Package ru.andrew.jclazz.decompiler.engine.blocks

Source Code of ru.andrew.jclazz.decompiler.engine.blocks.Block

package ru.andrew.jclazz.decompiler.engine.blocks;

import java.util.Map.Entry;
import ru.andrew.jclazz.decompiler.engine.*;
import ru.andrew.jclazz.decompiler.engine.ops.*;
import ru.andrew.jclazz.decompiler.*;

import java.util.*;
import ru.andrew.jclazz.core.ClazzException;
import ru.andrew.jclazz.core.FieldDescriptor;
import ru.andrew.jclazz.core.attributes.LocalVariableTable;

public class Block implements CodeItem
    protected final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator");

    protected List ops;
    protected long fakeStartByte;
    protected Block parent;
    private MethodSourceView m_info;
    protected String indent = "";
    protected MethodContext context;

    protected Block(Block parent)
        this(parent, new ArrayList());

    public Block(Block parent, List ops)
        this.ops = ops;
        this.parent = parent;
        this.context = parent.context;

        if (parent != null)
            this.m_info = parent.m_info;

    public Block(List ops, MethodSourceView m_info)
        this.ops = ops;
        this.m_info = m_info;
        this.context = m_info.getMethodContext();

    public MethodContext getMethodContext()
        return context;

    public void setParent(Block parent)
        this.parent = parent;

    public Block getParent()
        return parent;

    public void setOperations(List ops)
        this.ops = ops;

    public List getOperations()
        return ops;

    public String getIndent()
        return indent;

    public void setIndent(String indent)
        this.indent = indent;

    public long getFakeStartByte()
        return fakeStartByte;

    public void setFakeStartByte(long fakeStartByte)
        this.fakeStartByte = fakeStartByte;

    // Handling block operations by iterating

    private int ext_pos = 0;

    private static final int END_BLOCK_POS = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    public boolean hasMoreOperations()
        return ext_pos < ops.size();

    public CodeItem next()
        CodeItem item = (CodeItem) ops.get(ext_pos);
        return item;

    public void back()

    public void seekEnd()
        ext_pos = END_BLOCK_POS;

    public void reset()
        ext_pos = 0;

    // Business methods

    public void postCreate()

    public void postProcess()

    public List createSubBlock(long startOp, long endOp, Block subblock)
        List subops = new ArrayList();

        boolean moving = false;
        int pos = 0;
        while (pos < ops.size())
            CodeItem citem = (CodeItem) ops.get(pos);
            if (citem.getStartByte() >= startOp) moving = true;
            if (citem.getStartByte() >= endOp) break;

            if (moving)
                if (subblock != null && citem instanceof Block) ((Block) citem).setParent(subblock);
                if (ext_pos > pos && pos != 0) ext_pos--;

        if (subblock != null)
            ops.add(pos, subblock);
            if (subops.isEmpty())
        return subops;

    public void addOperation(int index, CodeItem ci)
        if (index <= ext_pos && ext_pos != END_BLOCK_POS) ext_pos++;
        ops.add(index, ci);

        if (ci instanceof Block)
            ((Block) ci).setParent(this);

    public void addOperation(CodeItem ci, long beforeOperation)
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++)
            CodeItem ci0 = (CodeItem) ops.get(i);
            if (ci0.getStartByte() == beforeOperation)
                addOperation(i, ci);

    private CodeItem removeOperation(int pos)
        if (pos <= ext_pos && ext_pos != 0 && ext_pos != END_BLOCK_POS) ext_pos--;
        return (CodeItem) ops.remove(pos);

    public CodeItem removeLastOperation()
        return ops.isEmpty() ? null : removeOperation(ops.size() - 1);

    public CodeItem removeFirstOperation()
        if (!ops.isEmpty())
            return removeOperation(0);
        return null;

    public CodeItem removeOperation(long start_byte)
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++)
            if (((CodeItem) ops.get(i)).getStartByte() == start_byte)
                if (i <= ext_pos && ext_pos != 0 && ext_pos != END_BLOCK_POS) ext_pos--;
                return (CodeItem) ops.remove(i);
        return null;

    public CodeItem getOperationPriorTo(long start_byte)
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++)
            if (((CodeItem) ops.get(i)).getStartByte() >= start_byte)
                if (i == 0) return null;
                return (CodeItem) ops.get(i - 1);
        return getLastOperation();

    public CodeItem getOperationAfter(long start_byte)
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++)
            if (((CodeItem) ops.get(i)).getStartByte() > start_byte) return (CodeItem) ops.get(i);
        return null;

    public CodeItem getOperationByStartByte(long start_byte)
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++)
            if (((CodeItem) ops.get(i)).getStartByte() == start_byte) return (CodeItem) ops.get(i);
        return null;

