Package java.beans.beancontext

Source Code of java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport$BCSChild

* @(#)  1.46 03/01/13
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package java.beans.beancontext;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Container;

import java.beans.Beans;
import java.beans.AppletInitializer;

import java.beans.DesignMode;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;

import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;

import java.beans.Visibility;



import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

* This helper class provides a utility implementation of the
* java.beans.beancontext.BeanContext interface.
* </p>
* <p>
* Since this class directly implements the BeanContext interface, the class
* can, and is intended to be used either by subclassing this implementation,
* or via ad-hoc delegation of an instance of this class from another.
* </p>
* @author Laurence P. G. Cable
* @version 1.46, 01/13/03
* @since 1.2
public class      BeanContextSupport extends BeanContextChildSupport
       implements BeanContext,
      VetoableChangeListener {

    // Fix for bug 4282900 to pass JCK regression test
    static final long serialVersionUID = -4879613978649577204L;

     * Construct a BeanContextSupport instance
     * @param peer  The peer <tt>BeanContext</tt> we are
     *                  supplying an implementation for,
     *                  or <tt>null</tt>
     *                  if this object is its own peer
     * @param lcle  The current Locale for this BeanContext. If
     *                  <tt>lcle</tt> is <tt>null</tt>, the default locale
     *                  is assigned to the <tt>BeanContext</tt> instance.
     * @param dTime  The initial state,
     *                  <tt>true</tt> if in design mode,
     *                  <tt>false</tt> if runtime.
     * @param visible  The initial visibility.
     * @see java.util.Locale#getDefault()     
     * @see java.util.Locale#setDefault(java.util.Locale) 
    public BeanContextSupport(BeanContext peer, Locale lcle, boolean dTime, boolean visible) {

  locale          = lcle != null ? lcle : Locale.getDefault();
  designTime      = dTime;
  okToUseGui      = visible;


     * Create an instance using the specified Locale and design mode.
     * @param peer  The peer <tt>BeanContext</tt> we
     *                  are supplying an implementation for,
     *                  or <tt>null</tt> if this object is its own peer
     * @param lcle  The current Locale for this <tt>BeanContext</tt>. If
     *                  <tt>lcle</tt> is <tt>null</tt>, the default locale
     *                  is assigned to the <tt>BeanContext</tt> instance.
     * @param dtime  The initial state, <tt>true</tt>
     *                  if in design mode,
     *                  <tt>false</tt> if runtime.
     * @see java.util.Locale#getDefault()     
     * @see java.util.Locale#setDefault(java.util.Locale) 
    public BeanContextSupport(BeanContext peer, Locale lcle, boolean dtime) {
  this (peer, lcle, dtime, true);

     * Create an instance using the specified locale
     * @param peer  The peer BeanContext we are
     *                  supplying an implementation for,
     *                  or <tt>null</tt> if this object
     *                  is its own peer
     * @param lcle  The current Locale for this
     *                  <tt>BeanContext</tt>. If
     *                  <tt>lcle</tt> is <tt>null</tt>,
     *                  the default locale
     *                  is assigned to the <tt>BeanContext</tt>
     *                  instance.
     * @see java.util.Locale#getDefault()     
     * @see java.util.Locale#setDefault(java.util.Locale)  
    public BeanContextSupport(BeanContext peer, Locale lcle) {
  this (peer, lcle, false, true);

     * Create an instance using with a default locale
     * @param peer  The peer <tt>BeanContext</tt> we are
     *                  supplying an implementation for,
     *                  or <tt>null</tt> if this object
     *                  is its own peer
    public BeanContextSupport(BeanContext peer) {
  this (peer, null, false, true);

     * Create an instance that is not a delegate of another object

    public BeanContextSupport() {
  this (null, null, false, true);

     * Gets the instance of <tt>BeanContext</tt> that
     * this object is providing the implementation for.
     * @return the BeanContext instance
    public BeanContext getBeanContextPeer() { return (BeanContext)getBeanContextChildPeer(); }

     * <p>
     * The instantiateChild method is a convenience hook
     * in BeanContext to simplify
     * the task of instantiating a Bean, nested,
     * into a <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The semantics of the beanName parameter are defined by java.beans.Beans.instantate.
     * </p>
     * @param beanName the name of the Bean to instantiate within this BeanContext
     * @throws IOException if there is an I/O error when the bean is being deserialized
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException if the class
     * identified by the beanName parameter is not found
     * @return the new object
    public Object instantiateChild(String beanName)
     throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
  BeanContext bc = getBeanContextPeer();

  return Beans.instantiate(bc.getClass().getClassLoader(), beanName, bc);

