Package org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.parser

Source Code of org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.parser.Parser

/* This file was generated by SableCC ( */

package org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.parser;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;

import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.analysis.Analysis;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.analysis.AnalysisAdapter;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.lexer.Lexer;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.lexer.LexerException;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.ABenefit;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.AContext;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.AEvent;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.AFeature;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.AOutcome;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.APhrase;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.ARole;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.AScenario;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.AScenarioTitle;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.ASpaceWordOrSpace;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.AStory;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.ATitle;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.AWordWordOrSpace;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.EOF;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.NodeCast;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PBenefit;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PContext;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PEvent;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PFeature;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.POutcome;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PPhrase;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PRole;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PScenario;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PScenarioTitle;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PStory;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PTitle;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.PWordOrSpace;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.Start;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.Switchable;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TAsA;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TEndl;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TGiven;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TIWant;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TScenarioKeyword;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TSoThat;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TSpace;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TThen;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TTitleKeyword;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TWhen;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TWord;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.Token;
import org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.node.TypedLinkedList;

public class Parser
    public final Analysis ignoredTokens = new AnalysisAdapter();

    protected ArrayList nodeList;

    private final Lexer lexer;
    private final ListIterator stack = new LinkedList().listIterator();
    private int last_shift;
    private int last_pos;
    private int last_line;
    private Token last_token;
    private final TokenIndex converter = new TokenIndex();
    private final int[] action = new int[2];

    private final static int SHIFT = 0;
    private final static int REDUCE = 1;
    private final static int ACCEPT = 2;
    private final static int ERROR = 3;

    public Parser(Lexer lexer)
        this.lexer = lexer;

    protected void filter() throws ParserException, LexerException, IOException

    private void push(int numstate, ArrayList listNode, boolean hidden) throws ParserException, LexerException, IOException
  this.nodeList = listNode;


            stack.add(new State(numstate, this.nodeList));

        State s = (State);
        s.state = numstate;
        s.nodes = this.nodeList;

    private int goTo(int index)
        int state = state();
        int low = 1;
        int high = gotoTable[index].length - 1;
        int value = gotoTable[index][0][1];

        while(low <= high)
            int middle = (low + high) / 2;

            if(state < gotoTable[index][middle][0])
                high = middle - 1;
            else if(state > gotoTable[index][middle][0])
                low = middle + 1;
                value = gotoTable[index][middle][1];

        return value;

    private int state()
        State s = (State) stack.previous();;
        return s.state;

    private ArrayList pop()
        return (ArrayList) ((State) stack.previous()).nodes;

    private int index(Switchable token)
        converter.index = -1;
        return converter.index;

    public Start parse() throws ParserException, LexerException, IOException
        push(0, null, true);
        List ign = null;
            while(index(lexer.peek()) == -1)
                if(ign == null)
                    ign = new TypedLinkedList(NodeCast.instance);


            if(ign != null)
                ignoredTokens.setIn(lexer.peek(), ign);
                ign = null;

            last_pos = lexer.peek().getPos();
            last_line = lexer.peek().getLine();
            last_token = lexer.peek();

            int index = index(lexer.peek());
            action[0] = actionTable[state()][0][1];
            action[1] = actionTable[state()][0][2];

            int low = 1;
            int high = actionTable[state()].length - 1;

            while(low <= high)
                int middle = (low + high) / 2;

                if(index < actionTable[state()][middle][0])
                    high = middle - 1;
                else if(index > actionTable[state()][middle][0])
                    low = middle + 1;
                    action[0] = actionTable[state()][middle][1];
                    action[1] = actionTable[state()][middle][2];

