
Source Code of DomEcho03$AdapterNode

* @(#)  1.9 98/11/10
* Copyright (c) 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.  U.S.
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* to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and
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import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; 
import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError; 
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException; 
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; 


import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

// Basic GUI components
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTree;

// GUI components for right-hand side
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
import javax.swing.JEditorPane;

// GUI support classes
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;

// For creating borders
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.border.BevelBorder;
import javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder;

// For creating a TreeModel
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.*;

public class DomEcho03  extends JPanel
    // Global value so it can be ref'd by the tree-adapter
    static Document document;

      boolean compress = true;
    static final int windowHeight = 460;
    static final int leftWidth = 300;
    static final int rightWidth = 340;
    static final int windowWidth = leftWidth + rightWidth;

    public DomEcho03()
       // Make a nice border
       EmptyBorder eb = new EmptyBorder(5,5,5,5);
       BevelBorder bb = new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED);
       CompoundBorder cb = new CompoundBorder(eb,bb);
       this.setBorder(new CompoundBorder(cb,eb));

       // Set up the tree
       JTree tree = new JTree(new DomToTreeModelAdapter());

       // Iterate over the tree and make nodes visible
       // (Otherwise, the tree shows up fully collapsed)
       //TreePath nodePath = ???;
       //  tree.expandPath(nodePath);

       // Build left-side view
       JScrollPane treeView = new JScrollPane(tree);
           new Dimension( leftWidth, windowHeight ));

       // Build right-side view
       JEditorPane htmlPane = new JEditorPane("text/html","");
       JScrollPane htmlView = new JScrollPane(htmlPane);
           new Dimension( rightWidth, windowHeight ));

       // Build split-pane view
       JSplitPane splitPane =
          new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,
                          htmlView );
       splitPane.setContinuousLayout( true );
       splitPane.setDividerLocation( leftWidth );
            new Dimension( windowWidth + 10, windowHeight+10 ));

       // Add GUI components
       this.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
       this.add("Center", splitPane );
    } // constructor

    public static void main(String argv[])
        if (argv.length != 1) {
          System.err.println("Usage: java DomEcho filename");

        DocumentBuilderFactory factory =
        try {
           DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
           document = builder.parse( new File(argv[0]) );

        } catch (SAXParseException spe) {
           // Error generated by the parser
           System.out.println("\n** Parsing error"
              + ", line " + spe.getLineNumber()
              + ", uri " + spe.getSystemId());
           System.out.println("   " + spe.getMessage() );

           // Use the contained exception, if any
           Exception  x = spe;
           if (spe.getException() != null)
               x = spe.getException();
        } catch (SAXException sxe) {
           // Error generated during parsing)
           Exception  x = sxe;
           if (sxe.getException() != null)
               x = sxe.getException();

        } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) {
            // Parser with specified options can't be built

        } catch (IOException ioe) {
           // I/O error
    } // main

    public static void makeFrame() {
        // Set up a GUI framework
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("DOM Echo");
          new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}

        // Set up the tree, the views, and display it all
        final DomEcho03 echoPanel =
           new DomEcho03();
        frame.getContentPane().add("Center", echoPanel );
        Dimension screenSize =
        int w = windowWidth + 10;
        int h = windowHeight + 10;
        frame.setLocation(screenSize.width/3 - w/2,
                          screenSize.height/2 - h/2);
        frame.setSize(w, h);
    } // makeFrame


    // An array of names for DOM node-types
    // (Array indexes = nodeType() values.)
    static final String[] typeName = {
    static final int ELEMENT_TYPE =   Node.ELEMENT_NODE;
    // The list of elements to display in the tree
    // Could set this with a command-line argument, but
    // not much point -- the list of tree elements still
    // has to be defined internally.
    // Extra credit: Read the list from a file
    // Super-extra credit: Process a DTD and build the list.
   static String[] treeElementNames = {
        "title",         // For slideshow #1
        "slide-title",   // For slideshow #10
    boolean treeElement(String elementName) {
      for (int i=0; i<treeElementNames.length; i++) {
        if ( elementName.equals(treeElementNames[i]) ) return true;
      return false;

    // This class wraps a DOM node and returns the text we want to
    // display in the tree. It also returns children, index values,
    // and child counts.
    public class AdapterNode
      org.w3c.dom.Node domNode;

      // Construct an Adapter node from a DOM node
      public AdapterNode(org.w3c.dom.Node node) {
        domNode = node;

      // Return a string that identifies this node in the tree
      public String toString() {
        String s = typeName[domNode.getNodeType()];
        String nodeName = domNode.getNodeName();
        if (! nodeName.startsWith("#")) {
           s += ": " + nodeName;
        if (domNode.getNodeValue() != null) {
           if (s.startsWith("ProcInstr"))
              s += ", ";
              s += ": ";
           // Trim the value to get rid of NL's at the front
           String t = domNode.getNodeValue().trim();
           int x = t.indexOf("\n");
           if (x >= 0) t = t.substring(0, x);
           s += t;
        return s;

