* JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
* Distributable under LGPL license.
* See terms of license at gnu.org.
package javax.management.relation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;
import javax.management.Attribute;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.InstanceNotFoundException;
import javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import javax.management.MBeanNotificationInfo;
import javax.management.MBeanRegistration;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.MBeanServerNotification;
import javax.management.Notification;
import javax.management.NotificationBroadcasterSupport;
import javax.management.NotificationListener;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import org.jboss.mx.server.MBeanServerImpl;
* Implements the management interface for a relation service.<p>
* <p><b>Revisions:</b>
* <p><b>20020311 Adrian Brock:</b>
* <ul>
* <li>Fixed setRole for external MBean and exception handling
* <li>EmptyStack exception in purging
* <li>Unregistered mbeans should only contain relation mbeans
* <li>Unregister notifications not working after change to MBean Filter
* </ul>
* <p><b>20020312 Adrian Brock:</b>
* <ul>
* <li>Fixed wrong exception types thrown and missing exceptions
* <li>Allow null role list in createRelation
* </ul>
* @see RelationServiceMBean
* @author <a href="mailto:Adrian.Brock@HappeningTimes.com">Adrian Brock</a>.
* @version $Revision: 1.6 $
public class RelationService
extends NotificationBroadcasterSupport
implements RelationServiceMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationListener
// Constants -----------------------------------------------------
// Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
* Relation ids by relation
* Note: A relation is an ObjectName for external relations
* and a RelationSupport object for internal relations
private HashMap idsByRelation = new HashMap();
* The relation service object name
private ObjectName relationService;
* The notification sequence
private long notificationSequence = 0;
* The purge flag
private boolean purgeFlag;
* Relations by relation id
* Note: A relation is an ObjectName for external relations
* and a RelationSupport object for internal relations
private HashMap relationsById = new HashMap();
* The mbean server we are registered with
private MBeanServer server;
* The relation types by name
private HashMap typesByName = new HashMap();
* Relation type names by relation ids
private HashMap typeNamesById = new HashMap();
* A notification listener for unregistration
private MBeanServerNotificationFilter filter;
* A list of MBeans unregistered but not yet removed.
private Stack unregistered = new Stack();
* Relation ids an MBean is part of by MBean object name
* The values side is a HashMap keyed by relation ids
* with values of a HashSet of role names.
private HashMap idRolesMapByMBean = new HashMap();
// The name of the delegate
private ObjectName delegate;
// Static --------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors --------------------------------------------------
* Construct a new relation service
* @param purgeFlag whether immediate purges should be performed,
* pass true for immediate, false otherwise
public RelationService(boolean purgeFlag)
// RelationServiceMBean implementation ---------------------------
public synchronized void addRelation(ObjectName relation)
throws IllegalArgumentException, NoSuchMethodException,
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException, InvalidRelationIdException,
InvalidRelationServiceException, RelationTypeNotFoundException,
InvalidRoleValueException, RoleNotFoundException,
// Check we have a relation
if (relation == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation");
// Get the information we need from the relation
ObjectName otherService = null;
String relationId = null;
String relationTypeName = null;
RoleList roleList = null;
server.isInstanceOf(relation, Relation.class.getName());
otherService = (ObjectName) server.getAttribute(relation,
relationId = (String) server.getAttribute(relation, "RelationId");
relationTypeName = (String) server.getAttribute(relation,
roleList = (RoleList) server.invoke(relation, "retrieveAllRoles",
new Object[0], new String[0]);
catch (InstanceNotFoundException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
throw new NoSuchMethodException("Not a relation or not registered");
// Check we are in the correct relation service
if (otherService.equals(relationService) == false)
throw new InvalidRelationServiceException(otherService + " != " +
// Create a copy of the role list
RoleList copy = new RoleList(roleList);
// Create any missing roles
createMissingRoles(relationTypeName, copy);
// Validate the role list
RoleValidator.validateRoles(relationService, server, relationTypeName,
copy, false);
// Add the relation if it is not already present
validateAndAddRelation(relationId, relation, relationTypeName);
// Monitor this relation
public synchronized void addRelationType(RelationType relationType)
throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidRelationTypeException
if (relationType == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation type");
synchronized (typesByName)
String name = relationType.getRelationTypeName();
if (typesByName.containsKey(name))
throw new InvalidRelationTypeException("duplicate relation id: " + name);
typesByName.put(name, relationType);
public Integer checkRoleReading(String roleName, String relationTypeName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationTypeNotFoundException
if (roleName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null role name");
// Get the relation type
RelationType relationType = retrieveRelationTypeForName(relationTypeName);
// Get the role information
RoleInfo roleInfo = null;
roleInfo = relationType.getRoleInfo(roleName);
catch (RoleInfoNotFoundException e)
return new Integer(RoleStatus.NO_ROLE_WITH_NAME);
// Is it readable?
