* Javolution - Java(TM) Solution for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
* Copyright (C) 2006 - Javolution (http://javolution.org/)
* All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software is
* freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.
package javolution.xml;
import java.lang.CharSequence;
import javolution.lang.Reflection;
import javolution.text.CharArray;
import javolution.text.Text;
import javolution.text.TextBuilder;
import javolution.text.TextFormat;
import javolution.xml.sax.Attributes;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamReaderImpl;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter;
import javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriterImpl;
* <p> This class represents the format base class for XML serialization and
* deserialization.</p>
* <p> Application classes typically define a default XML format for their
* instances using protected static {@link XMLFormat} class members.
* Formats are inherited by sub-classes. For example:[code]
* public abstract class Graphic implements XMLSerializable {
* private boolean _isVisible;
* private Paint _paint; // null if none.
* private Stroke _stroke; // null if none.
* private Transform _transform; // null if none.
* // XML format with positional associations (members identified by their position),
* // see XML package description for examples of name associations.
* protected static final XMLFormat<Graphic> GRAPHIC_XML = new XMLFormat<Graphic>(Graphic.class) {
* public void write(Graphic g, OutputElement xml) {
* xml.setAttribute("isVisible", g._isVisible);
* xml.add(g._paint); // First.
* xml.add(g._stroke); // Second.
* xml.add(g._transform); // Third.
* }
* public void read(InputElement xml, Graphic g) {
* g._isVisible = xml.getAttribute("isVisible", true);
* g._paint = xml.getNext();
* g._stroke = xml.getNext();
* g._transform = xml.getNext();
* return g;
* }
* };
* }[/code]
* <p> Due to the sequential nature of XML serialization/deserialization,
* formatting/parsing of XML attributes should always be performed before
* formatting/parsing of the XML content.</p>
* <p> The mapping between classes and XML formats can be overriden
* through {@link XMLBinding} instances.
* Here is an example of serialization/deserialization:[code]
* // Creates a list holding diverse objects.
* List list = new ArrayList();
* list.add("John Doe");
* list.add(null);
* Map map = new FastMap();
* map.put("ONE", 1);
* map.put("TWO", 2);
* list.add(map);
* // Use of custom binding.
* XMLBinding binding = new XMLBinding();
* binding.setAlias(FastMap.class, "Map");
* binding.setAlias(String.class, "String");
* binding.setAlias(Integer.class, "Integer");
* // Formats the list to XML .
* OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("C:/list.xml");
* XMLObjectWriter writer = new XMLObjectWriter().setOutput(out).setBinding(binding);
* writer.write(list, "MyList", ArrayList.class);
* writer.close();[/code]
* Here is the output <code>list.xml</code> document produced:[code]
* <MyList>
* <String value="John Doe"/>
* <Null/>
* <Map>
* <Key class="String" value="ONE"/>
* <Value class="Integer" value="1"/>
* <Key class="String" value="TWO"/>
* <Value class="Integer" value="2"/>
* </Map>
* </MyList>[/code]
* The list can be read back with the following code:[code]
* // Reads back to a FastTable instance.
* InputStream in = new FileInputStream("C:/list.xml");
* XMLObjectReader reader = new XMLObjectReader().setInput(in).setBinding(binding);
* FastTable table = reader.read("MyList", FastTable.class);
* reader.close();[/code]
* </p>
* <p> <i>Note:</i> Any type for which a text format is
* {@link TextFormat#getInstance known} can be represented as
* a XML attribute.</p>
* @author <a href="mailto:jean-marie@dautelle.com">Jean-Marie Dautelle</a>
* @version 5.4, December 1, 2009
public abstract class XMLFormat <T> {
* Holds <code>null</code> representation.
private static final String NULL = "Null";
* Holds the class associated to this format (static instances)
* or <code>null</code> if format is unbound.
private final Class <T> _class;
* Defines the default XML format bound to the specified class.
* If the specified class is <code>null</code> then the format is unbound
* (unbound formats are used by custom {@link XMLBinding binding} instances).
* The static binding is unique and can only be overriden by custom
* {@link XMLBinding}. For example:[code]
* // Overrides default binding for java.util.Collection.
