix.equals(XMLNS_PREFIX) == false) {
                namespace = _symbolTable.lookupNamespace(prefix);
                if (namespace == null) namespace = EMPTYSTRING;
            return getQName(namespace, prefix, localname);
        else {
            final String uri = stringRep.equals(XMLNS_PREFIX) ? null
                : _symbolTable.lookupNamespace(EMPTYSTRING);
            return getQName(uri, null, stringRep);

    public QName getQName(final String stringRep) {
        return getQName(stringRep, true, false);

    public QName getQNameIgnoreDefaultNs(final String stringRep) {
        return getQName(stringRep, true, true);

    public QName getQName(final String stringRep, boolean reportError) {
        return getQName(stringRep, reportError, false);

    private QName getQName(final String stringRep, boolean reportError,
        boolean ignoreDefaultNs)
        // parse and retrieve namespace
        final int colon = stringRep.lastIndexOf(':');
        if (colon != -1) {
            final String prefix = stringRep.substring(0, colon);
            final String localname = stringRep.substring(colon + 1);
            String namespace = null;

            // Get the namespace uri from the symbol table
            if (prefix.equals(XMLNS_PREFIX) == false) {
                namespace = _symbolTable.lookupNamespace(prefix);
                if (namespace == null && reportError) {
                    final int line = getLineNumber();
                    ErrorMsg err = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.NAMESPACE_UNDEF_ERR,
                                                line, prefix);
                    reportError(ERROR, err);
            return getQName(namespace, prefix, localname);
        else {
            if (stringRep.equals(XMLNS_PREFIX)) {
                ignoreDefaultNs = true;
            final String defURI = ignoreDefaultNs ? null
                                  : _symbolTable.lookupNamespace(EMPTYSTRING);
            return getQName(defURI, null, stringRep);

    public QName getQName(String namespace, String prefix, String localname) {
        if (namespace == null || namespace.equals(EMPTYSTRING)) {
            QName name = (QName)_qNames.get(localname);
            if (name == null) {
                name = new QName(null, prefix, localname);
                _qNames.put(localname, name);
            return name;
        else {
            Dictionary space = (Dictionary)_namespaces.get(namespace);
            String lexicalQName =
                       (prefix == null || prefix.length() == 0)
                            ? localname
                            : (prefix + ':' + localname);

            if (space == null) {
                final QName name = new QName(namespace, prefix, localname);
                _namespaces.put(namespace, space = new Hashtable());
                space.put(lexicalQName, name);
                return name;
            else {
                QName name = (QName)space.get(lexicalQName);
                if (name == null) {
                    name = new QName(namespace, prefix, localname);
                    space.put(lexicalQName, name);
                return name;

    public QName getQName(String scope, String name) {
        return getQName(scope + name);

    public QName getQName(QName scope, QName name) {
        return getQName(scope.toString() + name.toString());

    public QName getUseAttributeSets() {
        return _useAttributeSets;

    public QName getExtensionElementPrefixes() {
        return _extensionElementPrefixes;

    public QName getExcludeResultPrefixes() {
        return _excludeResultPrefixes;

     * Create an instance of the <code>Stylesheet</code> class,
     * and then parse, typecheck and compile the instance.
     * Must be called after <code>parse()</code>.
    public Stylesheet makeStylesheet(SyntaxTreeNode element)
        throws CompilerException {
        try {
            Stylesheet stylesheet;

            if (element instanceof Stylesheet) {
                stylesheet = (Stylesheet)element;
            else {
                stylesheet = new Stylesheet();
                stylesheet.setAttributes((AttributesImpl) element.getAttributes());

                // Map the default NS if not already defined
                if (element.lookupNamespace(EMPTYSTRING) == null) {
                    element.addPrefixMapping(EMPTYSTRING, EMPTYSTRING);
            return stylesheet;
        catch (ClassCastException e) {
            ErrorMsg err = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.NOT_STYLESHEET_ERR, element);
            throw new CompilerException(err.toString());

     * Instanciates a SAX2 parser and generate the AST from the input.
    public void createAST(Stylesheet stylesheet) {
        try {
            if (stylesheet != null) {
                final int precedence = stylesheet.getImportPrecedence();
                final Enumeration elements = stylesheet.elements();
                while (elements.hasMoreElements()) {
                    Object child = elements.nextElement();
                    if (child instanceof Text) {
                        final int l = getLineNumber();
                        ErrorMsg err =
                            new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_TEXT_NODE_ERR,l,null);
                        reportError(ERROR, err);
                if (!errorsFound()) {
        catch (TypeCheckError e) {
            reportError(ERROR, new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.JAXP_COMPILE_ERR, e));

