package net.sf.jabref.collab;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import net.sf.jabref.BasePanel;
import net.sf.jabref.Globals;
import net.sf.jabref.BibtexDatabase;
import net.sf.jabref.groups.AllEntriesGroup;
import net.sf.jabref.groups.GroupTreeNode;
import net.sf.jabref.groups.UndoableModifySubtree;
import net.sf.jabref.undo.NamedCompound;
public class GroupChange extends Change {
private final GroupTreeNode m_changedGroups;
private GroupTreeNode tmpGroupRoot;
public GroupChange(GroupTreeNode changedGroups, GroupTreeNode tmpGroupRoot) {
super(changedGroups != null ?
"Modified groups tree"
: "Removed all groups"); // JZTODO lyrics
m_changedGroups = changedGroups;
this.tmpGroupRoot = tmpGroupRoot;
public boolean makeChange(BasePanel panel, BibtexDatabase secondary, NamedCompound undoEdit) {
final GroupTreeNode root = panel.getGroupSelector().getGroupTreeRoot();
final UndoableModifySubtree undo = new UndoableModifySubtree(
panel.getGroupSelector(), root, Globals.lang("Modified groups")); // JZTODO lyrics
if (m_changedGroups == null) {
// I think setting root to null is not possible
root.setGroup(new AllEntriesGroup());
} else {
// change root group, even though it'll be AllEntries anyway
for (int i = 0; i < m_changedGroups.getChildCount(); ++i)
root.add(((GroupTreeNode) m_changedGroups.getChildAt(i)).deepCopy());
// the group tree is now appled to a different BibtexDatabase than it was created
// for, which affects groups such as ExplicitGroup (which links to BibtexEntry objects).
// We must traverse the tree and refresh all groups:
// Update tmp database:
GroupTreeNode copied = m_changedGroups.deepCopy();
for (int i = 0; i < copied.getChildCount(); ++i)
tmpGroupRoot.add(((GroupTreeNode) copied.getChildAt(i)).deepCopy());
return true;
JComponent description() {
return new JLabel("<html>" + name + "." + (m_changedGroups != null ? " "
+ "Accepting the change replaces the complete " +
"groups tree with the externally modified groups tree." : "")
+ "</html>");
// JZTODO lyrics