Package proj.zoie.api.impl

Source Code of proj.zoie.api.impl.DocIDMapperImpl

package proj.zoie.api.impl;
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import java.util.Arrays;

import proj.zoie.api.DocIDMapper;
import proj.zoie.api.ZoieIndexReader;
import proj.zoie.api.DocIDMapper.DocIDArray;

* @author ymatsuda
public class DocIDMapperImpl implements DocIDMapper<DocIDArray>
  private final int[] _docArray;
    private final long[] _uidArray;
    private final int[] _start;
    private final long[] _filter;
    private final int _mask;
    private final int MIXER = 2147482951; // a prime number
    public DocIDMapperImpl(long[] uidArray)
      int len = uidArray.length;
      int mask = len/4;
      mask |= (mask >> 1);
      mask |= (mask >> 2);
      mask |= (mask >> 4);
      mask |= (mask >> 8);
      mask |= (mask >> 16);
      _mask = mask;
      _filter = new long[mask+1];

      for(long uid : uidArray)
        if(uid != ZoieIndexReader.DELETED_UID)
          int h = (int)((uid >>> 32) ^ uid)* MIXER;
          long bits = _filter[h & _mask];
          bits |= ((1L << (h >>> 26)));
          bits |= ((1L << ((h >> 20) & 0x3F)));
          _filter[h & _mask] = bits;
      _start = new int[_mask + 1 + 1];
      len = 0;
      for(long uid : uidArray)
        if(uid != ZoieIndexReader.DELETED_UID)
          _start[((int)((uid >>> 32) ^ uid) * MIXER) & _mask]++;
      int val = 0;
      for(int i = 0; i < _start.length; i++)
        val += _start[i];
        _start[i] = val;
      _start[_mask] = len;
      long[] partitionedUidArray = new long[len];
      int[] docArray = new int[len];
      for(long uid : uidArray)
        if(uid != ZoieIndexReader.DELETED_UID)
          int i = --(_start[((int)((uid >>> 32) ^ uid) * MIXER) & _mask]);
          partitionedUidArray[i] = uid;
      int s = _start[0];
      for(int i = 1; i < _start.length; i++)
        int e = _start[i];
        if(s < e)
          Arrays.sort(partitionedUidArray, s, e);
        s = e;
      for(int docid = 0; docid < uidArray.length; docid++)
        long uid = uidArray[docid];
        if(uid != ZoieIndexReader.DELETED_UID)
          final int p = ((int)((uid >>> 32) ^ uid) * MIXER) & _mask;
          int idx = findIndex(partitionedUidArray, uid, _start[p], _start[p + 1]);
          if(idx >= 0)
            docArray[idx] = docid;
      _uidArray = partitionedUidArray;
      _docArray = docArray;
    public int getDocID(final long uid)
      final int h = (int)((uid >>> 32) ^ uid) * MIXER;
      final int p = h & _mask;

      // check the filter
      final long bits = _filter[p];
      if((bits & (1L << (h >>> 26))) == 0 || (bits & (1L << ((h >> 20) & 0x3F))) == 0) return -1;

      // do binary search in the partition
      int begin = _start[p];
      int end = _start[p + 1] - 1;
      // we have some uids in this partition, so we assume (begin <= end)
        int mid = (begin+end) >>> 1;
        long midval = _uidArray[mid];
        if(midval == uid) return _docArray[mid];
        if(mid == end) return -1;
        if(midval < uid) begin = mid + 1;
        else end = mid;
    private static final int findIndex(final long[] arr, final long uid, int begin, int end)
      if(begin >= end) return -1;

        int mid = (begin+end) >>> 1;
        long midval = arr[mid];
        if(midval == uid) return mid;
        if(mid == end) return -1;
        if(midval < uid) begin = mid + 1;
        else end = mid;

    public DocIDArray getDocIDArray(long[] uids)
      DocIDArray ret = DocIDArray.newInstance(uids.length);
      int [] docids = ret.docids;
      for(int i=0;i<uids.length;i++)
        docids[i] = this.getDocID(uids[i]);
      return ret;

    public DocIDArray getDocIDArray(int[] uids)
      DocIDArray ret = DocIDArray.newInstance(uids.length);
      int [] docids = ret.docids;
      for(int i=0;i<uids.length;i++)
        docids[i] = this.getDocID(uids[i]);
      return ret;

    public int quickGetDocID(long uid)
    {// exact same impl as the regular getDocID()
      final int h = (int)((uid >>> 32) ^ uid) * MIXER;
      final int p = h & _mask;

      // check the filter
      final long bits = _filter[p];
      if((bits & (1L << (h >>> 26))) == 0 || (bits & (1L << ((h >> 20) & 0x3F))) == 0) return -1;

      // do binary search in the partition
      int begin = _start[p];
      int end = _start[p + 1] - 1;
      // we have some uids in this partition, so we assume (begin <= end)
        int mid = (begin+end) >>> 1;
        long midval = _uidArray[mid];
        if(midval == uid) return _docArray[mid];
        if(mid == end) return -1;
        if(midval < uid) begin = mid + 1;
        else end = mid;

    public int getReaderIndex(long uid)
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public int[] getStarts()
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public ZoieIndexReader<?>[] getSubReaders()
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

Related Classes of proj.zoie.api.impl.DocIDMapperImpl

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