* JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
* Distributable under LGPL license.
* See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.mx.metadata;
import org.jdom.Attribute;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import javax.management.Descriptor;
import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanOperationInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanParameterInfo;
import javax.management.NotCompliantMBeanException;
import javax.management.modelmbean.DescriptorSupport;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanAttributeInfo;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanConstructorInfo;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanInfo;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanInfoSupport;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanNotificationInfo;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanOperationInfo;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.jboss.mx.modelmbean.XMBeanConstants;
* Parser for the XMBean schema defined in the
* <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0672322889/002-8100474-1804019">
* JMX: Managing J2EE with Java Management Extensions</a> (xmbean.dtd)
* @author <a href="mailto:juha@jboss.org">Juha Lindfors</a>.
* @version $Revision: 1.3 $
public class XMBeanMetaData
extends AbstractBuilder
implements XMBeanConstants
// Constants -----------------------------------------------------
// Below the XML element names used in the document instances.
private final static String GET_METHOD = "getMethod";
private final static String SET_METHOD = "setMethod";
private final static String PERSIST_POLICY = "persistPolicy";
private final static String PERSIST_PERIOD = "persistPeriod";
private final static String PERSIST_NAME = "persistName";
private final static String PERSIST_LOCATION = "persistLocation";
private final static String CURRENCY_TIME_LIMIT = "currencyTimeLimit";
private final static String ON_UPDATE = "OnUpdate";
private final static String NO_MORE_OFTEN_THAN = "NoMoreOftenThan";
private final static String NEVER = "Never";
private final static String ON_TIMER = "OnTimer";
// Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
* The URL for the XML document instance.
private URL url = null;
* Name of the class this Model MBean represents.
private String resourceClassName = null;
* Name of the Model MBean implementation class.
private String mmbClassName = null;
// Constructors --------------------------------------------------
* Initializes the builder.
* @param mmbClassName name of the Model MBean implementation class
* @param resourceClassName name of the resource class this Model MBean represents
* @param url URL to the XML definition of the management interface
public XMBeanMetaData(String mmbClassName, String resourceClassName, URL url)
this.url = url;
this.resourceClassName = resourceClassName;
this.mmbClassName = mmbClassName;
* Initializes the builder.
* @param mmbClassName name of the Model MBean implementation class
* @param resourceClassName name of the resource class this Model MBean represents
* @param url URL to the XML definition of the management interface
* @throws MalformedURLException if the URL string could not be resolved
public XMBeanMetaData(String mmbClassName, String resourceClassName, String url) throws MalformedURLException
this(mmbClassName, resourceClassName, new URL(url));
* Initializes the builder.
* @param mmbClassName name of the Model MBean implementation class
* @param resourceClassName name of the resource class this Model MBean represents
* @param url URL to the XML definition of the management interface
* @param properties configuration properties for this builder
public XMBeanMetaData(String mmbClassName, String resourceClassName, URL url, Map properties)
this(mmbClassName, resourceClassName, url);
* Initializes the builder.
* @param mmbClassName name of the Model MBean implementation class
* @param resourceClassName name of the resource class this Model MBean represents
* @param url URL to the XML definition of the management interface
* @param properties configuration properties for this builder
* @throws MalformedURLException if the URL string could not be resolved
public XMBeanMetaData(String mmbClassName, String resourceClassName,
String url, Map properties) throws MalformedURLException
this(mmbClassName, resourceClassName, new URL(url), properties);
// MetaDataBuilder interface implementation ----------------------
public MBeanInfo build() throws NotCompliantMBeanException
// by default, let JAXP pick the SAX parser
SAXBuilder builder = null;
// check if user wants to override the SAX parser property
if (properties.get(SAX_PARSER) != null)
builder = new SAXBuilder(getStringProperty(SAX_PARSER));
builder = new SAXBuilder();
// by default we validate
// the user can override the validation by setting the VALIDATE property
boolean validate = getBooleanProperty(XML_VALIDATION);
catch (IllegalPropertyException e)
// FIXME: log the exception (warning)
// fall through, use the default value
// get the root and start parsing...
