* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this software; if not, write to the Free
* Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.jboss.web;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.security.jacc.PolicyConfiguration;
import javax.security.jacc.PolicyContextException;
import javax.security.jacc.WebResourcePermission;
import javax.security.jacc.WebRoleRefPermission;
import javax.security.jacc.WebUserDataPermission;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.SecurityRoleMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.SecurityRoleRefMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.javaee.spec.SecurityRoleRefsMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossServletsMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.web.jboss.JBossWebMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.SecurityConstraintMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.TransportGuaranteeType;
import org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.WebResourceCollectionMetaData;
import org.jboss.metadata.web.spec.WebResourceCollectionsMetaData;
//$Id: WebPermissionMapping.java 103074 2010-03-27 00:06:30Z sguilhen@redhat.com $
* A utility class encapsulating the logic for building the web container JACC
* permission from a deployment's metadata.
* @author Scott.Stark@jboss.org
* @author Anil.Saldhana@jboss.org
* @version $Revision: 103074 $
public class WebPermissionMapping
static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WebPermissionMapping.class);
/** An prefix pattern "/prefix/*" */
private static final int PREFIX = 1;
/** An extension pattern "*.ext" */
private static final int EXTENSION = 2;
/** The "/" default pattern */
private static final int DEFAULT = 3;
/** An prefix pattern "/prefix/*" */
private static final int EXACT = 4;
* Apply the JACC rules for creating permissions from the web.xml
* security-constraints.
* @param metaData - the web deployment web.xml/jboss-web.xml metadata
* @param pc - the active JACC policy configuration
* @throws PolicyContextException
public static void createPermissions(JBossWebMetaData metaData, PolicyConfiguration pc)
throws PolicyContextException
HashMap<String, PatternInfo> patternMap = qualifyURLPatterns(metaData);
log.debug("Qualified url patterns: "+patternMap);
List<SecurityConstraintMetaData> constraints = metaData.getSecurityConstraints();
if(constraints != null)
for(SecurityConstraintMetaData sc : constraints)
WebResourceCollectionsMetaData resources = sc.getResourceCollections();
TransportGuaranteeType transport = sc.getTransportGuarantee();
if( sc.isExcluded() || sc.isUnchecked() )
// Process the permissions for the excluded/unchecked resources
if(resources != null)
for(WebResourceCollectionMetaData wrc : resources)
List<String> httpMethods = wrc.getHttpMethods();
List<String> urlPatterns = wrc.getUrlPatterns();
int length = urlPatterns != null ? urlPatterns.size() : 0;
for(int n = 0; n < length; n ++)
String url = urlPatterns.get(n);
PatternInfo info = (PatternInfo) patternMap.get(url);
// Add the excluded methods
if( sc.isExcluded() )
// Process the permission for the resources x roles
if(resources != null)
for(WebResourceCollectionMetaData wrc : resources)
List<String> httpMethods = wrc.getHttpMethods();
List<String> urlPatterns = wrc.getUrlPatterns();
int length = urlPatterns != null ? urlPatterns.size() : 0;
for(int n = 0; n < length; n ++)
String url = urlPatterns.get(n);
// Get the qualified url pattern
PatternInfo info = (PatternInfo) patternMap.get(url);
HashSet<String> mappedRoles = new HashSet<String>();
if(sc.getRoleNames() != null)
for(String role : sc.getRoleNames())
if( role.equals("*") )
//JBAS-1824: Allow "*" to provide configurable authorization bypass
// The wildcard ref maps to all declared security-role names
for(SecurityRoleMetaData srmd : metaData.getSecurityRoles())
role = srmd.getRoleName();
info.addRoles(mappedRoles, httpMethods);
// Add the transport to methods
info.addTransport(transport.name(), httpMethods);
//SECURITY-63: Missing auth-constraint needs unchecked policy
if(sc.getAuthConstraint() == null)
info.isMissingAuthConstraint = true;
// Create the permissions
