* Janino - An embedded Java[TM] compiler
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Arno Unkrig
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Contact information:
* Arno Unkrig
* Ferdinand-Miller-Platz 10
* 80335 Muenchen
* Germany
* http://www.janino.net
* maintainer@janino.net
package net.janino;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
import net.janino.IClass.IField;
import net.janino.util.*;
import net.janino.util.iterator.ReverseListIterator;
* This wrapper class defines classes that represent the elements of the
* Java<sup>TM</sup> programming language.
* <p>
* Notices:
* <ul>
* <li>"JLS1" refers to <a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/first_edition/html/index.html">"The Java<sup>TM</sup> Language Specification, First Edition"</a>.
* <li>"JLS" or "JLS2" refers to <a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/second_edition/html/j.title.doc.html">"The Java<sup>TM</sup> Language Specification, Second Edition"</a>.
* </ul>
public class Java {
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private Java() {} // Don't instantiate me.
public interface Scope {
* @return Enclusing scope or "null".
public Scope getEnclosingScope();
* This interface is implemented by objects which are associated with a
* location in the source code.
public interface Locatable {
public Scanner.Location getLocation();
public void throwParseException(String message) throws Parser.ParseException;
public void compileError(String message) throws CompileException;
private static abstract class Located implements Locatable {
private final Scanner.Location location;
protected Located(Scanner.Location location) {
this.location = location;
public CodeContext createDummyCodeContext() {
return new CodeContext(Java.getCodeContext().getClassFile());
// Implement "Locatable".
public Scanner.Location getLocation() { return this.location; }
public void throwParseException(String message) throws Parser.ParseException {
throw new Parser.ParseException(message, this.location);
public void compileError(String message) throws CompileException {
Java.compileError(message, this.location);
// Wrappers for "CodeContext.write...()". Saves us some coding overhead.
public void write(byte[] b) {
Java.getCodeContext().write(this.getLocation().getLineNumber(), b);
public void writeByte(int v) {
Java.getCodeContext().write(this.getLocation().getLineNumber(), new byte[] { (byte) v });
public void writeInt(int v) {
Java.getCodeContext().write(this.getLocation().getLineNumber(), new byte[] { (byte) (v >> 24), (byte) (v >> 16), (byte) (v >> 8), (byte) v });
public void writeShort(int v) {
Java.getCodeContext().write(this.getLocation().getLineNumber(), new byte[] { (byte) (v >> 8), (byte) v });
public void writeOpcode(int opcode) {
public void writeBranch(int opcode, final CodeContext.Offset dst) {
Java.getCodeContext().writeBranch(this.getLocation().getLineNumber(), opcode, dst);
public void writeOffset(CodeContext.Offset src, final CodeContext.Offset dst) {
Java.getCodeContext().writeOffset(this.getLocation().getLineNumber(), src, dst);
// Wrappers for "ClassFile.addConstant...Info()". Saves us some coding overhead.
public void writeConstantClassInfo(String descriptor) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
public void writeConstantFieldrefInfo(String classFD, String fieldName, String fieldFD) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
ca.getClassFile().addConstantFieldrefInfo(classFD, fieldName, fieldFD)
public void writeConstantMethodrefInfo(String classFD, String methodName, String methodMD) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
ca.getClassFile().addConstantMethodrefInfo(classFD, methodName, methodMD)
public void writeConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo(String classFD, String methodName, String methodMD) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
ca.getClassFile().addConstantInterfaceMethodrefInfo(classFD, methodName, methodMD)
public void writeConstantStringInfo(String value) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
public short addConstantStringInfo(String value) {
return Java.getCodeContext().getClassFile().addConstantStringInfo(value);
public void writeConstantIntegerInfo(int value) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
public short addConstantIntegerInfo(int value) {
return Java.getCodeContext().getClassFile().addConstantIntegerInfo(value);
public void writeConstantFloatInfo(float value) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
public short addConstantFloatInfo(float value) {
return Java.getCodeContext().getClassFile().addConstantFloatInfo(value);
public void writeConstantLongInfo(long value) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
public void writeConstantDoubleInfo(double value) {
CodeContext ca = Java.getCodeContext();
// Wrappers for "CodeContext"'s offset/inserter methods.
public CodeContext.Offset newOffset() {
return Java.getCodeContext().newOffset();
public CodeContext.Offset newUnsetOffset() {
return Java.getCodeContext().new Offset();
public CodeContext.Inserter newInserter() {
return Java.getCodeContext().newInserter();
public void pushInserter(CodeContext.Inserter ins) {
public void popInserter() {
// Wrappers for "CodeContext"'s local variable-related methods.
public void saveLocalVariables() {
public void restoreLocalVariables() {
public short allocateLocalVariable(short size) {
return Java.getCodeContext().allocateLocalVariable(size);
* Holds the result of {@link Parser#parseCompilationUnit}.
* <p>
* A call to {@link #compile(IClassLoader, DebuggingInformation)} generates an array of
* {@link ClassFile} objects which represent the classes and
* interfaces defined in the compilation unit.
* </p>
public static final class CompilationUnit implements Scope {
private /*final*/ String optionalFileName;
* @param optionalFileName only for {@link #getFileName()}
public CompilationUnit(String optionalFileName) {
this.optionalFileName = optionalFileName;
* @return the <code>optionalFileName</code> given at construction.
public String getFileName() {
return this.optionalFileName;
// Implement "Scope".
public Scope getEnclosingScope() { return null; }
public void setPackage(String packagE) {
this.optionalPackage = packagE;
* A "single type import" is an IMPORT statement that imports a single
* type, like "import java.util.HashMap;".
* @param identifiers Type name components, e.g. <code>new String[] { "java", "util", "HashMap" }</code>
public void addSingleTypeImport(
Scanner.Location location,
String[] identifiers
) throws Parser.ParseException {
String li = identifiers[identifiers.length - 1];
String[] ss = (String[]) this.singleTypeImports.get(li);
if (ss != null) {
if (!Java.join(ss, ".").equals(Java.join(identifiers, "."))) throw new Parser.ParseException("Class \"" + li + "\" was first imported from \"" + Java.join(ss, ".") + "\", now again from \"" + Java.join(identifiers, ".") + "\"", location);
} else {
this.singleTypeImports.put(li, identifiers);
* A "type import on demand" is an IMPORT statement that imports all types
* of a package in one go, like "import java.util.*;".
* @param identifiers Package name components, e.g. <code>new String[] { "java", "util" }</code>
public void addTypeImportOnDemand(String[] identifiers) {
public void addPackageMemberTypeDeclaration(PackageMemberTypeDeclaration pmtd) {
this.packageMemberTypeDeclarations.put(pmtd.getName(), pmtd);
* Get all classes and interfaces declared in this compilation unit.
public PackageMemberTypeDeclaration[] getPackageMemberTypeDeclarations() {
Collection pmtds = this.packageMemberTypeDeclarations.values();
return (PackageMemberTypeDeclaration[]) pmtds.toArray(new PackageMemberTypeDeclaration[pmtds.size()]);
* Find one class or interface by name.
* @param className Fully qualified class name, e.g. "pkg1.pkg2.Outer$Inner".
* @return <code>null</code> if a class with that name is not declared in this compilation unit
public IClass findClass(String className) {
// Examine package name.
if (this.optionalPackage != null) {
if (!className.startsWith(this.optionalPackage + '.')) return null;
className = className.substring(this.optionalPackage.length() + 1);
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(className, "$");
TypeDeclaration td = this.getPackageMemberTypeDeclaration(st.nextToken());
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
if (td == null) return null;
td = td.getMemberTypeDeclaration(st.nextToken());
return (IClass) td;
* Return the package member class or interface declared with the given name.
* @param name Declared (i.e. not the fully qualified) name
* @return <code>null</code> if a package member type with that name is not declared in this compilation unit
public PackageMemberTypeDeclaration getPackageMemberTypeDeclaration(String name) {
return (PackageMemberTypeDeclaration) this.packageMemberTypeDeclarations.get(name);
* Compiles this compilation unit and returns a set of {@link ClassFile}
* objects.
* @param iClassLoader used to look for classes defined outside this compilation unit
* @return a set of generated {@link ClassFile} objects
public ClassFile[] compile(
IClassLoader iClassLoader,
DebuggingInformation debuggingInformation
) throws CompileException {
if (iClassLoader == null) throw new RuntimeException();
// Handle these as thread-local variables. Not really elegant,
// but very difficult to implement cleanly.
List savedGeneratedClassFiles = Java.replaceGeneratedClassFiles(new ArrayList());
IClassLoader savedIClassLoader = Java.replaceIClassLoader(iClassLoader);
DebuggingInformation savedDebuggingInformation = Java.replaceDebuggingInformation(debuggingInformation);
try {
List l = Java.getGeneratedClassFiles();
return (ClassFile[]) l.toArray(new ClassFile[l.size()]);
} finally {
private void compile() throws CompileException {
for (Iterator it = this.packageMemberTypeDeclarations.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
((PackageMemberTypeDeclaration) it.next()).compile();
* 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B5, 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B6 Type-import-on-demand.<br>
* Type-import-on-demand declaration.
* @return <code>null</code> if the given <code>simpleTypeName</code> cannot be resolved through any of the import-on-demand directives
public IClass importTypeOnDemand(String simpleTypeName, Scanner.Location location) throws CompileException {
// Check cache. (A cache for unimportable types is not required, because
// the class is importable 99.9%.)
IClass importedClass = (IClass) this.onDemandImportableTypes.get(simpleTypeName);
if (importedClass != null) return importedClass;
// Cache miss...
for (Iterator i = new MultiIterator(
new String[] { "java", "lang" },
); i.hasNext();) {
String[] ss = (String[]) i.next();
String[] ss2 = new String[ss.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(ss, 0, ss2, 0, ss.length);
ss2[ss.length] = simpleTypeName;
IClass iClass = Java.loadFullyQualifiedClass(ss2);
if (iClass != null) {
if (importedClass != null && importedClass != iClass) Java.compileError("Ambiguous class name: \"" + importedClass + "\" vs. \"" + iClass + "\"", location);
importedClass = iClass;
if (importedClass == null) return null;
// Put in cache and return.
this.onDemandImportableTypes.put(simpleTypeName, importedClass);
return importedClass;
private final Map onDemandImportableTypes = new HashMap(); // String simpleTypeName => IClass
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) {
String optionalPackage = null; // null == no PACKAGE directive
final List importedPackages = new ArrayList(); // String[]
final Map singleTypeImports = new HashMap(); // Identifier => Identifier[]
final Map packageMemberTypeDeclarations = new HashMap(); // String declaredName => PackageMemberTypeDeclaration
public static IClassLoader getIClassLoader() {
IClassLoader res = (IClassLoader) Java.iClassLoader.get();
if (res == null) throw new RuntimeException("S.N.O.: Null IClassLoader");
return res;
* Set the given {@link IClassLoader} as the "current" {@link IClassLoader} and return
* the previously active {@link IClassLoader} (which may be <code>null</code>).
* @param iClassLoader The new {@link IClassLoader}
* @return The previous {@link IClassLoader}
public static IClassLoader replaceIClassLoader(IClassLoader newIClassLoader) {
IClassLoader oldIClassLoader = (IClassLoader) Java.iClassLoader.get();
return oldIClassLoader;
private static CodeContext getCodeContext() {
CodeContext res = (CodeContext) Java.codeContext.get();
if (res == null) throw new RuntimeException("S.N.O.: Null CodeContext");
return res;
private static CodeContext replaceCodeContext(CodeContext newCodeContext) {
CodeContext oldCodeContext = (CodeContext) Java.codeContext.get();
return oldCodeContext;
private static DebuggingInformation getDebuggingInformation() {
DebuggingInformation res = (DebuggingInformation) Java.debuggingInformation.get();
if (res == null) throw new RuntimeException("S.N.O.: Null DebuggingInformation");
return res;
private static DebuggingInformation replaceDebuggingInformation(
DebuggingInformation newDebuggingInformation
) {
DebuggingInformation oldDebuggingInformation = (DebuggingInformation) Java.debuggingInformation.get();
return oldDebuggingInformation;
private static List getGeneratedClassFiles() { // ClassFile
List res = (List) Java.generatedClassFiles.get();
if (res == null) throw new RuntimeException("S.N.O.: Null generatedClassFiles");
return res;
private static List replaceGeneratedClassFiles( // ClassFile
List newGeneratedClassFiles // ClassFile
) {
List oldGeneratedClassFiles = (List) Java.generatedClassFiles.get();
return oldGeneratedClassFiles;
public interface TypeDeclaration extends Locatable, Scope {
* Compile yourself.
* @throws CompileException
void compile() throws CompileException;
* Return the member type with the given name.
* @return <code>null</code> if a member type with that name is not declared
MemberTypeDeclaration getMemberTypeDeclaration(String name);
* Determine the effective class name, e.g. "pkg.Outer$Inner".
String getClassName();
* Creates a unique name for a local class or interface.
String createLocalTypeName(String localTypeName);
* Creates a unique name for an anonymous class.
String createAnonymousClassName();
void visit(Visitor visitor);
* Represents a class or interface declaration on compilation unit level. These are called
* "package member types" because they are immediate members of a package, e.g.
* "java.lang.String".
interface PackageMemberTypeDeclaration extends NamedTypeDeclaration {
* Represents a class or interface declaration where the immediately enclosing scope is
* another class or interface declaration.
interface MemberTypeDeclaration extends NamedTypeDeclaration, TypeBodyDeclaration {
* Represents the declaration of a class or an interface that has a name. (All type
* declarations are named, except for anonymous classes.)
interface NamedTypeDeclaration extends TypeDeclaration {
* Returns the declared (not the fully qualified) name of the class or interface.
public String getName();
* Represents the declaration of an inner class, i.e. a class that exists in the context of
* zero or more "enclosing instances". These are anonymous classes, local classes and member
* classes.
interface InnerClassDeclaration {
* Inner classes have zero or more synthetic fields that hold references to their enclosing
* context:
* <dl>
* <dt><code>this$<i>n</i></code></dt>
* <dd>
* (Mandatory for non-private non-static member classes; optional for private non-static
* member classes, local classes in non-static context, and anonymous classes in
* non-static context; forbidden for static member classes, local classes in static
* context, and anonymous classes in static context)
* Holds a reference to the immediately enclosing instance. <code><i>n</i></code> is
* N-1 for the Nth nesting level; e.g. the public non-static member class of a
* package member class has a synthetic field <code>this$0</code>.
* </dd>
* <dt><code>val$<i>local-variable-name</i></code></dt>
* <dd>
* (Allowed for local classes and anonymous classes; forbidden for member classes)
* Hold copies of <code>final</code> local variables of the defining context.
* </dd>
* </dl>
* Notice that these fields are not included in the {@link IClass.IField} array returned
* by {@link IClass#getDeclaredIFields()}.
* <p>
* If a synthetic field with the same name exists already, then it must have the same
* type and the redefinition is ignored.
* @param iField
void defineSyntheticField(IClass.IField iField) throws CompileException;
public abstract static class AbstractTypeDeclaration extends IClass implements TypeDeclaration {
private final Scanner.Location location;
protected final Scope enclosingScope;
protected final short modifiers;
final List declaredMethods = new ArrayList(); // MethodDeclarator
final Map declaredClassesAndInterfaces = new HashMap(); // String declaredName => MemberTypeDeclaration
public AbstractTypeDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
short modifiers
) {
this.location = location;
this.enclosingScope = enclosingScope;
this.modifiers = modifiers;
public void addDeclaredMethod(MethodDeclarator method) {
// Implement "Scope".
public Scope getEnclosingScope() {
return this.enclosingScope;
// Implement TypeDeclaration.
public void addMemberTypeDeclaration(MemberTypeDeclaration mcoid) {
this.declaredClassesAndInterfaces.put(mcoid.getName(), mcoid);
public Collection getMemberTypeDeclarations() {
return this.declaredClassesAndInterfaces.values();
public MemberTypeDeclaration getMemberTypeDeclaration(String name) {
return (MemberTypeDeclaration) this.declaredClassesAndInterfaces.get(name);
public String createLocalTypeName(String localTypeName) {
return (
+ '$'
+ ++this.localClassCount
+ '$'
+ localTypeName
public String createAnonymousClassName() {
return (
+ '$'
+ ++this.anonymousClassCount
// Implement "Locatable".
public Scanner.Location getLocation() { return this.location; }
public void throwParseException(String message) throws Parser.ParseException {
throw new Parser.ParseException(message, this.location);
public void compileError(String message) throws CompileException {
Java.compileError(message, this.location);
// Implement "IClass".
protected IClass.IMethod[] getDeclaredIMethods2() {
IClass.IMethod[] res = new IClass.IMethod[this.declaredMethods.size()];
int i = 0;
for (Iterator it = this.declaredMethods.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
res[i++] = ((MethodDeclarator) it.next()).toIMethod();
return res;
protected IClass[] getDeclaredIClasses2() {
Collection dcai = this.declaredClassesAndInterfaces.values();
return (IClass[]) dcai.toArray(new IClass[dcai.size()]);
protected IClass getDeclaringIClass2() { return null; }
protected IClass getOuterIClass2() throws Java.CompileException { return null; }
protected final String getDescriptor2() {
return Descriptor.fromClassName(this.getClassName());
public boolean isArray() { return false; }
protected IClass getComponentType2() { return null; }
public boolean isPrimitive() { return false; }
public boolean isPrimitiveNumeric() { return false; }
abstract public String toString();
public int anonymousClassCount = 0; // For naming anonymous classes.
public int localClassCount = 0; // For naming local classes.
public abstract static class ClassDeclaration extends AbstractTypeDeclaration {
final List constructors = new ArrayList(); // ConstructorDeclarator
final List variableDeclaratorsAndInitializers = new ArrayList(); // TypeBodyDeclaration
public ClassDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
short modifiers
) throws Parser.ParseException {
super(location, enclosingScope, modifiers);
public void addConstructor(ConstructorDeclarator cd) {
public void addVariableDeclaratorOrInitializer(TypeBodyDeclaration tbd) {
// Compile time members.
// Implement "IClass".
public boolean isPublic() { return (this.modifiers & Mod.PUBLIC) != 0; }
public boolean isFinal() { return (this.modifiers & Mod.FINAL) != 0; }
public boolean isInterface() { return false; }
public boolean isAbstract() { return (this.modifiers & Mod.ABSTRACT) != 0; }
protected IClass.IConstructor[] getDeclaredIConstructors2() {
ConstructorDeclarator[] cs = this.getConstructors();
IClass.IConstructor[] res = new IClass.IConstructor[cs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length; ++i) res[i] = cs[i].toIConstructor();
return res;
protected IClass.IField[] getDeclaredIFields2() {
List l = new ArrayList(); // IClass.IField
// Determine variable declarators of type declaration.
for (int i = 0; i < this.variableDeclaratorsAndInitializers.size(); ++i) {
BlockStatement vdoi = (BlockStatement) this.variableDeclaratorsAndInitializers.get(i);
if (vdoi instanceof FieldDeclarator) {
FieldDeclarator fd = (FieldDeclarator) vdoi;
IClass.IField[] flds = fd.getIFields();
for (int j = 0; j < flds.length; ++j) l.add(flds[j]);
return (IClass.IField[]) l.toArray(new IClass.IField[l.size()]);
// Implement InnerClassDeclaration.
public void defineSyntheticField(IClass.IField iField) throws CompileException {
if (!(this instanceof InnerClassDeclaration)) throw new RuntimeException();
IClass.IField if2 = (IClass.IField) this.syntheticFields.get(iField.getName());
if (if2 != null) {
if (iField.getType() != if2.getType()) throw new RuntimeException();
this.syntheticFields.put(iField.getName(), iField);
* Return the declared constructors, or the default constructor.
private ConstructorDeclarator[] getConstructors() {
if (this.constructors.isEmpty()) {
ConstructorDeclarator defaultConstructor = new ConstructorDeclarator(
this.getLocation(), // location
this, // declaringClass
Mod.PUBLIC, // modifiers
new Java.FormalParameter[0], // formalParameters
new Java.Type[0] // thrownExceptions
defaultConstructor.setBody(new Block(this.getLocation(), (Scope) this));
return new ConstructorDeclarator[] { defaultConstructor };
return (ConstructorDeclarator[]) this.constructors.toArray(new ConstructorDeclarator[this.constructors.size()]);
public void compile() throws CompileException {
// Determine implemented interfaces.
IClass[] iis = this.getInterfaces();
String[] interfaceDescriptors = new String[iis.length];
for (int i = 0; i < iis.length; ++i) interfaceDescriptors[i] = iis[i].getDescriptor();
// Create "ClassFile" object.
ClassFile cf = new ClassFile(
(short) (this.modifiers | Mod.SUPER), // accessFlags
this.getDescriptor(), // thisClassFD
this.getSuperclass().getDescriptor(), // superClassFD
interfaceDescriptors // interfaceFDs
// Add InnerClasses attribute entry for this class declaration.
if (this.enclosingScope instanceof CompilationUnit) {
} else
if (this.enclosingScope instanceof Block) {
short innerClassInfoIndex = cf.addConstantClassInfo(this.getDescriptor());
short innerNameIndex = (
this instanceof NamedTypeDeclaration ?
cf.addConstantUtf8Info(((NamedTypeDeclaration) this).getName()) :
(short) 0
cf.addInnerClassesAttributeEntry(new ClassFile.InnerClassesAttribute.Entry(
innerClassInfoIndex, // innerClassInfoIndex
(short) 0, // outerClassInfoIndex
innerNameIndex, // innerNameIndex
this.modifiers // innerClassAccessFlags
} else
if (this.enclosingScope instanceof AbstractTypeDeclaration) {
short innerClassInfoIndex = cf.addConstantClassInfo(this.getDescriptor());
short outerClassInfoIndex = cf.addConstantClassInfo(((AbstractTypeDeclaration) this.enclosingScope).getDescriptor());
short innerNameIndex = cf.addConstantUtf8Info(((MemberTypeDeclaration) this).getName());
cf.addInnerClassesAttributeEntry(new ClassFile.InnerClassesAttribute.Entry(
innerClassInfoIndex, // innerClassInfoIndex
outerClassInfoIndex, // outerClassInfoIndex
innerNameIndex, // innerNameIndex
this.modifiers // innerClassAccessFlags
// Set "SourceFile" attribute.
if (Java.getDebuggingInformation().contains(DebuggingInformation.SOURCE)) {
String sourceFileName;
String s = this.getLocation().getFileName();
if (s != null) {
sourceFileName = new File(s).getName();
} else if (this instanceof NamedTypeDeclaration) {
sourceFileName = ((NamedTypeDeclaration) this).getName() + ".java";
} else {
sourceFileName = "ANONYMOUS.java";
// Optional: Generate and compile class initialization method.
MethodDeclarator classInitializationMethod = new MethodDeclarator(
this.getLocation(), // location
this, // declaringType
(short) ( // modifiers
new BasicType( // type
"<clinit>", // name
new FormalParameter[0], // formalParameters
new ReferenceType[0] // thrownExceptions
Block b = new Block(
for (Iterator it = this.variableDeclaratorsAndInitializers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
TypeBodyDeclaration tbd = (TypeBodyDeclaration) it.next();
if (tbd.isStatic()) b.addStatement((BlockStatement) tbd);
// Create class initialization method iff there is any initialization code.
if (b.generatesCode()) classInitializationMethod.compile(cf);
// Compile declared methods.
// (As a side effects, this fills the "syntheticFields" map.)
for (int i = 0; i < this.declaredMethods.size(); ++i) {
((MethodDeclarator) this.declaredMethods.get(i)).compile(cf);
// Compile declared constructors.
int declaredMethodCount = this.declaredMethods.size();
int syntheticFieldCount = this.syntheticFields.size();
ConstructorDeclarator[] cds = this.getConstructors();
for (int i = 0; i < cds.length; ++i) {
if (syntheticFieldCount != this.syntheticFields.size()) throw new RuntimeException("SNO: Compilation of constructor \"" + cds[i] + "\" (" + cds[i].getLocation() +") added synthetic fields!?");
// As a side effect of compiling methods and constructors, synthetic "class-dollar"
// methods (which implement class literals) are generated on-the fly. Compile these.
for (int i = declaredMethodCount; i < this.declaredMethods.size(); ++i) {
((MethodDeclarator) this.declaredMethods.get(i)).compile(cf);
// Class and instance variables.
for (Iterator it = this.variableDeclaratorsAndInitializers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
TypeBodyDeclaration tbd = (TypeBodyDeclaration) it.next();
if (!(tbd instanceof FieldDeclarator)) continue;
FieldDeclarator fd = (FieldDeclarator) tbd;
for (int j = 0; j < fd.variableDeclarators.length; ++j) {
VariableDeclarator vd = fd.variableDeclarators[j];
Type type = fd.type;
for (int k = 0; k < vd.brackets; ++k) type = new ArrayType(type);
Object cv = null;
if (
(fd.modifiers & (Mod.STATIC | Mod.FINAL)) == (Mod.STATIC | Mod.FINAL) &&
vd.optionalInitializer != null
) {
cv = vd.optionalInitializer.getConstantValue();
if (cv == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL) cv = null;
fd.modifiers, // modifiers
vd.name, // fieldName
type.getType().getDescriptor(), // fieldTypeFD
cv // optionalConstantValue
// Synthetic fields.
for (Iterator it = this.syntheticFields.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
IClass.IField f = (IClass.IField) it.next();
(short) 0, // modifiers,
f.getName(), // fieldName,
f.getType().getDescriptor(), // fieldTypeFD,
null // optionalConstantValue
// Member types.
for (Iterator it = this.getMemberTypeDeclarations().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
AbstractTypeDeclaration atd = ((AbstractTypeDeclaration) it.next());
// Add InnerClasses attribute entry for member type declaration.
short innerClassInfoIndex = cf.addConstantClassInfo(atd.getDescriptor());
short outerClassInfoIndex = cf.addConstantClassInfo(this.getDescriptor());
short innerNameIndex = cf.addConstantUtf8Info(((MemberTypeDeclaration) atd).getName());
cf.addInnerClassesAttributeEntry(new ClassFile.InnerClassesAttribute.Entry(
innerClassInfoIndex, // innerClassInfoIndex
outerClassInfoIndex, // outerClassInfoIndex
innerNameIndex, // innerNameIndex
this.modifiers // innerClassAccessFlags
// Add the generated class file to a thread-local store.
