* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Distributable under LGPL license.
* See terms of license at gnu.org.
package org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.clustering;
import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageConsumer;
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;
import javax.jms.XAConnection;
import javax.jms.XAConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.XASession;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import javax.transaction.xa.XAException;
import javax.transaction.xa.XAResource;
import javax.transaction.xa.Xid;
import org.jboss.jms.client.FailoverEvent;
import org.jboss.jms.client.JBossConnection;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.jms.clustering.base.ClusteringTestBase;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.ServerManagement;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.aop.PoisonInterceptor;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jmx.ServiceContainer;
import org.jboss.test.messaging.tools.jndi.InVMInitialContextFactory;
import java.util.HashSet;
* @author <a href="mailto:tim.fox@jboss.com">Tim Fox</a>
* @version <tt>$Revision: 1.1 $</tt>
* $Id$
public class XAFailoverTest extends ClusteringTestBase
// Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private ServiceContainer sc;
private TransactionManager tm;
private Transaction suspended;
// Constructors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public XAFailoverTest(String name)
// Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void setUp() throws Exception
nodeCount = 2;
sc = new ServiceContainer("transaction");
//Don't drop the tables again!
InitialContext localIc = new InitialContext(InVMInitialContextFactory.getJNDIEnvironment());
tm = (TransactionManager)localIc.lookup(ServiceContainer.TRANSACTION_MANAGER_JNDI_NAME);
suspended = tm.suspend();
log.debug("setup done");
protected void tearDown() throws Exception
if (suspended != null)
public void testSimpleXAConnectionFailover() throws Exception
XAConnection conn = null;
XAConnectionFactory xaCF = (XAConnectionFactory)cf;
// skip connection to node 0
conn = xaCF.createXAConnection();
// create a connection to node 1
conn = xaCF.createXAConnection();
assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)conn).getServerID());
// register a failover listener
SimpleFailoverListener failoverListener = new SimpleFailoverListener();
log.debug("killing node 1 ....");
log.info("######## KILLED NODE 1");
// wait for the client-side failover to complete
FailoverEvent event = failoverListener.getEvent(120000);
if (event != null && FailoverEvent.FAILOVER_COMPLETED == event.getType())
if (event == null)
fail("Did not get expected FAILOVER_COMPLETED event");
// failover complete
log.info("failover completed");
assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)conn).getServerID());
if (conn != null)
public void testSendFailBeforePrepare() throws Exception
XAConnection xaConn = null;
XAConnectionFactory xaCF = (XAConnectionFactory)cf;
Connection conn = null;
// skip connection to node 0
xaConn = xaCF.createXAConnection();
// create a connection to node 1
xaConn = xaCF.createXAConnection();
assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)xaConn).getServerID());
conn = cf.createConnection();
conn = cf.createConnection();
assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)conn).getServerID());
// register a failover listener
SimpleFailoverListener failoverListener = new SimpleFailoverListener();
// Create a normal consumer on the queue
Session sessRec = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer cons = sessRec.createConsumer(queue[1]);
// Create an XA session
XASession sess = xaConn.createXASession();
XAResource res = sess.getXAResource();
MessageProducer prod = sess.createProducer(queue[1]);
Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction();
//Enlist a dummy XAResource to force 2pc
XAResource dummy = new DummyXAResource();
//Send a message
TextMessage msg = sess.createTextMessage("Cupid stunt");
//Make sure message can't be received
Message m = cons.receive(2000);
tx.delistResource(res, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
tx.delistResource(dummy, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
//Now kill node 1
log.debug("killing node 1 ....");
log.info("######## KILLED NODE 1");
// wait for the client-side failover to complete
FailoverEvent event = failoverListener.getEvent(120000);