                case SHIFT:
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                        push(action[1], list, false);
                        last_shift = action[1];
                case REDUCE:
                    case 0: /* reduce AAstory1Story */
      ArrayList list = new0();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 1: /* reduce AAstory2Story */
      ArrayList list = new1();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 2: /* reduce AAstory3Story */
      ArrayList list = new2();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 3: /* reduce AAstory4Story */
      ArrayList list = new3();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 4: /* reduce AAstory5Story */
      ArrayList list = new4();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 5: /* reduce AAstory6Story */
      ArrayList list = new5();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 6: /* reduce AAstory7Story */
      ArrayList list = new6();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 7: /* reduce AAstory8Story */
      ArrayList list = new7();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 8: /* reduce AAstory9Story */
      ArrayList list = new8();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 9: /* reduce AAstory10Story */
      ArrayList list = new9();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 10: /* reduce AAstory11Story */
      ArrayList list = new10();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 11: /* reduce AAstory12Story */
      ArrayList list = new11();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 12: /* reduce AAstory13Story */
      ArrayList list = new12();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 13: /* reduce AAstory14Story */
      ArrayList list = new13();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 14: /* reduce AAstory15Story */
      ArrayList list = new14();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 15: /* reduce AAstory16Story */
      ArrayList list = new15();
      push(goTo(0), list, false);
                    case 16: /* reduce ATitle */
      ArrayList list = new16();
      push(goTo(1), list, false);
                    case 17: /* reduce ARole */
      ArrayList list = new17();
      push(goTo(2), list, false);
                    case 18: /* reduce AFeature */
      ArrayList list = new18();
      push(goTo(3), list, false);
                    case 19: /* reduce ABenefit */
      ArrayList list = new19();
      push(goTo(4), list, false);
                    case 20: /* reduce AAscenario1Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new20();
      push(goTo(5), list, false);
                    case 21: /* reduce AAscenario2Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new21();
      push(goTo(5), list, false);
                    case 22: /* reduce AAscenario3Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new22();
      push(goTo(5), list, false);
                    case 23: /* reduce AAscenario4Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new23();
      push(goTo(5), list, false);
                    case 24: /* reduce AAscenario5Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new24();
      push(goTo(5), list, false);
                    case 25: /* reduce AAscenario6Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new25();
      push(goTo(5), list, false);
                    case 26: /* reduce AAscenario7Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new26();
      push(goTo(5), list, false);
                    case 27: /* reduce AAscenario8Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new27();
      push(goTo(5), list, false);
                    case 28: /* reduce AScenarioTitle */
      ArrayList list = new28();
      push(goTo(6), list, false);
                    case 29: /* reduce AContext */
      ArrayList list = new29();
      push(goTo(7), list, false);
                    case 30: /* reduce AEvent */
      ArrayList list = new30();
      push(goTo(8), list, false);
                    case 31: /* reduce AOutcome */
      ArrayList list = new31();
      push(goTo(9), list, false);
                    case 32: /* reduce APhrase */
      ArrayList list = new32();
      push(goTo(10), list, false);
                    case 33: /* reduce AWordWordOrSpace */
      ArrayList list = new33();
      push(goTo(11), list, false);
                    case 34: /* reduce ASpaceWordOrSpace */
      ArrayList list = new34();
      push(goTo(11), list, false);
                    case 35: /* reduce ATerminal$Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new35();
      push(goTo(12), list, true);
                    case 36: /* reduce ANonTerminal$Scenario */
      ArrayList list = new36();
      push(goTo(12), list, true);
                    case 37: /* reduce ATerminal$Context */
      ArrayList list = new37();
      push(goTo(13), list, true);
                    case 38: /* reduce ANonTerminal$Context */
      ArrayList list = new38();
      push(goTo(13), list, true);
                    case 39: /* reduce ATerminal$Outcome */
      ArrayList list = new39();
      push(goTo(14), list, true);
                    case 40: /* reduce ANonTerminal$Outcome */
      ArrayList list = new40();
      push(goTo(14), list, true);
                    case 41: /* reduce ATerminal$WordOrSpace */
      ArrayList list = new41();
      push(goTo(15), list, true);
                    case 42: /* reduce ANonTerminal$WordOrSpace */
      ArrayList list = new42();
      push(goTo(15), list, true);
                case ACCEPT:
                        EOF node2 = (EOF);
                        PStory node1 = (PStory) ((ArrayList)pop()).get(0);
                        Start node = new Start(node1, node2);
                        return node;
                case ERROR:
                    throw new ParserException(last_token,
                        "[" + last_line + "," + last_pos + "] " +