for(PatternInfo info : patternMap.values())
String qurl = info.getQualifiedPattern();
if( info.isOverriden == true )
log.debug("Dropping overriden pattern: "+info);
// Create the excluded permissions
String[] httpMethods = info.getExcludedMethods();
if( httpMethods != null )
// There were excluded security-constraints
WebResourcePermission wrp = new WebResourcePermission(qurl, httpMethods);
WebUserDataPermission wudp = new WebUserDataPermission(qurl,
httpMethods, null);
//!(excluded methods) [JACC 1.1]
String excludedString = "!" + getCommaSeparatedString(httpMethods);
WebResourcePermission wrp1 = new WebResourcePermission(info.pattern, excludedString);
WebUserDataPermission wudp1 = new WebUserDataPermission(info.pattern,excludedString);
// Create the role permissions
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> roles = info.getRoleMethods();
while( roles.hasNext() )
Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> roleMethods = roles.next();
String role = (String) roleMethods.getKey();
WebResourcePermission wrp;
//JBAS-1824: <role-name>*</role-name>
wrp = new WebResourcePermission(qurl, (String)null);
Set<String> methods = roleMethods.getValue();
httpMethods = new String[methods.size()];
wrp = new WebResourcePermission(qurl, httpMethods);
pc.addToRole(role, wrp);
//JACC 1.1: create !(httpmethods) in unchecked perms
if(httpMethods != null)
final String pattern = info.pattern;
final String methodsAsString = "!" + getCommaSeparatedString(httpMethods);
WebResourcePermission wrpUnchecked = null;
wrpUnchecked = new WebResourcePermission(pattern, methodsAsString);
catch (final IllegalArgumentException iae)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not create resource permission with pattern \"" + pattern
+ "\" and methods: " + methodsAsString, iae);
// Create the unchecked permissions
String[] missingHttpMethods = info.getMissingMethods();
if( missingHttpMethods.length > 0 )
// Create the unchecked permissions WebResourcePermissions
WebResourcePermission wrp = new WebResourcePermission(qurl, missingHttpMethods);
pc.addToUncheckedPolicy(new WebResourcePermission(qurl, (String)null));
//SECURITY-63: Missing auth-constraint needs unchecked policy
pc.addToUncheckedPolicy(new WebResourcePermission(qurl, (String)null));
// Create the unchecked permissions WebUserDataPermissions
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> transportContraints = info.getTransportMethods();
while( transportContraints.hasNext() )
Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> transportMethods = transportContraints.next();
String transport = transportMethods.getKey();
Set<String> methods = transportMethods.getValue();
httpMethods = new String[methods.size()];
WebUserDataPermission wudp = new WebUserDataPermission(qurl, httpMethods, transport);
//If the transport is "NONE", then add an exlusive WebUserDataPermission
//with the url pattern and null
WebUserDataPermission wudp1 = new WebUserDataPermission(info.pattern, null);
//JACC 1.1: Transport is CONFIDENTIAL/INTEGRAL, add a !(http methods)
if(httpMethods != null)
WebUserDataPermission wudpNonNull = new WebUserDataPermission(info.pattern,
"!" + getCommaSeparatedString(httpMethods));
/* Create WebRoleRefPermissions for all servlet/security-role-refs along
with all the cross product of servlets and security-role elements that
are not referenced via a security-role-ref as described in JACC section
JBossServletsMetaData servlets = metaData.getServlets();
for(JBossServletMetaData servlet : servlets)
String servletName = servlet.getServletName();
SecurityRoleRefsMetaData roleRefs = servlet.getSecurityRoleRefs();
//Perform the unreferenced roles processing for every servlet name
Set<String> unreferencedRoles = metaData.getSecurityRoleNames();
if(roleRefs != null)
for(SecurityRoleRefMetaData roleRef : roleRefs)
String roleName = roleRef.getRoleLink();
WebRoleRefPermission wrrp = new WebRoleRefPermission(servletName, roleRef.getName());
pc.addToRole(roleName, wrrp);
/* A bit of a hack due to how tomcat calls out to its Realm.hasRole()
with a role name that has been mapped to the role-link value. We
may need to handle this with a custom request wrapper.