if (roleInfo.isReadable() == false)
return new Integer(RoleStatus.ROLE_NOT_READABLE);
// Yes it is
return new Integer(0);
public Integer checkRoleWriting(Role role, String relationTypeName,
Boolean initFlag)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationTypeNotFoundException
if (role == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null role name");
if (initFlag == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null init flag");
// Get the relation type
RelationType relationType = retrieveRelationTypeForName(relationTypeName);
// Get the role information
RoleInfo roleInfo = null;
roleInfo = relationType.getRoleInfo(role.getRoleName());
catch (RoleInfoNotFoundException e)
return new Integer(RoleStatus.NO_ROLE_WITH_NAME);
// Is it writable?
if (initFlag.booleanValue() == false && roleInfo.isWritable() == false)
return new Integer(RoleStatus.ROLE_NOT_WRITABLE);
// Yes it is
return new Integer(0);
public synchronized void createRelation(String relationId,
String relationTypeName, RoleList roleList)
throws IllegalArgumentException,
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException, InvalidRelationIdException,
RelationTypeNotFoundException, InvalidRoleValueException,
// Take a copy of the role list
RoleList copy = null;
if (roleList != null)
copy = new RoleList(roleList);
copy = new RoleList();
// Create a relation
RelationSupport relation = new RelationSupport(relationId,
// Create any missing roles
createMissingRoles(relationTypeName, copy);
// Validate the role list
RoleValidator.validateRoles(relationService, server, relationTypeName,
copy, false);
// Add the relation if it is not already present
validateAndAddRelation(relationId, relation, relationTypeName);
public synchronized void createRelationType(String relationTypeName,
RoleInfo[] roleInfos)
throws IllegalArgumentException, InvalidRelationTypeException
if (relationTypeName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation type name");
synchronized (typesByName)
if (typesByName.containsKey(relationTypeName))
throw new InvalidRelationTypeException("duplicate relation id: "
+ relationTypeName);
RelationType relationType = new RelationTypeSupport(relationTypeName,
typesByName.put(relationTypeName, relationType);
public Map findAssociatedMBeans(ObjectName mbeanName,
String relationTypeName, String roleName)
throws IllegalArgumentException
HashMap referencing = (HashMap) findReferencingRelations(mbeanName,
HashMap result = new HashMap();
// Loop through our relations
Iterator relationIterator = referencing.entrySet().iterator();
while (relationIterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry referencingEntry = (Map.Entry) relationIterator.next();
String relationId = (String) referencingEntry.getKey();
ArrayList referencingRoleNames = (ArrayList) referencingEntry.getValue();
// Get the all beans in this relation
HashMap referenced = null;
referenced = (HashMap) getReferencedMBeans(relationId);
catch (RelationNotFoundException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
// Check each bean's roles
Iterator mbeanIterator = referenced.entrySet().iterator();
while (mbeanIterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry referencedEntry = (Map.Entry) mbeanIterator.next();
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) referencedEntry.getKey();
// Exclude ourselves from the test
if (objectName.equals(mbeanName) == false)
ArrayList referencedRoleNames = (ArrayList) referencedEntry.getValue();
// Do we share a role?
