
Source Code of

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;


import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
import org.jboss.bootstrap.spi.ServerConfig;
import org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentInfo;
import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.system.server.ServerConfigLocator;
import org.jboss.util.file.Files;
import org.jboss.varia.deployment.convertor.XslTransformer;
import org.jboss.xb.binding.ObjectModelFactory;
import org.jboss.xb.binding.Unmarshaller;
import org.jboss.xb.binding.UnmarshallerFactory;

* Class handling JBoss module generation. Uses apache velocity
* for generating deployment descriptors.
* @author  <a href="">Dimitris Andreadis</a>
* @author  <a href="">Peter Johnson</a>
* @version $Revision: 81038 $
public class DeploymentManager
   // Constants -----------------------------------------------------

   /** the filename to look for in template subdirectories */
   public static final String TEMPLATE_CONFIG_FILE = "template-config.xml";

   /** an object to pass back from the template to trigger an error */
   public static final String TEMPLATE_ERROR_PARAM = "template-error";

   /** a helper object to pass in to the template */
   public static final String CONTEXT_HELPER = "helper";

   /** jndi name of main deployer, used to locate configuration files for mbeans */
   private static final String MAIN_DEPLOYER_OBJECT_NAME = "jboss.system:service=MainDeployer";

   /** name of operation used to locate configuration files for mbeans */
   private static final String MAIN_DEPLOYER_LIST_OPERATION_NAME = "listDeployed";

   // Private Data --------------------------------------------------

   /** Logger */
   private Logger log;

   /** directory to hold the template subdirectories */
   private File templateDir;

   /** the directory to output generated modules */
   private File undeployDir;

   /** the directory to move modules for deployment */
   private File deployDir;

   /** config name string -> ConfigInfo */
   private Map configMap;

   /** the apache velocity engine */
   VelocityEngine ve;

    * @param templateDir the root dir where templates are stored
    * @param packageDir the directory to store generated packages
   public DeploymentManager(String templateDir, String undeployDir, String deployDir, Logger log)
      throws Exception
      this.log = log;

      // do the actuall initialization
      initialize(templateDir, undeployDir, deployDir);

   // Public Interface ----------------------------------------------

    * Return the list of available templates
   public Set listModuleTemplates()
      Set keys = configMap.keySet();

         // return a new sorted copy
         return new TreeSet(keys);

    * Get property metadata information for a particular template
    * @param template
    * @return list with PropertyInfo objects associated with the template
    * @throws Exception if the template does not exist
   public List getTemplatePropertyInfo(String template)
      throws Exception
      ConfigInfo ci = (ConfigInfo)configMap.get(template);

      if (ci == null)
         throw new Exception("template does not exist: " + template);
      // return a copy
         List propertyList = ci.getPropertyInfoList();
         List newList = new ArrayList(propertyList.size());

         for (Iterator i = propertyList.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
            newList.add(new PropertyInfo((PropertyInfo);
         return newList;

   public String createModule(String module, String template, HashMap properties)
      throws Exception
      if (module == null || template == null || properties == null)
         throw new Exception("Null argument: module=" + module +
                                          ", template=" + template + ", properties=" + properties);

      // make sure proposed module name is filesystem friendly
      if (!module.equals(Files.encodeFileName(module)))
         throw new Exception("not a filesystem friendly module name: " + module);"createModule(module=" + module +
            ", template=" + template + ", properties=" + properties + ")");

      ConfigInfo ci = (ConfigInfo)configMap.get(template);

      if (ci == null)
         throw new Exception("template does not exist: " + template);

      // get optional package extension (e.g. .sar)
      // and enforce it on the output package (file or directory)
      File outputModule;

      String extension = ci.getExtension();
      if (extension == null || module.endsWith(extension))
         outputModule = new File(this.undeployDir, module);
         outputModule = new File(this.undeployDir, module + extension);

      // check if module already exists in output dir
      if (outputModule.exists())
         throw new Exception("module already exist: " + outputModule);