    ArrayList new0() /* reduce AAstory1Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        Object nullNode3 = null;
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, null, null, null, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new1() /* reduce AAstory2Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        PRole proleNode3;
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        proleNode3 = (PRole)nodeArrayList2.get(0);

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, proleNode3, null, null, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new2() /* reduce AAstory3Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        Object nullNode3 = null;
        PFeature pfeatureNode4;
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pfeatureNode4 = (PFeature)nodeArrayList2.get(0);

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, null, pfeatureNode4, null, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new3() /* reduce AAstory4Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        PRole proleNode3;
        PFeature pfeatureNode4;
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        proleNode3 = (PRole)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pfeatureNode4 = (PFeature)nodeArrayList3.get(0);

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, proleNode3, pfeatureNode4, null, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new4() /* reduce AAstory5Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        Object nullNode3 = null;
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        PBenefit pbenefitNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pbenefitNode5 = (PBenefit)nodeArrayList2.get(0);

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, null, null, pbenefitNode5, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new5() /* reduce AAstory6Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        PRole proleNode3;
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        PBenefit pbenefitNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        proleNode3 = (PRole)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pbenefitNode5 = (PBenefit)nodeArrayList3.get(0);

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, proleNode3, null, pbenefitNode5, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new6() /* reduce AAstory7Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        Object nullNode3 = null;
        PFeature pfeatureNode4;
        PBenefit pbenefitNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pfeatureNode4 = (PFeature)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pbenefitNode5 = (PBenefit)nodeArrayList3.get(0);

