* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.jboss.jms.server.endpoint;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.jms.IllegalStateException;
import javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import org.jboss.aop.AspectManager;
import org.jboss.jms.client.delegate.ClientBrowserDelegate;
import org.jboss.jms.client.delegate.ClientConsumerDelegate;
import org.jboss.jms.delegate.BrowserDelegate;
import org.jboss.jms.delegate.ConsumerDelegate;
import org.jboss.jms.destination.JBossDestination;
import org.jboss.jms.destination.JBossQueue;
import org.jboss.jms.destination.JBossTopic;
import org.jboss.jms.message.JBossMessage;
import org.jboss.jms.selector.Selector;
import org.jboss.jms.server.DestinationManager;
import org.jboss.jms.server.JMSCondition;
import org.jboss.jms.server.ServerPeer;
import org.jboss.jms.server.destination.ManagedDestination;
import org.jboss.jms.server.destination.ManagedQueue;
import org.jboss.jms.server.destination.ManagedTopic;
import org.jboss.jms.server.destination.TopicService;
import org.jboss.jms.server.endpoint.advised.BrowserAdvised;
import org.jboss.jms.server.endpoint.advised.ConsumerAdvised;
import org.jboss.jms.server.messagecounter.MessageCounter;
import org.jboss.jms.util.ExceptionUtil;
import org.jboss.jms.util.MessageQueueNameHelper;
import org.jboss.jms.wireformat.Dispatcher;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.Channel;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.Delivery;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.DeliveryObserver;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.Queue;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.local.PagingFilteredQueue;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.message.MessageReference;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.IDManager;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.ClusteredPostOffice;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.MessageStore;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.PersistenceManager;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.PostOffice;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.postoffice.Binding;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.postoffice.cluster.LocalClusteredQueue;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.tx.Transaction;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.tx.TransactionException;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.tx.TransactionRepository;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.tx.TxCallback;
import org.jboss.util.id.GUID;
import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.QueuedExecutor;
import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.SynchronizedLong;
* The server side representation of a JMS session.
* A user must not invoke methods of a session concurrently on different threads, however there are
* situations where multiple threads may access this object concurrently, for instance:
* - A session can be closed when it's connection is closed by the user which might be called on a
* different thread.
* - A session can be closed when the server determines the connection is dead.
* If the session represents a connection consumer's session then the connection consumer will farm
* off messages to different sessions obtained from a pool, these may then cancel/ack etc on
* different threads, but the acks/cancels/etc will end up back here on the connection consumer
* session instance.
* @author <a href="mailto:ovidiu@jboss.org">Ovidiu Feodorov</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:tim.fox@jboss.com">Tim Fox</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:clebert.suconic@jboss.com">Clebert Suconic</a>
* @version <tt>$Revision: 2507 $</tt>
* $Id: ServerSessionEndpoint.java 2507 2007-02-28 23:46:51Z timfox $
public class ServerSessionEndpoint implements SessionEndpoint
// Constants ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ServerSessionEndpoint.class);
static final String TEMP_QUEUE_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX = "TempQueue.";
// Static ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attributes -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
private int id;
private volatile boolean closed;
private ServerConnectionEndpoint connectionEndpoint;
private ServerPeer sp;
private Map consumers;
private Map browsers;
private PersistenceManager pm;
private MessageStore ms;
private DestinationManager dm;
private IDManager idm;
private TransactionRepository tr;
private PostOffice postOffice;
private int nodeId;
private int maxDeliveryAttempts;
private Queue defaultDLQ;
private Queue defaultExpiryQueue;
// Map <deliveryID, Delivery>
private Map deliveries;
private SynchronizedLong deliveryIdSequence;
//Temporary until we have our own NIO transport
QueuedExecutor executor = new QueuedExecutor();
// Constructors ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ServerSessionEndpoint(int sessionID, ServerConnectionEndpoint connectionEndpoint)
throws Exception
this.id = sessionID;