     * Parses a stylesheet and builds the internal abstract syntax tree
     * @param reader A SAX2 SAXReader (parser)
     * @param input A SAX2 InputSource can be passed to a SAX reader
     * @return The root of the abstract syntax tree
    public SyntaxTreeNode parse(XMLReader reader, InputSource input) {
        try {
            // Parse the input document and build the abstract syntax tree
            // Find the start of the stylesheet within the tree
            return (SyntaxTreeNode)getStylesheet(_root);
        catch (IOException e) {
            if (_xsltc.debug()) e.printStackTrace();
            reportError(ERROR,new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.JAXP_COMPILE_ERR, e));
        catch (SAXException e) {
            Throwable ex = e.getException();
            if (_xsltc.debug()) {
                if (ex != null) ex.printStackTrace();
            reportError(ERROR, new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.JAXP_COMPILE_ERR, e));
        catch (CompilerException e) {
            if (_xsltc.debug()) e.printStackTrace();
            reportError(ERROR, new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.JAXP_COMPILE_ERR, e));
        catch (Exception e) {
            if (_xsltc.debug()) e.printStackTrace();
            reportError(ERROR, new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.JAXP_COMPILE_ERR, e));
        return null;

     * Parses a stylesheet and builds the internal abstract syntax tree
     * @param input A SAX2 InputSource can be passed to a SAX reader
     * @return The root of the abstract syntax tree
    public SyntaxTreeNode parse(InputSource input) {
        try {
            // Create a SAX parser and get the XMLReader object it uses
            final SAXParserFactory factory = FactoryImpl.getSAXFactory(_useServicesMechanism);

            if (_xsltc.isSecureProcessing()) {
                try {
                    factory.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true);
                catch (SAXException e) {}

            try {
            catch (Exception e) {
            final SAXParser parser = factory.newSAXParser();
            try {
            } catch (SAXNotRecognizedException e) {
                ErrorMsg err = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.WARNING_MSG,
                        parser.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
                reportError(WARNING, err);

            final XMLReader reader = parser.getXMLReader();
            try {
                XMLSecurityManager securityManager =
                for (XMLSecurityManager.Limit limit : XMLSecurityManager.Limit.values()) {
                    reader.setProperty(limit.apiProperty(), securityManager.getLimitValueAsString(limit));
                if (securityManager.printEntityCountInfo()) {
                    parser.setProperty(XalanConstants.JDK_ENTITY_COUNT_INFO, XalanConstants.JDK_YES);
            } catch (SAXException se) {
                System.err.println("Warning:  " + reader.getClass().getName() + ": "
                            + se.getMessage());

            return(parse(reader, input));
        catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
            ErrorMsg err = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.SAX_PARSER_CONFIG_ERR);
            reportError(ERROR, err);
        catch (SAXParseException e){
            reportError(ERROR, new ErrorMsg(e.getMessage(),e.getLineNumber()));
        catch (SAXException e) {
            reportError(ERROR, new ErrorMsg(e.getMessage()));
        return null;

    public SyntaxTreeNode getDocumentRoot() {
        return _root;

    private String _PImedia = null;
    private String _PItitle = null;
    private String _PIcharset = null;

     * Set the parameters to use to locate the correct <?xml-stylesheet ...?>
     * processing instruction in the case where the input document is an
     * XML document with one or more references to a stylesheet.
     * @param media The media attribute to be matched. May be null, in which
     * case the prefered templates will be used (i.e. alternate = no).
     * @param title The value of the title attribute to match. May be null.
     * @param charset The value of the charset attribute to match. May be null.
    protected void setPIParameters(String media, String title, String charset) {
        _PImedia = media;
        _PItitle = title;
        _PIcharset = charset;

     * Extracts the DOM for the stylesheet. In the case of an embedded
     * stylesheet, it extracts the DOM subtree corresponding to the
     * embedded stylesheet that has an 'id' attribute whose value is the
     * same as the value declared in the <?xml-stylesheet...?> processing
     * instruction (P.I.). In the xml-stylesheet P.I. the value is labeled
     * as the 'href' data of the P.I. The extracted DOM representing the
     * stylesheet is returned as an Element object.
    private SyntaxTreeNode getStylesheet(SyntaxTreeNode root)
        throws CompilerException {

