* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.jboss.test.messaging.tools;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.rmi.Naming;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.management.Notification;
import javax.management.NotificationListener;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.transaction.UserTransaction;
import org.jboss.jms.jndi.JMSProviderAdapter;
import org.jboss.jms.server.DestinationManager;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.MessageStore;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.PersistenceManager;
import org.jboss.remoting.ServerInvocationHandler;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jmx.ServiceAttributeOverrides;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jmx.rmi.LocalTestServer;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jmx.rmi.NotificationListenerID;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jmx.rmi.RMITestServer;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jmx.rmi.Server;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jndi.InVMInitialContextFactory;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jndi.RemoteInitialContextFactory;
* Collection of static methods to use to start/stop and interact with the in-memory JMS server. It
* is also use to start/stop a remote server.
* @author <a href="mailto:ovidiu@jboss.org">Ovidiu Feodorov</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:tim.fox@jboss.com">Tim Fox</a>
* @version <tt>$Revision: 2487 $</tt>
* $Id: ServerManagement.java 2487 2007-02-28 03:58:22Z ovidiu.feodorov@jboss.com $
public class ServerManagement
// Constants -----------------------------------------------------
public static final int MAX_SERVER_COUNT = 10;
// logging levels used by the remote client to forward log output on a remote server
public static int FATAL = 0;
public static int ERROR = 1;
public static int WARN = 2;
public static int INFO = 3;
public static int DEBUG = 4;
public static int TRACE = 5;
public static final String DEFAULT_QUEUE_CONTEXT = "/queue";
public static final String DEFAULT_TOPIC_CONTEXT = "/topic";
// Static --------------------------------------------------------
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ServerManagement.class);
private static ServerHolder[] servers = new ServerHolder[MAX_SERVER_COUNT];
// Map<NotificationListener - NotificationListenerPoller>
private static Map notificationListenerPollers = new HashMap();
public static boolean isLocal()
return !"true".equals(System.getProperty("remote"));
public static boolean isRemote()
return !isLocal();
public static boolean isClustered()
return "true".equals(System.getProperty("test.clustered"));
* May return null if the server is not initialized.
public synchronized static Server getServer()
return getServer(0);
* May return null if the corresponding server is not initialized.
public synchronized static Server getServer(int i)
if (servers[i] == null)
return null;
return ((ServerHolder)servers[i]).getServer();
public static synchronized Server create() throws Exception
return create(0);
* Makes sure that a "hollow" TestServer (either local or remote, depending on the nature of the
* test), exists and it's ready to be started.
public static synchronized Server create(int i) throws Exception
if (servers[i] == null)
if (isLocal())
servers[i] = new ServerHolder(new LocalTestServer(i), false);
Server s = acquireRemote(2, i, true);
if (s != null)
servers[i] = new ServerHolder(s, false);
// most likely the remote server is not started, so spawn it
servers[i] = new ServerHolder(ServerManagement.spawn(i), true);
log.info("server " + i + " online");
return servers[i].getServer();
* Will clear the database at startup.
public static void start(String config) throws Exception
start(0, config, true);
* Will clear the database at startup.
public static void start(int i, String config) throws Exception
start(i, config, true);
public static void start(int i, String config, boolean clearDatabase) throws Exception
start(i, config, null, clearDatabase);
public static void start(int i, String config,
ServiceAttributeOverrides attrOverrides,
boolean clearDatabase) throws Exception
start(i, config, attrOverrides, clearDatabase, true);
* When this method correctly completes, the server (local or remote) is started and fully
* operational (the service container and the server peer are created and started).
public static synchronized void start(int i, String config,
ServiceAttributeOverrides attrOverrides,
boolean clearDatabase,
boolean startMessagingServer) throws Exception
Server s = create(i);
log.info("starting server " + i);
s.start(config, attrOverrides, clearDatabase, startMessagingServer);
log.info("server " + i + " started");
public static synchronized boolean isStarted(int i)
if (servers[i] == null)
return false;
return servers[i].getServer().isStarted();
catch(Exception e)
log.warn("Exception on isStarted", e);
return false;
public static synchronized void stop() throws Exception
* The method stops the local or remote server, bringing it to a "hollow" state. A stopped
* server is identical with a server that has just been created, but not started.