Iterator roleIterator = referencedRoleNames.iterator();
while (roleIterator.hasNext())
String currentRoleName = (String) roleIterator.next();
if (referencedRoleNames.contains(currentRoleName))
// Ok this is one of our associated mbeans
ArrayList resultList = (ArrayList) result.get(objectName);
if (resultList == null)
resultList = new ArrayList();
result.put(objectName, resultList);
else if (resultList.contains(currentRoleName) == false)
// We've findished with this mbean do the next
// All done
return result;
public Map findReferencingRelations(ObjectName mbeanName,
String relationTypeName, String roleName)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (mbeanName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null object name");
HashMap result = new HashMap();
// Get the relations to roles map for the passed mbean
HashMap idRolesMap = (HashMap) idRolesMapByMBean.get(mbeanName);
Iterator iterator = idRolesMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
String relationId = (String) entry.getKey();
HashSet roleNames = (HashSet) entry.getValue();
// See if we have the correct relation type
if (relationTypeName == null ||
ArrayList resultRoleNames = new ArrayList();
// No role specified, add them all
if (roleName == null)
// See if we have this role
else if (roleNames.contains(roleName) &&
resultRoleNames.contains(roleName) == false)
// Did we find anything, use it
if (resultRoleNames.size() > 0)
result.put(relationId, resultRoleNames);
// All done
return result;
public List findRelationsOfType(String relationTypeName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationTypeNotFoundException
if (relationTypeName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation type name");
if (typesByName.containsKey(relationTypeName) == false)
throw new RelationTypeNotFoundException("relation type name not found");
// Build the list
ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
Iterator iterator = typeNamesById.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
String typeName = (String) entry.getValue();
if (typeName.equals(relationTypeName))
result.add((String) entry.getKey());
// All done
return result;
public List getAllRelationIds()
ArrayList result = new ArrayList(relationsById.size());
synchronized (relationsById)
Iterator iterator = relationsById.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
return result;
public List getAllRelationTypeNames()
ArrayList result = new ArrayList(typesByName.size());
Iterator iterator = typesByName.keySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
return result;
public RoleResult getAllRoles(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException,
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
// Ask the relation for the roles
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
return ((RelationSupport) relation).getAllRoles();
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) relation;
return (RoleResult) server.getAttribute(objectName, "AllRoles");
catch (InstanceNotFoundException e)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(objectName.toString());
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
public boolean getPurgeFlag()
return purgeFlag;
public Map getReferencedMBeans(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
// Ask the relation for the referenced mbeans
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
return ((RelationSupport) relation).getReferencedMBeans();
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) relation;
return (Map) server.getAttribute(objectName, "ReferencedMBeans");
catch (InstanceNotFoundException e)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(objectName.toString());
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
public String getRelationTypeName(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
return retrieveTypeNameForId(relationId);
public List getRole(String relationId, String roleName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException,
RelationServiceNotRegisteredException, RoleNotFoundException
// Get the relation object name
if (roleName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null role");
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
// Ask the relation for the role value
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
return ((RelationSupport) relation).getRole(roleName);
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) relation;
List result = (List) server.invoke(objectName, "getRole",
new Object[] { roleName },
new String[] { "java.lang.String" });
return result;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException e)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(objectName.toString());
catch (MBeanException mbe)
Exception e = mbe.getTargetException();
if (e instanceof RoleNotFoundException)
throw (RoleNotFoundException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
catch (ReflectionException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
public Integer getRoleCardinality(String relationId, String roleName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException,
// Get the relation object name
if (roleName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null role");
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
// Ask the relation for the role cardinality
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
return ((RelationSupport) relation).getRoleCardinality(roleName);
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) relation;
Integer result = (Integer) server.invoke(
objectName, "getRoleCardinality",
new Object[] { roleName },
new String[] { "java.lang.String" });
return result;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException e)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(objectName.toString());
catch (MBeanException mbe)
