* GTKNativeStyle.java
* @(#)GTKNativeStyle.java 1.7 07/03/15
* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
package com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.synth.*;
import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKConstants.WidgetType;
import com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKConstants.StateType;
import sun.awt.image.CachingSurfaceManager;
import sun.awt.image.SurfaceManager;
import sun.awt.UNIXToolkit;
* @version 1.7, 03/15/07
* @author Kirill Kirichenko
class GTKNativeStyle extends GTKStyle {
private native int native_get_xthickness(int widgetType);
private native int native_get_ythickness(int widgetType);
private native int native_get_color_for_state(int widgetType,
int state, int typeID);
private native Object native_get_class_value(int widgetType, String key);
private native String native_get_pango_font_name(int widgetType);
private native Dimension native_get_image_dimension(int widgetType, int state);
private native void native_get_image(int[] buffer, int width, int height,
int widgetType, int state);
* Type of the GTK widget that has this kind of style.
* I.e. it is responsible for the style.
private final int widgetType;
private final int xThickness, yThickness;
private final Font pangoFont;
* Background images for this style.
* They are uploaded by demand.
private Object[] images = new Object[5];
private static final Object EMPTY_IMAGE_TAG = "<none>";
GTKNativeStyle(Font font, WidgetType widgetType) {
this.widgetType = widgetType.ordinal();
String pangoFontName = null;
synchronized(sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
xThickness = native_get_xthickness(this.widgetType);
yThickness = native_get_ythickness(this.widgetType);
pangoFontName = native_get_pango_font_name(this.widgetType);
pangoFont = (pangoFontName != null) ?
PangoFonts.lookupFont(pangoFontName) : null;
Color getStyleSpecificColor(SynthContext context, int state, ColorType type) {
state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
synchronized(sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
int rgb = native_get_color_for_state(widgetType, state, type.getID());
return new ColorUIResource(rgb);
* Returns the font for the specified state.
* @param c JComponent the style is associated with
* @param id Region identifier
* @param state State of the region.
* @return Font to render with
protected Font getFontForState(JComponent c, Region id, int state) {
if (pangoFont != null) {
return pangoFont;
} else {
return super.getFontForState(c, id, state);
* Returns the X thickness to use for this GTKStyle.
* @return x thickness.
int getXThickness() {
return xThickness;
* Returns the Y thickness to use for this GTKStyle.
* @return x thickness.
int getYThickness() {
return yThickness;
* Returns the value for a class specific property. A class specific value
* is a value that will be picked up based on class hierarchy.
* @param context SynthContext indentifying requestor
* @param key Key identifying class specific value
* @return Value, or null if one has not been defined.
Object getClassSpecificValue(Region region, String key) {
synchronized(sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
return native_get_class_value(widgetType, key);
* Returns the value for a class specific property for a particular
* WidgetType. This method is useful in those cases where we need to
* fetch a value for a Region that is not associated with the component
* currently in use (e.g. we need to figure out the insets for a
* SCROLL_BAR, but certain values can only be extracted from a
* SCROLL_PANE region).
* @param wt WidgetType for which to fetch the value
* @param key Key identifying class specific value
* @return Value, or null if one has not been defined
Object getClassSpecificValue(WidgetType wt, String key) {
synchronized (UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
return native_get_class_value(wt.ordinal(), key);
* Returns true if the style should fill in the background of the
* specified context for the specified state.
boolean fillBackground(SynthContext context, int state) {
Object image = getBackgroundImage(state);
return image == EMPTY_IMAGE_TAG;
* Returns fontname specific for the given WidgetType
* @param wt WidgetType to return fontname for
* @return fontname
String getFontNameForWidgetType(WidgetType wt) {
synchronized (sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
return native_get_pango_font_name(wt.ordinal());
* Returns the Icon to fill the background in with for the specified
* context and state.
Image getBackgroundImage(SynthContext context, int state) {
Object image = getBackgroundImage(state);
return (image == EMPTY_IMAGE_TAG) ? null : (Image)image;
private Object getBackgroundImage(int state) {
state = GTKLookAndFeel.synthStateToGTKStateType(state).ordinal();
if (images[state] != null) {
return images[state];
Dimension size = null;
synchronized(sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
size = native_get_image_dimension(widgetType, state);
if (size != null) {
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(size.width, size.height,
// Getting the DataBuffer for an image (as it's done below) defeats
// possible future acceleration.
// Calling setLocalAccelerationEnabled on that image's surface
// manager re-enables it.
boolean accelerated = false;
CachingSurfaceManager csm = null;
SurfaceManager sm = SurfaceManager.getManager(image);
if (sm instanceof CachingSurfaceManager) {
csm = (CachingSurfaceManager)sm;
accelerated = csm.isLocalAccelerationEnabled();
DataBufferInt data = (DataBufferInt)image.getRaster().getDataBuffer();
synchronized(sun.awt.UNIXToolkit.GTK_LOCK) {
native_get_image(data.getData(), size.width, size.height,
widgetType, state);
if (csm != null && accelerated != csm.isLocalAccelerationEnabled()) {
return images[state] = image;
return images[state] = EMPTY_IMAGE_TAG;
Icon getStyleSpecificIcon(String key, TextDirection direction, int type) {
Image img = ((UNIXToolkit)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit()).
getStockIcon(widgetType, key, type, direction.ordinal(), null);
return (img != null) ? new ImageIcon(img) : null;