Package org.codehaus.ivory.plexus

Source Code of org.codehaus.ivory.plexus.PlexusAxisServlet

package org.codehaus.ivory.plexus;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceException;
import org.apache.avalon.framework.service.ServiceManager;
import org.apache.axis.AxisFault;
import org.apache.axis.AxisProperties;
import org.apache.axis.server.AxisServer;
import org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServlet;
import org.codehaus.ivory.AxisService;
import org.codehaus.ivory.DefaultAxisService;

* An implementation of the Axis AxisServlet which retrieves the AxisEngine
* from the ServiceManager.
* @author <a href="">Dan Diephouse</a>
* @since Mar 8, 2003
public class PlexusAxisServlet
    extends AxisServlet
  ServiceManager manager;
  AxisService axisService;
  public PlexusAxisServlet()
   * Provide the AxisEngine to the base servlet class.
   * @return AxisServer
   * @see org.apache.axis.transport.http.AxisServletBase#getEngine()
  public AxisServer getEngine() throws AxisFault
    manager = getServiceManager();
      axisService = ( AxisService ) manager.lookup( AxisService.ROLE );
    catch (ServiceException e)
      throw new AxisFault( "Could not find the AxisService.", e );
    return axisService.getAxisServer();
   * Retrieve the ServiceBroker from the ServletContext.  This presupposes
   * that the installation is using Plexus.
   * @return ServiceBroker
    public ServiceManager getServiceManager()
        return DefaultAxisService.getServiceManager();
  public void destroy()
        if ( axisService != null )
            manager.release( axisService );

     * respond to the ?list command.
     * if enableList is set, we list the engine config. If it isnt, then an
     * error is written out
     * @param response
     * @param writer
     * @throws AxisFault
//    protected void processListRequest( HttpServletResponse response,
//                                       PrintWriter writer )
//        throws AxisFault
//    {
//        AxisEngine engine = getEngine();
//        boolean enableList = true;
//        if (enableList) {
//            if ( engine.getConfig() instanceof WSDDEngineConfiguration )
//            {
//                super.processListRequest( response, writer );
//            }
//            else if ( engine.getConfig() instanceof SimpleProvider )
//            {
//                SimpleProvider config = ( SimpleProvider ) engine.getConfig();
//                Iterator itr;
//                try
//                {
//                    itr = config.getDeployedServices();
//                }
//                catch (ConfigurationException e)
//                {
//                    throw new AxisFault( "Configuration error.", e );
//                }
//                response.setContentType("text/html");
//                writer.println("<h2>Services</h2>");
//                for ( SOAPService service = (SOAPService);
//                    itr.hasNext(); )
//                {
//                    writer.println("<p>" +
//                                   service.getName() +
//                                   "</p>");
//                }
//            }
//        }
//        else
//        {
//            // list not enable, return error
//            //error code is, what, 401
//            response.setStatus(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
//            response.setContentType("text/html");
//            writer.println("<h2>" +
//                           Messages.getMessage("error00") +
//                           "</h2>");
//            writer.println("<p><i>?list</i> " +
//                           Messages.getMessage("disabled00") +
//                           "</p>");
//        }
//    }
    protected String getOption(ServletContext context,
            String param,
            String dephault)
        String value = AxisProperties.getProperty(param);

        if (value == null) value = getInitParameter(param);

        if (value == null) value = context.getInitParameter(param);
            AxisServer engine = getEngine();
            if (value == null && engine != null) value = (String) engine
        catch (AxisFault axisFault)

        return (value != null) ? value : dephault;

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