Exception e = mbe.getTargetException();
if (e instanceof RoleNotFoundException)
throw (RoleNotFoundException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
catch (ReflectionException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
public RoleInfo getRoleInfo(String relationTypeName, String roleInfoName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationTypeNotFoundException,
// Get the relation type
RelationType relationType = retrieveRelationTypeForName(relationTypeName);
// Return the role information
return relationType.getRoleInfo(roleInfoName);
public List getRoleInfos(String relationTypeName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationTypeNotFoundException
// Get the relation type
RelationType relationType = retrieveRelationTypeForName(relationTypeName);
// Return the role information
return relationType.getRoleInfos();
public RoleResult getRoles(String relationId, String[] roleNames)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException,
// Get the relation object name
if (roleNames == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null role names");
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
// Ask the relation for the role value
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
return ((RelationSupport) relation).getRoles(roleNames);
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) relation;
RoleResult result = (RoleResult) server.invoke(objectName, "getRoles",
new Object[] { roleNames },
new String[] { new String[0].getClass().getName() });
return result;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException e)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(objectName.toString());
catch (MBeanException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
catch (ReflectionException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
public Boolean hasRelation(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (relationId == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation id");
return new Boolean(relationsById.get(relationId) != null);
public void isActive()
throws RelationServiceNotRegisteredException
if (server == null)
throw new RelationServiceNotRegisteredException("Not registered");
public String isRelation(ObjectName objectName)
throws IllegalArgumentException
if (objectName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null object name");
return (String) idsByRelation.get(objectName);
public ObjectName isRelationMBean(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
if (relationId == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation id");
Object result = relationsById.get(relationId);
if (result == null)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(relationId);
if (result instanceof ObjectName)
return (ObjectName) result;
return null;
public void purgeRelations()
throws RelationServiceNotRegisteredException
// Keep going until they are all done
while (unregistered.empty() == false)
// Get the next object
ObjectName mbean = (ObjectName) unregistered.pop();
// Keep track of the remain relations/roles
HashMap relationRoles = new HashMap();
// Get the relations for this mbean
HashMap idRolesMap = (HashMap) idRolesMapByMBean.get(mbean);
// Go through each relation/role
Iterator iterator = idRolesMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
String relationId = (String) entry.getKey();
HashSet roleNames = (HashSet) entry.getValue();
Iterator inner = roleNames.iterator();
while (inner.hasNext())
String roleName = (String) inner.next();
relationRoles.put(relationId, roleName);
// Tell the relation about the removed role
iterator = relationRoles.entrySet().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
String relationId = (String) entry.getKey();
String roleName = (String) entry.getValue();
Object relation = relationsById.get(relationId);
String typeName = (String) typeNamesById.get(relationId);
RelationType relationType = (RelationType) typesByName.get(typeName);
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
RelationSupport support = (RelationSupport) relation;
// Check to see if the relation is now invalid
Integer cardinality = support.getRoleCardinality(roleName);
RoleInfo roleInfo = (RoleInfo) relationType.getRoleInfo(roleName);
int minDegree = roleInfo.getMinDegree();
// It's invalid, remove it
if (cardinality.intValue() == minDegree)
// It's ok tell the relation about the unregistration
support.handleMBeanUnregistration(mbean, roleName);
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
// Check to see if the relation is now invalid
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) relation;
Integer cardinality = (Integer) server.invoke(
objectName, "getRoleCardinality",
new Object[] { roleName },
new String[] { "java.lang.String" });
RoleInfo roleInfo = (RoleInfo) relationType.getRoleInfo(roleName);
int minDegree = roleInfo.getMinDegree();
// It's invalid, remove it
if (cardinality.intValue() == minDegree)
// It's ok tell the relation about the unregistration
server.invoke(objectName, "handleMBeanUnregistration",
new Object[] { mbean, roleName },
new String[] { "java.lang.String", "java.lang.String "} );
catch (MBeanException mbe)
throw new RuntimeException(mbe.getTargetException().toString());
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
public synchronized void removeRelation(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException,
// Get the MBeans that are part of this relation
ArrayList unregMBeans = new ArrayList(
// Check to see whether this will remove the MBean
Iterator iterator = unregMBeans.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
// Remove the MBeans relation role map
ObjectName mbean = (ObjectName) iterator.next();
HashMap idRolesMap = (HashMap) idRolesMapByMBean.get(mbean);
// We were the last?
if (idRolesMap.size() == 0)
// Is this an MBean a relation?