      String vmTemplate = ci.getTemplate();

      // make sure we clean-up in case something goes wrong
         // simple case - single descriptor package (e.g. xxx-service.xml)
         if (vmTemplate != null )
            VelocityContext ctx = createTemplateContext(ci, properties);

            BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputModule));

            try {
               boolean success = ve.mergeTemplate(template + '/' + vmTemplate, ctx, out);

               if (success == true)
                  String errorMsg = (String)ctx.get(TEMPLATE_ERROR_PARAM);

                  if (errorMsg.length() > 0)
                     throw new Exception("Template error: " + errorMsg);
                     log.debug("created module '" + outputModule.getName() + "' based on template '" + template + "'");
                  throw new Exception("Failed to create module '" + outputModule.getName());
            // complex case - many descriptors and possibly files to copy
            // now output will be a directory instead of a plain descriptor (e.g. xxx.sar)
            VelocityContext ctx = createTemplateContext(ci, properties);

            // deep copy files if copydir specified
            String copydir = ci.getCopydir();

            File sourceDir = new File(this.templateDir, template + '/' + copydir);

            deepCopy(sourceDir, outputModule);

            // go through all declared templates
            List templateList = ci.getTemplateInfoList();

            for (Iterator i = templateList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
               TemplateInfo ti = (TemplateInfo);

               File outputFile = new File(outputModule, ti.getOutput());
               File outputPath  = outputFile.getParentFile();

               if (!outputPath.exists())
                  if (!outputPath.mkdirs())
                     throw new IOException("cannot create directory: " + outputPath);

               BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile));

               try {
                  boolean success = ve.mergeTemplate(template + '/' + ti.getInput(), ctx, out);

                  if (success == true)
                     String errorMsg = (String)ctx.get(TEMPLATE_ERROR_PARAM);

                     if (errorMsg.length() > 0)
                        throw new Exception("Template error: " + errorMsg);
                        log.debug("created module '" + outputModule.getName() + "' based on template '" + template + "'");

                     throw new Exception("Failed to create package '" + outputModule.getName());
      catch (Exception e)
         if (outputModule.exists())
            boolean deleted = Files.delete(outputModule);
            if (!deleted)
               log.warn("Failed to clean-up erroneous module: " + outputModule);
         throw e;
      return outputModule.getName();

    * Remove a module if exists
    * @param module the module to remove
    * @return true if removed, false if module does not exist or an error occurs
   public boolean removeModule(String module)
      File target = new File(this.undeployDir, module);
      return Files.delete(target);

    * @see
   public boolean updateMBean(MBeanData data) throws Exception
      // Verify necessary parameters passed.
      if (data == null)
         throw new Exception("Null argument: data=" + data);
      if (data.getName() == null || data.getTemplateName() == null
          || data.getName().length() == 0 || data.getTemplateName().length() == 0
         throw new Exception("Null required data: name=" + data.getName() + ", templateName=" + data.getTemplateName());
      boolean result = true;

      // Log the data passed.
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
         log.debug("updateMBean(" + data + ")");
         log.debug("  template=" + data.getTemplateName());
         log.debug("  depends=" + data.getDepends());
         log.debug("  attributes=" + data.getAttributes());
         log.debug("  xpath=" + data.getXpath());

      // Get the template to use, and ensure we have it:
      String template = data.getTemplateName();
      ConfigInfo ci = (ConfigInfo)configMap.get(template);
      if (ci == null)
         throw new Exception("template does not exist: " + template);

      // Determine which configuration XML file holds the data for the
      // specified MBean:
      String configPath = configPathFor(data.getName());
      log.debug("configPath=" + configPath);
      if (configPath == null)
         throw new Exception("No configuration file found for mbean " + data);

      HashMap map = new HashMap();
      map.put("mbean", data);

      updateConfigFile(data.getName(), template, map, ci, configPath);

      return result;