* @return true if the server was effectively stopped, or false if the server was alreayd stopped
* when the method was invoked.
public static synchronized boolean stop(int i) throws Exception
if (servers[i] == null)
log.warn("server " + i + " has not been created, so it cannot be stopped");
return false;
boolean stopped = servers[i].getServer().stop();
if (stopped)
log.info("server " + i + " stopped");
return stopped;
* Abruptly kills the VM running the specified server, simulating a crash. A local server
* cannot be killed, the method is a noop if this is the case.
public static synchronized void kill(int i) throws Exception
if (servers[i] == null)
log.warn("server " + i + " has not been created, so it cannot be killed");
log.trace("invoking kill() on server " + i);
log.info("server " + i + " killed");
servers[i] = null;
* Kills the server and waits keep trying any dumb communication until the server is effectively
* killed. We had to implement this method as kill will actually schedule a thread that will
* perform System.exit after few milliseconds. We will use this method in places where we need
* the server killed.
public static synchronized void killAndWait(int i) throws Exception
Server server = servers[i].getServer();
log.debug("server " + i + " still alive ...");
catch (Throwable e)
// e.printStackTrace();
log.debug("server " + i + " killed and dead");
* This method make sure that all servers that have been implicitely spawned when as a side
* effect of create() and/or start() are killed. The method is important because a forked
* ant junit task won't exit if processes created by it are still active. If you run tests
* from ant, always call killSpawnedServers() in tearDown().
* The servers created directed invoking spawn() are not subject to destroySpawnedServers(); they
* need to be explicitely killed.
* @return a List<Integer> containing the indexes of the destroyed servers.
public static synchronized List destroySpawnedServers() throws Exception
List destroyed = new ArrayList();
for(int i = 0; i < servers.length; i++)
if (servers[i] != null && servers[i].isSpawned())
Server s = servers[i].getServer();
destroyed.add(new Integer(s.getServerID()));
servers[i] = null;
return destroyed;
* For a local test, is a noop, but for a remote test, the method call spawns a new VM,
* irrespective of the fact that a server with same index may already exist (if you want to
* avoid conflicts, you need to check this externally).
* The remote server so created is no different from a server started using start-rmi-server
* script.
private static synchronized Server spawn(final int i) throws Exception
if (isLocal())
return null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("java").append(' ');
sb.append("-Xmx512M").append(' ');
String remoteDebugIndex = System.getProperty("test.remote.debug.index");
if (remoteDebugIndex != null)
int index = Integer.parseInt(remoteDebugIndex);
sb.append("-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE ").
append(index).append(' ');
String moduleOutput = System.getProperty("module.output");
if (moduleOutput == null)
moduleOutput = "./output";
sb.append("-Dmodule.output=").append(moduleOutput).append(' ');
sb.append("-Dtest.bind.address=localhost").append(' ');
String database = System.getProperty("test.database");
if (database != null)
sb.append("-Dtest.database=").append(database).append(' ');
String serialization = System.getProperty("test.serialization");
if (serialization != null)
sb.append("-Dtest.serialization=").append(serialization).append(' ');
sb.append("-Dtest.server.index=").append(i).append(' ');
String clustered = System.getProperty("test.clustered");
if (clustered != null && clustered.trim().length() == 0)
clustered = null;
if (clustered != null)
sb.append("-Dtest.clustered=").append(clustered).append(' ');
String remoting = System.getProperty("test.remoting");
if (remoting != null)
sb.append("-Dtest.remoting=").append(remoting).append(' ');
String testLogfileSuffix = System.getProperty("test.logfile.suffix");
if (testLogfileSuffix == null)
testLogfileSuffix = "undefined-test-type";
int pos;
if ((pos = testLogfileSuffix.lastIndexOf("client")) != -1)
testLogfileSuffix = testLogfileSuffix.substring(0, pos) + "server";
// We need to add the i even in the non clustered case since we can have multiple
// non clustered servers
testLogfileSuffix += i;
sb.append("-Dtest.logfile.suffix=").append(testLogfileSuffix).append(' ');
String classPath = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
//System.out.println("CLASSPATH: " + classPath);
if (System.getProperty("os.name").equals("Linux"))
sb.append("-cp").append(" ").append(classPath).append(" ");
sb.append("-cp").append(" \"").append(classPath).append("\" ");
// As there is a problem with Multicast and JGroups on Linux (in certain JDKs)
// The stack introduced by multiplexer might fail under Linux if we don't have this
if (System.getProperty("os.name").equals("Linux"))
sb.append(" -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true ");
String commandLine = sb.toString();
Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(commandLine);
log.trace("process: " + process);
// if you ever need to debug the spawing process, turn this flag to true:
String parameterVerbose = System.getProperty("test.spawn.verbose");