// All field names start with "this$" or "val$".
private final SortedMap syntheticFields = new TreeMap(); // String name => IClass.IField
public static final class AnonymousClassDeclaration extends ClassDeclaration implements InnerClassDeclaration {
/*final*/ Type baseType; // Base class or interface
private /*final*/ String className; // Effective class name.
public AnonymousClassDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
Type baseType
) throws Parser.ParseException {
location, // location
enclosingScope, // enclosingScope
(short) (Mod.PRIVATE | Mod.FINAL) // modifiers
this.baseType = baseType;
Scope s = this.getEnclosingScope();
for (; !(s instanceof TypeDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
TypeDeclaration immediatelyEnclosingTypeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration) s;
this.className = immediatelyEnclosingTypeDeclaration.createAnonymousClassName();
// Implement IClass.
protected IClass getDeclaringIClass2() {
Scope s = this.getEnclosingScope();
for (; !(s instanceof TypeBodyDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
return (IClass) s.getEnclosingScope();
protected IClass getOuterIClass2() {
Scope s = this.getEnclosingScope();
for (; !(s instanceof TypeBodyDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
if (((TypeBodyDeclaration) s).isStatic()) return null;
return (IClass) s.getEnclosingScope();
protected IClass getSuperclass2() throws CompileException {
IClass bt = this.baseType.getType();
return bt.isInterface() ? Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT : bt;
protected IClass[] getInterfaces2() throws CompileException {
IClass bt = this.baseType.getType();
return bt.isInterface() ? new IClass[] { bt } : new IClass[0];
public void compile() throws CompileException {
Scope s = this.getEnclosingScope();
for (; !(s instanceof TypeBodyDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
final TypeBodyDeclaration tbd = (TypeBodyDeclaration) s;
// Define a synthetic "this$..." field for a non-static function context. (It is
// very difficult to tell whether the anonymous constructor will require its
// enclosing instance.)
if (!tbd.isStatic()) {
final int nesting = Java.getOuterClasses(this).size();
this.defineSyntheticField(new IClass.IField() {
public Object getConstantValue() { return null; }
public String getName() { return "this$" + (nesting - 2); }
public IClass getType() { return (IClass) tbd.getDeclaringType(); }
public boolean isStatic() { return false; }
public int getAccess() { return IClass.PACKAGE; }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) {
// Implement TypeDeclaration.
public String getClassName() { return this.className; }
public String toString() { return "ANONYMOUS"; }
public abstract static class NamedClassDeclaration extends ClassDeclaration implements NamedTypeDeclaration {
protected final String name;
final Type optionalExtendedType;
final Type[] implementedTypes;
public NamedClassDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
short modifiers,
String name,
Type optionalExtendedType,
Type[] implementedTypes
) throws Parser.ParseException {
super(location, enclosingScope, modifiers);
this.name = name;
this.optionalExtendedType = optionalExtendedType;
this.implementedTypes = implementedTypes;
// Implement IClass.
protected IClass getSuperclass2() throws CompileException {
return (
this.optionalExtendedType == null ?
protected IClass[] getInterfaces2() throws CompileException {
IClass[] res = new IClass[this.implementedTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) {
res[i] = this.implementedTypes[i].getType();
return res;
public String getName() { return this.name; }
public String toString() { return this.name; }
public static final class MemberClassDeclaration extends NamedClassDeclaration implements MemberTypeDeclaration, InnerClassDeclaration {
public MemberClassDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
NamedTypeDeclaration declaringType,
short modifiers,
String name,
Type optionalExtendedType,
Type[] implementedTypes
) throws Parser.ParseException {
location, // location
(Scope) declaringType, // enclosingScope
modifiers, // modifiers
name, // name
optionalExtendedType, // optionalExtendedType
implementedTypes // implementedTypes
// Check for redefinition of member type.
MemberTypeDeclaration mcoid = declaringType.getMemberTypeDeclaration(name);
if (mcoid != null) this.throwParseException("Redeclaration of class \"" + name + "\", previously declared in " + mcoid.getLocation());
protected IClass getDeclaringIClass2() { return (IClass) this.getDeclaringType(); }
// Implement TypeBodyDeclaration.
public TypeDeclaration getDeclaringType() {
return (TypeDeclaration) this.getEnclosingScope();
public boolean isStatic() {
return (this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0;
// Implement ClassDeclaration.
protected IClass getOuterIClass2() throws CompileException {
return (
this.getDeclaringType() instanceof ClassDeclaration &&
(this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) == 0
) ? this.getDeclaringIClass() : null;
// Implement TypeDeclaration.
public String getClassName() {
return (
+ '$'
+ this.getName()
public void compile() throws CompileException {
// Define a synthetic "this$..." field for a non-static member class.
if ((this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) == 0) {
final int nesting = Java.getOuterClasses(this).size();
this.defineSyntheticField(new IClass.IField() {
public Object getConstantValue() { return null; }
public String getName() { return "this$" + (nesting - 2); }
public IClass getType() { return (IClass) MemberClassDeclaration.this.getDeclaringType(); }
public boolean isStatic() { return false; }
public int getAccess() { return IClass.PACKAGE; }
public void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitMemberClassDeclaration(this); }
public static final class LocalClassDeclaration extends NamedClassDeclaration implements InnerClassDeclaration {
private final String className;
public LocalClassDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
Block declaringBlock,
short modifiers,
String name,
Type optionalExtendedType,
Type[] implementedTypes
) throws Parser.ParseException {
location, // location
(Scope) declaringBlock, // enclosingScope
modifiers, // modifiers
name, // name
optionalExtendedType, // optionalExtendedType
implementedTypes // implementedTypes
// Check for redefinition.
for (Scope s = declaringBlock; s instanceof Block; s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
Block b = (Block) s;
LocalClassDeclaration lcd = b.getLocalClassDeclaration(name);
if (lcd != null) this.throwParseException("Redeclaration of local class \"" + name + "\"; previously declared in " + lcd.getLocation());
// Determine effective class name.
Scope s = this.getEnclosingScope();
while (!(s instanceof TypeDeclaration)) s = s.getEnclosingScope();
TypeDeclaration immediatelyEnclosingTypeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration) s;
this.className = immediatelyEnclosingTypeDeclaration.createLocalTypeName(name);
// Implement ClassDeclaration.
protected IClass getOuterIClass2() {
Scope s = this.getEnclosingScope();
for (; !(s instanceof FunctionDeclarator); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
boolean isStaticMethod = (s instanceof MethodDeclarator) && (((FunctionDeclarator) s).modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0;
for (; !(s instanceof TypeDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
TypeDeclaration immediatelyEnclosingTypeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration) s;
return (
immediatelyEnclosingTypeDeclaration instanceof ClassDeclaration &&
) ? (IClass) immediatelyEnclosingTypeDeclaration : null;
// Implement TypeDeclaration.
public String getClassName() {
return this.className;
public void compile() throws CompileException {
// Make this local class visible in the block scope.
((Block) this.getEnclosingScope()).declaredLocalClasses.put(this.getName(), this);
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitLocalClassDeclaration(this); }
public static final class PackageMemberClassDeclaration extends NamedClassDeclaration implements PackageMemberTypeDeclaration {
public PackageMemberClassDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
CompilationUnit declaringCompilationUnit,
short modifiers,
String name,
Type optionalExtendedType,
Type[] implementedTypes
) throws Parser.ParseException {
location, // location
(Scope) declaringCompilationUnit, // enclosingScope
modifiers, // modifiers
name, // name
optionalExtendedType, // optionalExtendedType
implementedTypes // implementedTypes
// Check for forbidden modifiers (JLS 7.6).
if ((modifiers & (
)) != 0) this.throwParseException("Modifiers \"protected\", \"private\" and \"static\" not allowed in package member class declaration");
// Check for conflict with single-type-import (7.6).
if (declaringCompilationUnit.singleTypeImports.containsKey(name)) throwParseException("Package member class declaration \"" + name + "\" conflicts with single-type-import \"" + Java.join((String[]) declaringCompilationUnit.singleTypeImports.get(name), ".") + "\"");
// Check for redefinition within compilation unit (7.6).
PackageMemberTypeDeclaration pmtd = declaringCompilationUnit.getPackageMemberTypeDeclaration(name);
if (pmtd != null) this.throwParseException("Redeclaration of class \"" + name + "\", previously declared in " + pmtd.getLocation());
// Implement ClassDeclaration.
protected IClass getOuterIClass2() {
return null;
// Implement TypeDeclaration.
public String getClassName() {
String className = this.getName();
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = (CompilationUnit) this.getEnclosingScope();
if (compilationUnit.optionalPackage != null) className = compilationUnit.optionalPackage + '.' + className;
return className;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitPackageMemberClassDeclaration(this); }
public abstract static class InterfaceDeclaration extends AbstractTypeDeclaration implements NamedTypeDeclaration {
protected /*final*/ String name;
protected InterfaceDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
short modifiers,
String name,
Type[] extendedTypes
) throws Parser.ParseException {
this.name = name;
this.extendedTypes = extendedTypes;
public String getName() { return this.name; }
public String toString() { return this.name; }
public void addConstantDeclaration(FieldDeclarator fd) {
// Implement "IClass".
protected IClass getSuperclass2() {
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
protected IClass[] getInterfaces2() throws CompileException {
IClass[] res = new IClass[this.extendedTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) {
res[i] = this.extendedTypes[i].getType();
return res;
public boolean isPublic() { return (this.modifiers & Mod.PUBLIC) != 0; }
public boolean isFinal() { return false; }
public boolean isInterface() { return true; }
public boolean isAbstract() { return true; }
protected IClass.IConstructor[] getDeclaredIConstructors2() {
return new IClass.IConstructor[0];
protected IClass.IField[] getDeclaredIFields2() {
List l = new ArrayList();
// Determine static fields.
for (int i = 0; i < this.constantDeclarations.size(); ++i) {
BlockStatement bs = (BlockStatement) this.constantDeclarations.get(i);
if (bs instanceof FieldDeclarator) {
FieldDeclarator fd = (FieldDeclarator) bs;
IClass.IField[] flds = fd.getIFields();
for (int j = 0; j < flds.length; ++j) l.add(flds[j]);
return (IClass.IField[]) l.toArray(new IClass.IField[l.size()]);
public void compile() throws CompileException {
// Determine extended interfaces.
this.interfaces = new IClass[this.extendedTypes.length];
String[] interfaceDescriptors = new String[this.interfaces.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.extendedTypes.length; ++i) {
this.interfaces[i] = this.extendedTypes[i].getType();
interfaceDescriptors[i] = this.interfaces[i].getDescriptor();
// Create "ClassFile" object.
ClassFile cf = new ClassFile(
(short) ( // accessFlags
this.modifiers |
this.getDescriptor(), // thisClassFD
Descriptor.OBJECT, // superClassFD
interfaceDescriptors // interfaceFDs
// Set "SourceFile" attribute.
if (Java.getDebuggingInformation().contains(DebuggingInformation.SOURCE)) {
String sourceFileName;
String s = this.getLocation().getFileName();
if (s != null) {
sourceFileName = new File(s).getName();
} else {
sourceFileName = this.getName() + ".java";
// Interface initialization method.
if (!this.constantDeclarations.isEmpty()) {
MethodDeclarator interfaceInitializationMethod = new MethodDeclarator(
this.getLocation(), // location
this, // declaringType
(short) ( // modifiers
new BasicType( // type
"<clinit>", // name
new FormalParameter[0], // formalParameters
new ReferenceType[0] // thrownExcaptions
Block b = new Block(
// Create interface initialization method iff there is any initialization code.
if (b.generatesCode()) interfaceInitializationMethod.compile(cf);
// Methods.
// Notice that as a side effect of compiling methods, synthetic "class-dollar"
// methods (which implement class literals) are generated on-the fly. Hence, we
// must not use an Iterator here.
for (int i = 0; i < this.declaredMethods.size(); ++i) {
((MethodDeclarator) this.declaredMethods.get(i)).compile(cf);
// Class variables.
for (int i = 0; i < this.constantDeclarations.size(); ++i) {
BlockStatement bs = (BlockStatement) this.constantDeclarations.get(i);
if (!(bs instanceof FieldDeclarator)) continue;
FieldDeclarator fd = (FieldDeclarator) bs;
for (int j = 0; j < fd.variableDeclarators.length; ++j) {
VariableDeclarator vd = fd.variableDeclarators[j];
Type type = fd.type;
for (int k = 0; k < vd.brackets; ++k) type = new ArrayType(type);
fd.modifiers, // accessFlags
vd.name, // fieldName
type.getType().getDescriptor(), // fieldTypeFD
( // optionalConstantValue
(fd.modifiers & Mod.FINAL) != 0 &&
vd.optionalInitializer != null
) ? vd.optionalInitializer.getConstantValue() : null
// Member types.
for (Iterator it = this.getMemberTypeDeclarations().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
AbstractTypeDeclaration atd = ((AbstractTypeDeclaration) it.next());
// Add InnerClasses attribute entry for member type declaration.
short innerClassInfoIndex = cf.addConstantClassInfo(atd.getDescriptor());
short outerClassInfoIndex = cf.addConstantClassInfo(this.getDescriptor());
short innerNameIndex = cf.addConstantUtf8Info(((MemberTypeDeclaration) atd).getName());
cf.addInnerClassesAttributeEntry(new ClassFile.InnerClassesAttribute.Entry(
innerClassInfoIndex, // innerClassInfoIndex
outerClassInfoIndex, // outerClassInfoIndex
innerNameIndex, // innerNameIndex
this.modifiers // innerClassAccessFlags
// Add the generated class file to a thread-local store.
/*final*/ Type[] extendedTypes;
final List constantDeclarations = new ArrayList(); // FieldDeclarator
// Set during "compile()".
private IClass[] interfaces = null;
public static final class MemberInterfaceDeclaration extends InterfaceDeclaration implements MemberTypeDeclaration {
public MemberInterfaceDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
NamedTypeDeclaration declaringType,
short modifiers,
String name,
Type[] extendedTypes
) throws Parser.ParseException {
location, // location
(Scope) declaringType, // enclosingScope
modifiers, // modifiers
name, // name
extendedTypes // extendedTypes
// Check for redefinition of member type.
MemberTypeDeclaration mcoid = declaringType.getMemberTypeDeclaration(name);
if (mcoid != null) this.throwParseException("Redeclaration of interface \"" + name + "\", previously declared in " + mcoid.getLocation());
// Implement IClass.
protected IClass getDeclaringIClass2() { return (IClass) this.getEnclosingScope(); }
// Implement TypeDeclaration.
public String getClassName() {
NamedTypeDeclaration declaringType = (NamedTypeDeclaration) this.getEnclosingScope();
return (
+ '$'
+ this.getName()
// Implement TypeBodyDeclaration.
public TypeDeclaration getDeclaringType() {
return (TypeDeclaration) this.getEnclosingScope();
public boolean isStatic() {
return (this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitMemberInterfaceDeclaration(this); }
public static final class PackageMemberInterfaceDeclaration extends InterfaceDeclaration implements PackageMemberTypeDeclaration {
public PackageMemberInterfaceDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
CompilationUnit declaringCompilationUnit,
short modifiers,
String name,
Type[] extendedTypes
) throws Parser.ParseException {
location, // location
(Scope) declaringCompilationUnit, // enclosingScope
modifiers, // modifiers
name, // name
extendedTypes // extendedTypes
// Check for forbidden modifiers (JLS 7.6).
if ((modifiers & (
)) != 0) throwParseException("Modifiers \"protected\", \"private\" and \"static\" not allowed in package member interface declaration");
// Check for conflict with single-type-import (JLS 7.6).
if (declaringCompilationUnit.singleTypeImports.containsKey(name)) throwParseException("Package member interface declaration \"" + name + "\" conflicts with single-type-import \"" + Java.join((String[]) declaringCompilationUnit.singleTypeImports.get(name), ".") + "\"");
// Check for redefinition within compilation unit (JLS 7.6).
PackageMemberTypeDeclaration pmtd = declaringCompilationUnit.getPackageMemberTypeDeclaration(name);
if (pmtd != null) this.throwParseException("Redeclaration of interface \"" + name + "\", previously declared in " + pmtd.getLocation());
// Implement TypeDeclaration.
public String getClassName() {
String className = this.getName();
CompilationUnit compilationUnit = (CompilationUnit) this.getEnclosingScope();
if (compilationUnit.optionalPackage != null) className = compilationUnit.optionalPackage + '.' + className;
return className;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitPackageMemberInterfaceDeclaration(this); }
* Representation of a "ClassBodyDeclaration" or an "InterfaceMemberDeclaration". These are:
* <ul>
* <li>Field declarators
* <li>Method declarators
* <li>Static and non-static initializers
* <li>Member type declarations
* </ul>
public interface TypeBodyDeclaration extends Locatable, Scope {
TypeDeclaration getDeclaringType();
boolean isStatic();
void visit(Visitor visitor);
public abstract static class AbstractTypeBodyDeclaration extends Located implements TypeBodyDeclaration {
final TypeDeclaration declaringType;
final boolean statiC;
protected AbstractTypeBodyDeclaration(
Scanner.Location location,
TypeDeclaration declaringType,
boolean statiC
) {
this.declaringType = declaringType;
this.statiC = statiC;
// Implement TypeBodyDeclaration.
public TypeDeclaration getDeclaringType() {
return this.declaringType;
public boolean isStatic() {
return this.statiC;
// Implement Scope.
public Scope getEnclosingScope() {
return (Scope) this.declaringType;
* Representation of an instance (JLS2 8.6) or static initializer (JLS2 8.7).
public final static class Initializer extends AbstractTypeBodyDeclaration implements BlockStatement {
Block block = null;
public Initializer(
Scanner.Location location,
TypeDeclaration declaringType,
boolean statiC
) {
super(location, declaringType, statiC);
public void setBlock(Block block) {
if (this.block != null) throw new RuntimeException();
this.block = block;
// Compile time members.
// Implement BlockStatement.
public boolean generatesCode() throws CompileException {
return this.block.generatesCode();
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
return this.block.compile();
public void leave(IClass optionalStackValueType) {
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitInitializer(this); }
* Abstract base class for {@link Java.ConstructorDeclarator} and
* {@link Java.MethodDeclarator}.
public abstract static class FunctionDeclarator extends AbstractTypeBodyDeclaration {
protected final short modifiers;
final Type type;
final String name;
final FormalParameter[] formalParameters;
protected final Type[] thrownExceptions;
Block optionalBody = null;
public FunctionDeclarator(
Scanner.Location location,
TypeDeclaration declaringType,
short modifiers,
Type type,
String name,
FormalParameter[] formalParameters,
Type[] thrownExceptions
) {
super(location, declaringType, (modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0);
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.type = type;
this.name = name;
this.formalParameters = formalParameters;
this.thrownExceptions = thrownExceptions;
public void setBody(Block body) {
if (this.optionalBody != null) throw new RuntimeException("Body must be set exactly once");
this.optionalBody = body;
// Implement "Scope".
public Scope getEnclosingScope() {
return this.getDeclaringType();
public short getModifiers() { return this.modifiers; }
public IClass getReturnType() throws CompileException {
if (this.returnType == null) {
this.returnType = this.type.getType();
return this.returnType;
public String getName() { return this.name; }
public FormalParameter[] getFormalParameters() { return this.formalParameters; }
// Compile time members.
public void compile(final ClassFile classFile) throws CompileException {
ClassFile.MethodInfo mi = classFile.addMethodInfo(
this.modifiers, // accessFlags
this.name, // name
this.toIInvocable().getDescriptor() // methodMD
if ((this.modifiers & (Mod.ABSTRACT | Mod.NATIVE)) != 0) return;
// Create CodeContext.
final CodeContext codeContext = new CodeContext(
CodeContext savedCodeContext = Java.replaceCodeContext(codeContext);
try {
// Define special parameter "this".
if ((this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) == 0) {
this.allocateLocalVariable((short) 1);
if (this instanceof ConstructorDeclarator) {
ConstructorDeclarator constructorDeclarator = (ConstructorDeclarator) this;
// Reserve space for synthetic parameters ("this$...", "val$...").
for (Iterator it = constructorDeclarator.declaringClass.syntheticFields.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
IClass.IField sf = (IClass.IField) it.next();
new LocalVariable(
true, // finaL
sf.getType(), // type
this.allocateLocalVariable(Descriptor.size(sf.getDescriptor())) // localVariableArrayIndex
// Add function parameters.
for (int i = 0; i < this.formalParameters.length; ++i) {
FormalParameter fp = this.formalParameters[i];
if (this.parameters.containsKey(fp.name)) this.compileError("Redefinition of formal parameter \"" + fp.name + "\"");
IClass fpt = fp.type.getType();
this.parameters.put(fp.name, new LocalVariable(
// Compile the function preamble.
// Compile the function body.
boolean canCompleteNormally = this.optionalBody.compile();
if (canCompleteNormally) {
if (this.getReturnType() != IClass.VOID) this.compileError("Method must return a value");
} finally {
// Fix up.
// Relocate.
// Do flow analysis.
if (Java.DEBUG) {
try {
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
} else {
// Add the code context as a code attribute to the MethodInfo.
final short lntani = (
Java.getDebuggingInformation().contains(DebuggingInformation.LINES) ?
(short) 0 :
mi.addAttribute(new ClassFile.AttributeInfo(classFile.addConstantUtf8Info("Code")) {
protected void storeBody(DataOutputStream dos) throws IOException {
codeContext.storeCodeAttributeBody(dos, lntani);
// Add "Exceptions" attribute (JVMS 4.7.4).
final short eani = classFile.addConstantUtf8Info("Exceptions");
short[] tecciis = new short[this.thrownExceptions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.thrownExceptions.length; ++i) {
tecciis[i] = classFile.addConstantClassInfo(this.thrownExceptions[i].getType().getDescriptor());
mi.addAttribute(new ClassFile.ExceptionsAttribute(eani, tecciis));
protected abstract void compilePreamble() throws CompileException;
protected abstract IClass.IInvocable toIInvocable();
// Set by "compile()".
private IClass returnType = null;
final HashMap parameters = new HashMap(); // String name => LocalVariable
public static final class ConstructorDeclarator extends FunctionDeclarator {
private final ClassDeclaration declaringClass;
private final IClass.IConstructor iConstructor;
ConstructorInvocation optionalExplicitConstructorInvocation = null;
public ConstructorDeclarator(
Scanner.Location location,
ClassDeclaration declaringClass,
short modifiers,
FormalParameter[] formalParameters,
Type[] thrownExceptions
) {
location, // location
declaringClass, // declaringType
modifiers, // modifiers
new BasicType(location, BasicType.VOID), // type
"<init>", // name
formalParameters, // formalParameters
thrownExceptions // thrownExceptions
this.declaringClass = declaringClass;
this.iConstructor = declaringClass.new IConstructor() {
// Implement IMember.
public int getAccess() {
switch (ConstructorDeclarator.this.modifiers & Mod.PPP) {
case Mod.PRIVATE:
return IClass.PRIVATE;
return IClass.PROTECTED;
case Mod.PACKAGE:
return IClass.PACKAGE;
case Mod.PUBLIC:
return IClass.PUBLIC;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid access");
// Implement IInvocable.
public String getDescriptor() throws CompileException {
if (!(ConstructorDeclarator.this.declaringClass instanceof InnerClassDeclaration)) return super.getDescriptor();
List l = new ArrayList();
// Convert enclosing instance reference into prepended constructor parameters.
IClass outerClass = ConstructorDeclarator.this.declaringClass.getOuterIClass();
if (outerClass != null) l.add(outerClass.getDescriptor());
// Convert synthetic fields into prepended constructor parameters.
for (Iterator it = ConstructorDeclarator.this.declaringClass.syntheticFields.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
IClass.IField sf = (IClass.IField) it.next();
if (sf.getName().startsWith("val$")) l.add(sf.getType().getDescriptor());
FormalParameter[] fps = ConstructorDeclarator.this.getFormalParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < fps.length; ++i) {
String[] apd = (String[]) l.toArray(new String[l.size()]);
return new MethodDescriptor(apd, Descriptor.VOID).toString();
public IClass[] getParameterTypes() throws CompileException {
FormalParameter[] fps = ConstructorDeclarator.this.getFormalParameters();
IClass[] res = new IClass[fps.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fps.length; ++i) {
res[i] = fps[i].type.getType();
return res;
public IClass[] getThrownExceptions() throws CompileException {
IClass[] res = new IClass[ConstructorDeclarator.this.thrownExceptions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) {
res[i] = ConstructorDeclarator.this.thrownExceptions[i].getType();
return res;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
FormalParameter[] fps = ConstructorDeclarator.this.getFormalParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < fps.length; ++i) {
if (i != 0) sb.append(", ");
try {
} catch (CompileException ex) {
return sb.append(')').toString();
public void setExplicitConstructorInvocation(
ConstructorInvocation explicitConstructorInvocation
) {
this.optionalExplicitConstructorInvocation = explicitConstructorInvocation;
// Compile time members.
private Map syntheticParameters = new HashMap(); // String name => LocalVariable
// Implement "FunctionDeclarator":
protected void compilePreamble() throws CompileException {
if (this.optionalExplicitConstructorInvocation != null) {
if (this.optionalExplicitConstructorInvocation instanceof SuperConstructorInvocation) {
} else {
// Determine qualification for superconstructor invocation.
