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package org.jwebsocket.tcp.connectors;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketTimeoutException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jwebsocket.api.EngineConfiguration;
import org.jwebsocket.api.WebSocketPacket;
import org.jwebsocket.api.WebSocketConnector;
import org.jwebsocket.api.WebSocketEngine;
import org.jwebsocket.config.JWebSocketCommonConstants;
import org.jwebsocket.connectors.BaseConnector;
import org.jwebsocket.kit.CloseReason;
import org.jwebsocket.kit.RawPacket;
import org.jwebsocket.logging.Logging;
* Implementation of the jWebSocket TCP socket connector.
* @author aschulze
public class TCPConnector extends BaseConnector {
private static Logger mLog = Logging.getLogger(TCPConnector.class);
private InputStream mIn = null;
private OutputStream mOut = null;
private Socket mClientSocket = null;
private boolean mIsRunning = false;
private CloseReason mCloseReason = CloseReason.TIMEOUT;
* creates a new TCP connector for the passed engine using the passed
* client socket. Usually connectors are instantiated by their engine
* only, not by the application.
* @param aEngine
* @param aClientSocket
public TCPConnector(WebSocketEngine aEngine, Socket aClientSocket) {
mClientSocket = aClientSocket;
try {
mIn = mClientSocket.getInputStream();
mOut = new PrintStream(mClientSocket.getOutputStream(), true, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception ex) {
+ " instantiating " + getClass().getSimpleName()
+ ": " + ex.getMessage());
public void startConnector() {
int lPort = -1;
int lTimeout = -1;
try {
lPort = mClientSocket.getPort();
lTimeout = mClientSocket.getSoTimeout();
} catch (Exception ex) {
if (mLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
mLog.debug("Starting TCP connector on port "
+ lPort + " with timeout "
+ (lTimeout > 0 ? lTimeout + "ms" : "infinite")
+ "");
ClientProcessor clientProc = new ClientProcessor(this);
Thread clientThread = new Thread(clientProc);
if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
mLog.info("Started TCP connector on port "
+ lPort + " with timeout "
+ (lTimeout > 0 ? lTimeout + "ms" : "infinite")
+ "");
public void stopConnector(CloseReason aCloseReason) {
if (mLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
mLog.debug("Stopping TCP connector (" + aCloseReason.name() + ")...");
int lPort = mClientSocket.getPort();
mCloseReason = aCloseReason;
mIsRunning = false;
try {
if (mLog.isInfoEnabled()) {
mLog.info("Stopped TCP connector ("
+ aCloseReason.name() + ") on port " + lPort + ".");
} catch (IOException ex) {
if (mLog.isDebugEnabled()) {
mLog.info(ex.getClass().getSimpleName() + " while stopping TCP connector ("
+ aCloseReason.name() + ") on port " + lPort + ": " + ex.getMessage());
public void processPacket(WebSocketPacket aDataPacket) {
// forward the data packet to the engine
getEngine().processPacket(this, aDataPacket);
public synchronized void sendPacket(WebSocketPacket aDataPacket) {
try {
if (aDataPacket.getFrameType() == RawPacket.FRAMETYPE_BINARY) {
// each packet is enclosed in 0xFF<length><data>
// TODO: for future use! Not yet finally spec'd in IETF drafts!
byte[] lBA = aDataPacket.getByteArray();
// TODO: implement multi byte length!
} else {
// each packet is enclosed in 0x00<data>0xFF
} catch (IOException ex) {
+ " sending data packet: " + ex.getMessage());
private class ClientProcessor implements Runnable {
private WebSocketConnector connector = null;
* Creates the new socket listener thread for this connector.
* @param aConnector
public ClientProcessor(WebSocketConnector aConnector) {
connector = aConnector;
public void run() {
WebSocketEngine engine = getEngine();
int lMaxFrameSize = JWebSocketCommonConstants.DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE;
EngineConfiguration config = engine.getConfiguration();
if (config != null && config.getMaxFramesize() > 0) {
lMaxFrameSize = config.getMaxFramesize();
byte[] lBuff = new byte[lMaxFrameSize];
int pos = -1;
int lStart = -1;
try {
// start client listener loop
mIsRunning = true;
// call connectorStarted method of engine
while (mIsRunning) {
try {
int b = mIn.read();
// start of frame
if (b == 0x00) {
pos = 0;
lStart = 0;
// end of frame
} else if (b == 0xff) {
if (lStart >= 0) {
if (pos <= lMaxFrameSize) {
RawPacket lPacket = new RawPacket(Arrays.copyOf(lBuff, pos));
try {
engine.processPacket(connector, lPacket);
} catch (Exception ex) {
+ " in processPacket of connector "
+ connector.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ ": " + ex.getMessage());
} else {
mLog.error("Datapacket exceeded maximum size of " + lMaxFrameSize + " bytes and will not be processed!");
lStart = -1;
// end of stream
} else if (b < 0) {
mCloseReason = CloseReason.CLIENT;
mIsRunning = false;
// any other byte within or outside a frame
} else {
if (lStart >= 0 && pos < lMaxFrameSize) {
lBuff[pos] = (byte) b;
} catch (SocketTimeoutException ex) {
mLog.error("(timeout) "
+ ex.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ ": " + ex.getMessage());
mCloseReason = CloseReason.TIMEOUT;
mIsRunning = false;
} catch (Exception ex) {
mLog.error("(other) "
+ ex.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ ": " + ex.getMessage());
mCloseReason = CloseReason.SERVER;
mIsRunning = false;
// call client stopped method of engine
// (e.g. to release client from streams)
engine.connectorStopped(connector, mCloseReason);
// br.close();
} catch (Exception ex) {
// ignore this exception for now
mLog.error("(close) "
+ ex.getClass().getSimpleName()
+ ": " + ex.getMessage());
public String generateUID() {
String lUID = mClientSocket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress()
+ "@" + mClientSocket.getPort();
return lUID;
public int getRemotePort() {
return mClientSocket.getPort();
public InetAddress getRemoteHost() {
return mClientSocket.getInetAddress();
public String toString() {
// TODO: weird results like... '0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:61130'... on JDK 1.6u19 Windows 7 64bit
String lRes = getRemoteHost().getHostAddress() + ":" + getRemotePort();
// TODO: don't hard code. At least use JWebSocketConstants field here.
String lUsername = getString("org.jWebSocket.plugins.system.username");
if (lUsername != null) {
lRes += " (" + lUsername + ")";
return lRes;