* JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library.
* Copyright (C) 2001 - 2009 Jaspersoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* http://www.jaspersoft.com
* Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft,
* the following license terms apply:
* This program is part of JasperReports.
* JasperReports is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* JasperReports is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package net.sf.jasperreports.extensions;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.ClassUtils;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRProperties;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
* A class that provides means of setting and accessing
* {@link ExtensionsRegistry} instances.
* @author Lucian Chirita (lucianc@users.sourceforge.net)
* @version $Id: ExtensionsEnvironment.java 3659 2010-03-31 10:20:49Z shertage $
* @see #getExtensionsRegistry()
public final class ExtensionsEnvironment
private ExtensionsEnvironment()
private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ExtensionsEnvironment.class);
protected final static Object NULL_CACHE_KEY = new Object();
* A property that provides the default {@link ExtensionsRegistry}
* implementation class.
* <p>
* This property is only read at initialization time, therefore changing
* the property value at a later time will have no effect.
JRProperties.PROPERTY_PREFIX + "extensions.registry.class";
private static ExtensionsRegistry systemRegistry;
private static final ThreadLocal threadRegistry = new InheritableThreadLocal();
systemRegistry = createDefaultRegistry();
private static ExtensionsRegistry createDefaultRegistry()
String registryClass = JRProperties.getProperty(PROPERTY_EXTENSIONS_REGISTRY_CLASS);
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Instantiating extensions registry class " + registryClass);
ExtensionsRegistry registry = (ExtensionsRegistry) ClassUtils.
instantiateClass(registryClass, ExtensionsRegistry.class);
return registry;
* Returns the system default extensions registry object.
* <p>
* This is either the one instantiated based on {@link #PROPERTY_EXTENSIONS_REGISTRY_CLASS},
* or the one set by {@link #setSystemExtensionsRegistry(ExtensionsRegistry)}.
* @return the system default extensions registry object
public static synchronized ExtensionsRegistry getSystemExtensionsRegistry()
return systemRegistry;
* Sets the system default extensions registry.
* @param extensionsRegistry the extensions registry
public static synchronized void setSystemExtensionsRegistry(ExtensionsRegistry extensionsRegistry)
if (extensionsRegistry == null)
throw new JRRuntimeException("Cannot set a null extensions registry.");
systemRegistry = extensionsRegistry;
* Returns the thread extensions registry, if any.
* @return the thread extensions registry
public static ExtensionsRegistry getThreadExtensionsRegistry()
return (ExtensionsRegistry) threadRegistry.get();
* Sets the thread extensions registry.
* @param extensionsRegistry
* @see #getExtensionsRegistry()
public static void setThreadExtensionsRegistry(ExtensionsRegistry extensionsRegistry)
* Resets (to null) the thread extensions registry.
* @see #setThreadExtensionsRegistry(ExtensionsRegistry)
public static void resetThreadExtensionsRegistry()
* Returns the extensions registry to be used in the current context.
* <p>
* The method returns the thread extensions registry (as returned by
* {@link #getThreadExtensionsRegistry()}) if it exists, and the system
* registry (as returned by {@link #getSystemExtensionsRegistry()}) otherwise.
* @return the context extensions registry
public static ExtensionsRegistry getExtensionsRegistry()
ExtensionsRegistry registry = getThreadExtensionsRegistry();
if (registry == null)
registry = getSystemExtensionsRegistry();
return registry;
* Returns an object that can be used as cache key for extension-related
* caches.
* @return an extension-related cache key
public static Object getExtensionsCacheKey()
Object key = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (key == null)
return key;