QualifiedThisReference qualification = null;
IClass outerClassOfSuperclass = this.declaringClass.getSuperclass().getOuterIClass();
if (outerClassOfSuperclass != null) {
qualification = new QualifiedThisReference(
this.getLocation(), // location
this.declaringClass, // declaringClass
this, // optionalFunctionDeclarator
outerClassOfSuperclass // targetIClass
// Invoke the superconstructor.
new SuperConstructorInvocation(
this.getLocation(), // location
this.declaringClass, // declaringClass
this, // declaringConstructor
qualification, // optionalQualification
new Rvalue[0] // arguments
* Copies the values of the synthetic parameters of this constructor ("this$..." and
* "val$...") to the synthetic fields of the object ("this$..." and "val$...").
private void assignSyntheticParametersToSyntheticFields() throws CompileException {
for (Iterator it = this.declaringClass.syntheticFields.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
IClass.IField sf = (IClass.IField) it.next();
LocalVariable syntheticParameter = (LocalVariable) this.syntheticParameters.get(sf.getName());
if (syntheticParameter == null) throw new RuntimeException("SNO: Synthetic parameter for synthetic field \"" + sf.getName() + "\" not found");
new ExpressionStatement(
new Assignment( // rvalue
this.getLocation(), // location
new FieldAccess( // lhs
this.getLocation(), // location
new ThisReference( // lhs
this.getLocation(), // location
(IClass) this.declaringClass // iClass
sf // field
"=", // operator
new LocalVariableAccess( // rhs
this.getLocation(), // location
syntheticParameter // localVariable
(Scope) this // enclosingScope
* Compiles the instance variable initializers and the instance initializers in their
* lexical order.
private void initializeInstanceVariablesAndInvokeInstanceInitializers() throws CompileException {
for (Iterator it = this.declaringClass.variableDeclaratorsAndInitializers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
TypeBodyDeclaration tbd = (TypeBodyDeclaration) it.next();
if (!tbd.isStatic()) {
BlockStatement bs = (BlockStatement) tbd;
if (!bs.compile()) bs.compileError("Instance variable declarator or instance initializer does not complete normally");
public IClass.IConstructor toIConstructor() { return this.iConstructor; }
protected IClass.IInvocable toIInvocable() { return this.toIConstructor(); }
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(this.declaringClass.getClassName());
FormalParameter[] fps = this.getFormalParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < fps.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitConstructorDeclarator(this); }
public final static class MethodDeclarator extends FunctionDeclarator {
public MethodDeclarator(
Scanner.Location location,
final AbstractTypeDeclaration declaringType,
short modifiers,
Type type,
String name,
FormalParameter[] formalParameters,
Type[] thrownExceptions
) {
location, // location
declaringType, // declaringType
modifiers, // modifiers
type, // type
name, // name
formalParameters, // formalParameters
thrownExceptions // thrownExceptions
this.iMethod = declaringType.new IMethod() {
// Implement IMember.
public int getAccess() {
switch (MethodDeclarator.this.modifiers & Mod.PPP) {
case Mod.PRIVATE:
return IClass.PRIVATE;
return IClass.PROTECTED;
case Mod.PACKAGE:
return IClass.PACKAGE;
case Mod.PUBLIC:
return IClass.PUBLIC;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid access");
// Implement IInvocable.
public IClass[] getParameterTypes() throws CompileException {
FormalParameter[] fps = MethodDeclarator.this.getFormalParameters();
IClass[] res = new IClass[fps.length];
for (int i = 0; i < fps.length; ++i) {
res[i] = fps[i].type.getType();
return res;
public IClass[] getThrownExceptions() throws CompileException {
IClass[] res = new IClass[MethodDeclarator.this.thrownExceptions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) {
res[i] = MethodDeclarator.this.thrownExceptions[i].getType();
return res;
// Implement IMethod.
public boolean isStatic() { return (MethodDeclarator.this.getModifiers() & Mod.STATIC) != 0; }
public boolean isAbstract() { return declaringType.isInterface() || (MethodDeclarator.this.getModifiers() & Mod.ABSTRACT) != 0; }
public IClass getReturnType() throws CompileException {
return MethodDeclarator.this.getReturnType();
public String getName() { return MethodDeclarator.this.getName(); }
// Implement "FunctionDeclarator":
protected void compilePreamble() {}
public IClass.IMethod toIMethod() { return this.iMethod; }
protected IClass.IInvocable toIInvocable() { return this.toIMethod(); }
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(this.getName());
FormalParameter[] fps = this.getFormalParameters();
for (int i = 0; i < fps.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitMethodDeclarator(this); }
private final IClass.IMethod iMethod;
* This class is derived from "Statement", because it provides for the
* initialization of the field. In other words, "compile()" generates the
* code that initializes the field.
public static final class FieldDeclarator extends Statement implements TypeBodyDeclaration {
private final AbstractTypeDeclaration declaringType;
final short modifiers;
final Type type;
VariableDeclarator[] variableDeclarators = null;
public FieldDeclarator(
Scanner.Location location,
AbstractTypeDeclaration declaringType,
short modifiers,
Type type
) {
(Scope) declaringType // enclosingScope
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.declaringType = declaringType;
this.type = type;
public void setVariableDeclarators(VariableDeclarator[] variableDeclarators) {
this.variableDeclarators = variableDeclarators;
public IClass.IField[] getIFields() {
IClass.IField[] res = new IClass.IField[this.variableDeclarators.length];
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i) {
final VariableDeclarator vd = this.variableDeclarators[i];
res[i] = this.declaringType.new IField() {
// Implement IMember.
public int getAccess() {
switch (FieldDeclarator.this.modifiers & Mod.PPP) {
case Mod.PRIVATE:
return IClass.PRIVATE;
return IClass.PROTECTED;
case Mod.PACKAGE:
return IClass.PACKAGE;
case Mod.PUBLIC:
return IClass.PUBLIC;
throw new RuntimeException("Invalid access");
// Implement "IField".
public boolean isStatic() { return (FieldDeclarator.this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0; }
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
IClass res2 = FieldDeclarator.this.type.getType();
return Java.getArrayType(res2, vd.brackets);
public String getName() { return vd.name; }
public Object getConstantValue() throws Java.CompileException {
if (
(FieldDeclarator.this.modifiers & Mod.FINAL) != 0 &&
vd.optionalInitializer != null
) return vd.optionalInitializer.getConstantValue();
return null;
return res;
// Compile time members:
* Override {@link Java.Statement#generatesCode()}, because code is only generated if at
* least one of the declared variables has a non-constant-final initializer.
public boolean generatesCode() throws CompileException {
for (int i = 0; i < this.variableDeclarators.length; ++i) {
VariableDeclarator vd = this.variableDeclarators[i];
if (this.getNonConstantFinalInitializer(vd) != null) return true;
return false;
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
for (int i = 0; i < this.variableDeclarators.length; ++i) {
VariableDeclarator vd = this.variableDeclarators[i];
Rvalue initializer = this.getNonConstantFinalInitializer(vd);
if (initializer == null) continue;
if ((this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) == 0) {
IClass initializerType = initializer.compileGetValue();
IClass fieldType = this.type.getType();
fieldType = Java.getArrayType(fieldType, vd.brackets);
(Located) this, // located
initializerType, // sourceType
fieldType, // destinationType
initializer.getConstantValue() // optionalConstantValue
if ((this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0) {
} else {
this.declaringType.getDescriptor(), // classFD
vd.name, // fieldName
fieldType.getDescriptor() // fieldFD
return true;
* Determine the non-constant-final initializer of the given {@link VariableDeclarator}.
* @return <code>null</code> if the variable is declared without an initializer or if the initializer is constant-final
private Rvalue getNonConstantFinalInitializer(VariableDeclarator vd) throws CompileException {
// Check if optional initializer exists.
if (vd.optionalInitializer == null) return null;
// Check if initializer is constant-final.
if (
(this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0 &&
(this.modifiers & Mod.FINAL) != 0 &&
vd.optionalInitializer.getConstantValue() != null
) return null;
return vd.optionalInitializer;
// Implement TypeBodyDeclaration.
public TypeDeclaration getDeclaringType() {
return this.declaringType;
public boolean isStatic() {
return (this.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(Mod.shortToString(this.modifiers)).append(' ').append(this.type).append(' ').append(this.variableDeclarators[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < this.variableDeclarators.length; ++i) {
sb.append(", ").append(this.variableDeclarators[i]);
return sb.toString();
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitFieldDeclarator(this); }
public final static class VariableDeclarator extends Located {
final String name;
final int brackets;
Rvalue optionalInitializer = null;
public VariableDeclarator(
Scanner.Location location,
String name,
int brackets,
Rvalue optionalInitializer
) {
this.name = name;
this.brackets = brackets;
this.optionalInitializer = optionalInitializer;
// Used both by field declarations an local variable declarations, so naming
// conventions checking (JLS2 6.8) cannot be done here.
public String getName() { return this.name; }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitVariableDeclarator(this); }
public static final class FormalParameter {
public FormalParameter(
boolean finaL,
Type type,
String name
) {
this.finaL = finaL;
this.type = type;
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return this.type.toString() + ' ' + this.name;
public void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitFormalParameter(this); }
final boolean finaL;
final Type type;
final String name;
* Base of all statements that can appear in a block.
public interface BlockStatement extends Locatable, Scope {
* Check whether invocation of {@link #compile()} would
* generate more than zero code bytes.
boolean generatesCode() throws CompileException;
* @return <tt>false</tt> if this statement cannot complete normally (14.20)
boolean compile() throws CompileException;
* Clean up the statement context. This is currently relevant for
* "try ... catch ... finally" statements (execute "finally" clause)
* and "synchronized" statements (monitorexit).
* <p>
* Statements like "return", "break", "continue" must call this method
* for all the statements they terminate.
* <p>
* Notice: If <code>optionalStackValueType</code> is <code>null</code>,
* then the operand stack is empty; otherwise exactly one operand with that
* type is on the stack. This information is vital to implementations of
* {@link #leave(IClass)} that require a specific
* operand stack state (e.g. an empty operand stack for JSR).
void leave(IClass optionalStackValueType);
void visit(Visitor visitor);
public static abstract class Statement extends Located implements BlockStatement {
protected final Scope enclosingScope;
protected Statement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
this.enclosingScope = enclosingScope;
// Implement "Scope".
public Scope getEnclosingScope() { return this.enclosingScope; }
// Implement "BlockStatement".
public boolean generatesCode() throws CompileException { return true; }
public abstract boolean compile() throws CompileException;
public void leave(IClass optionalStackValueType) {
public final static class LabeledStatement extends BreakableStatement {
public LabeledStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
String label
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
this.label = label;
public void setBody(Statement body) {
this.body = body;
/*final*/ String label;
Statement body = null;
// Compile time members:
public final boolean compile2() throws CompileException {
return this.body.compile();
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitLabeledStatement(this); }
* Representation of a Java<sup>TM</sup> "block" (JLS 14.2).
* <p>
* The statements that the block defines are executed in sequence.
public final static class Block extends Statement {
final List statements = new ArrayList(); // BlockStatement
public Block(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
public void addStatement(BlockStatement statement) {
public void addStatements(
List statements // BlockStatement
) {
public BlockStatement[] getStatements() {
return (BlockStatement[]) this.statements.toArray(new BlockStatement[this.statements.size()]);
// Compile time members.
// Fills while the block is being compiled.
private final Map declaredLocalClasses = new HashMap(); // String declaredName => LocalClassDeclaration
public LocalClassDeclaration getLocalClassDeclaration(String name) {
return (LocalClassDeclaration) this.declaredLocalClasses.get(name);
public boolean generatesCode() throws CompileException {
for (int i = 0; i < this.statements.size(); ++i) {
if (((BlockStatement) this.statements.get(i)).generatesCode()) return true;
return false;
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
try {
boolean previousStatementCanCompleteNormally = true;
this.keepCompiling = true;
for (int i = 0; this.keepCompiling && i < this.statements.size(); ++i) {
BlockStatement bs = (BlockStatement) this.statements.get(i);
if (!previousStatementCanCompleteNormally) {
bs.compileError("Statement is unreachable");
previousStatementCanCompleteNormally = bs.compile();
return previousStatementCanCompleteNormally;
} finally {
* Define a local variable in the context of this block
* @param locatable
* @param finaL
* @param type
* @param name
* @return The index of the variable
* @throws CompileException
public LocalVariable defineLocalVariable(
Located located,
boolean finaL,
IClass type,
String name
) throws CompileException {
// Check for local variable redefinition.
for (Scope s = this; s instanceof Statement; s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
if (s instanceof Block) {
if (((Block) s).localVariables.containsKey(name)) located.compileError("Redefinition of local variable \"" + name + "\"");
LocalVariable lv = new LocalVariable(
finaL, // finaL
type, // type
this.allocateLocalVariable(Descriptor.size(type.getDescriptor())) // localVariableArrayIndex
this.localVariables.put(name, lv);
return lv;
* JLS 14.10 specifies that under certain circumstances it is not an error that
* statements are physically unreachable, precisely
* <pre>
* {
* if (true) return;
* a = 1; // Physically unreachable, but not an error, i.e. "dead"
* }
* b = 2; // Same thing.
* </pre>
* The "if" statement notifies its enclosing block by calling this method.
/*private*/ void followingStatementsAreDead() {
this.keepCompiling = false;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitBlock(this); }
private HashMap localVariables = new HashMap(); // String name => LocalVariable
private boolean keepCompiling;
* Base class for statements that can be terminated abnormally with a
* "break" statement.
* <p>
* According to the JLS, statements that can be terminated abnormally with
* a "break" statement are: "COntinuable" statements ("for", "do" and
* "while"), labeled statements, and the "switch" statement.
public static abstract class BreakableStatement extends Statement {
protected BreakableStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
// Implement "BlockStatement".
public final boolean compile() throws CompileException {
boolean canCompleteNormally = this.compile2();
if (this.whereToBreak != null) {
canCompleteNormally = true;
return canCompleteNormally;
public abstract boolean compile2() throws CompileException;
public CodeContext.Offset getWhereToBreak() {
if (this.whereToBreak == null) {
this.whereToBreak = this.newUnsetOffset();
return this.whereToBreak;
private CodeContext.Offset whereToBreak = null;
public static abstract class ContinuableStatement extends BreakableStatement {
protected ContinuableStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
protected CodeContext.Offset whereToContinue = null;
protected boolean bodyHasContinue = false;
public final static class ExpressionStatement extends Statement {
public ExpressionStatement(
Rvalue rvalue,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
super(rvalue.getLocation(), enclosingScope);
this.rvalue = rvalue;
final Rvalue rvalue;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
return true;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitExpressionStatement(this); }
public final static class LocalClassDeclarationStatement extends Statement {
public LocalClassDeclarationStatement(
Scope enclosingScope,
Java.LocalClassDeclaration lcd
) {
super(lcd.getLocation(), enclosingScope);
this.lcd = lcd;
final LocalClassDeclaration lcd;
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
return true;
public boolean generatesCode() throws CompileException { return false; }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitLocalClassDeclarationStatement(this); }
public final static class IfStatement extends Statement {
* Notice that the <code>elseStatement</code> is mandatory; for an if statement without
* an "else" clause, a dummy {@link Java.EmptyStatement} should be passed.
public IfStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
Rvalue condition,
BlockStatement thenStatement,
BlockStatement optionalElseStatement
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
this.condition = condition;
this.thenStatement = thenStatement;
this.optionalElseStatement = optionalElseStatement;
final Rvalue condition;
final BlockStatement thenStatement;
final BlockStatement optionalElseStatement;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws Java.CompileException {
boolean tsccn, esccn;
Object cv = this.condition.getConstantValue();
BlockStatement es = this.optionalElseStatement != null ? this.optionalElseStatement : new Java.EmptyStatement(this.thenStatement.getLocation(), this.thenStatement.getEnclosingScope());
if (cv instanceof Boolean) {
// Constant condition.
BlockStatement seeingStatement, blindStatement;
if (((Boolean) cv).booleanValue()) {
seeingStatement = this.thenStatement;
blindStatement = es;
} else {
seeingStatement = es;
blindStatement = this.thenStatement;
// Compile the seeing statement.
boolean ssccn = seeingStatement.compile();
if (ssccn) return true;
// Hm... the "seeing statement" cannot complete normally. So, in order
// to determine whether the IF statement ccn, we need to compile the
// "blind statement" to a fake code attribute to find out whether
// it can complete normally.
boolean bsccn;
CodeContext savedCodeContext = Java.replaceCodeContext(this.createDummyCodeContext());
try {
bsccn = blindStatement.compile();
} finally {
// Neither the seeing nor the blind statement ccn.
if (!bsccn) return false;
// We have a very complicated case here: The blind statement can complete
// normally, but the seeing statement can't. This makes the following
// code physically unreachable, but JLS 14.20 says that this should not
// be considered an error.
// Calling "followingStatementsAreDead()" on the enclosing Block
// keeps it from generating unreachable code.
Scope s = this.getEnclosingScope();
if (s instanceof Block) ((Block) s).followingStatementsAreDead();
return false;
// Non-constant condition.
if (this.thenStatement.generatesCode()) {
if (es.generatesCode()) {
// if (expr) stmt else stmt
CodeContext.Offset eso = this.newUnsetOffset();
CodeContext.Offset end = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.condition.compileBoolean(eso, Java.Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
tsccn = this.thenStatement.compile();
if (tsccn) this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, end);
esccn = es.compile();
return tsccn || esccn;
} else {
// if (expr) stmt else ;
CodeContext.Offset end = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.condition.compileBoolean(end, Java.Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
tsccn = this.thenStatement.compile();
return true;
} else {
if (es.generatesCode()) {
// if (expr) ; else stmt
CodeContext.Offset end = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.condition.compileBoolean(end, Java.Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE);
esccn = es.compile();
return true;
} else {
// if (expr) ; else ;
IClass conditionType = this.condition.compileGetValue();
if (conditionType != IClass.BOOLEAN) this.compileError("Not a boolean expression");
Java.pop((Located) this, conditionType);
return true;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitIfStatement(this); }
public final static class ForStatement extends ContinuableStatement {
public ForStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
// Trick: Insert a "Block" between the enclosing scope and the
// "for" statement.
super(location, new Block(location, enclosingScope));
this.implicitBlock = (Block) this.enclosingScope;
this.body = new Block(
this // enclosingScope
public void set(
BlockStatement optionalInit,
Rvalue optionalCondition,
Rvalue[] optionalUpdate,
BlockStatement body
) {
this.optionalInit = optionalInit;
this.optionalCondition = optionalCondition;
this.optionalUpdate = optionalUpdate;
this.body = body;
public final Block implicitBlock;
BlockStatement optionalInit = null;
Rvalue optionalCondition = null;
Rvalue[] optionalUpdate = null;
BlockStatement body;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile2() throws CompileException {
this.whereToContinue = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.bodyHasContinue = false;
boolean constantTrueCondition = false;
try {
if (this.optionalInit != null) this.optionalInit.compile();
// Check for constant condition.
if (this.optionalCondition == null) {
constantTrueCondition = true;
} else {
Object cv = this.optionalCondition.getConstantValue();
if (cv instanceof Boolean) {
if (!((Boolean) cv).booleanValue()) this.compileError("Body of \"for\" statement is unreachable");
constantTrueCondition = true;
CodeContext.Offset toCondition = this.newUnsetOffset();
if (constantTrueCondition) {
; // GOTO condition not necessary in this case.
} else {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, toCondition);
CodeContext.Offset bodyOffset = this.newOffset();
if (
!this.body.compile() &&
!this.bodyHasContinue &&
this.optionalUpdate != null
) this.compileError("For update is unreachable");
// Compile update.
if (this.optionalUpdate != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.optionalUpdate.length; ++i) {
// Compile condition.
if (constantTrueCondition) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, bodyOffset);
} else {
this.optionalCondition.compileBoolean(bodyOffset, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE);
} finally {
return !constantTrueCondition;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitForStatement(this); }
public final static class WhileStatement extends ContinuableStatement {
public WhileStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
Rvalue condition
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
this.condition = condition;
public void setBody(BlockStatement body) {
this.body = body;
final Rvalue condition;
BlockStatement body = null;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile2() throws CompileException {
this.whereToContinue = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.bodyHasContinue = false;
boolean constantTrueCondition = false;
Object cv = this.condition.getConstantValue();
if (cv != null && cv instanceof Boolean) {
if (!((Boolean) cv).booleanValue()) this.compileError("Body of \"while\" statement is unreachable");
constantTrueCondition = true;
if (!constantTrueCondition) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, this.whereToContinue);
// Compile body.
CodeContext.Offset bodyOffset = this.newOffset();
boolean bodyCCN = this.body.compile();
// Compile condition.
if (!constantTrueCondition || bodyCCN || this.bodyHasContinue) {
this.condition.compileBoolean(bodyOffset, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE);
return !constantTrueCondition;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitWhileStatement(this); }
public final static class TryStatement extends Statement {
BlockStatement body = null;
final List catchClauses = new ArrayList(); // CatchClause
Block optionalFinally = null;
public TryStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
public void setBody(BlockStatement body) {
this.body = body;
public void addCatchClause(CatchClause catchClause) {
public List getCatchClauses() {
return this.catchClauses;
public void setFinally(Block finallY) {
this.optionalFinally = finallY;
public Block getFinally() {
return this.optionalFinally;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
if (this.optionalFinally != null) this.finallyOffset = this.newUnsetOffset();
CodeContext.Offset beginningOfBody = this.newOffset();
CodeContext.Offset afterStatement = this.newUnsetOffset();
// Allocate a future LV that will be used to preserve the "leave stack".
this.stackValueLvIndex = this.allocateLocalVariable((short) 2);
boolean canCompleteNormally = this.body.compile();
CodeContext.Offset afterBody = this.newOffset();
if (canCompleteNormally) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, afterStatement);
try {
// Local variable for exception object.
// Notice: Must be same size as "this.stackValueLvIndex".
short exceptionObjectLvIndex = this.allocateLocalVariable((short) 2);
for (int i = 0; i < this.catchClauses.size(); ++i) {
CatchClause cc = (CatchClause) this.catchClauses.get(i);
IClass caughtExceptionType = cc.caughtException.type.getType();
beginningOfBody, // startPC
afterBody, // endPC
this.newOffset(), // handlerPC
caughtExceptionType.getDescriptor() // catchTypeFD
(Located) this, // located
caughtExceptionType, // lvType
exceptionObjectLvIndex // lvIndex
// Kludge: Treat the exception variable like a local
// variable of the catch clause body.
new LocalVariable(
false, // finaL
caughtExceptionType, // type
exceptionObjectLvIndex // localVariableIndex
if (cc.body.compile()) {
canCompleteNormally = true;
if (
i < this.catchClauses.size() - 1 ||
this.optionalFinally != null
) this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, afterStatement);
if (this.optionalFinally != null) {
CodeContext.Offset here = this.newOffset();
beginningOfBody, // startPC
here, // endPC
here, // handlerPC
null // catchTypeFD
// Store exception object in local variable.
(Located) this, // located
Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT, // valueType
exceptionObjectLvIndex // localVariableIndex
this.writeBranch(Opcode.JSR, this.finallyOffset);
(Located) this, // located
Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT, // valueType
exceptionObjectLvIndex // localVariableIndex
// Compile the "finally" body.
short pcLVIndex = this.allocateLocalVariable((short) 1);
(Located) this, // located
Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT, // valueType
pcLVIndex // localVariableIndex
if (this.optionalFinally.compile()) {
if (canCompleteNormally) this.leave(null);
} finally {
return canCompleteNormally;
public void leave(IClass optionalStackValueType) {
if (this.finallyOffset != null) {
// Obviously, JSR must always be executed with the operand stack being
// empty; otherwise we get "java.lang.VerifyError: Inconsistent stack height
// 1 != 2"
if (optionalStackValueType != null) {
Java.store((Located) this, optionalStackValueType, this.stackValueLvIndex);
this.writeBranch(Opcode.JSR, this.finallyOffset);
if (optionalStackValueType != null) {
Java.load((Located) this, optionalStackValueType, this.stackValueLvIndex);
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitTryStatement(this); }
// Preserves "leave stack".
private short stackValueLvIndex;
private CodeContext.Offset finallyOffset = null;
public static class CatchClause {
public CatchClause(
FormalParameter caughtException,
Block body
) {
this.caughtException = caughtException;
this.body = body;
final FormalParameter caughtException;
final Block body;
* 14.10 The "switch" Statement
public static final class SwitchStatement extends BreakableStatement {
public SwitchStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
public void setCondition(Rvalue condition) {
this.condition = condition;
public void addSwitchBlockStatementGroup(SwitchBlockStatementGroup sbsg) {
Rvalue condition = null;
final List sbsgs = new ArrayList(); // SwitchBlockStatementGroup
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile2() throws CompileException {
// Compute condition.
IClass switchExpressionType = this.condition.compileGetValue();
(Located) this, // located
switchExpressionType, // sourceType
IClass.INT, // targetType
null // optionalConstantValue
// Prepare the map of case labels to code offsets.
TreeMap caseLabelMap = new TreeMap(); // Integer => Offset
CodeContext.Offset defaultLabelOffset = null;
CodeContext.Offset[] sbsgOffsets = new CodeContext.Offset[this.sbsgs.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < this.sbsgs.size(); ++i) {
SwitchBlockStatementGroup sbsg = (SwitchBlockStatementGroup) this.sbsgs.get(i);
sbsgOffsets[i] = this.newUnsetOffset();
for (int j = 0; j < sbsg.caseLabels.size(); ++j) {
// Verify that case label value is a constant.
Rvalue rv = (Rvalue) sbsg.caseLabels.get(j);
Object cv = rv.getConstantValue();
if (cv == null) {
rv.compileError("Value of \"case\" label does not pose a constant value");
cv = new Integer(99);
// Verify that case label is assignable to the type of the switch expression.
IClass rvType = rv.getType();
(Located) this, // located
rvType, // sourceType
switchExpressionType, // targetType
cv // optionalConstantValue
// Convert char, byte, short, int to "Integer".
Integer civ;
if (cv instanceof Integer) {
civ = (Integer) cv;
} else
if (cv instanceof Number) {
civ = new Integer(((Number) cv).intValue());
} else
if (cv instanceof Character) {
civ = new Integer(((Character) cv).charValue());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException();
// Store in case label map.
if (caseLabelMap.containsKey(civ)) rv.compileError("Duplicate \"case\" switch label value");
caseLabelMap.put(civ, sbsgOffsets[i]);
if (sbsg.hasDefaultLabel) {
if (defaultLabelOffset != null) sbsg.compileError("Duplicate \"default\" switch label");
defaultLabelOffset = sbsgOffsets[i];
if (defaultLabelOffset == null) defaultLabelOffset = this.getWhereToBreak();
// Generate TABLESWITCH or LOOKUPSWITCH instruction.
CodeContext.Offset switchOffset = this.newOffset();
if (caseLabelMap.isEmpty() ||
2 * caseLabelMap.size() >= (
((Integer) caseLabelMap.lastKey()).intValue() -
((Integer) caseLabelMap.firstKey()).intValue()
)) {
int low = ((Integer) caseLabelMap.firstKey()).intValue();
int high = ((Integer) caseLabelMap.lastKey()).intValue();
new Padder(Java.getCodeContext()).set();
this.writeOffset(switchOffset, defaultLabelOffset);
Iterator si = caseLabelMap.entrySet().iterator();
int cur = low;
while (si.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) si.next();
int val = ((Integer) me.getKey()).intValue();
while (cur < val) {
this.writeOffset(switchOffset, defaultLabelOffset);
this.writeOffset(switchOffset, (CodeContext.Offset) me.getValue());
} else {
new Padder(Java.getCodeContext()).set();
this.writeOffset(switchOffset, defaultLabelOffset);
Iterator si = caseLabelMap.entrySet().iterator();
while (si.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) si.next();
this.writeInt(((Integer) me.getKey()).intValue());
this.writeOffset(switchOffset, (CodeContext.Offset) me.getValue());
// Compile statement groups.
boolean canCompleteNormally = true;
for (int i = 0; i < this.sbsgs.size(); ++i) {
SwitchBlockStatementGroup sbsg = (SwitchBlockStatementGroup) this.sbsgs.get(i);
canCompleteNormally = true;
for (int j = 0; j < sbsg.blockStatements.size(); ++j) {
BlockStatement bs = (BlockStatement) sbsg.blockStatements.get(j);
if (!canCompleteNormally) {
bs.compileError("Statement is unreachable");
canCompleteNormally = bs.compile();
return canCompleteNormally;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitSwitchStatement(this); }
private static class Padder extends CodeContext.Inserter implements CodeContext.FixUp {
public Padder(CodeContext codeContext) {
public void fixUp() {
int x = this.offset % 4;
if (x != 0) {
CodeContext ca = this.getCodeContext();
ca.pushInserter(this); {
ca.write((short) -1, new byte[4 - x]);
} ca.popInserter();
public static class SwitchBlockStatementGroup extends Located {
public SwitchBlockStatementGroup(Scanner.Location location) {
public void addSwitchLabel(Rvalue value) {
public void addDefaultSwitchLabel() throws Parser.ParseException {
if (this.hasDefaultLabel) this.throwParseException("Duplicate \"default\" switch label");
this.hasDefaultLabel = true;
public void setBlockStatements(List blockStatements) {
this.blockStatements = blockStatements;
final List caseLabels = new ArrayList(); // Rvalue
boolean hasDefaultLabel = false;
List blockStatements; // BlockStatement
public final static class SynchronizedStatement extends Statement {
public SynchronizedStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
Rvalue expression
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
this.expression = expression;
public void setBody(BlockStatement body) {
this.body = body;
final Rvalue expression;
BlockStatement body = null;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
// Evaluate monitor object expression.
if (!Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT.isAssignableFrom(this.expression.compileGetValue())) this.compileError("Monitor object of \"synchronized\" statement is not a subclass of \"Object\"");
boolean canCompleteNormally = false;
try {
// Allocate a local variable for the monitor object.
this.monitorLvIndex = this.allocateLocalVariable((short) 1);
// Store the monitor object.
Java.store((Located) this, Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT, this.monitorLvIndex);
// Create lock on the monitor object.
// Compile the statement body.
CodeContext.Offset monitorExitOffset = this.newUnsetOffset();
CodeContext.Offset beginningOfBody = this.newOffset();
canCompleteNormally = this.body.compile();
if (canCompleteNormally) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, monitorExitOffset);
// Generate the exception handler.