this.connectionEndpoint = connectionEndpoint;
sp = connectionEndpoint.getServerPeer();
pm = sp.getPersistenceManagerInstance();
ms = sp.getMessageStore();
dm = sp.getDestinationManager();
postOffice = sp.getPostOfficeInstance();
idm = sp.getChannelIDManager();
nodeId = sp.getServerPeerID();
tr = sp.getTxRepository();
consumers = new HashMap();
browsers = new HashMap();
defaultDLQ = sp.getDefaultDLQInstance();
defaultExpiryQueue = sp.getDefaultExpiryQueueInstance();
tr = sp.getTxRepository();
maxDeliveryAttempts = sp.getDefaultMaxDeliveryAttempts();
deliveries = new ConcurrentHashMap();
deliveryIdSequence = new SynchronizedLong(0);
// SessionDelegate implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------
public ConsumerDelegate createConsumerDelegate(JBossDestination jmsDestination,
String selector,
boolean noLocal,
String subscriptionName,
boolean isCC) throws JMSException
// if (!connectionEndpoint.isFailoverConnection())
// {
// regular consumer
return createConsumerDelegateInternal(jmsDestination, selector,
noLocal, subscriptionName);
// }
// // we're child of a failover connection. Favor failover channels when creating new
// // consumers
// return createFailoverConsumerDelegateInternal(jmsDestination, selector,
// noLocal, subscriptionName,
// failoverChannelID);
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " createConsumerDelegate");
public BrowserDelegate createBrowserDelegate(JBossDestination jmsDestination,
String selector)
throws JMSException
// if (!connectionEndpoint.isFailoverConnection())
// {
// regular browser
return createBrowserDelegateInternal(jmsDestination, selector);
// }
// // we're child of a failover connection. Favor failover channels when creating new
// // browsers
// return createFailoverBrowserDelegateInternal(jmsDestination, selector, failoverChannelID);
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " createBrowserDelegate");
public JBossQueue createQueue(String name) throws JMSException
if (closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is closed");
ManagedDestination dest = (ManagedDestination)dm.getDestination(name, true);
if (dest == null)
throw new JMSException("There is no administratively defined queue with name:" + name);
return new JBossQueue(dest.getName());
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " createQueue");
public JBossTopic createTopic(String name) throws JMSException
if (closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is closed");
ManagedDestination dest = (ManagedDestination)dm.getDestination(name, false);
if (dest == null)
throw new JMSException("There is no administratively defined topic with name:" + name);
return new JBossTopic(name);
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " createTopic");
public void close() throws JMSException
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " close");
public long closing() throws JMSException
// currently does nothing
if (trace) log.trace(this + " closing (noop)");
return -1;
public void send(JBossMessage message, boolean checkForDuplicates) throws JMSException
connectionEndpoint.sendMessage(message, null, checkForDuplicates);
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " send");
public void acknowledgeDelivery(Ack ack) throws JMSException
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " acknowledgeDelivery");
public void acknowledgeDeliveries(List acks) throws JMSException
if (trace) {log.trace(this + " acknowledges deliveries " + acks); }
Iterator iter = acks.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Ack ack = (Ack)iter.next();
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " acknowledgeDeliveries");
public void cancelDelivery(Cancel cancel) throws JMSException
if (trace) {log.trace(this + " cancelDelivery " + cancel); }
Delivery del = cancelDeliveryInternal(cancel);
//Prompt delivery
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " cancelDelivery");
public void cancelDeliveries(List cancels) throws JMSException
if (trace) {log.trace(this + " cancels deliveries " + cancels); }
// deliveries must be cancelled in reverse order
Set channels = new HashSet();
for (int i = cancels.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Cancel cancel = (Cancel)cancels.get(i);
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " cancelling delivery " + cancel.getDeliveryId()); }
Delivery del = cancelDeliveryInternal(cancel);
// need to prompt delivery for all affected channels
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " cancelDeliveries");
public void recoverDeliveries(List deliveryRecoveryInfos) throws JMSException
if (trace) { log.trace(this + "recovers deliveries " + deliveryRecoveryInfos); }
if (postOffice.isLocal())
throw new IllegalStateException("Recovering deliveries but post office is not clustered!");
long maxDeliveryId = 0;
//Sort into different list for each channel
Map ackMap = new HashMap();
for (Iterator iter = deliveryRecoveryInfos.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
DeliveryRecovery deliveryInfo = (DeliveryRecovery)iter.next();
String queueName = deliveryInfo.getQueueName();