wrrp = new WebRoleRefPermission(servletName, roleName);
pc.addToRole(roleRef.getName(), wrrp);
// Remove the role from the unreferencedRoles
//Spec For each servlet element in the deployment descriptor
//a WebRoleRefPermission must be added to each security-role of the
//application whose name does not appear as the rolename
//in a security-role-ref within the servlet element.
if(unreferencedRoles != null)
for(String unrefRole : unreferencedRoles)
WebRoleRefPermission unrefP = new WebRoleRefPermission(servletName,unrefRole);
pc.addToRole(unrefRole, unrefP);
Set<String> unreferencedRoles = metaData.getSecurityRoleNames();
//JACC 1.1:Spec For each security-role defined in the deployment descriptor, an
//additional WebRoleRefPermission must be added to the corresponding role by
//calling the addToRole method on the PolicyConfiguration object. The
//name of all such permissions must be the empty string, and the actions of each
//such permission must be the role-name of the corresponding role.
if(unreferencedRoles != null)
for(String unreferencedRole : unreferencedRoles)
WebRoleRefPermission wrrep = new WebRoleRefPermission("", unreferencedRole);
pc.addToRole(unreferencedRole, wrrep);
// Now build the cross product of the unreferencedRoles and servlets
Set<String> servletNames = servlets.keySet();
if(servletNames != null)
for(String servletName : servletNames)
if(unreferencedRoles != null)
for(String role : unreferencedRoles)
WebRoleRefPermission wrrp = new WebRoleRefPermission(servletName, role);
pc.addToRole(role, wrrp);
* The programmatic security checks are made from jsps.
* JBAS-3054:Use of isCallerInRole from jsp does not work for JACC
if(unreferencedRoles != null)
for(String role : unreferencedRoles)
WebRoleRefPermission wrrp = new WebRoleRefPermission("", role);
pc.addToRole(role, wrrp);
static String getCommaSeparatedString(String[] str)
int len = str.length;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for(int i = 0; i < len ; i++)
if(i > 0) buf.append(",");
return buf.toString();
* Determine the url-pattern type
* @param urlPattern - the raw url-pattern value
static int getPatternType(String urlPattern)
int type = EXACT;
if( urlPattern.startsWith("*.") )
else if( urlPattern.startsWith("/") && urlPattern.endsWith("/*") )
type = PREFIX;
else if( urlPattern.equals("/") )
type = DEFAULT;
return type;
JACC url pattern Qualified URL Pattern Names.
The rules for qualifying a URL pattern are dependent on the rules for
determining if one URL pattern matches another as defined in Section,
Servlet URL-Pattern Matching Rules, and are described as follows:
- If the pattern is a path prefix pattern, it must be qualified by every
path-prefix pattern in the deployment descriptor matched by and different from
the pattern being qualified. The pattern must also be qualified by every exact
pattern appearing in the deployment descriptor that is matched by the pattern
being qualified.
- If the pattern is an extension pattern, it must be qualified by every
path-prefix pattern appearing in the deployment descriptor and every exact
pattern in the deployment descriptor that is matched by the pattern being
- If the pattern is the default pattern, "/", it must be qualified by every
other pattern except the default pattern appearing in the deployment descriptor.
- If the pattern is an exact pattern, its qualified form must not contain any
qualifying patterns.
URL patterns are qualified by appending to their String representation, a
colon separated representation of the list of patterns that qualify the pattern.
Duplicates must not be included in the list of qualifying patterns, and any
qualifying pattern matched by another qualifying pattern may5 be dropped from
the list.
Any pattern, qualified by a pattern that matches it, is overridden and made
irrelevant (in the translation) by the qualifying pattern. Specifically, all
extension patterns and the default pattern are made irrelevant by the presence
of the path prefix pattern "/*" in a deployment descriptor. Patterns qualified
by the "/*" pattern violate the URLPatternSpec constraints of
WebResourcePermission and WebUserDataPermission names and must be rejected by
the corresponding permission constructors.