CodeContext.Offset here = this.newOffset();
beginningOfBody, // startPC
here, // endPC
here, // handlerPC
null // catchTypeFD
// Unlock monitor object.
if (canCompleteNormally) {
} finally {
return canCompleteNormally;
public void leave(IClass optionalStackValueType) {
Java.load((Located) this, Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT, this.monitorLvIndex);
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitSynchronizedStatement(this); }
private short monitorLvIndex = -1;
public final static class DoStatement extends ContinuableStatement {
public DoStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
public void setBody(BlockStatement body) {
this.body = body;
public void setCondition(Rvalue condition) {
this.condition = condition;
BlockStatement body = null;
Rvalue condition = null;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile2() throws CompileException {
this.whereToContinue = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.bodyHasContinue = false;
CodeContext.Offset bodyOffset = this.newOffset();
// Compile body.
if (!this.body.compile() && !this.bodyHasContinue) this.compileError("\"do\" statement never tests its condition");
// Compile condition.
this.condition.compileBoolean(bodyOffset, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE);
boolean constantTrueCondition = false;
Object cv = this.condition.getConstantValue();
if (cv != null && cv instanceof Boolean) {
constantTrueCondition = ((Boolean) cv).booleanValue();
return !constantTrueCondition;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitDoStatement(this); }
public final static class LocalVariableDeclarationStatement extends Statement {
* @param modifiers Only "final" allowed.
public LocalVariableDeclarationStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Block declaringBlock,
short modifiers,
Type type,
VariableDeclarator[] variableDeclarators
) {
super(location, declaringBlock);
this.declaringBlock = declaringBlock;
this.modifiers = modifiers;
this.type = type;
this.variableDeclarators = variableDeclarators;
private final Block declaringBlock;
final short modifiers;
final Type type;
final VariableDeclarator[] variableDeclarators;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
if ((this.modifiers & ~Mod.FINAL) != 0) this.compileError("The only allowed modifier in local variable declarations is \"final\"");
for (int j = 0; j < this.variableDeclarators.length; ++j) {
VariableDeclarator vd = this.variableDeclarators[j];
// Determine variable type.
Type variableType = this.type;
for (int k = 0; k < vd.brackets; ++k) variableType = new ArrayType(variableType);
LocalVariable lv = this.declaringBlock.defineLocalVariable(
(Located) this, // located
(this.modifiers & Mod.FINAL) != 0, // finaL
variableType.getType(), // type
vd.name // name
if (vd.optionalInitializer != null) {
(Located) this, // located
vd.optionalInitializer.compileGetValue(), // valueType
return true;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitLocalVariableDeclarationStatement(this); }
public final static class ReturnStatement extends Statement {
public ReturnStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
Rvalue optionalReturnValue
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
this.optionalReturnValue = optionalReturnValue;
final Rvalue optionalReturnValue;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
// Determine enclosing block, function and compilation Unit.
FunctionDeclarator enclosingFunction = null;
Scope s = this.enclosingScope;
for (s = s.getEnclosingScope(); s instanceof Statement; s = s.getEnclosingScope());
enclosingFunction = (FunctionDeclarator) s;
IClass returnType = enclosingFunction.getReturnType();
if (returnType == IClass.VOID) {
if (this.optionalReturnValue != null) this.compileError("Method must not return a value");
this.enclosingScope, // from
enclosingFunction, // to
null // optionalStackValueType
return false;
if (this.optionalReturnValue == null) {
this.compileError("Method must return a value");
return false;
IClass type = this.optionalReturnValue.compileGetValue();
(Located) this, // located
type, // sourceType
returnType, // targetType
this.optionalReturnValue.getConstantValue() // optionalConstantValue
this.enclosingScope, // from
enclosingFunction, // to
returnType // optionalStackValueType
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.IRETURN + Java.ilfda(returnType));
return false;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitReturnStatement(this); }
public final static class ThrowStatement extends Statement {
public ThrowStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
Rvalue expression
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
this.expression = expression;
final Rvalue expression;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
IClass expressionType = this.expression.compileGetValue();
(Located) this, // located
expressionType, // type
this.enclosingScope // scope
return false;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitThrowStatement(this); }
private static void checkThrownException(
Located located,
IClass type,
Scope scope
) throws CompileException {
// Thrown object must be assignable to "Throwable".
if (!Java.getIClassLoader().THROWABLE.isAssignableFrom(type)) located.compileError("Thrown object of type \"" + type + "\" is not assignable to \"Throwable\"");
// "RuntimeException" and "Error" are never checked.
if (
Java.getIClassLoader().RUNTIME_EXCEPTION.isAssignableFrom(type) ||
) return;
// Match against enclosing "try...catch" blocks.
while (scope instanceof Statement) {
if (scope instanceof TryStatement) {
TryStatement ts = (TryStatement) scope;
for (int i = 0; i < ts.catchClauses.size(); ++i) {
CatchClause cc = (CatchClause) ts.catchClauses.get(i);
IClass caughtType = cc.caughtException.type.getType();
if (caughtType.isAssignableFrom(type)) return;
scope = scope.getEnclosingScope();
// Match against "throws" clause of declaring function.
if (scope instanceof FunctionDeclarator) {
FunctionDeclarator fd = (FunctionDeclarator) scope;
for (int i = 0; i < fd.thrownExceptions.length; ++i) {
IClass te = fd.thrownExceptions[i].getType();
if (te.isAssignableFrom(type)) return;
located.compileError("Thrown exception of type \"" + type + "\" is neither caught by a \"try...catch\" block nor declared in the \"throws\" clause of the declaring function");
* Representation of the Java<sup>TM</sup> "break" statement (JLS 14.14).
public final static class BreakStatement extends Statement {
public BreakStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
String optionalLabel
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
this.optionalLabel = optionalLabel;
final String optionalLabel;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
// Find the broken statement.
BreakableStatement brokenStatement = null;
if (this.optionalLabel == null) {
for (
Scope s = this.enclosingScope;
s instanceof Statement;
s = s.getEnclosingScope()
) {
if (s instanceof BreakableStatement) {
brokenStatement = (BreakableStatement) s;
if (brokenStatement == null) {
this.compileError("\"break\" statement is not enclosed by a breakable statement");
return false;
} else {
for (
Scope s = this.enclosingScope;
s instanceof Statement;
s = s.getEnclosingScope()
) {
if (s instanceof LabeledStatement) {
LabeledStatement ls = (LabeledStatement) s;
if (ls.label.equals(this.optionalLabel)) {
brokenStatement = ls;
if (brokenStatement == null) {
this.compileError("Statement \"break " + this.optionalLabel + "\" is not enclosed by a breakable statement with label \"" + this.optionalLabel + "\"");
return false;
this.enclosingScope, // from
brokenStatement.enclosingScope, // to
null // optionalStackValueType
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, brokenStatement.getWhereToBreak());
return false;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitBreakStatement(this); }
* Representation of the Java<sup>TM</sup> "continue" statement (JLS
* 14.15).
public final static class ContinueStatement extends Statement {
public ContinueStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
String optionalLabel
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
this.optionalLabel = optionalLabel;
final String optionalLabel;
// Compile time members:
public boolean compile() throws CompileException {
// Find the continued statement.
ContinuableStatement continuedStatement = null;
if (this.optionalLabel == null) {
for (
Scope s = this.enclosingScope;
s instanceof Statement;
s = s.getEnclosingScope()
) {
if (s instanceof ContinuableStatement) {
continuedStatement = (ContinuableStatement) s;
if (continuedStatement == null) {
this.compileError("\"continue\" statement is not enclosed by a continuable statement");
return false;
} else {
for (
Scope s = this.enclosingScope;
s instanceof Statement;
s = s.getEnclosingScope()
) {
if (s instanceof LabeledStatement) {
LabeledStatement ls = (LabeledStatement) s;
if (ls.label.equals(this.optionalLabel)) {
Statement st = ls.body;
while (st instanceof LabeledStatement) st = ((LabeledStatement) st).body;
if (!(st instanceof ContinuableStatement)) {
st.compileError("Labeled statement is not continuable");
return false;
continuedStatement = (ContinuableStatement) st;
if (continuedStatement == null) {
this.compileError("Statement \"continue " + this.optionalLabel + "\" is not enclosed by a continuable statement with label \"" + this.optionalLabel + "\"");
return false;
continuedStatement.bodyHasContinue = true;
this.enclosingScope, // from
continuedStatement.enclosingScope, // to
null // optionalStackValueType
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, continuedStatement.whereToContinue);
return false;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitContinueStatement(this); }
* Represents the "empty statement", i.e. the blank semicolon.
public final static class EmptyStatement extends Statement {
public EmptyStatement(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope
) {
super(location, enclosingScope);
public boolean generatesCode() {
return false;
public boolean compile() {
return true;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitEmptyStatement(this); }
* Statements that jump out of blocks ("return", "break", "continue")
* must call this method to make sure that the "finally" clauses of all
* "try...catch" statements are executed.
private static void leaveStatements(
Scope from,
Scope to,
IClass optionalStackValueType
) {
for (Scope s = from; s != to; s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
if (s instanceof BlockStatement) {
((BlockStatement) s).leave(optionalStackValueType);
* Abstract base class for {@link Java.Type}, {@link Java.Rvalue} and
* {@link Java.Lvalue}.
public static abstract class Atom extends Located {
public Atom(Scanner.Location location) {
public Type toType() { return null; }
public Rvalue toRvalue() { return null; }
public Lvalue toLvalue() { return null; }
public abstract String toString();
// Parse time members:
public final Type toTypeOrPE() throws Parser.ParseException {
Type result = this.toType();
if (result == null) this.throwParseException("Expression \"" + this.toString() + "\" is not a type");
return result;
public final Rvalue toRvalueOrPE() throws Parser.ParseException {
Rvalue result = this.toRvalue();
if (result == null) this.throwParseException("Expression \"" + this.toString() + "\" is not an rvalue");
return result;
public final Lvalue toLvalueOrPE() throws Parser.ParseException {
Lvalue result = this.toLvalue();
if (result == null) this.throwParseException("Expression \"" + this.toString() + "\" is not an lvalue");
return result;
// Compile time members:
public final Type toTypeOrCE() throws CompileException {
Type result = this.toType();
if (result == null) {
this.compileError("Expression \"" + this.toString() + "\" is not a type");
return new Type(this.getLocation()) {
public IClass getType() { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public String toString() { return Atom.this.toString(); }
public void visit(Visitor visitor) {}
return result;
public final Rvalue toRvalueOrCE() throws CompileException {
Rvalue result = this.toRvalue();
if (result == null) {
this.compileError("Expression \"" + this.toString() + "\" is not an rvalue");
return new Rvalue(this.getLocation()) {
public IClass compileGet() { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public IClass getType() { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public String toString() { return Atom.this.toString(); }
public void visit(Visitor visitor) {}
return result;
public final Lvalue toLvalueOrCE() throws CompileException {
Lvalue result = this.toLvalue();
if (result == null) {
this.compileError("Expression \"" + this.toString() + "\" is not an lvalue");
return new Lvalue(this.getLocation()) {
public IClass compileGet() { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public IClass getType() { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public void compileSet() {}
public String toString() { return Atom.this.toString(); }
public void visit(Visitor visitor) {}
return result;
public abstract IClass getType() throws CompileException;
public boolean isType() throws CompileException {
return this instanceof Type;
public abstract void visit(Visitor visitor);
* Representation of a Java<sup>TM</sup> type.
public static abstract class Type extends Atom {
protected Type(Scanner.Location location) {
public Type toType() { return this; }
public static final class SimpleType extends Type {
private final IClass iClass;
public SimpleType(Scanner.Location location, IClass iClass) {
this.iClass = iClass;
public IClass getType() { return this.iClass; }
public String toString() { return this.iClass.toString(); }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitSimpleType(this); }
* Representation of a Java<sup>TM</sup> "basic type" (obviously
* equaivalent to a "primitive type") (JLS 4.2).
public static final class BasicType extends Type {
public BasicType(Scanner.Location location, int index) {
this.index = index;
public IClass getType() {
switch (this.index) {
case BasicType.VOID: return IClass.VOID;
case BasicType.BYTE: return IClass.BYTE;
case BasicType.SHORT: return IClass.SHORT;
case BasicType.CHAR: return IClass.CHAR;
case BasicType.INT: return IClass.INT;
case BasicType.LONG: return IClass.LONG;
case BasicType.FLOAT: return IClass.FLOAT;
case BasicType.DOUBLE: return IClass.DOUBLE;
case BasicType.BOOLEAN: return IClass.BOOLEAN;
default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid index " + this.index);
public String toString() {
switch (this.index) {
case BasicType.VOID: return "void";
case BasicType.BYTE: return "byte";
case BasicType.SHORT: return "short";
case BasicType.CHAR: return "char";
case BasicType.INT: return "int";
case BasicType.LONG: return "long";
case BasicType.FLOAT: return "float";
case BasicType.DOUBLE: return "double";
case BasicType.BOOLEAN: return "boolean";
default: throw new RuntimeException("Invalid index " + this.index);
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitBasicType(this); }
public static final int VOID = 0;
public static final int BYTE = 1;
public static final int SHORT = 2;
public static final int CHAR = 3;
public static final int INT = 4;
public static final int LONG = 5;
public static final int FLOAT = 6;
public static final int DOUBLE = 7;
public static final int BOOLEAN = 8;
private final int index;
public static final class ReferenceType extends Type {
public ReferenceType(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
String[] identifiers
) {
this.scope = scope;
this.identifiers = identifiers;
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
TypeDeclaration scopeTypeDeclaration = null;
CompilationUnit scopeCompilationUnit;
Scope s = this.scope;
// Determine scope statement.
if (s instanceof Statement) {
for (s = s.getEnclosingScope(); s instanceof Statement; s = s.getEnclosingScope());
if (s instanceof FunctionDeclarator) {
s = s.getEnclosingScope();
// Determine scope class or interface.
if (s instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
scopeTypeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration) s;
// Determine scope compilationUnit.
if (s != null) while (!(s instanceof CompilationUnit)) s = s.getEnclosingScope();
scopeCompilationUnit = (CompilationUnit) s;
if (this.identifiers.length == 1) {
// Simple type name (single identifier).
String simpleTypeName = this.identifiers[0];
// Local class.
for (Scope s = this.scope; s instanceof Block; s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
Block b = (Block) s;
LocalClassDeclaration lcd = b.getLocalClassDeclaration(simpleTypeName);
if (lcd != null) return lcd;
// Member type.
for (Scope s = scopeTypeDeclaration; s != null; s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
if (s instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
IClass mt = Java.findMemberType((IClass) s, simpleTypeName, this.getLocation());
if (mt != null) return mt;
if (scopeCompilationUnit != null) {
// Single-type import.
String[] ss = (String[]) scopeCompilationUnit.singleTypeImports.get(simpleTypeName);
if (ss != null) {
IClass iClass = Java.loadFullyQualifiedClass(ss);
if (iClass != null) return iClass;
this.compileError("Imported class \"" + Java.join(ss, ".") + "\" could not be loaded");
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
// Type declared in same compilation unit.
PackageMemberTypeDeclaration pmtd = scopeCompilationUnit.getPackageMemberTypeDeclaration(simpleTypeName);
if (pmtd != null) return (IClass) pmtd;
// Type declared in other compilation unit of same
// package.
String pkg = scopeCompilationUnit.optionalPackage;
IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
IClass result = icl.loadIClass(Descriptor.fromClassName(
pkg == null ?
simpleTypeName :
pkg + "." + simpleTypeName
if (result != null) return result;
// Type-import-on-demand declaration.
IClass importedClass = scopeCompilationUnit.importTypeOnDemand(simpleTypeName, this.getLocation());
if (importedClass != null) return importedClass;
// Give up.
this.compileError("Cannot determine simple type name \"" + simpleTypeName + "\"");
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
} else {
// Qualified type name (two or more identifiers).
Atom q = Java.reclassifyName(this.getLocation(), this.scope, this.identifiers, this.identifiers.length - 1);
String className;
if (q instanceof Package) {
className = Java.join(this.identifiers, ".");
} else {
// CLASS.CLASS (member type)
className = (
+ '$'
+ this.identifiers[this.identifiers.length - 1]
IClass result = Java.getIClassLoader().loadIClass(Descriptor.fromClassName(className));
if (result != null) return result;
this.compileError("Class \"" + className + "\" not found");
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
public String toString() { return join(this.identifiers, "."); }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitReferenceType(this); }
private final String[] identifiers;
private final Scope scope;
// Helper class for JLS 15.9.1
public static final class RvalueMemberType extends Type {
private final Rvalue rvalue;
private final String identifier;
public RvalueMemberType(
Scanner.Location location,
Rvalue rvalue,
String identifier
) {
this.rvalue = rvalue;
this.identifier = identifier;
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
IClass rvt = this.rvalue.getType();
IClass memberType = Java.findMemberType(rvt, this.identifier, this.getLocation());
if (memberType == null) this.compileError("\"" + rvt + "\" has no member type \"" + this.identifier + "\"");
return memberType;
public String toString() { return this.identifier; }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitRvalueMemberType(this); }
* Representation of a Java<sup>TM</sup> array type (JLS 10.1).
public static final class ArrayType extends Type {
public ArrayType(Type componentType) {
this.componentType = componentType;
public Type getComponentType() {
return this.componentType;
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return Java.getArrayType(this.componentType.getType());
public String toString() {
return this.componentType.toString() + "[]";
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitArrayType(this); }
final Type componentType;
* Representation of an "rvalue", i.e. an expression that has a type and
* a value, but cannot be assigned to: An expression that can be the
* right-hand-side of an assignment.
public static abstract class Rvalue extends Atom {
protected Rvalue(
Scanner.Location location
) {
public Rvalue toRvalue() { return this; }
* Some {@link Java.Rvalue}s compile more efficiently when their value
* is not needed, e.g. "i++".
public void compile() throws CompileException {
Java.pop((Located) this, this.compileGetValue());
* Convenience function that calls {@link
* #compileContext()} and {@link
* #compileGet()}.
* @return The type of the Rvalue
public IClass compileGetValue() throws CompileException {
Object cv = this.getConstantValue();
if (cv != null) {
Java.pushConstant((Located) this, cv);
return this.getType();
return this.compileGet();
* Generates code that determines the context of the {@link
* Java.Rvalue} and puts it on the operand stack. Most expressions
* do not have a "context", but some do. E.g. for "x[y]", the context
* is "x, y". The bottom line is that for statements like "x[y] += 3"
* the context is only evaluated once.
* @return The size of the context on the operand stack
public int compileContext() throws CompileException {
return 0;
* Generates code that determines the value of the {@link Java.Rvalue}
* and puts it on the operand stack. This method relies on that the
* "context" of the {@link Java.Rvalue} is on top of the operand stack
* (see {@link #compileContext()}).
* @return The type of the {@link Java.Rvalue}
public abstract IClass compileGet() throws CompileException;
* Some {@link Java.Rvalue}s compile more efficiently when their value is the
* condition for a branch.<br>
* Notice that if "this" is a constant, then either "dst" is never
* branched to, or it is unconditionally branched to. "Unexamined code"
* errors may result during bytecode validation.
public void compileBoolean(
CodeContext.Offset dst, // Where to jump.
boolean orientation // JUMP_IF_TRUE or JUMP_IF_FALSE.
) throws CompileException {
Object cv = this.getConstantValue();
if (cv instanceof Boolean) {
if (orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE ^ ((Boolean) cv).booleanValue()) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, dst);
if (this.compileGetValue() != IClass.BOOLEAN) this.compileError("Not a boolean expression");
this.writeBranch(orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE ? Opcode.IFNE : Opcode.IFEQ, dst);
* Attempts to evaluate as a constant expression.
* <p>
* <table>
* <tr><th>Expression type</th><th>Return value type</th></tr>
* <tr><td>String</td><td>String</td></tr>
* <tr><td>byte</td><td>Byte</td></tr>
* <tr><td>short</td><td>Chort</td></tr>
* <tr><td>int</td><td>Integer</td></tr>
* <tr><td>boolean</td><td>Boolean</td></tr>
* <tr><td>char</td><td>Character</td></tr>
* <tr><td>float</td><td>Float</td></tr>
* <tr><td>long</td><td>Long</td></tr>
* <tr><td>double</td><td>Double</td></tr>
* <tr><td>null</td><td>{@link #CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL}</td></tr>
* </table>
public final Object getConstantValue() throws CompileException {
if (this.constantValue == Java.Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_UNKNOWN) {
this.constantValue = this.getConstantValue2();
return this.constantValue;
private static final Object CONSTANT_VALUE_UNKNOWN = new Object();
private Object constantValue = Java.Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_UNKNOWN;
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
return null;
public static final Object CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL = new Throwable();
* Attempts to evaluate the negated value of a constant {@link Java.Rvalue}.
* This is particularly relevant for the smalles value of a numeric
* literal.
* @return null if value is not constant; otherwise a String, Byte,
* Short, Integer, Boolean, Character, Float, Long or Double
public Object getNegatedConstantValue() throws CompileException {
return null;
public final static boolean JUMP_IF_TRUE = true;
public final static boolean JUMP_IF_FALSE = false;
* Base class for {@link Java.Rvalue}s that compile better as conditional
* branches.
public static abstract class BooleanRvalue extends Rvalue {
protected BooleanRvalue(Scanner.Location location) {
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
// Constant value?
Object cv = this.getConstantValue();
if (cv instanceof Boolean) {
((Boolean) cv).booleanValue() ?
Opcode.ICONST_1 :
return IClass.BOOLEAN;
CodeContext.Offset isTrue = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.compileBoolean(isTrue, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE);
CodeContext.Offset end = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, end);
return IClass.BOOLEAN;
* Representation of an "lvalue", i.e. an expression that has a type and
* a value, and can be assigned to: An expression that can be the
* left-hand-side of an assignment.
public static abstract class Lvalue extends Rvalue {
protected Lvalue(Scanner.Location location) {
public Lvalue toLvalue() { return this; }
* Generates code that stores a value in the {@link Java.Lvalue}.
* Expects the {@link Java.Lvalue}'s context (see {@link
* #compileContext}) and a value of the {@link Java.Lvalue}'s type
* on the operand stack.
public abstract void compileSet() throws CompileException;
* This class is special: It does not extend/implement the Atom subclasses,
* but overrides Atom's "to...()" methods.
public static final class AmbiguousName extends Lvalue {
public AmbiguousName(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
String[] identifiers
) {
this(location, scope, identifiers, identifiers.length);
public AmbiguousName(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
String[] identifiers,
int n
) {
this.scope = scope;
this.identifiers = identifiers;
this.n = n;
// Override "Atom.toType()".
public Type toType() {
return new Type(this.getLocation()) {
public boolean isType() throws CompileException {
return AmbiguousName.this.reclassify().isType();
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return AmbiguousName.this.reclassify().toTypeOrCE().getType();
public String toString() {
return AmbiguousName.this.toString();
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { AmbiguousName.this.visit(visitor); }
// Compile time members.
// Implement "Type".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.reclassify().getType();
public boolean isType() throws CompileException {
return this.reclassify().isType();
// Implement "Rvalue".
public int compileContext() throws CompileException {
return AmbiguousName.this.reclassify().toRvalueOrCE().compileContext();
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
return AmbiguousName.this.reclassify().toRvalueOrCE().compileGet();
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
return AmbiguousName.this.reclassify().toRvalueOrCE().getConstantValue();
// Implement "Lvalue".
public void compileSet() throws CompileException {
public String toString() {
return Java.join(this.identifiers, ".", 0, this.n);
/*private*/ Atom reclassify() throws CompileException {
if (this.reclassified == null) {
this.reclassified = Java.reclassifyName(
this.identifiers, this.n
return this.reclassified;
private Atom reclassified = null;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitAmbiguousName(this); }
private final Scope scope;
private final String[] identifiers;
private final int n;
// Helper class for,
static final class Package extends Atom {
public Package(Scanner.Location location, String name) {
this.name = name;
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
this.compileError("Unknown variable or type \"" + this.name + "\"");
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
public String getName() { return this.name; }
public String toString() { return this.name; }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitPackage(this); }
private final String name;
* <p>
* Reclassify the ambiguous name consisting of the first <code>n</code> of the
* <code>identifers</code>.
* @param location
* @param scope
* @param identifiers
* @param n
* @return
* @throws CompileException
private static Atom reclassifyName(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
final String[] identifiers,
int n
) throws CompileException {
if (n == 1) return Java.reclassifyName(
Atom lhs = Java.reclassifyName(
identifiers, n - 1
String rhs = identifiers[n - 1];
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println("lhs = " + lhs);
if (lhs instanceof Package) {
String className = ((Package) lhs).getName() + '.' + rhs;
IClass result = Java.getIClassLoader().loadIClass(Descriptor.fromClassName(className));
if (result != null) return new SimpleType(location, result);
return new Package(location, className);
// EXPRESSION.length
if (rhs.equals("length") && lhs.getType().isArray()) {
return new ArrayLength(location, lhs.toRvalueOrCE());
IClass lhsType = lhs.getType();
// Notice: Don't need to check for TYPE.METHOD and
// EXPRESSION.METHOD here because that has been done before.
IClass.IField field = Java.findIField(lhsType, rhs, location);
if (field != null) {
return new FieldAccess(location, lhs, field);
IClass[] classes = lhsType.getDeclaredIClasses();
for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; ++i) {
final IClass memberType = classes[i];
String name = Descriptor.toClassName(memberType.getDescriptor());
name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('$') + 1);
if (name.equals(rhs)) {
return new SimpleType(location, memberType);
Java.compileError("\"" + rhs + "\" is neither a method, a field, nor a member class of \"" + lhsType + "\"", location);
return new Atom(location) {
public IClass getType() { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public String toString() { return Java.join(identifiers, "."); }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) {}
* @param location
* @param scope
* @param identifier
* @return
* @throws CompileException
private static Atom reclassifyName(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
final String identifier
) throws CompileException {
// Determine scope type body declaration, type and compilation unit.
TypeBodyDeclaration scopeTBD = null;
TypeDeclaration scopeTypeDeclaration = null;
CompilationUnit scopeCompilationUnit;
Scope s = scope;
while (s instanceof Statement && !(s instanceof TypeBodyDeclaration)) s = s.getEnclosingScope();
if (s instanceof TypeBodyDeclaration) {
scopeTBD = (TypeBodyDeclaration) s;
s = s.getEnclosingScope();
if (s instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
scopeTypeDeclaration = (TypeDeclaration) s;
s = s.getEnclosingScope();
while (!(s instanceof CompilationUnit)) s = s.getEnclosingScope();
scopeCompilationUnit = (CompilationUnit) s;
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B1.1/ Local variable.
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B1.2/ Parameter.