List acks = (List)ackMap.get(queueName);
if (acks == null)
acks = new ArrayList();
ackMap.put(queueName, acks);
Iterator iter = ackMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
String queueName = (String)entry.getKey();
//Look up channel
Binding binding = postOffice.getBindingForQueueName(queueName);
if (binding == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find channel with queue name: " + queueName);
List acks = (List)entry.getValue();
List ids = new ArrayList(acks.size());
for (Iterator iter2 = acks.iterator(); iter2.hasNext(); )
DeliveryRecovery info = (DeliveryRecovery)iter2.next();
ids.add(new Long(info.getMessageID()));
Queue queue = binding.getQueue();
JMSCondition cond = (JMSCondition)binding.getCondition();
ManagedDestination dest =
sp.getDestinationManager().getDestination(cond.getName(), cond.isQueue());
if (dest == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find managed destination with name " +
cond.getName() + " isQueue" + cond.isQueue());
Queue dlqToUse =
dest.getDLQ() == null ? defaultDLQ : dest.getDLQ();
Queue expiryQueueToUse =
dest.getExpiryQueue() == null ? defaultExpiryQueue : dest.getExpiryQueue();
List dels = queue.recoverDeliveries(ids);
Iterator iter2 = dels.iterator();
Iterator iter3 = acks.iterator();
while (iter2.hasNext())
Delivery del = (Delivery)iter2.next();
DeliveryRecovery info = (DeliveryRecovery)iter3.next();
long deliveryId = info.getDeliveryID();
maxDeliveryId = Math.max(maxDeliveryId, deliveryId);
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " Recovered delivery " + deliveryId + ", " + del); }
deliveries.put(new Long(deliveryId),
new DeliveryRecord(del, -1, dlqToUse,
expiryQueueToUse, dest.getRedeliveryDelay()));
this.deliveryIdSequence = new SynchronizedLong(maxDeliveryId + 1);
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " recoverDeliveries");
public void addTemporaryDestination(JBossDestination dest) throws JMSException
if (closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is closed");
if (!dest.isTemporary())
throw new InvalidDestinationException("Destination:" + dest +
" is not a temporary destination");
// Register with the destination manager
ManagedDestination mDest;
int fullSize = connectionEndpoint.getDefaultTempQueueFullSize();
int pageSize = connectionEndpoint.getDefaultTempQueuePageSize();
int downCacheSize = connectionEndpoint.getDefaultTempQueueDownCacheSize();
if (dest.isTopic())
mDest = new ManagedTopic(dest.getName(), fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize);
mDest = new ManagedQueue(dest.getName(), fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize);
if (dest.isQueue())
Queue coreQueue;
coreQueue = new PagingFilteredQueue(dest.getName(),
idm.getID(), ms, pm, true, false,
-1, null, fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize);
String counterName = TEMP_QUEUE_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX + dest.getName();
MessageCounter counter =
new MessageCounter(counterName, null, coreQueue, false, false,
sp.getMessageCounterManager().registerMessageCounter(counterName, counter);
// make a binding for this queue
postOffice.bindQueue(new JMSCondition(true, dest.getName()), coreQueue);
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " addTemporaryDestination");
public void deleteTemporaryDestination(JBossDestination dest) throws JMSException
if (closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is closed");
if (!dest.isTemporary())
throw new InvalidDestinationException("Destination:" + dest +
" is not a temporary destination");
ManagedDestination mDest = dm.getDestination(dest.getName(), dest.isQueue());
if (mDest == null)
throw new InvalidDestinationException("No such destination: " + dest);
if (dest.isQueue())
String counterName = TEMP_QUEUE_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX + dest.getName();
MessageCounter counter =
if (counter == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find counter to unregister " + counterName);
Collection bindings =
postOffice.getBindingsForCondition(new JMSCondition(false, dest.getName()));
if (!bindings.isEmpty())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot delete temporary destination, " +
"since it has active consumer(s)");
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " deleteTemporaryDestination");
public void unsubscribe(String subscriptionName) throws JMSException
log.debug(this + " unsubscribing " + subscriptionName);
if (closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is closed");
if (subscriptionName == null)
throw new InvalidDestinationException("Destination is null");
String clientID = connectionEndpoint.getClientID();
if (clientID == null)
throw new JMSException("null clientID on connection");
String queueName = MessageQueueNameHelper.createSubscriptionName(clientID, subscriptionName);
Binding binding = postOffice.getBindingForQueueName(queueName);
if (binding == null)
throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot find durable subscription with name " +
subscriptionName + " to unsubscribe");
// Section 6.11. JMS 1.1.