        // Assume that this is a pure XSL stylesheet if there is not
        // <?xml-stylesheet ....?> processing instruction
        if (_target == null) {
            if (!_rootNamespaceDef) {
                ErrorMsg msg = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.MISSING_XSLT_URI_ERR);
                throw new CompilerException(msg.toString());

        // Find the xsl:stylesheet or xsl:transform with this reference
        if (_target.charAt(0) == '#') {
            SyntaxTreeNode element = findStylesheet(root, _target.substring(1));
            if (element == null) {
                ErrorMsg msg = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.MISSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR,
                                            _target, root);
                throw new CompilerException(msg.toString());
        else {
            try {
                String path = _target;
                if (path.indexOf(":")==-1) {
                    path = "file:" + path;
                path = SystemIDResolver.getAbsoluteURI(path);
                String accessError = SecuritySupport.checkAccess(path,
                if (accessError != null) {
                    ErrorMsg msg = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.ACCESSING_XSLT_TARGET_ERR,
                            SecuritySupport.sanitizePath(_target), accessError,
                    throw new CompilerException(msg.toString());
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new CompilerException(ex);


     * Find a Stylesheet element with a specific ID attribute value.
     * This method is used to find a Stylesheet node that is referred
     * in a <?xml-stylesheet ... ?> processing instruction.
    private SyntaxTreeNode findStylesheet(SyntaxTreeNode root, String href) {

        if (root == null) return null;

        if (root instanceof Stylesheet) {
            String id = root.getAttribute("id");
            if (id.equals(href)) return root;
        Vector children = root.getContents();
        if (children != null) {
            final int count = children.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                SyntaxTreeNode child = (SyntaxTreeNode)children.elementAt(i);
                SyntaxTreeNode node = findStylesheet(child, href);
                if (node != null) return node;
        return null;

     * For embedded stylesheets: Load an external file with stylesheet
    private SyntaxTreeNode loadExternalStylesheet(String location)
        throws CompilerException {

        InputSource source;

        // Check if the location is URL or a local file
        if ((new File(location)).exists())
            source = new InputSource("file:"+location);
            source = new InputSource(location);

        SyntaxTreeNode external = (SyntaxTreeNode)parse(source);

    private void initAttrTable(String elementName, String[] attrs) {
        _instructionAttrs.put(getQName(XSLT_URI, XSL, elementName),

    private void initInstructionAttrs() {
            new String[] {"match", "name", "priority", "mode"});
            new String[] {"id", "version", "extension-element-prefixes",
            new String[] {"id", "version", "extension-element-prefixes",
        initAttrTable("text", new String[] {"disable-output-escaping"});
        initAttrTable("if", new String[] {"test"});
        initAttrTable("choose", new String[] {});
        initAttrTable("when", new String[] {"test"});
        initAttrTable("otherwise", new String[] {});
        initAttrTable("for-each", new String[] {"select"});
        initAttrTable("message", new String[] {"terminate"});
            new String[] {"level", "count", "from", "value", "format", "lang",
                "letter-value", "grouping-separator", "grouping-size"});
                initAttrTable("comment", new String[] {});
        initAttrTable("copy", new String[] {"use-attribute-sets"});
        initAttrTable("copy-of", new String[] {"select"});
        initAttrTable("param", new String[] {"name", "select"});
        initAttrTable("with-param", new String[] {"name", "select"});
        initAttrTable("variable", new String[] {"name", "select"});
            new String[] {"method", "version", "encoding",
                "omit-xml-declaration", "standalone", "doctype-public",
                "doctype-system", "cdata-section-elements", "indent",
           new String[] {"select", "order", "case-order", "lang", "data-type"});
        initAttrTable("key", new String[] {"name", "match", "use"});
        initAttrTable("fallback", new String[] {});
        initAttrTable("attribute", new String[] {"name", "namespace"});
            new String[] {"name", "use-attribute-sets"});
            new String[] {"select", "disable-output-escaping"});
            new String[] {"name", "namespace", "use-attribute-sets"});
        initAttrTable("call-template", new String[] {"name"});
        initAttrTable("apply-templates", new String[] {"select", "mode"});
        initAttrTable("apply-imports", new String[] {});
            new String[] {"name", "decimal-separator", "grouping-separator",
                "infinity", "minus-sign", "NaN", "percent", "per-mille",
                "zero-digit", "digit", "pattern-separator"});
        initAttrTable("import", new String[] {"href"});
        initAttrTable("include", new String[] {"href"});
        initAttrTable("strip-space", new String[] {"elements"});
        initAttrTable("preserve-space", new String[] {"elements"});
        initAttrTable("processing-instruction", new String[] {"name"});
           new String[] {"stylesheet-prefix", "result-prefix"});