    public OperationView removePriorPushOperation()
        int start_pos = ext_pos != END_BLOCK_POS ? ext_pos - 2 : ops.size() - 1;
        for (int i = start_pos; i >= 0 ; i--)
            if (ops.get(i) instanceof Block)
                OperationView priorPush = getPriorPushFromSubblock((Block) ops.get(i));   // TODO why not remove
                if (priorPush != null) return priorPush;
            else if (((OperationView) ops.get(i)).isPush())
                if (ext_pos != END_BLOCK_POS) ext_pos--;
                return (OperationView) ops.remove(i);
        return null;

    private OperationView getPriorPushFromSubblock(Block subblock)
        return subblock.removePriorPushOperation();

    public CodeItem removeCurrentOperation()
        return (CodeItem) ops.remove(ext_pos);

    public OperationView getPriorPushOperation()
        int start_pos = ext_pos != END_BLOCK_POS ? ext_pos - 2 : ops.size() - 1;
        for (int i = start_pos; i >= 0 ; i--)
            if (ops.get(i) instanceof Block)
                OperationView priorPush = getPriorPushFromSubblock((Block) ops.get(i));
                if (priorPush != null) return priorPush;
            else if (((OperationView) ops.get(i)).isPush())
                return (OperationView) ops.get(i);
        return null;

    public CodeItem getPreviousOperation()
        return (CodeItem) (ext_pos - 2 >= 0 ? ops.get(ext_pos - 2) : null);

    public CodeItem removePreviousOperation()
        if (ext_pos - 2 >= 0)
            CodeItem ci = (CodeItem) ops.remove(ext_pos - 2);
            return ci;
        return null;

    public CodeItem getNextOperation()
        if (hasMoreOperations())
            return (CodeItem) ops.get(ext_pos);
        return null;

    public void replaceOperation(long start_byte, CodeItem newop)
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++)
            if (((CodeItem) ops.get(i)).getStartByte() == start_byte)
                ops.add(i, newop);

    public void replaceCurrentOperation(CodeItem newop)
        if (ext_pos > 0 && ext_pos != END_BLOCK_POS)
            if (newop != null)
                ops.set(ext_pos - 1, newop);
                if (newop instanceof Block) ((Block) newop).setParent(this);
                ops.remove(ext_pos - 1);

    public void truncate(long fromStartByte)
        Iterator it = ops.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext())
            CodeItem ci = (CodeItem);
            if (ci.getStartByte() >= fromStartByte) it.remove();

    public MethodSourceView getMethodView()
        Block preBlock = this;
        while (preBlock.parent != null)
            preBlock = preBlock.parent;
        return preBlock.m_info;

    public boolean isEmpty()
        return ops == null || ops.isEmpty();

    public int size()
        return ops == null ? 0 : ops.size();

    public int printedSize()
        int s = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++)
            if (ops.get(i) instanceof Block || ((OperationView) ops.get(i)).isPrintable())
        return s;

    public CodeItem getFirstOperation()
        return ops.isEmpty() ? null : (CodeItem) ops.get(0);

    public CodeItem getLastOperation()
        return ops.isEmpty() ? null : (CodeItem) ops.get(ops.size() - 1);

    public CodeItem getFirstPrintedOperation()
        for (int i = 0; i < ops.size(); i++)
            CodeItem citem = (CodeItem) ops.get(i);
            if (citem instanceof Block || ((OperationView) citem).isPrintable())
                return citem;
        return null;

    public CodeItem getLastPrintedOperation()
        for (int i = ops.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            CodeItem citem = (CodeItem) ops.get(i);
            if (citem instanceof Block || ((OperationView) citem).isPrintable())
                return citem;
        return null;

    public long getStartByte()
        if (ops == null || ops.isEmpty())
            return fakeStartByte;
        return ((CodeItem) ops.get(0)).getStartByte();

    public String getSource()
        return indent + "{" + NL + getOperationsSource() + indent + "}" + NL;

    public String getOperationsSource()
        return getOperationsSource(-1);

    public String getOperationsSource(int endByte)
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        boolean withLN = "yes".equals(getMethodView().getClazzView().getDecompileParameter(ClazzSourceView.WITH_LINE_NUMBERS)) &&
                         (getMethodView().getMethod().getCodeBlock() != null) &&
                         (getMethodView().getMethod().getLineNumberTable() != null);
        for (Iterator i = ops.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
            CodeItem citem = (CodeItem);
            if (endByte != -1 && citem.getStartByte() >= endByte) break;
            if (withLN &&
                (!(citem instanceof Block) ||
                       (citem instanceof IfBlock) ||
                       (citem instanceof Loop && (((Loop) citem).isPrintPrecondition()))) )
                int instruction;
                if (citem instanceof Loop)
                    Condition cond0 = (Condition) ((List) ((Loop) citem).getConditions().get(0)).get(0);
                    instruction = (int) cond0.getIfOperation().getStartByte();
                    instruction = (int) citem.getStartByte();
                int ln = getMethodView().getMethod().getLineNumberTable().getLineNumber(instruction);
                if (ln != -1)
                    // TODO improve printing line numbers
                    sb.append(indent).append("    ").append("/* ").append(ln).append(" */");
            if (citem instanceof Block)
                ((Block) citem).setIndent(indent + "    ");
                sb.append(((Block) citem).getSource());
                OperationView ov = (OperationView) citem;
                if (ov.isPrintable())
                    String opSource = ov.source2();
                    if (opSource != null) sb.append(indent).append("    ").append(opSource).append(";").append(NL);
        return sb.toString();

    protected String alias(String fqn)
        return ImportManager.getInstance().importClass(fqn, getMethodView().getClazzView());

    public void analyze(Block block)