// "It is erroneous for a client to delete a durable subscription while it has an active
// TopicSubscriber for it or while a message received by it is part of a current
// transaction or has not been acknowledged in the session."
Queue sub = binding.getQueue();
if (sub.getNumberOfReceivers() != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot unsubscribe durable subscription " +
subscriptionName + " since it has active subscribers");
//Look up the topic
JMSCondition topicCond = (JMSCondition)binding.getCondition();
String topicName = topicCond.getName();
ManagedDestination mDest = dm.getDestination(topicName, false);
//Unbind it
if (mDest.isClustered() && !postOffice.isLocal())
ClusteredPostOffice cpo = (ClusteredPostOffice)postOffice;
String counterName = TopicService.SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX + sub.getName();
MessageCounter counter = sp.getMessageCounterManager().unregisterMessageCounter(counterName);
if (counter == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find counter to remove " + counterName);
catch (Throwable t)
throw ExceptionUtil.handleJMSInvocation(t, this + " unsubscribe");
// Public ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public ServerConnectionEndpoint getConnectionEndpoint()
return connectionEndpoint;
public String toString()
return "SessionEndpoint[" + id + "]";
// Package protected ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void expireDelivery(Delivery del, Queue expiryQueue) throws Throwable
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " detected expired message " + del.getReference()); }
if (expiryQueue != null)
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " sending expired message to expiry queue " + expiryQueue); }
JBossMessage copy = makeCopyForDLQOrExpiry(true, del);
moveInTransaction(copy, del, expiryQueue);
log.warn("No expiry queue has been configured so removing expired " + del.getReference());
void removeBrowser(int browserId) throws Exception
synchronized (browsers)
if (browsers.remove(new Integer(browserId)) == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find browser with id " + browserId + " to remove");
void removeConsumer(int consumerId) throws Exception
synchronized (consumers)
if (consumers.remove(new Integer(consumerId)) == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find consumer with id " + consumerId + " to remove");
void localClose() throws Throwable
if (closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is already closed");
if (trace) log.trace(this + " close()");
//We clone to avoid deadlock http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-836
Map consumersClone;
synchronized (consumers)
consumersClone = new HashMap(consumers);
for( Iterator i = consumersClone.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
//We clone to avoid deadlock http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-836
Map browsersClone;
synchronized (browsers)
browsersClone = new HashMap(browsers);
for( Iterator i = browsersClone.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
//Now cancel any remaining deliveries in reverse delivery order
//Note we don't maintain order using a LinkedHashMap since then we lose
//concurrency since we would have to lock it exclusively
List entries = new ArrayList(deliveries.entrySet());
//Sort them in reverse delivery id order
new Comparator()
public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2)
Map.Entry entry1 = (Map.Entry)obj1;
Map.Entry entry2 = (Map.Entry)obj2;
Long id1 = (Long)entry1.getKey();
Long id2 = (Long)entry2.getKey();
return id2.compareTo(id1);
Iterator iter = entries.iterator();
Set channels = new HashSet();
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " cancelling " + entries.size() + " deliveries"); }
while (iter.hasNext())
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry)iter.next();
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " cancelling delivery with delivery id: " + entry.getKey()); }
DeliveryRecord rec = (DeliveryRecord)entry.getValue();
sp.removeSession(new Integer(id));
Dispatcher.instance.unregisterTarget(id, this);
closed = true;
void cancelDelivery(long deliveryId) throws Throwable
DeliveryRecord rec = (DeliveryRecord)deliveries.remove(new Long(deliveryId));
if (rec == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find delivery to cancel " + deliveryId);
long addDelivery(Delivery del, int consumerId, Queue dlq, Queue expiryQueue, long redeliveryDelay)
long deliveryId = deliveryIdSequence.increment();
deliveries.put(new Long(deliveryId), new DeliveryRecord(del, consumerId, dlq, expiryQueue, redeliveryDelay));
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " added delivery " + deliveryId + ": " + del); }
