
Source Code of

* Copyright (c) 1997, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties ;

import org.omg.CORBA.ORB ;
import ;
import ;
import ;

* @author      Ken Cavanaugh
* @since       JDK1.2
public class ServerMain
    /* TODO:
    * 1.  Rewrite all uses of ORB properties to use constants from someplace.
    *     The strings are scattered between here, the ORB classes, and
    *     ServerTableEntry.
    * 2.  Consider a more general log facility.
    * 3.  Remove ServerCallback from POAORB.
    * 4.  Needs to be merged with Harold's changes to support SSL.
    * 5.  Logs need to be internationalized.

    public final static int OK = 0;
    public final static int MAIN_CLASS_NOT_FOUND = 1;
    public final static int NO_MAIN_METHOD = 2;
    public final static int APPLICATION_ERROR = 3;
    public final static int UNKNOWN_ERROR = 4;
    public final static int NO_SERVER_ID = 5 ;
    public final static int REGISTRATION_FAILED = 6;

    public static String printResult( int result )
        switch (result) {
            case OK :                   return "Server terminated normally" ;
            case MAIN_CLASS_NOT_FOUND : return "main class not found" ;
            case NO_MAIN_METHOD :       return "no main method" ;
            case APPLICATION_ERROR :    return "application error" ;
            case NO_SERVER_ID :         return "server ID not defined" ;
            case REGISTRATION_FAILED:   return "server registration failed" ;
            default :                   return "unknown error" ;

    private void redirectIOStreams()
        // redirect out and err streams
        try {
            String logDirName =
                System.getProperty( ORBConstants.DB_DIR_PROPERTY ) +
                System.getProperty("file.separator") +
                ORBConstants.SERVER_LOG_DIR +

            File logDir = new File(logDirName);
            String server = System.getProperty(
                ORBConstants.SERVER_ID_PROPERTY ) ;

            FileOutputStream foutStream =
                new FileOutputStream(logDirName + server+".out", true);
            FileOutputStream ferrStream =
                new FileOutputStream(logDirName + server+".err", true);

            PrintStream pSout = new PrintStream(foutStream, true);
            PrintStream pSerr = new PrintStream(ferrStream, true);


            logInformation( "Server started" ) ;

        } catch (Exception ex) {}

    /** Write a time-stamped message to the indicated PrintStream.
    private static void writeLogMessage( PrintStream pstream, String msg )
        Date date = new Date();
        pstream.print( "[" + date.toString() + "] " + msg + "\n");

    /** Write information to standard out only.
    public static void logInformation( String msg )
        writeLogMessage( System.out, "        " + msg ) ;

    /** Write error message to standard out and standard err.
    public static void logError( String msg )
        writeLogMessage( System.out, "ERROR:  " + msg ) ;
        writeLogMessage( System.err, "ERROR:  " + msg ) ;

    /** Write final message to log(s) and then terminate by calling
    * System.exit( code ).  If code == OK, write a normal termination
    * message to standard out, otherwise write an abnormal termination
    * message to standard out and standard error.
    public static void logTerminal( String msg, int code )
        if (code == 0) {
            writeLogMessage( System.out, "        " + msg ) ;
        } else {
            writeLogMessage( System.out, "FATAL:  " +
                printResult( code ) + ": " + msg ) ;

            writeLogMessage( System.err, "FATAL:  " +
                printResult( code ) + ": " + msg ) ;

        System.exit( code ) ;

    private Method getMainMethod( Class serverClass )
        Class argTypes[] = new Class[] { String[].class } ;
        Method method = null ;

        try {
            method = serverClass.getDeclaredMethod( "main", argTypes ) ;
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            logTerminal( exc.getMessage(), NO_MAIN_METHOD ) ;

        if (!isPublicStaticVoid( method ))
            logTerminal( "", NO_MAIN_METHOD ) ;

        return method ;

    private boolean isPublicStaticVoid( Method method )
        // check modifiers: public static
        int modifiers =  method.getModifiers ();
        if (!Modifier.isPublic (modifiers) || !Modifier.isStatic (modifiers)) {
            logError( method.getName() + " is not public static" ) ;
            return false ;

        // check return type and exceptions
        if (method.getExceptionTypes ().length != 0) {
            logError( method.getName() + " declares exceptions" ) ;
            return false ;

        if (!method.getReturnType().equals (Void.TYPE)) {
            logError( method.getName() + " does not have a void return type" ) ;
            return false ;

        return true ;

    private Method getNamedMethod( Class serverClass, String methodName )
        Class argTypes[] = new Class[] { org.omg.CORBA.ORB.class } ;
        Method method = null ;

        try {
            method = serverClass.getDeclaredMethod( methodName, argTypes ) ;
        } catch (Exception exc) {
            return null ;

        if (!isPublicStaticVoid( method ))
            return null ;

        return method ;

    private void run(String[] args)
        try {
            redirectIOStreams() ;