if (event != null && FailoverEvent.FAILOVER_COMPLETED == event.getType())
if (event == null)
fail("Did not get expected FAILOVER_COMPLETED event");
// failover complete
log.info("failover completed");
//Now commit the transaction
// Message should now be receivable
TextMessage mrec = (TextMessage)cons.receive(2000);
assertEquals(msg.getText(), mrec.getText());
m = cons.receive(2000);
assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn).getServerID());
if (xaConn != null)
if (conn != null)
//Commented out until http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-883
//is complete
// public void testSendAndReceiveFailBeforePrepare() throws Exception
// {
// XAConnection xaConn = null;
// XAConnectionFactory xaCF = (XAConnectionFactory)cf;
// Connection conn = null;
// try
// {
// // skip connection to node 0
// xaConn = xaCF.createXAConnection();
// xaConn.close();
// // create a connection to node 1
// xaConn = xaCF.createXAConnection();
// assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)xaConn).getServerID());
// conn = cf.createConnection();
// conn.close();
// conn = cf.createConnection();
// assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)conn).getServerID());
// conn.start();
// xaConn.start();
// // register a failover listener
// SimpleFailoverListener failoverListener = new SimpleFailoverListener();
// ((JBossConnection)xaConn).registerFailoverListener(failoverListener);
// // Create a normal consumer on the queue
// Session sessRec = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// //Send a message to the queue
// MessageProducer prod = sessRec.createProducer(queue[1]);
// TextMessage sent = sessRec.createTextMessage("plop");
// prod.send(sent);
// // Create an XA session
// XASession sess = xaConn.createXASession();
// XAResource res = sess.getXAResource();
// MessageProducer prod2 = sess.createProducer(queue[1]);
// MessageConsumer cons2 = sess.createConsumer(queue[1]);
// tm.begin();
// Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction();
// tx.enlistResource(res);
// //Enlist a dummy XAResource to force 2pc
// XAResource dummy = new DummyXAResource();
// tx.enlistResource(dummy);
// //receive a message
// TextMessage received = (TextMessage)cons2.receive(2000);
// assertNotNull(received);
// assertEquals(sent.getText(), received.getText());
// //Send a message
// TextMessage msg = sess.createTextMessage("Cupid stunt");
// prod2.send(msg);
// // Make sure can't be received
// MessageConsumer cons = sessRec.createConsumer(queue[1]);
// Message m = cons.receive(2000);
// assertNull(m);
// tx.delistResource(res, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
// tx.delistResource(dummy, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
// //Now kill node 1
// log.debug("killing node 1 ....");
// ServerManagement.kill(1);
// log.info("########");
// log.info("######## KILLED NODE 1");
// log.info("########");
// // wait for the client-side failover to complete
// while(true)
// {
// FailoverEvent event = failoverListener.getEvent(120000);
// if (event != null && FailoverEvent.FAILOVER_COMPLETED == event.getType())
// {
// break;
// }
// if (event == null)
// {
// fail("Did not get expected FAILOVER_COMPLETED event");
// }
// }
// // failover complete
// log.info("failover completed");
// //Now commit the transaction
// tm.commit();
// // Message should now be receivable
// cons2.close();
// TextMessage mrec = (TextMessage)cons.receive(2000);
// assertNotNull(mrec);
// assertEquals(msg.getText(), mrec.getText());
// m = cons.receive(2000);
// //And the other message should be acked
// assertNull(m);
// assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn).getServerID());
// }
// finally
// {
// if (xaConn != null)
// {
// xaConn.close();
// }
// if (conn != null)
// {
// conn.close();
// }
// }
// }
// Commented out until http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-883
//is complete
// public void testSendAndReceiveTwoConnectionsFailBeforePrepare() throws Exception
// {
// XAConnection xaConn0 = null;
// XAConnection xaConn1 = null;
// XAConnectionFactory xaCF = (XAConnectionFactory)cf;
// try
// {
// xaConn0 = xaCF.createXAConnection();
// assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn0).getServerID());
// xaConn1 = xaCF.createXAConnection();
// assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
// TextMessage sent0 = null;
// TextMessage sent1 = null;
// // Sending two messages.. on each server
// {