return deliveryId;
void acknowledgeTransactionally(List acks, Transaction tx) throws Throwable
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " acknowledging transactionally " + acks.size() + " messages for " + tx); }
DeliveryCallback deliveryCallback = (DeliveryCallback)tx.getCallback(this);
if (deliveryCallback == null)
deliveryCallback = new DeliveryCallback();
tx.addCallback(deliveryCallback, this);
for(Iterator i = acks.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Ack ack = (Ack)i.next();
Long id = new Long(ack.getDeliveryID());
DeliveryRecord rec = (DeliveryRecord)deliveries.get(id);
if (rec == null)
log.warn("Cannot find delivery to acknowledge " + ack);
* Starts this session's Consumers
void setStarted(boolean s) throws Throwable
//We clone to prevent deadlock http://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-836
Map consumersClone;
consumersClone = new HashMap(consumers);
for(Iterator i = consumersClone.values().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
ServerConsumerEndpoint sce = (ServerConsumerEndpoint)i.next();
if (s)
void promptDelivery(final Channel channel)
//Prompting delivery must be asynchronous to avoid deadlock
//but we cannot use one way invocations on cancelDelivery and
//cancelDeliveries because remoting one way invocations can
//overtake each other in flight - this problem will
//go away when we have our own transport and our dedicated connection
this.executor.execute(new Runnable() { public void run() { channel.deliver(); } } );
catch (Throwable t)
log.error("Failed to prompt delivery", t);
// Protected ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Private --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
private Delivery cancelDeliveryInternal(Cancel cancel) throws Throwable
DeliveryRecord rec = (DeliveryRecord)deliveries.remove(new Long(cancel.getDeliveryId()));
if (rec == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find delivery to cancel " + cancel.getDeliveryId());
//Note we check the flag *and* evaluate again, this is because the server and client clocks may
//be out of synch and don't want to send back to the client a message it thought it has sent to
//the expiry queue
boolean expired = cancel.isExpired() || rec.del.getReference().getMessage().isExpired();
//Note we check the flag *and* evaluate again, this is because the server value of maxDeliveries
//might get changed after the client has sent the cancel - and we don't want to end up cancelling
//back to the original queue
boolean reachedMaxDeliveryAttempts =
cancel.isReachedMaxDeliveryAttempts() || cancel.getDeliveryCount() >= maxDeliveryAttempts;
Delivery del = rec.del;
if (!expired && !reachedMaxDeliveryAttempts)
//Normal cancel back to the queue
//Do we need to set a redelivery delay?
if (rec.redeliveryDelay != 0)
del.getReference().setScheduledDeliveryTime(System.currentTimeMillis() + rec.redeliveryDelay);
if (expired)
//Sent to expiry queue
JBossMessage copy = makeCopyForDLQOrExpiry(true, del);
moveInTransaction(copy, del, rec.expiryQueue);
//Send to DLQ
JBossMessage copy = makeCopyForDLQOrExpiry(false, del);
moveInTransaction(copy, del, rec.dlq);
return rec.del;
private JBossMessage makeCopyForDLQOrExpiry(boolean expiry, Delivery del) throws Exception
//We copy the message and send that to the dlq/expiry queue - this is because
//otherwise we may end up with a ref with the same message id in the queue more than once
//which would barf - this might happen if the same message had been expire from multiple
//subscriptions of a topic for example
//We set headers that hold the original message destination, expiry time and original message id
JBossMessage msg = ((JBossMessage)del.getReference().getMessage());
JBossMessage copy = msg.doCopy();
long newMessageId = sp.getMessageIDManager().getID();
//reset expiry
String origMessageId = msg.getJMSMessageID();
String origDest = msg.getJMSDestination().toString();
copy.setStringProperty(JBOSS_MESSAGING_ORIG_MESSAGE_ID, origMessageId);
copy.setStringProperty(JBOSS_MESSAGING_ORIG_DESTINATION, origDest);
if (expiry)
long actualExpiryTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
copy.setLongProperty(JBOSS_MESSAGING_ACTUAL_EXPIRY_TIME, actualExpiryTime);
return copy;
private void moveInTransaction(JBossMessage msg, Delivery del, Queue queue) throws Throwable
Transaction tx = tr.createTransaction();
MessageReference ref = ms.reference(msg);
if (queue != null)
queue.handle(null, ref, tx);
log.warn("Cannot move to destination since destination has not been deployed! " +
"The message will be removed");
catch (Throwable t)
throw t;
if (ref != null)
//Need to prompt delivery on the dlq/expiry queue
//TODO - are we sure this is the right place to prompt delivery?