final boolean verbose = parameterVerbose!=null && parameterVerbose.equals("true");
final BufferedReader rs = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
final BufferedReader re = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream()));
new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
String line;
while((line = rs.readLine()) != null)
if (verbose)
System.out.println("SERVER " + i + " STDOUT: " + line);
catch(Exception e)
log.error("exception", e);
}, "Server " + i + " STDOUT reader thread").start();
new Thread(new Runnable()
public void run()
String line;
while((line = re.readLine()) != null)
if (verbose)
System.out.println("SERVER " + i + " STDERR: " + line);
catch(Exception e)
log.error("exception", e);
}, "Server " + i + " STDERR reader thread").start();
// put the invoking thread on wait until the server is actually up and running and bound
// in the RMI registry
long maxWaitTime = 30; // seconds
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
Server s = null;
log.info("spawned server " + i + ", waiting for it to come online");
while(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < maxWaitTime * 1000)
s = acquireRemote(1, i, true);
if (s != null)
if (s == null)
log.error("Cannot contact newly spawned server " + i + ", most likely the attempt failed, timing out ...");
throw new Exception("Cannot contact newly spawned server " + i + ", most likely the attempt failed, timing out ...");
return s;
public static ObjectName deploy(String mbeanConfiguration) throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().deploy(mbeanConfiguration);
public static void undeploy(ObjectName on) throws Exception
public static Object getAttribute(ObjectName on, String attribute) throws Exception
return getAttribute(0, on, attribute);
public static Object getAttribute(int serverIndex, ObjectName on, String attribute)
throws Exception
return servers[serverIndex].getServer().getAttribute(on, attribute);
public static void setAttribute(ObjectName on, String name, String valueAsString)
throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().setAttribute(on, name, valueAsString);
public static Object invoke(ObjectName on, String operationName,
Object[] params, String[] signature) throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().invoke(on, operationName, params, signature);
public static void addNotificationListener(int serverIndex, ObjectName on,
NotificationListener listener) throws Exception
if (isLocal())
// add the listener directly to the server
servers[serverIndex].getServer().addNotificationListener(on, listener);
// is remote, need to poll
NotificationListenerPoller p =
new NotificationListenerPoller(((ServerHolder)servers[serverIndex]).getServer(),
on, listener);
notificationListenerPollers.put(listener, p);
new Thread(p, "Poller for " + Integer.toHexString(p.hashCode())).start();
public static void removeNotificationListener(int serverIndex, ObjectName on,
NotificationListener listener) throws Exception
if (isLocal())
// remove the listener directly
servers[serverIndex].getServer().removeNotificationListener(on, listener);
// is remote
NotificationListenerPoller p = null;
p = (NotificationListenerPoller)notificationListenerPollers.remove(listener);
if (p != null)
// stop the polling thread
* Install dynamically an AOP advice that will do "bad things" on the server, simulating all
* sorts of failures. I expect the name of this method to be refactored as we learn more about
* this type of testing.
* @return a reference to the server that has been poisoned. Use this reference to kill the
* server after use.
public static Server poisonTheServer(int serverIndex, int type) throws Exception
Server poisoned = servers[serverIndex].getServer();
// TODO (ovidiu): this is prone to race conditions, as somebody from the client may try to
// use (and create) an new server that is being poisoned, while the poisoned server is
// still alive.
servers[serverIndex] = null;
return poisoned;
public static Set query(ObjectName pattern) throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().query(pattern);
public static UserTransaction getUserTransaction() throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().getUserTransaction();
public static void log(int level, String text)
log(level, text, 0);
public static void log(int level, String text, int index)
if (isRemote())
if (servers[index] == null)
log.debug("The remote server " + index + " has not been created yet " +
"so this log won't make it to the server!");
servers[index].getServer().log(level, text);
catch(Exception e)
log.error("failed to forward the logging request to the remote server", e);
public static void startServerPeer() throws Exception
startServerPeer(0, null, null);
* @param serverPeerID - if null, the jboss-service.xml value will be used.
* @param defaultQueueJNDIContext - if null, the jboss-service.xml value will be used.
* @param defaultTopicJNDIContext - if null, the jboss-service.xml value will be used.
public static void startServerPeer(int serverPeerID,
String defaultQueueJNDIContext,
String defaultTopicJNDIContext) throws Exception
startServerPeer(serverPeerID, defaultQueueJNDIContext, defaultTopicJNDIContext, null);
* @param serverPeerID - if null, the jboss-service.xml value will be used.
* @param defaultQueueJNDIContext - if null, the jboss-service.xml value will be used.