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, null, pfeatureNode4, pbenefitNode5, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new7() /* reduce AAstory8Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        PRole proleNode3;
        PFeature pfeatureNode4;
        PBenefit pbenefitNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        proleNode3 = (PRole)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pfeatureNode4 = (PFeature)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        pbenefitNode5 = (PBenefit)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, proleNode3, pfeatureNode4, pbenefitNode5, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new8() /* reduce AAstory9Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        Object nullNode3 = null;
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, null, null, null, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new9() /* reduce AAstory10Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        PRole proleNode3;
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        proleNode3 = (PRole)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, proleNode3, null, null, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new10() /* reduce AAstory11Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        Object nullNode3 = null;
        PFeature pfeatureNode4;
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pfeatureNode4 = (PFeature)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, null, pfeatureNode4, null, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new11() /* reduce AAstory12Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        PRole proleNode3;
        PFeature pfeatureNode4;
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        proleNode3 = (PRole)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pfeatureNode4 = (PFeature)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList4.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, proleNode3, pfeatureNode4, null, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new12() /* reduce AAstory13Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        Object nullNode3 = null;
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        PBenefit pbenefitNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pbenefitNode5 = (PBenefit)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, null, null, pbenefitNode5, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new13() /* reduce AAstory14Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        PRole proleNode3;
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        PBenefit pbenefitNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        proleNode3 = (PRole)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pbenefitNode5 = (PBenefit)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList4.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, proleNode3, null, pbenefitNode5, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new14() /* reduce AAstory15Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        Object nullNode3 = null;
        PFeature pfeatureNode4;
        PBenefit pbenefitNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pfeatureNode4 = (PFeature)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pbenefitNode5 = (PBenefit)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList4.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, null, pfeatureNode4, pbenefitNode5, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new15() /* reduce AAstory16Story */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList5 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PStory pstoryNode1;
        PTitle ptitleNode2;
        PRole proleNode3;
        PFeature pfeatureNode4;
        PBenefit pbenefitNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        ptitleNode2 = (PTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        proleNode3 = (PRole)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pfeatureNode4 = (PFeature)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        pbenefitNode5 = (PBenefit)nodeArrayList4.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList5.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pstoryNode1 = new AStory(ptitleNode2, proleNode3, pfeatureNode4, pbenefitNode5, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new16() /* reduce ATitle */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PTitle ptitleNode1;
        TTitleKeyword ttitlekeywordNode2;
        TSpace tspaceNode3;
        PPhrase pphraseNode4;
        TEndl tendlNode5;
        ttitlekeywordNode2 = (TTitleKeyword)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        tspaceNode3 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pphraseNode4 = (PPhrase)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        tendlNode5 = (TEndl)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        ptitleNode1 = new ATitle(ttitlekeywordNode2, tspaceNode3, pphraseNode4, tendlNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new17() /* reduce ARole */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PRole proleNode1;
        TAsA tasaNode2;
        TSpace tspaceNode3;
        PPhrase pphraseNode4;
        TEndl tendlNode5;
        tasaNode2 = (TAsA)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        tspaceNode3 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pphraseNode4 = (PPhrase)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        tendlNode5 = (TEndl)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        proleNode1 = new ARole(tasaNode2, tspaceNode3, pphraseNode4, tendlNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new18() /* reduce AFeature */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PFeature pfeatureNode1;
        TIWant tiwantNode2;
        TSpace tspaceNode3;
        PPhrase pphraseNode4;
        TEndl tendlNode5;
        tiwantNode2 = (TIWant)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        tspaceNode3 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pphraseNode4 = (PPhrase)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        tendlNode5 = (TEndl)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        pfeatureNode1 = new AFeature(tiwantNode2, tspaceNode3, pphraseNode4, tendlNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new19() /* reduce ABenefit */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PBenefit pbenefitNode1;
        TSoThat tsothatNode2;
        TSpace tspaceNode3;
        PPhrase pphraseNode4;
        TEndl tendlNode5;
        tsothatNode2 = (TSoThat)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        tspaceNode3 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pphraseNode4 = (PPhrase)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        tendlNode5 = (TEndl)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        pbenefitNode1 = new ABenefit(tsothatNode2, tspaceNode3, pphraseNode4, tendlNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new20() /* reduce AAscenario1Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode2;
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode5 = new TypedLinkedList();
        pscenariotitleNode2 = (PScenarioTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);

        pscenarioNode1 = new AScenario(pscenariotitleNode2, listNode3, null, listNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new21() /* reduce AAscenario2Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode2;
        TypedLinkedList listNode4 = new TypedLinkedList();
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        pscenariotitleNode2 = (PScenarioTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode3 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode3 != null)

        pscenarioNode1 = new AScenario(pscenariotitleNode2, listNode4, null, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new22() /* reduce AAscenario3Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode2;
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PEvent peventNode4;
        TypedLinkedList listNode5 = new TypedLinkedList();
        pscenariotitleNode2 = (PScenarioTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        peventNode4 = (PEvent)nodeArrayList2.get(0);

        pscenarioNode1 = new AScenario(pscenariotitleNode2, listNode3, peventNode4, listNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new23() /* reduce AAscenario4Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode2;
        TypedLinkedList listNode4 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PEvent peventNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        pscenariotitleNode2 = (PScenarioTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode3 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode3 != null)
        peventNode5 = (PEvent)nodeArrayList3.get(0);

        pscenarioNode1 = new AScenario(pscenariotitleNode2, listNode4, peventNode5, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new24() /* reduce AAscenario5Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode2;
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        Object nullNode4 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        pscenariotitleNode2 = (PScenarioTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode5 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode5 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode5 != null)

        pscenarioNode1 = new AScenario(pscenariotitleNode2, listNode3, null, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new25() /* reduce AAscenario6Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode2;
        TypedLinkedList listNode4 = new TypedLinkedList();
        Object nullNode5 = null;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        pscenariotitleNode2 = (PScenarioTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode3 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode3 != null)
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pscenarioNode1 = new AScenario(pscenariotitleNode2, listNode4, null, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new26() /* reduce AAscenario7Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode2;
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PEvent peventNode4;
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        pscenariotitleNode2 = (PScenarioTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        peventNode4 = (PEvent)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode5 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode5 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
  if(listNode5 != null)