@param metaData - the web deployment metadata
@return HashMap<String, PatternInfo>
static HashMap<String, PatternInfo> qualifyURLPatterns(JBossWebMetaData metaData)
ArrayList<PatternInfo> prefixList = new ArrayList<PatternInfo>();
ArrayList<PatternInfo> extensionList = new ArrayList<PatternInfo>();
ArrayList<PatternInfo> exactList = new ArrayList<PatternInfo>();
HashMap<String, PatternInfo> patternMap = new HashMap<String, PatternInfo>();
PatternInfo defaultInfo = null;
List<SecurityConstraintMetaData> constraints = metaData.getSecurityConstraints();
if(constraints != null)
for(SecurityConstraintMetaData sc : constraints)
WebResourceCollectionsMetaData resources = sc.getResourceCollections();
for(WebResourceCollectionMetaData wrc : resources)
List<String> urlPatterns = wrc.getUrlPatterns();
int length = urlPatterns != null ? urlPatterns.size() : 0;
for(int n = 0; n < length; n ++)
String url = urlPatterns.get(n);
int type = getPatternType(url);
PatternInfo info = (PatternInfo) patternMap.get(url);
if( info == null )
info = new PatternInfo(url, type);
patternMap.put(url, info);
switch( type )
case PREFIX:
case EXACT:
defaultInfo = info;
// Qualify all prefix patterns
for(int i = 0; i < prefixList.size(); i ++)
PatternInfo info = (PatternInfo) prefixList.get(i);
// Qualify by every other prefix pattern matching this pattern
for(int j = 0; j < prefixList.size(); j ++)
if( i == j )
PatternInfo other = (PatternInfo) prefixList.get(j);
if( info.matches(other) )
// Qualify by every exact pattern that is matched by this pattern
for(int j = 0; j < exactList.size(); j ++)
PatternInfo other = (PatternInfo) exactList.get(j);
if( info.matches(other) )
// Qualify all extension patterns
for(int i = 0; i < extensionList.size(); i ++)
PatternInfo info = (PatternInfo) extensionList.get(i);
// Qualify by every path prefix pattern
for(int j = 0; j < prefixList.size(); j ++)
PatternInfo other = (PatternInfo) prefixList.get(j);
// Any extension
// Qualify by every matching exact pattern
for(int j = 0; j < exactList.size(); j ++)
PatternInfo other = (PatternInfo) exactList.get(j);
if( info.isExtensionFor(other) )
// Qualify the default pattern
if( defaultInfo == null )
defaultInfo = new PatternInfo("/", DEFAULT);
patternMap.put("/", defaultInfo);
Iterator iter = patternMap.values().iterator();
while( iter.hasNext() )
PatternInfo info = (PatternInfo) iter.next();
if( info == defaultInfo )
return patternMap;
* A representation of all security-constraint mappings for a unique
* url-pattern
static class PatternInfo
static final HashMap<String, Set<String>> ALL_TRANSPORTS = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
ALL_TRANSPORTS.put("NONE", WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHODS);
/** The raw url-pattern string from the web.xml */
String pattern;
/** The qualified url pattern as determined by qualifyURLPatterns */
String qpattern;
/** The list of qualifying patterns as determined by qualifyURLPatterns */
ArrayList<PatternInfo> qualifiers = new ArrayList<PatternInfo>();
int type;
/** HashSet<String> Union of all http methods seen in excluded statements */
HashSet<String> excludedMethods;
/** HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> role to http methods */
HashMap<String, Set<String>> roles;
/** HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> transport to http methods */
HashMap<String, Set<String>> transports;
// The url pattern to http methods for patterns for
HashSet<String> allMethods = new HashSet<String>();
/** Does a qualifying pattern match this pattern and make this pattern
* obsolete?
boolean isOverriden;
* A Security Constraint is missing an <auth-constraint/>
boolean isMissingAuthConstraint;
* @param pattern - the url-pattern value
* @param type - one of EXACT, EXTENSION, PREFIX, DEFAULT
PatternInfo(String pattern, int type)
this.pattern = pattern;
this.type = type;
* Augment the excluded methods associated with this url
* @param httpMethods
void addExcludedMethods(List<String> httpMethods)
Collection<String> methods = httpMethods;
if( methods.size() == 0 )
methods = WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHODS;
if( excludedMethods == null )
excludedMethods = new HashSet<String>();
* Get the list of excluded http methods
* @return excluded http methods if the exist, null if there were no
* excluded security constraints
public String[] getExcludedMethods()
String[] httpMethods = null;
if( excludedMethods != null )
httpMethods = new String[excludedMethods.size()];
return httpMethods;
* Update the role to http methods mapping for this url.