     * Gets the number of children currently nested in
     * this BeanContext.
     * @return number of children
    public int size() {
  synchronized(children) {
      return children.size();

     * Reports whether or not this
     * <tt>BeanContext</tt> is empty.
     * A <tt>BeanContext</tt> is considered
     * empty when it contains zero
     * nested children.
     * @return if there are not children
    public boolean isEmpty() {
  synchronized(children) {
      return children.isEmpty();

     * Determines whether or not the specified object
     * is currently a child of this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * @param o the Object in question
     * @return if this object is a child
    public boolean contains(Object o) {
  synchronized(children) {
      return children.containsKey(o);

     * Determines whether or not the specified object
     * is currently a child of this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * @param o the Object in question
     * @return if this object is a child
    public boolean containsKey(Object o) {
  synchronized(children) {
      return children.containsKey(o);

     * Gets all JavaBean or <tt>BeanContext</tt> instances
     * currently nested in this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * @return an <tt>Iterator</tt> of the nested children
    public Iterator iterator() {
  synchronized(children) {
      return new BCSIterator(children.keySet().iterator());

     * Gets all JavaBean or <tt>BeanContext</tt>
     * instances currently nested in this BeanContext.
    public Object[] toArray() {
  synchronized(children) {
      return children.keySet().toArray();

     * Gets an array containing all children of
     * this <tt>BeanContext</tt> that match
     * the types contained in arry.
     * @param arry The array of object
     * types that are of interest.
     * @return an array of children
    public Object[] toArray(Object[] arry) {
  synchronized(children) {
      return children.keySet().toArray(arry);


     * protected final subclass that encapsulates an iterator but implements
     * a noop remove() method.

    protected static final class BCSIterator implements Iterator {
  BCSIterator(Iterator i) { super(); src = i; }

  public boolean hasNext() { return src.hasNext(); }
  public Object  next()    { return;    }
  public void    remove()  { /* do nothing */      }

  private Iterator src;


     * protected nested class containing per child information, an instance
     * of which is associated with each child in the "children" hashtable.
     * subclasses can extend this class to include their own per-child state.
     * Note that this 'value' is serialized with the corresponding child 'key'
     * when the BeanContextSupport is serialized.

    protected class BCSChild implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -5815286101609939109L;

  BCSChild(Object bcc, Object peer) {

      child     = bcc;
      proxyPeer = peer;

  Object  getChild()              { return child; }

  void    setRemovePending(boolean v) { removePending = v; }

  boolean isRemovePending()           { return removePending; }

        boolean isProxyPeer()        { return proxyPeer != null; }

  Object  getProxyPeer()        { return proxyPeer; }
   * fields

  private      Object   child;
  private           Object   proxyPeer;

  private transient boolean  removePending;

     * <p>
     * Subclasses can override this method to insert their own subclass
     * of Child without having to override add() or the other Collection
     * methods that add children to the set.
     * </p>
     * @param targetChild the child to create the Child on behalf of
     * @param peer        the peer if the tragetChild and the peer are related by an implementation of BeanContextProxy

    protected BCSChild createBCSChild(Object targetChild, Object peer) {
  return new BCSChild(targetChild, peer);


     * Adds/nests a child within this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * <p>
     * Invoked as a side effect of java.beans.Beans.instantiate().
     * If the child object is not valid for adding then this method
     * throws an IllegalStateException.
     * </p>
     * @param targetChild The child objects to nest
     * within this <tt>BeanContext</tt>
     * @return true if the child was added successfully.
     * @see #validatePendingAdd
    public boolean add(Object targetChild) {

  if (targetChild == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

  // The specification requires that we do nothing if the child
  // is already nested herein.

  if (children.containsKey(targetChild)) return false; // test before locking

  synchronized(BeanContext.globalHierarchyLock) {
      if (children.containsKey(targetChild)) return false; // check again

      if (!validatePendingAdd(targetChild)) {
          throw new IllegalStateException();

      // The specification requires that we invoke setBeanContext() on the
      // newly added child if it implements the java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild interface