if (idsByRelation.containsKey(mbean) == false)
// Send a notification of the removal
sendRelationRemovalNotification(relationId, unregMBeans);
// Remove the relation from all the data structures
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
// Update the relation management flag
if (relation instanceof ObjectName)
Attribute attribute = new Attribute("RelationServiceManagementFlag",
new Boolean(false));
server.setAttribute((ObjectName) relation, attribute);
catch (Exception doesntImplementRelationSupportMBean) {}
// Don't monitor this relation anymore
filter.disableObjectName((ObjectName) relation);
public synchronized void removeRelationType(String relationTypeName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationTypeNotFoundException,
if (relationTypeName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation type name");
if (typesByName.containsKey(relationTypeName) == false)
throw new RelationTypeNotFoundException("relation type name not found");
// Remove any relations for this relation type
// FIXME: This is rubbish
ArrayList ids = new ArrayList();
Map.Entry entry;
Iterator iterator = typeNamesById.entrySet().iterator();
entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next();
if (entry.getValue().equals(relationTypeName))
iterator = ids.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
removeRelation((String) iterator.next());
catch (RelationNotFoundException ignored) {}
// Remove the relation type
public void sendRelationCreationNotification(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
// Determine the type of relation
String type = null;
String description = null;
if (relationsById.get(relationId) instanceof RelationSupport)
type = RelationNotification.RELATION_BASIC_CREATION;
description = "Creation of internal relation.";
type = RelationNotification.RELATION_MBEAN_CREATION;
description = "Creation of external relation.";
// Send the notification
sendNotification(type, description, relationId, null, null, null);
public void sendRelationRemovalNotification(String relationId,
List unregMBeans)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
// Determine the type of relation
String type = null;
String description = null;
if (relationsById.get(relationId) instanceof RelationSupport)
type = RelationNotification.RELATION_BASIC_REMOVAL;
description = "Removal of internal relation.";
type = RelationNotification.RELATION_MBEAN_REMOVAL;
description = "Removal of external relation.";
// Send the notification
sendNotification(type, description, relationId, unregMBeans, null, null);
public void sendRoleUpdateNotification(String relationId,
Role newRole, List oldRoleValue)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
// Determine the type of relation
String type = null;
String description = null;
if (relationsById.get(relationId) instanceof RelationSupport)
type = RelationNotification.RELATION_BASIC_UPDATE;
description = "Update of internal relation.";
type = RelationNotification.RELATION_MBEAN_UPDATE;
description = "Update of external relation.";
if (newRole == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null role");
if (oldRoleValue == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null old role value");
// Send the notification
sendNotification(type, description, relationId, null, newRole, oldRoleValue);
public void setPurgeFlag(boolean value)
purgeFlag = value;
public void setRole(String relationId, Role role)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationServiceNotRegisteredException,
RelationNotFoundException, RoleNotFoundException,
InvalidRoleValueException, RelationTypeNotFoundException
// Get the relation object name
if (role == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null role");
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
// Ask the relation to set the role
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
((RelationSupport) relation).setRole(role);
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) relation;
server.setAttribute(objectName, new Attribute("Role", role));
catch (InstanceNotFoundException e)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(objectName.toString());
catch (MBeanException mbe)
Exception e = mbe.getTargetException();
if (e instanceof RoleNotFoundException)
throw (RoleNotFoundException) e;
else if (e instanceof InvalidRoleValueException)
throw (InvalidRoleValueException) e;
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
catch (AttributeNotFoundException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
catch (InvalidAttributeValueException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
catch (ReflectionException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
public RoleResult setRoles(String relationId, RoleList roles)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationServiceNotRegisteredException,
// Get the relation object name
if (roles == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null roles");
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
// Ask the relation to set the roles
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
return ((RelationSupport) relation).setRoles(roles);
// Why doesn't it throw this?
