Package net.janino

Source Code of net.janino.Compiler

* Janino - An embedded Java[TM] compiler
* Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Arno Unkrig
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Contact information:
*   Arno Unkrig
*   Ferdinand-Miller-Platz 10
*   80335 Muenchen
*   Germany

package net.janino;

import java.util.*;

import net.janino.util.*;
import net.janino.util.Benchmark;
import net.janino.util.ClassFile;
import net.janino.util.ResourceFinderClassLoader;
import net.janino.util.enum.EnumeratorFormatException;
import net.janino.util.resource.JarDirectoriesResourceFinder;
import net.janino.util.resource.PathResourceFinder;
import net.janino.util.resource.ResourceFinder;
import net.janino.util.TunnelException;

* A simplified substitute for the <tt>javac</tt> tool.
* Usage:
* <pre>
* java net.janino.Compiler \
*           [ -d <i>destination-dir</i> ] \
*           [ -sourcepath <i>dirlist</i> ] \
*           [ -classpath <i>dirlist</i> ] \
*           [ -extdirs <i>dirlist</i> ] \
*           [ -bootclasspath <i>dirlist</i> ] \
*           [ -encoding <i>encoding</i> ] \
*           [ -verbose ] \
*           [ -g:none ] \
*           [ -g:{lines,vars,source} ] \
*           [ -warn:<i>pattern-list</i> ] \
*           <i>source-file</i> ...
* java net.janino.Compiler -help
* </pre>
public class Compiler {
    private static final boolean DEBUG = false;

     * Command line interface.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        File                 optionalDestinationDirectory = null;
        File[]               optionalSourcePath = null;
        File[]               classPath = new File[] { new File(".") };
        File[]               optionalExtDirs = null;
        File[]               optionalBootClassPath = null;
        String               optionalCharacterEncoding = null;
        boolean              verbose = false;
        DebuggingInformation debuggingInformation = DebuggingInformation.LINES.add(DebuggingInformation.SOURCE);
        StringPattern[]      warningHandlePatterns = null;
        boolean              rebuild = false;

        // Process command line options.
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) {
            String arg = args[i];
            if (arg.charAt(0) != '-') break;
            if (arg.equals("-d")) {
                optionalDestinationDirectory = new File(args[++i]);
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-sourcepath")) {
                optionalSourcePath = PathResourceFinder.parsePath(args[++i]);
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-classpath")) {
                classPath = PathResourceFinder.parsePath(args[++i]);
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-extdirs")) {
                optionalExtDirs = PathResourceFinder.parsePath(args[++i]);
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-bootclasspath")) {
                optionalBootClassPath = PathResourceFinder.parsePath(args[++i]);
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-encoding")) {
                optionalCharacterEncoding = args[++i];
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-verbose")) {
                verbose = true;
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-g")) {
                debuggingInformation = DebuggingInformation.ALL;
            } else
            if (arg.startsWith("-g:")) {
                try {
                    debuggingInformation = new DebuggingInformation(arg.substring(3).toUpperCase());
                } catch (EnumeratorFormatException ex) {
                    System.err.println("Invalid debugging option \"" + arg + "\"");
            } else
            if (arg.startsWith("-warn:")) {
                warningHandlePatterns = StringPattern.parseCombinedPattern(arg.substring(6));
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-rebuild")) {
                rebuild = true;
            } else
            if (arg.equals("-help")) {
                for (int j = 0; j < Compiler.USAGE.length; ++j) System.out.println(Compiler.USAGE[j]);
            } else {
                System.err.println("Unrecognized command line option \"" + arg + "\"; try \"-help\".");

        // Get source file names.
        if (i == args.length) {
            System.err.println("No source files given on command line; try \"-help\".");
        File[] sourceFiles = new File[args.length - i];
        for (int j = i; j < args.length; ++j) sourceFiles[j - i] = new File(args[j]);

        // Create the compiler object.
        final Compiler compiler = new Compiler(

        // Set up a custom error handler that reports compile errors on "System.err".
        final int[] compileExceptionCount = new int[1];
        Java.setCompileErrorHandler(new Java.ErrorHandler() {
            public void handleError(String message, Scanner.Location optionalLocation) throws Java.CompileException {
                if (optionalLocation != null) System.err.print(optionalLocation + ": ");
                System.err.println("Error: " + message);
                if (++compileExceptionCount[0] >= 20) throw new Java.CompileException("Too many compile errors", null);

