* Copyright 2004-2007 Brian McCallister
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.skife.jdbi.v2;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.exceptions.ResultSetException;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.exceptions.UnableToCreateStatementException;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.exceptions.UnableToExecuteStatementException;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.Argument;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.RewrittenStatement;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.StatementBuilder;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.StatementCustomizer;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.StatementLocator;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.StatementRewriter;
import org.skife.jdbi.v2.tweak.SQLLog;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.net.URL;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Clob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;
* This class provides the common functions between <code>Query</code> and
* <code>Update</code>. It defines most of the argument binding functions
* used by its subclasses.
public abstract class SQLStatement<SelfType extends SQLStatement<SelfType>>
private final Binding params;
private final Connection connection;
private final String sql;
private final StatementRewriter rewriter;
private final StatementBuilder statementBuilder;
private final StatementLocator locator;
private final Collection<StatementCustomizer> customizers = new ArrayList<StatementCustomizer>();
private final StatementContext context;
* This will be set on execution, not before
private RewrittenStatement rewritten;
private PreparedStatement stmt;
private final SQLLog log;
SQLStatement(Binding params,
StatementLocator locator,
StatementRewriter rewriter,
Connection conn,
StatementBuilder preparedStatementCache,
String sql,
StatementContext ctx,
SQLLog log)
this.log = log;
assert (verifyOurNastyDowncastIsOkay());
this.context = ctx;
this.statementBuilder = preparedStatementCache;
this.rewriter = rewriter;
this.connection = conn;
this.sql = sql;
this.params = params;
this.locator = locator;
* Define a value on the {@link StatementContext}
* @param key Key to acces this value from the StatementContext
* @param value Value to setAttribute on the StatementContext
* @return this
public SelfType define(String key, Object value)
getContext().setAttribute(key, value);
return (SelfType)this;
* Obtain the statement context associated with this statement
public StatementContext getContext() {
return context;
* Provides a means for custom statement modification. Common cusotmizations
* have their own methods, such as {@link Query#setMaxRows(int)}
* @param customizer instance to be used to cstomize a statement
* @return modified statement
public SelfType addStatementCustomizer(StatementCustomizer customizer)
return (SelfType) this;
private boolean verifyOurNastyDowncastIsOkay()
if (this.getClass().getTypeParameters().length == 0) {
return true;
else {
Class parameterized_type = this.getClass().getTypeParameters()[0].getGenericDeclaration();
return parameterized_type.isAssignableFrom(this.getClass());
protected StatementBuilder getStatementBuilder()
return statementBuilder;
protected StatementLocator getStatementLocator()
return this.locator;
protected StatementRewriter getRewriter()
return rewriter;
protected Binding getParams()
return params;
protected Connection getConnection()
return connection;
* The un-translated SQL used to create this statement
* @return
protected String getSql()
return sql;
protected Binding getParameters()
return params;
* Used if you need to have some exotic parameter bound.
* @param position position to bindBinaryStream this argument, starting at 0
* @param argument exotic argument factory
* @return the same Query instance
public SelfType bind(int position, Argument argument)
params.addPositional(position, argument);
return (SelfType) this;
* Used if you need to have some exotic parameter bound.
* @param name name to bindBinaryStream this argument
* @param argument exotic argument factory
* @return the same Query instance
public SelfType bind(String name, Argument argument)
params.addNamed(name, argument);
return (SelfType) this;
* Binds named parameters from JavaBean propertues on o
* @param o source of named parameter values to use as arguments
* @return modified statement
public SelfType bindFromProperties(Object o)
params.addLazyNamedArguments(new BeanPropertyArguments(o));
return (SelfType) this;
* Binds named parameters from a map of String to Object instances
* @param args map where keys are matched to named parameters in order to bind arguments
* @return modified statement
public SelfType bindFromMap(Map<String, ? extends Object> args)
params.addLazyNamedArguments(new MapArguments(args));
return (SelfType) this;
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Character value)
return bind(position, new CharacterArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the parameter to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Character value)
return bind(name, new CharacterArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, String value)
return bind(position, new StringArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, String value)
return bind(name, new StringArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, int value)
return bind(position, new IntegerArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, int value)
return bind(name, new IntegerArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @param length how long is the stream being bound?