// Connection conn0 = null;
// Connection conn1 = null;
// conn0 = cf.createConnection();
// assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)conn0).getServerID());
// conn1 = cf.createConnection();
// assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)conn1).getServerID());
// //Send a message to each queue
// Session sess = conn0.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// MessageProducer prod = sess.createProducer(queue[0]);
// sent0 = sess.createTextMessage("plop0");
// prod.send(sent0);
// sess.close();
// sess = conn1.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// prod = sess.createProducer(queue[1]);
// sent1 = sess.createTextMessage("plop1");
// prod.send(sent1);
// sess.close();
// }
// xaConn0.start();
// xaConn1.start();
// // register a failover listener
// SimpleFailoverListener failoverListener = new SimpleFailoverListener();
// ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).registerFailoverListener(failoverListener);
// XASession sess0 = xaConn0.createXASession();
// XAResource res0 = sess0.getXAResource();
// MessageProducer prod0 = sess0.createProducer(queue[0]);
// MessageConsumer cons0 = sess0.createConsumer(queue[0]);
// XASession sess1 = xaConn1.createXASession();
// XAResource res1 = sess1.getXAResource();
// MessageProducer prod1 = sess1.createProducer(queue[1]);
// MessageConsumer cons1 = sess1.createConsumer(queue[1]);
// tm.begin();
// Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction();
// tx.enlistResource(res0);
// tx.enlistResource(res1);
// //receive a message
// TextMessage received = (TextMessage)cons0.receive(2000);
// assertNotNull(received);
// assertEquals(sent0.getText(), received.getText());
// received = (TextMessage)cons1.receive(2000);
// assertNotNull(received);
// assertEquals(sent1.getText(), received.getText());
// //Send a message
// TextMessage msg0 = sess0.createTextMessage("Cupid stunt0");
// prod0.send(msg0);
// TextMessage msg1 = sess1.createTextMessage("Cupid stunt1");
// prod1.send(msg1);
// tx.delistResource(res0, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
// tx.delistResource(res1, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
// //Now kill node 1
// log.debug("killing node 1 ....");
// ServerManagement.kill(1);
// log.info("########");
// log.info("######## KILLED NODE 1");
// log.info("########");
// // wait for the client-side failover to complete
// while(true)
// {
// FailoverEvent event = failoverListener.getEvent(120000);
// if (event != null && FailoverEvent.FAILOVER_COMPLETED == event.getType())
// {
// break;
// }
// if (event == null)
// {
// fail("Did not get expected FAILOVER_COMPLETED event");
// }
// }
// // failover complete
// log.info("failover completed");
// //Now commit the transaction
// tm.commit();
// cons0.close();
// cons1.close();
// // Messages should now be receivable
// Connection conn = null;
// try
// {
// conn = cf.createConnection();
// conn.start();
// Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// MessageConsumer cons = session.createConsumer(queue[0]);
// HashSet receivedMessages = new HashSet();
// int numberOfReceivedMessages = 0;
// while(true)
// {
// TextMessage message = (TextMessage)cons.receive(2000);
// if (message == null)
// {
// break;
// }
// log.info("Message = (" + message.getText() + ")");
// receivedMessages.add(message.getText());
// numberOfReceivedMessages++;
// }
// //These two should be acked
// assertFalse("\"plop0\" message was duplicated",
// receivedMessages.contains("plop0"));
// assertFalse("\"plop1\" message was duplicated",
// receivedMessages.contains("plop1"));
// //And these should be receivable
// assertTrue("\"Cupid stunt0\" message wasn't received",
// receivedMessages.contains("Cupid stunt0"));
// assertTrue("\"Cupid stunt1\" message wasn't received",
// receivedMessages.contains("Cupid stunt1"));
// assertEquals(2, numberOfReceivedMessages);
// assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
// }
// finally
// {
// if (conn != null)
// {
// conn.close();
// }
// }
// }
// finally
// {
// if (xaConn1 != null)
// {
// xaConn1.close();
// }
// if (xaConn0 != null)
// {
// xaConn0.close();
// }
// }
// }
public void testSendAndReceiveFailAfterPrepareAndRetryCommit() throws Exception
XAConnection xaConn1 = null;
XAConnectionFactory xaCF = (XAConnectionFactory)cf;
TextMessage sent1 = null;
// Sending a messages
Connection conn1 = null;
conn1 = cf.createConnection();
assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)conn1).getServerID());
conn1 = cf.createConnection();
assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)conn1).getServerID());
//Send a message
Session sess = conn1.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageProducer prod = sess.createProducer(queue[1]);
sent1 = sess.createTextMessage("plop1");
xaConn1 = xaCF.createXAConnection();
assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
xaConn1 = xaCF.createXAConnection();
assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
// register a failover listener
SimpleFailoverListener failoverListener = new SimpleFailoverListener();
XASession sess1 = xaConn1.createXASession();
XAResource res1 = sess1.getXAResource();
MessageProducer prod1 = sess1.createProducer(queue[1]);
MessageConsumer cons1 = sess1.createConsumer(queue[1]);
Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction();
//enlist an extra resource to force 2pc
XAResource dummy = new DummyXAResource();
//receive a message
TextMessage received = (TextMessage)cons1.receive(2000);
assertEquals(sent1.getText(), received.getText());
//Send a message
TextMessage msg1 = sess1.createTextMessage("Cupid stunt1");
tx.delistResource(res1, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
tx.delistResource(dummy, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
// We poison node 1 so that it crashes after prepare but before commit is processed
ServerManagement.poisonTheServer(1, PoisonInterceptor.TYPE_2PC_COMMIT);
log.info("######## KILLED NODE 1");
// wait for the client-side failover to complete
FailoverEvent event = failoverListener.getEvent(120000);
if (event != null && FailoverEvent.FAILOVER_COMPLETED == event.getType())
if (event == null)
fail("Did not get expected FAILOVER_COMPLETED event");
//When the node comes back up, the invocation to commit() will be retried on the new node.
//The new node will by then already have loaded into memory the prepared transactions from
//the failed node so this should complete ok
// failover complete
log.info("failover completed");
// Message should now be receivable
Connection conn = null;
conn = cf.createConnection();
assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)conn).getServerID());
Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
MessageConsumer cons = session.createConsumer(queue[0]);
HashSet receivedMessages = new HashSet();
int numberOfReceivedMessages = 0;
TextMessage message = (TextMessage)cons.receive(2000);
if (message == null)
log.info("Message = (" + message.getText() + ")");
assertFalse("\"plop1\" message was duplicated",
assertTrue("\"Cupid stunt1\" message wasn't received",
receivedMessages.contains("Cupid stunt1"));
assertEquals(1, numberOfReceivedMessages);
assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
if (conn != null)
assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
if (xaConn1 != null)
// This test is invalid because it assumes the order in which prepare is called on the two
// particants.
// If prepare is called on server 1 first it will crash and prepare won't get called on server 0
// so the test will fail.
// public void testSendAndReceiveTwoConnectionsFailAfterPrepareAndRecover() throws Exception
// {
// XAConnection xaConn0 = null;
// XAConnection xaConn1 = null;
// XAConnectionFactory xaCF = (XAConnectionFactory)cf;
// TextMessage sent0 = null;
// TextMessage sent1 = null;
// // Sending two messages.. on each server
// {
// Connection conn0 = null;
// Connection conn1 = null;
// conn0 = cf.createConnection();
// assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)conn0).getServerID());
// conn1 = cf.createConnection();
// assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)conn1).getServerID());
// //Send a message to each queue
// Session sess = conn0.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// MessageProducer prod = sess.createProducer(queue[0]);
// sent0 = sess.createTextMessage("plop0");
// prod.send(sent0);
// sess.close();
// sess = conn1.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// prod = sess.createProducer(queue[1]);
// sent1 = sess.createTextMessage("plop1");
// prod.send(sent1);
// sess.close();
// }
// try
// {
// xaConn0 = xaCF.createXAConnection();
// assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn0).getServerID());
// xaConn1 = xaCF.createXAConnection();
// assertEquals(1, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
// xaConn0.start();
// xaConn1.start();
// // register a failover listener