* class MyBinding extends XMLBinding {
* XMLFormat<Collection> collectionXML = new XMLFormat<Collection>(null) { ... }; // Unbound.
* public XMLFormat getFormat(Class cls) {
* if (Collection.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
* return collectionXML; // Overrides default XML format.
* } else {
* return super.getFormat(cls);
* }
* }
* }[/code]
* @param forClass the root class/interface to associate to this XML format
* or <code>null</code> if this format is not bound.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if a XMLFormat is already bound to
* the specified class.
protected XMLFormat(Class <T> forClass) {
_class = forClass;
if (forClass == null)
return; // Dynamic format.
Reflection.getInstance().setField(this, forClass, XMLFormat.class);
* <p> Returns the default format for the specified class/interface.
* If there no direct mapping for the specified class, the mapping
* for the specified class interfaces is searched, if none is found
* the mapping for the parents classes is searched, if still none is
* found the format for <code>java.lang.Object</code> is returned.</p>
* <p> A default xml format exists for the following predefined types:
* <code><ul>
* <li>java.lang.Object</li>
* <li>java.util.Collection</li>
* <li>java.util.Map</li>
* </ul></code>
* The default XML representation (java.lang.Object) consists of the
* of a "value" attribute holding its textual representation
* (see {@link TextFormat#getInstance}).</p>
* @return the class/interface bound to this format.
public static <T> XMLFormat <T> getInstance(Class <? extends T> forClass) {
XMLFormat objectFormat = XMLBinding.OBJECT_XML; // Also forces initialization or XMLBinding.
XMLFormat xmlFormat = (XMLFormat) Reflection.getInstance().getField(forClass, XMLFormat.class, true);
return (xmlFormat != null) ? xmlFormat : objectFormat;
* Returns the class/interface statically bound to this format or
* <code>null</code> if none.
* @return the class/interface bound to this format.
public final Class <T> getBoundClass() {
return _class;
* Indicates if the object serialized through this format can be referenced
* to (default <code>true</code>). This method can be overriden to return
* <code>false</code> if serialized objects are manipulated "by value".
* @return <code>true</code> if serialized object may hold a reference;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
* @see XMLReferenceResolver
public boolean isReferenceable() {
return true;
* Allocates a new object of the specified class from the specified
* XML input element. By default, this method returns an object created
* using the public no-arg constructor of the specified class.
* XML formats may override this method in order to use private/multi-arg
* constructors.
* @param cls the class of the object to return.
* @param xml the XML input element.
* @return the object corresponding to the specified XML element.
public T newInstance(Class <T> cls, InputElement xml)
throws XMLStreamException {
try {
return cls.newInstance();
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new XMLStreamException(e);
* Formats an object into the specified XML output element.
* @param obj the object to format.
* @param xml the <code>XMLElement</code> destination.
public abstract void write( T obj, OutputElement xml)
throws XMLStreamException;
* Parses an XML input element into the specified object.
* @param xml the XML element to parse.
* @param obj the object created through {@link #newInstance}
* and to setup from the specified XML element.
public abstract void read(InputElement xml, T obj)
throws XMLStreamException;
* Returns textual information about this format.
* @return this format textual information.
public String toString() {
Class boundClass = getBoundClass();
return (boundClass != null)
? "Default XMLFormat for " + boundClass.getName()
: "Dynamic XMLtFormat (" + this.hashCode() + ")";
* This class represents an input XML element (unmarshalling).
public static final class InputElement {
* Holds the stream reader.
final XMLStreamReaderImpl _reader = new XMLStreamReaderImpl();
* Holds the XML binding.
private XMLBinding _binding;
* Holds the reference resolver.
private XMLReferenceResolver _referenceResolver;
* Indicates if the reader is currently positioned on the next element.
private boolean _isReaderAtNext;
* Default constructor.
InputElement() {
* Returns the StAX-like stream reader (provides complete control
* over the unmarshalling process).
* @return the stream reader.
public XMLStreamReader getStreamReader() {
return _reader;
* Indicates if more nested XML element can be read. This method
* positions the {@link #getStreamReader reader} at the start of the
* next XML element to be read (if any).