     * Initialize the _instructionClasses Hashtable, which maps XSL element
     * names to Java classes in this package.
    private void initStdClasses() {
        initStdClass("template", "Template");
        initStdClass("stylesheet", "Stylesheet");
        initStdClass("transform", "Stylesheet");
        initStdClass("text", "Text");
        initStdClass("if", "If");
        initStdClass("choose", "Choose");
        initStdClass("when", "When");
        initStdClass("otherwise", "Otherwise");
        initStdClass("for-each", "ForEach");
        initStdClass("message", "Message");
        initStdClass("number", "Number");
        initStdClass("comment", "Comment");
        initStdClass("copy", "Copy");
        initStdClass("copy-of", "CopyOf");
        initStdClass("param", "Param");
        initStdClass("with-param", "WithParam");
        initStdClass("variable", "Variable");
        initStdClass("output", "Output");
        initStdClass("sort", "Sort");
        initStdClass("key", "Key");
        initStdClass("fallback", "Fallback");
        initStdClass("attribute", "XslAttribute");
        initStdClass("attribute-set", "AttributeSet");
        initStdClass("value-of", "ValueOf");
        initStdClass("element", "XslElement");
        initStdClass("call-template", "CallTemplate");
        initStdClass("apply-templates", "ApplyTemplates");
        initStdClass("apply-imports", "ApplyImports");
        initStdClass("decimal-format", "DecimalFormatting");
        initStdClass("import", "Import");
        initStdClass("include", "Include");
        initStdClass("strip-space", "Whitespace");
        initStdClass("preserve-space", "Whitespace");
        initStdClass("processing-instruction", "ProcessingInstruction");
        initStdClass("namespace-alias", "NamespaceAlias");

    private void initStdClass(String elementName, String className) {
        _instructionClasses.put(getQName(XSLT_URI, XSL, elementName),
                                COMPILER_PACKAGE + '.' + className);

    public boolean elementSupported(String namespace, String localName) {
        return(_instructionClasses.get(getQName(namespace, XSL, localName)) != null);

    public boolean functionSupported(String fname) {
        return(_symbolTable.lookupPrimop(fname) != null);

    private void initExtClasses() {
        initExtClass("output", "TransletOutput");
        initExtClass(REDIRECT_URI, "write", "TransletOutput");

    private void initExtClass(String elementName, String className) {
        _instructionClasses.put(getQName(TRANSLET_URI, TRANSLET, elementName),
                                COMPILER_PACKAGE + '.' + className);

    private void initExtClass(String namespace, String elementName, String className) {
        _instructionClasses.put(getQName(namespace, TRANSLET, elementName),
                                COMPILER_PACKAGE + '.' + className);

     * Add primops and base functions to the symbol table.
    private void initSymbolTable() {
        MethodType I_V  = new MethodType(Type.Int, Type.Void);
        MethodType I_R  = new MethodType(Type.Int, Type.Real);
        MethodType I_S  = new MethodType(Type.Int, Type.String);
        MethodType I_D  = new MethodType(Type.Int, Type.NodeSet);
        MethodType R_I  = new MethodType(Type.Real, Type.Int);
        MethodType R_V  = new MethodType(Type.Real, Type.Void);
        MethodType R_R  = new MethodType(Type.Real, Type.Real);
        MethodType R_D  = new MethodType(Type.Real, Type.NodeSet);
        MethodType R_O  = new MethodType(Type.Real, Type.Reference);
        MethodType I_I  = new MethodType(Type.Int, Type.Int);
        MethodType D_O  = new MethodType(Type.NodeSet, Type.Reference);
        MethodType D_V  = new MethodType(Type.NodeSet, Type.Void);
        MethodType D_S  = new MethodType(Type.NodeSet, Type.String);
        MethodType D_D  = new MethodType(Type.NodeSet, Type.NodeSet);
        MethodType A_V  = new MethodType(Type.Node, Type.Void);
        MethodType S_V  = new MethodType(Type.String, Type.Void);
        MethodType S_S  = new MethodType(Type.String, Type.String);
        MethodType S_A  = new MethodType(Type.String, Type.Node);
        MethodType S_D  = new MethodType(Type.String, Type.NodeSet);
        MethodType S_O  = new MethodType(Type.String, Type.Reference);
        MethodType B_O  = new MethodType(Type.Boolean, Type.Reference);
        MethodType B_V  = new MethodType(Type.Boolean, Type.Void);
        MethodType B_B  = new MethodType(Type.Boolean, Type.Boolean);
        MethodType B_S  = new MethodType(Type.Boolean, Type.String);
        MethodType D_X  = new MethodType(Type.NodeSet, Type.Object);
        MethodType R_RR = new MethodType(Type.Real, Type.Real, Type.Real);
        MethodType I_II = new MethodType(Type.Int, Type.Int, Type.Int);
        MethodType B_RR = new MethodType(Type.Boolean, Type.Real, Type.Real);
        MethodType B_II = new MethodType(Type.Boolean, Type.Int, Type.Int);
        MethodType S_SS = new MethodType(Type.String, Type.String, Type.String);
        MethodType S_DS = new MethodType(Type.String, Type.Real, Type.String);
        MethodType S_SR = new MethodType(Type.String, Type.String, Type.Real);
        MethodType O_SO = new MethodType(Type.Reference, Type.String, Type.Reference);

