* Copyright (C) 2009,2010,2011 Samuel Audet
* This file is part of JavaCV.
* JavaCV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version (subject to the "Classpath" exception
* as provided in the LICENSE.txt file that accompanied this code).
* JavaCV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with JavaCV. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.googlecode.javacv;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.googlecode.javacpp.BytePointer;
import com.googlecode.javacpp.Loader;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_core.*;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.opencv_imgproc.*;
import static com.googlecode.javacv.cpp.dc1394.*;
* @author Samuel Audet
public class DC1394FrameGrabber extends FrameGrabber {
public static String[] getDeviceDescriptions() throws Exception {
dc1394_t d = dc1394_new();
if (d == null) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_new() Error: Failed to initialize libdc1394.");
dc1394camera_list_t list = new dc1394camera_list_t(null);
int err = dc1394_camera_enumerate(d, list);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_camera_enumerate() Error " + err + ": Failed to enumerate cameras.");
int num = list.num();
String[] descriptions = new String[num];
if (num > 0) {
dc1394camera_id_t ids = list.ids();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i ++) {
dc1394camera_t camera = dc1394_camera_new_unit(d, ids.guid(), ids.unit());
if (camera == null) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_camera_new_unit() Error: Failed to initialize camera with GUID 0x" +
Long.toHexString(ids.guid())+ " / " + camera.unit() + ".");
descriptions[i] = camera.vendor().getString() + " " + camera.model().getString() + " 0x" +
Long.toHexString(camera.guid()) + " / " + camera.unit();
return descriptions;
private static Exception loadingException = null;
public static void tryLoad() throws Exception {
if (loadingException != null) {
throw loadingException;
} else {
try {
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof Exception) {
throw loadingException = (Exception)t;
} else {
throw loadingException = new Exception(t);
public DC1394FrameGrabber(int deviceNumber) throws Exception {
d = dc1394_new();
dc1394camera_list_t list = new dc1394camera_list_t(null);
int err = dc1394_camera_enumerate (d, list);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_camera_enumerate() Error " + err + ": Failed to enumerate cameras.");
int num = list.num();
if (num <= deviceNumber) {
throw new Exception("DC1394Grabber() Error: Camera number " + deviceNumber +
" not found. There are only " + num + " devices.");
dc1394camera_id_t ids = list.ids().position(deviceNumber);
camera = dc1394_camera_new_unit(d, ids.guid(), ids.unit());
if (camera == null) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_camera_new_unit() Error: Failed to initialize camera with GUID 0x" +
Long.toHexString(ids.guid())+ " / " + camera.unit() + ".");
//System.out.println("Using camera with GUID 0x" + Long.toHexString(camera.guid) + " / " + camera.unit);
public void release() throws Exception {
if (camera != null) {
camera = null;
if (d != null) {
d = null;
@Override protected void finalize() {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Logger.getLogger(DC1394FrameGrabber.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
private static final boolean linux = Loader.getPlatformName().startsWith("linux");
private dc1394_t d = null;
private dc1394camera_t camera = null;
private pollfd fds = new pollfd();
private boolean oneShotMode = false;
private boolean resetDone = false;
private dc1394video_frame_t[] raw_image =
{ new dc1394video_frame_t(null), new dc1394video_frame_t(null) };
private dc1394video_frame_t conv_image = new dc1394video_frame_t();
private dc1394video_frame_t frame = null;
private dc1394video_frame_t enqueue_image = null;
private IplImage temp_image, return_image = null;
private float[] gammaOut = new float[1];
@Override public double getGamma() {
return gammaOut[0];
public void start() throws Exception {
start(true, true);
public void start(boolean tryReset, boolean try1394b) throws Exception {
int c = -1;
if (colorMode == ColorMode.BGR || colorMode == ColorMode.RAW) {
if (imageWidth <= 0 || imageHeight <= 0) {
c = -1;
} else if (imageWidth <= 640 && imageHeight <= 480) {
c = DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_RGB8;
} else if (imageWidth <= 800 && imageHeight <= 600) {
c = DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_800x600_RGB8;
} else if (imageWidth <= 1024 && imageHeight <= 768) {
c = DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1024x768_RGB8;
} else if (imageWidth <= 1280 && imageHeight <= 960) {
c = DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1280x960_RGB8;
} else if (imageWidth <= 1600 && imageHeight <= 1200) {
c = DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1600x1200_RGB8;
} else if (colorMode == ColorMode.GRAY) {
if (imageWidth <= 0 || imageHeight <= 0) {
c = -1;
} else if (imageWidth <= 640 && imageHeight <= 480) {
c = bpp > 8 ? DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_MONO16 : DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_640x480_MONO8;
} else if (imageWidth <= 800 && imageHeight <= 600) {
c = bpp > 8 ? DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_800x600_MONO16 : DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_800x600_MONO8;
} else if (imageWidth <= 1024 && imageHeight <= 768) {
c = bpp > 8 ? DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1024x768_MONO16 : DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1024x768_MONO8;
} else if (imageWidth <= 1280 && imageHeight <= 960) {
c = bpp > 8 ? DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1280x960_MONO16 : DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1280x960_MONO8;
} else if (imageWidth <= 1600 && imageHeight <= 1200) {
c = bpp > 8 ? DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1600x1200_MONO16 : DC1394_VIDEO_MODE_1600x1200_MONO8;
if (c == -1) {
// otherwise, still need to set current video mode to kick start the ISO channel...
