* $Id: PdfWriter.java 4891 2011-06-01 18:22:36Z blowagie $
* This file is part of the iText (R) project.
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 1T3XT BVBA
* Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
* as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
* following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses or write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA, 02110-1301 USA, or download the license from the following URL:
* http://itextpdf.com/terms-of-use/
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
* a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
* or manipulated using iText.
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the iText software without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
* These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
* serving PDFs on the fly in a web application, shipping iText with a closed
* source product.
* For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
* address: sales@itextpdf.com
package com.itextpdf.text.pdf;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.security.cert.Certificate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocListener;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocWriter;
import com.itextpdf.text.Document;
import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException;
import com.itextpdf.text.ExceptionConverter;
import com.itextpdf.text.Image;
import com.itextpdf.text.ImgJBIG2;
import com.itextpdf.text.ImgWMF;
import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle;
import com.itextpdf.text.error_messages.MessageLocalization;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.collection.PdfCollection;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.events.PdfPageEventForwarder;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfAnnotations;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfDocumentActions;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfEncryptionSettings;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfPageActions;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfRunDirection;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfVersion;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfViewerPreferences;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfXConformance;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.internal.PdfVersionImp;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.internal.PdfXConformanceImp;
import com.itextpdf.text.xml.xmp.XmpWriter;
* A <CODE>DocWriter</CODE> class for PDF.
* <P>
* When this <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE> is added
* to a certain <CODE>PdfDocument</CODE>, the PDF representation of every Element
* added to this Document will be written to the outputstream.</P>
public class PdfWriter extends DocWriter implements
PdfAnnotations {
* The highest generation number possible.
* @since iText 2.1.6
public static final int GENERATION_MAX = 65535;
* This class generates the structure of a PDF document.
* <P>
* This class covers the third section of Chapter 5 in the 'Portable Document Format
* Reference Manual version 1.3' (page 55-60). It contains the body of a PDF document
* (section 5.14) and it can also generate a Cross-reference Table (section 5.15).
* @see PdfWriter
* @see PdfObject
* @see PdfIndirectObject
public static class PdfBody {
// inner classes
* <CODE>PdfCrossReference</CODE> is an entry in the PDF Cross-Reference table.
static class PdfCrossReference implements Comparable<PdfCrossReference> {
// membervariables
private final int type;
/** Byte offset in the PDF file. */
private final int offset;
private final int refnum;
/** generation of the object. */
private final int generation;
// constructors
* Constructs a cross-reference element for a PdfIndirectObject.
* @param refnum
* @param offset byte offset of the object
* @param generation generation number of the object
PdfCrossReference(final int refnum, final int offset, final int generation) {
type = 0;
this.offset = offset;
this.refnum = refnum;
this.generation = generation;
* Constructs a cross-reference element for a PdfIndirectObject.
* @param refnum
* @param offset byte offset of the object
PdfCrossReference(final int refnum, final int offset) {
type = 1;
this.offset = offset;
this.refnum = refnum;
this.generation = 0;
PdfCrossReference(final int type, final int refnum, final int offset, final int generation) {
this.type = type;
this.offset = offset;
this.refnum = refnum;
this.generation = generation;
int getRefnum() {
return refnum;
* Returns the PDF representation of this <CODE>PdfObject</CODE>.
* @param os
* @throws IOException
public void toPdf(final OutputStream os) throws IOException {
StringBuffer off = new StringBuffer("0000000000").append(offset);
off.delete(0, off.length() - 10);
StringBuffer gen = new StringBuffer("00000").append(generation);
gen.delete(0, gen.length() - 5);
off.append(' ').append(gen).append(generation == GENERATION_MAX ? " f \n" : " n \n");
* Writes PDF syntax to the OutputStream
* @param midSize
* @param os
* @throws IOException
public void toPdf(int midSize, final OutputStream os) throws IOException {
while (--midSize >= 0)
os.write((byte)(offset >>> 8 * midSize & 0xff));
os.write((byte)(generation >>> 8 & 0xff));
os.write((byte)(generation & 0xff));
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(final PdfCrossReference other) {
return refnum < other.refnum ? -1 : refnum==other.refnum ? 0 : 1;
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof PdfCrossReference) {
PdfCrossReference other = (PdfCrossReference)obj;
return refnum == other.refnum;
return false;
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode() {
return refnum;
private static final int OBJSINSTREAM = 200;
// membervariables
/** array containing the cross-reference table of the normal objects. */
private final TreeSet<PdfCrossReference> xrefs;
private int refnum;
/** the current byte position in the body. */
private int position;
private final PdfWriter writer;
private ByteBuffer index;
private ByteBuffer streamObjects;
private int currentObjNum;
private int numObj = 0;
// constructors
* Constructs a new <CODE>PdfBody</CODE>.
* @param writer
PdfBody(final PdfWriter writer) {
xrefs = new TreeSet<PdfCrossReference>();
xrefs.add(new PdfCrossReference(0, 0, GENERATION_MAX));
position = writer.getOs().getCounter();
refnum = 1;
this.writer = writer;
// methods
void setRefnum(final int refnum) {
this.refnum = refnum;
private PdfWriter.PdfBody.PdfCrossReference addToObjStm(final PdfObject obj, final int nObj) throws IOException {
if (numObj >= OBJSINSTREAM)
if (index == null) {
index = new ByteBuffer();
streamObjects = new ByteBuffer();
currentObjNum = getIndirectReferenceNumber();
numObj = 0;
int p = streamObjects.size();
int idx = numObj++;
PdfEncryption enc = writer.crypto;
writer.crypto = null;
obj.toPdf(writer, streamObjects);
writer.crypto = enc;
streamObjects.append(' ');
index.append(nObj).append(' ').append(p).append(' ');
return new PdfWriter.PdfBody.PdfCrossReference(2, nObj, currentObjNum, idx);
private void flushObjStm() throws IOException {
if (numObj == 0)
int first = index.size();
PdfStream stream = new PdfStream(index.toByteArray());
stream.put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.OBJSTM);
stream.put(PdfName.N, new PdfNumber(numObj));
stream.put(PdfName.FIRST, new PdfNumber(first));
add(stream, currentObjNum);
index = null;
streamObjects = null;
numObj = 0;
* Adds a <CODE>PdfObject</CODE> to the body.
* <P>
* This methods creates a <CODE>PdfIndirectObject</CODE> with a
* certain number, containing the given <CODE>PdfObject</CODE>.
* It also adds a <CODE>PdfCrossReference</CODE> for this object
* to an <CODE>ArrayList</CODE> that will be used to build the
* Cross-reference Table.
* @param object a <CODE>PdfObject</CODE>
* @return a <CODE>PdfIndirectObject</CODE>
* @throws IOException
PdfIndirectObject add(final PdfObject object) throws IOException {
return add(object, getIndirectReferenceNumber());
PdfIndirectObject add(final PdfObject object, final boolean inObjStm) throws IOException {
return add(object, getIndirectReferenceNumber(), inObjStm);
* Gets a PdfIndirectReference for an object that will be created in the future.
* @return a PdfIndirectReference
PdfIndirectReference getPdfIndirectReference() {
return new PdfIndirectReference(0, getIndirectReferenceNumber());
int getIndirectReferenceNumber() {
int n = refnum++;
xrefs.add(new PdfCrossReference(n, 0, GENERATION_MAX));
return n;
* Adds a <CODE>PdfObject</CODE> to the body given an already existing
* PdfIndirectReference.
* <P>
* This methods creates a <CODE>PdfIndirectObject</CODE> with the number given by
* <CODE>ref</CODE>, containing the given <CODE>PdfObject</CODE>.
* It also adds a <CODE>PdfCrossReference</CODE> for this object
* to an <CODE>ArrayList</CODE> that will be used to build the
* Cross-reference Table.
* @param object a <CODE>PdfObject</CODE>
* @param ref a <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE>
* @return a <CODE>PdfIndirectObject</CODE>
* @throws IOException
PdfIndirectObject add(final PdfObject object, final PdfIndirectReference ref) throws IOException {
return add(object, ref.getNumber());
PdfIndirectObject add(final PdfObject object, final PdfIndirectReference ref, final boolean inObjStm) throws IOException {
return add(object, ref.getNumber(), inObjStm);
PdfIndirectObject add(final PdfObject object, final int refNumber) throws IOException {
return add(object, refNumber, true); // to false
PdfIndirectObject add(final PdfObject object, final int refNumber, final boolean inObjStm) throws IOException {
if (inObjStm && object.canBeInObjStm() && writer.isFullCompression()) {
PdfCrossReference pxref = addToObjStm(object, refNumber);
PdfIndirectObject indirect = new PdfIndirectObject(refNumber, object, writer);
if (!xrefs.add(pxref)) {
return indirect;
else {
PdfIndirectObject indirect = new PdfIndirectObject(refNumber, object, writer);
PdfCrossReference pxref = new PdfCrossReference(refNumber, position);
if (!xrefs.add(pxref)) {
position = writer.getOs().getCounter();
return indirect;
* Returns the offset of the Cross-Reference table.
* @return an offset
int offset() {
return position;
* Returns the total number of objects contained in the CrossReferenceTable of this <CODE>Body</CODE>.
* @return a number of objects
int size() {
return Math.max(xrefs.last().getRefnum() + 1, refnum);
* Returns the CrossReferenceTable of the <CODE>Body</CODE>.