        MethodType D_SS =
            new MethodType(Type.NodeSet, Type.String, Type.String);
        MethodType D_SD =
            new MethodType(Type.NodeSet, Type.String, Type.NodeSet);
        MethodType B_BB =
            new MethodType(Type.Boolean, Type.Boolean, Type.Boolean);
        MethodType B_SS =
            new MethodType(Type.Boolean, Type.String, Type.String);
        MethodType S_SD =
            new MethodType(Type.String, Type.String, Type.NodeSet);
        MethodType S_DSS =
            new MethodType(Type.String, Type.Real, Type.String, Type.String);
        MethodType S_SRR =
            new MethodType(Type.String, Type.String, Type.Real, Type.Real);
        MethodType S_SSS =
            new MethodType(Type.String, Type.String, Type.String, Type.String);

         * Standard functions: implemented but not in this table concat().
         * When adding a new function make sure to uncomment
         * the corresponding line in <tt>FunctionAvailableCall</tt>.

        // The following functions are inlined

        _symbolTable.addPrimop("current", A_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("last", I_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("position", I_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("true", B_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("false", B_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("not", B_B);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("name", S_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("name", S_A);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("generate-id", S_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("generate-id", S_A);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("ceiling", R_R);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("floor", R_R);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("round", R_R);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("contains", B_SS);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("number", R_O);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("number", R_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("boolean", B_O);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("string", S_O);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("string", S_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("translate", S_SSS);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("string-length", I_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("string-length", I_S);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("starts-with", B_SS);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("format-number", S_DS);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("format-number", S_DSS);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("unparsed-entity-uri", S_S);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("key", D_SS);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("key", D_SD);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("id", D_S);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("id", D_D);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("namespace-uri", S_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("function-available", B_S);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("element-available", B_S);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("document", D_S);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("document", D_V);

        // The following functions are implemented in the basis library
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("count", I_D);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("sum", R_D);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("local-name", S_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("local-name", S_D);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("namespace-uri", S_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("namespace-uri", S_D);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("substring", S_SR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("substring", S_SRR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("substring-after", S_SS);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("substring-before", S_SS);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("normalize-space", S_V);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("normalize-space", S_S);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("system-property", S_S);

        // Extensions
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("nodeset", D_O);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("objectType", S_O);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("cast", O_SO);

        // Operators +, -, *, /, % defined on real types.
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("+", R_RR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("-", R_RR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("*", R_RR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("/", R_RR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("%", R_RR);

        // Operators +, -, * defined on integer types.
        // Operators / and % are not  defined on integers (may cause exception)
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("+", I_II);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("-", I_II);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("*", I_II);

         // Operators <, <= >, >= defined on real types.
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("<",  B_RR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("<=", B_RR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop(">",  B_RR);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop(">=", B_RR);

        // Operators <, <= >, >= defined on int types.
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("<",  B_II);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("<=", B_II);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop(">",  B_II);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop(">=", B_II);

        // Operators <, <= >, >= defined on boolean types.
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("<",  B_BB);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("<=", B_BB);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop(">",  B_BB);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop(">=", B_BB);

        // Operators 'and' and 'or'.
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("or", B_BB);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("and", B_BB);