// SimpleFailoverListener failoverListener = new SimpleFailoverListener();
// ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).registerFailoverListener(failoverListener);
// XASession sess0 = xaConn0.createXASession();
// XAResource res0 = sess0.getXAResource();
// MessageProducer prod0 = sess0.createProducer(queue[0]);
// MessageConsumer cons0 = sess0.createConsumer(queue[0]);
// XASession sess1 = xaConn1.createXASession();
// XAResource res1 = sess1.getXAResource();
// MessageProducer prod1 = sess1.createProducer(queue[1]);
// MessageConsumer cons1 = sess1.createConsumer(queue[1]);
// tm.begin();
// Transaction tx = tm.getTransaction();
// tx.enlistResource(res0);
// tx.enlistResource(res1);
// //receive a message
// TextMessage received = (TextMessage)cons0.receive(2000);
// assertNotNull(received);
// assertEquals(sent0.getText(), received.getText());
// received = (TextMessage)cons1.receive(2000);
// assertNotNull(received);
// assertEquals(sent1.getText(), received.getText());
// //Send a message
// TextMessage msg0 = sess0.createTextMessage("Cupid stunt0");
// prod0.send(msg0);
// TextMessage msg1 = sess1.createTextMessage("Cupid stunt1");
// prod1.send(msg1);
// tx.delistResource(res0, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
// tx.delistResource(res1, XAResource.TMSUCCESS);
// // We poison node 1 so that it crashes after prepare but before commit is processed
// ServerManagement.poisonTheServer(1, PoisonInterceptor.TYPE_2PC_COMMIT);
// tm.commit();
// //Now kill node 1
// log.debug("killing node 1 ....");
// ServerManagement.kill(1);
// log.info("########");
// log.info("######## KILLED NODE 1");
// log.info("########");
// // wait for the client-side failover to complete
// while(true)
// {
// FailoverEvent event = failoverListener.getEvent(120000);
// if (event != null && FailoverEvent.FAILOVER_COMPLETED == event.getType())
// {
// break;
// }
// if (event == null)
// {
// fail("Did not get expected FAILOVER_COMPLETED event");
// }
// }
// //When the node comes back up, the invocation to commit() will be retried on the new node.
// //The new node will by then already have loaded into memory the prepared transactions from
// //the failed node so this should complete ok
// // failover complete
// log.info("failover completed");
// cons0.close();
// cons1.close();
// // Message should now be receivable
// Connection conn = null;
// try
// {
// conn = cf.createConnection();
// conn.start();
// Session session = conn.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
// MessageConsumer cons = session.createConsumer(queue[0]);
// HashSet receivedMessages = new HashSet();
// int numberOfReceivedMessages = 0;
// while(true)
// {
// TextMessage message = (TextMessage)cons.receive(2000);
// if (message == null)
// {
// break;
// }
// log.info("Message = (" + message.getText() + ")");
// receivedMessages.add(message.getText());
// numberOfReceivedMessages++;
// }
// assertFalse("\"plop0\" message was duplicated",
// receivedMessages.contains("plop0"));
// assertFalse("\"plop1\" message was duplicated",
// receivedMessages.contains("plop0"));
// assertTrue("\"Cupid stunt0\" message wasn't received",
// receivedMessages.contains("Cupid stunt0"));
// assertTrue("\"Cupid stunt1\" message wasn't received",
// receivedMessages.contains("Cupid stunt1"));
// assertEquals(2, numberOfReceivedMessages);
// assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
// }
// finally
// {
// if (conn != null)
// {
// conn.close();
// }
// }
// assertEquals(0, ((JBossConnection)xaConn1).getServerID());
// }
// finally
// {
// if (xaConn1 != null)
// {
// xaConn1.close();
// }
// if (xaConn0 != null)
// {
// xaConn0.close();
// }
// }
// }
// Inner classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static class DummyXAResource implements XAResource
boolean failOnPrepare;
public void commit(Xid arg0, boolean arg1) throws XAException
public void end(Xid arg0, int arg1) throws XAException
public void forget(Xid arg0) throws XAException
public int getTransactionTimeout() throws XAException
return 0;
public boolean isSameRM(XAResource arg0) throws XAException
return false;
public int prepare(Xid arg0) throws XAException
return XAResource.XA_OK;
public Xid[] recover(int arg0) throws XAException
return null;
public void rollback(Xid arg0) throws XAException
public boolean setTransactionTimeout(int arg0) throws XAException
return false;
public void start(Xid arg0, int arg1) throws XAException