* @param os
* @param root
* @param info
* @param encryption
* @param fileID
* @param prevxref
* @throws IOException
void writeCrossReferenceTable(final OutputStream os, final PdfIndirectReference root, final PdfIndirectReference info, final PdfIndirectReference encryption, final PdfObject fileID, final int prevxref) throws IOException {
int refNumber = 0;
if (writer.isFullCompression()) {
refNumber = getIndirectReferenceNumber();
xrefs.add(new PdfCrossReference(refNumber, position));
PdfCrossReference entry = xrefs.first();
int first = entry.getRefnum();
int len = 0;
ArrayList<Integer> sections = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (PdfCrossReference pdfCrossReference : xrefs) {
entry = pdfCrossReference;
if (first + len == entry.getRefnum())
else {
first = entry.getRefnum();
len = 1;
if (writer.isFullCompression()) {
int mid = 4;
int mask = 0xff000000;
for (; mid > 1; --mid) {
if ((mask & position) != 0)
mask >>>= 8;
ByteBuffer buf = new ByteBuffer();
for (Object element : xrefs) {
entry = (PdfCrossReference) element;
entry.toPdf(mid, buf);
PdfStream xr = new PdfStream(buf.toByteArray());
buf = null;
xr.put(PdfName.SIZE, new PdfNumber(size()));
xr.put(PdfName.ROOT, root);
if (info != null) {
xr.put(PdfName.INFO, info);
if (encryption != null)
xr.put(PdfName.ENCRYPT, encryption);
if (fileID != null)
xr.put(PdfName.ID, fileID);
xr.put(PdfName.W, new PdfArray(new int[]{1, mid, 2}));
xr.put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.XREF);
PdfArray idx = new PdfArray();
for (int k = 0; k < sections.size(); ++k)
idx.add(new PdfNumber(sections.get(k).intValue()));
xr.put(PdfName.INDEX, idx);
if (prevxref > 0)
xr.put(PdfName.PREV, new PdfNumber(prevxref));
PdfEncryption enc = writer.crypto;
writer.crypto = null;
PdfIndirectObject indirect = new PdfIndirectObject(refNumber, xr, writer);
writer.crypto = enc;
else {
Iterator<PdfCrossReference> i = xrefs.iterator();
for (int k = 0; k < sections.size(); k += 2) {
first = sections.get(k).intValue();
len = sections.get(k + 1).intValue();
os.write(getISOBytes(" "));
while (len-- > 0) {
entry = i.next();
* <CODE>PdfTrailer</CODE> is the PDF Trailer object.
* <P>
* This object is described in the 'Portable Document Format Reference Manual version 1.3'
* section 5.16 (page 59-60).
static class PdfTrailer extends PdfDictionary {
// membervariables
int offset;
// constructors
* Constructs a PDF-Trailer.
* @param size the number of entries in the <CODE>PdfCrossReferenceTable</CODE>
* @param offset offset of the <CODE>PdfCrossReferenceTable</CODE>
* @param root an indirect reference to the root of the PDF document
* @param info an indirect reference to the info object of the PDF document
* @param encryption
* @param fileID
* @param prevxref
PdfTrailer(final int size, final int offset, final PdfIndirectReference root, final PdfIndirectReference info, final PdfIndirectReference encryption, final PdfObject fileID, final int prevxref) {
this.offset = offset;
put(PdfName.SIZE, new PdfNumber(size));
put(PdfName.ROOT, root);
if (info != null) {
put(PdfName.INFO, info);
if (encryption != null)
put(PdfName.ENCRYPT, encryption);
if (fileID != null)
put(PdfName.ID, fileID);
if (prevxref > 0)
put(PdfName.PREV, new PdfNumber(prevxref));
* Returns the PDF representation of this <CODE>PdfObject</CODE>.
* @param writer
* @param os
* @throws IOException
public void toPdf(final PdfWriter writer, final OutputStream os) throws IOException {
super.toPdf(null, os);
// Construct a PdfWriter instance
* Constructs a <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE>.
protected PdfWriter() {
* Constructs a <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE>.
* <P>
* Remark: a PdfWriter can only be constructed by calling the method
* <CODE>getInstance(Document document, OutputStream os)</CODE>.
* @param document The <CODE>PdfDocument</CODE> that has to be written
* @param os The <CODE>OutputStream</CODE> the writer has to write to.
protected PdfWriter(final PdfDocument document, final OutputStream os) {
super(document, os);
pdf = document;
directContent = new PdfContentByte(this);
directContentUnder = new PdfContentByte(this);
* Use this method to get an instance of the <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE>.
* @param document The <CODE>Document</CODE> that has to be written
* @param os The <CODE>OutputStream</CODE> the writer has to write to.
* @return a new <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE>
* @throws DocumentException on error
public static PdfWriter getInstance(final Document document, final OutputStream os)
throws DocumentException {
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(pdf, os);
return writer;
* Use this method to get an instance of the <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE>.
* @return a new <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE>
* @param document The <CODE>Document</CODE> that has to be written
* @param os The <CODE>OutputStream</CODE> the writer has to write to.
* @param listener A <CODE>DocListener</CODE> to pass to the PdfDocument.
* @throws DocumentException on error
public static PdfWriter getInstance(final Document document, final OutputStream os, final DocListener listener)
throws DocumentException {
PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument();
PdfWriter writer = new PdfWriter(pdf, os);
return writer;
// the PdfDocument instance
/** the pdfdocument object. */
protected PdfDocument pdf;
* Gets the <CODE>PdfDocument</CODE> associated with this writer.
* @return the <CODE>PdfDocument</CODE>
PdfDocument getPdfDocument() {
return pdf;
* Use this method to get the info dictionary if you want to
* change it directly (add keys and values to the info dictionary).
* @return the info dictionary
public PdfDictionary getInfo() {
return pdf.getInfo();
* Use this method to get the current vertical page position.
* @param ensureNewLine Tells whether a new line shall be enforced. This may cause side effects
* for elements that do not terminate the lines they've started because those lines will get
* terminated.
* @return The current vertical page position.
public float getVerticalPosition(final boolean ensureNewLine) {
return pdf.getVerticalPosition(ensureNewLine);
* Sets the initial leading for the PDF document.
* This has to be done before the document is opened.
* @param leading the initial leading
* @since 2.1.6
* @throws DocumentException if you try setting the leading after the document was opened.
public void setInitialLeading(final float leading) throws DocumentException {
if (open)
throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("you.can.t.set.the.initial.leading.if.the.document.is.already.open"));
// the PdfDirectContentByte instances
* You should see Direct Content as a canvas on which you can draw
* graphics and text. One canvas goes on top of the page (getDirectContent),
* the other goes underneath (getDirectContentUnder).
* You can always the same object throughout your document,
* even if you have moved to a new page. Whatever you add on
* the canvas will be displayed on top or under the current page.
/** The direct content in this document. */
protected PdfContentByte directContent;
/** The direct content under in this document. */
protected PdfContentByte directContentUnder;
* Use this method to get the direct content for this document.
* There is only one direct content, multiple calls to this method
* will allways retrieve the same object.
* @return the direct content
public PdfContentByte getDirectContent() {
if (!open)
throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("the.document.is.not.open"));
return directContent;
* Use this method to get the direct content under for this document.
* There is only one direct content, multiple calls to this method
* will always retrieve the same object.
* @return the direct content
public PdfContentByte getDirectContentUnder() {
if (!open)
throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("the.document.is.not.open"));
return directContentUnder;
* Resets all the direct contents to empty.
* This happens when a new page is started.
void resetContent() {
// PDF body
* A PDF file has 4 parts: a header, a body, a cross-reference table, and a trailer.
* The body contains all the PDF objects that make up the PDF document.
* Each element gets a reference (a set of numbers) and the byte position of
* every object is stored in the cross-reference table.
* Use these methods only if you know what you're doing.
/** body of the PDF document */
protected PdfBody body;
* Adds the local destinations to the body of the document.
* @param desto the <CODE>HashMap</CODE> containing the destinations
* @throws IOException on error
void addLocalDestinations(final TreeMap<String, PdfDocument.Destination> desto) throws IOException {
for (Map.Entry<String, PdfDocument.Destination> entry : desto.entrySet()) {
String name = entry.getKey();
PdfDocument.Destination dest = entry.getValue();
PdfDestination destination = dest.destination;
if (dest.reference == null)
dest.reference = getPdfIndirectReference();
if (destination == null)
addToBody(new PdfString("invalid_" + name), dest.reference);
addToBody(destination, dest.reference);
* Use this method to add a PDF object to the PDF body.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @param object
* @return a PdfIndirectObject
* @throws IOException
public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(final PdfObject object) throws IOException {
PdfIndirectObject iobj = body.add(object);
return iobj;
* Use this method to add a PDF object to the PDF body.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @param object
* @param inObjStm
* @return a PdfIndirectObject
* @throws IOException
public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(final PdfObject object, final boolean inObjStm) throws IOException {
PdfIndirectObject iobj = body.add(object, inObjStm);
return iobj;
* Use this method to add a PDF object to the PDF body.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @param object
* @param ref
* @return a PdfIndirectObject
* @throws IOException
public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(final PdfObject object, final PdfIndirectReference ref) throws IOException {
PdfIndirectObject iobj = body.add(object, ref);
return iobj;
* Use this method to add a PDF object to the PDF body.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @param object
* @param ref
* @param inObjStm
* @return a PdfIndirectObject
* @throws IOException
public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(final PdfObject object, final PdfIndirectReference ref, final boolean inObjStm) throws IOException {
PdfIndirectObject iobj = body.add(object, ref, inObjStm);
return iobj;
* Use this method to add a PDF object to the PDF body.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @param object
* @param refNumber
* @return a PdfIndirectObject
* @throws IOException
public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(final PdfObject object, final int refNumber) throws IOException {
PdfIndirectObject iobj = body.add(object, refNumber);
return iobj;
* Use this method to add a PDF object to the PDF body.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @param object
* @param refNumber
* @param inObjStm
* @return a PdfIndirectObject
* @throws IOException
public PdfIndirectObject addToBody(final PdfObject object, final int refNumber, final boolean inObjStm) throws IOException {
PdfIndirectObject iobj = body.add(object, refNumber, inObjStm);
return iobj;
* Use this to get an <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE> for an object that
* will be created in the future.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @return the <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE>
public PdfIndirectReference getPdfIndirectReference() {
return body.getPdfIndirectReference();
int getIndirectReferenceNumber() {
return body.getIndirectReferenceNumber();
* Returns the outputStreamCounter.
* @return the outputStreamCounter
OutputStreamCounter getOs() {
return os;
// PDF Catalog
* The Catalog is also called the root object of the document.