        // Unary minus.
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("u-", R_R);
        _symbolTable.addPrimop("u-", I_I);

    public SymbolTable getSymbolTable() {
        return _symbolTable;

    public Template getTemplate() {
        return _template;

    public void setTemplate(Template template) {
        _template = template;

    private int _templateIndex = 0;

    public int getTemplateIndex() {

     * Creates a new node in the abstract syntax tree. This node can be
     *  o) a supported XSLT 1.0 element
     *  o) an unsupported XSLT element (post 1.0)
     *  o) a supported XSLT extension
     *  o) an unsupported XSLT extension
     *  o) a literal result element (not an XSLT element and not an extension)
     * Unsupported elements do not directly generate an error. We have to wait
     * until we have received all child elements of an unsupported element to
     * see if any <xsl:fallback> elements exist.

    private boolean versionIsOne = true;

    public SyntaxTreeNode makeInstance(String uri, String prefix,
        String local, Attributes attributes)
        SyntaxTreeNode node = null;
        QName  qname = getQName(uri, prefix, local);
        String className = (String)_instructionClasses.get(qname);

        if (className != null) {
            try {
                final Class clazz = ObjectFactory.findProviderClass(className, true);
                node = (SyntaxTreeNode)clazz.newInstance();
                if (_locator != null) {
                if (node instanceof Stylesheet) {
                checkForSuperfluousAttributes(node, attributes);
            catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                ErrorMsg err = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.CLASS_NOT_FOUND_ERR, node);
                reportError(ERROR, err);
            catch (Exception e) {
                ErrorMsg err = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.INTERNAL_ERR,
                                            e.getMessage(), node);
                reportError(FATAL, err);
        else {
            if (uri != null) {
                // Check if the element belongs in our namespace
                if (uri.equals(XSLT_URI)) {
                    node = new UnsupportedElement(uri, prefix, local, false);
                    UnsupportedElement element = (UnsupportedElement)node;
                    ErrorMsg msg = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.UNSUPPORTED_XSL_ERR,
                    if (versionIsOne) {
                // Check if this is an XSLTC extension element
                else if (uri.equals(TRANSLET_URI)) {
                    node = new UnsupportedElement(uri, prefix, local, true);
                    UnsupportedElement element = (UnsupportedElement)node;
                    ErrorMsg msg = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.UNSUPPORTED_EXT_ERR,
                // Check if this is an extension of some other XSLT processor
                else {
                    Stylesheet sheet = _xsltc.getStylesheet();
                    if ((sheet != null) && (sheet.isExtension(uri))) {
                        if (sheet != (SyntaxTreeNode)_parentStack.peek()) {
                            node = new UnsupportedElement(uri, prefix, local, true);
                            UnsupportedElement elem = (UnsupportedElement)node;
                            ErrorMsg msg =
                                new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.UNSUPPORTED_EXT_ERR,
            if (node == null) {
                node = new LiteralElement();
        if ((node != null) && (node instanceof LiteralElement)) {

     * checks the list of attributes against a list of allowed attributes
     * for a particular element node.
    private void checkForSuperfluousAttributes(SyntaxTreeNode node,
        Attributes attrs)
        QName qname = node.getQName();
        boolean isStylesheet = (node instanceof Stylesheet);
        String[] legal = (String[]) _instructionAttrs.get(qname);
        if (versionIsOne && legal != null) {
            int j;
            final int n = attrs.getLength();

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
                final String attrQName = attrs.getQName(i);

                if (isStylesheet && attrQName.equals("version")) {
                    versionIsOne = attrs.getValue(i).equals("1.0");

                // Ignore if special or if it has a prefix
                if (attrQName.startsWith("xml") ||
                    attrQName.indexOf(':') > 0) continue;

                for (j = 0; j < legal.length; j++) {
                    if (attrQName.equalsIgnoreCase(legal[j])) {
                if (j == legal.length) {
                    final ErrorMsg err =
                        new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.ILLEGAL_ATTRIBUTE_ERR,
                                attrQName, node);
                    // Workaround for the TCK failure ErrorListener.errorTests.error001..
                    reportError(WARNING, err);

     * Parse an XPath expression:
     *  @param parent - XSL element where the expression occured
     *  @param exp    - textual representation of the expression
    public Expression parseExpression(SyntaxTreeNode parent, String exp) {
        return (Expression)parseTopLevel(parent, "<EXPRESSION>"+exp, null);