InnerClassDeclaration icd = null;
for (Scope s = scope; !(s instanceof CompilationUnit); s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
if (s instanceof InnerClassDeclaration) {
icd = (InnerClassDeclaration) s;
LocalVariable lv = null;
if (s instanceof Block) {
Block b = (Block) s;
lv = (LocalVariable) b.localVariables.get(identifier);
} else
if (s instanceof FunctionDeclarator) {
FunctionDeclarator fd = (FunctionDeclarator) s;
lv = (LocalVariable) fd.parameters.get(identifier);
if (lv == null) continue;
if (icd == null) {
return new LocalVariableAccess(location, lv);
} else {
if (!lv.finaL) Java.compileError("Cannot access non-final local variable \"" + identifier + "\" from inner class");
final IClass lvType = lv.type;
IClass.IField iField = ((IClass) icd).new IField() {
public Object getConstantValue() { return null; }
public String getName() { return "val$" + identifier; }
public IClass getType() { return lvType; }
public boolean isStatic() { return false; }
public int getAccess() { return IClass.PACKAGE; }
return new FieldAccess(
location, // location
new QualifiedThisReference( // lhs
location, // location
(Scope) scopeTBD, // scope
new SimpleType(location, (IClass) icd) // qualification
iField // field
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B1.3/ Field.
for (Scope s = scope; !(s instanceof CompilationUnit); s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
if (s instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
final TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) s;
final IClass.IField f = Java.findIField((IClass) td, identifier, location);
if (f != null) {
if (f.isStatic()) {
Java.warning("IASF", "Implicit access to static field \"" + identifier + "\" of declaring class (better write \"" + f.getDeclaringIClass() + '.' + f.getName() + "\")", location);
} else
if (f.getDeclaringIClass() == td) {
Java.warning("IANSF", "Implicit access to non-static field \"" + identifier + "\" of declaring class (better write \"this." + f.getName() + "\")", location);
} else {
Java.warning("IANSFEI", "Implicit access to non-static field \"" + identifier + "\" of enclosing instance (better write \"" + f.getDeclaringIClass() + ".this." + f.getName() + "\")", location);
Java.Type ct = new SimpleType(scopeTypeDeclaration.getLocation(), (IClass) td);
Atom lhs;
if (scopeTBD.isStatic()) {
// Field access in static method context.
lhs = ct;
} else
// Field access in non-static method context.
if (f.isStatic()) {
// Access to static field.
lhs = ct;
} else {
// Access to non-static field.
lhs = new QualifiedThisReference(location, (Scope) scopeTBD, ct);
return new FieldAccess(location, lhs, f);
// Hack: "java" MUST be a package, not a class.
if (identifier.equals("java")) return new Package(location, identifier);
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B2.1 Local class.
for (Scope s = scope; s instanceof Block; s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
Block b = (Block) s;
LocalClassDeclaration lcd = b.getLocalClassDeclaration(identifier);
if (lcd != null) return new SimpleType(location, lcd);
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B2.2 Member type.
if (scopeTypeDeclaration != null) {
IClass memberType = Java.findMemberType((IClass) scopeTypeDeclaration, identifier, location);
if (memberType != null) return new SimpleType(location, memberType);
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B3.1 Single-type-import.
if (scopeCompilationUnit != null) {
String[] ss = (String[]) scopeCompilationUnit.singleTypeImports.get(identifier);
if (ss != null) {
IClass iClass = Java.loadFullyQualifiedClass(ss);
if (iClass == null) {
Java.compileError("Cannot load imported class \"" + Java.join(ss, ".") + "\"", location);
return new Atom(location) {
public IClass getType() { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public String toString() { return identifier; }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) {}
return new SimpleType(location, iClass);
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B3.2 Package member class/interface declared in this compilation unit.
if (scopeCompilationUnit != null) {
PackageMemberTypeDeclaration pmtd = scopeCompilationUnit.getPackageMemberTypeDeclaration(identifier);
if (pmtd != null) return new SimpleType(location, (IClass) pmtd);
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B4 Class or interface declared in same package.
if (scopeCompilationUnit != null) {
String className = (
scopeCompilationUnit.optionalPackage == null ?
identifier :
scopeCompilationUnit.optionalPackage + '.' + identifier
IClass result = Java.getIClassLoader().loadIClass(Descriptor.fromClassName(className));
if (result != null) return new SimpleType(location, result);
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B5, 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B6 Type-import-on-demand.
if (scopeCompilationUnit != null) {
IClass importedClass = scopeCompilationUnit.importTypeOnDemand(identifier, location);
if (importedClass != null) {
return new SimpleType(location, importedClass);
// 6.5.2.BL1.B1.B7 Package name
return new Package(location, identifier);
* Representation of a local variable access.
static final class LocalVariableAccess extends Lvalue {
public LocalVariableAccess(
Scanner.Location location,
LocalVariable localVariable
) {
this.localVariable = localVariable;
/*final*/ LocalVariable localVariable;
// Compile time members.
public IClass getType() { return this.localVariable.type; }
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
return Java.load((Located) this, this.localVariable);
public void compileSet() throws CompileException {
(Located) this,
public String toString() { return this.localVariable.toString(); }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitLocalVariableAccess(this); }
* Representation of an access to a field of a class or an interface. (Does not implement the
* "array length" expression, e.g. "ia.length".)
static final class FieldAccess extends Lvalue {
public FieldAccess(
Scanner.Location location,
Atom lhs,
IClass.IField field
) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.field = field;
final Atom lhs;
final IClass.IField field;
// Compile time members.
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.field.getType();
public String toString() { return this.lhs.toString() + '.' + this.field.toString(); }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public int compileContext() throws CompileException {
if (this.field.isStatic()) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
if (this.field.isStatic()) {
} else {
this.field.getDeclaringIClass().getDescriptor(), // classFD
this.field.getName(), // fieldName
this.field.getType().getDescriptor() // fieldFD
return this.field.getType();
public void compileSet() throws CompileException {
this.field.isStatic() ?
this.field.getDeclaringIClass().getDescriptor(), // classFD
this.field.getName(), // fieldName
this.field.getDescriptor() // fieldFD
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
return this.field.getConstantValue();
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitFieldAccess(this); }
static final class ArrayLength extends Rvalue {
public ArrayLength(
Scanner.Location location,
Rvalue lhs
) {
this.lhs = lhs;
final Rvalue lhs;
// Compile time members.
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return IClass.INT;
public String toString() { return this.lhs.toString() + ".length"; }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public int compileContext() throws CompileException {
if (!this.lhs.compileGetValue().isArray()) this.compileError("Cannot determine length of non-array type");
return 1;
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
return IClass.INT;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitArrayLength(this); }
* Representation of an access to the current object or an enclosing instance.
public static final class ThisReference extends Rvalue {
* Access the declaring class.
* @param location
* @param scope
public ThisReference(Scanner.Location location, Scope scope) {
this.scope = scope;
private final Scope scope;
// Compile time members.
public ThisReference(
Scanner.Location location,
IClass iClass
) {
this.scope = null;
this.iClass = iClass;
private IClass iClass = null;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.getIClass();
public String toString() { return "this"; }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
Java.referenceThis((Located) this);
return this.getIClass();
// Internal helpers.
private IClass getIClass() throws CompileException {
if (this.iClass == null) {
// Compile error if in static function context.
Scope s;
for (s = this.scope; s instanceof Statement; s = s.getEnclosingScope());
if (s instanceof FunctionDeclarator) {
FunctionDeclarator function = (FunctionDeclarator) s;
if ((function.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0) this.compileError("No current instance available in static method");
// Determine declaring type.
while (!(s instanceof TypeDeclaration)) s = s.getEnclosingScope();
if (!(s instanceof ClassDeclaration)) this.compileError("Only methods of classes can have a current instance");
this.iClass = (ClassDeclaration) s;
return this.iClass;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitThisReference(this); }
* Representation of an access to the current object or an enclosing instance.
public static final class QualifiedThisReference extends Rvalue {
* Access the given enclosing instance of the declaring class.
* @param location
* @param scope
* @param qualification
public QualifiedThisReference(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
Type qualification
) {
if (scope == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (qualification == null) throw new NullPointerException();
this.scope = scope;
this.qualification = qualification;
private final Scope scope;
final Type qualification;
// Compile time members.
private ClassDeclaration declaringClass = null;
private TypeBodyDeclaration declaringTypeBodyDeclaration = null;
private IClass targetIClass = null;
public QualifiedThisReference(
Scanner.Location location,
ClassDeclaration declaringClass,
FunctionDeclarator optionalDeclaringFunction,
IClass targetIClass
) {
if (declaringClass == null) throw new NullPointerException();
if (targetIClass == null) throw new NullPointerException();
this.scope = null;
this.qualification = null;
this.declaringClass = declaringClass;
this.declaringTypeBodyDeclaration = optionalDeclaringFunction;
this.targetIClass = targetIClass;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.getTargetIClass();
public String toString() {
return this.qualification.toString() + ".this";
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
(Located) this,
return this.getTargetIClass();
// Internal helpers.
private ClassDeclaration getDeclaringClass() throws CompileException {
if (this.declaringClass == null) {
return this.declaringClass;
private TypeBodyDeclaration getDeclaringTypeBodyDeclaration() throws CompileException {
if (this.declaringTypeBodyDeclaration == null) {
// Compile error if in static function context.
Scope s;
for (s = this.scope; !(s instanceof TypeBodyDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
this.declaringTypeBodyDeclaration = (TypeBodyDeclaration) s;
if (this.declaringTypeBodyDeclaration.isStatic()) this.compileError("No current instance available in static method");
// Determine declaring type.
this.declaringClass = (ClassDeclaration) this.declaringTypeBodyDeclaration.getDeclaringType();
return this.declaringTypeBodyDeclaration;
private IClass getTargetIClass() throws CompileException {
// Determine target type.
if (this.targetIClass == null) {
this.targetIClass = this.qualification.getType();
return this.targetIClass;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitQualifiedThisReference(this); }
static void referenceThis(Located located) {
static void referenceThis(
Located located,
ClassDeclaration declaringClass,
TypeBodyDeclaration declaringTypeBodyDeclaration,
IClass targetIClass
) throws CompileException {
List path = Java.getOuterClasses(declaringClass);
if (declaringTypeBodyDeclaration.isStatic()) located.compileError("No current instance available instatic context");
int j;
for (j = 0; j < path.size(); ++j) {
// Notice: JLS 15.9.2.BL1.B3.B1.B2 seems to be wrong: Obviously, JAVAC does not
// only allow
// O is the nth lexically enclosing class
// , but also
// O is assignable from the nth lexically enclosing class
// However, this strategy bears the risk of ambiguities, because "O" may be
// assignable from more than one enclosing class.
if (targetIClass.isAssignableFrom((IClass) path.get(j))) break TARGET_FOUND;
located.compileError("\"" + declaringClass + "\" is not enclosed by \"" + targetIClass + "\"");
int i;
if (declaringTypeBodyDeclaration instanceof ConstructorDeclarator) {
if (j == 0) {
ConstructorDeclarator constructorDeclarator = (ConstructorDeclarator) declaringTypeBodyDeclaration;
LocalVariable syntheticParameter = (LocalVariable) constructorDeclarator.syntheticParameters.get("this$" + (path.size() - 2));
if (syntheticParameter == null) throw new RuntimeException();
Java.load(located, syntheticParameter);
i = 1;
} else {
i = 0;
for (; i < j; ++i) {
final String fieldName = "this$" + (path.size() - i - 2);
final IClass inner = (IClass) path.get(i);
final IClass outer = (IClass) path.get(i + 1);
((InnerClassDeclaration) inner).defineSyntheticField(inner.new IField() {
public Object getConstantValue() { return null; }
public String getName() { return fieldName; }
public IClass getType() { return outer; }
public boolean isStatic() { return false; }
public int getAccess() { return IClass.PACKAGE; }
inner.getDescriptor(), // classFD
fieldName, // fieldName
outer.getDescriptor() // fieldFD
* Return a list consisting of the given <code>inner</code> class and all its outer classes.
* @return {@link List} of {@link IClass}
private static List getOuterClasses(IClass inner) throws CompileException {
List path = new ArrayList();
for (IClass ic = inner; ic != null; ic = ic.getOuterIClass()) path.add(ic);
return path;
public static final class ClassLiteral extends Rvalue {
private final AbstractTypeDeclaration declaringType;
final Type type;
public ClassLiteral(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
Type type
) {
Scope s;
for (s = enclosingScope; !(s instanceof AbstractTypeDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
this.declaringType = (AbstractTypeDeclaration) s;
this.type = type;
// Compile time members.
//Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return Java.getIClassLoader().CLASS;
public String toString() { return this.type.toString() + ".class"; }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
Scanner.Location loc = this.getLocation();
final IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
IClass iClass = this.type.getType();
if (iClass.isPrimitive()) {
// Primitive class literal.
String wrapperClassDescriptor = (
iClass == IClass.VOID ? "Ljava/lang/Void;" :
iClass == IClass.BYTE ? "Ljava/lang/Byte;" :
iClass == IClass.CHAR ? "Ljava/lang/Character;" :
iClass == IClass.DOUBLE ? "Ljava/lang/Double;" :
iClass == IClass.FLOAT ? "Ljava/lang/Float;" :
iClass == IClass.INT ? "Ljava/lang/Integer;" :
iClass == IClass.LONG ? "Ljava/lang/Long;" :
iClass == IClass.SHORT ? "Ljava/lang/Short;" :
iClass == IClass.BOOLEAN ? "Ljava/lang/Boolean;" :
if (wrapperClassDescriptor == null) throw new RuntimeException();
wrapperClassDescriptor, // classFD
"TYPE", // fieldName
"Ljava/lang/Class;" // fieldFD
return icl.CLASS;
// Non-primitive class literal.
// Check if synthetic method "static Class class$(String className)" is already
// declared.
boolean classDollarMethodDeclared = false;
for (Iterator it = this.declaringType.declaredMethods.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
MethodDeclarator md = (MethodDeclarator) it.next();
if (md.getName().equals("class$")) {
classDollarMethodDeclared = true;
if (!classDollarMethodDeclared) this.declareClassDollarMethod();
// Determine the statics of the declaring class (this is where static fields
// declarations are found).
List statics; // TypeBodyDeclaration
if (this.declaringType instanceof ClassDeclaration) {
statics = ((ClassDeclaration) this.declaringType).variableDeclaratorsAndInitializers;
} else
if (this.declaringType instanceof InterfaceDeclaration) {
statics = ((InterfaceDeclaration) this.declaringType).constantDeclarations;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException();
String className = Descriptor.toClassName(iClass.getDescriptor());
final String classDollarFieldName = "class$" + className.replace('.', '$');
// Declare the static "class dollar field" if not already done.
boolean hasClassDollarField = false;
BLOCK_STATEMENTS: for (Iterator it = statics.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
TypeBodyDeclaration tbd = (TypeBodyDeclaration) it.next();
if (!tbd.isStatic()) continue;
if (tbd instanceof FieldDeclarator) {
FieldDeclarator fd = (FieldDeclarator) tbd;
IClass.IField[] fds = fd.getIFields();
for (int j = 0; j < fds.length; ++j) {
if (fds[j].getName().equals(classDollarFieldName)) {
hasClassDollarField = true;
if (!hasClassDollarField) {
Type classType = new SimpleType(loc, icl.CLASS);
FieldDeclarator fd = new FieldDeclarator(
loc, // location
this.declaringType, // declaringType
Mod.STATIC, // modifiers
classType // type
fd.setVariableDeclarators(new VariableDeclarator[] {
new VariableDeclarator(
loc, // location
classDollarFieldName, // name
0, // brackets
(Rvalue) null // optionalInitializer
if (this.declaringType instanceof ClassDeclaration) {
((ClassDeclaration) this.declaringType).addVariableDeclaratorOrInitializer(fd);
} else
if (this.declaringType instanceof InterfaceDeclaration) {
((InterfaceDeclaration) this.declaringType).addConstantDeclaration(fd);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException();
// return (class$X != null) ? class$X : (class$X = class$("X"));
Type declaringClassOrInterfaceType = new SimpleType(loc, this.declaringType);
Lvalue classDollarFieldAccess = new Lvalue(loc) {
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
ClassLiteral.this.declaringType.getDescriptor(), // classFD
classDollarFieldName, // fieldName
icl.CLASS.getDescriptor() // fieldFD
return icl.CLASS;
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return icl.CLASS;
public String toString() { return "???"; }
public void compileSet() throws CompileException {
ClassLiteral.this.declaringType.getDescriptor(), // classFD
classDollarFieldName, // fieldName
icl.CLASS.getDescriptor() // fieldFD
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) {}
return new ConditionalExpression(
loc, // location
new BinaryOperation( // lhs
loc, // location
classDollarFieldAccess, // lhs
"!=", // op
new ConstantValue(loc, null) // rhs
classDollarFieldAccess, // mhs
new Assignment( // rhs
loc, // location
classDollarFieldAccess, // lhs
"=", // operator
new MethodInvocation( // rhs
loc, // location
(Scope) this.declaringType, // scope
declaringClassOrInterfaceType, // optionalTarget
"class$", // methodName
new Rvalue[] { // arguments
new ConstantValue(
loc, // location
className // constantValue
private void declareClassDollarMethod() {
final IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
// Method "class$" is not yet declared; declare it like
// static java.lang.Class class$(java.lang.String className) {
// try {
// return java.lang.Class.forName(className);
// } catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException ex) {
// throw new java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError(ex.getMessage());
// }
// }
Scanner.Location loc = this.getLocation();
Type stringType = new SimpleType(loc, icl.STRING);
Type classType = new SimpleType(loc, icl.CLASS);
// Class class$(String className)
FormalParameter fp = new FormalParameter(false, stringType, "className");
MethodDeclarator cdmd = new MethodDeclarator(
loc, // location
this.declaringType, // declaringType
Mod.STATIC, // modifiers
classType, // type
"class$", // name
new FormalParameter[] { fp }, // formalParameters
new Java.Type[0] // thrownExceptions
Block body = new Block(loc, (Scope) cdmd);
// try {
TryStatement ts = new TryStatement(loc, (Scope) cdmd);
// return Class.forName(className);
MethodInvocation mi = new MethodInvocation(
loc, // location
(Scope) ts, // enclosingScope
classType, // optionalTarget
"forName", // methodName
new Rvalue[] { // arguments
new AmbiguousName(loc, (Scope) ts, new String[] { "className" } )
ts.setBody(new ReturnStatement(loc, (Scope) ts, mi));
IClass classNotFoundExceptionIClass = icl.loadIClass("Ljava/lang/ClassNotFoundException;");
if (classNotFoundExceptionIClass == null) throw new RuntimeException();
IClass noClassDefFoundErrorIClass = icl.loadIClass("Ljava/lang/NoClassDefFoundError;");
if (noClassDefFoundErrorIClass == null) throw new RuntimeException();
// catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
Block b = new Block(loc, (Scope) ts);
CatchClause cc = new CatchClause(
new FormalParameter(true, new SimpleType(loc, classNotFoundExceptionIClass), "ex"), // caughtException
b // body
// throw new NoClassDefFoundError(ex.getMessage());
NewClassInstance nci = new NewClassInstance(
loc, // location
(Scope) b, // scope
(Rvalue) null, // optionalQualification
new SimpleType(loc, noClassDefFoundErrorIClass), // type
new Rvalue[] { // arguments
new MethodInvocation(
loc, // location
(Scope) b, // enclosingScope
new AmbiguousName(loc, (Scope) b, new String[] { "ex"} ), // optionalTarget
"getMessage", // methodName
new Rvalue[0] // arguments
b.addStatement(new ThrowStatement(loc, (Scope) b, nci));
this.declaringType.declaredIMethods = null;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitClassLiteral(this); }
public static final class Assignment extends Rvalue {
public Assignment(
Scanner.Location location,
Lvalue lhs,
String operator,
Rvalue rhs
) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.operator = operator;
this.rhs = rhs;
final Lvalue lhs;
final String operator;
final Rvalue rhs;
// Compile time members.
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.lhs.getType();
public String toString() { return this.lhs.toString() + ' ' + this.operator + ' ' + this.rhs.toString(); }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public void compile() throws Java.CompileException {
if (this.operator == "=") {
(Located) this, // located
this.rhs.compileGetValue(), // sourceType
this.lhs.getType(), // targetType
this.rhs.getConstantValue() // optionalConstantValue
// Implement "|= ^= &= *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>=".
int lhsCS = this.lhs.compileContext();
Java.dup((Located) this, lhsCS);
IClass lhsType = this.lhs.compileGet();
IClass resultType = Java.compileArithmeticBinaryOperation(
(Located) this, // located
lhsType, // lhsType
this.operator.substring( // operator
this.operator.length() - 1
).intern(), // <= IMPORTANT!
this.rhs // rhs
// Convert the result to LHS type (JLS2 15.26.2).
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(resultType, lhsType) &&
(Located) this, // located
resultType, // sourceType
lhsType // destinationType
) throw new RuntimeException();
public IClass compileGet() throws Java.CompileException {
if (this.operator == "=") {
int lhsCS = this.lhs.compileContext();
IClass rhsType = this.rhs.compileGetValue();
IClass lhsType = this.lhs.getType();
Object rhsCV = this.rhs.getConstantValue();
(Located) this, // located
rhsType, // sourceType
lhsType, // targetType
rhsCV // optionalConstantValue
(Located) this, // located
lhsType, // type
lhsCS // x
return lhsType;
// Implement "|= ^= &= *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= >>>=".
int lhsCS = this.lhs.compileContext();
Java.dup((Located) this, lhsCS);
IClass lhsType = this.lhs.compileGet();
IClass resultType = Java.compileArithmeticBinaryOperation(
(Located) this, // located
lhsType, // lhsType
this.operator.substring( // operator
this.operator.length() - 1
).intern(), // <= IMPORTANT!
this.rhs // rhs
// Convert the result to LHS type (JLS2 15.26.2).
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(resultType, lhsType) &&
(Located) this, // located
resultType, // sourceType
lhsType // destinationType
) throw new RuntimeException();
(Located) this, // located
lhsType, // type
lhsCS // x
return lhsType;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitAssignment(this); }
public static final class ConditionalExpression extends Rvalue {
public ConditionalExpression(
Scanner.Location location,
Rvalue lhs,
Rvalue mhs,
Rvalue rhs
) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.mhs = mhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.mhs.getType();
public String toString() { return this.lhs.toString() + " ? " + this.mhs.toString() + " : " + this.rhs.toString(); }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
IClass mhsType, rhsType;
CodeContext.Inserter mhsConvertInserter;
CodeContext.Offset toEnd = this.newUnsetOffset();
Object cv = this.lhs.getConstantValue();
if (cv instanceof Boolean) {
if (((Boolean) cv).booleanValue()) {
mhsType = this.mhs.compileGetValue();
mhsConvertInserter = this.newInserter();
rhsType = this.rhs.getType();
} else {
mhsType = this.mhs.getType();
mhsConvertInserter = null;
rhsType = this.rhs.compileGetValue();
} else {
CodeContext.Offset toRhs = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.lhs.compileBoolean(toRhs, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
mhsType = this.mhs.compileGetValue();
mhsConvertInserter = this.newInserter();
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, toEnd);
rhsType = this.rhs.compileGetValue();
IClass expressionType;
if (mhsType == rhsType) {
// JLS
expressionType = mhsType;
} else
if (mhsType.isPrimitiveNumeric() && rhsType.isPrimitiveNumeric()) {
// JLS
// JLS
expressionType = Java.binaryNumericPromotion(
(Located) this, // located
mhsType, // type1
mhsConvertInserter, // convertInserter1
rhsType // type2
} else
if (this.mhs.getConstantValue() == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL && !rhsType.isPrimitive()) {
// JLS (null : ref)
expressionType = rhsType;
} else
if (!mhsType.isPrimitive() && this.rhs.getConstantValue() == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL) {
// JLS (ref : null)
expressionType = mhsType;
} else
if (!mhsType.isPrimitive() && !rhsType.isPrimitive()) {
if (mhsType.isAssignableFrom(rhsType)) {
expressionType = mhsType;
} else
if (rhsType.isAssignableFrom(mhsType)) {
expressionType = rhsType;
} else {
this.compileError("Reference types \"" + mhsType + "\" and \"" + rhsType + "\" don't match");
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
} else
this.compileError("Incompatible expression types \"" + mhsType + "\" and \"" + rhsType + "\"");
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
return expressionType;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitConditionalExpression(this); }
final Rvalue lhs, mhs, rhs;
* Objects of this class represent represent one pre- or post-increment
* or decrement.
public static final class Crement extends Rvalue {
public Crement(Scanner.Location location, String operator, Lvalue operand) {
this.pre = true;
this.operator = operator;
this.operand = operand;
public Crement(Scanner.Location location, Lvalue operand, String operator) {
this.pre = false;
this.operator = operator;
this.operand = operand;
final boolean pre;
final String operator;
final Lvalue operand;
// Compile time members.
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.operand.getType();
public String toString() {
return (
this.pre ?
this.operator + this.operand :
this.operand + this.operator
// Implement "Rvalue".
public void compile() throws CompileException {
// Optimized crement of integer local variable.
LocalVariable lv = this.isIntLV();
if (lv != null) {
this.writeByte(this.operator == "++" ? 1 : -1);
int cs = this.operand.compileContext();
Java.dup((Located) this, cs);
IClass type = this.operand.compileGet();
IClass promotedType = Java.unaryNumericPromotion((Located) this, type);
if (this.operator == "++") {
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.IADD + Java.ilfd(promotedType));
} else
if (this.operator == "--") {
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.ISUB + Java.ilfd(promotedType));
} else {
this.compileError("Unexpected operator \"" + this.operator + "\"");
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(promotedType, type) &&
(Located) this, // located
promotedType, // sourceType
type // targetType
) throw new RuntimeException();
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
// Optimized crement of integer local variable.
LocalVariable lv = this.isIntLV();
if (lv != null) {
if (!this.pre) Java.load((Located) this, lv);
this.writeByte(this.operator == "++" ? 1 : -1);
if (this.pre) Java.load((Located) this, lv);
return lv.type;
// Compile operand context.
int cs = this.operand.compileContext();
// DUP operand context.
Java.dup((Located) this, cs);
// Get operand value.
IClass type = this.operand.compileGet();
// DUPX operand value.
if (!this.pre) Java.dupx((Located) this, type, cs);
// Apply "unary numeric promotion".
IClass promotedType = unaryNumericPromotion((Located) this, type);
// Crement.
if (this.operator == "++") {
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.IADD + Java.ilfd(promotedType));
} else
if (this.operator == "--") {
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.ISUB + Java.ilfd(promotedType));
} else {
this.compileError("Unexpected operator \"" + this.operator + "\"");
// Reverse "unary numeric promotion".