int[] out = new int[1];
dc1394_video_get_mode(camera, out);
c = out[0];
int f = -1;
if (frameRate <= 0) {
f = -1;
} else if (frameRate <= 1.876) {
f = DC1394_FRAMERATE_1_875;
} else if (frameRate <= 3.76) {
f = DC1394_FRAMERATE_3_75;
} else if (frameRate <= 7.51) {
f = DC1394_FRAMERATE_7_5;
} else if (frameRate <= 15.01) {
f = DC1394_FRAMERATE_15;
} else if (frameRate <= 30.01) {
f = DC1394_FRAMERATE_30;
} else if (frameRate <= 60.01) {
f = DC1394_FRAMERATE_60;
} else if (frameRate <= 120.01) {
f = DC1394_FRAMERATE_120;
} else if (frameRate <= 240.01) {
f = DC1394_FRAMERATE_240;
if (f == -1) {
// otherwise, still need to set current framerate to kick start the ISO channel...
int[] out = new int[1];
dc1394_video_get_framerate(camera, out);
f = out[0];
try {
oneShotMode = false;
if (triggerMode) {
int err = dc1394_external_trigger_set_power(camera, DC1394_ON);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
// no trigger support, use one-shot mode instead
oneShotMode = true;
} else {
dc1394_external_trigger_set_mode(camera, DC1394_TRIGGER_MODE_0);
err = dc1394_external_trigger_set_source(camera, DC1394_TRIGGER_SOURCE_SOFTWARE);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
// no support for software trigger, use one-shot mode instead
oneShotMode = true;
dc1394_external_trigger_set_power(camera, DC1394_OFF);
int err = dc1394_video_set_operation_mode(camera, DC1394_OPERATION_MODE_LEGACY);
if (try1394b) {
err = dc1394_video_set_operation_mode(camera, DC1394_OPERATION_MODE_1394B);
if (err == DC1394_SUCCESS) {
err = dc1394_video_set_iso_speed(camera, DC1394_ISO_SPEED_800);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS || !try1394b) {
err = dc1394_video_set_iso_speed(camera, DC1394_ISO_SPEED_400);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_video_set_iso_speed() Error " + err + ": Could not set maximum iso speed.");
err = dc1394_video_set_mode(camera, c);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_video_set_mode() Error " + err + ": Could not set video mode.");
if (dc1394_is_video_mode_scalable(c) == DC1394_TRUE) {
err = dc1394_format7_set_roi(camera, c,
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_format7_set_roi() Error " + err + ": Could not set format7 mode.");
} else {
err = dc1394_video_set_framerate(camera, f);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_video_set_framerate() Error " + err + ": Could not set framerate.");
err = dc1394_capture_setup(camera, numBuffers, DC1394_CAPTURE_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_capture_setup() Error " + err + ": Could not setup camera-\n" +
"make sure that the video mode and framerate are\nsupported by your camera.");
if (gamma != 0.0) {
err = dc1394_feature_set_absolute_value(camera, DC1394_FEATURE_GAMMA, (float)gamma);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_feature_set_absolute_value() Error " + err + ": Could not set gamma.");
err = dc1394_feature_get_absolute_value(camera, DC1394_FEATURE_GAMMA, gammaOut);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
gammaOut[0] = 2.2f;
if (linux) {
if (!oneShotMode) {
err = dc1394_video_set_transmission(camera, DC1394_ON);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_video_set_transmission() Error " + err + ": Could not start camera iso transmission.");
} catch(Exception e) {
// if we couldn't start, try again with a bus reset
if (tryReset && !resetDone) {
resetDone = true;
start(false, try1394b);
} else {
throw e;
} finally {
resetDone = false;
if (linux && try1394b) {
if (triggerMode) {
if (poll(fds, 1, timeout) == 0) {
// we are obviously not getting anything..