     * Parse an XPath expression:
     *  @param parent - XSL element where the expression occured
     *  @param attr   - name of this element's attribute to get expression from
     *  @param def    - default expression (if the attribute was not found)
    public Expression parseExpression(SyntaxTreeNode parent,
                                      String attr, String def) {
        // Get the textual representation of the expression (if any)
        String exp = parent.getAttribute(attr);
        // Use the default expression if none was found
        if ((exp.length() == 0) && (def != null)) exp = def;
        // Invoke the XPath parser
        return (Expression)parseTopLevel(parent, "<EXPRESSION>"+exp, exp);

     * Parse an XPath pattern:
     *  @param parent  - XSL element where the pattern occured
     *  @param pattern - textual representation of the pattern
    public Pattern parsePattern(SyntaxTreeNode parent, String pattern) {
        return (Pattern)parseTopLevel(parent, "<PATTERN>"+pattern, pattern);

     * Parse an XPath pattern:
     *  @param parent - XSL element where the pattern occured
     *  @param attr   - name of this element's attribute to get pattern from
     *  @param def    - default pattern (if the attribute was not found)
    public Pattern parsePattern(SyntaxTreeNode parent,
                                String attr, String def) {
        // Get the textual representation of the pattern (if any)
        String pattern = parent.getAttribute(attr);
        // Use the default pattern if none was found
        if ((pattern.length() == 0) && (def != null)) pattern = def;
        // Invoke the XPath parser
        return (Pattern)parseTopLevel(parent, "<PATTERN>"+pattern, pattern);

     * Parse an XPath expression or pattern using the generated XPathParser
     * The method will return a Dummy node if the XPath parser fails.
    private SyntaxTreeNode parseTopLevel(SyntaxTreeNode parent, String text,
                                         String expression) {
        int line = getLineNumber();

        try {
            _xpathParser.setScanner(new XPathLexer(new StringReader(text)));
            Symbol result = _xpathParser.parse(expression, line);
            if (result != null) {
                final SyntaxTreeNode node = (SyntaxTreeNode)result.value;
                if (node != null) {
// System.out.println("e = " + text + " " + node);
                    return node;
            reportError(ERROR, new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.XPATH_PARSER_ERR,
                                            expression, parent));
        catch (Exception e) {
            if (_xsltc.debug()) e.printStackTrace();
            reportError(ERROR, new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.XPATH_PARSER_ERR,
                                            expression, parent));

        // Return a dummy pattern (which is an expression)
        return SyntaxTreeNode.Dummy;

    /************************ ERROR HANDLING SECTION ************************/

     * Returns true if there were any errors during compilation
    public boolean errorsFound() {
        return _errors.size() > 0;

     * Prints all compile-time errors
    public void printErrors() {
        final int size = _errors.size();
        if (size > 0) {
            System.err.println(new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.COMPILER_ERROR_KEY));
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                System.err.println("  " + _errors.elementAt(i));

     * Prints all compile-time warnings
    public void printWarnings() {
        final int size = _warnings.size();
        if (size > 0) {
            System.err.println(new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.COMPILER_WARNING_KEY));
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                System.err.println("  " + _warnings.elementAt(i));

     * Common error/warning message handler
    public void reportError(final int category, final ErrorMsg error) {
        switch (category) {
        case Constants.INTERNAL:
            // Unexpected internal errors, such as null-ptr exceptions, etc.
            // Immediately terminates compilation, no translet produced
        case Constants.UNSUPPORTED:
            // XSLT elements that are not implemented and unsupported ext.
            // Immediately terminates compilation, no translet produced
        case Constants.FATAL:
            // Fatal error in the stylesheet input (parsing or content)
            // Immediately terminates compilation, no translet produced
        case Constants.ERROR:
            // Other error in the stylesheet input (parsing or content)
            // Does not terminate compilation, no translet produced
        case Constants.WARNING:
            // Other error in the stylesheet input (content errors only)
            // Does not terminate compilation, a translet is produced

    public Vector getErrors() {
        return _errors;

    public Vector getWarnings() {
        return _warnings;

    /************************ SAX2 ContentHandler INTERFACE *****************/

    private Stack _parentStack = null;
    private Hashtable _prefixMapping = null;

     * SAX2: Receive notification of the beginning of a document.
    public void startDocument() {
        _root = null;
        _target = null;
        _prefixMapping = null;
        _parentStack = new Stack();

     * SAX2: Receive notification of the end of a document.
    public void endDocument() { }