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(promotedType, type) &&
(Located) this, // located
promotedType, // sourceType
type // targetType
) throw new RuntimeException();
// DUPX cremented operand value.
if (this.pre) Java.dupx((Located) this, type, cs);
// Set operand.
return type;
* Checks whether the operand is an integer-like local variable.
private LocalVariable isIntLV() throws CompileException {
if (!(this.operand instanceof AmbiguousName)) return null;
AmbiguousName an = (AmbiguousName) this.operand;
Atom rec = an.reclassify();
if (!(rec instanceof LocalVariableAccess)) return null;
LocalVariableAccess lva = (LocalVariableAccess) rec;
LocalVariable lv = lva.localVariable;
if (lv.finaL) lva.compileError("Must not increment or decrement \"final\" local variable");
if (
lv.type == IClass.BYTE ||
lv.type == IClass.SHORT ||
lv.type == IClass.INT ||
lv.type == IClass.CHAR
) return lv;
return null;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitCrement(this); }
* This class implements an array access.
public static final class ArrayAccessExpression extends Lvalue {
public ArrayAccessExpression(
Scanner.Location location,
Rvalue lhs,
Rvalue index
) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.index = index;
final Rvalue lhs;
final Rvalue index;
// Compile time members:
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.lhs.getType().getComponentType();
public String toString() { return this.lhs.toString() + '[' + this.index + ']'; }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public int compileContext() throws Java.CompileException {
IClass lhsType = this.lhs.compileGetValue();
if (!lhsType.isArray()) this.compileError("Subscript not allowed on non-array type \"" + lhsType.toString() + "\"");
IClass indexType = this.index.compileGetValue();
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(indexType, IClass.INT) &&
(Located) this, // located
indexType, // sourceType
IClass.INT // targetType
) this.compileError("Index expression of type \"" + indexType + "\" cannot be widened to \"int\"");
return 2;
public IClass compileGet() throws Java.CompileException {
IClass lhsComponentType = this.getType();
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.IALOAD + Java.ilfdabcs(lhsComponentType));
return lhsComponentType;
// Implement Lvalue
public void compileSet() throws Java.CompileException {
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.IASTORE + Java.ilfdabcs(this.getType()));
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitArrayAccessExpression(this); }
* This class implements class or interface field access, and also the "array length"
* expression "xy.length".
public static final class FieldAccessExpression extends Lvalue {
public FieldAccessExpression(
Scanner.Location location,
Atom lhs,
String fieldName
) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.fieldName = fieldName;
final Atom lhs;
final String fieldName;
// Compile time members:
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.value.getType();
public String toString() { return this.lhs.toString() + '.' + this.fieldName; }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public int compileContext() throws Java.CompileException {
return this.value.compileContext();
public IClass compileGet() throws Java.CompileException {
return this.value.compileGet();
// Implement Lvalue
public void compileSet() throws Java.CompileException {
private void determineValue() throws Java.CompileException {
if (this.value != null) return;
IClass lhsType = this.lhs.getType();
if (this.fieldName.equals("length") && lhsType.isArray()) {
this.value = new ArrayLength(
} else {
IField iField = Java.findIField(lhsType, this.fieldName, this.getLocation());
if (iField == null) {
this.compileError("\"" + this.lhs.getType().toString() + "\" has no field \"" + this.fieldName + "\"");
this.value = new Rvalue(this.getLocation()) {
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public IClass getType() throws CompileException { return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT; }
public String toString() { return "???"; }
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) {}
this.value = new FieldAccess(
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitFieldAccessExpression(this); }
private Rvalue value = null;
* This class implements the unary operators "+", "-", "~" and "!".
public static final class UnaryOperation extends BooleanRvalue {
public UnaryOperation(
Scanner.Location location,
String operator,
Rvalue operand
) {
this.operator = operator;
this.operand = operand;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
if (this.operator == "!") return IClass.BOOLEAN;
if (this.operator == "+") return this.operand.getType();
if (
this.operator == "-" ||
this.operator == "~"
) return unaryNumericPromotionType(this, this.operand.getType());
this.compileError("Unexpected operator \"" + this.operator + "\"");
return IClass.BOOLEAN;
public String toString() { return this.operator + this.operand.toString(); }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
if (this.operator == "!") {
return super.compileGet();
if (this.operator == "+") {
return this.operand.compileGetValue();
if (this.operator == "-") {
IClass operandType = this.operand.compileGetValue();
IClass promotedType = unaryNumericPromotion((Located) this, operandType);
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.INEG + Java.ilfd(promotedType));
return promotedType;
if (this.operator == "~") {
IClass operandType = this.operand.compileGetValue();
IClass promotedType = unaryNumericPromotion((Located) this, operandType);
if (promotedType == IClass.INT) {
return IClass.INT;
if (promotedType == IClass.LONG) {
return IClass.LONG;
this.compileError("Operator \"~\" not applicable to type \"" + promotedType + "\"");
this.compileError("Unexpected operator \"" + this.operator + "\"");
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
// Implement Rvalue
public void compileBoolean(
CodeContext.Offset dst, // Where to jump.
boolean orientation // JUMP_IF_TRUE or JUMP_IF_FALSE.
) throws CompileException {
if (this.operator == "!") {
this.operand.compileBoolean(dst, !orientation);
this.compileError("Boolean expression expected");
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
if (this.operator.equals("+")) return this.operand.getConstantValue();
if (this.operator.equals("-")) return this.operand.getNegatedConstantValue();
if (this.operator.equals("!")) {
Object cv = this.operand.getConstantValue();
return cv instanceof Boolean ? (
((Boolean) cv).booleanValue() ? Boolean.FALSE : Boolean.TRUE
) : null;
return null;
public Object getNegatedConstantValue() throws CompileException {
return (
this.operator.equals("+") ? this.operand.getNegatedConstantValue() :
this.operator.equals("-") ? this.operand.getConstantValue() :
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitUnaryOperation(this); }
final String operator;
final Rvalue operand;
public static final class Instanceof extends Rvalue {
public Instanceof(
Scanner.Location location,
Rvalue lhs,
Type rhs // ReferenceType or ArrayType
) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
final Rvalue lhs;
final Type rhs;
// Compile time members.
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return IClass.BOOLEAN;
public String toString() { return this.lhs.toString() + " instanceof " + this.rhs.toString(); }
// Implement Rvalue
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
IClass lhsType = this.lhs.compileGetValue();
IClass rhsType = this.rhs.getType();
if (rhsType.isAssignableFrom(lhsType)) {
Java.pop((Located) this, lhsType);
} else
if (
lhsType.isInterface() ||
rhsType.isInterface() ||
) {
} else {
this.compileError("\"" + lhsType + "\" can never be an instance of \"" + rhsType + "\"");
return IClass.BOOLEAN;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitInstanceof(this); }
* Representation of all non-operand-modifying Java<sup>TM</sup> binary
* operations.
* <p>
* Operations with boolean result:<br>
* <tt>|| && == != < > <= >=</tt>
* <p>
* Operations with non-boolean result:<br>
* <tt>| ^ & * / % + - << >> >>></tt>
public static final class BinaryOperation extends BooleanRvalue {
public BinaryOperation(
Scanner.Location location,
Rvalue lhs,
String op,
Rvalue rhs
) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.op = op;
this.rhs = rhs;
final Rvalue lhs;
final String op;
final Rvalue rhs;
// Compile time members.
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
if (
this.op == "||" ||
this.op == "&&" ||
this.op == "==" ||
this.op == "!=" ||
this.op == "<" ||
this.op == ">" ||
this.op == "<=" ||
this.op == ">="
) return IClass.BOOLEAN;
if (
this.op == "|" ||
this.op == "^" ||
this.op == "&"
) return (
this.lhs.getType() == IClass.BOOLEAN ?
(Locatable) this,
if (
this.op == "*" ||
this.op == "/" ||
this.op == "%" ||
this.op == "+" ||
this.op == "-"
) {
IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
// Unroll the operands of this binary operation.
Iterator ops = this.unrollLeftAssociation();
// Check the far left operand type.
IClass lhsType = ((Rvalue) ops.next()).getType();
if (this.op == "+" && lhsType == icl.STRING) return icl.STRING;
// Determine the expression type.
do {
IClass rhsType = ((Rvalue) ops.next()).getType();
if (this.op == "+" && rhsType == icl.STRING) return icl.STRING;
lhsType = Java.binaryNumericPromotionType((Locatable) this, lhsType, rhsType);
} while (ops.hasNext());
return lhsType;
if (
this.op == "<<" ||
this.op == ">>" ||
this.op == ">>>"
) {
IClass lhsType = this.lhs.getType();
return Java.unaryNumericPromotionType((Located) this, lhsType);
this.compileError("Unexpected operator \"" + this.op + "\"");
return Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT;
public String toString() {
return this.lhs.toString() + ' ' + this.op + ' ' + this.rhs.toString();
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
if (
this.op == "||" ||
this.op == "&&" ||
this.op == "==" ||
this.op == "!=" ||
this.op == "<" ||
this.op == ">" ||
this.op == "<=" ||
this.op == ">="
) {
// Eventually calls "compileBoolean()".
return super.compileGet();
// Implements "| ^ & * / % + - << >> >>>".
return Java.compileArithmeticOperation(
(Located) this, // located
null, // type
this.unrollLeftAssociation(), // operands
this.op // operator
// Implement Rvalue
public void compileBoolean(
CodeContext.Offset dst, // Where to jump.
boolean orientation // JUMP_IF_TRUE or JUMP_IF_FALSE.
) throws CompileException {
// Constant expression?
Object cv = this.getConstantValue();
if (cv instanceof Boolean) {
if (orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE ^ ((Boolean) cv).booleanValue()) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.GOTO, dst);
if (this.op == "|" || this.op == "^" || this.op == "&") {
super.compileBoolean(dst, orientation);
if (this.op == "||" || this.op == "&&") {
if (this.op == "||" ^ orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE) {
this.lhs.compileBoolean(dst, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE ^ orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
this.rhs.compileBoolean(dst, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE ^ orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
} else {
CodeContext.Offset end = this.newUnsetOffset();
this.lhs.compileBoolean(end, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE ^ orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
this.rhs.compileBoolean(dst, Rvalue.JUMP_IF_TRUE ^ orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE);
if (
this.op == "==" ||
this.op == "!=" ||
this.op == "<=" ||
this.op == ">=" ||
this.op == "<" ||
this.op == ">"
) {
int opIdx = (
this.op == "==" ? 0 :
this.op == "!=" ? 1 :
this.op == "<" ? 2 :
this.op == ">=" ? 3 :
this.op == ">" ? 4 :
this.op == "<=" ? 5 : Integer.MIN_VALUE
if (orientation == Rvalue.JUMP_IF_FALSE) opIdx ^= 1;
// Comparison with "null".
boolean lhsIsNull = this.lhs.getConstantValue() == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL;
boolean rhsIsNull = this.rhs.getConstantValue() == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL;
if (lhsIsNull || rhsIsNull) {
if (this.op != "==" && this.op != "!=") this.compileError("Operator \"" + this.op + "\" not allowed on operand \"null\"");
// null == x
// x == null
IClass ohsType = (lhsIsNull ? this.rhs : this.lhs).compileGetValue();
if (ohsType.isPrimitive()) this.compileError("Cannot compare \"null\" with primitive type \"" + ohsType.toString() + "\"");
this.writeBranch(Opcode.IFNULL + opIdx, dst);
IClass lhsType = this.lhs.compileGetValue();
CodeContext.Inserter convertLhsInserter = this.newInserter();
IClass rhsType = this.rhs.compileGetValue();
// 15.20.1 Numerical comparison.
if (
lhsType.isPrimitiveNumeric() &&
) {
IClass promotedType = binaryNumericPromotion((Located) this, lhsType, convertLhsInserter, rhsType);
if (promotedType == IClass.INT) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.IF_ICMPEQ + opIdx, dst);
} else
if (promotedType == IClass.LONG) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.IFEQ + opIdx, dst);
} else
if (promotedType == IClass.FLOAT) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.IFEQ + opIdx, dst);
} else
if (promotedType == IClass.DOUBLE) {
this.writeBranch(Opcode.IFEQ + opIdx, dst);
} else
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected promoted type \"" + promotedType + "\"");
// Boolean comparison.
if (
lhsType == IClass.BOOLEAN &&
rhsType == IClass.BOOLEAN
) {
if (this.op != "==" && this.op != "!=") this.compileError("Operator \"" + this.op + "\" not allowed on boolean operands");
this.writeBranch(Opcode.IF_ICMPEQ + opIdx, dst);
// Reference comparison.
// Note: Comparison with "null" is already handled above.
if (
!lhsType.isPrimitive() &&
) {
if (this.op != "==" && this.op != "!=") this.compileError("Operator \"" + this.op + "\" not allowed on reference operands");
this.writeBranch(Opcode.IF_ACMPEQ + opIdx, dst);
this.compileError("Cannot compare types \"" + lhsType + "\" and \"" + rhsType + "\"");
this.compileError("Boolean expression expected");
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
// null == null
// null != null
if (
(this.op == "==" || this.op == "!=") &&
this.lhs.getConstantValue() == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL &&
this.rhs.getConstantValue() == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL
) return new Boolean(this.op == "==");
// "|", "^", "&", "*", "/", "%", "+", "-".
if (
this.op == "|" ||
this.op == "^" ||
this.op == "&" ||
this.op == "*" ||
this.op == "/" ||
this.op == "%" ||
this.op == "+" ||
this.op == "-"
) {
// Unroll the constant operands.
List cvs = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator it = this.unrollLeftAssociation(); it.hasNext();) {
Object cv = ((Rvalue) it.next()).getConstantValue();
if (cv == null) return null;
// Compute the constant value of the unrolled binary operation.
Iterator it = cvs.iterator();
Object lhs = it.next();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Object rhs = it.next();
// String concatenation?
if (this.op == "+" && (lhs instanceof String || rhs instanceof String)) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while (it.hasNext()) sb.append(it.next().toString());
return sb.toString();
if (!(lhs instanceof Number) || !(rhs instanceof Number)) return null;
// Numeric binary operation.
if (lhs instanceof Double || rhs instanceof Double) {
double lhsD = ((Number) lhs).doubleValue();
double rhsD = ((Number) rhs).doubleValue();
lhs = new Double(
this.op == "|" ? -1 :
this.op == "^" ? -1 :
this.op == "&" ? -1 :
this.op == "*" ? lhsD * rhsD :
this.op == "/" ? lhsD / rhsD :
this.op == "%" ? lhsD % rhsD :
this.op == "+" ? lhsD + rhsD :
this.op == "-" ? lhsD - rhsD :
} else
if (lhs instanceof Float || rhs instanceof Float) {
float lhsF = ((Number) lhs).floatValue();
float rhsF = ((Number) rhs).floatValue();
lhs = new Float(
this.op == "|" ? -1 :
this.op == "^" ? -1 :
this.op == "&" ? -1 :
this.op == "*" ? lhsF * rhsF :
this.op == "/" ? lhsF / rhsF :
this.op == "%" ? lhsF % rhsF :
this.op == "+" ? lhsF + rhsF :
this.op == "-" ? lhsF - rhsF :
} else
if (lhs instanceof Long || rhs instanceof Long) {
long lhsL = ((Number) lhs).longValue();
long rhsL = ((Number) rhs).longValue();
lhs = new Long(
this.op == "|" ? lhsL | rhsL :
this.op == "^" ? lhsL ^ rhsL :
this.op == "&" ? lhsL & rhsL :
this.op == "*" ? lhsL * rhsL :
this.op == "/" ? lhsL / rhsL :
this.op == "%" ? lhsL % rhsL :
this.op == "+" ? lhsL + rhsL :
this.op == "-" ? lhsL - rhsL :
} else
int lhsI = ((Number) lhs).intValue();
int rhsI = ((Number) rhs).intValue();
lhs = new Integer(
this.op == "|" ? lhsI | rhsI :
this.op == "^" ? lhsI ^ rhsI :
this.op == "&" ? lhsI & rhsI :
this.op == "*" ? lhsI * rhsI :
this.op == "/" ? lhsI / rhsI :
this.op == "%" ? lhsI % rhsI :
this.op == "+" ? lhsI + rhsI :
this.op == "-" ? lhsI - rhsI :
return lhs;
// "&&" and "||" with constant LHS or RHS operand.
if (
this.op == "&&" ||
this.op == "||"
) {
Object lhsValue = this.lhs.getConstantValue();
Object rhsValue = this.rhs.getConstantValue();
if (lhsValue instanceof Boolean) {
boolean lhsBV = ((Boolean) lhsValue).booleanValue();
return (
this.op == "&&" ?
(lhsBV ? rhsValue : Boolean.FALSE) :
(lhsBV ? Boolean.TRUE : rhsValue)
if (rhsValue instanceof Boolean) {
boolean rhsBV = ((Boolean) rhsValue).booleanValue();
return (
this.op == "&&" ?
(rhsBV ? lhsValue : Boolean.FALSE) :
(rhsBV ? Boolean.TRUE : lhsValue)
return null;
* Returns an {@link Iterator} over a left-to-right sequence of {@link Java.Rvalue}s.
public Iterator unrollLeftAssociation() {
List operands = new ArrayList();
BinaryOperation x = this;
for (;;) {
Rvalue lhs = x.lhs;
if (
lhs instanceof BinaryOperation &&
((BinaryOperation) lhs).op == this.op
) {
x = (BinaryOperation) lhs;
} else {
return new ReverseListIterator(operands.listIterator(operands.size()));
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitBinaryOperation(this); }
* The LHS operand of type <code>lhsType</code> is expected on the stack.
* <p>
* The following operators are supported:
* <code> | ^ & * / % + - << >> >>></code>
private static IClass compileArithmeticBinaryOperation(
Located located,
IClass lhsType,
String operator,
Rvalue rhs
) throws CompileException {
return Java.compileArithmeticOperation(
Arrays.asList(new Rvalue[] { rhs }).iterator(),
* Execute an arithmetic operation on a sequence of <code>operands</code>. If
* <code>type</code> is non-null, the first operand with that type is already on the stack.
* <p>
* The following operators are supported:
* <code> | ^ & * / % + - << >> >>></code>
private static IClass compileArithmeticOperation(
Located located,
IClass type,
Iterator operands,
String operator
) throws CompileException {
if (
operator == "|" ||
operator == "^" ||
operator == "&"
) {
do {
Rvalue operand = (Rvalue) operands.next();
if (type == null) {
type = operand.compileGetValue();
} else {
CodeContext.Inserter convertLhsInserter = located.newInserter();
IClass rhsType = operand.compileGetValue();
int opIdx = (
operator == "&" ? 0 :
operator == "|" ? 2 :
operator == "^" ? 4 : Integer.MIN_VALUE
if (
type.isPrimitiveNumeric() &&
) {
IClass promotedType = Java.binaryNumericPromotion(located, type, convertLhsInserter, rhsType);
if (promotedType == IClass.INT) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.IAND + opIdx);
} else
if (promotedType == IClass.LONG) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.LAND + opIdx);
} else
located.compileError("Operator \"" + operator + "\" not defined on types \"" + type + "\" and \"" + rhsType + "\"");
type = promotedType;
} else
if (
type == IClass.BOOLEAN &&
rhsType == IClass.BOOLEAN
) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.IAND + opIdx);
type = IClass.BOOLEAN;
} else
located.compileError("Operator \"" + operator + "\" not defined on types \"" + type + "\" and \"" + rhsType + "\"");
type = IClass.INT;
} while (operands.hasNext());
return type;
if (
operator == "*" ||
operator == "/" ||
operator == "%" ||
operator == "+" ||
operator == "-"
) {
do {
Rvalue operand = (Rvalue) operands.next();
IClass operandType = operand.getType();
IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
// String concatenation?
if (operator == "+" && (type == icl.STRING || operandType == icl.STRING)) {
if (type != null) Java.stringConversion(located, type);
do {
Object cv = operand.getConstantValue();
if (cv == null) {
Java.stringConversion(located, operand.compileGetValue());
operand = operands.hasNext() ? (Rvalue) operands.next() : null;
} else {
if (operands.hasNext()) {
operand = (Rvalue) operands.next();
Object cv2 = operand.getConstantValue();
if (cv2 != null) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(cv.toString()).append(cv2);
for (;;) {
if (!operands.hasNext()) {
operand = null;
operand = (Rvalue) operands.next();
Object cv3 = operand.getConstantValue();
if (cv3 == null) break;
cv = sb.toString();
} else {
operand = null;
Java.pushConstant(located, cv.toString());
// Concatenate.
if (type != null) {
Descriptor.STRING, // classFD
"concat", // methodName
"(" + Descriptor.STRING + ")" + Descriptor.STRING // methodMD
type = Java.getIClassLoader().STRING;
} while (operand != null);
return type;
if (type == null) {
type = operand.compileGetValue();
} else {
CodeContext.Inserter convertLhsInserter = located.newInserter();
IClass rhsType = operand.compileGetValue();
type = Java.binaryNumericPromotion(located, type, convertLhsInserter, rhsType);
int opcode = (
operator == "*" ? Opcode.IMUL :
operator == "/" ? Opcode.IDIV :
operator == "%" ? Opcode.IREM :
operator == "+" ? Opcode.IADD :
operator == "-" ? Opcode.ISUB : Integer.MAX_VALUE
if (type == IClass.INT) {
} else
if (type == IClass.LONG) {
} else
if (type == IClass.FLOAT) {
opcode += 2;
} else
if (type == IClass.DOUBLE) {
opcode += 3;
} else
located.compileError("Unexpected promoted type \"" + type + "\"");
} while (operands.hasNext());
return type;
if (
operator == "<<" ||
operator == ">>" ||
operator == ">>>"
) {
do {
Rvalue operand = (Rvalue) operands.next();
if (type == null) {
type = operand.compileGetValue();
} else {
CodeContext.Inserter convertLhsInserter = located.newInserter();
IClass rhsType = operand.compileGetValue();
IClass promotedLhsType;
try {
promotedLhsType = Java.unaryNumericPromotion(located, type);
} finally {
if (promotedLhsType != IClass.INT && promotedLhsType != IClass.LONG) located.compileError("Shift operation not allowed on operand type \"" + type + "\"");
IClass promotedRhsType = Java.unaryNumericPromotion(located, rhsType);
if (promotedRhsType != IClass.INT && promotedRhsType != IClass.LONG) located.compileError("Shift distance of type \"" + rhsType + "\" is not allowed");
if (promotedRhsType == IClass.LONG) located.writeOpcode(Opcode.L2I);
int opcode = (
operator == "<<" ? Opcode.ISHL :
operator == ">>" ? Opcode.ISHR :
operator == ">>>" ? Opcode.IUSHR : Integer.MAX_VALUE
if (promotedLhsType == IClass.LONG) ++opcode;
type = promotedLhsType;
} while (operands.hasNext());
return type;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected operator \"" + operator + "\"");
public static final class Cast extends Rvalue {
public Cast(
Scanner.Location location,
Type targetType,
Rvalue value
) {
this.targetType = targetType;
this.value = value;
final Type targetType;
final Rvalue value;
// Compile time members.
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.targetType.getType();
public String toString() { return '(' + this.targetType.toString() + ") " + this.value.toString(); }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
IClass tt = this.targetType.getType();
IClass vt = this.value.compileGetValue();
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(vt, tt) &&
!Java.tryWideningPrimitiveConversion((Located) this, vt, tt) &&
!Java.tryNarrowingPrimitiveConversion((Located) this, vt, tt) &&
!Java.isWideningReferenceConvertible(vt, tt) &&
!Java.tryNarrowingReferenceConversion((Located) this, vt, tt)
) this.compileError("Cannot cast \"" + vt + "\" to \"" + tt + "\"");
return tt;
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
Object cv = this.value.getConstantValue();
if (cv == null) return null;
if (cv instanceof Number) {
IClass tt = this.targetType.getType();
if (tt == IClass.BYTE ) return new Byte(((Number) cv).byteValue());
if (tt == IClass.SHORT ) return new Short(((Number) cv).shortValue());
if (tt == IClass.INT ) return new Integer(((Number) cv).intValue());
if (tt == IClass.LONG ) return new Long(((Number) cv).longValue());
if (tt == IClass.FLOAT ) return new Float(((Number) cv).floatValue());
if (tt == IClass.DOUBLE) return new Double(((Number) cv).doubleValue());
return null;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitCast(this); }
public final static class ParenthesizedExpression extends Lvalue {
final Rvalue value;
public ParenthesizedExpression(Scanner.Location location, Rvalue value) {
this.value = value;
public void compileSet() throws CompileException {
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
return this.value.compileGet();
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.value.getType();
public void compile() throws CompileException {
public void compileBoolean(CodeContext.Offset dst, boolean orientation) throws CompileException {
this.value.compileBoolean(dst, orientation);
public int compileContext() throws CompileException {
return this.value.compileContext();
public IClass compileGetValue() throws CompileException {
return this.value.compileGetValue();
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
return this.value.getConstantValue();
public Object getNegatedConstantValue() throws CompileException {
return this.value.getNegatedConstantValue();
public String toString() {
return '(' + this.value.toString() + ')';
public void visit(Visitor visitor) {
public static abstract class ConstructorInvocation extends Atom {
protected final ClassDeclaration declaringClass;
protected final ConstructorDeclarator declaringConstructor;
protected final Rvalue[] arguments;
protected ConstructorInvocation(
Scanner.Location location,
ClassDeclaration declaringClass,
ConstructorDeclarator declaringConstructor,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
this.declaringClass = declaringClass;
this.declaringConstructor = declaringConstructor;
this.arguments = arguments;
public abstract void compile() throws CompileException;
// Implement Atom:
public IClass getType() { throw new RuntimeException(); }
public final static class AlternateConstructorInvocation extends ConstructorInvocation {
public AlternateConstructorInvocation(
Scanner.Location location,
ClassDeclaration declaringClass,
ConstructorDeclarator declaringConstructor,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
super(location, declaringClass, declaringConstructor, arguments);
// Implement Atom
public String toString() { return "this()"; }
public void compile() throws CompileException {
(Located) this, // located
(Scope) this.declaringConstructor, // scope
(Rvalue) null, // optionalEnclosingInstance
this.declaringClass, // targetClass
this.arguments // arguments
public void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitAlternateConstructorInvocation(this); }
public final static class SuperConstructorInvocation extends ConstructorInvocation {
final Rvalue optionalQualification;
public SuperConstructorInvocation(
Scanner.Location location,
ClassDeclaration declaringClass,
ConstructorDeclarator declaringConstructor,
Rvalue optionalQualification,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
super(location, declaringClass, declaringConstructor, arguments);
this.optionalQualification = optionalQualification;
// Implement Atom
public String toString() { return "super()"; }
public void compile() throws CompileException {
IClass superclass = this.declaringClass.getSuperclass();
Rvalue optionalEnclosingInstance;
if (this.optionalQualification != null) {
optionalEnclosingInstance = this.optionalQualification;
} else {
IClass outerIClassOfSuperclass = superclass.getOuterIClass();
if (outerIClassOfSuperclass == null) {
optionalEnclosingInstance = null;
} else {
optionalEnclosingInstance = new QualifiedThisReference(
this.getLocation(), // location
this.declaringClass, // declaringClass
this.declaringConstructor, // optionalFunctionDeclarator
outerIClassOfSuperclass // targetClass
(Located) this, // located
(Scope) this.declaringConstructor, // scope
optionalEnclosingInstance, // optionalEnclosingInstance
superclass, // targetClass
this.arguments // arguments
public void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitSuperConstructorInvocation(this); }
* Expects the object to initialize on the stack.
* <p>
* Notice: This method is used both for explicit constructor invocation (first statement of
* a constructor body) and implicit constructor invocation (right after NEW).
* @param optionalEnclosingInstance Used if the target class is an inner class
private static void invokeConstructor(
Located located,
Scope scope,
Rvalue optionalEnclosingInstance,
IClass targetClass,
Rvalue[] arguments
) throws CompileException {
// Find constructors.
IClass.IConstructor[] iConstructors = targetClass.getDeclaredIConstructors();
if (iConstructors.length == 0) throw new RuntimeException();
IClass.IConstructor iConstructor = (IClass.IConstructor) Java.findMostSpecificIInvocable(
iConstructors, // iInvocables
arguments // arguments
// Check exceptions that the constructor may throw.
IClass[] thrownExceptions = iConstructor.getThrownExceptions();
for (int i = 0; i < thrownExceptions.length; ++i) {
// Pass enclosing instance as a synthetic parameter.
IClass outerIClass = targetClass.getOuterIClass();
if (outerIClass != null) {
if (optionalEnclosingInstance == null) located.compileError("Enclosing instance for initialization of inner class \"" + targetClass + "\" missing");
IClass eiic = optionalEnclosingInstance.compileGetValue();
if (!outerIClass.isAssignableFrom(eiic)) located.compileError("Type of enclosing instance (\"" + eiic + "\") is not assignable to \"" + outerIClass + "\"");
// Pass local variables to constructor as synthetic parameters.
if (targetClass instanceof ClassDeclaration) {
ClassDeclaration cd = (ClassDeclaration) targetClass;
// Determine enclosing function declarator and type declaration.