        pscenarioNode1 = new AScenario(pscenariotitleNode2, listNode3, peventNode4, listNode6);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new27() /* reduce AAscenario8Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode2;
        TypedLinkedList listNode4 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PEvent peventNode5;
        TypedLinkedList listNode7 = new TypedLinkedList();
        pscenariotitleNode2 = (PScenarioTitle)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode3 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode3 != null)
        peventNode5 = (PEvent)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        TypedLinkedList listNode6 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode6 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList4.get(0);
  if(listNode6 != null)

        pscenarioNode1 = new AScenario(pscenariotitleNode2, listNode4, peventNode5, listNode7);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new28() /* reduce AScenarioTitle */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PScenarioTitle pscenariotitleNode1;
        TScenarioKeyword tscenariokeywordNode2;
        TSpace tspaceNode3;
        PPhrase pphraseNode4;
        TEndl tendlNode5;
        tscenariokeywordNode2 = (TScenarioKeyword)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        tspaceNode3 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pphraseNode4 = (PPhrase)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        tendlNode5 = (TEndl)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        pscenariotitleNode1 = new AScenarioTitle(tscenariokeywordNode2, tspaceNode3, pphraseNode4, tendlNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new29() /* reduce AContext */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PContext pcontextNode1;
        TGiven tgivenNode2;
        TSpace tspaceNode3;
        PPhrase pphraseNode4;
        TEndl tendlNode5;
        tgivenNode2 = (TGiven)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        tspaceNode3 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pphraseNode4 = (PPhrase)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        tendlNode5 = (TEndl)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        pcontextNode1 = new AContext(tgivenNode2, tspaceNode3, pphraseNode4, tendlNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new30() /* reduce AEvent */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PEvent peventNode1;
        TWhen twhenNode2;
        TSpace tspaceNode3;
        PPhrase pphraseNode4;
        TEndl tendlNode5;
        twhenNode2 = (TWhen)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        tspaceNode3 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pphraseNode4 = (PPhrase)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        tendlNode5 = (TEndl)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        peventNode1 = new AEvent(twhenNode2, tspaceNode3, pphraseNode4, tendlNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new31() /* reduce AOutcome */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList4 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList3 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        POutcome poutcomeNode1;
        TThen tthenNode2;
        TSpace tspaceNode3;
        PPhrase pphraseNode4;
        TEndl tendlNode5;
        tthenNode2 = (TThen)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        tspaceNode3 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
        pphraseNode4 = (PPhrase)nodeArrayList3.get(0);
        tendlNode5 = (TEndl)nodeArrayList4.get(0);

        poutcomeNode1 = new AOutcome(tthenNode2, tspaceNode3, pphraseNode4, tendlNode5);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new32() /* reduce APhrase */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PPhrase pphraseNode1;
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        TypedLinkedList listNode2 = new TypedLinkedList();
        listNode2 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
  if(listNode2 != null)

        pphraseNode1 = new APhrase(listNode3);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new33() /* reduce AWordWordOrSpace */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PWordOrSpace pwordorspaceNode1;
        TWord twordNode2;
        twordNode2 = (TWord)nodeArrayList1.get(0);

        pwordorspaceNode1 = new AWordWordOrSpace(twordNode2);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new34() /* reduce ASpaceWordOrSpace */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        PWordOrSpace pwordorspaceNode1;
        TSpace tspaceNode2;
        tspaceNode2 = (TSpace)nodeArrayList1.get(0);