* Whereas the Cross-Reference maps the objects number with the
* byte offset so that the viewer can find the objects, the
* Catalog tells the viewer the numbers of the objects needed
* to render the document.
protected PdfDictionary getCatalog(final PdfIndirectReference rootObj)
PdfDictionary catalog = pdf.getCatalog(rootObj);
// [F12] tagged PDF
if (tagged) {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
catalog.put(PdfName.STRUCTTREEROOT, structureTreeRoot.getReference());
PdfDictionary mi = new PdfDictionary();
mi.put(PdfName.MARKED, PdfBoolean.PDFTRUE);
if (userProperties)
mi.put(PdfName.USERPROPERTIES, PdfBoolean.PDFTRUE);
catalog.put(PdfName.MARKINFO, mi);
// [F13] OCG
if (!documentOCG.isEmpty()) {
catalog.put(PdfName.OCPROPERTIES, OCProperties);
return catalog;
/** Holds value of property extraCatalog this is used for Output Intents. */
protected PdfDictionary extraCatalog;
* Sets extra keys to the catalog.
* @return the catalog to change
public PdfDictionary getExtraCatalog() {
if (extraCatalog == null)
extraCatalog = new PdfDictionary();
return this.extraCatalog;
// PdfPages
* The page root keeps the complete page tree of the document.
* There's an entry in the Catalog that refers to the root
* of the page tree, the page tree contains the references
* to pages and other page trees.
/** The root of the page tree. */
protected PdfPages root = new PdfPages(this);
/** The PdfIndirectReference to the pages. */
protected ArrayList<PdfIndirectReference> pageReferences = new ArrayList<PdfIndirectReference>();
/** The current page number. */
protected int currentPageNumber = 1;
* The value of the Tabs entry in the page dictionary.
* @since 2.1.5
protected PdfName tabs = null;
* Additional page dictionary entries.
* @since 5.1.0
protected PdfDictionary pageDictEntries = new PdfDictionary();
* Adds an additional entry for the page dictionary.
* @param key the key
* @param object the PdfObject for the given key
* @since 5.1.0
public void addPageDictEntry(final PdfName key, final PdfObject object) {
pageDictEntries.put(key, object);
* Gets the additional pageDictEntries.
* @return the page dictionary entries
* @since 5.1.0
public PdfDictionary getPageDictEntries() {
return pageDictEntries;
* Resets the additional pageDictEntries.
* @since 5.1.0
public void resetPageDictEntries() {
pageDictEntries = new PdfDictionary();
* Use this method to make sure the page tree has a linear structure
* (every leave is attached directly to the root).
* Use this method to allow page reordering with method reorderPages.
public void setLinearPageMode() {
* Use this method to reorder the pages in the document.
* A <CODE>null</CODE> argument value only returns the number of pages to process.
* It is advisable to issue a <CODE>Document.newPage()</CODE> before using this method.
* @return the total number of pages
* @param order an array with the new page sequence. It must have the
* same size as the number of pages.
* @throws DocumentException if all the pages are not present in the array
public int reorderPages(final int order[]) throws DocumentException {
return root.reorderPages(order);
* Use this method to get a reference to a page existing or not.
* If the page does not exist yet the reference will be created
* in advance. If on closing the document, a page number greater
* than the total number of pages was requested, an exception
* is thrown.
* @param page the page number. The first page is 1
* @return the reference to the page
public PdfIndirectReference getPageReference(int page) {
if (page < 0)
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("the.page.number.must.be.gt.eq.1"));
PdfIndirectReference ref;
if (page < pageReferences.size()) {
ref = pageReferences.get(page);
if (ref == null) {
ref = body.getPdfIndirectReference();
pageReferences.set(page, ref);
else {
int empty = page - pageReferences.size();
for (int k = 0; k < empty; ++k)
ref = body.getPdfIndirectReference();
return ref;
* Gets the pagenumber of this document.
* This number can be different from the real pagenumber,
* if you have (re)set the page number previously.
* @return a page number
public int getPageNumber() {
return pdf.getPageNumber();
PdfIndirectReference getCurrentPage() {
return getPageReference(currentPageNumber);
public int getCurrentPageNumber() {
return currentPageNumber;
* Sets the Viewport for the next page.
* @param vp an array consisting of Viewport dictionaries.
* @since 5.1.0
public void setPageViewport(final PdfArray vp) {
addPageDictEntry(PdfName.VP, vp);
* Sets the value for the Tabs entry in the page tree.
* @param tabs Can be PdfName.R, PdfName.C or PdfName.S.
* Since the Adobe Extensions Level 3, it can also be PdfName.A
* or PdfName.W
* @since 2.1.5
public void setTabs(final PdfName tabs) {
this.tabs = tabs;
* Returns the value to be used for the Tabs entry in the page tree.
* @return the Tabs PdfName
* @since 2.1.5
public PdfName getTabs() {
return tabs;
* Adds some <CODE>PdfContents</CODE> to this Writer.
* <P>
* The document has to be open before you can begin to add content
* to the body of the document.
* @return a <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE>
* @param page the <CODE>PdfPage</CODE> to add
* @param contents the <CODE>PdfContents</CODE> of the page
* @throws PdfException on error
PdfIndirectReference add(final PdfPage page, final PdfContents contents) throws PdfException {
if (!open) {
throw new PdfException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("the.document.is.not.open"));
PdfIndirectObject object;
try {
object = addToBody(contents);
catch(IOException ioe) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(ioe);
// [U5]
if (group != null) {
page.put(PdfName.GROUP, group);
group = null;
else if (rgbTransparencyBlending) {
PdfDictionary pp = new PdfDictionary();
pp.put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.GROUP);
pp.put(PdfName.S, PdfName.TRANSPARENCY);
pp.put(PdfName.CS, PdfName.DEVICERGB);
page.put(PdfName.GROUP, pp);
return null;
// page events
* Page events are specific for iText, not for PDF.
* Upon specific events (for instance when a page starts
* or ends), the corresponding method in the page event
* implementation that is added to the writer is invoked.
/** The <CODE>PdfPageEvent</CODE> for this document. */
private PdfPageEvent pageEvent;
* Sets the <CODE>PdfPageEvent</CODE> for this document.
* @param event the <CODE>PdfPageEvent</CODE> for this document
public void setPageEvent(final PdfPageEvent event) {
if (event == null) this.pageEvent = null;
else if (this.pageEvent == null) this.pageEvent = event;
else if (this.pageEvent instanceof PdfPageEventForwarder) ((PdfPageEventForwarder)this.pageEvent).addPageEvent(event);
else {
PdfPageEventForwarder forward = new PdfPageEventForwarder();
this.pageEvent = forward;
* Gets the <CODE>PdfPageEvent</CODE> for this document or <CODE>null</CODE>
* if none is set.
* @return the <CODE>PdfPageEvent</CODE> for this document or <CODE>null</CODE>
* if none is set
public PdfPageEvent getPageEvent() {
return pageEvent;
// Open and Close methods + method that create the PDF
/** A number referring to the previous Cross-Reference Table. */
protected int prevxref = 0;
* Signals that the <CODE>Document</CODE> has been opened and that
* <CODE>Elements</CODE> can be added.
* <P>
* When this method is called, the PDF-document header is
* written to the outputstream.
* @see com.itextpdf.text.DocWriter#open()
public void open() {
try {
body = new PdfBody(this);
if (pdfxConformance.isPdfX32002()) {
PdfDictionary sec = new PdfDictionary();
sec.put(PdfName.GAMMA, new PdfArray(new float[]{2.2f,2.2f,2.2f}));
sec.put(PdfName.MATRIX, new PdfArray(new float[]{0.4124f,0.2126f,0.0193f,0.3576f,0.7152f,0.1192f,0.1805f,0.0722f,0.9505f}));
sec.put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, new PdfArray(new float[]{0.9505f,1f,1.089f}));
PdfArray arr = new PdfArray(PdfName.CALRGB);
setDefaultColorspace(PdfName.DEFAULTRGB, addToBody(arr).getIndirectReference());
catch(IOException ioe) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(ioe);
* Signals that the <CODE>Document</CODE> was closed and that no other
* <CODE>Elements</CODE> will be added.
* <P>
* The pages-tree is built and written to the outputstream.
* A Catalog is constructed, as well as an Info-object,
* the reference table is composed and everything is written
* to the outputstream embedded in a Trailer.
