* JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
* Distributable under LGPL license.
* See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.mx.persistence;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.management.Descriptor;
import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
import javax.management.IntrospectionException;
import javax.management.JMException;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MBeanServerFactory;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.modelmbean.InvalidTargetObjectTypeException;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBean;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanInfo;
import javax.management.modelmbean.RequiredModelMBean;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jboss.mx.modelmbean.ModelMBeanConstants;
import org.jboss.mx.modelmbean.ModelMBeanInvoker;
import org.jboss.mx.server.registry.BasicMBeanRegistry;
import org.jboss.mx.server.registry.MBeanEntry;
import org.jboss.mx.server.registry.MbeanInfoDb;
* Class responsible for storing and loading the MBean info database.
* @author Matt Munz
public class MbeanInfoDbPm
extends MBeanInfoOdb
implements PersistenceManager
protected boolean fLoadedFromFs;
protected Vector fNamesToRestore;
protected Vector fInfosToRestore;
protected MBeanServer fMbeanServer;
protected MbeanInfoDb fMbeanInfoDb;
protected File fMbiDbRoot;
public MbeanInfoDbPm()
* @todo finish implementing
public void load(ModelMBeanInvoker mbean, MBeanInfo info)
throws MBeanException
logger().debug("Loading the MBI DB");
setMbeanInfoDb((MbeanInfoDb) mbean.getResource());
// get mbi db root from descriptor
Descriptor d = ((ModelMBeanInfo) info).getMBeanDescriptor();
String dir = (String) d.getFieldValue(
if((dir != null) && (!dir.equals("")))
setMbiDbRoot(new File(dir));
String message = "Loading the MBI DB from the filesystem. location: ";
message += mbiDbRoot();
File[] mbiFiles = mbiDbRoot().listFiles();
if(mbiFiles == null)
// loop over each item in the mbeaninfo store
for(int index = 0; index < mbiFiles.length; index++)
/// for each, load, make a new mbean, and register that mbean
File curFile = mbiFiles[index];
ObjectName nameToRestore = null;
nameToRestore = objectName(curFile);
catch(MalformedObjectNameException cause)
throw new MBeanException(cause,
"Object Name was stored incorrectly.");
MBeanInfo infoToRestore = null;
infoToRestore = load(curFile);
catch(IOException cause)
throw new MBeanException(cause,
"Couldn't read the MBeanInfo file.");
catch(ClassNotFoundException cause2)
String message2 = "Couldn't find the Class specified in the object file.";
throw new MBeanException(cause2, message2);
if(infoToRestore == null)
throw new MBeanException(new Exception(
"Null loaded MBean info. Error on load."),
"Could not load");
catch(Exception cause)
throw new MBeanException(cause,
"Error trying to register loaded MBeans");
public void store(MBeanInfo info) throws MBeanException
logger().debug("storing MBI DB State");
Enumeration queue = mbeanInfoDb().mbiPersistenceQueue();
for(; queue.hasMoreElements();)
ObjectName curName = (ObjectName) queue.nextElement();
logger().debug("queue elem: " + curName);
MBeanInfo curInfo = null;
curInfo = getMBeanServer().getMBeanInfo(curName);
catch(InstanceNotFoundException cause)
throw new MBeanException(cause);
catch(JMException cause3)
throw new MBeanException(cause3);
if(curInfo == null)
throw new MBeanException(
new Exception("Current MBean Info object is null."),
"Could not store null object.");
store(curName, curInfo);
catch(IOException cause2)
throw new MBeanException(cause2);
logger().info("Successfully stored mbi for " + curName);
protected void store(ObjectName name, MBeanInfo info)
throws IOException
File location = new File(mbiDbRoot(), fileName(name));
logger().debug("Storing mbi at: " + location);
store(info, location);
* Iterates over the loaded MBean infos and ObjectNames, creates an MBean for each, and
* registers it with the server. This includes creating the resource object as well.
protected void register() throws JMException,
// iterate over all loaded infos and register them.
Enumeration names = namesToRestore().elements();
Enumeration infos = infosToRestore().elements();
while(names.hasMoreElements() && infos.hasMoreElements())
ObjectName curName = (ObjectName) names.nextElement();
logger().debug("curName: " + curName);
ModelMBeanInfo curInfo = (ModelMBeanInfo) infos.nextElement();
Descriptor mbeanDescriptor = curInfo.getMBeanDescriptor();
String fieldName = ModelMBeanConstants.RESOURCE_CLASS;
String className = (String) mbeanDescriptor.getFieldValue(fieldName);
logger().debug("className: " + className);
Object resource = getMBeanServer().instantiate(className);
ModelMBean modelmbean = new RequiredModelMBean();
modelmbean.setManagedResource(resource, "ObjectReference");
getMBeanServer().registerMBean(modelmbean, curName);
protected MBeanServer getMBeanServer() throws JMException
if(fMbeanServer == null)
Collection col = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null);
throw new JMException("No MBeanServer found");
fMbeanServer = (MBeanServer) col.iterator().next();
return fMbeanServer;
* JDK 1.3.1 substitute for jdk 1.4.1 String.replaceAll()
* Does not accept regular expressions...
* returns the object string where all instances of target are replaced with replacement
* @todo replace with a more appropriate string util if available
protected String replaceAll(String object, String target, String replacement)
String result = new String(object);
return replaceAll(object, target, replacement, 0);
* Iterative
protected String replaceAll(String object, String target, String replacement, int curIndex)
int indexOfMatch = object.indexOf(target, curIndex);
if(indexOfMatch < curIndex)
return object;
String prefix = "";
if(indexOfMatch > 0)
prefix = object.substring(0, indexOfMatch);
String tail = object.substring(indexOfMatch + target.length());
String newObject = prefix + replacement + tail;
return replaceAll(newObject, target, replacement, indexOfMatch + replacement.length());
protected String objNameSeparator()
return ":";
protected String objNameSepRep()
return "___";
protected String fileName(ObjectName name)
String fileName = name.getCanonicalName();
fileName = replaceAll(fileName, objNameSeparator(), objNameSepRep());
return fileName;
protected ObjectName objectName(File fileName)
throws MalformedObjectNameException
String objectName = fileName.getName();
objectName = replaceAll(objectName, objNameSepRep(), objNameSeparator());
return new ObjectName(objectName);
protected boolean loadedFromFs()
return fLoadedFromFs;
protected void setLoadedFromFs(boolean newLoadedFromFs)
fLoadedFromFs = newLoadedFromFs;
protected Vector namesToRestore()
if(fNamesToRestore == null)
fNamesToRestore = new Vector(10);
return fNamesToRestore;
protected Vector infosToRestore()
if(fInfosToRestore == null)
fInfosToRestore = new Vector(10);
return fInfosToRestore;
protected File mbiDbRoot()
if(fMbiDbRoot == null)
fMbiDbRoot = new File("../conf/mbean-info-db/");
return fMbiDbRoot;
protected void setMbiDbRoot(File newMbiDbRoot)
fMbiDbRoot = newMbiDbRoot;
protected MbeanInfoDb mbeanInfoDb()
return fMbeanInfoDb;
protected void setMbeanInfoDb(MbeanInfoDb newMbeanInfoDb)
fMbeanInfoDb = newMbeanInfoDb;