      BeanContextChild cbcc  = getChildBeanContextChild(targetChild);
      BeanContextChild  bccp = null;

      synchronized(targetChild) {

    if (targetChild instanceof BeanContextProxy) {
        bccp = ((BeanContextProxy)targetChild).getBeanContextProxy();

        if (bccp == null) throw new NullPointerException("BeanContextPeer.getBeanContextProxy()");

          BCSChild bcsc  = createBCSChild(targetChild, bccp);
    BCSChild pbcsc = null;

          synchronized (children) {
        children.put(targetChild, bcsc);

        if (bccp != null) children.put(bccp, pbcsc = createBCSChild(bccp, targetChild));

          if (cbcc != null) synchronized(cbcc) {
        try {
              } catch (PropertyVetoException pve) {

            synchronized (children) {

          if (bccp != null) children.remove(bccp);

                  throw new IllegalStateException();

              cbcc.addPropertyChangeListener("beanContext", childPCL);
              cbcc.addVetoableChangeListener("beanContext", childVCL);

          Visibility v = getChildVisibility(targetChild);

          if (v != null) {
              if (okToUseGui)

          if (getChildSerializable(targetChild) != null) serializable++;

          childJustAddedHook(targetChild, bcsc);

    if (bccp != null) {
              v = getChildVisibility(bccp);

              if (v != null) {
                  if (okToUseGui)

        if (getChildSerializable(bccp) != null) serializable++;

              childJustAddedHook(bccp, pbcsc);


      // The specification requires that we fire a notification of the change

      fireChildrenAdded(new BeanContextMembershipEvent(getBeanContextPeer(), bccp == null ? new Object[] { targetChild } : new Object[] { targetChild, bccp } ));


  return true;

     * Removes a child from this BeanContext.  If the child object is not
     * for adding then this method throws an IllegalStateException.
     * @param targetChild The child objects to remove
     * @see #validatePendingRemove
    public boolean remove(Object targetChild) {
  return remove(targetChild, true);

     * internal remove used when removal caused by
     * unexpected <tt>setBeanContext</tt> or
     * by <tt>remove()</tt> invocation.
     * @param targetChild the JavaBean, BeanContext, or Object to be removed
     * @param callChildSetBC used to indicate that
     * the child should be notified that it is no
     * longer nested in this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
    protected boolean remove(Object targetChild, boolean callChildSetBC) {

  if (targetChild == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException();

  synchronized(BeanContext.globalHierarchyLock) {
      if (!containsKey(targetChild)) return false;

      if (!validatePendingRemove(targetChild)) {
          throw new IllegalStateException();

            BCSChild bcsc  = (BCSChild)children.get(targetChild);
      BCSChild pbcsc = null;
      Object   peer  = null;

      // we are required to notify the child that it is no longer nested here if
      // it implements java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextChild

      synchronized(targetChild) {
          if (callChildSetBC) {
              BeanContextChild cbcc = getChildBeanContextChild(targetChild);
              if (cbcc != null) synchronized(cbcc) {
                  cbcc.removePropertyChangeListener("beanContext", childPCL);
                  cbcc.removeVetoableChangeListener("beanContext", childVCL);

      try {
                  } catch (PropertyVetoException pve1) {
                      cbcc.addPropertyChangeListener("beanContext", childPCL);
                      cbcc.addVetoableChangeListener("beanContext", childVCL);
                    throw new IllegalStateException();


          synchronized (children) {

        if (bcsc.isProxyPeer()) {
      pbcsc = (BCSChild)children.get(peer = bcsc.getProxyPeer());

          if (getChildSerializable(targetChild) != null) serializable--;

          childJustRemovedHook(targetChild, bcsc);

    if (peer != null) {
              if (getChildSerializable(peer) != null) serializable--;

              childJustRemovedHook(peer, pbcsc);

      fireChildrenRemoved(new BeanContextMembershipEvent(getBeanContextPeer(), peer == null ? new Object[] { targetChild } : new Object[] { targetChild, peer } ));


  return true;

     * Tests to see if all objects in the
     * specified <tt>Collection</tt> are children of
     * this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * @param c the specified <tt>Collection</tt>
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if all objects
     * in the collection are children of
     * this <tt>BeanContext</tt>, false if not.
    public boolean containsAll(Collection c) {
  synchronized(children) {
      Iterator i = c.iterator();
      while (i.hasNext())
        return false;

      return true;