        // Set up a warning handler that reports warnings on "System.err".
        Java.setWarningHandler(new Java.WarningHandler() {
            public void handleWarning(String handle, String message, Scanner.Location optionalLocation) {
                if (optionalLocation != null) System.err.print(optionalLocation + ": ");
                System.err.println("Warning " + handle + ": " + message);

        // Compile source files.
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
        if (compileExceptionCount[0] > 0) {

    private static final String[] USAGE = {
        "  java net.janino.Compiler [ <option> ] ... <source-file> ...",
        "Supported <option>s are:",
        "  -d <output-dir>           Where to save class files",
        "  -sourcepath <dirlist>     Where to look for other source files",
        "  -classpath <dirlist>      Where to look for other class files",
        "  -extdirs <dirlist>        Where to look for other class files",
        "  -bootclasspath <dirlist>  Where to look for other class files",
        "  -encoding <encoding>      Encoding of source files, e.g. \"UTF-8\" or \"ISO-8859-1\"",
        "  -verbose",
        "  -g                        Generate all debugging info",
        "  -g:none                   Generate no debugging info",
        "  -g:{lines,vars,source}    Generate only some debugging info",
        "  -warn:<pattern-list>      Issue certain warnings; examples:",
        "    -warn:*                 Enables all warnings",
        "    -warn:IASF              Only warn against implicit access to static fields",
        "    -warn:*-IASF            Enables all warnings, except those against implicit",
        "                            access to static fields",
        "    -warn:*-IA*+IASF        Enables all warnings, except those against implicit",
        "                            accesses, but do warn against implicit access to",
        "                            static fields",
        "  -rebuild                  Compile all source files, even if the class files",
        "                            seems up-to-date",
        "  -help",
        "The default encoding in this environment is \"" + new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])).getEncoding() + "\".",

    private /*final*/ File                 optionalDestinationDirectory;
    private /*final*/ String               optionalCharacterEncoding;
    private /*final*/ Benchmark            benchmark;
    private /*final*/ DebuggingInformation debuggingInformation;
    private /*final*/ StringPattern[]      optionalWarningHandlePatterns;
    private /*final*/ boolean              rebuild;

    private /*final*/ IClassLoader iClassLoader;
    private final ArrayList    parsedCompilationUnits = new ArrayList();
    private boolean            storingClassFiles = true;

     * Initialize a Java<sup>TM</sup> compiler with the given parameters.
     * <p>
     * Classes are searched in the following order:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>If <code>optionalBootClassPath</code> is <code>null</code>:
     *   <ul>
     *     <li>Through the system class loader of the JVM that runs JANINO
     *   </ul>
     *   <li>If <code>optionalBootClassPath</code> is not <code>null</code>:
     *   <ul>
     *     <li>Through the <code>optionalBootClassPath</code>
     *   </ul>
     *   <li>If <code>optionalExtDirs</code> is not <code>null</code>:
     *   <ul>
     *     <li>Through the <code>optionalExtDirs</code>
     *   </ul>
     *   <li>Through the <code>classPath</code>
     *   <li>If <code>optionalSourcePath</code> is <code>null</code>:
     *   <ul>
     *     <li>Through source files found on the <code>classPath</code>
     *   </ul>
     *   <li>If <code>optionalSourcePath</code> is not <code>null</code>:
     *   <ul>
     *     <li>Through source files found on the <code>sourcePath</code>
     *   </ul>
     * </ul>
    public Compiler(
        final File[]         optionalSourcePath,
        final File[]         classPath,
        final File[]         optionalExtDirs,
        final File[]         optionalBootClassPath,
        final File           optionalDestinationDirectory,
        final String         optionalCharacterEncoding,
        boolean              verbose,
        DebuggingInformation debuggingInformation,
        StringPattern[]      optionalWarningHandlePatterns,
        boolean              rebuild
    ) {
            new PathResourceFinder(        // sourceFinder
                optionalSourcePath == null ? classPath : optionalSourcePath
            Compiler.createJavacLikePathIClassLoader( // iClassLoader
            optionalDestinationDirectory,  // optionalDestinationDirectory
            optionalCharacterEncoding,     // optionalCharacterEncoding
            verbose,                       // verbose
            debuggingInformation,          // debuggingInformation
            optionalWarningHandlePatterns, // optionalWarningHandlePatterns
            rebuild                        // rebuild
        );"*** JANINO - an embedded compiler for the Java(TM) programming language");"*** For more information visit");"Source path",             optionalSourcePath           );"Class path",              classPath                    );"Ext dirs",                optionalExtDirs              );"Boot class path",         optionalBootClassPath        );"Destination directory",   optionalDestinationDirectory );"Character encoding",      optionalCharacterEncoding    );"Verbose",                 new Boolean(verbose)         );"Debugging information",   debuggingInformation         );"Warning handle patterns", optionalWarningHandlePatterns);"Rebuild",                 new Boolean(rebuild)         );