* @see com.itextpdf.text.DocWriter#close()
public void close() {
if (open) {
if (currentPageNumber - 1 != pageReferences.size())
throw new RuntimeException("The page " + pageReferences.size() +
" was requested but the document has only " + (currentPageNumber - 1) + " pages.");
try {
for (PdfOCG layer : documentOCG) {
addToBody(layer.getPdfObject(), layer.getRef());
// add the root to the body
PdfIndirectReference rootRef = root.writePageTree();
// make the catalog-object and add it to the body
PdfDictionary catalog = getCatalog(rootRef);
// [C9] if there is XMP data to add: add it
if (xmpMetadata != null) {
PdfStream xmp = new PdfStream(xmpMetadata);
xmp.put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.METADATA);
xmp.put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, PdfName.XML);
if (crypto != null && !crypto.isMetadataEncrypted()) {
PdfArray ar = new PdfArray();
xmp.put(PdfName.FILTER, ar);
catalog.put(PdfName.METADATA, body.add(xmp).getIndirectReference());
// [C10] make pdfx conformant
if (isPdfX()) {
// [C11] Output Intents
if (extraCatalog != null) {
writeOutlines(catalog, false);
// add the Catalog to the body
PdfIndirectObject indirectCatalog = addToBody(catalog, false);
// add the info-object to the body
PdfIndirectObject infoObj = addToBody(getInfo(), false);
// [F1] encryption
PdfIndirectReference encryption = null;
PdfObject fileID = null;
if (crypto != null) {
PdfIndirectObject encryptionObject = addToBody(crypto.getEncryptionDictionary(), false);
encryption = encryptionObject.getIndirectReference();
fileID = crypto.getFileID();
fileID = PdfEncryption.createInfoId(PdfEncryption.createDocumentId());
// write the cross-reference table of the body
body.writeCrossReferenceTable(os, indirectCatalog.getIndirectReference(),
infoObj.getIndirectReference(), encryption, fileID, prevxref);
// make the trailer
// [F2] full compression
if (fullCompression) {
else {
PdfTrailer trailer = new PdfTrailer(body.size(),
fileID, prevxref);
trailer.toPdf(this, os);
catch(IOException ioe) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(ioe);
protected void addSharedObjectsToBody() throws IOException {
// [F3] add the fonts
for (FontDetails details : documentFonts.values()) {
// [F4] add the form XObjects
for (Object objs[] : formXObjects.values()) {
PdfTemplate template = (PdfTemplate)objs[1];
if (template != null && template.getIndirectReference() instanceof PRIndirectReference)
if (template != null && template.getType() == PdfTemplate.TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
addToBody(template.getFormXObject(compressionLevel), template.getIndirectReference());
// [F5] add all the dependencies in the imported pages
for (PdfReaderInstance element : readerInstances.values()) {
currentPdfReaderInstance= element;
currentPdfReaderInstance = null;
// [F6] add the spotcolors
for (ColorDetails color : documentColors.values()) {
addToBody(color.getSpotColor(this), color.getIndirectReference());
// [F7] add the pattern
for (PdfPatternPainter pat : documentPatterns.keySet()) {
addToBody(pat.getPattern(compressionLevel), pat.getIndirectReference());
// [F8] add the shading patterns
for (PdfShadingPattern shadingPattern : documentShadingPatterns) {
// [F9] add the shadings
for (PdfShading shading : documentShadings) {
// [F10] add the extgstate
for (Map.Entry<PdfDictionary, PdfObject[]>entry : documentExtGState.entrySet()) {
PdfDictionary gstate = entry.getKey();
PdfObject obj[] = entry.getValue();
addToBody(gstate, (PdfIndirectReference)obj[1]);
// [F11] add the properties
for (Map.Entry<Object, PdfObject[]>entry : documentProperties.entrySet()) {
Object prop = entry.getKey();
PdfObject[] obj = entry.getValue();
if (prop instanceof PdfLayerMembership){
PdfLayerMembership layer = (PdfLayerMembership)prop;
addToBody(layer.getPdfObject(), layer.getRef());
else if (prop instanceof PdfDictionary && !(prop instanceof PdfLayer)){
addToBody((PdfDictionary)prop, (PdfIndirectReference)obj[1]);
// Root data for the PDF document (used when composing the Catalog)
// [C1] Outlines (bookmarks)
* Use this method to get the root outline
* and construct bookmarks.
* @return the root outline
public PdfOutline getRootOutline() {
return directContent.getRootOutline();
protected List<HashMap<String, Object>> newBookmarks;
* Sets the bookmarks. The list structure is defined in
* {@link SimpleBookmark}.
* @param outlines the bookmarks or <CODE>null</CODE> to remove any
public void setOutlines(final List<HashMap<String, Object>> outlines) {
newBookmarks = outlines;
protected void writeOutlines(final PdfDictionary catalog, final boolean namedAsNames) throws IOException {
if (newBookmarks == null || newBookmarks.isEmpty())
PdfDictionary top = new PdfDictionary();
PdfIndirectReference topRef = getPdfIndirectReference();
Object kids[] = SimpleBookmark.iterateOutlines(this, topRef, newBookmarks, namedAsNames);
top.put(PdfName.FIRST, (PdfIndirectReference)kids[0]);
top.put(PdfName.LAST, (PdfIndirectReference)kids[1]);
top.put(PdfName.COUNT, new PdfNumber(((Integer)kids[2]).intValue()));
addToBody(top, topRef);
catalog.put(PdfName.OUTLINES, topRef);
// [C2] PdfVersion interface
/** possible PDF version (header) */
public static final char VERSION_1_2 = '2';
/** possible PDF version (header) */
public static final char VERSION_1_3 = '3';
/** possible PDF version (header) */
public static final char VERSION_1_4 = '4';
/** possible PDF version (header) */
public static final char VERSION_1_5 = '5';
/** possible PDF version (header) */
public static final char VERSION_1_6 = '6';
/** possible PDF version (header) */
public static final char VERSION_1_7 = '7';
/** possible PDF version (catalog) */
public static final PdfName PDF_VERSION_1_2 = new PdfName("1.2");
/** possible PDF version (catalog) */
public static final PdfName PDF_VERSION_1_3 = new PdfName("1.3");
/** possible PDF version (catalog) */
public static final PdfName PDF_VERSION_1_4 = new PdfName("1.4");
/** possible PDF version (catalog) */
public static final PdfName PDF_VERSION_1_5 = new PdfName("1.5");
/** possible PDF version (catalog) */
public static final PdfName PDF_VERSION_1_6 = new PdfName("1.6");
/** possible PDF version (catalog) */
public static final PdfName PDF_VERSION_1_7 = new PdfName("1.7");
/** Stores the version information for the header and the catalog. */
protected PdfVersionImp pdf_version = new PdfVersionImp();
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfVersion#setPdfVersion(char) */
public void setPdfVersion(final char version) {
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfVersion#setAtLeastPdfVersion(char) */
public void setAtLeastPdfVersion(final char version) {
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfVersion#setPdfVersion(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfName) */
public void setPdfVersion(final PdfName version) {
* @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfVersion#addDeveloperExtension(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfDeveloperExtension)
* @since 2.1.6
public void addDeveloperExtension(final PdfDeveloperExtension de) {
* Returns the version information.
* @return the PdfVersion
PdfVersionImp getPdfVersion() {
return pdf_version;
// [C3] PdfViewerPreferences interface
// page layout (section 13.1.1 of "iText in Action")
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageLayoutSinglePage = 1;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageLayoutOneColumn = 2;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageLayoutTwoColumnLeft = 4;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageLayoutTwoColumnRight = 8;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageLayoutTwoPageLeft = 16;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageLayoutTwoPageRight = 32;
// page mode (section 13.1.2 of "iText in Action")
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageModeUseNone = 64;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageModeUseOutlines = 128;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageModeUseThumbs = 256;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageModeFullScreen = 512;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageModeUseOC = 1024;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PageModeUseAttachments = 2048;
// values for setting viewer preferences in iText versions older than 2.x
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int HideToolbar = 1 << 12;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int HideMenubar = 1 << 13;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int HideWindowUI = 1 << 14;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int FitWindow = 1 << 15;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int CenterWindow = 1 << 16;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int DisplayDocTitle = 1 << 17;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int NonFullScreenPageModeUseNone = 1 << 18;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int NonFullScreenPageModeUseOutlines = 1 << 19;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int NonFullScreenPageModeUseThumbs = 1 << 20;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int NonFullScreenPageModeUseOC = 1 << 21;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int DirectionL2R = 1 << 22;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int DirectionR2L = 1 << 23;
/** A viewer preference */
public static final int PrintScalingNone = 1 << 24;
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfViewerPreferences#setViewerPreferences(int) */
public void setViewerPreferences(final int preferences) {
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfViewerPreferences#addViewerPreference(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfName, com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfObject) */
public void addViewerPreference(final PdfName key, final PdfObject value) {
pdf.addViewerPreference(key, value);
// [C4] Page labels
* Use this method to add page labels
* @param pageLabels the page labels
public void setPageLabels(final PdfPageLabels pageLabels) {
// [C5] named objects: named destinations, javascript, embedded files
* Adds named destinations in bulk.
* Valid keys and values of the map can be found in the map
* that is created by SimpleNamedDestination.
* @param map a map with strings as keys for the names,
* and structured strings as values for the destinations
* @param page_offset number of pages that has to be added to
* the page numbers in the destinations (useful if you
* use this method in combination with PdfCopy).
* @since iText 5.0
public void addNamedDestinations(final Map<String, String> map, final int page_offset) {
int page;
String dest;
PdfDestination destination;
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) {
dest = entry.getValue();
page = Integer.parseInt(dest.substring(0, dest.indexOf(" ")));
destination = new PdfDestination(dest.substring(dest.indexOf(" ") + 1));
addNamedDestination(entry.getKey(), page + page_offset, destination);
* Adds one named destination.
* @param name the name for the destination
* @param page the page number where you want to jump to
* @param dest an explicit destination
* @since iText 5.0
public void addNamedDestination(final String name, final int page, final PdfDestination dest) {
pdf.localDestination(name, dest);
* Use this method to add a JavaScript action at the document level.
* When the document opens, all this JavaScript runs.
* @param js The JavaScript action
public void addJavaScript(final PdfAction js) {
* Use this method to add a JavaScript action at the document level.
* When the document opens, all this JavaScript runs.
* @param code the JavaScript code
* @param unicode select JavaScript unicode. Note that the internal
* Acrobat JavaScript engine does not support unicode,
* so this may or may not work for you
public void addJavaScript(final String code, final boolean unicode) {
addJavaScript(PdfAction.javaScript(code, this, unicode));
* Use this method to adds a JavaScript action at the document level.
* When the document opens, all this JavaScript runs.
* @param code the JavaScript code
public void addJavaScript(final String code) {
addJavaScript(code, false);
* Use this method to add a JavaScript action at the document level.
* When the document opens, all this JavaScript runs.
* @param name The name of the JS Action in the name tree
* @param js The JavaScript action
public void addJavaScript(final String name, final PdfAction js) {
pdf.addJavaScript(name, js);
* Use this method to add a JavaScript action at the document level.
* When the document opens, all this JavaScript runs.
* @param name The name of the JS Action in the name tree
* @param code the JavaScript code
* @param unicode select JavaScript unicode. Note that the internal
* Acrobat JavaScript engine does not support unicode,
* so this may or may not work for you
public void addJavaScript(final String name, final String code, final boolean unicode) {
addJavaScript(name, PdfAction.javaScript(code, this, unicode));
* Use this method to adds a JavaScript action at the document level.
* When the document opens, all this JavaScript runs.
* @param name The name of the JS Action in the name tree
* @param code the JavaScript code
public void addJavaScript(final String name, final String code) {
addJavaScript(name, code, false);
* Use this method to add a file attachment at the document level.