* @param defaultTopicJNDIContext - if null, the jboss-service.xml value will be used.
public static void startServerPeer(int serverPeerID,
String defaultQueueJNDIContext,
String defaultTopicJNDIContext,
ServiceAttributeOverrides attrOverrids) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().startServerPeer(serverPeerID, defaultQueueJNDIContext,
defaultTopicJNDIContext, attrOverrids, false);
public static void stopServerPeer() throws Exception
public static boolean isServerPeerStarted() throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().isServerPeerStarted();
public static ObjectName getServerPeerObjectName() throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().getServerPeerObjectName();
* @return a Set<String> with the subsystems currently registered with the Connector.
* This method is supposed to work locally as well as remotely.
public static Set getConnectorSubsystems() throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().getConnectorSubsystems();
* Add a ServerInvocationHandler to the remoting Connector. This method is supposed to work
* locally as well as remotely.
public static void addServerInvocationHandler(String subsystem,
ServerInvocationHandler handler) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().addServerInvocationHandler(subsystem, handler);
* Remove a ServerInvocationHandler from the remoting Connector. This method is supposed to work
* locally as well as remotely.
public static void removeServerInvocationHandler(String subsystem)
throws Exception
public static MessageStore getMessageStore() throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().getMessageStore();
public static DestinationManager getDestinationManager()
throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().getDestinationManager();
public static PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager()
throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().getPersistenceManager();
public static void configureSecurityForDestination(String destName, String config)
throws Exception
configureSecurityForDestination(0, destName, config);
public static void configureSecurityForDestination(int serverID, String destName, String config)
throws Exception
servers[serverID].getServer().configureSecurityForDestination(destName, config);
public static void setDefaultSecurityConfig(String config) throws Exception
public static String getDefaultSecurityConfig() throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().getDefaultSecurityConfig();
* Simulates a topic deployment (copying the topic descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployTopic(String name, int serverIndex) throws Exception
servers[serverIndex].getServer().deployTopic(name, null, true);
* Simulates a topic deployment (copying the topic descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployTopic(String name) throws Exception
deployTopic(name, null);
* Simulates a topic deployment (copying the topic descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployTopic(String name, String jndiName) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().deployTopic(name, jndiName, false);
* Simulates a topic deployment (copying the topic descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployTopic(String name, int fullSize, int pageSize, int downCacheSize)
throws Exception
deployTopic(name, null, fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize);
* Simulates a topic deployment (copying the topic descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployTopic(String name, String jndiName, int fullSize, int pageSize,
int downCacheSize) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().deployTopic(name, jndiName, fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize, false);
* Simulates a topic un-deployment (deleting the topic descriptor from the deploy directory).
public static void undeployTopic(String name) throws Exception
undeployDestination(false, name);
* Simulates a topic un-deployment (deleting the topic descriptor from the deploy directory).
public static void undeployTopic(String name, int serverIndex) throws Exception
undeployDestination(false, name, serverIndex);
* Creates a topic programatically.
public static void createTopic(String name, String jndiName) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().deployTopicProgrammatically(name, jndiName);
* Destroys a programatically created topic.
public static boolean destroyTopic(String name) throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().undeployDestinationProgrammatically(false, name);
* Simulates a queue deployment (copying the queue descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployQueue(String name, int serverIndex) throws Exception
servers[serverIndex].getServer().deployQueue(name, null, true);
* Simulates a queue deployment (copying the queue descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployQueue(String name) throws Exception
deployQueue(name, null);
* Simulates a queue deployment (copying the queue descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployQueue(String name, String jndiName) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().deployQueue(name, jndiName, false);
* Simulates a queue deployment (copying the queue descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployQueue(String name, int fullSize, int pageSize, int downCacheSize)
throws Exception
deployQueue(name, null, fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize);
* Simulates a queue deployment (copying the queue descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployQueue(String name, String jndiName, int fullSize, int pageSize,
int downCacheSize) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().deployQueue(name, jndiName, fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize, false);
* Simulates a queue deployment (copying the queue descriptor in the deploy directory).
public static void deployQueue(String name, String jndiName, int fullSize, int pageSize,
int downCacheSize, int serverIndex, boolean clustered)
throws Exception
deployQueue(name, jndiName, fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize, clustered);
* Simulates a queue un-deployment (deleting the queue descriptor from the deploy directory).
public static void undeployQueue(String name) throws Exception
undeployDestination(true, name);
* Simulates a queue un-deployment (deleting the queue descriptor from the deploy directory).