     * add Collection to set of Children (Unsupported)
     * implementations must synchronized on the hierarchy lock and "children" protected field
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
    public boolean addAll(Collection c) {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * remove all specified children (Unsupported)
     * implementations must synchronized on the hierarchy lock and "children" protected field
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
    public boolean removeAll(Collection c) {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * retain only specified children (Unsupported)
     * implementations must synchronized on the hierarchy lock and "children" protected field
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
    public boolean retainAll(Collection c) {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * clear the children (Unsupported)
     * implementations must synchronized on the hierarchy lock and "children" protected field
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException
    public void clear() {
  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

     * Adds a BeanContextMembershipListener
     * @param  bcml the BeanContextMembershipListener to add
     * @throws NullPointerException

    public void addBeanContextMembershipListener(BeanContextMembershipListener bcml) {
  if (bcml == null) throw new NullPointerException("listener");

  synchronized(bcmListeners) {
      if (bcmListeners.contains(bcml))

     * Removes a BeanContextMembershipListener
     * @param  bcml the BeanContextMembershipListener to remove
     * @throws NullPointerException

    public void removeBeanContextMembershipListener(BeanContextMembershipListener bcml) {
  if (bcml == null) throw new NullPointerException("listener");

  synchronized(bcmListeners) {
      if (!bcmListeners.contains(bcml))

     * @param name the name of the resource requested.
     * @param bcc  the child object making the request.
     * @return  the requested resource as an InputStream
     * @throws  NullPointerException

    public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name, BeanContextChild bcc) {
  if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException("name");
  if (bcc  == null) throw new NullPointerException("bcc");

  if (containsKey(bcc)) {
      ClassLoader cl = bcc.getClass().getClassLoader();

      return cl != null ? cl.getResourceAsStream(name)
            : ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(name);
  } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid child");

     * @param name the name of the resource requested.
     * @param bcc  the child object making the request.
     * @return the requested resource as an InputStream

    public URL getResource(String name, BeanContextChild bcc) {
  if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException("name");
  if (bcc  == null) throw new NullPointerException("bcc");

  if (containsKey(bcc)) {
      ClassLoader cl = bcc.getClass().getClassLoader();

      return cl != null ? cl.getResource(name)
            : ClassLoader.getSystemResource(name);
  } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a valid child");

     * Sets the new design time value for this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * @param dTime the new designTime value
    public synchronized void setDesignTime(boolean dTime) {
  if (designTime != dTime) {
      designTime = dTime;

      firePropertyChange("designMode", Boolean.valueOf(!dTime), Boolean.valueOf(dTime));

     * Reports whether or not this object is in
     * currently in design time mode.
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if in design time mode,
     * <tt>false</tt> if not
    public synchronized boolean isDesignTime() { return designTime; }

     * Sets the locale of this BeanContext.
     * @param newLocale the new locale. This method call will have
     *        no effect if newLocale is <CODE>null</CODE>.
     * @throws PropertyVetoException if the new value is rejected
    public synchronized void setLocale(Locale newLocale) throws PropertyVetoException {

  if ((locale != null && !locale.equals(newLocale)) && newLocale != null) {
      Locale old = locale;

      fireVetoableChange("locale", old, newLocale); // throws

      locale = newLocale;

      firePropertyChange("locale", old, newLocale);

     * Gets the locale for this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * @return the current Locale of the <tt>BeanContext</tt>
    public synchronized Locale getLocale() { return locale; }

     * <p>
     * This method is typically called from the environment in order to determine
     * if the implementor "needs" a GUI.
     * </p>
     * <p>
     * The algorithm used herein tests the BeanContextPeer, and its current children
     * to determine if they are either Containers, Components, or if they implement
     * Visibility and return needsGui() == true.
     * </p>
     * @return <tt>true</tt> if the implementor needs a GUI
    public synchronized boolean needsGui() {
  BeanContext bc = getBeanContextPeer();

  if (bc != this) {
      if (bc instanceof Visibility) return ((Visibility)bc).needsGui();

      if (bc instanceof Container || bc instanceof Component)
    return true;

  synchronized(children) {
      for (Iterator i = children.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
          Object c =;

          try {
            return ((Visibility)c).needsGui();
        } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
            // do nothing ...

        if (c instanceof Container || c instanceof Component)
            return true;

  return false;

     * notify this instance that it may no longer render a GUI.