       * Return children, index, and count values
      public int index(AdapterNode child) {
        //System.err.println("Looking for index of " + child);
        int count = childCount();
        for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
          AdapterNode n = this.child(i);
          if (child.domNode == n.domNode) return i;
        return -1; // Should never get here.

      public AdapterNode child(int searchIndex) {
        //Note: JTree index is zero-based.
        org.w3c.dom.Node node =
        if (compress) {
          // Return Nth displayable node
          int elementNodeIndex = 0;
          for (int i=0; i<domNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
            node = domNode.getChildNodes().item(i);
            if (node.getNodeType() == ELEMENT_TYPE
            && treeElement( node.getNodeName() )
            && elementNodeIndex++ == searchIndex) {
        return new AdapterNode(node);

      public int childCount() {
        if (!compress) {
          // Indent this
          return domNode.getChildNodes().getLength()
        int count = 0;
        for (int i=0; i<domNode.getChildNodes().getLength(); i++) {
           org.w3c.dom.Node node = domNode.getChildNodes().item(i);
           if (node.getNodeType() == ELEMENT_TYPE
           && treeElement( node.getNodeName() ))
             // Note:
             //   Have to check for proper type.
             //   The DOCTYPE element also has the right name
        return count;

    // This adapter converts the current Document (a DOM) into
    // a JTree model.
    public class DomToTreeModelAdapter
      implements javax.swing.tree.TreeModel
      // Basic TreeModel operations
      public Object  getRoot() {
        //System.err.println("Returning root: " +document);
        return new AdapterNode(document);
      public boolean isLeaf(Object aNode) {
        // Determines whether the icon shows up to the left.
        // Return true for any node with no children
        AdapterNode node = (AdapterNode) aNode;
        if (node.childCount() > 0) return false;
        return true;
      public int     getChildCount(Object parent) {
        AdapterNode node = (AdapterNode) parent;
        return node.childCount();
      public Object getChild(Object parent, int index) {
        AdapterNode node = (AdapterNode) parent;
        return node.child(index);
      public int getIndexOfChild(Object parent, Object child) {
        AdapterNode node = (AdapterNode) parent;
        return node.index((AdapterNode) child);
      public void valueForPathChanged(TreePath path, Object newValue) {
        // Null. We won't be making changes in the GUI
        // If we did, we would ensure the new value was really new,
        // adjust the model, and then fire a TreeNodesChanged event.

       * Use these methods to add and remove event listeners.
       * (Needed to satisfy TreeModel interface, but not used.)
      private Vector listenerList = new Vector();
      public void addTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener listener) {
        if ( listener != null
        && ! listenerList.contains( listener ) ) {
           listenerList.addElement( listener );
      public void removeTreeModelListener(TreeModelListener listener) {
        if ( listener != null ) {
           listenerList.removeElement( listener );

      // Note: Since XML works with 1.1, this example uses Vector.
      // If coding for 1.2 or later, though, I'd use this instead:
      //   private List listenerList = new LinkedList();
      // The operations on the List are then add(), remove() and
      // iteration, via:
      //  Iterator it = listenerList.iterator();
      //  while ( it.hasNext() ) {
      //    TreeModelListener listener = (TreeModelListener);
      //    ...
      //  }

       * Invoke these methods to inform listeners of changes.
       * (Not needed for this example.)
       * Methods taken from TreeModelSupport class described at
       * That architecture (produced by Tom Santos and Steve Wilson)
       * is more elegant. I just hacked 'em in here so they are
       * immediately at hand.
      public void fireTreeNodesChanged( TreeModelEvent e ) {
        Enumeration listeners = listenerList.elements();
        while ( listeners.hasMoreElements() ) {
          TreeModelListener listener =
            (TreeModelListener) listeners.nextElement();
          listener.treeNodesChanged( e );
      public void fireTreeNodesInserted( TreeModelEvent e ) {
        Enumeration listeners = listenerList.elements();
        while ( listeners.hasMoreElements() ) {
           TreeModelListener listener =
             (TreeModelListener) listeners.nextElement();
           listener.treeNodesInserted( e );
      public void fireTreeNodesRemoved( TreeModelEvent e ) {
        Enumeration listeners = listenerList.elements();
        while ( listeners.hasMoreElements() ) {
          TreeModelListener listener =
            (TreeModelListener) listeners.nextElement();
          listener.treeNodesRemoved( e );
      public void fireTreeStructureChanged( TreeModelEvent e ) {
        Enumeration listeners = listenerList.elements();
        while ( listeners.hasMoreElements() ) {
          TreeModelListener listener =
            (TreeModelListener) listeners.nextElement();
          listener.treeStructureChanged( e );

Related Classes of DomEcho03$AdapterNode

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