* @param description the file description
* @param fileStore an array with the file. If it's <CODE>null</CODE>
* the file will be read from the disk
* @param file the path to the file. It will only be used if
* <CODE>fileStore</CODE> is not <CODE>null</CODE>
* @param fileDisplay the actual file name stored in the pdf
* @throws IOException on error
public void addFileAttachment(final String description, final byte fileStore[], final String file, final String fileDisplay) throws IOException {
addFileAttachment(description, PdfFileSpecification.fileEmbedded(this, file, fileDisplay, fileStore));
* Use this method to add a file attachment at the document level.
* @param description the file description
* @param fs the file specification
* @throws IOException if the file attachment could not be added to the document
public void addFileAttachment(final String description, final PdfFileSpecification fs) throws IOException {
pdf.addFileAttachment(description, fs);
* Use this method to add a file attachment at the document level.
* @param fs the file specification
* @throws IOException if the file attachment could not be added to the document
public void addFileAttachment(final PdfFileSpecification fs) throws IOException {
addFileAttachment(null, fs);
// [C6] Actions (open and additional)
/** action value */
public static final PdfName DOCUMENT_CLOSE = PdfName.WC;
/** action value */
public static final PdfName WILL_SAVE = PdfName.WS;
/** action value */
public static final PdfName DID_SAVE = PdfName.DS;
/** action value */
public static final PdfName WILL_PRINT = PdfName.WP;
/** action value */
public static final PdfName DID_PRINT = PdfName.DP;
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfDocumentActions#setOpenAction(java.lang.String) */
public void setOpenAction(final String name) {
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfDocumentActions#setOpenAction(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfAction) */
public void setOpenAction(final PdfAction action) {
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfDocumentActions#setAdditionalAction(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfName, com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfAction) */
public void setAdditionalAction(final PdfName actionType, final PdfAction action) throws DocumentException {
if (!(actionType.equals(DOCUMENT_CLOSE) ||
actionType.equals(WILL_SAVE) ||
actionType.equals(DID_SAVE) ||
actionType.equals(WILL_PRINT) ||
actionType.equals(DID_PRINT))) {
throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.additional.action.type.1", actionType.toString()));
pdf.addAdditionalAction(actionType, action);
// [C7] portable collections
* Use this method to add the Collection dictionary.
* @param collection a dictionary of type PdfCollection
public void setCollection(final PdfCollection collection) {
// [C8] AcroForm
/** signature value */
public static final int SIGNATURE_EXISTS = 1;
/** signature value */
public static final int SIGNATURE_APPEND_ONLY = 2;
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfAnnotations#getAcroForm() */
public PdfAcroForm getAcroForm() {
return pdf.getAcroForm();
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfAnnotations#addAnnotation(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfAnnotation) */
public void addAnnotation(final PdfAnnotation annot) {
void addAnnotation(final PdfAnnotation annot, final int page) {
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfAnnotations#addCalculationOrder(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfFormField) */
public void addCalculationOrder(final PdfFormField annot) {
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfAnnotations#setSigFlags(int) */
public void setSigFlags(final int f) {
// [C9] Metadata
/** XMP Metadata for the document. */
protected byte[] xmpMetadata = null;
* Use this method to set the XMP Metadata.
* @param xmpMetadata The xmpMetadata to set.
public void setXmpMetadata(final byte[] xmpMetadata) {
this.xmpMetadata = xmpMetadata;
* Use this method to set the XMP Metadata for each page.
* @param xmpMetadata The xmpMetadata to set.
* @throws IOException
public void setPageXmpMetadata(final byte[] xmpMetadata) throws IOException {
* Use this method to creates XMP Metadata based
* on the metadata in the PdfDocument.
public void createXmpMetadata() {
* @return an XmpMetadata byte array
private byte[] createXmpMetadataBytes() {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
XmpWriter xmp = new XmpWriter(baos, pdf.getInfo(), pdfxConformance.getPDFXConformance());
catch (IOException ioe) {
return baos.toByteArray();
// [C10] PDFX Conformance
/** A PDF/X level. */
public static final int PDFXNONE = 0;
/** A PDF/X level. */
public static final int PDFX1A2001 = 1;
/** A PDF/X level. */
public static final int PDFX32002 = 2;
/** PDFA-1A level. */
public static final int PDFA1A = 3;
/** PDFA-1B level. */
public static final int PDFA1B = 4;
/** Stores the PDF/X level. */
private final PdfXConformanceImp pdfxConformance = new PdfXConformanceImp();
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfXConformance#setPDFXConformance(int) */
public void setPDFXConformance(final int pdfx) {
if (pdfxConformance.getPDFXConformance() == pdfx)
if (pdf.isOpen())
throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("pdfx.conformance.can.only.be.set.before.opening.the.document"));
if (crypto != null)
throw new PdfXConformanceException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("a.pdfx.conforming.document.cannot.be.encrypted"));
if (pdfx == PDFA1A || pdfx == PDFA1B)
else if (pdfx != PDFXNONE)
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfXConformance#getPDFXConformance() */
public int getPDFXConformance() {
return pdfxConformance.getPDFXConformance();
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfXConformance#isPdfX() */
public boolean isPdfX() {
return pdfxConformance.isPdfX();
// [C11] Output intents
* Sets the values of the output intent dictionary. Null values are allowed to
* suppress any key.
* @param outputConditionIdentifier a value
* @param outputCondition a value, "PDFA/A" to force GTS_PDFA1, otherwise cued by pdfxConformance.
* @param registryName a value
* @param info a value
* @param colorProfile a value
* @since 2.1.5
* @throws IOException on error
public void setOutputIntents(final String outputConditionIdentifier, final String outputCondition, final String registryName, final String info, final ICC_Profile colorProfile) throws IOException {
PdfDictionary out = new PdfDictionary(PdfName.OUTPUTINTENT);
if (outputCondition != null)
out.put(PdfName.OUTPUTCONDITION, new PdfString(outputCondition, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE));
if (outputConditionIdentifier != null)
out.put(PdfName.OUTPUTCONDITIONIDENTIFIER, new PdfString(outputConditionIdentifier, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE));
if (registryName != null)
out.put(PdfName.REGISTRYNAME, new PdfString(registryName, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE));
if (info != null)
out.put(PdfName.INFO, new PdfString(info, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE));
if (colorProfile != null) {
PdfStream stream = new PdfICCBased(colorProfile, compressionLevel);
out.put(PdfName.DESTOUTPUTPROFILE, addToBody(stream).getIndirectReference());
PdfName intentSubtype;
if (pdfxConformance.isPdfA1() || "PDFA/1".equals(outputCondition)) {
intentSubtype = PdfName.GTS_PDFA1;
else {
intentSubtype = PdfName.GTS_PDFX;
out.put(PdfName.S, intentSubtype);
extraCatalog.put(PdfName.OUTPUTINTENTS, new PdfArray(out));
* Sets the values of the output intent dictionary. Null values are allowed to
* suppress any key.
* Prefer the <CODE>ICC_Profile</CODE>-based version of this method.
* @param outputConditionIdentifier a value
* @param outputCondition a value, "PDFA/A" to force GTS_PDFA1, otherwise cued by pdfxConformance.
* @param registryName a value
* @param info a value
* @param destOutputProfile a value
* @since 1.x
* @throws IOException
public void setOutputIntents(final String outputConditionIdentifier, final String outputCondition, final String registryName, final String info, final byte destOutputProfile[]) throws IOException {
ICC_Profile colorProfile = destOutputProfile == null ? null : ICC_Profile.getInstance(destOutputProfile);
setOutputIntents(outputConditionIdentifier, outputCondition, registryName, info, colorProfile);
* Use this method to copy the output intent dictionary
* from another document to this one.
* @param reader the other document
* @param checkExistence <CODE>true</CODE> to just check for the existence of a valid output intent
* dictionary, <CODE>false</CODE> to insert the dictionary if it exists
* @throws IOException on error
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the output intent dictionary exists, <CODE>false</CODE>
* otherwise
public boolean setOutputIntents(final PdfReader reader, final boolean checkExistence) throws IOException {
PdfDictionary catalog = reader.getCatalog();
PdfArray outs = catalog.getAsArray(PdfName.OUTPUTINTENTS);
if (outs == null)
return false;
if (outs.isEmpty())
return false;
PdfDictionary out = outs.getAsDict(0);
PdfObject obj = PdfReader.getPdfObject(out.get(PdfName.S));
if (obj == null || !PdfName.GTS_PDFX.equals(obj))
return false;
if (checkExistence)
return true;
PRStream stream = (PRStream)PdfReader.getPdfObject(out.get(PdfName.DESTOUTPUTPROFILE));
byte destProfile[] = null;
if (stream != null) {
destProfile = PdfReader.getStreamBytes(stream);
setOutputIntents(getNameString(out, PdfName.OUTPUTCONDITIONIDENTIFIER), getNameString(out, PdfName.OUTPUTCONDITION),
getNameString(out, PdfName.REGISTRYNAME), getNameString(out, PdfName.INFO), destProfile);
return true;
private static String getNameString(final PdfDictionary dic, final PdfName key) {
PdfObject obj = PdfReader.getPdfObject(dic.get(key));
if (obj == null || !obj.isString())
return null;
return ((PdfString)obj).toUnicodeString();
// PDF Objects that have an impact on the PDF body
// [F1] PdfEncryptionSettings interface
// types of encryption
/** Type of encryption */
public static final int STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_40 = 0;
/** Type of encryption */
public static final int STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_128 = 1;
/** Type of encryption */
public static final int ENCRYPTION_AES_128 = 2;
/** Type of encryption */
public static final int ENCRYPTION_AES_256 = 3;
/** Mask to separate the encryption type from the encryption mode. */
static final int ENCRYPTION_MASK = 7;
/** Add this to the mode to keep the metadata in clear text */
public static final int DO_NOT_ENCRYPT_METADATA = 8;
* Add this to the mode to keep encrypt only the embedded files.
