* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
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* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.jboss.invocation.http.servlet;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.security.Principal;
import java.security.AccessController;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.MBeanServer;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletInputStream;
import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import org.jboss.invocation.InvocationException;
import org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledInvocation;
import org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledValue;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.mx.util.MBeanServerLocator;
import org.jboss.mx.util.JMXExceptionDecoder;
import org.jboss.system.Registry;
import org.jboss.security.SecurityAssociation;
/** This servlet accepts a post containing a MarshalledInvocation, extracts
the Invocation object, and then routes the invocation via JMX to either:
1. the MBean specified via the invokerName ini parameter
2. the MBean whose object name hash is specified by the invocation.getObjectName()
value. This name's hash must have been entered into the Registry.
The method signature of the invoker must be Object invoke(org.jboss.invocation.Invocation).
@see org.jboss.system.Registry
@see org.jboss.invocation.Invocation
* @author Scott.Stark@jboss.org
* @version $Revision: 101387 $
public class InvokerServlet extends HttpServlet
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(InvokerServlet.class);
/** A serialized MarshalledInvocation */
private static String REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE =
"application/x-java-serialized-object; class=org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledInvocation";
/** A serialized MarshalledValue */
private static String RESPONSE_CONTENT_TYPE =
"application/x-java-serialized-object; class=org.jboss.invocation.MarshalledValue";
private MBeanServer mbeanServer;
private ObjectName localInvokerName;
/** Initializes the servlet.
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
// See if the servlet is bound to a particular invoker
String name = config.getInitParameter("invokerName");
if( name != null )
localInvokerName = new ObjectName(name);
catch(MalformedObjectNameException e)
throw new ServletException("Failed to build invokerName", e);
// Lookup the MBeanServer
mbeanServer = MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss();
if( mbeanServer == null )
throw new ServletException("Failed to locate the MBeanServer");
/** Destroys the servlet.
public void destroy()
/** Read a MarshalledInvocation and dispatch it to the target JMX object
invoke(Invocation) object.
@param request servlet request
@param response servlet response
protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException
boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
if( trace )
log.trace("processRequest, ContentLength: "+request.getContentLength());
log.trace("processRequest, ContentType: "+request.getContentType());
Boolean returnValueAsAttribute = (Boolean) request.getAttribute("returnValueAsAttribute");
// See if the request already has the MarshalledInvocation
MarshalledInvocation mi = (MarshalledInvocation) request.getAttribute("MarshalledInvocation");
if( mi == null )
// Get the invocation from the post
ServletInputStream sis = request.getInputStream();
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(sis);
mi = (MarshalledInvocation) ois.readObject();
/* If the invocation carries no auth context, look to to the auth
context of this servlet as seen in the SecurityAssocation. This allows
the web app authentication to transparently be used as the call
if (mi.getPrincipal() == null && mi.getCredential() == null)
Object[] params = {mi};
String[] sig = {"org.jboss.invocation.Invocation"};
ObjectName invokerName = localInvokerName;
// If there is no associated invoker, get the name from the invocation
if( invokerName == null )
Integer nameHash = (Integer) mi.getObjectName();
invokerName = (ObjectName) Registry.lookup(nameHash);
if( invokerName == null )
throw new ServletException("Failed to find invoker name for hash("+nameHash+")");
// Forward the invocation onto the JMX invoker
Object value = mbeanServer.invoke(invokerName, "invoke", params, sig);
if( returnValueAsAttribute == null || returnValueAsAttribute.booleanValue() == false )
MarshalledValue mv = new MarshalledValue(value);
ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(sos);
request.setAttribute("returnValue", value);
catch(Throwable t)
t = JMXExceptionDecoder.decode(t);
// Unwrap any reflection InvocationTargetExceptions
if( t instanceof InvocationTargetException )
InvocationTargetException ite = (InvocationTargetException) t;
t = ite.getTargetException();
/* Wrap the exception in an InvocationException to distinguish
between application and transport exceptions
InvocationException appException = new InvocationException(t);
// Marshall the exception
if( returnValueAsAttribute == null || returnValueAsAttribute.booleanValue() == false )
if (response.isCommitted())
// Cannot report back exception
log.error("Invoke threw exception, and response is already committed", t);
MarshalledValue mv = new MarshalledValue(appException);
ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(sos);
log.debug("Invoke threw exception", t);
request.setAttribute("returnValue", appException);
/** Handles the HTTP <code>GET</code> method.
* @param request servlet request
* @param response servlet response
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException
processRequest(request, response);
/** Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method.
* @param request servlet request
* @param response servlet response
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException
processRequest(request, response);
/** Returns a short description of the servlet.
public String getServletInfo()
return "An HTTP to JMX invocation servlet";
private static class GetPrincipalAction implements PrivilegedAction
static PrivilegedAction ACTION = new GetPrincipalAction();
public Object run()
Principal principal = SecurityAssociation.getPrincipal();
return principal;
static Principal getPrincipal()
Principal principal = (Principal) AccessController.doPrivileged(ACTION);
return principal;
private static class GetCredentialAction implements PrivilegedAction
static PrivilegedAction ACTION = new GetCredentialAction();
public Object run()
Object credential = SecurityAssociation.getCredential();
return credential;
static Object getCredential()
Object credential = AccessController.doPrivileged(ACTION);
return credential;