* @param mappedRoles - the role-name values for the auth-constraint
* @param httpMethods - the http-method values for the web-resource-collection
public void addRoles(HashSet<String> mappedRoles, List<String> httpMethods)
Collection<String> methods = httpMethods;
if( methods.size() == 0 )
methods = WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHODS;
if( roles == null )
roles = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
for(String role : mappedRoles)
Set<String> roleMethods = roles.get(role);
if( roleMethods == null )
roleMethods = new HashSet<String>();
roles.put(role, roleMethods);
* Get the role to http method mappings
* @return Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> for the role
* to http method mappings.
public Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> getRoleMethods()
HashMap<String, Set<String>> tmp = roles;
if( tmp == null )
tmp = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(0);
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> iter = tmp.entrySet().iterator();
return iter;
* Update the role to http methods mapping for this url.
* @param transport - the transport-guarantee value
* @param httpMethods - the http-method values for the web-resource-collection
void addTransport(String transport, List<String> httpMethods)
Collection<String> methods = httpMethods;
if( methods.size() == 0 )
methods = WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHODS;
if( transports == null )
transports = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
Set<String> transportMethods = transports.get(transport);
if( transportMethods == null )
transportMethods = new HashSet<String>();
transports.put(transport, transportMethods);
* Get the transport to http method mappings
* @return Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> for the transport
* to http method mappings.
public Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> getTransportMethods()
HashMap<String, Set<String>> tmp = transports;
if( tmp == null )
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Set<String>>> iter = tmp.entrySet().iterator();
return iter;
* Get the list of http methods that were not associated with an excluded
* or role based mapping of this url.
* @return the subset of http methods that should be unchecked
public String[] getMissingMethods()
String[] httpMethods = {};
if( allMethods.size() == 0 )
// There were no excluded or role based security-constraints
httpMethods = WebResourceCollectionMetaData.ALL_HTTP_METHOD_NAMES;
httpMethods = WebResourceCollectionMetaData.getMissingHttpMethods(allMethods);
return httpMethods;
* Add the qualifying pattern. If info is a prefix pattern that matches
* this pattern, it overrides this pattern and will exclude it from
* inclusion in the policy.
* @param info - a url pattern that should qualify this pattern
void addQualifier(PatternInfo info)
if( qualifiers.contains(info) == false )
// See if this pattern is matched by the qualifier
if( info.type == PREFIX && info.matches(this) )
isOverriden = true;
* Get the url pattern with its qualifications
* @see WebPermissionMapping#qualifyURLPatterns(org.jboss.metadata.WebMetaData)
* @return the qualified form of the url pattern
public String getQualifiedPattern()
if( qpattern == null )
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer(pattern);
for(int n = 0; n < qualifiers.size(); n ++)
PatternInfo info = (PatternInfo) qualifiers.get(n);
qpattern = tmp.toString();
return qpattern;
public int hashCode()
return pattern.hashCode();
public boolean equals(Object obj)
PatternInfo pi = (PatternInfo) obj;
return pattern.equals(pi.pattern);
* See if this pattern is matches the other pattern
* @param other - another pattern
* @return true if the other pattern starts with this
* pattern less the "/*", false otherwise
public boolean matches(PatternInfo other)
int matchLength = pattern.length()-2;
boolean matches = pattern.regionMatches(0, other.pattern, 0, matchLength);
return matches;
* See if this is an extension pattern that matches other
* @param other - another pattern
* @return true if is an extension pattern and other ends with this
* pattern
public boolean isExtensionFor(PatternInfo other)
int offset = other.pattern.lastIndexOf('.');
int length = pattern.length() - 1;
boolean isExtensionFor = false;
if( offset > 0 )
isExtensionFor = pattern.regionMatches(1, other.pattern, offset, length);
return isExtensionFor;
public String toString()
StringBuffer tmp = new StringBuffer("PatternInfo[");
return tmp.toString();