* @since 2.1.3
public static final int EMBEDDED_FILES_ONLY = 24;
// permissions
/** The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
* @since 2.0.7
public static final int ALLOW_PRINTING = 4 + 2048;
/** The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
* @since 2.0.7
public static final int ALLOW_MODIFY_CONTENTS = 8;
/** The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
* @since 2.0.7
public static final int ALLOW_COPY = 16;
/** The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
* @since 2.0.7
public static final int ALLOW_MODIFY_ANNOTATIONS = 32;
/** The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
* @since 2.0.7
public static final int ALLOW_FILL_IN = 256;
/** The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
* @since 2.0.7
public static final int ALLOW_SCREENREADERS = 512;
/** The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
* @since 2.0.7
public static final int ALLOW_ASSEMBLY = 1024;
/** The operation permitted when the document is opened with the user password
* @since 2.0.7
public static final int ALLOW_DEGRADED_PRINTING = 4;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #ALLOW_PRINTING} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final int AllowPrinting = ALLOW_PRINTING;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #ALLOW_MODIFY_CONTENTS} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final int AllowModifyContents = ALLOW_MODIFY_CONTENTS;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #ALLOW_COPY} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final int AllowCopy = ALLOW_COPY;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #ALLOW_MODIFY_ANNOTATIONS} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final int AllowModifyAnnotations = ALLOW_MODIFY_ANNOTATIONS;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #ALLOW_FILL_IN} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final int AllowFillIn = ALLOW_FILL_IN;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #ALLOW_SCREENREADERS} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final int AllowScreenReaders = ALLOW_SCREENREADERS;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #ALLOW_ASSEMBLY} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final int AllowAssembly = ALLOW_ASSEMBLY;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #ALLOW_DEGRADED_PRINTING} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final int AllowDegradedPrinting = ALLOW_DEGRADED_PRINTING;
// Strength of the encryption (kept for historical reasons)
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_40} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final boolean STRENGTH40BITS = false;
/** @deprecated As of iText 2.0.7, use {@link #STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_128} instead. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0 */
public static final boolean STRENGTH128BITS = true;
/** Contains the business logic for cryptography. */
protected PdfEncryption crypto;
PdfEncryption getEncryption() {
return crypto;
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfEncryptionSettings#setEncryption(byte[], byte[], int, int) */
public void setEncryption(final byte userPassword[], final byte ownerPassword[], final int permissions, final int encryptionType) throws DocumentException {
if (pdf.isOpen())
throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("encryption.can.only.be.added.before.opening.the.document"));
crypto = new PdfEncryption();
crypto.setCryptoMode(encryptionType, 0);
crypto.setupAllKeys(userPassword, ownerPassword, permissions);
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfEncryptionSettings#setEncryption(java.security.cert.Certificate[], int[], int) */
public void setEncryption(final Certificate[] certs, final int[] permissions, final int encryptionType) throws DocumentException {
if (pdf.isOpen())
throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("encryption.can.only.be.added.before.opening.the.document"));
crypto = new PdfEncryption();
if (certs != null) {
for (int i=0; i < certs.length; i++) {
crypto.addRecipient(certs[i], permissions[i]);
crypto.setCryptoMode(encryptionType, 0);
* Sets the encryption options for this document. The userPassword and the
* ownerPassword can be null or have zero length. In this case the ownerPassword
* is replaced by a random string. The open permissions for the document can be
* AllowPrinting, AllowModifyContents, AllowCopy, AllowModifyAnnotations,
* AllowFillIn, AllowScreenReaders, AllowAssembly and AllowDegradedPrinting.
* The permissions can be combined by ORing them.
* @param userPassword the user password. Can be null or empty
* @param ownerPassword the owner password. Can be null or empty
* @param permissions the user permissions
* @param strength128Bits <code>true</code> for 128 bit key length, <code>false</code> for 40 bit key length
* @throws DocumentException if the document is already open
* @deprecated As of iText 2.0.3, replaced by (@link #setEncryption(byte[], byte[], int, int)}. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0
public void setEncryption(final byte userPassword[], final byte ownerPassword[], final int permissions, final boolean strength128Bits) throws DocumentException {
setEncryption(userPassword, ownerPassword, permissions, strength128Bits ? STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_128 : STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_40);
* Sets the encryption options for this document. The userPassword and the
* ownerPassword can be null or have zero length. In this case the ownerPassword
* is replaced by a random string. The open permissions for the document can be
* AllowPrinting, AllowModifyContents, AllowCopy, AllowModifyAnnotations,
* AllowFillIn, AllowScreenReaders, AllowAssembly and AllowDegradedPrinting.
* The permissions can be combined by ORing them.
* @param strength <code>true</code> for 128 bit key length, <code>false</code> for 40 bit key length
* @param userPassword the user password. Can be null or empty
* @param ownerPassword the owner password. Can be null or empty
* @param permissions the user permissions
* @throws DocumentException if the document is already open
* @deprecated As of iText 2.0.3, replaced by (@link #setEncryption(byte[], byte[], int, int)}. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0
public void setEncryption(final boolean strength, final String userPassword, final String ownerPassword, final int permissions) throws DocumentException {
setEncryption(getISOBytes(userPassword), getISOBytes(ownerPassword), permissions, strength ? STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_128 : STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_40);
* Sets the encryption options for this document. The userPassword and the
* ownerPassword can be null or have zero length. In this case the ownerPassword
* is replaced by a random string. The open permissions for the document can be
* AllowPrinting, AllowModifyContents, AllowCopy, AllowModifyAnnotations,
* AllowFillIn, AllowScreenReaders, AllowAssembly and AllowDegradedPrinting.
* The permissions can be combined by ORing them.
* @param encryptionType the type of encryption. It can be one of STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_40, STANDARD_ENCRYPTION_128 or ENCRYPTION_AES128.
* Optionally DO_NOT_ENCRYPT_METADATA can be ored to output the metadata in cleartext
* @param userPassword the user password. Can be null or empty
* @param ownerPassword the owner password. Can be null or empty
* @param permissions the user permissions
* @throws DocumentException if the document is already open
* @deprecated As of iText 2.0.3, replaced by (@link #setEncryption(byte[], byte[], int, int)}. Scheduled for removal at or after 2.2.0
public void setEncryption(final int encryptionType, final String userPassword, final String ownerPassword, final int permissions) throws DocumentException {
setEncryption(getISOBytes(userPassword), getISOBytes(ownerPassword), permissions, encryptionType);
// [F2] compression
/** Holds value of property fullCompression. */
protected boolean fullCompression = false;
* Use this method to find out if 1.5 compression is on.
* @return the 1.5 compression status
public boolean isFullCompression() {
return this.fullCompression;
* Use this method to set the document's compression to the
* PDF 1.5 mode with object streams and xref streams.
* It can be set at any time but once set it can't be unset.
* <p>
* If set before opening the document it will also set the pdf version to 1.5.
public void setFullCompression() {
this.fullCompression = true;
* The compression level of the content streams.
* @since 2.1.3
protected int compressionLevel = PdfStream.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
* Returns the compression level used for streams written by this writer.
* @return the compression level (0 = best speed, 9 = best compression, -1 is default)
* @since 2.1.3
public int getCompressionLevel() {
return compressionLevel;
* Sets the compression level to be used for streams written by this writer.
* @param compressionLevel a value between 0 (best speed) and 9 (best compression)
* @since 2.1.3
public void setCompressionLevel(final int compressionLevel) {
if (compressionLevel < PdfStream.NO_COMPRESSION || compressionLevel > PdfStream.BEST_COMPRESSION)
this.compressionLevel = PdfStream.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
// [F3] adding fonts
/** The fonts of this document */
protected LinkedHashMap<BaseFont, FontDetails> documentFonts = new LinkedHashMap<BaseFont, FontDetails>();
/** The font number counter for the fonts in the document. */
protected int fontNumber = 1;
* Adds a <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> to the document but not to the page resources.
* It is used for templates.
* @param bf the <CODE>BaseFont</CODE> to add
* @return an <CODE>Object[]</CODE> where position 0 is a <CODE>PdfName</CODE>
* and position 1 is an <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE>
FontDetails addSimple(final BaseFont bf) {
if (bf.getFontType() == BaseFont.FONT_TYPE_DOCUMENT) {
return new FontDetails(new PdfName("F" + fontNumber++), ((DocumentFont)bf).getIndirectReference(), bf);
FontDetails ret = documentFonts.get(bf);
if (ret == null) {
PdfXConformanceImp.checkPDFXConformance(this, PdfXConformanceImp.PDFXKEY_FONT, bf);
ret = new FontDetails(new PdfName("F" + fontNumber++), body.getPdfIndirectReference(), bf);
documentFonts.put(bf, ret);
return ret;
void eliminateFontSubset(final PdfDictionary fonts) {
for (Object element : documentFonts.values()) {
FontDetails ft = (FontDetails)element;
if (fonts.get(ft.getFontName()) != null)
// [F4] adding (and releasing) form XObjects
/** The form XObjects in this document. The key is the xref and the value
is Object[]{PdfName, template}.*/
protected HashMap<PdfIndirectReference, Object[]> formXObjects = new HashMap<PdfIndirectReference, Object[]>();
/** The name counter for the form XObjects name. */
protected int formXObjectsCounter = 1;
* Adds a template to the document but not to the page resources.
* @param template the template to add
* @param forcedName the template name, rather than a generated one. Can be null
* @return the <CODE>PdfName</CODE> for this template
PdfName addDirectTemplateSimple(PdfTemplate template, final PdfName forcedName) {
PdfIndirectReference ref = template.getIndirectReference();
Object obj[] = formXObjects.get(ref);
PdfName name = null;
try {
if (obj == null) {
if (forcedName == null) {
name = new PdfName("Xf" + formXObjectsCounter);
name = forcedName;
if (template.getType() == PdfTemplate.TYPE_IMPORTED) {
// If we got here from PdfCopy we'll have to fill importedPages
PdfImportedPage ip = (PdfImportedPage)template;
PdfReader r = ip.getPdfReaderInstance().getReader();
if (!readerInstances.containsKey(r)) {
readerInstances.put(r, ip.getPdfReaderInstance());
template = null;
formXObjects.put(ref, new Object[]{name, template});
name = (PdfName)obj[0];
catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
return name;
* Use this method to releases the memory used by a template.
* This method writes the template to the output.
* The template can still be added to any content
* but changes to the template itself won't have any effect.
