* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.jboss.wsf.container.jboss50.deployer;
import java.net.URL;
import org.jboss.deployers.spi.DeploymentException;
import org.jboss.deployers.structure.spi.DeploymentUnit;
import org.jboss.deployers.vfs.spi.structure.VFSDeploymentUnit;
import org.jboss.metadata.serviceref.VirtualFileAdaptor;
import org.jboss.virtual.VirtualFile;
import org.jboss.wsf.common.DOMUtils;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.Deployment;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.UnifiedVirtualFile;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.deployment.WSFDeploymentException;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.metadata.webservices.WebservicesFactory;
import org.jboss.wsf.spi.metadata.webservices.WebservicesMetaData;
import org.jboss.xb.binding.ObjectModelFactory;
import org.jboss.xb.binding.Unmarshaller;
import org.jboss.xb.binding.UnmarshallerFactory;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* An abstract web service deployer.
* deploy(unit)
* if(isWebServiceDeployment)
* dep = createDeployment(unit)
* deploy(dep)
* undeploy(unit)
* dep = getDeployment(unit)
* undeploy(dep)
* @author Thomas.Diesler@jboss.org
* @since 25-Apr-2007
public abstract class ArchiveDeployerHook extends AbstractDeployerHook
public void deploy(DeploymentUnit unit) throws DeploymentException
if (ignoreDeployment(unit))
if (isWebServiceDeployment(unit))
log.debug("deploy: " + unit.getName());
Deployment dep = getDeployment(unit);
if (dep == null)
dep = createDeployment(unit);
dep.addAttachment(DeploymentUnit.class, unit);
unit.addAttachment(Deployment.class, dep);
public void undeploy(DeploymentUnit unit)
if (ignoreDeployment(unit))
Deployment dep = getDeployment(unit);
if (dep != null)
log.debug("undeploy: " + unit.getName());
/** Depending on the type of deployment, this method should return true
* if the deployment contains web service endpoints.
public abstract boolean isWebServiceDeployment(DeploymentUnit unit);
/** Create the Deployment for a given DeploymentUnit
public abstract Deployment createDeployment(DeploymentUnit unit);
/** Get the Deployment for a given DeploymentUnit
public Deployment getDeployment(DeploymentUnit unit)
Deployment dep = unit.getAttachment(Deployment.class);
return (dep != null && dep.getType() == getDeploymentType() ? dep : null);
/** Unmrashall the webservices.xml if there is one
protected WebservicesMetaData getWebservicesMetaData(DeploymentUnit unit)
WebservicesMetaData wsMetaData = unit.getAttachment(WebservicesMetaData.class);
UnifiedVirtualFile vfWebservices = getWebservicesFile(unit);
if (wsMetaData == null && vfWebservices != null)
URL wsURL = vfWebservices.toURL();
Element root = DOMUtils.parse(wsURL.openStream());
String namespaceURI = root.getNamespaceURI();
if (namespaceURI.equals("http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"))
Unmarshaller unmarshaller = UnmarshallerFactory.newInstance().newUnmarshaller();
ObjectModelFactory factory = new WebservicesFactory(wsURL);
wsMetaData = (WebservicesMetaData)unmarshaller.unmarshal(wsURL.openStream(), factory, null);
unit.addAttachment(WebservicesMetaData.class, wsMetaData);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new WSFDeploymentException(ex);
return wsMetaData;
private UnifiedVirtualFile getWebservicesFile(DeploymentUnit unit)
UnifiedVirtualFile wsFile = null;
if (unit instanceof VFSDeploymentUnit)
VirtualFile vf = ((VFSDeploymentUnit)unit).getMetaDataFile("webservices.xml");
wsFile = vf != null ? new VirtualFileAdaptor(vf) : null;
return wsFile;