if (queue != null)
private void acknowledgeDeliveryInternal(Ack ack) throws Throwable
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " acknowledging delivery " + ack); }
DeliveryRecord rec = (DeliveryRecord)deliveries.remove(new Long(ack.getDeliveryID()));
if (rec == null)
log.warn("Cannot find " + ack + " to acknowledge, " +
"maybe it was already acknowledged before failover!");
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " acknowledged delivery " + ack); }
private ConsumerDelegate createConsumerDelegateInternal(JBossDestination jmsDestination,
String selectorString,
boolean noLocal,
String subscriptionName)
throws Throwable
if (closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is closed");
if ("".equals(selectorString))
selectorString = null;
if (trace)
log.trace(this + " creating consumer for " + jmsDestination +
(selectorString == null ? "" : ", selector '" + selectorString + "'") +
(subscriptionName == null ? "" : ", subscription '" + subscriptionName + "'") +
(noLocal ? ", noLocal" : ""));
ManagedDestination mDest = dm.
getDestination(jmsDestination.getName(), jmsDestination.isQueue());
if (mDest == null)
throw new InvalidDestinationException("No such destination: " + jmsDestination);
if (jmsDestination.isTemporary())
// Can only create a consumer for a temporary destination on the same connection
// that created it
if (!connectionEndpoint.hasTemporaryDestination(jmsDestination))
String msg = "Cannot create a message consumer on a different connection " +
"to that which created the temporary destination";
throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
int consumerID = connectionEndpoint.getServerPeer().getNextObjectID();
Binding binding = null;
// Always validate the selector first
Selector selector = null;
if (selectorString != null)
selector = new Selector(selectorString);
if (jmsDestination.isTopic())
JMSCondition topicCond = new JMSCondition(false, jmsDestination.getName());
if (subscriptionName == null)
// non-durable subscription
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(this + " creating new non-durable subscription on " + jmsDestination); }
// Create the non durable sub
PagingFilteredQueue q;
if (postOffice.isLocal() || !mDest.isClustered())
q = new PagingFilteredQueue(new GUID().toString(), idm.getID(), ms, pm, true, false,
mDest.getMaxSize(), selector,
binding = postOffice.bindQueue(topicCond, q);
q = new LocalClusteredQueue((ClusteredPostOffice)postOffice, nodeId, new GUID().toString(),
idm.getID(), ms, pm, true, false,
mDest.getMaxSize(), selector, tr,
ClusteredPostOffice cpo = (ClusteredPostOffice)postOffice;
binding = cpo.bindClusteredQueue(topicCond, (LocalClusteredQueue)q);
String counterName = TopicService.SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX + q.getName();
int dayLimitToUse = mDest.getMessageCounterHistoryDayLimit();
if (dayLimitToUse == -1)
//Use override on server peer
dayLimitToUse = sp.getDefaultMessageCounterHistoryDayLimit();
MessageCounter counter =
new MessageCounter(counterName, null, q, true, false,
sp.getMessageCounterManager().registerMessageCounter(counterName, counter);
if (jmsDestination.isTemporary())
throw new InvalidDestinationException("Cannot create a durable subscription on a temporary topic");
// We have a durable subscription, look it up
String clientID = connectionEndpoint.getClientID();
if (clientID == null)
throw new JMSException("Cannot create durable subscriber without a valid client ID");
// See if there any bindings with the same client_id.subscription_name name
String name = MessageQueueNameHelper.createSubscriptionName(clientID, subscriptionName);
binding = postOffice.getBindingForQueueName(name);
if (binding == null)
// Does not already exist
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " creating new durable subscription on " + jmsDestination); }
PagingFilteredQueue q;
if (postOffice.isLocal())
q = new PagingFilteredQueue(name, idm.getID(), ms, pm, true, true,
mDest.getMaxSize(), selector,