* @param tp the template to release
* @throws IOException on error
public void releaseTemplate(final PdfTemplate tp) throws IOException {
PdfIndirectReference ref = tp.getIndirectReference();
Object[] objs = formXObjects.get(ref);
if (objs == null || objs[1] == null)
PdfTemplate template = (PdfTemplate)objs[1];
if (template.getIndirectReference() instanceof PRIndirectReference)
if (template.getType() == PdfTemplate.TYPE_TEMPLATE) {
addToBody(template.getFormXObject(compressionLevel), template.getIndirectReference());
objs[1] = null;
// [F5] adding pages imported form other PDF documents
* Instances of PdfReader/PdfReaderInstance that are used to import pages.
* @since 5.0.3
protected HashMap<PdfReader, PdfReaderInstance> readerInstances = new HashMap<PdfReader, PdfReaderInstance>();
* Use this method to get a page from other PDF document.
* The page can be used as any other PdfTemplate.
* Note that calling this method more than once with the same parameters
* will retrieve the same object.
* @param reader the PDF document where the page is
* @param pageNumber the page number. The first page is 1
* @return the template representing the imported page
public PdfImportedPage getImportedPage(final PdfReader reader, final int pageNumber) {
return getPdfReaderInstance(reader).getImportedPage(pageNumber);
* Returns the PdfReaderInstance associated with the specified reader.
* Multiple calls with the same reader object will return the same
* PdfReaderInstance.
* @param reader the PDF reader that you want an instance for
* @return the instance for the provided reader
* @since 5.0.3
protected PdfReaderInstance getPdfReaderInstance(final PdfReader reader){
PdfReaderInstance inst = readerInstances.get(reader);
if (inst == null) {
inst = reader.getPdfReaderInstance(this);
readerInstances.put(reader, inst);
return inst;
* Use this method to writes the reader to the document
* and free the memory used by it.
* The main use is when concatenating multiple documents
* to keep the memory usage restricted to the current
* appending document.
* @param reader the <CODE>PdfReader</CODE> to free
* @throws IOException on error
public void freeReader(final PdfReader reader) throws IOException {
currentPdfReaderInstance = readerInstances.get(reader);
if (currentPdfReaderInstance == null)
currentPdfReaderInstance = null;
* Use this method to gets the current document size.
* This size only includes the data already written
* to the output stream, it does not include templates or fonts.
* It is useful if used with <CODE>freeReader()</CODE>
* when concatenating many documents and an idea of
* the current size is needed.
* @return the approximate size without fonts or templates
public int getCurrentDocumentSize() {
return body.offset() + body.size() * 20 + 0x48;
protected PdfReaderInstance currentPdfReaderInstance;
protected int getNewObjectNumber(final PdfReader reader, final int number, final int generation) {
if (currentPdfReaderInstance == null) {
currentPdfReaderInstance = getPdfReaderInstance(reader);
return currentPdfReaderInstance.getNewObjectNumber(number, generation);
RandomAccessFileOrArray getReaderFile(final PdfReader reader) {
return currentPdfReaderInstance.getReaderFile();
// [F6] spot colors
/** The colors of this document */
protected HashMap<PdfSpotColor, ColorDetails> documentColors = new HashMap<PdfSpotColor, ColorDetails>();
/** The color number counter for the colors in the document. */
protected int colorNumber = 1;
PdfName getColorspaceName() {
return new PdfName("CS" + colorNumber++);
* Adds a <CODE>SpotColor</CODE> to the document but not to the page resources.
* @param spc the <CODE>SpotColor</CODE> to add
* @return an <CODE>Object[]</CODE> where position 0 is a <CODE>PdfName</CODE>
* and position 1 is an <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE>
ColorDetails addSimple(final PdfSpotColor spc) {
ColorDetails ret = documentColors.get(spc);
if (ret == null) {
ret = new ColorDetails(getColorspaceName(), body.getPdfIndirectReference(), spc);
documentColors.put(spc, ret);
return ret;
// [F7] document patterns
/** The patterns of this document */
protected HashMap<PdfPatternPainter, PdfName> documentPatterns = new HashMap<PdfPatternPainter, PdfName>();
/** The pattern number counter for the colors in the document. */
protected int patternNumber = 1;
PdfName addSimplePattern(final PdfPatternPainter painter) {
PdfName name = documentPatterns.get(painter);
try {
if ( name == null ) {
name = new PdfName("P" + patternNumber);
documentPatterns.put(painter, name);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(e);
return name;
// [F8] shading patterns
protected HashSet<PdfShadingPattern> documentShadingPatterns = new HashSet<PdfShadingPattern>();
void addSimpleShadingPattern(final PdfShadingPattern shading) {
if (!documentShadingPatterns.contains(shading)) {
// [F9] document shadings
protected HashSet<PdfShading> documentShadings = new HashSet<PdfShading>();
void addSimpleShading(final PdfShading shading) {
if (!documentShadings.contains(shading)) {
// [F10] extended graphics state (for instance for transparency)
protected HashMap<PdfDictionary, PdfObject[]> documentExtGState = new HashMap<PdfDictionary, PdfObject[]>();
PdfObject[] addSimpleExtGState(final PdfDictionary gstate) {
if (!documentExtGState.containsKey(gstate)) {
PdfXConformanceImp.checkPDFXConformance(this, PdfXConformanceImp.PDFXKEY_GSTATE, gstate);
documentExtGState.put(gstate, new PdfObject[]{new PdfName("GS" + (documentExtGState.size() + 1)), getPdfIndirectReference()});
return documentExtGState.get(gstate);
// [F11] adding properties (OCG, marked content)
protected HashMap<Object, PdfObject[]> documentProperties = new HashMap<Object, PdfObject[]>();
PdfObject[] addSimpleProperty(final Object prop, final PdfIndirectReference refi) {
if (!documentProperties.containsKey(prop)) {
if (prop instanceof PdfOCG)
PdfXConformanceImp.checkPDFXConformance(this, PdfXConformanceImp.PDFXKEY_LAYER, null);
documentProperties.put(prop, new PdfObject[]{new PdfName("Pr" + (documentProperties.size() + 1)), refi});
return documentProperties.get(prop);
boolean propertyExists(final Object prop) {
return documentProperties.containsKey(prop);
// [F12] tagged PDF
protected boolean tagged = false;
protected PdfStructureTreeRoot structureTreeRoot;
* Mark this document for tagging. It must be called before open.
public void setTagged() {
if (open)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("tagging.must.be.set.before.opening.the.document"));
tagged = true;
* Check if the document is marked for tagging.
* @return <CODE>true</CODE> if the document is marked for tagging
public boolean isTagged() {
return tagged;
* Gets the structure tree root. If the document is not marked for tagging it will return <CODE>null</CODE>.
* @return the structure tree root
public PdfStructureTreeRoot getStructureTreeRoot() {
if (tagged && structureTreeRoot == null)
structureTreeRoot = new PdfStructureTreeRoot(this);
return structureTreeRoot;
// [F13] Optional Content Groups
/** A hashSet containing all the PdfLayer objects. */
protected HashSet<PdfOCG> documentOCG = new HashSet<PdfOCG>();
/** An array list used to define the order of an OCG tree. */
protected ArrayList<PdfOCG> documentOCGorder = new ArrayList<PdfOCG>();
/** The OCProperties in a catalog dictionary. */
protected PdfOCProperties OCProperties;
/** The RBGroups array in an OCG dictionary */
protected PdfArray OCGRadioGroup = new PdfArray();
* The locked array in an OCG dictionary
* @since 2.1.2
protected PdfArray OCGLocked = new PdfArray();
* Use this method to get the <B>Optional Content Properties Dictionary</B>.
* Each call fills the dictionary with the current layer state.
* It's advisable to only call this method right before close
* and do any modifications at that time.
* @return the Optional Content Properties Dictionary
public PdfOCProperties getOCProperties() {
return OCProperties;
* Use this method to set a collection of optional content groups
* whose states are intended to follow a "radio button" paradigm.
* That is, the state of at most one optional content group
* in the array should be ON at a time: if one group is turned
* ON, all others must be turned OFF.
* @param group the radio group
public void addOCGRadioGroup(final ArrayList<PdfLayer> group) {
PdfArray ar = new PdfArray();
for (int k = 0; k < group.size(); ++k) {
PdfLayer layer = group.get(k);
if (layer.getTitle() == null)
if (ar.size() == 0)
* Use this method to lock an optional content group.
* The state of a locked group cannot be changed through the user interface
* of a viewer application. Producers can use this entry to prevent the visibility
* of content that depends on these groups from being changed by users.
* @param layer the layer that needs to be added to the array of locked OCGs
* @since 2.1.2
public void lockLayer(final PdfLayer layer) {
private static void getOCGOrder(final PdfArray order, final PdfLayer layer) {
if (!layer.isOnPanel())
if (layer.getTitle() == null)
ArrayList<PdfLayer> children = layer.getChildren();
if (children == null)
PdfArray kids = new PdfArray();
if (layer.getTitle() != null)
kids.add(new PdfString(layer.getTitle(), PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE));
for (int k = 0; k < children.size(); ++k) {
getOCGOrder(kids, children.get(k));
if (kids.size() > 0)
private void addASEvent(final PdfName event, final PdfName category) {
PdfArray arr = new PdfArray();
for (Object element : documentOCG) {
PdfLayer layer = (PdfLayer)element;
PdfDictionary usage = layer.getAsDict(PdfName.USAGE);
if (usage != null && usage.get(category) != null)
if (arr.size() == 0)
PdfDictionary d = OCProperties.getAsDict(PdfName.D);
PdfArray arras = d.getAsArray(PdfName.AS);
if (arras == null) {
arras = new PdfArray();
d.put(PdfName.AS, arras);
PdfDictionary as = new PdfDictionary();
as.put(PdfName.EVENT, event);
as.put(PdfName.CATEGORY, new PdfArray(category));
as.put(PdfName.OCGS, arr);
* @param erase true to erase the {@link PdfName#OCGS} and {@link PdfName#D} from the OCProperties first.