* @return <code>true</code> if there is more XML element to be read;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean hasNext() throws XMLStreamException {
if (!_isReaderAtNext) {
_isReaderAtNext = true;
return _reader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT;
* Returns the next object whose type is identified by the local name
* and URI of the current XML element.
* @return the next nested object which can be <code>null</code>.
* @throws XMLStreamException if <code>hasNext() == false</code>.
public <T> T getNext() throws XMLStreamException {
if (!hasNext()) // Asserts isReaderAtNext == true
throw new XMLStreamException("No more element to read", _reader.getLocation());
// Checks for null.
if (_reader.getLocalName().equals(NULL)) {
if (_reader.next() != XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT)
throw new XMLStreamException("Non Empty Null Element");
_isReaderAtNext = false;
return null;
Object ref = readReference();
if (ref != null)
return ( T ) ref;
// Retrieves object's class from element tag.
Class cls = _binding.readClass(_reader, false);
return ( T ) readInstanceOf(cls);
* Returns the object whose type is identified by a XML class attribute
* only if the XML element has the specified local name.
* @param name the local name of the next element.
* @return the next nested object or <code>null</code>.
public <T> T get(String name) throws XMLStreamException {
if (!hasNext()// Asserts isReaderAtNext == true
|| !_reader.getLocalName().equals(name))
return null;
Object ref = readReference();
if (ref != null)
return ( T ) ref;
// Retrieves object's class from class attribute.
Class cls = _binding.readClass(_reader, true);
return ( T ) readInstanceOf(cls);
* Returns the object whose type is identified by a XML class attribute
* only if the XML element has the specified local name and URI.
* @param localName the local name.
* @param uri the namespace URI or <code>null</code>.
* @return the next nested object or <code>null</code>.
public <T> T get(String localName, String uri)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (uri == null)
return ( T ) get(localName);
if (!hasNext()// Asserts isReaderAtNext == true
|| !_reader.getLocalName().equals(localName) || !_reader.getNamespaceURI().equals(uri))
return null;
Object ref = readReference();
if (ref != null)
return ( T ) ref;
// Retrieves object's class from class attribute.
Class cls = _binding.readClass(_reader, true);
return ( T ) readInstanceOf(cls);
* Returns the object of specified type only if the XML element has the
* specified local name.
* @param name the local name of the element to match.
* @param cls the class identifying the format of the object to return.
* @return the next nested object or <code>null</code>.
public <T> T get(String name, Class <T> cls)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (!hasNext()// Asserts isReaderAtNext == true
|| !_reader.getLocalName().equals(name))
return null;
Object ref = readReference();
if (ref != null)
return ( T ) ref;
return ( T ) readInstanceOf(cls);
* Returns the object of specified type only if the
* XML element has the specified local name and namespace URI.
* @param localName the local name.
* @param uri the namespace URI or <code>null</code>.
* @param cls the class identifying the format of the object to return.
* @return the next nested object or <code>null</code>.
public <T> T get(String localName, String uri,
Class <T> cls) throws XMLStreamException {
if (uri == null)
return get(localName, cls);
if (!hasNext()// Asserts isReaderAtNext == true
|| !_reader.getLocalName().equals(localName) || !_reader.getNamespaceURI().equals(uri))
return null;
Object ref = readReference();
if (ref != null)
return ( T ) ref;
return ( T ) readInstanceOf(cls);
// Returns the referenced object if any.
private Object readReference() throws XMLStreamException {
if (_referenceResolver == null)
return null;
Object ref = _referenceResolver.readReference(this);
if (ref == null)
return null;
if (_reader.next() != XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT)
throw new XMLStreamException("Non Empty Reference Element");
_isReaderAtNext = false;
return ref;
// Builds object of specified class.
private Object readInstanceOf(Class cls) throws XMLStreamException {
// Retrieves format.
XMLFormat xmlFormat = _binding.getFormat(cls);
// Creates object.
_isReaderAtNext = false; // Makes attributes accessible.