binding = postOffice.bindQueue(topicCond, q);
q = new LocalClusteredQueue((ClusteredPostOffice)postOffice, nodeId, name, idm.getID(),
ms, pm, true, true,
mDest.getMaxSize(), selector, tr,
ClusteredPostOffice cpo = (ClusteredPostOffice)postOffice;
if (mDest.isClustered())
binding = cpo.bindClusteredQueue(topicCond, (LocalClusteredQueue)q);
binding = cpo.bindQueue(topicCond, q);
String counterName = TopicService.SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX + q.getName();
MessageCounter counter =
new MessageCounter(counterName, subscriptionName, q, true, true,
sp.getMessageCounterManager().registerMessageCounter(counterName, counter);
//Durable sub already exists
if (trace) { log.trace(this + " subscription " + subscriptionName + " already exists"); }
// From javax.jms.Session Javadoc (and also JMS 1.1 6.11.1):
// A client can change an existing durable subscription by creating a durable
// TopicSubscriber with the same name and a new topic and/or message selector.
// Changing a durable subscriber is equivalent to unsubscribing (deleting) the old
// one and creating a new one.
String filterString =
binding.getQueue().getFilter() != null ?
binding.getQueue().getFilter().getFilterString() : null;
boolean selectorChanged =
(selectorString == null && filterString != null) ||
(filterString == null && selectorString != null) ||
(filterString != null && selectorString != null &&
if (trace) { log.trace("selector " + (selectorChanged ? "has" : "has NOT") + " changed"); }
JMSCondition cond = (JMSCondition)binding.getCondition();
boolean topicChanged = !cond.getName().equals(jmsDestination.getName());
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("topic " + (topicChanged ? "has" : "has NOT") + " changed"); }
if (selectorChanged || topicChanged)
if (trace) { log.trace("topic or selector changed so deleting old subscription"); }
// Unbind the durable subscription
if (mDest.isClustered() && !postOffice.isLocal())
ClusteredPostOffice cpo = (ClusteredPostOffice)postOffice;
// create a fresh new subscription
PagingFilteredQueue q;
if (postOffice.isLocal())
q = new PagingFilteredQueue(name, idm.getID(), ms, pm, true, true,
mDest.getMaxSize(), selector,
binding = postOffice.bindQueue(topicCond, q);
q = new LocalClusteredQueue((ClusteredPostOffice)postOffice, nodeId, name, idm.getID(), ms, pm, true, true,
mDest.getMaxSize(), selector, tr,
ClusteredPostOffice cpo = (ClusteredPostOffice)postOffice;
if (mDest.isClustered())
binding = cpo.bindClusteredQueue(topicCond, (LocalClusteredQueue)q);
binding = cpo.bindQueue(topicCond, (LocalClusteredQueue)q);
String counterName = TopicService.SUBSCRIPTION_MESSAGECOUNTER_PREFIX + q.getName();
MessageCounter counter =
new MessageCounter(counterName, subscriptionName, q, true, true,
sp.getMessageCounterManager().registerMessageCounter(counterName, counter);
// Consumer on a jms queue
// Let's find the binding
binding = postOffice.getBindingForQueueName(jmsDestination.getName());
if (binding == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find binding for jms queue: " + jmsDestination.getName());
int prefetchSize = connectionEndpoint.getPrefetchSize();
Queue dlqToUse = mDest.getDLQ() == null ? defaultDLQ : mDest.getDLQ();
Queue expiryQueueToUse = mDest.getExpiryQueue() == null ? defaultExpiryQueue : mDest.getExpiryQueue();
long redeliveryDelay = mDest.getRedeliveryDelay();
if (redeliveryDelay == 0)
redeliveryDelay = sp.getDefaultRedeliveryDelay();
ServerConsumerEndpoint ep =
new ServerConsumerEndpoint(consumerID, (PagingFilteredQueue)binding.getQueue(),
binding.getQueue().getName(), this, selectorString, noLocal,
jmsDestination, dlqToUse, expiryQueueToUse, redeliveryDelay);
ConsumerAdvised advised;
// Need to synchronized to prevent a deadlock
// See http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-797
synchronized (AspectManager.instance())
advised = new ConsumerAdvised(ep);
Dispatcher.instance.registerTarget(consumerID, advised);
ClientConsumerDelegate stub =