    public synchronized void dontUseGui() {
  if (okToUseGui) {
      okToUseGui = false;

      // lets also tell the Children that can that they may not use their GUI's
      synchronized(children) {
          for (Iterator i = children.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        Visibility v = getChildVisibility(;

        if (v != null) v.dontUseGui();

     * Notify this instance that it may now render a GUI

    public synchronized void okToUseGui() {
  if (!okToUseGui) {
      okToUseGui = true;

      // lets also tell the Children that can that they may use their GUI's
      synchronized(children) {
          for (Iterator i = children.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
        Visibility v = getChildVisibility(;

        if (v != null) v.okToUseGui();

     * Used to determine if the <tt>BeanContext</tt>
     * child is avoiding using its GUI.
     * @return is this instance avoiding using its GUI?
     * @see Visibility
    public boolean avoidingGui() {
  return !okToUseGui && needsGui();

     * Is this <tt>BeanContext</tt> in the
     * process of being serialized?
     * @return if this <tt>BeanContext</tt> is
     * currently being serialized
    public boolean isSerializing() { return serializing; }

     * Returns an iterator of all children
     * of this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * @return an iterator for all the current BCSChild values
    protected Iterator bcsChildren() { synchronized(children) { return children.values().iterator()} }

     * called by writeObject after defaultWriteObject() but prior to
     * serialization of currently serializable children.
     * This method may be overridden by subclasses to perform custom
     * serialization of their state prior to this superclass serializing
     * the children.
     * This method should not however be used by subclasses to replace their
     * own implementation (if any) of writeObject().

    protected void bcsPreSerializationHook(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {

     * called by readObject after defaultReadObject() but prior to
     * deserialization of any children.
     * This method may be overridden by subclasses to perform custom
     * deserialization of their state prior to this superclass deserializing
     * the children.
     * This method should not however be used by subclasses to replace their
     * own implementation (if any) of readObject().

    protected void bcsPreDeserializationHook(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

     * Called by readObject with the newly deserialized child and BCSChild.
     * @param child the newly deserialized child
     * @param bcsc the newly deserialized BCSChild
    protected void childDeserializedHook(Object child, BCSChild bcsc) {
  synchronized(children) {
      children.put(child, bcsc);

     * Used by writeObject to serialize a Collection.
     * @param oos the <tt>ObjectOutputStream</tt>
     * to use during serialization
     * @param coll the <tt>Collection</tt> to serialize
     * @throws IOException if serialization failed
    protected final void serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos, Collection coll) throws IOException {
     int      count   = 0;
  Object[] objects = coll.toArray();
  for (int i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
      if (objects[i] instanceof Serializable)
    objects[i] = null;

        oos.writeInt(count); // number of subsequent objects

  for (int i = 0; count > 0; i++) {
      Object o = objects[i];

      if (o != null) {

     * used by readObject to deserialize a collection.
     * @param ois the ObjectInputStream to use
     * @param coll the Collection
    protected final void deserialize(ObjectInputStream ois, Collection coll) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
  int count = 0;

  count = ois.readInt();

  while (count-- > 0) {

     * Used to serialize all children of
     * this <tt>BeanContext</tt>.
     * @param oos the <tt>ObjectOutputStream</tt>
     * to use during serialization
     * @throws IOException if serialization failed
    public final void writeChildren(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException {
  if (serializable <= 0) return;

  boolean prev = serializing;

  serializing = true;

  int count = 0;

  synchronized(children) {
      Iterator i = children.entrySet().iterator();

      while (i.hasNext() && count < serializable) {
          Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);

          if (entry.getKey() instanceof Serializable) {
              try {
            oos.writeObject(entry.getKey());   // child
            oos.writeObject(entry.getValue()); // BCSChild
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            serializing = prev;
            throw ioe;
        serializing = prev;

  if (count != serializable) {
      throw new IOException("wrote different number of children than expected");


     * Serialize the BeanContextSupport, if this instance has a distinct
     * peer (that is this object is acting as a delegate for another) then
     * the children of this instance are not serialized here due to a
     * 'chicken and egg' problem that occurs on deserialization of the
     * children at the same time as this instance.
     * Therefore in situations where there is a distinct peer to this instance
     * it should always call writeObject() followed by writeChildren() and
     * readObject() followed by readChildren().
     * @param oos the ObjectOutputStream

    private synchronized void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream oos) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
  serializing = true;

  synchronized (BeanContext.globalHierarchyLock) {
      try {
          oos.defaultWriteObject(); // serialize the BeanContextSupport object


          if (serializable > 0 && this.equals(getBeanContextPeer()))

          serialize(oos, (Collection)bcmListeners);
      } finally {
          serializing = false;