catch (RelationTypeNotFoundException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) relation;
RoleResult result = (RoleResult) server.invoke(objectName, "setRoles",
new Object[] { roles },
new String[] { "javax.management.relation.RoleList" });
return result;
catch (InstanceNotFoundException e)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(objectName.toString());
catch (MBeanException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.getTargetException().toString());
catch (ReflectionException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
public void updateRoleMap(String relationId, Role newRole,
List oldRoleValue)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationServiceNotRegisteredException,
if (relationId == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation id");
if (newRole == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null role");
if (oldRoleValue == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null old role value");
if (relationsById.containsKey(relationId) == false)
throw new RelationNotFoundException("Invalid relation id: " + relationId);
// Get the role name and new Value
String roleName = newRole.getRoleName();
ArrayList newRoleValue = (ArrayList) newRole.getRoleValue();
// Remove the unused and unchanged object names
Iterator iterator = oldRoleValue.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) iterator.next();
if (newRoleValue.contains(objectName) == false)
// We have to remove this relation/role
HashMap idRolesMap = (HashMap) idRolesMapByMBean.get(objectName);
HashSet roleNames = (HashSet) idRolesMap.get(relationId);
if (roleNames.size() == 0)
if (idRolesMap.size() == 0)
// Make sure all the roles exist
iterator = newRoleValue.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
ObjectName objectName = (ObjectName) iterator.next();
HashMap idRolesMap = (HashMap) idRolesMapByMBean.get(objectName);
if (idRolesMap == null)
idRolesMap = new HashMap();
idRolesMapByMBean.put(objectName, idRolesMap);
HashSet roleNames = (HashSet) idRolesMap.get(relationId);
if (roleNames == null)
roleNames = new HashSet();
idRolesMap.put(relationId, roleNames);
if (roleNames.contains(roleName) == false)
// MBeanRegistration implementation ------------------------------
public ObjectName preRegister(MBeanServer server, ObjectName objectName)
throws Exception
// Save some data
this.server = server;
this.relationService = objectName;
// Install our notification listener we aren't interested in registration
// We aren't monitoring anything at start-up
filter = new MBeanServerNotificationFilter();
delegate = new ObjectName(MBeanServerImpl.MBEAN_SERVER_DELEGATE);
server.addNotificationListener(delegate, this, filter, null);
// Ok go ahead and register
return objectName;
public void postRegister(Boolean registered)
public void preDeregister()
throws Exception
public void postDeregister()
// Remove the notification listener
server.removeNotificationListener(delegate, this);
catch(Exception ignored) {}
// REVIEW: Should we remove relation types/relations here?
// We are no longer registered
server = null;
// NotificationListener implementation ----------------------------
public void handleNotification(Notification notification, Object handback)
// Make sure we are not called malicously
if (notification == null ||
!(notification instanceof MBeanServerNotification))
// It still might be malicous
MBeanServerNotification mbsn = (MBeanServerNotification) notification;
if (mbsn.getType().equals(MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION) == false)
// Add the object to the list of mbeans to remove
ObjectName objectName = mbsn.getMBeanName();
// Are we set to automatic purge?
if (purgeFlag == true)
catch (Exception ignored) {}
// Is this a relation?
String relationId = (String) idsByRelation.get(objectName);
if (relationId != null)
catch (Exception ignored) {}
// NotificationBroadcasterSupport overrides -----------------------
public MBeanNotificationInfo[] getNotificationInfo()
MBeanNotificationInfo[] result = new MBeanNotificationInfo[1];
String[] types = new String[]
result[0] = new MBeanNotificationInfo(types,
"Notifications sent by the Relation Service MBean");
return result;
// Private --------------------------------------------------------
* Create missing roles
* @param relationTypeName the relation type name
* @param roleList the existing roles
* @exception IllegalArgumentException for a null relation id
* @exception RelationTypeNotFoundException for a missing relation type
private void createMissingRoles(String relationTypeName, RoleList roleList)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationTypeNotFoundException
// Get the relation type
RelationType relationType = retrieveRelationTypeForName(relationTypeName);
// Get the Role Information
ArrayList roleInfos = (ArrayList) relationType.getRoleInfos();
// Add empty roles for missing roles
Iterator iterator = roleInfos.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
RoleInfo roleInfo = (RoleInfo) iterator.next();
boolean found = false;
Iterator inner = roleList.iterator();
while (inner.hasNext())
Role role = (Role) inner.next();
if (role.getRoleName().equals(roleInfo.getName()))
found = true;
if (found == false)
roleList.add(new Role(roleInfo.getName(), new RoleList()));
* Get the relation for a relation id
* @param relationId the relation id
* @return the relation's object name or a relation support object
* @exception IllegalArgumentException for a null relation id
* @exception RelationNotFoundException when the relation is not registered
private Object retrieveRelationForId(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
if (relationId == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation id");
Object result = relationsById.get(relationId);
if (result == null)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(relationId);
return result;
* Get the relation type name for a relation id
* @param relationId the relation id
* @return the relation type name
* @exception IllegalArgumentException for a null relation id
* @exception RelationNotFoundException when the relation is not registered
private String retrieveTypeNameForId(String relationId)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
if (relationId == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null relation id");
String result = (String) typeNamesById.get(relationId);
if (result == null)
throw new RelationNotFoundException(relationId);
return result;
* Get the relation type for a relation type name
* @param relationTypeName the relation type name
* @return the relation type
* @exception IllegalArgumentException for a null relation type name
* @exception RelationTypeNotFoundException when the relation is not
* registered.
private RelationType retrieveRelationTypeForName(String relationTypeName)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationTypeNotFoundException
if (relationTypeName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null relation type name");
// Get the relation type
RelationType result = (RelationType) typesByName.get(relationTypeName);
if (result == null)
throw new RelationTypeNotFoundException(relationTypeName);
return result;
* Send a notification.
