* JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library.
* Copyright (C) 2001 - 2009 Jaspersoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* http://www.jaspersoft.com
* Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft,
* the following license terms apply:
* This program is part of JasperReports.
* JasperReports is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* JasperReports is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with JasperReports. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.xml.JRXmlDocumentProducer;
import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.xml.XalanNsAwareXPathExecuter;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* @author Narcis Marcu (narcism@users.sourceforge.net)
* @version $Id: XalanXmlDataSource.java 4173 2011-01-31 12:59:51Z narcism $
public class XalanXmlDataSource extends AbstractXmlDataSource {
// the xml document
private Document document;
// the XPath select expression that gives the nodes to iterate
private String selectExpression;
// the node list
private NodeList nodeList;
// the node list length
private int nodeListLength;
// the current node
private Node currentNode;
// current node index
private int currentNodeIndex = - 1;
private final XalanNsAwareXPathExecuter xPathExecuter = new XalanNsAwareXPathExecuter();
private final JRXmlDocumentProducer documentProducer;
private boolean mustBeMovedFirst;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors
* Creates the data source by parsing the xml document from the given file.
* The data source will contain exactly one record consisting of the document node itself.
* @param document the document
* @throws JRException if the data source cannot be created
public XalanXmlDataSource(Document document) throws JRException {
this(document, ".");
* Creates the data source by parsing the xml document from the given file.
* An additional XPath expression specifies the select criteria that produces the
* nodes (records) for the data source.
* @param document the document
* @param selectExpression the XPath select expression
* @throws JRException if the data source cannot be created
public XalanXmlDataSource(Document document, String selectExpression)
throws JRException {
this.document = document;
this.selectExpression = selectExpression;
this.documentProducer = new JRXmlDocumentProducer();
mustBeMovedFirst = true;
* Creates the data source by parsing the xml document from the given input stream.
* @param in the input stream
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(Document)
public XalanXmlDataSource(InputStream in) throws JRException {
this(in, ".");
* Creates the data source by parsing the xml document from the given input stream.
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(InputStream)
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(Document, String)
public XalanXmlDataSource(InputStream in, String selectExpression)
throws JRException {
this.selectExpression = selectExpression;
this.documentProducer = new JRXmlDocumentProducer(in);
mustBeMovedFirst = true;
* Creates the data source by parsing the xml document from the given system identifier (URI).
* <p>If the system identifier is a URL, it must be full resolved.</p>
* @param uri the system identifier
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(Document)
public XalanXmlDataSource(String uri) throws JRException {
this(uri, ".");
* Creates the data source by parsing the xml document from the given system identifier (URI).
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(String)
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(Document, String)
public XalanXmlDataSource(String uri, String selectExpression)
throws JRException {
this.selectExpression = selectExpression;
this.documentProducer = new JRXmlDocumentProducer(uri);
mustBeMovedFirst = true;
* Creates the data source by parsing the xml document from the given file.
* @param file the file
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(Document)
public XalanXmlDataSource(File file) throws JRException {
this(file, ".");
* Creates the data source by parsing the xml document from the given file.
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(File)
* @see JRXmlDataSource#JRXmlDataSource(Document, String)
public XalanXmlDataSource(File file, String selectExpression)
throws JRException {
this.selectExpression = selectExpression;
this.documentProducer = new JRXmlDocumentProducer(file);
mustBeMovedFirst = true;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRewindableDataSource#moveFirst()
public void moveFirst() throws JRException {
if (document == null)
document = documentProducer.getDocument();
if (document == null)
throw new JRException("document cannot be null");
if (selectExpression == null)
throw new JRException("selectExpression cannot be null");
currentNode = null;
currentNodeIndex = -1;
nodeListLength = 0;
nodeList = xPathExecuter.selectNodeList(document,
nodeListLength = nodeList.getLength();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource#next()
public boolean next() throws JRException
mustBeMovedFirst = false;
if(currentNodeIndex == nodeListLength - 1)
return false;
currentNode = nodeList.item(++ currentNodeIndex);
return true;
public Document subDocument() throws JRException
if(currentNode == null)
throw new JRException("No node available. Iterate or rewind the data source.");
// create a new document from the current node
return documentProducer.getDocument(currentNode);
public void setXmlNamespaceMap(Map<String, String> xmlNamespaceMap) throws JRException
public void setDetectXmlNamespaces(boolean detectXmlNamespaces)
public void setDocumentBuilderFactory(DocumentBuilderFactory documentBuilderFactory)
public Node getCurrentNode() {
return currentNode;
public Object getSelectObject(Node currentNode, String expression) throws JRException {
return xPathExecuter.selectObject(currentNode, expression);
public AbstractXmlDataSource subDataSource(String selectExpr)
throws JRException {
Document doc = subDocument();
XalanXmlDataSource subDataSource = new XalanXmlDataSource(doc, selectExpr);
return subDataSource;
public AbstractXmlDataSource dataSource(String selectExpr)
throws JRException {
XalanXmlDataSource subDataSource = new XalanXmlDataSource(document, selectExpr);
return subDataSource;