        pwordorspaceNode1 = new ASpaceWordOrSpace(tspaceNode2);
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new35() /* reduce ATerminal$Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        TypedLinkedList listNode2 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PScenario pscenarioNode1;
        pscenarioNode1 = (PScenario)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
  if(pscenarioNode1 != null)
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new36() /* reduce ANonTerminal$Scenario */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        TypedLinkedList listNode1 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PScenario pscenarioNode2;
        listNode1 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pscenarioNode2 = (PScenario)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode1 != null)
  if(pscenarioNode2 != null)
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new37() /* reduce ATerminal$Context */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        TypedLinkedList listNode2 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PContext pcontextNode1;
        pcontextNode1 = (PContext)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
  if(pcontextNode1 != null)
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new38() /* reduce ANonTerminal$Context */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        TypedLinkedList listNode1 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PContext pcontextNode2;
        listNode1 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pcontextNode2 = (PContext)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode1 != null)
  if(pcontextNode2 != null)
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new39() /* reduce ATerminal$Outcome */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        TypedLinkedList listNode2 = new TypedLinkedList();
        POutcome poutcomeNode1;
        poutcomeNode1 = (POutcome)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
  if(poutcomeNode1 != null)
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new40() /* reduce ANonTerminal$Outcome */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        TypedLinkedList listNode1 = new TypedLinkedList();
        POutcome poutcomeNode2;
        listNode1 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        poutcomeNode2 = (POutcome)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode1 != null)
  if(poutcomeNode2 != null)
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new41() /* reduce ATerminal$WordOrSpace */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        TypedLinkedList listNode2 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PWordOrSpace pwordorspaceNode1;
        pwordorspaceNode1 = (PWordOrSpace)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
  if(pwordorspaceNode1 != null)
        return nodeList;

    ArrayList new42() /* reduce ANonTerminal$WordOrSpace */
        ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList();

        ArrayList nodeArrayList2 = (ArrayList) pop();
        ArrayList nodeArrayList1 = (ArrayList) pop();
        TypedLinkedList listNode3 = new TypedLinkedList();
        TypedLinkedList listNode1 = new TypedLinkedList();
        PWordOrSpace pwordorspaceNode2;
        listNode1 = (TypedLinkedList)nodeArrayList1.get(0);
        pwordorspaceNode2 = (PWordOrSpace)nodeArrayList2.get(0);
  if(listNode1 != null)
  if(pwordorspaceNode2 != null)
        return nodeList;

