* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.apache.jmeter.threads;
import java.io.Serializable;
import org.apache.jmeter.control.Controller;
import org.apache.jmeter.control.LoopController;
import org.apache.jmeter.engine.event.LoopIterationListener;
import org.apache.jmeter.samplers.Sampler;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.AbstractTestElement;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.TestElement;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.property.IntegerProperty;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.property.JMeterProperty;
import org.apache.jmeter.testelement.property.TestElementProperty;
* ThreadGroup holds the settings for a JMeter thread group.
* This class is intended to be ThreadSafe.
public abstract class AbstractThreadGroup extends AbstractTestElement implements Serializable, Controller {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 240L;
/** Action to be taken when a Sampler error occurs */
public final static String ON_SAMPLE_ERROR = "ThreadGroup.on_sample_error"; // int
/** Continue, i.e. ignore sampler errors */
public final static String ON_SAMPLE_ERROR_CONTINUE = "continue";
/** Stop current thread if sampler error occurs */
public final static String ON_SAMPLE_ERROR_STOPTHREAD = "stopthread";
/** Stop test (all threads) if sampler error occurs */
public final static String ON_SAMPLE_ERROR_STOPTEST = "stoptest";
/** Stop test NOW (all threads) if sampler error occurs */
public final static String ON_SAMPLE_ERROR_STOPTEST_NOW = "stoptestnow";
/** Number of threads in the thread group */
public final static String NUM_THREADS = "ThreadGroup.num_threads";
public final static String MAIN_CONTROLLER = "ThreadGroup.main_controller";
// @GuardedBy("this")
private int numberOfThreads = 0; // Number of active threads in this group
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public boolean isDone() {
return getSamplerController().isDone();
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Sampler next() {
return getSamplerController().next();
* Get the sampler controller.
* @return the sampler controller.
public Controller getSamplerController() {
Controller c = (Controller) getProperty(MAIN_CONTROLLER).getObjectValue();
return c;
* Set the sampler controller.
* @param c
* the sampler controller.
public void setSamplerController(LoopController c) {
setProperty(new TestElementProperty(MAIN_CONTROLLER, c));
* Add a test element.
* @param child
* the test element to add.
public void addTestElement(TestElement child) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void addIterationListener(LoopIterationListener lis) {
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void initialize() {
Controller c = getSamplerController();
JMeterProperty property = c.getProperty(TestElement.NAME);
property.setObjectValue(getName()); // Copy our name into that of the controller
property.setRunningVersion(property.isRunningVersion());// otherwise name reverts
* Set the total number of threads to start
* @param numThreads
* the number of threads.
public void setNumThreads(int numThreads) {
setProperty(new IntegerProperty(NUM_THREADS, numThreads));
* Increment the number of active threads
synchronized void incrNumberOfThreads() {
* Decrement the number of active threads
synchronized void decrNumberOfThreads() {
* Get the number of active threads
public synchronized int getNumberOfThreads() {
return numberOfThreads;
* Get the number of threads.
* @return the number of threads.
public int getNumThreads() {
return this.getPropertyAsInt(AbstractThreadGroup.NUM_THREADS);
* Check if a sampler error should cause thread to stop.
* @return true if thread should stop
public boolean getOnErrorStopThread() {
return getPropertyAsString(ThreadGroup.ON_SAMPLE_ERROR).equalsIgnoreCase(ON_SAMPLE_ERROR_STOPTHREAD);
* Check if a sampler error should cause test to stop.
* @return true if test (all threads) should stop
public boolean getOnErrorStopTest() {
return getPropertyAsString(ThreadGroup.ON_SAMPLE_ERROR).equalsIgnoreCase(ON_SAMPLE_ERROR_STOPTEST);
* Check if a sampler error should cause test to stop now.
* @return true if test (all threads) should stop immediately
public boolean getOnErrorStopTestNow() {
return getPropertyAsString(ThreadGroup.ON_SAMPLE_ERROR).equalsIgnoreCase(ON_SAMPLE_ERROR_STOPTEST_NOW);
public abstract void scheduleThread(JMeterThread thread);