     * @param sourceFinder Finds extra Java compilation units that need to be compiled (a.k.a. "sourcepath")
     * @param iClassLoader loads auxiliary {@link IClass}es; e.g. <code>new ClassLoaderIClassLoader(ClassLoader)</code>
     * @param optionalDestinationDirectory where to store the <code>.class</code> files
     * @param optionalCharacterEncoding
     * @param verbose
     * @param debuggingInformation a combination of <code>Java.DEBUGGING_...</code>
     * @param optionalWarningHandlePatterns which warnings to report
     * @param rebuild forces recompilation of all source files, even if up-to-date class files exist
    public Compiler(
        ResourceFinder       sourceFinder,
        IClassLoader         iClassLoader,
        final File           optionalDestinationDirectory,
        final String         optionalCharacterEncoding,
        boolean              verbose,
        DebuggingInformation debuggingInformation,
        StringPattern[]      optionalWarningHandlePatterns,
        boolean              rebuild
    ) {
        this.optionalDestinationDirectory  = optionalDestinationDirectory;
        this.optionalCharacterEncoding     = optionalCharacterEncoding;
        this.benchmark                     = new Benchmark(verbose);
        this.debuggingInformation          = debuggingInformation;
        this.optionalWarningHandlePatterns = optionalWarningHandlePatterns;
        this.rebuild                       = rebuild;

        // Set up the IClassLoader.
        this.iClassLoader = new CompilerIClassLoader(

     * Create an {@link IClassLoader} that looks for classes in the given "boot class
     * path", then in the given "extension directories", and then in the given
     * "class path".
     * <p>
     * The default for the <code>optionalBootClassPath</code> is the path defined in
     * the system property "sun.boot.class.path", and the default for the
     * <code>optionalExtensionDirs</code> is the path defined in the "java.ext.dirs"
     * system property.
    private static IClassLoader createJavacLikePathIClassLoader(
        final File[] optionalBootClassPath,
        final File[] optionalExtDirs,
        final File[] classPath
    ) {
        ResourceFinder bootClassPathResourceFinder = new PathResourceFinder(
            optionalBootClassPath == null ?
        ResourceFinder extensionDirectoriesResourceFinder = new JarDirectoriesResourceFinder(
            optionalExtDirs == null ?
        ResourceFinder classPathResourceFinder = new PathResourceFinder(classPath);

        // We can load classes through "ResourceFinderIClassLoader"s, which means
        // they are read into "ClassFile" objects, or we can load classes through
        // "ClassLoaderIClassLoader"s, which means they are loaded into the JVM.
        // In my environment, the latter is slightly faster. No figures about
        // resource usage yet.
        if (false) {
            IClassLoader icl;
            icl = new ResourceFinderIClassLoader(bootClassPathResourceFinder, null);
            icl = new ResourceFinderIClassLoader(extensionDirectoriesResourceFinder, icl);
            icl = new ResourceFinderIClassLoader(classPathResourceFinder, icl);
            return icl;
        } else {
            ClassLoader cl;