Element root = builder.build(url).getRootElement();
List constructors = root.getChildren("constructor");
List operations = root.getChildren("operation");
List attributes = root.getChildren("attribute");
List notifications = root.getChildren("notifications");
String description = root.getChildText("description");
Attribute persistPolicy = root.getAttribute(PERSIST_POLICY);
Attribute persistPeriod = root.getAttribute(PERSIST_PERIOD);
Attribute persistLocation = root.getAttribute(PERSIST_LOCATION);
Attribute persistName = root.getAttribute(PERSIST_NAME);
Attribute currTimeLimit = root.getAttribute(CURRENCY_TIME_LIMIT);
Descriptor descr = new DescriptorSupport();
descr.setField("name", mmbClassName);
descr.setField("descriptorType", "mbean");
if (persistPolicy != null)
descr.setField(PERSIST_POLICY, persistPolicy.getValue());
if (persistPeriod != null)
descr.setField(PERSIST_PERIOD, persistPeriod.getValue());
if (persistLocation != null)
descr.setField(PERSIST_LOCATION, persistLocation.getValue());
if (persistName != null)
descr.setField(PERSIST_NAME, persistName.getValue());
if (currTimeLimit != null)
descr.setField(CURRENCY_TIME_LIMIT, currTimeLimit.getValue());
ModelMBeanInfo info = buildMBeanMetaData(
description, constructors, operations,
attributes, notifications, descr
return (MBeanInfo) info;
catch (JDOMException e)
throw new NotCompliantMBeanException(
"Error parsing the XML file: " +
((e.getCause() == null) ? e.toString() : e.getCause().toString())
// Protected -----------------------------------------------------
* Parses the elements under the root and turns them into a Model MBean info
* instance. Subclasses may override if they need to handle additional
* elements under the root <tt><mbean></tt>.
* @param description the MBean description extracted from the document
* instance.
* @param constructors list of <tt><constructor></tt> elements extracted
* from the document instance.
* @param operations list of <tt><operation></tt> elements extracted
* from the document instance.
* @param attributes list of <tt><attributes></tt> elements extracted
* from the document instance.
* @param notifications list of <tt><notification></tt> elements
* extracted from the document instance.
* @param descr MBean descriptor
* @return initialized Model MBean info
protected ModelMBeanInfo buildMBeanMetaData(String description, List constructors,
List operations, List attributes, List notifications, Descriptor descr)
ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] operInfo = buildOperationInfo(operations);
ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] attrInfo = buildAttributeInfo(attributes);
ModelMBeanConstructorInfo[] constrInfo = buildConstructorInfo(constructors);
ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[] notifInfo = buildNotificationInfo(notifications);
ModelMBeanInfo info = new ModelMBeanInfoSupport(
mmbClassName, description, attrInfo, constrInfo, operInfo, notifInfo, descr
return info;
* Parses the contents of an <tt><constructor></tt> element. Subclasses
* may override if they need to handle additional nested elements or arguments.
* @param constructors a list of <tt><constructor></tt> elements
* extracted from the document instance
* @return initialized constructor info
protected ModelMBeanConstructorInfo[] buildConstructorInfo(List constructors)
Iterator it = constructors.iterator();
List infos = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext())
Element constr = (Element) it.next();
String name = constr.getChildTextTrim("name");
String descr = constr.getChildTextTrim("description");
List params = constr.getChildren("parameter");
MBeanParameterInfo[] paramInfo = buildParameterInfo(params);
ModelMBeanConstructorInfo info = new ModelMBeanConstructorInfo(name, descr, paramInfo);
return (ModelMBeanConstructorInfo[]) infos.toArray(new ModelMBeanConstructorInfo[0]);
* Parses the contents of an <tt><operation></tt> element. Subclasses
* may override if they need to handle additional nested elements or arguments.