    * @see
   public String updateDataSource(String module, String template, HashMap properties) throws Exception
      if (module == null || template == null || properties == null)
         throw new Exception("Null argument: module=" + module + ", template=" + template + ", properties="
               + properties);"updateDataSource(module=" + module + ", template=" + template + ", properties=" + properties + ")");

      // Append the suffix '-update' to the template if necessary
      if (!template.endsWith("-update"))
         template += "-update";

      module = processDataSourceChanges(module, template, properties);

      return module;

    * @see
   public String removeDataSource(String module, String template, HashMap properties) throws Exception
      if (module == null || template == null || properties == null)
         throw new Exception("Null argument: module=" + module + ", template=" + template + ", properties="
               + properties);"removeDataSource(module=" + module + ", template=" + template + ", properties=" + properties + ")");

      // Append the suffix '-remove' to the template if necessary
      if (!template.endsWith("-remove"))
         template += "-remove";

      module = processDataSourceChanges(module, template, properties);

      return module;

    * Search for the configuration file that contains the specified MBean.
    * @param name The MBean name, or a pattern that can be used to match an
    *             mbean name.
    * @return The full path name for the configuration file.
   public String configPathFor(String name) throws Exception
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("configPathFor(" + name + ")");
      String result = null;

      // Get the collection of mbean deployment info objects:
      Collection deploymentColl = (Collection) MBeanServerLocator.locateJBoss().invoke(

      // Iterate through that collection, looking for the one that contains an
      // mbean whose name matches the name (or pattern) provided:
      ObjectName pattern = new ObjectName(name);
      outer: for (Iterator iter = deploymentColl.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
         DeploymentInfo deploymentInfo = (DeploymentInfo);
         List associatedMBeanObjectNames = deploymentInfo.mbeans;
         for (Iterator iterator = associatedMBeanObjectNames.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            ObjectName beanName = (ObjectName);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("beanName=" + beanName);
            if (pattern.apply(beanName)) {
                  result =;
                  break outer;

      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("configPathFor()=" + result);
      return result;

   public void moveToDeployDir(String module)
      throws Exception
      File source = new File(this.undeployDir, module);
      File target = new File(this.deployDir, module);

      if (source.exists())
         boolean moved = source.renameTo(target);
         if (!moved)
            throw new Exception("cannot move module: " + module);
         throw new Exception("module does not exist: " + module);

   public void moveToModuleDir(String module)
      throws Exception
      File source = new File(this.deployDir, module);
      File target = new File(this.undeployDir, module);

      if (source.exists())
         boolean moved = source.renameTo(target);
         if (!moved)
            throw new Exception("cannot move module: " + module);
         throw new Exception("module does not exist: " + module);

   public URL getDeployedURL(String module)
      throws Exception
      File target = new File(this.deployDir, module);

      if (!target.exists())
         throw new Exception("module does not exist: " + target);

      return target.toURL();

   public URL getUndeployedURL(String module)
      throws Exception
      File target = new File(this.undeployDir, module);

      if (!target.exists())
         throw new Exception("module does not exist: " + target);

      return target.toURL();

   // Private Methods -----------------------------------------------

    * Performs the actual initialization
   private void initialize(String templateDir, String undeployDir, String deployDir)
      throws Exception
      // Find out template dir
      this.templateDir = initDir(templateDir, false);
      log.debug("template dir=" + this.templateDir);

      // Initialize output dir
      this.undeployDir = initDir(undeployDir, true);
      log.debug("undeployDir dir=" + this.undeployDir);

      this.deployDir = initDir(deployDir, false);
      log.debug("deploy dir=" + this.deployDir);

      // Discover all template config files
      List configFiles = findTemplateConfigFiles(this.templateDir);

      log.debug("template config files=" + configFiles);

      Map map = Collections.synchronizedMap(new TreeMap());

      // Parse each template config file and store metadata in configMap
      for (Iterator i = configFiles.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
         File file = (File);
         ConfigInfo ci = parseXMLconfig(file);