Object obj = xmlFormat.newInstance(cls, this);
// Adds reference (before reading to support circular reference).
if (_referenceResolver != null) {
_referenceResolver.createReference(obj, this);
// Parses xml.
xmlFormat.read(this, obj);
if (hasNext()) // Asserts _isReaderAtNext == true
throw new XMLStreamException("Incomplete element reading",
_isReaderAtNext = false; // Skips end element.
return obj;
* Returns the content of a text-only element (equivalent to
* {@link javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader#getElementText
* getStreamReader().getElementText()}).
* @return the element text content or an empty sequence if none.
public CharArray getText() throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray txt = _reader.getElementText();
_isReaderAtNext = true; // End element is next.
return txt;
* Returns the attributes for this XML input element.
* @return the attributes mapping.
public Attributes getAttributes() throws XMLStreamException {
if (_isReaderAtNext)
throw new XMLStreamException(
"Attributes should be read before content");
return _reader.getAttributes();
* Searches for the attribute having the specified name.
* @param name the name of the attribute.
* @return the value for the specified attribute or <code>null</code>
* if the attribute is not found.
public CharArray getAttribute(String name) throws XMLStreamException {
if (_isReaderAtNext)
throw new XMLStreamException(
"Attributes should be read before reading content");
return _reader.getAttributeValue(null, toCsq(name));
* Returns the specified <code>String</code> attribute.
* @param name the name of the attribute.
* @param defaultValue a default value.
* @return the value for the specified attribute or
* the <code>defaultValue</code> if the attribute is not found.
public String getAttribute(String name, String defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
return (value != null) ? value.toString() : defaultValue;
* Returns the specified <code>boolean</code> attribute.
* @param name the name of the attribute searched for.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the <code>boolean</code> value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public boolean getAttribute(String name, boolean defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
return (value != null) ? value.toBoolean() : defaultValue;
* Returns the specified <code>char</code> attribute.
* @param name the name of the attribute searched for.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the <code>char</code> value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public char getAttribute(String name, char defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
if (value.length() != 1)
throw new XMLStreamException(
"Single character expected (read '" + value + "')");
return value.charAt(0);
* Returns the specified <code>byte</code> attribute. This method handles
* string formats that are used to represent octal and hexadecimal numbers.
* @param name the name of the attribute searched for.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the <code>byte</code> value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public byte getAttribute(String name, byte defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
return (value != null) ? (byte) value.toInt() : defaultValue;
* Returns the specified <code>short</code> attribute. This method handles
* string formats that are used to represent octal and hexadecimal numbers.
* @param name the name of the attribute searched for.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the <code>short</code> value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public short getAttribute(String name, short defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
return (value != null) ? (short) value.toInt() : defaultValue;
* Returns the specified <code>int</code> attribute. This method handles
* string formats that are used to represent octal and hexadecimal numbers.
* @param name the name of the attribute searched for.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the <code>int</code> value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public int getAttribute(String name, int defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
return (value != null) ? value.toInt() : defaultValue;
* Returns the specified <code>long</code> attribute. This method handles
* string formats that are used to represent octal and hexadecimal numbers.
* @param name the name of the attribute searched for.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the <code>long</code> value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public long getAttribute(String name, long defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
return (value != null) ? value.toLong() : defaultValue;
* Returns the specified <code>float</code> attribute.
* @param name the name of the attribute searched for.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the <code>float</code> value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public float getAttribute(String name, float defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
return (value != null) ? value.toFloat() : defaultValue;
* Returns the specified <code>double</code> attribute.
* @param name the name of the attribute searched for.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the <code>double</code> value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public double getAttribute(String name, double defaultValue)
throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
return (value != null) ? value.toDouble() : defaultValue;
* Returns the attribute of same type as the specified
* default value. The default value
* {@link javolution.text.TextFormat#getInstance TextFormat} is
* used to parse the attribute value.
* @param name the name of the attribute.
* @param defaultValue the value returned if the attribute is not found.
* @return the parse value for the specified attribute or
* the default value if the attribute is not found.
public <T> T getAttribute(String name,
T defaultValue) throws XMLStreamException {
CharArray value = getAttribute(name);
if (value == null)
return defaultValue;
// Parses attribute value.
