Package java.util.prefs

Source Code of java.util.prefs.NodeChangeEvent

* @(#)  1.7 05/11/17
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package java.util.prefs;


* An event emitted by a <tt>Preferences</tt> node to indicate that
* a child of that node has been added or removed.<p>
* Note, that although NodeChangeEvent inherits Serializable interface from
* java.util.EventObject, it is not intended to be Serializable. Appropriate
* serialization methods are implemented to throw NotSerializableException.
* @author  Josh Bloch
* @version $I$, $G$
* @see     Preferences
* @see     NodeChangeListener
* @see     PreferenceChangeEvent
* @since   1.4
* @serial  exclude

public class NodeChangeEvent extends java.util.EventObject {
     * The node that was added or removed.
     * @serial
    private Preferences child;

     * Constructs a new <code>NodeChangeEvent</code> instance.
     * @param parent  The parent of the node that was added or removed.
     * @param child   The node that was added or removed.
    public NodeChangeEvent(Preferences parent, Preferences child) {
  this.child = child;

     * Returns the parent of the node that was added or removed.
     * @return  The parent Preferences node whose child was added or removed
    public Preferences getParent() {
        return (Preferences) getSource();
     * Returns the node that was added or removed.
     * @return  The node that was added or removed.
    public Preferences getChild() {
        return child;
     * Throws NotSerializableException, since NodeChangeEvent objects are not
     * intended to be serializable.
     private void writeObject( out)
                                               throws NotSerializableException {
         throw new NotSerializableException("Not serializable.");

     * Throws NotSerializableException, since NodeChangeEvent objects are not
     * intended to be serializable.
     private void readObject( in)
                                               throws NotSerializableException {
         throw new NotSerializableException("Not serializable.");

    // Defined so that this class isn't flagged as a potential problem when
    // searches for missing serialVersionUID fields are done.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8068949086596572957L;

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