            String serverClassName = System.getProperty(
                ORBConstants.SERVER_NAME_PROPERTY ) ;

            // determine the class loader to be used for loading the class
            // since ServerMain is going to be in JDK and we need to have this
            // class to load application classes, this is required here.
            ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

            if (cl == null)
                cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();

            // determine the main class
            Class serverClass = null;

            try {
                // determine the main class, try loading with current class loader
                serverClass = Class.forName( serverClassName ) ;
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                // eat the exception and try to load using SystemClassLoader
                serverClass = Class.forName( serverClassName, true, cl);

            if (debug)
                System.out.println("class " + serverClassName + " found");

            // get the main method
            Method mainMethod = getMainMethod( serverClass ) ;

            // This piece of code is required, to verify the server definition
            // without launching it.

            // verify the server

            boolean serverVerifyFlag = Boolean.getBoolean(
                ORBConstants.SERVER_DEF_VERIFY_PROPERTY) ;
            if (serverVerifyFlag) {
                if (mainMethod == null)
                    logTerminal("", NO_MAIN_METHOD);
                else {
                    if (debug)
                        System.out.println("Valid Server");
                    logTerminal("", OK);

            registerCallback( serverClass ) ;

            // build args to the main and call it
            Object params [] = new Object [1];
            params[0] = args;
            mainMethod.invoke(null, params);

        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            logTerminal("ClassNotFound exception: " + e.getMessage(),
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logTerminal("Exception: " + e.getMessage(),

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ServerMain server = new ServerMain();;

    private static final boolean debug = false;

    private int getServerId()
        Integer serverId = Integer.getInteger( ORBConstants.SERVER_ID_PROPERTY ) ;

        if (serverId == null)
            logTerminal( "", NO_SERVER_ID ) ;

        return serverId.intValue() ;

    private void registerCallback( Class serverClass )
        Method installMethod = getNamedMethod( serverClass, "install" ) ;
        Method uninstallMethod = getNamedMethod( serverClass, "uninstall" ) ;
        Method shutdownMethod = getNamedMethod( serverClass, "shutdown" ) ;

        Properties props = new Properties() ;
        props.put( "org.omg.CORBA.ORBClass",
            "" ) ;
        // NOTE: Very important to pass this property, otherwise the
        // Persistent Server registration will be unsucessfull.
        props.put( ORBConstants.ACTIVATED_PROPERTY, "false" );
        String args[] = null ;
        ORB orb = ORB.init( args, props ) ;

        ServerCallback serverObj = new ServerCallback( orb,
            installMethod, uninstallMethod, shutdownMethod ) ;

        int serverId = getServerId() ;

        try {
            Activator activator = ActivatorHelper.narrow(
                orb.resolve_initial_references( ORBConstants.SERVER_ACTIVATOR_NAME ));
  , serverObj);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logTerminal( "exception " + ex.getMessage(),
                REGISTRATION_FAILED ) ;

class ServerCallback extends
    private ORB orb;
    private transient Method installMethod ;
    private transient Method uninstallMethod ;
    private transient Method shutdownMethod ;
    private Object methodArgs[] ;

    ServerCallback(ORB orb, Method installMethod, Method uninstallMethod,
        Method shutdownMethod )
        this.orb = orb;
        this.installMethod = installMethod ;
        this.uninstallMethod = uninstallMethod ;
        this.shutdownMethod = shutdownMethod ;

        orb.connect( this ) ;

        methodArgs = new Object[] { orb } ;

    private void invokeMethod( Method method )
        if (method != null)
            try {
                method.invoke( null, methodArgs ) ;
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                ServerMain.logError( "could not invoke " + method.getName() +
                    " method: " + exc.getMessage() ) ;

    // shutdown the ORB and wait for completion
    public void shutdown()
        ServerMain.logInformation( "Shutdown starting" ) ;

        invokeMethod( shutdownMethod ) ;


        ServerMain.logTerminal( "Shutdown completed", ServerMain.OK ) ;

    public void install()
        ServerMain.logInformation( "Install starting" ) ;

        invokeMethod( installMethod ) ;

        ServerMain.logInformation( "Install completed" ) ;

    public void uninstall()
        ServerMain.logInformation( "uninstall starting" ) ;

        invokeMethod( uninstallMethod ) ;

        ServerMain.logInformation( "uninstall completed" ) ;

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