         // derive template name from subdirectory name

         if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("file: " + file + " ConfigInfo: " + ci);

         Object existingValue = map.put(ci.getName(), ci);

         // make sure not two configuration templates with the same name
         if (existingValue != null)
            throw new Exception("Duplicate template configuration entry: " + ci.getName());

      this.configMap = map;

      // Initialise velocity engine = new VelocityEngine();"runtime.log.logsystem.class",
                             log.getName() + ".VelocityEngine");"file.resource.loader.path", this.templateDir.getCanonicalPath());"stringliterals.interpolate", "false");;

    * Check if directory exists as an absolute path,
    * otherwise, try to find it under the jboss server
    * directories (and optionally create it, if the
    * create flag has been set)
   private File initDir(String targetDir, boolean create)
      throws Exception
      File dir = null;

     // Check if this is an existing absolute path
     try {
        URL fileURL = new URL(targetDir);

        File file = new File(fileURL.getFile());

        if(file.isDirectory() && file.canRead() && file.canWrite()) {
           dir = file;
     catch(Exception e) {
       // Otherwise, try to see inside the jboss directory hierarchy

        File homeDir = ServerConfigLocator.locate().getServerHomeDir();

        dir = new File(homeDir, targetDir);

        if (create == true)

        if (!dir.isDirectory())
           throw new Exception("The target directory is not valid: "
                               + dir.getCanonicalPath());
     return dir;

    * Find all files named TEMPLATE_CONFIG_FILE
    * one level below basedir, i.e.
    * basedir/YYY/template-config.xml
    * ...
    * @param basedir
    * @return
   private List findTemplateConfigFiles(File basedir)
      // return val
      List files = new ArrayList();

      // anonymous class
      FileFilter dirFilter = new FileFilter()
         public boolean accept(File file)
            return file.isDirectory() && !file.getName().startsWith(".");
      // return all dirs not starting with "."
      File[] dirs = basedir.listFiles(dirFilter);

      for (int i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
         File file = new File(dirs[i], TEMPLATE_CONFIG_FILE);

         if (file.isFile() && file.canRead())
      return files;

    * Parse an XML template config file into
    * a ConfigInfo POJO model.
    * @param file
    * @return
    * @throws Exception
   private ConfigInfo parseXMLconfig(File file)
      throws Exception
      // get the XML stream
      InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);

      // create unmarshaller
      Unmarshaller unmarshaller = UnmarshallerFactory.newInstance().newUnmarshaller();

      // create an instance of ObjectModelFactory
      ObjectModelFactory factory = new ConfigInfoBinding();

      // let the object model factory to create an instance of Book and populate it with data from XML
      ConfigInfo ci = (ConfigInfo)unmarshaller.unmarshal(is, factory, null);

      // close the XML stream

      return ci;

    * Copy values from HashMap to VelocityContext, following the
    * metadata definition. Make sure types are correct, while
    * required properties are all there. Throw an exception
    * otherwise
    * @param ci
    * @param map
    * @return
    * @throws Exception
   private VelocityContext createTemplateContext(ConfigInfo ci, HashMap map)
      throws Exception
      VelocityContext vc;

      List propertyList = ci.getPropertyInfoList();

      if (propertyList.size() > 0)
         vc = new VelocityContext();

         for (Iterator i = propertyList.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
            PropertyInfo pi = (PropertyInfo);

            String name = pi.getName();
            String type = pi.getType();
            boolean optional = pi.isOptional();
            Object defaultValue = pi.getDefaultValue();

            if (name == null || name.length() == 0 || type == null || type.length() == 0)
               throw new Exception("Null or empty name/type property metadata for template: " + ci.getName());

            Object sentValue = map.get(name);