    private static int[][][] actionTable;
/*      {
      {{-1, ERROR, 0}, {0, SHIFT, 1}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 1}, {8, SHIFT, 4}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 2}, {11, ACCEPT, -1}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 0}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, {2, SHIFT, 6}, {3, SHIFT, 7}, {4, SHIFT, 8}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 4}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 5}, {8, SHIFT, 20}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 6}, {8, SHIFT, 21}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 7}, {8, SHIFT, 22}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 8}, {8, SHIFT, 23}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 1}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, {3, SHIFT, 7}, {4, SHIFT, 8}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 2}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, {4, SHIFT, 8}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 4}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 35}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 20}, {5, SHIFT, 30}, {6, SHIFT, 31}, {7, SHIFT, 32}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 8}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 34}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 33}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 17}, {10, SHIFT, 39}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 41}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 32}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 20}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 21}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 22}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 23}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 3}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, {4, SHIFT, 8}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 5}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 9}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 6}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 10}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 12}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 30}, {8, SHIFT, 49}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 31}, {8, SHIFT, 50}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 32}, {8, SHIFT, 51}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 37}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 22}, {7, SHIFT, 32}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 39}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 21}, {5, SHIFT, 30}, {6, SHIFT, 31}, {7, SHIFT, 32}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 24}, {7, SHIFT, 32}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 36}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 16}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 42}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 41}, {10, SHIFT, 57}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 42}, {10, SHIFT, 58}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 43}, {10, SHIFT, 59}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 44}, {10, SHIFT, 60}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 7}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 11}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 13}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 14}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 49}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 50}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 51}, {8, SHIFT, 15}, {9, SHIFT, 16}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 26}, {7, SHIFT, 32}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 38}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 23}, {7, SHIFT, 32}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 25}, {7, SHIFT, 32}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 40}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 28}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 17}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 18}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 19}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 15}, {1, SHIFT, 5}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 62}, {10, SHIFT, 66}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 63}, {10, SHIFT, 67}, },
      {{-1, ERROR, 64}, {10, SHIFT, 68}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 27}, {7, SHIFT, 32}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 29}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 30}, },
      {{-1, REDUCE, 31}, },
    private static int[][][] gotoTable;
/*      {
      {{-1, 2}, },
      {{-1, 3}, },
      {{-1, 9}, },
      {{-1, 10}, {9, 24}, },
      {{-1, 11}, {9, 25}, {10, 27}, {24, 45}, },
      {{-1, 12}, {14, 38}, {26, 38}, {28, 38}, {29, 38}, {46, 38}, {47, 38}, {48, 38}, {61, 38}, },
      {{-1, 13}, },
      {{-1, 33}, {36, 53}, },
      {{-1, 34}, {36, 54}, },
      {{-1, 35}, {37, 56}, {52, 56}, {55, 56}, {65, 56}, },
      {{-1, 17}, {20, 41}, {21, 42}, {22, 43}, {23, 44}, {49, 62}, {50, 63}, {51, 64}, },
      {{-1, 18}, {19, 40}, },
      {{-1, 14}, {9, 26}, {10, 28}, {11, 29}, {24, 46}, {25, 47}, {27, 48}, {45, 61}, },
      {{-1, 36}, },
      {{-1, 37}, {34, 52}, {36, 55}, {54, 65}, },
      {{-1, 19}, },
    private static String[] errorMessages;
/*      {
      "expecting: 'Title:'",
      "expecting: ' '",
      "expecting: EOF",
      "expecting: 'Scenario:', 'As a', 'I want', 'So that', EOF",
      "expecting: ' ', word",
      "expecting: 'Scenario:', 'I want', 'So that', EOF",
      "expecting: 'Scenario:', 'So that', EOF",
      "expecting: 'Scenario:', EOF",
      "expecting: 'Scenario:', 'Given', 'When', 'Then', EOF",
      "expecting: ' ', word, endl",
      "expecting: endl",
      "expecting: 'Scenario:', 'Then', EOF",
    private static int[] errors;
/*      {
      0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 7, 9, 9, 10, 9, 9, 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 1, 1, 1, 8, 11, 11, 8, 11, 7, 3, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 7, 7, 7, 7, 4, 4, 4, 11, 8, 11, 11, 11, 8, 5, 6, 7, 7, 10, 10, 10, 11, 8, 11, 11,

            DataInputStream s = new DataInputStream(
                new BufferedInputStream(

            // read actionTable
            int length = s.readInt();
            actionTable = new int[length][][];
            for(int i = 0; i < actionTable.length; i++)
                length = s.readInt();
                actionTable[i] = new int[length][3];
                for(int j = 0; j < actionTable[i].length; j++)
                for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    actionTable[i][j][k] = s.readInt();

            // read gotoTable
            length = s.readInt();
            gotoTable = new int[length][][];
            for(int i = 0; i < gotoTable.length; i++)
                length = s.readInt();
                gotoTable[i] = new int[length][2];
                for(int j = 0; j < gotoTable[i].length; j++)
                for(int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
                    gotoTable[i][j][k] = s.readInt();

            // read errorMessages
            length = s.readInt();
            errorMessages = new String[length];
            for(int i = 0; i < errorMessages.length; i++)
                length = s.readInt();
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

                for(int j = 0; j < length; j++)
                errorMessages[i] = buffer.toString();

            // read errors
            length = s.readInt();
            errors = new int[length];
            for(int i = 0; i < errors.length; i++)
                errors[i] = s.readInt();

        catch(Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException("The file \"parser.dat\" is either missing or corrupted.");

Related Classes of org.jbehave.core.story.codegen.sablecc.parser.Parser

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