     * When an instance of this class is used as a delegate for the
     * implementation of the BeanContext protocols (and its subprotocols)
     * there exists a 'chicken and egg' problem during deserialization

    public final void readChildren(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
  int count = serializable;

  while (count-- > 0) {
      Object                      child = null;
      BeanContextSupport.BCSChild bscc  = null;
      try {
          child = ois.readObject();
          bscc  = (BeanContextSupport.BCSChild)ois.readObject();
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {

      synchronized(child) {
    BeanContextChild bcc = null;

    try {
        bcc = (BeanContextChild)child;
    } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
        // do nothing;

    if (bcc != null) {
        try {

                 bcc.addPropertyChangeListener("beanContext", childPCL);
                 bcc.addVetoableChangeListener("beanContext", childVCL);
        } catch (PropertyVetoException pve) {

    childDeserializedHook(child, bscc);

     * deserialize contents ... if this instance has a distinct peer the
     * children are *not* serialized here, the peer's readObject() must call
     * readChildren() after deserializing this instance.

    private synchronized void readObject(ObjectInputStream ois) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

  synchronized(BeanContext.globalHierarchyLock) {



      if (serializable > 0 && this.equals(getBeanContextPeer()))

      deserialize(ois, bcmListeners = new ArrayList(1));

     * subclasses may envelope to monitor veto child property changes.

    public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) throws PropertyVetoException {
  String propertyName = pce.getPropertyName();
  Object source      = pce.getSource();

  synchronized(children) {
      if ("beanContext".equals(propertyName) &&
          containsKey(source)                 &&
      ) {
          if (!validatePendingRemove(source)) {
        throw new PropertyVetoException("current BeanContext vetoes setBeanContext()", pce);
          } else ((BCSChild)children.get(source)).setRemovePending(true);

     * subclasses may envelope to monitor child property changes.

    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) {
  String propertyName = pce.getPropertyName();
  Object source      = pce.getSource();

  synchronized(children) {
      if ("beanContext".equals(propertyName) &&
          containsKey(source)           &&
          ((BCSChild)children.get(source)).isRemovePending()) {
          BeanContext bc = getBeanContextPeer();

          if (bc.equals(pce.getOldValue()) && !bc.equals(pce.getNewValue())) {
              remove(source, false);
          } else {

     * <p>
     * Subclasses of this class may override, or envelope, this method to
     * add validation behavior for the BeanContext to examine child objects
     * immediately prior to their being added to the BeanContext.
     * </p>
     * @return true iff the child may be added to this BeanContext, otherwise false.

    protected boolean validatePendingAdd(Object targetChild) {
  return true;

     * <p>
     * Subclasses of this class may override, or envelope, this method to
     * add validation behavior for the BeanContext to examine child objects
     * immediately prior to their being removed from the BeanContext.
     * </p>
     * @return true iff the child may be removed from this BeanContext, otherwise false.

    protected boolean validatePendingRemove(Object targetChild) {
  return true;

     * subclasses may override this method to simply extend add() semantics
     * after the child has been added and before the event notification has
     * occurred. The method is called with the child synchronized.

    protected void childJustAddedHook(Object child, BCSChild bcsc) {

     * subclasses may override this method to simply extend remove() semantics
     * after the child has been removed and before the event notification has
     * occurred. The method is called with the child synchronized.

    protected void childJustRemovedHook(Object child, BCSChild bcsc) {

     * Gets the Component (if any) associated with the specified child.
     * @param child the specified child
     * @return the Component (if any) associated with the specified child.
    protected static final Visibility getChildVisibility(Object child) {
  try {
      return (Visibility)child;
  } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
      return null;
     * Gets the Serializable (if any) associated with the specified Child
     * @param child the specified child
     * @return the Serializable (if any) associated with the specified Child
    protected static final Serializable getChildSerializable(Object child) {
        try {
      return (Serializable)child;
  } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
      return null;