public static void undeployQueue(String name, int serverIndex) throws Exception
undeployDestination(true, name, serverIndex);
* Creates a queue programatically.
public static void createQueue(String name, String jndiName) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().deployQueueProgrammatically(name, jndiName);
* Destroys a programatically created queue.
public static boolean destroyQueue(String name) throws Exception
return servers[0].getServer().undeployDestinationProgrammatically(true, name);
* Simulates a destination un-deployment (deleting the destination descriptor from the deploy
* directory).
private static void undeployDestination(boolean isQueue, String name) throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().undeployDestination(isQueue, name);
* Simulates a destination un-deployment (deleting the destination descriptor from the deploy
* directory).
private static void undeployDestination(boolean isQueue, String name, int serverIndex)
throws Exception
servers[serverIndex].getServer().undeployDestination(isQueue, name);
public static void deployConnectionFactory(String objectName,
String[] jndiBindings,
int prefetchSize,
int defaultTempQueueFullSize,
int defaultTempQueuePageSize,
int defaultTempQueueDownCacheSize)
throws Exception
public static void deployConnectionFactory(String objectName,
String[] jndiBindings,
int prefetchSize)
throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().deployConnectionFactory(objectName, jndiBindings, prefetchSize);
public static void deployConnectionFactory(String objectName,
String[] jndiBindings)
throws Exception
servers[0].getServer().deployConnectionFactory(objectName, jndiBindings);
public static void undeployConnectionFactory(ObjectName objectName) throws Exception
public static Hashtable getJNDIEnvironment()
return getJNDIEnvironment(0);
public static Hashtable getJNDIEnvironment(int serverIndex)
if (isLocal())
return InVMInitialContextFactory.getJNDIEnvironment(serverIndex);
return RemoteInitialContextFactory.getJNDIEnvironment(serverIndex);
public static Server acquireRemote(int initialRetries, int index, boolean quiet)
String name =
"//localhost:" + RMITestServer.DEFAULT_REGISTRY_PORT + "/" +
RMITestServer.RMI_SERVER_PREFIX + index;
Server s = null;
int retries = initialRetries;
while (s == null && retries > 0)
int attempt = initialRetries - retries + 1;
String msg = "trying to connect to the remote RMI server " + index +
(attempt == 1 ? "" : ", attempt " + attempt);
s = (Server)Naming.lookup(name);
log.debug("connected to remote server " + index);
catch(Exception e)
log.debug("failed to get the RMI server stub, attempt " +
(initialRetries - retries + 1), e);
catch(InterruptedException e2)
// OK
return s;
public static String getRemotingTransport(int serverIndex) throws Exception
return servers[serverIndex].getServer().getRemotingTransport();
public static void installJMSProviderAdaptor(int serverIndex, String jndi, JMSProviderAdapter adaptor)
throws Exception
servers[serverIndex].getServer().installJMSProviderAdaptor(jndi, adaptor);
public static void uninstallJMSProviderAdaptor(int serverIndex, String jndi)
throws Exception
// Attributes ----------------------------------------------------
// Constructors --------------------------------------------------
// Public --------------------------------------------------------
// Package protected ---------------------------------------------
// Protected -----------------------------------------------------
// Private -------------------------------------------------------
private static void insureStarted() throws Exception
private static void insureStarted(int i) throws Exception
if (servers[i] == null)
throw new Exception("Server " + i + " has not been created!");
if (!servers[i].getServer().isStarted())
throw new Exception("Server " + i + " has not been started!");
// Inner classes -------------------------------------------------
private static long listenerIDCounter = 0;
static class NotificationListenerPoller implements Runnable
public static final int POLL_INTERVAL = 500;
private long id;
private Server server;
private NotificationListener listener;
private volatile boolean running;
private synchronized static long generateID()
return listenerIDCounter++;
NotificationListenerPoller(Server server, ObjectName on, NotificationListener listener)
throws Exception
id = generateID();
this.server = server;
server.addNotificationListener(on, new NotificationListenerID(id));
this.listener = listener;
this.running = true;
public void run()
List notifications = server.pollNotificationListener(id);
for(Iterator i = notifications.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Notification n = (Notification)i.next();
listener.handleNotification(n, null);
catch(Exception e)
public void stop()
running = false;
private static class ServerHolder
private Server server;
private boolean spawned;
ServerHolder(Server server, boolean spawned)
this.server = server;
this.spawned = spawned;
public Server getServer()
return server;
public boolean isSpawned()
return spawned;