import net.sf.jftp.system.logging.Log;
import net.sf.jftp.system.logging.Logger;
import net.sf.jftp.config.Settings;
// this class download a file via anonymous ftp and shows output.
// if you want to use the api in a more complex way, please do at least take a look at the
// FtpConnection, FtpTransfer, ConnectionHandler, DirPanel (blockedTransfer, transfer)
// and ConnectionListener sourcecode.
public class FtpDownload implements Logger, ConnectionListener
// is the connection established?
private boolean isThere = false;
public static long time = 0;
// connection pool, not necessary but you should take a look at this class
// if you want to use multiple event based ftp transfers.
private ConnectionHandler handler = new ConnectionHandler();
//creates a FtpConnection and downloads a file
public FtpDownload(String host, String file)
// the ftp client default is very small, you may want to increase this
Settings.bufferSize = 16384;
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
//System.out.println("1) "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-current)+"ms.");
// register app as Logger, debug() and debugRaw below are from now on called by
// FtpConnection
// create a FtpConnection - note that it does *not* connect instantly
FtpConnection con = new FtpConnection(host);
//System.out.println("2) "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-current)+"ms.");
// set updatelistener, interface methods are below
// set handler
// connect and login. this is from where connectionFailed() may be called for example
//System.out.println("3) "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-current)+"ms.");
// login calls connectionInitialized() below which sets isThere to true
try { Thread.sleep(10); }
catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
//System.out.println("4) "+(System.currentTimeMillis()-current)+"ms.");
// download the file - this method blocks until the download has finished
// if you want non-blocking, multithreaded io, just use
// con.handleDownload(file);
// which spawns a new thread for the download;
time = (System.currentTimeMillis()-current);
System.out.println("Download took "+time+"ms.");
// download welcome.msg from sourceforge or any other given file
public static void main(String argv[])
if(argv.length < 2)
//FtpDownload f = new FtpDownload("", "/welcome.msg");
long x = 0;
for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
FtpDownload f = new FtpDownload("localhost", "dsm.pdf");
x += f.time;
System.out.println("5 runs took "+x+" ms, "+(long) x/5+" ms average.");
FtpDownload f = new FtpDownload(argv[0], argv[1]);
// ------------------ needed by ConnectionListener interface -----------------
// called if the remote directory has changed
public void updateRemoteDirectory(BasicConnection con)
System.out.println("new path is: " + con.getPWD());
// called if a connection has been established
public void connectionInitialized(BasicConnection con)
isThere = true;
// called every few kb by DataConnection during the trnsfer (interval can be changed in Settings)
public void updateProgress(String file, String type, long bytes) {}
// called if connection fails
public void connectionFailed(BasicConnection con, String why) {System.out.println("connection failed!");}
// up- or download has finished
public void actionFinished(BasicConnection con) {}
// ------------ needed by Logger interface --------------
// main log method
public void debug(String msg) {} //{System.out.println(msg);}
// rarely used
public void debugRaw(String msg) {}//System.out.print(msg);}
// methods below are not used yet.
public void debug(String msg, Throwable throwable) {}
public void warn(String msg) {}
public void warn(String msg, Throwable throwable) {}
public void error(String msg) {}
public void error(String msg, Throwable throwable) {}
public void info(String msg) {}
public void info(String msg, Throwable throwable) {}
public void fatal(String msg) {}
public void fatal(String msg, Throwable throwable) {}