     * Gets the PropertyChangeListener
     * (if any) of the specified child
     * @param child the specified child
     * @return the PropertyChangeListener (if any) of the specified child
    protected static final PropertyChangeListener getChildPropertyChangeListener(Object child) {
  try {
      return (PropertyChangeListener)child;
  } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
      return null;

     * Gets the VetoableChangeListener
     * (if any) of the specified child
     * @param child the specified child
     * @return the VetoableChangeListener (if any) of the specified child
    protected static final VetoableChangeListener getChildVetoableChangeListener(Object child) {
  try {
      return (VetoableChangeListener)child;
  } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
      return null;

     * Gets the BeanContextMembershipListener
     * (if any) of the specified child
     * @param child the specified child
     * @return the BeanContextMembershipListener (if any) of the specified child
    protected static final BeanContextMembershipListener getChildBeanContextMembershipListener(Object child) {
  try {
      return (BeanContextMembershipListener)child;
  } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
      return null;

     * Gets the BeanContextChild (if any) of the specified child
     * @param child the specified child
     * @return  the BeanContextChild (if any) of the specified child
     * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if child implements both BeanContextChild and BeanContextProxy
    protected static final BeanContextChild getChildBeanContextChild(Object child) {
        try {
      BeanContextChild bcc = (BeanContextChild)child;

      if (child instanceof BeanContextChild && child instanceof BeanContextProxy)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("child cannot implement both BeanContextChild and BeanContextProxy");
    return bcc;
  } catch (ClassCastException cce) {
      try {
    return ((BeanContextProxy)child).getBeanContextProxy();
      } catch (ClassCastException cce1) {
          return null;

     * Fire a BeanContextshipEvent on the BeanContextMembershipListener interface

    protected final void fireChildrenAdded(BeanContextMembershipEvent bcme) {
  Object[] copy;
  synchronized(bcmListeners) { copy = bcmListeners.toArray(); }

  for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++)

     * Fire a BeanContextshipEvent on the BeanContextMembershipListener interface

    protected final void fireChildrenRemoved(BeanContextMembershipEvent bcme) {
  Object[] copy;
  synchronized(bcmListeners) { copy = bcmListeners.toArray(); }

  for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++)

     * protected method called from constructor and readObject to initialize
     * transient state of BeanContextSupport instance.
     * This class uses this method to instantiate inner class listeners used
     * to monitor PropertyChange and VetoableChange events on children.
     * subclasses may envelope this method to add their own initialization
     * behavior

    protected synchronized void initialize() {
  children     = new HashMap(serializable + 1);
  bcmListeners = new ArrayList(1);

  childPCL = new PropertyChangeListener() {

       * this adaptor is used by the BeanContextSupport class to forward
       * property changes from a child to the BeanContext, avoiding
       * accidential serialization of the BeanContext by a badly
       * behaved Serializable child.

      public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) {

  childVCL = new VetoableChangeListener() {

       * this adaptor is used by the BeanContextSupport class to forward
       * vetoable changes from a child to the BeanContext, avoiding
       * accidential serialization of the BeanContext by a badly
       * behaved Serializable child.

      public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent pce) throws PropertyVetoException {

     * Gets a copy of the this BeanContext's children.
     * @return a copy of the current nested children
    protected final Object[] copyChildren() {
  synchronized(children) { return children.keySet().toArray(); }

     * Tests to see if two class objects,
     * or their names are equal.
     * @param first the first object
     * @param second the second object
     * @return true if equal, false if not
    protected static final boolean classEquals(Class first, Class second) {
  return first.equals(second) || first.getName().equals(second.getName());

     * fields

     * all accesses to the <code> protected HashMap children </code> field
     * shall be synchronized on that object.
    protected transient HashMap    children;

    private             int     serializable  = 0; // children serializable

     * all accesses to the <code> protected ArrayList bcmListeners </code> field
     * shall be synchronized on that object.
    protected transient ArrayList  bcmListeners;


     * The current locale of this BeanContext.
    protected     Locale    locale;

     * A <tt>boolean</tt> indicating if this
     * instance may now render a GUI.
    protected     boolean    okToUseGui;

     * A <tt>boolean</tt> indicating whether or not
     * this object is currently in design time mode.
    protected     boolean    designTime;

     * transient

    private transient PropertyChangeListener childPCL;

    private transient VetoableChangeListener childVCL;

    private transient boolean         serializing;

Related Classes of java.beans.beancontext.BeanContextSupport$BCSChild

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