* BaseXMLHandler.java
* Created on 3. Februar 2003, 22:41
package org.jconfig.handler;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import org.jconfig.Configuration;
import org.jconfig.ConfigurationManagerException;
import org.jconfig.error.ErrorReporter;
* This class is used internally to save a configuration to a file.
* @author Andreas Mecky andreas.mecky@xcom.de
* @author Terry Dye terry.dye@xcom.de
public abstract class BaseXMLHandler extends AbstractHandler {
private String encoding;
public void setEncoding(String encoding) {
this.encoding = encoding;
* This method will save the current categories and their properties to a
* file
*@param file the file that will be generated
*@exception ConfigurationManagerException Description of the Exception
protected void store(File file,Configuration config) throws ConfigurationManagerException {
// check if we have a %20 in the name
String fileName = file.getAbsolutePath();
if ( fileName.indexOf("%20") != -1 ) {
fileName = fileName.replaceAll("%20"," ");
file = new File(fileName);
// this will store the properties for all categories
try {
// let's open the file
FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file);
// close the file because we are done
} catch (Exception e) {
ErrorReporter.getErrorHandler().reportError("The file cannot be saved",e);
throw new ConfigurationManagerException("The file cannot be saved:"+e.getMessage());
public String getEncodingType(String str) {
if (str != null) {
final String ENCODING = "encoding";
int start = str.indexOf(ENCODING);
String rest = str.substring(start + ENCODING.length());
if ( rest.indexOf("'") != -1 ) {
int beginQuote = rest.indexOf("'");
if(beginQuote > -1) {
rest = rest.substring(beginQuote + 1);
int endQuote = rest.indexOf("'");
if(beginQuote > -1) {
return rest.substring(0, endQuote);
else {
int beginQuote = rest.indexOf("\"");
if(beginQuote > -1) {
rest = rest.substring(beginQuote + 1);
int endQuote = rest.indexOf("\"");
if(beginQuote > -1) {
return rest.substring(0, endQuote);
return str.substring(start + ENCODING.length());
return null;