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bindASCIIStream(int position, InputStream value, int length)
return bind(position, new InputStreamArgument(value, length, true));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @param length bytes to read from value
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bindASCIIStream(String name, InputStream value, int length)
return bind(name, new InputStreamArgument(value, length, true));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, BigDecimal value)
return bind(position, new BigDecimalArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, BigDecimal value)
return bind(name, new BigDecimalArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bindBinaryStream(int position, InputStream value, int length)
return bind(position, new InputStreamArgument(value, length, false));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @param length bytes to read from value
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bindBinaryStream(String name, InputStream value, int length)
return bind(name, new InputStreamArgument(value, length, false));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Blob value)
return bind(position, new BlobArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Blob value)
return bind(name, new BlobArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, boolean value)
return bind(position, new BooleanArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, boolean value)
return bind(name, new BooleanArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, byte value)
return bind(position, new ByteArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, byte value)
return bind(name, new ByteArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, byte[] value)
return bind(position, new ByteArrayArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, byte[] value)
return bind(name, new ByteArrayArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @param length number of characters to read
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Reader value, int length)
return bind(position, new CharacterStreamArgument(value, length));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @param length number of characters to read
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Reader value, int length)
return bind(name, new CharacterStreamArgument(value, length));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Clob value)
return bind(position, new ClobArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Clob value)
return bind(name, new ClobArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, java.sql.Date value)
return bind(position, new SqlDateArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, java.sql.Date value)
return bind(name, new SqlDateArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, java.util.Date value)
return bind(position, new JavaDateArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, java.util.Date value)
return bind(name, new JavaDateArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Double value)
return bind(position, new DoubleArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Double value)
return bind(name, new DoubleArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Float value)
return bind(position, new FloatArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Float value)
return bind(name, new FloatArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, long value)
return bind(position, new LongArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, long value)
return bind(name, new LongArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Object value)
return bind(position, new ObjectArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Object value)
return bind(name, new ObjectArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Time value)
return bind(position, new TimeArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Time value)
return bind(name, new TimeArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, Timestamp value)
return bind(position, new TimestampArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, Timestamp value)
return bind(name, new TimestampArgument(value));
* Bind an argument positionally
* @param position position to bind the paramater at, starting at 0
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(int position, URL value)
return bind(position, new URLArgument(value));
* Bind an argument by name
* @param name token name to bind the paramater to
* @param value to bind
* @return the same Query instance
public final SelfType bind(String name, URL value)
return bind(name, new URLArgument(value));
* Bind NULL to be set for a given argument.
* @param name Named parameter to bind to
* @param sqlType The sqlType must be set and is a value from <code>java.sql.Types</code>
* @return the same statement instance
public final SelfType bindNull(String name, int sqlType) {
return bind(name, new NullArgument(sqlType));
* Bind NULL to be set for a given argument.
* @param position position to bind NULL to, starting at 0
* @param sqlType The sqlType must be set and is a value from <code>java.sql.Types</code>
* @return the same statement instance
public final SelfType bindNull(int position, int sqlType) {
return bind(position, new NullArgument(sqlType));
* Bind a value using a specific type from <code>java.sql.Types</code> via
* PreparedStatement#setObject(int, Object, int)
* @param name Named parameter to bind at
* @param value Value to bind
* @param sqlType The sqlType from java.sql.Types
* @return self
public final SelfType bindBySqlType(String name, Object value, int sqlType) {
return bind(name, new SqlTypeArgument(value, sqlType));
private String wrapLookup(String sql)
try {
return locator.locate(sql, this.getContext());
catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnableToCreateStatementException("Exception thrown while looking for statement", e);
protected <Result> Result internalExecute(final QueryPreperator prep,
final QueryResultMunger<Result> munger,
final QueryPostMungeCleanup cleanup)
rewritten = rewriter.rewrite(wrapLookup(sql), getParameters(), this.context);
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
try {
stmt = statementBuilder.create(this.getConnection(), rewritten.getSql(), context);
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new UnableToCreateStatementException(e);
try {
rewritten.bind(getParameters(), stmt);
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new UnableToExecuteStatementException("Unable to bind parameters to query", e);
try {
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new UnableToExecuteStatementException("Unable to prepare JDBC statement", e);
for (StatementCustomizer customizer : customizers) {
try {
customizer.beforeExecution(stmt, context);
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new UnableToExecuteStatementException("Exception thrown in statement customization", e);
try {
final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
log.logSQL(System.currentTimeMillis() - start, rewritten.getSql());
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new UnableToExecuteStatementException(e);
for (StatementCustomizer customizer : customizers) {
try {
customizer.afterExecution(stmt, context);
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new UnableToExecuteStatementException("Exception thrown in statement customization", e);
try {
rs = stmt.getResultSet();
return munger.munge(stmt);
catch (SQLException e) {
throw new ResultSetException("Exception thrown while attempting to traverse the result set", e);
finally {
cleanup.cleanup(this, null, rs);
void close() throws SQLException
this.statementBuilder.close(getConnection(), rewritten.getSql(), stmt);
protected SQLLog getLog()
return log;