    // Local Variables management

    protected Map lvars = new HashMap();    // var number > Map (start byte > LocalVariable)

    protected LocalVariable retrieve(Integer num, int start_byte)
        Map lvs = (Map) lvars.get(num);
        if (lvs == null) return null;

        LocalVariable lv = null;
        for (Iterator i = lvs.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
            Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
            if (start_byte >= ((Integer) entry.getKey()).intValue())
                lv = (LocalVariable) entry.getValue();

        return lv;

    public LocalVariable getLocalVariable(int ivar, String type, int start_byte)
        LocalVariable lv = retrieve(new Integer(ivar), start_byte);
        Block parentBlock = this;
        while ((lv == null) && (parentBlock != null))
            lv = (LocalVariable) parentBlock.retrieve(new Integer(ivar), start_byte);
            parentBlock = parentBlock.parent;

        LocalVariableTable.LocalVariable lv_debug = null;
        if (m_info.getMethod().getCodeBlock() != null && m_info.getMethod().getCodeBlock().getLocalVariableTable() != null)
            lv_debug = m_info.getMethod().getCodeBlock().getLocalVariableTable().getLocalVariable(ivar, start_byte);
        if (lv != null && lv_debug != null)
            if (lv.getName() != null && !lv.getName().equals(
                // Reuse local variable
                lv = null;
        if (lv != null && type != null && !LocalVariable.UNKNOWN_TYPE.equals(lv.getType()) && !lv.getType().equals(type))
            if (lv_debug != null)
                    type = new FieldDescriptor(lv_debug.descriptor.getString()).getFQN();
                catch (ClazzException e)
                    throw new RuntimeException(e);

            if (!lv.isIsMethodArg() && !checkType(type, lv.getType()))
                // Reuse local variable
                lv = null;
        if (lv != null && type != null && LocalVariable.UNKNOWN_TYPE.equals(lv.getType()))
        if (lv == null)
            lv = new LocalVariable(ivar, type, getMethodView());
            storeLVInBlock(ivar, lv, start_byte);
        return lv;

    protected void storeLVInBlock(int ivar, LocalVariable lv, int start_byte)
        Block storeBlock = this;
        if (storeBlock instanceof Condition)
            Block parent4cond = storeBlock.parent;
            if (parent4cond instanceof IfBlock)
                storeBlock = parent4cond.parent;
            if (parent4cond instanceof Loop)
                if (((Loop) parent4cond).isBackLoop())
                    storeBlock = parent4cond;
                    storeBlock = parent4cond.parent;

        Map lvs = (Map) storeBlock.lvars.get(new Integer(ivar));
        if (lvs == null)
            lvs = new TreeMap();
            storeBlock.lvars.put(new Integer(ivar), lvs);

        lvs.put(new Integer(start_byte), lv);

    // Checks if fqn can be casted to fqnBase without special cast operator
    private boolean checkType(String fqn, String fqnBase)
        if (fqn.equals(fqnBase)) return true;

            return widePrimitiveConversion(fqn, fqnBase);
        catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
            // Continue check

        // Widening Reference Conversions
        // Try to instantiate class
            Class fqnClass = Class.forName(fqn);
            Class fqnBaseClass = Class.forName(fqnBase);
            return fqnBaseClass.isAssignableFrom(fqnClass);
        catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            // If can not instantiate then always return true
            return true;

    public static boolean widePrimitiveConversion(String type, String wideType)
        if ("boolean".equals(wideType) && "int".equals(type)) return true;

        // Widening primitive conversions
        if ("byte".equals(type))
            return "short".equals(wideType) || "int".equals(wideType) || "long".equals(wideType) ||
                   "float".equals(wideType) || "double".equals(wideType);
        else if ("short".equals(type))
            return "int".equals(wideType) || "long".equals(wideType) ||
                   "float".equals(wideType) || "double".equals(wideType);
        else if ("char".equals(type))
            return "int".equals(wideType) || "long".equals(wideType) ||
                   "float".equals(wideType) || "double".equals(wideType);
        else if ("int".equals(type))
            return "long".equals(wideType) ||
                   "float".equals(wideType) || "double".equals(wideType);
        else if ("long".equals(type))
            return "float".equals(wideType) || "double".equals(wideType);
        else if ("float".equals(type))
            return "double".equals(wideType);
        else if ("double".equals(type))
            return false;
        else if ("boolean".equals(type))
            return false;
        else if ("void".equals(type))
            return false;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a primitive type");

    public void analyze2(Block block)

    public void preanalyze(Block block)

    public void postanalyze(Block block)

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