* @param operations a list of <tt><operation></tt> elements
* extracted from the document instance
* @return initialized operation info
protected ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] buildOperationInfo(List operations)
Iterator it = operations.iterator();
List infos = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext())
Element oper = (Element) it.next();
String name = oper.getChildTextTrim("name");
String descr = oper.getChildTextTrim("description");
String type = oper.getChildTextTrim("return-type");
String impact = oper.getChildTextTrim("impact");
List params = oper.getChildren("parameter");
MBeanParameterInfo[] paramInfo = buildParameterInfo(params);
// defaults to ACTION_INFO
int operImpact = MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION_INFO;
if (impact != null)
if (impact.equals("INFO"))
operImpact = MBeanOperationInfo.INFO;
else if (impact.equals("ACTION"))
operImpact = MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION;
else if (impact.equals("ACTION_INFO"))
operImpact = MBeanOperationInfo.ACTION_INFO;
// default return-type is void
if (type == null)
type = "void";
ModelMBeanOperationInfo info = new ModelMBeanOperationInfo(
name, descr, paramInfo, type, operImpact
return (ModelMBeanOperationInfo[]) infos.toArray(new ModelMBeanOperationInfo[0]);
* Parses the contents of an <tt><notification></tt> element. Subclasses
* may override if they need to handle additional nested elements or arguments.
* @param notifications a list of <tt><notification></tt> elements
* extraced from the document instance
* @return initialized notification info
protected ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[] buildNotificationInfo(List notifications)
Iterator it = notifications.iterator();
List infos = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext())
Element notif = (Element) it.next();
String name = notif.getChildTextTrim("name");
String descr = notif.getChildTextTrim("description");
List notifTypes = notif.getChildren("notification-type");
Iterator iterator = notifTypes.iterator();
List types = new ArrayList();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Element type = (Element) iterator.next();
ModelMBeanNotificationInfo info = new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo(
(String[]) types.toArray(), name, descr
return (ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[]) infos.toArray(
new ModelMBeanNotificationInfo[0]
* Parses the contents of an <tt><attribute></tt> element. Subclasses
* may override if they need to handle additional nested elements or arguments.
* @param attributes a list of <tt><attribute></tt> elements
* extracted from the document instance
* @return initialized attribute info
protected ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] buildAttributeInfo(List attributes)
Iterator it = attributes.iterator();
List infos = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext())
Element attr = (Element) it.next();
String name = attr.getChildTextTrim("name");
String description = attr.getChildTextTrim("description");
String type = attr.getChildTextTrim("type");
String access = attr.getChildTextTrim("access");
Attribute persistPolicy = attr.getAttribute(PERSIST_POLICY);
Attribute persistPeriod = attr.getAttribute(PERSIST_PERIOD);
Attribute setMethod = attr.getAttribute(SET_METHOD);
Attribute getMethod = attr.getAttribute(GET_METHOD);
Attribute currTimeLimit = attr.getAttribute(CURRENCY_TIME_LIMIT);
Descriptor descr = new DescriptorSupport();
descr.setField("name", name);
descr.setField("descriptorType", "attribute");
if (persistPolicy != null)
descr.setField(PERSIST_POLICY, persistPolicy.getValue());
if (persistPeriod != null)
descr.setField(PERSIST_PERIOD, persistPeriod.getValue());
if (setMethod != null)
descr.setField(SET_METHOD, setMethod.getValue());
if (getMethod != null)
descr.setField(GET_METHOD, getMethod.getValue());
if (currTimeLimit != null)
descr.setField(CURRENCY_TIME_LIMIT, currTimeLimit.getValue());
// if no method mapping, enable caching automatically
if (setMethod == null && getMethod == null && currTimeLimit == null)
descr.setField(CURRENCY_TIME_LIMIT, "-1");
// defaults read-write
boolean isReadable = true;
boolean isWritable = true;
if (access.equalsIgnoreCase("read-only"))
isWritable = false;
else if (access.equalsIgnoreCase("write-only"))
isReadable = false;
ModelMBeanAttributeInfo info = new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo(
name, type, description, isReadable, isWritable, false, descr
return (ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[]) infos.toArray(new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[0]);
* Parses the contents of an <tt><parameter></tt> element. Subclasses
* may override if they need to handle additional nested elements or arguments.
* @param operations a list of <tt><parameter></tt> elements
* extracted from the document instance
* @return initialized parameter info
protected MBeanParameterInfo[] buildParameterInfo(List parameters)
Iterator it = parameters.iterator();
List infos = new ArrayList();
while (it.hasNext())
Element param = (Element) it.next();
String name = param.getChildTextTrim("name");
String type = param.getChildTextTrim("type");
String descr = param.getChildTextTrim("description");
MBeanParameterInfo info = new MBeanParameterInfo(name, type, descr);
return (MBeanParameterInfo[]) infos.toArray(new MBeanParameterInfo[0]);