Class type = defaultValue.getClass();
TextFormat format = TextFormat.getInstance(type);
if (!format.isParsingSupported())
throw new XMLStreamException("No TextFormat instance for " + type);
return ( T ) format.parse(value);
// Sets XML binding.
void setBinding(XMLBinding xmlBinding) {
_binding = xmlBinding;
// Sets XML reference resolver.
void setReferenceResolver(XMLReferenceResolver xmlReferenceResolver) {
_referenceResolver = xmlReferenceResolver;
// Resets for reuse.
void reset() {
_binding = XMLBinding.DEFAULT;
_isReaderAtNext = false;
_referenceResolver = null;
* This class represents an output XML element (marshalling).
public static final class OutputElement {
* Holds the stream writer.
final XMLStreamWriterImpl _writer = new XMLStreamWriterImpl();
* Holds the XML binding.
private XMLBinding _binding;
* Holds the reference resolver.
private XMLReferenceResolver _referenceResolver;
* Default constructor.
OutputElement() {
* Returns the StAX-like stream writer (provides complete control over
* the marshalling process).
* @return the stream writer.
public XMLStreamWriter getStreamWriter() {
return _writer;
* Adds the specified object or <code>null</code> as an anonymous
* nested element of unknown type.
* @param obj the object added as nested element or <code>null</code>.
public void add(Object obj) throws XMLStreamException {
if (obj == null) {
// Writes start element.
Class cls = obj.getClass();
_binding.writeClass(obj.getClass(), _writer, false);
// Checks if reference written.
XMLFormat xmlFormat = _binding.getFormat(cls);
if (xmlFormat.isReferenceable() && writeReference(obj))
xmlFormat.write(obj, this);
* Adds the specified object as a named nested element of unknown type
* (<code>null</code> objects are ignored).
* The nested XML element contains a class attribute identifying
* the object type.
* @param obj the object added as nested element or <code>null</code>.
* @param name the name of the nested element.
public void add(Object obj, String name) throws XMLStreamException {
if (obj == null)
// Writes start element.
// Writes class attribute.
Class cls = obj.getClass();
_binding.writeClass(cls, _writer, true);
// Checks if reference written.
XMLFormat xmlFormat = _binding.getFormat(cls);
if (xmlFormat.isReferenceable() && writeReference(obj))
xmlFormat.write(obj, this);
* Adds the specified object as a fully qualified nested element of
* unknown type (<code>null</code> objects are ignored).
* The nested XML element contains a class attribute identifying
* the object type.
* @param obj the object added as nested element or <code>null</code>.
* @param localName the local name of the nested element.
* @param uri the namespace URI of the nested element.
public void add(Object obj, String localName, String uri)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (obj == null)
// Writes start element.
_writer.writeStartElement(toCsq(uri), toCsq(localName));
// Writes class attribute.
Class cls = obj.getClass();
_binding.writeClass(cls, _writer, true);
// Checks if reference written.
XMLFormat xmlFormat = _binding.getFormat(cls);
if (xmlFormat.isReferenceable() && writeReference(obj))
xmlFormat.write(obj, this);
* Adds the specified object as a named nested element of specified
* actual type (<code>null</code> objects are ignored).
* The nested XML element does not contain any class attribute.
* @param obj the object added as nested element or <code>null</code>.
* @param name the name of the nested element.
* @param cls the class identifying the format of the specified object.
public <T> void add( T obj, String name, Class <T> cls)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (obj == null)
// Writes start element.
// Checks if reference written.
XMLFormat xmlFormat = _binding.getFormat(cls);
if (xmlFormat.isReferenceable() && writeReference(obj))
xmlFormat.write(obj, this);
* Adds the specified object as a fully qualified nested element of
* specified actual type (<code>null</code> objects are ignored).
* The nested XML element does not contain any class attribute.
* @param obj the object added as nested element or <code>null</code>.
* @param localName the local name of the nested element.
* @param uri the namespace URI of the nested element.
* @param cls the class identifying the format of the specified object.
public <T> void add( T obj, String localName, String uri,
Class <T> cls) throws XMLStreamException {
if (obj == null)
// Writes start element.
_writer.writeStartElement(toCsq(uri), toCsq(localName));
// Checks if reference written.