// try again without 1394b
start(tryReset, false);
} else if (triggerMode) {
public void stop() throws Exception {
enqueue_image = null;
temp_image = null;
return_image = null;
int err = dc1394_video_set_transmission(camera, DC1394_OFF);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_video_set_transmission() Error " + err + ": Could not stop the camera?");
err = dc1394_capture_stop(camera);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS && err != DC1394_CAPTURE_IS_NOT_SET) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_capture_stop() Error " + err + ": Could not stop the camera?");
if (triggerMode && !oneShotMode) {
err = dc1394_external_trigger_set_power(camera, DC1394_OFF);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_external_trigger_set_power() Error " + err + ": Could not switch off external trigger.");
private void enqueue() throws Exception {
enqueue_image = null;
private void enqueue(dc1394video_frame_t image) throws Exception {
if (image != null) {
int err = dc1394_capture_enqueue(camera, image);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_capture_enqueue() Error " + err + ": Could not release a frame.");
public void trigger() throws Exception {
if (oneShotMode) {
int err = dc1394_video_set_one_shot(camera, DC1394_ON);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_video_set_one_shot() Error " + err + ": Could not set camera into one-shot mode.");
} else {
long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
int[] out = new int[1];
do {
dc1394_software_trigger_get_power(camera, out);
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - time > timeout) {
//throw new Exception("trigger() Error: Timeout occured.");
} while (out[0] == DC1394_ON);
int err = dc1394_software_trigger_set_power(camera, DC1394_ON);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_software_trigger_set_power() Error " + err + ": Could not trigger camera.");
public IplImage grab() throws Exception {
if (linux) {
if (poll(fds, 1, timeout) == 0) {
throw new Exception("poll() Error: Timeout occured. (Has start() been called?)");
int i = 0;
int err = dc1394_capture_dequeue(camera, DC1394_CAPTURE_POLICY_WAIT, raw_image[i]);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_capture_dequeue(WAIT) Error " + err + ": Could not capture a frame. (Has start() been called?)");
// try to poll for more images, to get the most recent one...
while (!raw_image[i].isNull()) {
enqueue_image = raw_image[i];
i = (i+1)%2;
err = dc1394_capture_dequeue(camera, DC1394_CAPTURE_POLICY_POLL, raw_image[i]);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_capture_dequeue(POLL) Error " + err + ": Could not capture a frame.");
frame = raw_image[(i+1)%2];
int w = frame.size(0);
int h = frame.size(1);
int depth = frame.data_depth();
int iplDepth = 0;
switch (depth) {
case 8: iplDepth = IPL_DEPTH_8U; break;
case 16: iplDepth = IPL_DEPTH_16U; break;
default: assert (false);
int stride = frame.stride();
int size = frame.image_bytes();
int numChannels = stride/w*8/depth;
ByteOrder frameEndian = frame.little_endian() != 0 ?