            // This is the only way to instantiate a "bootstrap" class loader, i.e. a class loader
            // that finds the bootstrap classes like "Object", "String" and "Throwable", but not
            // the classes on the JVM's class path.
            cl = new ClassLoader(null) {};
            cl = new ResourceFinderClassLoader(bootClassPathResourceFinder, cl);
            cl = new ResourceFinderClassLoader(extensionDirectoriesResourceFinder, cl);
            cl = new ResourceFinderClassLoader(classPathResourceFinder, cl);

            return new ClassLoaderIClassLoader(cl);

     * When called with a <code>false</code> argument, then compilation
     * is not terminated, but generated class files are no longer
     * stored in files.
    public void setStoringClassFiles(boolean storingClassFiles) {
        this.storingClassFiles = storingClassFiles;

     * Reads a set of Java<sup>TM</sup> compilation units (a.k.a. "source
     * files") from the file system, compiles them into a set of "class
     * files" and stores these in the file system. Additional source files are
     * parsed and compiled on demand through the "source path" set of
     * directories.
     * <p>
     * For example, if the source path comprises the directories "A/B" and "../C",
     * then the source file for class "com.acme.Main" is searched in
     * <dl>
     *   <dd>A/B/com/acme/
     *   <dd>../C/com/acme/
     * </dl>
     * Notice that it does make a difference whether you pass multiple source
     * files to {@link #compile(File[])} or if you invoke
     * {@link #compile(File[])} multiply: In the former case, the source
     * files may contain arbitrary references among each other (even circular
     * ones). In the latter case, only the source files on the source path
     * may contain circular references, not the <code>sourceFiles</code>.
    public void compile(File[] sourceFiles)
    throws Scanner.ScanException, Parser.ParseException, Java.CompileException, IOException {"Source files", sourceFiles);

        try {

            // Parse all source files.
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceFiles.length; ++i) {
                if (Compiler.DEBUG) System.out.println("Compiling \"" + sourceFiles[i] + "\"");
                    new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sourceFiles[i])),
            // Compile all parsed compilation units. The vector of parsed CUs may
            // grow while they are being compiled, but eventually all CUs will
            // be compiled.
            for (int i = 0; i < this.parsedCompilationUnits.size(); ++i) {
                Java.CompilationUnit cu = (Java.CompilationUnit) this.parsedCompilationUnits.get(i);
                File sourceFile = new File(cu.getFileName());

                this.benchmark.beginReporting("Compiling compilation unit \"" + sourceFile + "\"");
                ClassFile[] classFiles;
                try {
                    // Compile the compilation unit.
                    try {
                        classFiles = cu.compile(this.iClassLoader, this.debuggingInformation);
                    } catch (TunnelException ex) {
                        Throwable t = ex.getDelegate();
                        if (t instanceof Scanner.ScanException) throw (Scanner.ScanException) t;
                        if (t instanceof Parser.ParseException) throw (Parser.ParseException) t;
                        if (t instanceof IOException          ) throw (IOException          ) t;
                        throw ex;
                } finally {
                // Store the compiled classes and interfaces into class files.
                if (this.storingClassFiles) {
                    this.benchmark.beginReporting("Storing " + classFiles.length + " class file(s) resulting from compilation unit \"" + sourceFile + "\"");
                    try {
                        for (int j = 0; j < classFiles.length; ++j) {
                            Compiler.storeClassFile(classFiles[j], sourceFile, this.optionalDestinationDirectory);
                    } finally {
                } else {
          "Not storing " + classFiles.length + " class files resulting from compilation unit \"" + sourceFile + "\"");
        } finally {
            this.benchmark.endReporting("Compiled " + this.parsedCompilationUnits.size() + " compilation unit(s)");

     * Read one compilation unit from a file and parse it.
     * <p>
     * The <code>inputStream</code> is closed before the method returns.
     * @return the parsed compilation unit
    /*private*/ Java.CompilationUnit parseCompilationUnit(
        String      fileName,
        InputStream inputStream,
        String      optionalCharacterEncoding
    ) throws Scanner.ScanException, Parser.ParseException, IOException {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(fileName, inputStream, optionalCharacterEncoding);
        try {
            this.benchmark.beginReporting("Parsing \"" + fileName + "\"");
            try {
                return new Parser(scanner).parseCompilationUnit();
            } finally {
        } finally {

            // This closes the "inputStream".