            // a value was sent - pass it over after checking its type
            if (sentValue != null)
               if (!type.equals(sentValue.getClass().getName()))
                  throw new Exception("Expected type '" + type + "' for property '" + name +
                                      "', got '" + sentValue.getClass().getName());

               vc.put(name, sentValue);
            else if (optional == false) {
               // a value was not sent - property is required
               // so use the default value (if exists) or throw an exception
               if (defaultValue != null) {
                  vc.put(name, defaultValue);
               else {
                  throw new Exception("Required property missing: '" + name + "' of type '" + type + "'");
            // property is optional and value was not sent
            // do nothing even if a default is set
         // property list empty, allow everything
         // just embed the Hashmap
         vc = new VelocityContext(map);
      // add a parameter to allow the templates to report errors
      vc.put(TEMPLATE_ERROR_PARAM, "");
      // add a context helper
      vc.put(CONTEXT_HELPER, new ContextHelper());

      return vc;

    * Make sure sourceDir exist, then deep copy
    * all files/dirs from sourceDir to targetDir
    * @param sourceDir
    * @param targetDir
   private void deepCopy(File sourceDir, File targetDir)
      throws IOException
      if (!sourceDir.isDirectory())
         throw new IOException("sourceDir not a directory: " + sourceDir);

      if (!targetDir.mkdir())
         throw new IOException("could not create directory: " + targetDir);

      File[] files = sourceDir.listFiles();

      for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
         File source = files[i];

         if (!source.canRead())
            throw new IOException("cannot read: " + source);

         if (source.isFile())
            Files.copy(source, new File(targetDir, source.getName()));
            deepCopy(source, new File(targetDir, source.getName()));

    * Process the data source change request based on the specified template
    * and the input properties.
    * @param module
    * @param template
    * @param properties
    * @return The full module name, with the suffix.
    * @throws Exception
   private String processDataSourceChanges (String module, String template, HashMap properties) throws Exception
       ConfigInfo ci = (ConfigInfo) configMap.get(template);
      if (ci == null)
         throw new Exception("template does not exist: " + template);

      // Append the extension if the module name does not contain it
      String extension = ci.getExtension();
      if (extension != null && !module.endsWith(extension))
         module += extension;

      // Build the mbean name from the jndi name.  Note that we are actually building
      // a pattern, any mbean whose name matches this pattern will do.
      String path = configPathFor("jboss.jca:name=" + (String)properties.get("jndi-name") + ",*");

      updateConfigFile(module, template, properties, ci, path);

      return module;

    * Constructs the XSLT from the Velocity template, performas the tranformation,
    * and then copies the resulting configuration file to the proper location,
    * overwriting the existing configuration file.
    * @param name Identifier used in error message should the deploy fail
    * @param template The name of the template to use.  This should be a Velocity
    * template that generates an XSTL script.
    * @param map The properties to use with Velocity.
    * @param ci The configuration information for the template being used.
    * @param path Full path name of the current configuration file.  This file will
    * be run through the XSL transform and be overwritten by the result.
   private void updateConfigFile(String name, String template, HashMap map, ConfigInfo ci, String path)
      throws Exception
      String vmTemplate = ci.getTemplate();

      // Generate the XSLT based on the properties and the template:
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      PrintWriter xslt = new PrintWriter(sw);
      VelocityContext ctx = createTemplateContext(ci, map);
      String tp = template + File.separator + vmTemplate;
      ve.mergeTemplate(tp, ctx, xslt);
      StringBuffer buf = sw.getBuffer();

      // Update the configuration XML file using the generated XSLT.  For now,
      // place the generated file into the undeploy directory:
      File configFile = new File(path);
      File outputFile = new File(this.undeployDir, configFile.getName());
      InputStream configStream = new FileInputStream(configFile);
      InputStream xsltStream = new StringBufferInputStream(buf.toString());
      OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
      XslTransformer.applyTransformation(configStream, outputStream, xsltStream, null);

      // Now that we have the generated file, move it to its proper location
      if (!configFile.delete())
         throw new Exception("Update failed for '" + name + "', unable to delete old configuration file: " + path);
      if (!outputFile.renameTo(configFile))
         throw new Exception("Update failed for '" + name + "', unable to move configuration file to deploy directory: " + path);

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