boolean alreadySwapped = false;
int color_coding = frame.color_coding();
boolean colorbayer = color_coding == DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW8 ||
color_coding == DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW16;
boolean colorrgb = color_coding == DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB8 ||
color_coding == DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RGB16;
boolean coloryuv = color_coding == DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV411 ||
color_coding == DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV422 ||
color_coding == DC1394_COLOR_CODING_YUV444;
BytePointer imageData = frame.image();
if ((depth <= 8 || frameEndian.equals(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())) && !coloryuv &&
(colorMode == ColorMode.RAW || (colorMode == ColorMode.BGR && numChannels == 3) ||
(colorMode == ColorMode.GRAY && numChannels == 1 && !colorbayer))) {
if (return_image == null) {
return_image = IplImage.createHeader(w, h, iplDepth, numChannels);
} else {
// in the padding, there's sometimes timeframe information and stuff
// that libdc1394 will copy for us, so we need to allocate it
int padding_bytes = frame.padding_bytes();
int padding1 = (int)Math.ceil((double)padding_bytes/(w * depth/8));
int padding3 = (int)Math.ceil((double)padding_bytes/(w*3*depth/8));
if (return_image == null) {
int c = colorMode == ColorMode.BGR ? 3 : 1;
int padding = colorMode == ColorMode.BGR ? padding3 : padding1;
return_image = IplImage.create(w, h+padding, iplDepth, c);
return_image.height(return_image.height() - padding);
if (temp_image == null) {
if (colorMode == ColorMode.BGR && numChannels != 3 && !colorbayer) {
temp_image = IplImage.create(w, h+padding1, iplDepth, 1);
temp_image.height(temp_image.height() - padding1);
} else if (colorMode == ColorMode.GRAY &&
(coloryuv || colorbayer || (colorrgb && depth > 8))) {
temp_image = IplImage.create(w, h+padding3, iplDepth, 3);
temp_image.height(temp_image.height() - padding3);
} else if (colorMode == ColorMode.GRAY && colorrgb) {
temp_image = IplImage.createHeader(w, h, iplDepth, 3);
} else {
temp_image = return_image;
conv_image.size(0, temp_image.width());
conv_image.size(1, temp_image.height());
if (depth > 8) {
conv_image.color_coding(colorMode == ColorMode.RAW ? DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW16 :
temp_image.nChannels() == 1 ? DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO16 :
} else {
conv_image.color_coding(colorMode == ColorMode.RAW ? DC1394_COLOR_CODING_RAW8 :
temp_image.nChannels() == 1 ? DC1394_COLOR_CODING_MONO8 :
int temp_size = temp_image.imageSize();
if (colorbayer) {
// from raw Bayer... invert R and B to get BGR images
// (like OpenCV wants them) instead of RGB
int c = frame.color_filter();
if (c == DC1394_COLOR_FILTER_RGGB) {
} else if (c == DC1394_COLOR_FILTER_GBRG) {
} else if (c == DC1394_COLOR_FILTER_GRBG) {
} else if (c == DC1394_COLOR_FILTER_BGGR) {
} else {
// other better methods than "simple" give garbage at 16 bits..
err = dc1394_debayer_frames(frame, conv_image, DC1394_BAYER_METHOD_SIMPLE);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_debayer_frames() Error " + err + ": Could not debayer frame.");
} else if (depth > 8 &&
frame.data_depth() == conv_image.data_depth() &&
frame.color_coding() == conv_image.color_coding() &&
frame.stride() == conv_image.stride()) {
// we just need a copy to swap bytes..
ShortBuffer in = frame.getByteBuffer().order(frameEndian).asShortBuffer();
ShortBuffer out = temp_image.getByteBuffer().order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asShortBuffer();
alreadySwapped = true;
} else if (!colorrgb) {
// from YUV, etc.
err = dc1394_convert_frames(frame, conv_image);
if (err != DC1394_SUCCESS) {
throw new Exception("dc1394_convert_frames() Error " + err + ": Could not convert frame.");
if (!alreadySwapped && depth > 8 && !frameEndian.equals(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())) {
// ack, the camera's endianness doesn't correspond to our machine ...
// swap bytes of 16-bit images
ByteBuffer bb = temp_image.getByteBuffer();
ShortBuffer in = bb.order(frameEndian).asShortBuffer();
ShortBuffer out = bb.order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()).asShortBuffer();
// should we copy the padding as well?
if (colorMode == ColorMode.BGR && numChannels != 3 && !colorbayer) {
cvCvtColor(temp_image, return_image, CV_GRAY2BGR);
} else if (colorMode == ColorMode.GRAY && (colorbayer || colorrgb || coloryuv)) {
cvCvtColor(temp_image, return_image, CV_BGR2GRAY);
enqueue_image = frame;
return_image.timestamp = frame.timestamp();
return return_image;