XMLFormat xmlFormat = _binding.getFormat(cls);
if (xmlFormat.isReferenceable() && writeReference(obj))
xmlFormat.write(obj, this);
// Returns true if reference written.
private boolean writeReference(Object obj) throws XMLStreamException {
if ((_referenceResolver == null) || !_referenceResolver.writeReference(obj, this))
return false;
return true; // Reference written.
* Adds the content of a text-only element (equivalent to {@link
* javolution.xml.stream.XMLStreamWriter#writeCharacters(CharSequence)
* getStreamWriter().writeCharacters(text)}).
* @param text the element text content or an empty sequence if none.
public void addText(CharSequence text) throws XMLStreamException {
* Equivalent to {@link #addText(CharSequence)}
* (for J2ME compatibility).
* @param text the element text content or an empty sequence if none.
public void addText(String text) throws XMLStreamException {
* Sets the specified <code>CharSequence</code> attribute
* (<code>null</code> values are ignored).
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the attribute value or <code>null</code>.
public void setAttribute(String name, CharSequence value)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (value == null)
_writer.writeAttribute(toCsq(name), value);
* Sets the specified <code>String</code> attribute
* (<code>null</code> values are ignored).
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the attribute value.
public void setAttribute(String name, String value)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (value == null)
_writer.writeAttribute(toCsq(name), toCsq(value));
* Sets the specified <code>boolean</code> attribute.
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the <code>boolean</code> value for the specified attribute.
public void setAttribute(String name, boolean value)
throws XMLStreamException {
setAttribute(name, _tmpTextBuilder.clear().append(value));
private TextBuilder _tmpTextBuilder = new TextBuilder();
* Sets the specified <code>char</code> attribute.
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the <code>char</code> value for the specified attribute.
public void setAttribute(String name, char value)
throws XMLStreamException {
setAttribute(name, (TextBuilder) _tmpTextBuilder.clear().append(
* Sets the specified <code>byte</code> attribute.
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the <code>byte</code> value for the specified attribute.
public void setAttribute(String name, byte value)
throws XMLStreamException {
setAttribute(name, _tmpTextBuilder.clear().append(value));
* Sets the specified <code>short</code> attribute.
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the <code>short</code> value for the specified attribute.
public void setAttribute(String name, short value)
throws XMLStreamException {
setAttribute(name, _tmpTextBuilder.clear().append(value));
* Sets the specified <code>int</code> attribute.
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the <code>int</code> value for the specified attribute.
public void setAttribute(String name, int value)
throws XMLStreamException {
setAttribute(name, _tmpTextBuilder.clear().append(value));
* Sets the specified <code>long</code> attribute.
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the <code>long</code> value for the specified attribute.
public void setAttribute(String name, long value)
throws XMLStreamException {
setAttribute(name, _tmpTextBuilder.clear().append(value));
* Sets the specified <code>float</code> attribute.
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the <code>float</code> value for the specified attribute.
public void setAttribute(String name, float value)
throws XMLStreamException {
setAttribute(name, _tmpTextBuilder.clear().append(value));
* Sets the specified <code>double</code> attribute.
* @param name the attribute name.
* @param value the <code>double</code> value for the specified attribute.
public void setAttribute(String name, double value)
throws XMLStreamException {
setAttribute(name, _tmpTextBuilder.clear().append(value));
* Sets the specified attribute using its associated
* {@link javolution.text.TextFormat#getInstance TextFormat}.
* @param name the name of the attribute.
* @param value the <code>Boolean</code> value for the specified attribute
* or <code>null</code> in which case the attribute is not set.
public void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
throws XMLStreamException {
if (value == null)
Class type = value.getClass();
TextFormat format = TextFormat.getInstance(type);
setAttribute(name, (TextBuilder) format.format(value,
// Sets XML binding.
void setBinding(XMLBinding xmlBinding) {
_binding = xmlBinding;
// Sets XML reference resolver.
void setReferenceResolver(XMLReferenceResolver xmlReferenceResolver) {
_referenceResolver = xmlReferenceResolver;
// Resets for reuse.
void reset() {
_binding = XMLBinding.DEFAULT;
_referenceResolver = null;
// For J2ME Compatibility.
private static CharSequence toCsq(Object str) {
if (true) return (CharSequence) str;
return str == null ? null : Text.valueOf(str);