     * Construct the name of a file that could store the byte code of the class with the given
     * name.
     * <p>
     * If <code>optionalDestinationDirectory</code> is non-null, the returned path is the
     * <code>optionalDestinationDirectory</code> plus the package of the class (with dots replaced
     * with file separators) plus the class name plus ".class". Example:
     * "destdir/pkg1/pkg2/Outer$Inner.class"
     * <p>
     * If <code>optionalDestinationDirectory</code> is null, the returned path is the
     * directory of the <code>sourceFile</code> plus the class name plus ".class". Example:
     * "srcdir/Outer$Inner.class"
     * @param className E.g. "pkg1.pkg2.Outer$Inner"
     * @param sourceFile E.g. "srcdir/"
     * @param optionalDestinationDirectory E.g. "destdir"
    public static File getClassFile(String className, File sourceFile, File optionalDestinationDirectory) {
        if (optionalDestinationDirectory != null) {
            return new File(optionalDestinationDirectory, className.replace('.', File.separatorChar) + ".class");
        } else {
            int idx = className.lastIndexOf('.');
            return new File(sourceFile.getParentFile(), className.substring(idx + 1) + ".class");

     * Store the byte code of this {@link ClassFile} in the file system. Directories are created
     * as necessary.
     * @param classFile
     * @param sourceFile Required to compute class file path if no destination directory given
     * @param optionalDestinationDirectory
    private static void storeClassFile(
        ClassFile classFile,
        File      sourceFile,
        File      optionalDestinationDirectory
    ) throws IOException {
        File file = Compiler.getClassFile(classFile.getThisClassName(), sourceFile, optionalDestinationDirectory);

        // Create directory for class file if it does not exist.
        File dir = file.getParentFile();
        if (dir != null && !dir.isDirectory()) {
            if (!dir.mkdirs()) throw new IOException("Cannot create directory for class file \"" + file + "\"");

        // Save ClassFile to file.
        OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file));
        try {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) {}
            os = null;
            if (!file.delete()) throw new IOException("Could not delete incompletely written class file \"" + file + "\"");
            throw ex;
        } finally {
            if (os != null) try { os.close(); } catch (IOException e) {}

     * A specialized {@link IClassLoader} that loads {@link IClass}es from the following
     * sources:
     * <ol>
     *   <li>An already-parsed compilation unit
     *   <li>A class file in the output directory (if existant and younger than source file)
     *   <li>A source file in any of the source path directories
     *   <li>The parent class loader
     * </ol>
     * Notice that the {@link CompilerIClassLoader} is an inner class of {@link Compiler} and
     * heavily uses {@link Compiler}'s members.
    private class CompilerIClassLoader extends IClassLoader {
        private final ResourceFinder sourceFinder;

         * @param sourceFinder Where to look for source files
         * @param optionalParentIClassLoader {@link IClassLoader} through which {@link IClass}es are to be loaded
        public CompilerIClassLoader(
            ResourceFinder sourceFinder,
            IClassLoader   optionalParentIClassLoader
        ) {
            this.sourceFinder = sourceFinder;

         * @param type field descriptor of the {@IClass} to load, e.g. "Lpkg1/pkg2/Outer$Inner;"
         * @throws TunnelException wraps a {@link Scanner.ScanException}
         * @throws TunnelException wraps a {@link Parser.ParseException}
         * @throws TunnelException wraps a {@link IOException}
        protected IClass findIClass(final String type) throws TunnelException {
            if (Compiler.DEBUG) System.out.println("type = " + type);

            // Class type.
            String className = Descriptor.toClassName(type); // E.g. "pkg1.pkg2.Outer$Inner"
            if (Compiler.DEBUG) System.out.println("2 className = \"" + className + "\"");

            // Do not attempt to load classes from package "java".
            if (className.startsWith("java.")) return null;