     * SAX2: Begin the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.
     *       This has to be passed on to the symbol table!
    public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) {
        if (_prefixMapping == null) {
            _prefixMapping = new Hashtable();
        _prefixMapping.put(prefix, uri);

     * SAX2: End the scope of a prefix-URI Namespace mapping.
     *       This has to be passed on to the symbol table!
    public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) { }

     * SAX2: Receive notification of the beginning of an element.
     *       The parser may re-use the attribute list that we're passed so
     *       we clone the attributes in our own Attributes implementation
    public void startElement(String uri, String localname,
                             String qname, Attributes attributes)
        throws SAXException {
        final int col = qname.lastIndexOf(':');
        final String prefix = (col == -1) ? null : qname.substring(0, col);

        SyntaxTreeNode element = makeInstance(uri, prefix,
                                        localname, attributes);
        if (element == null) {
            ErrorMsg err = new ErrorMsg(ErrorMsg.ELEMENT_PARSE_ERR,
            throw new SAXException(err.toString());

        // If this is the root element of the XML document we need to make sure
        // that it contains a definition of the XSL namespace URI
        if (_root == null) {
            if ((_prefixMapping == null) ||
                (_prefixMapping.containsValue(Constants.XSLT_URI) == false))
                _rootNamespaceDef = false;
                _rootNamespaceDef = true;
            _root = element;
        else {
            SyntaxTreeNode parent = (SyntaxTreeNode)_parentStack.peek();
        element.setAttributes(new AttributesImpl(attributes));

        if (element instanceof Stylesheet) {
            // Extension elements and excluded elements have to be
            // handled at this point in order to correctly generate
            // Fallback elements from <xsl:fallback>s.

        _prefixMapping = null;

     * SAX2: Receive notification of the end of an element.
    public void endElement(String uri, String localname, String qname) {

     * SAX2: Receive notification of character data.
    public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
        String string = new String(ch, start, length);
        SyntaxTreeNode parent = (SyntaxTreeNode)_parentStack.peek();

        if (string.length() == 0) return;

        // If this text occurs within an <xsl:text> element we append it
        // as-is to the existing text element
        if (parent instanceof Text) {

        // Ignore text nodes that occur directly under <xsl:stylesheet>
        if (parent instanceof Stylesheet) return;

        SyntaxTreeNode bro = parent.lastChild();
        if ((bro != null) && (bro instanceof Text)) {
            Text text = (Text)bro;
            if (!text.isTextElement()) {
                if ((length > 1) || ( ((int)ch[0]) < 0x100)) {

        // Add it as a regular text node otherwise
        parent.addElement(new Text(string));

    private String getTokenValue(String token) {
        final int start = token.indexOf('"');
        final int stop = token.lastIndexOf('"');
        return token.substring(start+1, stop);

     * SAX2: Receive notification of a processing instruction.
     *       These require special handling for stylesheet PIs.
    public void processingInstruction(String name, String value) {
        // We only handle the <?xml-stylesheet ...?> PI
        if ((_target == null) && (name.equals("xml-stylesheet"))) {

            String href = null;    // URI of stylesheet found
            String media = null;   // Media of stylesheet found
            String title = null;   // Title of stylesheet found
            String charset = null; // Charset of stylesheet found

            // Get the attributes from the processing instruction
            StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(value);
            while (tokens.hasMoreElements()) {
                String token = (String)tokens.nextElement();
                if (token.startsWith("href"))
                    href = getTokenValue(token);
                else if (token.startsWith("media"))
                    media = getTokenValue(token);
                else if (token.startsWith("title"))
                    title = getTokenValue(token);
                else if (token.startsWith("charset"))
                    charset = getTokenValue(token);

            // Set the target to this PI's href if the parameters are
            // null or match the corresponding attributes of this PI.
            if ( ((_PImedia == null) || (_PImedia.equals(media))) &&
                 ((_PItitle == null) || (_PImedia.equals(title))) &&
                 ((_PIcharset == null) || (_PImedia.equals(charset))) ) {
                _target = href;

     * IGNORED - all ignorable whitespace is ignored
    public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int length) { }

     * IGNORED - we do not have to do anything with skipped entities
    public void skippedEntity(String name) { }

     * Store the document locator to later retrieve line numbers of all
     * elements from the stylesheet
    public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
        _locator = locator;

     * Get the line number, or zero
     * if there is no _locator.
    private int getLineNumber() {
        int line = 0;
        if (_locator != null)
                line = _locator.getLineNumber();
        return line;


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