TypeBodyDeclaration scopeTBD;
TypeDeclaration scopeTypeDeclaration;
Scope s = scope;
for (; !(s instanceof TypeBodyDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
scopeTBD = (TypeBodyDeclaration) s;
scopeTypeDeclaration = scopeTBD.getDeclaringType();
if (!(scopeTypeDeclaration instanceof ClassDeclaration)) {
if (!cd.syntheticFields.isEmpty()) throw new RuntimeException();
} else {
ClassDeclaration scopeClassDeclaration = (ClassDeclaration) scopeTypeDeclaration;
for (Iterator it = cd.syntheticFields.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
IClass.IField sf = (IClass.IField) it.next();
if (!sf.getName().startsWith("val$")) continue;
IClass.IField eisf = (IClass.IField) scopeClassDeclaration.syntheticFields.get(sf.getName());
if (eisf != null) {
if (scopeTBD instanceof MethodDeclarator) {
Java.load(located, scopeClassDeclaration, 0);
scopeClassDeclaration.getDescriptor(), // classFD
sf.getName(), // fieldName
sf.getDescriptor() // fieldFD
} else
if (scopeTBD instanceof ConstructorDeclarator) {
ConstructorDeclarator constructorDeclarator = (ConstructorDeclarator) scopeTBD;
LocalVariable syntheticParameter = (LocalVariable) constructorDeclarator.syntheticParameters.get(sf.getName());
if (syntheticParameter == null) {
located.compileError("Compiler limitation: Constructor cannot access local variable \"" + sf.getName().substring(4) + "\" declared in an enclosing block because none of the methods accesses it. As a workaround, declare a dummy method that accesses the local variable.");
} else {
Java.load(located, syntheticParameter);
} else {
located.compileError("Compiler limitation: Initializers cannot access local variables declared in an enclosing block.");
} else {
String localVariableName = sf.getName().substring(4);
LocalVariable lv = null;
Scope s;
for (s = scope; s instanceof Block; s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
// Local variable?
lv = (LocalVariable) ((Block) s).localVariables.get(localVariableName);
if (lv != null) break;
if (lv == null) {
while (!(s instanceof FunctionDeclarator)) s = s.getEnclosingScope();
FunctionDeclarator fd = (FunctionDeclarator) s;
// Function parameter?
lv = (LocalVariable) fd.parameters.get(localVariableName);
if (lv == null) throw new RuntimeException("SNO: Synthetic field \"" + sf.getName() + "\" neither maps a synthetic field of an enclosing instance nor a local variable");
Java.load(located, lv);
// Evaluate constructor arguments.
IClass[] parameterTypes = iConstructor.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
(Located) located, // located
arguments[i].compileGetValue(), // sourceType
parameterTypes[i], // targetType
arguments[i].getConstantValue() // optionalConstantValue
// Invoke!
// Notice that the method descriptor is "iConstructor.getDescriptor()" prepended with the
// synthetic parameters.
targetClass.getDescriptor(), // classFD
"<init>", // methodName
iConstructor.getDescriptor() // methodMD
public static final class MethodInvocation extends Invocation {
public MethodInvocation(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
Atom optionalTarget,
String methodName,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
super(location, enclosingScope, arguments);
this.optionalTarget = optionalTarget;
this.methodName = methodName;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.findIMethod().getReturnType();
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (this.optionalTarget != null) sb.append(this.optionalTarget.toString()).append('.');
for (int i = 0; i < this.arguments.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
IClass.IMethod iMethod = this.findIMethod();
if (this.optionalTarget == null) {
// JLS2,
Scope s;
for (s = this.scope; !(s instanceof TypeBodyDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope());
TypeBodyDeclaration scopeTBD = (TypeBodyDeclaration) s;
if (iMethod.isStatic()) {
// JLS2
} else {
// JLS2
if (scopeTBD.isStatic()) this.compileError("Instance method \"" + this.methodName + "\" cannot be invoked in static context");
Java.referenceThis((Located) this);
} else {
boolean staticContext = this.optionalTarget.isType();
if (!staticContext) {
Rvalue targetValue = this.optionalTarget.toRvalueOrCE();
// TODO: Wrapper methods for private methods of enclosing / enclosed types.
if (
targetValue.getType() != iMethod.getDeclaringIClass() &&
iMethod.getAccess() == IClass.PRIVATE
) this.compileError("Invocation of private methods of enclosing or enclosed type NYI; please change the access of method \"" + iMethod.getName() + "()\" from \"private\" to \"/*private*/\"");
if (iMethod.isStatic()) {
if (!staticContext) {
// JLS2
Java.pop((Located) this.optionalTarget, this.optionalTarget.getType());
} else {
if (staticContext) this.compileError("Instance method \"" + this.methodName + "\" cannot be invoked in static context");
// Evaluate method parameters.
IClass[] parameterTypes = iMethod.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < this.arguments.length; ++i) {
(Located) this, // located
this.arguments[i].compileGetValue(), // sourceType
parameterTypes[i], // targetType
this.arguments[i].getConstantValue() // optionalConstantValue
// Invoke!
if (iMethod.getDeclaringIClass().isInterface()) {
iMethod.getDeclaringIClass().getDescriptor(), // classFD
iMethod.getName(), // methodName
iMethod.getDescriptor() // methodMD
IClass[] pts = iMethod.getParameterTypes();
int count = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) count += Descriptor.size(pts[i].getDescriptor());
} else {
iMethod.isStatic() ? Opcode.INVOKESTATIC :
iMethod.getAccess() == IClass.PRIVATE ? Opcode.INVOKESPECIAL :
iMethod.getDeclaringIClass().getDescriptor(), // classFD
iMethod.getName(), // methodName
iMethod.getDescriptor() // methodMD
return iMethod.getReturnType();
* Find named methods of "targetType", examine the argument types and choose the
* most specific method. Check that only the allowed exceptions are thrown.
* <p>
* Notice that the returned {@link IMethod} may be declared in an enclosing type.
* @return The selected {@link IMethod} or <code>null</code>
private IClass.IMethod findIMethod() throws CompileException {
for (Scope s = this.scope; !(s instanceof CompilationUnit); s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
if (s instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) s;
// Find methods with specified name.
IClass.IMethod iMethod = Java.findIMethod(
(Located) this, // located
( // targetType
this.optionalTarget == null ?
(IClass) td :
this.methodName, // methodName
this.arguments // arguments
// Check exceptions that the method may throw.
IClass[] thrownExceptions = iMethod.getThrownExceptions();
for (int i = 0; i < thrownExceptions.length; ++i) {
(Located) this, // located
thrownExceptions[i], // type
this.scope // scope
return iMethod;
return null;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitMethodInvocation(this); }
final Atom optionalTarget; // null == simple method name.
final String methodName;
public static final class SuperclassMethodInvocation extends Invocation {
public SuperclassMethodInvocation(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope enclosingScope,
String methodName,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
super(location, enclosingScope, arguments);
this.methodName = methodName;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.findIMethod().getReturnType();
public String toString() { return "super." + this.methodName + "()"; }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
IClass.IMethod iMethod = this.findIMethod();
Scope s;
for (s = this.scope; s instanceof Statement; s = s.getEnclosingScope());
FunctionDeclarator fd = s instanceof FunctionDeclarator ? (FunctionDeclarator) s : null;
if (fd == null) {
this.compileError("Cannot invoke superclass method in non-method scope");
return IClass.INT;
if ((fd.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0) this.compileError("Cannot invoke superclass method in static context");
Java.load((Located) this, (IClass) fd.getDeclaringType(), 0);
// Evaluate method parameters.
IClass[] parameterTypes = iMethod.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < this.arguments.length; ++i) {
(Located) this, // located
this.arguments[i].compileGetValue(), // sourceType
parameterTypes[i], // targetType
this.arguments[i].getConstantValue() // optionalConstantValue
// Invoke!
iMethod.getDeclaringIClass().getDescriptor(), // classFD
this.methodName, // methodName
iMethod.getDescriptor() // methodMD
return iMethod.getReturnType();
private IClass.IMethod findIMethod() throws CompileException {
ClassDeclaration declaringClass;
for (Scope s = this.scope;; s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
if (s instanceof FunctionDeclarator) {
FunctionDeclarator fd = (FunctionDeclarator) s;
if ((fd.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0) this.compileError("Superclass method cannot be invoked in static context");
if (s instanceof ClassDeclaration) {
declaringClass = (ClassDeclaration) s;
return Java.findIMethod(
(Located) this, // located
declaringClass.getSuperclass(), // targetType
this.methodName, // methodName
this.arguments // arguments
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitSuperclassMethodInvocation(this); }
final String methodName;
public static abstract class Invocation extends Rvalue {
protected Invocation(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
this.scope = scope;
this.arguments = arguments;
protected final Scope scope;
protected final Rvalue[] arguments;
* Find {@link IMethod} by name and argument types. If more than one such
* method exists, choose the most specific one (JLS 15.11.2).
* <p>
* Notice that the returned {@link IMethod} may be declared in an enclosing type.
private static IClass.IMethod findIMethod(
Located located,
IClass targetType,
final String methodName,
Rvalue[] arguments
) throws CompileException {
for (IClass ic = targetType; ic != null; ic = ic.getDeclaringIClass()) {
List l = new ArrayList();
Java.getIMethods(ic, methodName, l);
if (l.size() > 0) {
// Determine arguments' types, choose the most specific method
IClass.IMethod iMethod = (IClass.IMethod) Java.findMostSpecificIInvocable(
(IClass.IMethod[]) l.toArray(new IClass.IMethod[l.size()]), // iInvocables
arguments // arguments
return iMethod;
located.compileError("Class \"" + targetType + "\" has no method named \"" + methodName + "\"");
return targetType.new IMethod() {
public String getName() { return methodName; }
public IClass getReturnType() throws CompileException { return IClass.INT; }
public boolean isStatic() { return false; }
public boolean isAbstract() { return false; }
public IClass[] getParameterTypes() throws CompileException { return new IClass[0]; }
public IClass[] getThrownExceptions() throws CompileException { return new IClass[0]; }
public int getAccess() { return IClass.PUBLIC; }
* Add all methods with the given <code>methodName</code> that are declared
* by the <code>type</code>, its superclasses and all their superinterfaces
* to the result list <code>v</code>.
* @param type
* @param methodName
* @param v
* @throws CompileException
private static void getIMethods(
IClass type,
String methodName,
List v // IMethod
) throws CompileException {
// Check methods declared by this type.
IClass.IMethod[] ims = type.getDeclaredIMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < ims.length; ++i) {
IClass.IMethod im = ims[i];
if (im.getName().equals(methodName)) v.add(im);
// Check superclass.
IClass superclass = type.getSuperclass();
if (superclass != null) Java.getIMethods(superclass, methodName, v);
// Check superinterfaces.
IClass[] interfaces = type.getInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; ++i) Java.getIMethods(interfaces[i], methodName, v);
* Determine the arguments' types and choose the most specific invocable.
* @param located
* @param iInvocables Length must be greater than zero
* @param arguments
* @return The selected {@link IInvocable}
* @throws CompileException
private static IClass.IInvocable findMostSpecificIInvocable(
Located located,
IClass.IInvocable[] iInvocables,
Rvalue[] arguments
) throws CompileException {
if (iInvocables.length == 0) throw new RuntimeException();
// Determine arguments' types.
IClass[] argumentTypes = new IClass[arguments.length];
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println("Argument types:");
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
argumentTypes[i] = arguments[i].getType();
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println(argumentTypes[i]);
// Select applicable methods (
List applicableIInvocables = new ArrayList();
nextMethod: for (int i = 0; i < iInvocables.length; ++i) {
IClass.IInvocable ii = iInvocables[i];
// Check parameter count.
IClass[] parameterTypes = ii.getParameterTypes();
if (parameterTypes.length != arguments.length) continue;
// Check argument types vs. parameter types.
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println("Parameter / argument type check:");
for (int j = 0; j < arguments.length; ++j) {
// Is method invocation conversion possible (5.3)?
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println(parameterTypes[j] + " <=> " + argumentTypes[j]);
if (!isMethodInvocationConvertible(argumentTypes[j], parameterTypes[j])) continue nextMethod;
// Applicable!
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println("Applicable!");
if (applicableIInvocables.size() == 0) {
StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer();
if (argumentTypes.length == 0) {
sb2.append("zero actual parameters");
} else {
sb2.append("actual parameters \"").append(argumentTypes[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < argumentTypes.length; ++i) {
sb2.append(", ").append(argumentTypes[i]);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer('"' + iInvocables[0].toString() + '"');
for (int i = 1; i < iInvocables.length; ++i) {
sb.append(", ").append('"' + iInvocables[i].toString() + '"');
located.compileError("No applicable constructor/method found for " + sb2.toString() + "; candidates are: " + sb.toString());
return iInvocables[0];
// Choose the most specific invocable (
if (applicableIInvocables.size() == 1) {
return (IClass.IInvocable) applicableIInvocables.get(0);
// Determine the "maximally specific invocables".
List maximallySpecificIInvocables = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < applicableIInvocables.size(); ++i) {
IClass.IInvocable applicableIInvocable = (IClass.IInvocable) applicableIInvocables.get(i);
int moreSpecific = 0, lessSpecific = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < maximallySpecificIInvocables.size(); ++j) {
IClass.IInvocable mostSpecificIInvocable = (IClass.IInvocable) maximallySpecificIInvocables.get(j);
if (applicableIInvocable.isMoreSpecificThan(mostSpecificIInvocable)) {
} else
if (applicableIInvocable.isLessSpecificThan(mostSpecificIInvocable)) {
if (moreSpecific == maximallySpecificIInvocables.size()) {
} else
if (lessSpecific < maximallySpecificIInvocables.size()) {
} else
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println("mostSpecificIInvocables=" + maximallySpecificIInvocables);
if (maximallySpecificIInvocables.size() == 1) return (IClass.IInvocable) maximallySpecificIInvocables.get(0);
if (maximallySpecificIInvocables.size() > 1 && iInvocables[0] instanceof IClass.IMethod) {
final IClass.IMethod im = (IClass.IMethod) maximallySpecificIInvocables.get(0);
// Check if all methods have the same signature (i.e. the types of all their
// parameters are identical) and exactly one of the methods is non-abstract
// (JLS
IClass.IMethod theNonAbstractMethod = null;
Iterator it = maximallySpecificIInvocables.iterator();
IClass.IMethod m = (IClass.IMethod) it.next();
IClass[] parameterTypesOfFirstMethod = m.getParameterTypes();
for (;;) {
if (!m.isAbstract()) {
if (theNonAbstractMethod != null) throw new RuntimeException("SNO: More than one non-abstract method with same signature and same declaring class!?");
theNonAbstractMethod = m;
if (!it.hasNext()) break;
m = (IClass.IMethod) it.next();
IClass[] pts = m.getParameterTypes();
for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) {
if (pts[i] != parameterTypesOfFirstMethod[i]) break ONE_NON_ABSTRACT_INVOCABLE;
// JLS
if (theNonAbstractMethod != null) return theNonAbstractMethod;
// JLS
Set s = new HashSet();
IClass[][] tes = new IClass[maximallySpecificIInvocables.size()][];
Iterator it = maximallySpecificIInvocables.iterator();
for (int i = 0; i < tes.length; ++i) {
tes[i] = ((IClass.IMethod) it.next()).getThrownExceptions();
for (int i = 0; i < tes.length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < tes[i].length; ++j) {
// Check whether "that exception [te1] is declared in the THROWS
// clause of each of the maximally specific methods".
IClass te1 = tes[i][j];
for (int k = 0; k < tes.length; ++k) {
if (k == i) continue;
for (int l = 0; l < tes[k].length; ++l) {
IClass te2 = tes[k][l];
if (te2.isAssignableFrom(te1)) continue EACH_METHOD;
final IClass[] tes = (IClass[]) s.toArray(new IClass[s.size()]);
return im.getDeclaringIClass().new IMethod() {
public String getName() { return im.getName(); }
public IClass getReturnType() throws CompileException { return im.getReturnType(); }
public boolean isAbstract() { return true; }
public boolean isStatic() { return false; }
public int getAccess() { return im.getAccess(); }
public IClass[] getParameterTypes() throws CompileException { return im.getParameterTypes(); }
public IClass[] getThrownExceptions() { return tes; }
// JLS
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Invocation of constructor/method with actual parameter type(s) \"");
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) {
if (i > 0) sb.append(", ");
sb.append("\" is ambiguous: ");
for (int i = 0; i < maximallySpecificIInvocables.size(); ++i) {
if (i > 0) sb.append(" vs. ");
sb.append("\"" + maximallySpecificIInvocables.get(i) + "\"");
return (IClass.IMethod) iInvocables[0];
public static final class NewClassInstance extends Rvalue {
private final Scope scope;
protected final Rvalue optionalQualification;
protected final Type type;
protected final Rvalue[] arguments;
public NewClassInstance(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
Rvalue optionalQualification,
Type type,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
this.scope = scope;
this.optionalQualification = optionalQualification;
this.type = type;
this.arguments = arguments;
// Compile time members.
protected IClass iClass = null;
public NewClassInstance(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
Rvalue optionalQualification,
IClass iClass,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
this.scope = scope;
this.optionalQualification = optionalQualification;
this.type = null;
this.arguments = arguments;
this.iClass = iClass;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
if (this.iClass == null) this.iClass = this.type.getType();
return this.iClass;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (this.optionalQualification != null) sb.append(this.optionalQualification.toString()).append('.');
sb.append("new ");
if (this.type != null) {
} else
if (this.iClass != null) {
} else {
return sb.toString();
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
if (this.iClass == null) this.iClass = this.type.getType();
// Determine the enclosing instance for the new object.
Rvalue optionalEnclosingInstance;
if (this.optionalQualification != null) {
// Enclosing instance defined by qualification (JLS 15.9.2.BL1.B3.B2).
optionalEnclosingInstance = this.optionalQualification;
} else {
Scope s = this.scope;
FunctionDeclarator optionalFunctionDeclarator = null;
for (; !(s instanceof TypeDeclaration); s = s.getEnclosingScope()) {
if (s instanceof FunctionDeclarator) {
optionalFunctionDeclarator = (FunctionDeclarator) s;
if ((optionalFunctionDeclarator.modifiers & Mod.STATIC) != 0) break;
if (!(s instanceof ClassDeclaration)) {
// No enclosing instance in interface method or static function context (JLS 15.9.2.BL1.B3.B1.B1).
optionalEnclosingInstance = null;
} else {
// Determine the type of the enclosing instance for the new object.
IClass optionalOuterIClass = this.iClass.getDeclaringIClass();
if (optionalOuterIClass == null) {
// No enclosing instance needed for the new object.
optionalEnclosingInstance = new ThisReference(this.getLocation(), this.scope);
} else {
// Find an appropriate enclosing instance for the new object among
// the enclosing instances of the current object (JLS
// 15.9.2.BL1.B3.B1.B2).
ClassDeclaration innerClass = (ClassDeclaration) s;
optionalEnclosingInstance = new QualifiedThisReference(
this.getLocation(), // location
innerClass, // declaringClass
optionalFunctionDeclarator, // optionalFunctionDeclarator
optionalOuterIClass // targetIClass
(Located) this, // located
this.scope, // scope
optionalEnclosingInstance, // optionalEnclosingInstance
this.iClass, // targetClass
this.arguments // arguments
return this.iClass;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitNewClassInstance(this); }
public static final class NewAnonymousClassInstance extends Rvalue {
private final Scope scope;
final Rvalue optionalQualification;
final AnonymousClassDeclaration anonymousClassDeclaration;
final Rvalue[] arguments;
public NewAnonymousClassInstance(
Scanner.Location location,
Scope scope,
Rvalue optionalQualification,
AnonymousClassDeclaration anonymousClassDeclaration,
Rvalue[] arguments
) {
this.scope = scope;
this.optionalQualification = optionalQualification;
this.anonymousClassDeclaration = anonymousClassDeclaration;
this.arguments = arguments;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.anonymousClassDeclaration;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (this.optionalQualification != null) sb.append(this.optionalQualification.toString()).append('.');
sb.append("new ").append(this.anonymousClassDeclaration.toString()).append("() { ... }");
return sb.toString();
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
// Find constructors.
AnonymousClassDeclaration acd = this.anonymousClassDeclaration;
IClass sc = acd.getSuperclass();
IClass.IConstructor[] iConstructors = sc.getDeclaredIConstructors();
if (iConstructors.length == 0) throw new RuntimeException();
// Determine most specific constructor.
IClass.IConstructor iConstructor = (IClass.IConstructor) Java.findMostSpecificIInvocable(
(Located) this, // located
iConstructors, // iInvocables
this.arguments // arguments
IClass[] pts = iConstructor.getParameterTypes();
// Determine formal parameters of anonymous constructor.
FormalParameter[] fps;
Scanner.Location loc = this.getLocation();
List l = new ArrayList(); // FormalParameter
// Pass the enclosing instance of the base class as parameter #1.
if (this.optionalQualification != null) l.add(new FormalParameter(
true, // finaL
new SimpleType(loc, this.optionalQualification.getType()), // type
"this$base" // name
for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) l.add(new FormalParameter(
true, // finaL
new SimpleType(loc, pts[i]), // type
"p" + i // name
fps = (FormalParameter[]) l.toArray(new FormalParameter[l.size()]);
// Determine thrown exceptions of anonymous constructor.
IClass[] tes = iConstructor.getThrownExceptions();
Type[] tets = new Type[tes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tes.length; ++i) tets[i] = new SimpleType(loc, tes[i]);
// Generate the anonymous constructor for the anonymous class (JLS
final ConstructorDeclarator anonymousConstructor = new ConstructorDeclarator(
loc, // location
acd, // declaringClass
Mod.PACKAGE, // modifiers
fps, // formalParameters
tets // thrownExceptions
// The anonymous constructor merely invokes the constructor of its superclass.
Rvalue wrappedOptionalQualification = (
this.optionalQualification == null ? null :
new ParameterAccess(loc, anonymousConstructor, "this$base")
Rvalue[] wrappedArguments = new Rvalue[pts.length];
for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) {
wrappedArguments[i] = new ParameterAccess(loc, anonymousConstructor, "p" + i);
anonymousConstructor.setExplicitConstructorInvocation(new Java.SuperConstructorInvocation(
loc, // location
acd, // declaringClass
anonymousConstructor, // declaringConstructor
wrappedOptionalQualification, // optionalQualification
wrappedArguments // arguments
anonymousConstructor.setBody(new Block(loc, (Scope) anonymousConstructor));
// Compile the anonymous class.
// Instantiate the anonymous class.
// Invoke the anonymous constructor.
Rvalue[] arguments2;
if (this.optionalQualification == null) {
arguments2 = this.arguments;
} else {
arguments2 = new Rvalue[this.arguments.length + 1];
arguments2[0] = this.optionalQualification;
System.arraycopy(this.arguments, 0, arguments2, 1, this.arguments.length);
// Notice: The enclosing instance of the anonymous class is "this", not the
// qualification of the NewAnonymousClassInstance.
(Located) this, // located
this.scope, // scope
new ThisReference(loc, this.scope), // optionalEnclosingInstance
this.anonymousClassDeclaration, // targetClass
arguments2 // arguments
return this.anonymousClassDeclaration;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitNewAnonymousClassInstance(this); }
static final class ParameterAccess extends Rvalue {
private final FunctionDeclarator declaringFunction;
private final String name;
public ParameterAccess(
Scanner.Location location,
FunctionDeclarator declaringFunction,
String name
) {
this.declaringFunction = declaringFunction;
this.name = name;
// Implement Atom
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return ((LocalVariable) this.declaringFunction.parameters.get(this.name)).type;
public String toString() { return this.name; }
// Implement Rvalue
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
LocalVariable lv = (LocalVariable) this.declaringFunction.parameters.get(this.name);
Java.load((Located) this, lv);
return lv.type;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitParameterAccess(this); }
public static final class NewArray extends Rvalue {
public NewArray(
Scanner.Location location,
Type type,
Rvalue[] dimExprs,
int dims
) {
this.type = type;
this.dimExprs = dimExprs;
this.dims = dims;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
IClass res = this.type.getType();
return Java.getArrayType(res, this.dimExprs.length + this.dims);
public String toString() { return "new " + this.type.toString() + "[]..."; }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
for (int i = 0; i < this.dimExprs.length; ++i) {
IClass dimType = this.dimExprs[i].compileGetValue();
if (dimType != IClass.INT && unaryNumericPromotion(
(Located) this, // located
dimType // type
) != IClass.INT) this.compileError("Invalid array size expression type");
return Java.newArray(
(Located) this, // located
this.dimExprs.length, // dimExprCount
this.dims, // dims
this.type.getType() // componentType
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitNewArray(this); }
final Type type;
final Rvalue[] dimExprs;
final int dims;
* Expects "dimExprCount" values of type "integer" on the operand stack.
* Creates an array of "dimExprCount" + "dims" dimensions of
* "componentType".
* @return The type of the created array
private static IClass newArray(
Located located,
int dimExprCount,
int dims,
IClass componentType
) {
if (dimExprCount == 1 && dims == 0 && componentType.isPrimitive()) {
// "new <primitive>[<n>]"
componentType == IClass.BOOLEAN ? 4 :
componentType == IClass.CHAR ? 5 :
componentType == IClass.FLOAT ? 6 :
componentType == IClass.DOUBLE ? 7 :
componentType == IClass.BYTE ? 8 :
componentType == IClass.SHORT ? 9 :
componentType == IClass.INT ? 10 :
componentType == IClass.LONG ? 11 : -1
return Java.getArrayType(componentType);
if (dimExprCount == 1) {
IClass at = Java.getArrayType(componentType, dims);
// "new <class-or-interface>[<n>]"
// "new <anything>[<n>][]..."
return Java.getArrayType(at, 1);
} else {
IClass at = Java.getArrayType(componentType, dimExprCount + dims);
// "new <anything>[]..."
// "new <anything>[<n>][<m>]..."
// "new <anything>[<n>][<m>]...[]..."
return at;
* Represents a Java<sup>TM</sup> array initializer (JLS 10.6).
* <p>
* Allocates an array and initializes its members with (not necessarily
* constant) values.
public static final class ArrayInitializer extends Rvalue {
final ArrayType arrayType;
final Rvalue[] values;
public ArrayInitializer(
Scanner.Location location,
ArrayType arrayType,
Rvalue[] values
) {
this.arrayType = arrayType;
this.values = values;
// Implement "Atom".