new ClientConsumerDelegate(consumerID,
prefetchSize, maxDeliveryAttempts);
synchronized (consumers)
consumers.put(new Integer(consumerID), ep);
log.debug(this + " created and registered " + ep);
return stub;
private BrowserDelegate createBrowserDelegateInternal(JBossDestination jmsDestination,
String selector) throws Throwable
if (closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("Session is closed");
if (jmsDestination == null)
throw new InvalidDestinationException("null destination");
if (jmsDestination.isTopic())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot browse a topic");
if (dm.getDestination(jmsDestination.getName(), jmsDestination.isQueue()) == null)
throw new InvalidDestinationException("No such destination: " + jmsDestination);
log.debug(this + " creating browser for " + jmsDestination +
(selector == null ? "" : ", selector '" + selector + "'"));
Binding binding = postOffice.getBindingForQueueName(jmsDestination.getName()); // TODO
int browserID = connectionEndpoint.getServerPeer().getNextObjectID();
ServerBrowserEndpoint ep =
new ServerBrowserEndpoint(this, browserID,
(PagingFilteredQueue)binding.getQueue(), selector);
// still need to synchronized since close() can come in on a different thread
synchronized (browsers)
browsers.put(new Integer(browserID), ep);
BrowserAdvised advised;
// Need to synchronized to prevent a deadlock
// See http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBMESSAGING-797
synchronized (AspectManager.instance())
advised = new BrowserAdvised(ep);
Dispatcher.instance.registerTarget(browserID, advised);
ClientBrowserDelegate stub = new ClientBrowserDelegate(browserID);
log.debug(this + " created and registered " + ep);
return stub;
private void promptDelivery(Set channels)
//Now prompt delivery on the channels
Iterator iter = channels.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
DeliveryObserver observer = (DeliveryObserver)iter.next();
// Inner classes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Holds a record of a delivery - we need to store the consumer id as well
* hence this class
* We can't rely on the cancel being driven from the MessageCallbackHandler since
* the deliveries may have got lost in transit (ignored) since the consumer might have closed
* when they were in transit.
* In such a case we might otherwise end up with the consumer closing but not all it's deliveries being
* cancelled, which would mean they wouldn't be cancelled until the session is closed which is too late
* We need to store various pieces of information, such as consumer id, dlq, expiry queue
* since we need this at cancel time, but by then the actual consumer might have closed
private static class DeliveryRecord
Delivery del;
int consumerId;
Queue dlq;
Queue expiryQueue;
long redeliveryDelay;
DeliveryRecord(Delivery del, int consumerId, Queue dlq, Queue expiryQueue, long redeliveryDelay)
this.del = del;
this.consumerId = consumerId;
this.dlq = dlq;
this.expiryQueue = expiryQueue;
this.redeliveryDelay = redeliveryDelay;
* The purpose of this class is to remove deliveries from the delivery list on commit
* Each transaction has once instance of this per SCE
private class DeliveryCallback implements TxCallback
List delList = new ArrayList();
public void beforePrepare()
public void beforeCommit(boolean onePhase)
public void beforeRollback(boolean onePhase)
public void afterPrepare()
public synchronized void afterCommit(boolean onePhase) throws TransactionException
// Remove the deliveries from the delivery map.
Iterator iter = delList.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
Long deliveryId = (Long)iter.next();
public void afterRollback(boolean onePhase) throws TransactionException
//One phase rollbacks never hit the server - they are dealt with locally only
//so this would only ever be executed for a two phase rollback.
//We don't do anything since cancellation is driven from the client.
synchronized void addDeliveryId(Long deliveryId)