            // Check the already-parsed compilation units.
            for (int i = 0; i < Compiler.this.parsedCompilationUnits.size(); ++i) {
                Java.CompilationUnit cu = (Java.CompilationUnit) Compiler.this.parsedCompilationUnits.get(i);
                IClass res = cu.findClass(className);
                if (res != null) {
                    return res;

            // Search source path for uncompiled class.
            File sourceFile = null;
                URL sourceURL = this.sourceFinder.findResource(ClassFile.getSourceResourceName(className));
                if (sourceURL != null) {
                    if (Compiler.DEBUG) System.out.println("sourceURL=" + sourceURL);
                    if (!sourceURL.getProtocol().equals("file")) throw new RuntimeException();
                    sourceFile = new File(sourceURL.getFile());

            // Give up if there is no source file.
            if (sourceFile == null) return null;

            if (Compiler.this.rebuild) {

                // "rebuild" flag enforces compilation.
                return this.defineIClassFromSourceFile(sourceFile, className);
            } else {

                // Determine modification time of source file.
                long sourceFileLastModified = 0L;
                sourceFileLastModified = sourceFile.lastModified();
                if (Compiler.DEBUG) System.out.println("sourceFileLastModified=" + sourceFileLastModified);
                if (sourceFileLastModified == 0L) throw new RuntimeException();

                // Check output directory for a class file.
                File classFile = Compiler.getClassFile(className, sourceFile, Compiler.this.optionalDestinationDirectory);
                long classFileLastModified = classFile.lastModified();
                if (Compiler.DEBUG) System.out.println("classFileLastModified=" + classFileLastModified);

                if (sourceFileLastModified > classFileLastModified) {

                    // Source file not yet compiled or younger than class file.
                    return this.defineIClassFromSourceFile(sourceFile, className);
                } else {

                    // The class file is up-to-date; load it.
                    return this.defineIClassFromClassFile(classFile);

         * Parse the compilation unit stored in the given <code>sourceFile</code>, remember it in
         * <code>Compiler.this.parsedCompilationUnits</code> (it may declare other classes that
         * are needed later), find the declaration of the type with the given
         * <code>className</code>, and define it in the {@link IClassLoader}.
         * <p>
         * Notice that the CU is not compiled here!
        private IClass defineIClassFromSourceFile(
            File   sourceFile,
            String className
        ) throws TunnelException {

            // Parse the source file.
            Java.CompilationUnit cu;
            try {
                cu = Compiler.this.parseCompilationUnit(
                    sourceFile.getPath(),                                     // fileName
                    new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(sourceFile)), // inputStream
                    Compiler.this.optionalCharacterEncoding                   // optionalCharacterEncoding
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new TunnelException(ex);
            } catch (Parser.ParseException ex) {
                throw new TunnelException(ex);
            } catch (Scanner.ScanException ex) {
                throw new TunnelException(ex);

            // Remember compilation unit for later compilation.

            // Define the class.
            IClass res = cu.findClass(className);
            if (res == null) {

                // This is a really complicated case: We may find a source file on the source
                // path that seemingly contains the declaration of the class we are looking
                // for, but doesn't. This is possible if the underlying file system has
                // case-insensitive file names and/or file names that are limited in length
                // (e.g. DOS 8.3).
                return null;
            return res;

         * Open the given <code>classFile</code>, read its contents, define it in the
         * {@link IClassLoader}, and resolve it (this step may involve loading more classes).
        private IClass defineIClassFromClassFile(File classFile) {
            Compiler.this.benchmark.beginReporting("Loading class file \"" + classFile + "\"");
            try {
                InputStream is = null;
                ClassFile cf;
                try {
                    cf = new ClassFile(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(classFile)));
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    throw new TunnelException(ex);
                } finally {
                    if (is != null) try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) {}
                ClassFileIClass result = new ClassFileIClass(
                    cf,                       // classFile
                    CompilerIClassLoader.this // iClassLoader

                // Important: We must FIRST call "defineIClass()" so that the
                // new IClass is known to the IClassLoader, and THEN
                // "resolveAllClasses()", because otherwise endless recursion could
                // occur.
                try {
                } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Could not resolve class \"" + e.getMessage() + "\"");

                return result;
            } finally {


Related Classes of net.janino.Compiler

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