* @param type the notification type
* @param description the human readable description
* @param relationId the relation id of the relation
* @param unregMBeans the mbeans removed when a relation is removed
* @param newRole the role after an update
* @param oldRoleValue the old role values after an update
* @exception IllegalArgumentException for a null relation id
* @exception RelationNotFoundException for an invalid relation id.
private void sendNotification(String type, String description,
String relationId, List unregMBeans,
Role newRole, List oldRoleValue)
throws IllegalArgumentException, RelationNotFoundException
if (type == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("null notification type");
// Get the relation type name
String typeName = retrieveTypeNameForId(relationId);
// Get the relation's object name (if it has one)
Object relation = retrieveRelationForId(relationId);
ObjectName relationName = null;
if (relation instanceof ObjectName)
relationName = (ObjectName) relation;
// Get the next sequence number
long sequence;
synchronized (this)
sequence = ++notificationSequence;
// Send the notification
// REVIEW: According to the spec, the source should be a RelationService
// that doesn't make any sense, it's not serializable
// I use the object name
if (type.equals(RelationNotification.RELATION_BASIC_UPDATE) ||
sendNotification(new RelationNotification(type, relationService, sequence,
System.currentTimeMillis(), description, relationId, typeName,
relationName, newRole.getRoleName(), newRole.getRoleValue(),
sendNotification(new RelationNotification(type, relationService, sequence,
System.currentTimeMillis(), description, relationId, typeName,
relationName, unregMBeans));
* Validate and add the relation.
* @param relationId the relation id
* @param relation the relation to add
* @param relationTypeName the relation type name
* @exception InvalidRelationIdException when it is already present
* @exception RelationNotFoundException when an error occurs invoking the
* relation
* @exception IllegalArgumentException when there is an error in the
* parameters
* @exception RelationServiceNotRegisteredException when the relation
* service has not started.
private synchronized void validateAndAddRelation(String relationId,
Object relation, String relationTypeName)
throws InvalidRelationIdException
if (relationsById.containsKey(relationId))
throw new InvalidRelationIdException(relationId);
relationsById.put(relationId, relation);
idsByRelation.put(relation, relationId);
typeNamesById.put(relationId, relationTypeName);
// Retrieve all the roles
RoleList roles = null;
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
RelationSupport support = (RelationSupport) relation;
roles = support.retrieveAllRoles();
roles = (RoleList) server.invoke((ObjectName) relation,
"retrieveAllRoles", new Object[0], new String[0]);
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
// Update the roles
Iterator iterator = roles.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
Role role = (Role) iterator.next();
updateRoleMap(relationId, role, role.getRoleValue());
catch (Exception e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
// We are now managing this relation
if (relation instanceof RelationSupport)
RelationSupport support = (RelationSupport) relation;
support.setRelationServiceManagementFlag(new Boolean(true));
Attribute attribute = new Attribute("RelationServiceManagementFlag",
new Boolean(true));
server.setAttribute((ObjectName) relation, attribute);
catch (Exception doesntImplementRelationSupportMBean) {}
// Send a notification of the addition
catch (RelationNotFoundException e)
throw new RuntimeException(e.toString());
* Validate a relation type.
* @param relationType the relation to validate
* @exception InvalidRelationTypeException when it is not valid
private void validateRelationType(RelationType relationType)
throws InvalidRelationTypeException
// Check the role information
HashSet roleNames = new HashSet();
ArrayList roleInfos = (ArrayList) relationType.getRoleInfos();
synchronized (roleInfos)
Iterator iterator = roleInfos.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext())
RoleInfo roleInfo = (RoleInfo) iterator.next();
if (roleInfo == null)
throw new InvalidRelationTypeException("Null role");
if (roleNames.contains(roleInfo.getName()))
throw new InvalidRelationTypeException(
"Duplicate role name" + roleInfo.getName());