* 28/10/2002 - 10:29:11
* $RCSfile: SqlInterface.java,v $ - JDBF Object Relational mapping system
* Copyright (C) 2002 JDBF Development Team
* http://jdbf.sourceforge.net
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
$Id: SqlInterface.java,v 1.9 2004/05/20 22:41:55 gmartone Exp $
package org.jdbf.engine.sql;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.jdbf.engine.mapping.MappingException;
* <code>SQLInterface</code> implements a part of RelationalDatabase
* It provides methods to build sql strings and statements
* and to convert data values into sql strings.
* It supports the ANSI standard SQL clauses.
* Subclasses will override the appropriate method to support extensions
* to ANSI SQL.
* @author Giovanni Martone
* @version $Revision: 1.9 $
* last changed by $Author: gmartone $
public class SqlInterface implements java.io.Serializable{
public static String INSERT = "INSERT INTO ";
public static String SELECT_ALL = "SELECT * ";
public static String SELECT = "SELECT ";
* Bug fixing (Gmartone) 955130
public static String DELETE = "DELETE ";
* End bug fixing (Gmartone)
public static String UPDATE = "UPDATE ";
public static String FROM = "FROM ";
public static String WHERE = "WHERE ";
public static String ORDER_BY = "ORDER BY ";
public static String SET = "SET ";
public static String VALUES = "VALUES ";
public static String AND = "AND ";
public static String OR = "OR ";
public static String EQUAL = "= ";
public static String NOT_EQUAL = "<> ";
public static String GREATER_THAN = "> ";
public static String GREATER_OR_EQUAL = ">= ";
public static String LESS_THAN = "< ";
public static String LESS_OR_EQUAL = "<= ";
public static String LIKE = "LIKE ";
public static String BETWEEN = "BETWEEN ";
public static String GROUP_BY = "GROUP BY ";
public static String HAVING = "HAVING ";
public static String UNION = "UNION ";
public static String DISTINCT = "DISTINCT ";
public static String NOT_EXISTS = "NOT EXISTS ";
public static String UNIQUE = "UNIQUE ";
public static String NULL = "NULL ";
public static String PARAMETER = "? ";
public static String MAX = "MAX";
public static String NEXTVAL = "NEXTVAL ";
public static String ASSIGNMENT = "= ";
public static String ASC = "ASC ";
public static String DESC = "DESC ";
public static String TABLE = "TABLE ";
public static String CREATE = "CREATE ";
public static String DROP = "DROP ";
protected String className;
private Logger logger;
* Creates an empty object
public SqlInterface() {
className = getClass().getName();
logger = Logger.getLogger(className);
* Return the claase of current timeStamp
* @return current timeStamp
* @throws MappingExpcetion if feature not supported
public String getClauseStringCurrentTimeStamp() throws MappingException{
* Returns the definition of column given name, given type,given isNullable
* @param name
* @param type
* @param isNullable
* @return column definition
public String getColumnDefinition(String name, String type, boolean isNullable){
return name + " " + type + (isNullable ? "" : " NOT NULL");
* Forms an sql statement which counts records in the given table
* which statisfy the given search condition.
* @param tableName name of table
* @return count statement as String
String getCountStatement(String tableName){
return getCountStatement(tableName, "");
* Forms an sql statement which counts records in the given table
* which statisfy the given search condition.
* @param tableName name of table
* @param condition
* @return String count statement as String
String getCountStatement(String tableName, String condition){
return getSelectStatement(tableName, getSelectCountAll() , condition);
* Forms an sql statement the return a current timestamp
* @return String sql statement
* @throws MappingException
public String getCurrentTimeStampStatement() throws MappingException{
return "SELECT" + " " + getClauseStringCurrentTimeStamp();
* Forms an sql statement the create the table given tableName,column
* @param tableName name fo table to create
* @param columns
* @return String sql statement
public String getCreateTableStatement(String tableName, String columns){
return new StringBuffer(CREATE).
append(' ').
append(' ').
append(" (").
* Froms an sql statement the delete the table given tableName
* @param tableName
* @param condition
* @return String
public String getDeleteStatement(String tableName,String condition){
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
buff.append(DELETE).append(FROM).append(tableName).append(" ");
if(condition.length() > 0)
return buff.toString();
* Forms an sql statement the drop the table given tableName
* @param tableName name fo table to drop
* @return String sql statement
public String getDropTableStatement(String tableName){
return new StringBuffer(DROP)
.append(' ')
.append(' ')
* Forms an sql insert statement for a given table, given columns, and
* given values.
* @param tableName name of table
* @param columns to insert
* @return String insert statement as String
public String getInsertStatement(String tableName, String columns, String values){
return new StringBuffer(INSERT)
.append(tableName).append(" (")
.append(") ")
.append(" (")
* Return the COUNT(*) statement
* @return String count all statement
public String getSelectCountAll(){
return "SELECT COUNT(*)";
* Forms an sql insert id statement
* This method throws an MappingExcpetion because for a generic sql interface
* the inset id feature is not supported
* @return Sql statement for selecting a insert id key
* @throws MappingException
public String getSelectInsertIdStatement()throws MappingException{
new MappingException("mapping.autoIncrementNotSupported"));
throw new MappingException("mapping.autoIncrementNotSupported");
//return null;
//throw new MappingException("mapping.autoIncrementNotSupported");
* Forms an sql select statement for a given table, given fields, and
* given criteria.
* @param tableName name of table
* @param fields to select
* @param condition
* @return String select statement as String
public String getSelectStatement(String tableName, String fields,
String condition){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(200);
.append(fields).append(" ")
.append(FROM).append(" ")
.append(tableName).append(" ");
// WHERE should be included in condition
if (condition != null && condition.length() > 0) {
return sb.toString();
* Forms an sql select statement for a given table,given fileds
* @param tableName name of table
* @param fields to select
* @return select statement as String
public String getSelectStatement(String tableName, String fields){
return getSelectStatement(tableName, fields, null);
* Forms an sql sequence statement given name
* This method throws an MappingExcpetion because for a generic sql interface
* the sequence feature is not supported.
* @param name
* @return Sql statement for selecting a sequence key.
* @throws MappingException
public String getSelectSequenceStatement(String name)throws MappingException{
new MappingException("mapping.sequenceNotSupported"));
throw new MappingException("mapping.sequenceNotSupported");
//return null;
* Forms an sql update statement for a given table, given columns, and
* given values.
* @param tableName name of table
* @param columnsEqual
* @param condition
* @return String update statement as String
public String getUpdateStatement(String tableName, String columnsEqual,
String condition){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(200);
.append(tableName).append(" ")
.append(columnsEqual).append(" ");
if (condition.length() > 0){
return sb.toString();
$Log: SqlInterface.java,v $
Revision 1.9 2004/05/20 22:41:55 gmartone
Changed for task 99073 (Coverage Javadocs)