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
return this.arrayType.getType();
public String toString() { return "{ ... }"; }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
IClass at = this.arrayType.getType();
IClass ct = at.getComponentType();
Java.pushConstant((Located) this, new Integer(this.values.length));
(Located) this, // located
1, // dimExprCount,
0, // dims,
ct // componentType
for (int i = 0; i < this.values.length; ++i) {
Rvalue v = this.values[i];
Java.pushConstant((Located) this, new Integer(i));
IClass vt = v.compileGetValue();
(Located) this, // located
vt, // sourceType
ct, // targetType
v.getConstantValue() // optionalConstantValue
this.writeOpcode(Opcode.IASTORE + Java.ilfdabcs(ct));
return at;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitArrayInitializer(this); }
public static final class Literal extends Rvalue {
public Literal(Scanner.Token token) {
this.token = token;
// Implement "Atom."
public IClass getType() throws CompileException {
IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
Class clazz;
try {
clazz = this.token.getLiteralType();
} catch (Scanner.ScanException e) {
Java.compileError(e.getMessage(), this.token.getLocation());
clazz = int.class;
if (clazz == int.class ) return IClass.INT;
if (clazz == long.class ) return IClass.LONG;
if (clazz == float.class ) return IClass.FLOAT;
if (clazz == double.class ) return IClass.DOUBLE;
if (clazz == String.class ) return icl.STRING;
if (clazz == char.class ) return IClass.CHAR;
if (clazz == boolean.class) return IClass.BOOLEAN;
if (clazz == void.class ) return IClass.VOID;
throw new RuntimeException();
public String toString() { return this.token.toString(); }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() throws CompileException {
try {
return Java.pushConstant((Located) this, this.token.getLiteralValue());
} catch (Scanner.ScanException ex) {
Java.compileError(ex.getMessage(), this.getLocation());
return IClass.INT;
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
try {
Object res = this.token.getLiteralValue();
return res == null ? Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL : res;
} catch (Scanner.ScanException ex) {
Java.compileError(ex.getMessage(), this.getLocation());
return null;
public Object getNegatedConstantValue() throws CompileException {
try {
return this.token.getNegatedLiteralValue();
} catch (Scanner.ScanException ex) {
Java.compileError(ex.getMessage(), this.getLocation());
return null;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitLiteral(this); }
private final Scanner.Token token;
public static final class ConstantValue extends Rvalue {
private final Object constantValue;
public ConstantValue(Scanner.Location location, Object constantValue) {
this.constantValue = constantValue == null ? Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL : constantValue;
// Implement "Atom."
public IClass getType() {
IClass res = (
this.constantValue instanceof Integer ? IClass.INT :
this.constantValue instanceof Long ? IClass.LONG :
this.constantValue instanceof Float ? IClass.FLOAT :
this.constantValue instanceof Double ? IClass.DOUBLE :
this.constantValue instanceof String ? Java.getIClassLoader().STRING :
this.constantValue instanceof Character ? IClass.CHAR :
this.constantValue instanceof Boolean ? IClass.BOOLEAN :
this.constantValue == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL ? IClass.VOID :
if (res == null) throw new RuntimeException();
return res;
public String toString() { return this.constantValue.toString(); }
// Implement "Rvalue".
public IClass compileGet() {
return Java.pushConstant((Located) this, this.constantValue);
public Object getConstantValue2() throws CompileException {
return this.constantValue;
public final void visit(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitConstantValue(this); }
private static IClass pushConstant(
Located located,
Object value
) {
if (
value instanceof Integer ||
value instanceof Short ||
value instanceof Character ||
value instanceof Byte
) {
int i = (
value instanceof Character ?
((Character) value).charValue() :
((Number) value).intValue()
if (i >= -1 && i <= 5) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.ICONST_0 + i);
} else
if (i >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && i <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
located.writeByte((byte) i);
} else {
Java.writeLDC(located, located.addConstantIntegerInfo(i));
return IClass.INT;
if (value instanceof Long) {
long lv = ((Long) value).longValue();
if (lv >= 0L && lv <= 1L) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.LCONST_0 + (int) lv);
} else {
return IClass.LONG;
if (value instanceof Float) {
float fv = ((Float) value).floatValue();
if (fv == 0.0F || fv == 1.0F || fv == 2.0F) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.FCONST_0 + (int) fv);
} else {
Java.writeLDC(located, located.addConstantFloatInfo(fv));
return IClass.FLOAT;
if (value instanceof Double) {
double dv = ((Double) value).doubleValue();
if (dv == 0.0 || dv == 1.0) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.DCONST_0 + (int) dv);
} else {
return IClass.DOUBLE;
if (value instanceof String) {
String s = (String) value;
if (s.length() < (65536 / 3)) {
Java.writeLDC(located, located.addConstantStringInfo((String) value));
return Java.getIClassLoader().STRING;
int sLength = s.length(), uTFLength = 0;
int from = 0;
for (int i = 0;; i++) {
if (i == sLength || uTFLength >= 65532) {
Java.writeLDC(located, located.addConstantStringInfo(s.substring(from, i)));
if (from != 0) {
Descriptor.STRING, // classFD
"concat", // methodName
"(" + Descriptor.STRING + ")" + Descriptor.STRING // methodMD
if (i == sLength) break;
from = i;
uTFLength = 0;
int c = s.charAt(i);
if ((c >= 0x0001) && (c <= 0x007F)) {
} else if (c > 0x07FF) {
uTFLength += 3;
} else {
uTFLength += 2;
return Java.getIClassLoader().STRING;
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
located.writeOpcode(((Boolean) value).booleanValue() ? Opcode.ICONST_1 : Opcode.ICONST_0);
return IClass.BOOLEAN;
if (value == Rvalue.CONSTANT_VALUE_NULL) {
return IClass.VOID;
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown literal type \"" + value.getClass().getName() + "\"");
private static void writeLDC(Located located, short index) {
if (index <= 255) {
located.writeByte((byte) index);
} else {
private static class LocalVariable {
public LocalVariable(
boolean finaL,
IClass type,
short localVariableArrayIndex
) {
this.finaL = finaL;
this.type = type;
this.localVariableArrayIndex = localVariableArrayIndex;
private final boolean finaL;
private final IClass type;
private final short localVariableArrayIndex;
* Implements "assignment conversion" (5.2).
private static void assignmentConversion(
Located located,
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType,
Object optionalConstantValue
) throws CompileException {
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println("assignmentConversion(" + sourceType + ", " + targetType + ", " + optionalConstantValue + ")");
// 5.2 / 5.1.1 Identity conversion.
if (Java.tryIdentityConversion(sourceType, targetType)) return;
// 5.2 / 5.1.2 Widening primitive conversion.
if (Java.tryWideningPrimitiveConversion(located, sourceType, targetType)) return;
// 5.2 / 5.1.4 Widening reference conversion.
if (Java.isWideningReferenceConvertible(sourceType, targetType)) return;
// 5.2 Special narrowing primitive conversion.
if (optionalConstantValue != null) {
if (Java.isConstantPrimitiveAssignmentConvertible(
optionalConstantValue, // constantValue
targetType // targetType
)) return;
located.compileError("Assignment conversion not possible from type \"" + sourceType + "\" to type \"" + targetType + "\"");
* Check if "method invocation conversion" (5.3) is possible.
private static boolean isMethodInvocationConvertible(
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) throws CompileException {
// 5.3 Identity conversion.
if (sourceType == targetType) return true;
// 5.3 Widening primitive conversion.
if (Java.isWideningPrimitiveConvertible(sourceType, targetType)) return true;
// 5.3 Widening reference conversion.
if (Java.isWideningReferenceConvertible(sourceType, targetType)) return true;
// 5.3 TODO: FLOAT or DOUBLE value set conversion
return false;
* Implements "unary numeric promotion" (5.6.1)
* @return The promoted type.
private static IClass unaryNumericPromotion(
Located located,
IClass type
) throws CompileException {
IClass promotedType = Java.unaryNumericPromotionType(located, type);
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(type, promotedType) &&
located, // located
type, // sourceType
promotedType // targetType
) throw new RuntimeException();
return promotedType;
private static IClass unaryNumericPromotionType(
Located located,
IClass type
) throws CompileException {
if (!type.isPrimitiveNumeric()) located.compileError("Unary numeric promotion not possible on non-numeric-primitive type \"" + type + "\"");
return (
type == IClass.DOUBLE ? IClass.DOUBLE :
type == IClass.FLOAT ? IClass.FLOAT :
type == IClass.LONG ? IClass.LONG :
* Implements "binary numeric promotion" (5.6.2)
* @return The promoted type.
private static IClass binaryNumericPromotion(
Located located,
IClass type1,
CodeContext.Inserter convertInserter1,
IClass type2
) throws CompileException {
IClass promotedType = Java.binaryNumericPromotionType(located, type1, type2);
if (convertInserter1 != null) {
try {
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(type1, promotedType) &&
located, // located
type1, // sourceType
promotedType // targetType
) throw new RuntimeException();
} finally {
if (
!Java.tryIdentityConversion(type2, promotedType) &&
located, // located
type2, // sourceType
promotedType // targetType
) throw new RuntimeException();
return promotedType;
private static IClass binaryNumericPromotionType(
Locatable locatable,
IClass type1,
IClass type2
) throws CompileException {
if (
!type1.isPrimitiveNumeric() ||
) locatable.compileError("Binary numeric promotion not possible on types \"" + type1 + "\" and \"" + type2 + "\"");
return (
type1 == IClass.DOUBLE || type2 == IClass.DOUBLE ? IClass.DOUBLE :
type1 == IClass.FLOAT || type2 == IClass.FLOAT ? IClass.FLOAT :
type1 == IClass.LONG || type2 == IClass.LONG ? IClass.LONG :
* Implements "identity conversion" (5.1.1).
* @return Whether the conversion succeeded
public static boolean tryIdentityConversion(
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) throws CompileException {
return sourceType == targetType;
public static boolean isWideningPrimitiveConvertible(
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) {
sourceType.getDescriptor() + targetType.getDescriptor()
) != null;
* Implements "widening primitive conversion" (5.1.2).
* @return Whether the conversion succeeded
public static boolean tryWideningPrimitiveConversion(
Located located,
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) throws CompileException {
byte[] opcodes = (byte[]) Java.PRIMITIVE_WIDENING_CONVERSIONS.get(sourceType.getDescriptor() + targetType.getDescriptor());
if (opcodes != null) {
return true;
return false;
private static final HashMap PRIMITIVE_WIDENING_CONVERSIONS = new HashMap();
static { Java.fillConversionMap(new Object[] {
new byte[0],
Descriptor.BYTE + Descriptor.SHORT,
Descriptor.BYTE + Descriptor.INT,
Descriptor.SHORT + Descriptor.INT,
Descriptor.CHAR + Descriptor.INT,
new byte[] { Opcode.I2L },
Descriptor.BYTE + Descriptor.LONG,
Descriptor.SHORT + Descriptor.LONG,
Descriptor.CHAR + Descriptor.LONG,
Descriptor.INT + Descriptor.LONG,
new byte[] { Opcode.I2F },
Descriptor.BYTE + Descriptor.FLOAT,
Descriptor.SHORT + Descriptor.FLOAT,
Descriptor.CHAR + Descriptor.FLOAT,
Descriptor.INT + Descriptor.FLOAT,
new byte[] { Opcode.L2F },
Descriptor.LONG + Descriptor.FLOAT,
new byte[] { Opcode.I2D },
Descriptor.BYTE + Descriptor.DOUBLE,
Descriptor.SHORT + Descriptor.DOUBLE,
Descriptor.CHAR + Descriptor.DOUBLE,
Descriptor.INT + Descriptor.DOUBLE,
new byte[] { Opcode.L2D },
Descriptor.LONG + Descriptor.DOUBLE,
new byte[] { Opcode.F2D },
Descriptor.FLOAT + Descriptor.DOUBLE,
private static void fillConversionMap(Object[] array, HashMap map) {
byte[] opcodes = null;
for (int i= 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
Object o = array[i];
if (o instanceof byte[]) {
opcodes = (byte[]) o;
} else {
map.put(o, opcodes);
* Checks if "widening reference conversion" (5.1.4) is possible. This is
* identical to EXECUTING the conversion, because no opcodes are necessary
* to implement the conversion.
* @return Whether the conversion is possible
public static boolean isWideningReferenceConvertible(
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) throws CompileException {
if (
targetType.isPrimitive() ||
sourceType == targetType
) return false;
// JLS Target type is superclass of source class type.
if (sourceType.isSubclassOf(targetType)) return true;
// JLS Source class type implements target interface type.
// JLS Source interface type implements target interface type.
if (sourceType.implementsInterface(targetType)) return true;
// JLS Convert "null" literal to any reference type.
IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
if (sourceType == IClass.VOID && !targetType.isPrimitive()) return true;
// JLS From any interface to type "Object".
if (sourceType.isInterface() && targetType == icl.OBJECT) return true;
if (sourceType.isArray()) {
// JLS From any array type to type "Object".
if (targetType == icl.OBJECT) return true;
// JLS From any array type to type "Cloneable".
if (targetType == icl.CLONEABLE) return true;
// JLS From any array type to type "java.io.Serializable".
if (targetType == icl.SERIALIZABLE) return true;
// JLS From SC[] to TC[] while SC if widening reference convertible to TC.
if (
targetType.isArray() &&
) return true;
return false;
* Implements "narrowing primitive conversion" (JLS 5.1.3).
* @return Whether the conversion succeeded
private static boolean tryNarrowingPrimitiveConversion(
Located located,
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) throws CompileException {
byte[] opcodes = (byte[]) Java.PRIMITIVE_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS.get(sourceType.getDescriptor() + targetType.getDescriptor());
if (opcodes != null) {
return true;
return false;
* Check whether "narrowing primitive conversion" (JLS 5.1.3) is possible.
private static boolean isNarrowingPrimitiveConvertible(
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) throws CompileException {
return Java.PRIMITIVE_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS.containsKey(sourceType.getDescriptor() + targetType.getDescriptor());
private static final HashMap PRIMITIVE_NARROWING_CONVERSIONS = new HashMap();
static { Java.fillConversionMap(new Object[] {
new byte[0],
Descriptor.BYTE + Descriptor.CHAR,
Descriptor.SHORT + Descriptor.CHAR,
Descriptor.CHAR + Descriptor.SHORT,
new byte[] { Opcode.I2B },
Descriptor.SHORT + Descriptor.BYTE,
Descriptor.CHAR + Descriptor.BYTE,
Descriptor.INT + Descriptor.BYTE,
new byte[] { Opcode.I2S },
Descriptor.INT + Descriptor.SHORT,
Descriptor.INT + Descriptor.CHAR,
new byte[] { Opcode.L2I, Opcode.I2B },
Descriptor.LONG + Descriptor.BYTE,
new byte[] { Opcode.L2I, Opcode.I2S },
Descriptor.LONG + Descriptor.SHORT,
Descriptor.LONG + Descriptor.CHAR,
new byte[] { Opcode.L2I },
Descriptor.LONG + Descriptor.INT,
new byte[] { Opcode.F2I, Opcode.I2B },
Descriptor.FLOAT + Descriptor.BYTE,
new byte[] { Opcode.F2I, Opcode.I2S },
Descriptor.FLOAT + Descriptor.SHORT,
Descriptor.FLOAT + Descriptor.CHAR,
new byte[] { Opcode.F2I },
Descriptor.FLOAT + Descriptor.INT,
new byte[] { Opcode.F2L },
Descriptor.FLOAT + Descriptor.LONG,
new byte[] { Opcode.D2I, Opcode.I2B },
Descriptor.DOUBLE + Descriptor.BYTE,
new byte[] { Opcode.D2I, Opcode.I2S },
Descriptor.DOUBLE + Descriptor.SHORT,
Descriptor.DOUBLE + Descriptor.CHAR,
new byte[] { Opcode.D2I },
Descriptor.DOUBLE + Descriptor.INT,
new byte[] { Opcode.D2L },
Descriptor.DOUBLE + Descriptor.LONG,
new byte[] { Opcode.D2F },
Descriptor.DOUBLE + Descriptor.FLOAT,
* Check if "constant primitive assignment conversion" (JLS 5.2) is possible.
* @param constantValue The constant value that is to be converted
* @param targetType The type to convert to
* @return
private static boolean isConstantPrimitiveAssignmentConvertible(
Object constantValue,
IClass targetType
) {
if (Java.DEBUG) System.out.println("isConstantPrimitiveAssignmentConvertible(" + constantValue + ", " + targetType + ")");
int cv;
if (
constantValue instanceof Byte ||
constantValue instanceof Short ||
constantValue instanceof Integer
) {
cv = ((Number) constantValue).intValue();
} else
if (constantValue instanceof Character) {
cv = (int) ((Character) constantValue).charValue();
} else {
return false;
if (targetType == IClass.BYTE ) return cv >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && cv <= Byte.MAX_VALUE;
if (targetType == IClass.SHORT) {
return cv >= Short.MIN_VALUE && cv <= Short.MAX_VALUE;
if (targetType == IClass.CHAR ) return cv >= Character.MIN_VALUE && cv <= Character.MAX_VALUE;
return false;
* Implements "narrowing reference conversion" (5.1.5).
* @return Whether the conversion succeeded
private static boolean tryNarrowingReferenceConversion(
Located located,
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) throws CompileException {
if (!isNarrowingReferenceConvertible(sourceType, targetType)) return false;
return true;
* Check whether "narrowing reference conversion" (JLS 5.1.5) is possible.
private static boolean isNarrowingReferenceConvertible(
IClass sourceType,
IClass targetType
) throws CompileException {
if (sourceType.isPrimitive()) return false;
if (sourceType == targetType) return false;
if (sourceType.isAssignableFrom(targetType)) return true;
if (
targetType.isInterface() &&
!sourceType.isFinal() &&
) return true;
if (
sourceType == Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT &&
) return true;
if (
sourceType == Java.getIClassLoader().OBJECT &&
) return true;
if (
sourceType.isInterface() &&
) return true;
if (
sourceType.isInterface() &&
targetType.isFinal() &&
) return true;
// TODO: Check for redefinition of methods with same signature but different return type.
if (
sourceType.isInterface() &&
targetType.isInterface() &&
) return true;
if (sourceType.isArray() && targetType.isArray()) {
IClass st = sourceType.getComponentType();
IClass tt = targetType.getComponentType();
if (
Java.isNarrowingPrimitiveConvertible(st, tt) ||
Java.isNarrowingReferenceConvertible(st, tt)
) return true;
return false;
* Convert object of type "sourceType" to type "String". JLS2
private static void stringConversion(
Located located,
IClass sourceType
) {
Descriptor.STRING, // classFD
"valueOf", // methodName
"(" + ( // methodMD
sourceType == IClass.BOOLEAN ||
sourceType == IClass.CHAR ||
sourceType == IClass.LONG ||
sourceType == IClass.FLOAT ||
sourceType == IClass.DOUBLE ? sourceType.getDescriptor() :
sourceType == IClass.BYTE ||
sourceType == IClass.SHORT ||
sourceType == IClass.INT ? Descriptor.INT :
) + ")" + Descriptor.STRING
* Attempt to load an {@link IClass} by fully-qualified name
* @param identifiers
* @return <code>null</code> if a class with the given name could not be loaded
public static IClass loadFullyQualifiedClass(String[] identifiers) {
// Get the IClassLoader from a thread-local store.
IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
// Compose the descriptor (like "La/b/c;") and remember the positions of the slashes
// (2 and 4).
int[] slashes = new int[identifiers.length - 1];
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("L");
for (int i = 0;; ++i) {
if (i == identifiers.length - 1) break;
slashes[i] = sb.length();
// Attempt to load the IClass and replace dots with dollar signs, i.e.:
// La/b/c; La/b$c; La$b$c;
for (int j = slashes.length - 1;; --j) {
IClass result = icl.loadIClass(sb.toString());
if (result != null) return result;
if (j < 0) break;
sb.setCharAt(slashes[j], '$');
return null;
// Load the value of a local variable onto the stack and return its type.
private static IClass load(
Located located,
LocalVariable localVariable
) {
return localVariable.type;
private static void load(
Located located,
IClass type,
int index
) {
if (index <= 3) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.ILOAD_0 + 4 * Java.ilfda(type) + index);
} else
if (index <= 255) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.ILOAD + Java.ilfda(type));
} else
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.ILOAD + Java.ilfda(type));
* Assign stack top value to the given local variable. (Assignment conversion takes effect.)
* If <copde>optionalConstantValue</code> is not <code>null</code>, then the top stack value
* is a constant value with that type and value, and a narrowing primitive conversion as
* described in JLS 5.2 is applied.
* @param valueType
* @param localVariable
* @param codeAttribute
* @param locatable
* @throws CompileException
private static void store(
Located located,
IClass valueType,
LocalVariable localVariable
) throws CompileException {
located, // located
localVariable.type, // lvType
localVariable.localVariableArrayIndex // lvIndex
private static void store(
Located located,
IClass lvType,
short lvIndex
) {
if (lvIndex <= 3) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.ISTORE_0 + 4 * Java.ilfda(lvType) + lvIndex);
} else
if (lvIndex <= 255) {
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.ISTORE + Java.ilfda(lvType));
} else
located.writeOpcode(Opcode.ISTORE + Java.ilfda(lvType));
/*package*/ static void dup(Located located, int n) {
switch (n) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
throw new RuntimeException("dup(" + n + ")");
/*package*/ static void dupx(
Located located,
IClass type,
int x
) {
if (x < 0 || x > 2) throw new RuntimeException();
int dup = Opcode.DUP + x;
int dup2 = Opcode.DUP2 + x;
type == IClass.LONG || type == IClass.DOUBLE ?
dup2 :
private static void pop(Located located, IClass type) {
if (type == IClass.VOID) return;
type == IClass.LONG || type == IClass.DOUBLE ?
Opcode.POP2 :
* An exception that reflects an error during compilation.
* This exception is associated with a particular {@link Scanner.Location
* Location} in the source code.
public static class CompileException extends Scanner.LocatedException {
public CompileException(String message, Scanner.Location optionalLocation) {
super(message, optionalLocation);
public static String join(Object[] a, String separator) {
return Java.join(a, separator, 0, a.length);
public static String join(Object[] a, String separator, int off, int len) {
if (a == null) return ("(null)");
if (off >= len) return "";
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(a[off].toString());
for (++off; off < len; ++off) {
return sb.toString();
* Join the first <code>n</code> strings with <code>separator1</code>, and the following
* with <code>separator2</code>.
* @param sa The strings to join
* @param separator1
* @param n 1 ... sa.length
* @param separator2
public static String join(String[] sa, String separator1, int n, String separator2) {
if (sa == null) return ("(null)");
if (sa.length == 0) return ("(zero length array)");
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(sa[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < sa.length; ++i) {
sb.append(i < n ? separator1 : separator2);
return sb.toString();
private static int ilfd(IClass t) {
if (
t == IClass.BYTE ||
t == IClass.CHAR ||
t == IClass.INT ||
t == IClass.SHORT ||
t == IClass.BOOLEAN
) return 0;
if (t == IClass.LONG ) return 1;
if (t == IClass.FLOAT ) return 2;
if (t == IClass.DOUBLE) return 3;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type \"" + t + "\"");
private static int ilfd(
IClass t,
int opcodeInt,
int opcodeLong,
int opcodeFloat,
int opcodeDouble
) {
if (
t == IClass.BYTE ||
t == IClass.CHAR ||
t == IClass.INT ||
t == IClass.SHORT ||
t == IClass.BOOLEAN
) return opcodeInt;
if (t == IClass.LONG ) return opcodeLong;
if (t == IClass.FLOAT ) return opcodeFloat;
if (t == IClass.DOUBLE) return opcodeDouble;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type \"" + t + "\"");
private static int ilfda(IClass t) {
return !t.isPrimitive() ? 4 : Java.ilfd(t);
private static int ilfdabcs(IClass t) {
if (t == IClass.INT ) return 0;
if (t == IClass.LONG ) return 1;
if (t == IClass.FLOAT ) return 2;
if (t == IClass.DOUBLE) return 3;
if (!t.isPrimitive() ) return 4;
if (t == IClass.BOOLEAN || t == IClass.BYTE) return 5;
if (t == IClass.CHAR ) return 6;
if (t == IClass.SHORT ) return 7;
throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected type \"" + t + "\"");
private static IClass getArrayType(IClass type) {
return Java.getIClassLoader().loadArrayIClass(type);
private static IClass getArrayType(IClass type, int brackets) {
if (brackets == 0) return type;
IClassLoader icl = Java.getIClassLoader();
for (int i = 0; i < brackets; ++i) type = icl.loadArrayIClass(type);
return type;
* Find a named field in the given {@link IClass}.
* Honor superclasses and interfaces. See JLS 8.3.
* @return <code>null</code> if no field is found
static IClass.IField findIField(
IClass iClass,
String name,
Scanner.Location location
) throws Java.CompileException {
// Search for a field with the given name in the current class.
IClass.IField[] fields = iClass.getDeclaredIFields();
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; ++i) {
final IClass.IField f = fields[i];
if (name.equals(f.getName())) return f;
// Examine superclass.
IClass.IField f = null;
IClass superclass = iClass.getSuperclass();
if (superclass != null) f = Java.findIField(superclass, name, location);
// Examine interfaces.
IClass[] ifs = iClass.getInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < ifs.length; ++i) {
IClass.IField f2 = Java.findIField(ifs[i], name, location);
if (f2 != null) {
if (f != null) throw new Java.CompileException("Access to field \"" + name + "\" is ambiguous - both \"" + f.getDeclaringIClass() + "\" and \"" + f2.getDeclaringIClass() + "\" declare it", location);
f = f2;
return f;
* Find a named type in the given {@link IClass}.
* Honor superclasses, interfaces and enclosing type declarations.
* @return <code>null</code> if no type with the given name is found
static IClass findMemberType(
IClass iClass,
String name,
Scanner.Location location
) throws Java.CompileException {
IClass[] types = iClass.findMemberType(name);
if (types.length == 0) return null;
if (types.length == 1) return types[0];
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Type \"" + name + "\" is ambiguous: " + types[0].toString());
for (int i = 1; i < types.length; ++i) sb.append(" vs. ").append(types[i].toString());
Java.compileError(sb.toString(), location);
return types[0];
public static void compileError(String message) throws CompileException {
Java.compileError(message, null);
private static void compileError(String message, Scanner.Location optionalLocation) throws CompileException {
ErrorHandler eh = (ErrorHandler) Java.compileErrorHandler.get();
if (eh != null) {
eh.handleError(message, optionalLocation);
} else {
throw new CompileException(message, optionalLocation);
public static void warning(String handle, String message, Scanner.Location optionalLocation) {
WarningHandler wh = (WarningHandler) Java.warningHandler.get();
if (wh != null) {
if (StringPattern.matches(Java.getOptionalWarningHandlePatterns(), handle)) {
wh.handleWarning(handle, message, optionalLocation);
* Interface type for {@link Java#setCompileErrorHandler(Java.ErrorHandler)}.
public interface ErrorHandler {
void handleError(String message, Scanner.Location optionalLocation) throws CompileException;
* By default, {@link CompileException}s are thrown on compile errors, but an application
* my install its own (thread-local) {@link ErrorHandler}.
* <p>
* Be aware that a single problem during compilation often causes a bunch of compile errors,
* so a good {@link ErrorHandler} counts errors and throws a {@link CompileException} when
* a limit is reached.
public static void setCompileErrorHandler(ErrorHandler errorHandler) {
* Interface type for {@link Java#setWarningHandler(Java.WarningHandler)}.
public interface WarningHandler {
void handleWarning(String handle, String message, Scanner.Location optionalLocation);
* By default, warnings are discarded, but an application my install a (thread-local)
* {@link WarningHandler}.
public static void setWarningHandler(WarningHandler warningHandler) {
private static StringPattern[] getOptionalWarningHandlePatterns() {
return (StringPattern[]) Java.optionalWarningHandlePatterns.get();
* By default, warnings are all filtered out, but some may be activated.
* @param optionalWarningHandlePatterns
public static void setWarningHandlePatterns(StringPattern[] optionalWarningHandlePatterns) {
// Temporary storage for generated class files.
private static final ThreadLocal generatedClassFiles = new ThreadLocal(); // List => ClassFile
// Used to look for classes declared outside this compilation unit.
private static final ThreadLocal iClassLoader = new ThreadLocal(); // IClassLoader
// Used to write byte code while compiling one constructor/method.
private static final ThreadLocal codeContext = new ThreadLocal(); // CodeContext
// Inclusive OR of DEBUGGING_* constants.
private static final ThreadLocal debuggingInformation = new ThreadLocal(); // DebuggingInformation
// Used for elaborate compile error handling.
private static final ThreadLocal compileErrorHandler = new ThreadLocal(); // ErrorHandler
// Used for elaborate warning handling.
private static final ThreadLocal warningHandler = new ThreadLocal(); // WarningHandler
// Filter for warnings.
private static final ThreadLocal optionalWarningHandlePatterns = new ThreadLocal(); // HandlePattern[]