* @since 2.1.2
protected void fillOCProperties(final boolean erase) {
if (OCProperties == null)
OCProperties = new PdfOCProperties();
if (erase) {
if (OCProperties.get(PdfName.OCGS) == null) {
PdfArray gr = new PdfArray();
for (Object element : documentOCG) {
PdfLayer layer = (PdfLayer)element;
OCProperties.put(PdfName.OCGS, gr);
if (OCProperties.get(PdfName.D) != null)
ArrayList<PdfOCG> docOrder = new ArrayList<PdfOCG>(documentOCGorder);
for (Iterator<PdfOCG> it = docOrder.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
PdfLayer layer = (PdfLayer)it.next();
if (layer.getParent() != null)
PdfArray order = new PdfArray();
for (Object element : docOrder) {
PdfLayer layer = (PdfLayer)element;
getOCGOrder(order, layer);
PdfDictionary d = new PdfDictionary();
OCProperties.put(PdfName.D, d);
d.put(PdfName.ORDER, order);
PdfArray gr = new PdfArray();
for (Object element : documentOCG) {
PdfLayer layer = (PdfLayer)element;
if (!layer.isOn())
if (gr.size() > 0)
d.put(PdfName.OFF, gr);
if (OCGRadioGroup.size() > 0)
d.put(PdfName.RBGROUPS, OCGRadioGroup);
if (OCGLocked.size() > 0)
d.put(PdfName.LOCKED, OCGLocked);
addASEvent(PdfName.VIEW, PdfName.ZOOM);
addASEvent(PdfName.VIEW, PdfName.VIEW);
addASEvent(PdfName.PRINT, PdfName.PRINT);
addASEvent(PdfName.EXPORT, PdfName.EXPORT);
void registerLayer(final PdfOCG layer) {
PdfXConformanceImp.checkPDFXConformance(this, PdfXConformanceImp.PDFXKEY_LAYER, null);
if (layer instanceof PdfLayer) {
PdfLayer la = (PdfLayer)layer;
if (la.getTitle() == null) {
if (!documentOCG.contains(layer)) {
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("only.pdflayer.is.accepted"));
// User methods to change aspects of the page
// [U1] page size
* Use this method to get the size of the media box.
* @return a Rectangle
public Rectangle getPageSize() {
return pdf.getPageSize();
* Use this method to set the crop box.
* The crop box should not be rotated even if the page is rotated.
* This change only takes effect in the next page.
* @param crop the crop box
public void setCropBoxSize(final Rectangle crop) {
* Use this method to set the page box sizes.
* Allowed names are: "crop", "trim", "art" and "bleed".
* @param boxName the box size
* @param size the size
public void setBoxSize(final String boxName, final Rectangle size) {
pdf.setBoxSize(boxName, size);
* Use this method to get the size of a trim, art, crop or bleed box,
* or null if not defined.
* @param boxName crop, trim, art or bleed
public Rectangle getBoxSize(final String boxName) {
return pdf.getBoxSize(boxName);
// [U2] take care of empty pages
* Use this method to make sure a page is added,
* even if it's empty. If you use setPageEmpty(false),
* invoking newPage() after a blank page will add a newPage.
* setPageEmpty(true) won't have any effect.
* @param pageEmpty the state
public void setPageEmpty(final boolean pageEmpty) {
if (pageEmpty)
* Checks if a newPage() will actually generate a new page.
* @return true if a new page will be generated, false otherwise
* @since 2.1.8
public boolean isPageEmpty() {
return pdf.isPageEmpty();
// [U3] page actions (open and close)
/** action value */
public static final PdfName PAGE_OPEN = PdfName.O;
/** action value */
public static final PdfName PAGE_CLOSE = PdfName.C;
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfPageActions#setPageAction(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfName, com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfAction) */
public void setPageAction(final PdfName actionType, final PdfAction action) throws DocumentException {
if (!actionType.equals(PAGE_OPEN) && !actionType.equals(PAGE_CLOSE))
throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.page.additional.action.type.1", actionType.toString()));
pdf.setPageAction(actionType, action);
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfPageActions#setDuration(int) */
public void setDuration(final int seconds) {
/** @see com.itextpdf.text.pdf.interfaces.PdfPageActions#setTransition(com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfTransition) */
public void setTransition(final PdfTransition transition) {
// [U4] Thumbnail image
* Use this method to set the thumbnail image for the current page.
* @param image the image
* @throws PdfException on error
* @throws DocumentException or error
public void setThumbnail(final Image image) throws PdfException, DocumentException {
// [U5] Transparency groups
* A group attributes dictionary specifying the attributes
* of the page's page group for use in the transparent
* imaging model
protected PdfDictionary group;
* Use this method to get the group dictionary.
* @return Value of property group.
public PdfDictionary getGroup() {
return this.group;
* Use this method to set the group dictionary.
* @param group New value of property group.
public void setGroup(final PdfDictionary group) {
this.group = group;
// [U6] space char ratio
/** The default space-char ratio. */
public static final float SPACE_CHAR_RATIO_DEFAULT = 2.5f;
/** Disable the inter-character spacing. */
public static final float NO_SPACE_CHAR_RATIO = 10000000f;
* The ratio between the extra word spacing and the extra character spacing.
* Extra word spacing will grow <CODE>ratio</CODE> times more than extra character spacing.
private float spaceCharRatio = SPACE_CHAR_RATIO_DEFAULT;
* Use this method to gets the space/character extra spacing ratio
* for fully justified text.
* @return the space/character extra spacing ratio
public float getSpaceCharRatio() {
return spaceCharRatio;
* Use this method to set the ratio between the extra word spacing and
* the extra character spacing when the text is fully justified.
* Extra word spacing will grow <CODE>spaceCharRatio</CODE> times more
* than extra character spacing. If the ratio is <CODE>PdfWriter.NO_SPACE_CHAR_RATIO</CODE>
* then the extra character spacing will be zero.
* @param spaceCharRatio the ratio between the extra word spacing and the extra character spacing
public void setSpaceCharRatio(final float spaceCharRatio) {
if (spaceCharRatio < 0.001f)
this.spaceCharRatio = 0.001f;
this.spaceCharRatio = spaceCharRatio;
// [U7] run direction (doesn't actually do anything)
/** Use the default run direction. */
public static final int RUN_DIRECTION_DEFAULT = 0;
/** Do not use bidirectional reordering. */
public static final int RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI = 1;
/** Use bidirectional reordering with left-to-right
* preferential run direction.
public static final int RUN_DIRECTION_LTR = 2;
/** Use bidirectional reordering with right-to-left
* preferential run direction.
public static final int RUN_DIRECTION_RTL = 3;
protected int runDirection = RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI;
* Use this method to set the run direction.
* This is only used as a placeholder as it does not affect anything.
* @param runDirection the run direction
public void setRunDirection(final int runDirection) {
if (runDirection < RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI || runDirection > RUN_DIRECTION_RTL)
throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.run.direction.1", runDirection));
this.runDirection = runDirection;
* Use this method to set the run direction.
* @return the run direction
public int getRunDirection() {
return runDirection;
// [U8] user units
* Use this method to set the user unit.
* A UserUnit is a value that defines the default user space unit.
* The minimum UserUnit is 1 (1 unit = 1/72 inch).
* The maximum UserUnit is 75,000.
* Note that this userunit only works starting with PDF1.6!
* @param userunit The userunit to set.
* @throws DocumentException on error
public void setUserunit(final float userunit) throws DocumentException {
if (userunit < 1f || userunit > 75000f) throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("userunit.should.be.a.value.between.1.and.75000"));
addPageDictEntry(PdfName.USERUNIT, new PdfNumber(userunit));
// Miscellaneous topics
// [M1] Color settings
protected PdfDictionary defaultColorspace = new PdfDictionary();
* Use this method to get the default colorspaces.
* @return the default colorspaces
public PdfDictionary getDefaultColorspace() {
return defaultColorspace;
* Use this method to sets the default colorspace that will be applied
* to all the document. The colorspace is only applied if another colorspace
* with the same name is not present in the content.
* <p>
* The colorspace is applied immediately when creating templates and
* at the page end for the main document content.
* @param key the name of the colorspace. It can be <CODE>PdfName.DEFAULTGRAY</CODE>, <CODE>PdfName.DEFAULTRGB</CODE>
* @param cs the colorspace. A <CODE>null</CODE> or <CODE>PdfNull</CODE> removes any colorspace with the same name
public void setDefaultColorspace(final PdfName key, final PdfObject cs) {
if (cs == null || cs.isNull())
defaultColorspace.put(key, cs);
// [M2] spot patterns
protected HashMap<ColorDetails, ColorDetails> documentSpotPatterns = new HashMap<ColorDetails, ColorDetails>();
protected ColorDetails patternColorspaceRGB;
protected ColorDetails patternColorspaceGRAY;
protected ColorDetails patternColorspaceCMYK;
ColorDetails addSimplePatternColorspace(final BaseColor color) {
int type = ExtendedColor.getType(color);
if (type == ExtendedColor.TYPE_PATTERN || type == ExtendedColor.TYPE_SHADING)
throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("an.uncolored.tile.pattern.can.not.have.another.pattern.or.shading.as.color"));
try {
switch (type) {
case ExtendedColor.TYPE_RGB:
if (patternColorspaceRGB == null) {
patternColorspaceRGB = new ColorDetails(getColorspaceName(), body.getPdfIndirectReference(), null);
PdfArray array = new PdfArray(PdfName.PATTERN);
addToBody(array, patternColorspaceRGB.getIndirectReference());
return patternColorspaceRGB;
case ExtendedColor.TYPE_CMYK:
if (patternColorspaceCMYK == null) {
patternColorspaceCMYK = new ColorDetails(getColorspaceName(), body.getPdfIndirectReference(), null);
PdfArray array = new PdfArray(PdfName.PATTERN);
addToBody(array, patternColorspaceCMYK.getIndirectReference());
return patternColorspaceCMYK;
case ExtendedColor.TYPE_GRAY:
if (patternColorspaceGRAY == null) {
patternColorspaceGRAY = new ColorDetails(getColorspaceName(), body.getPdfIndirectReference(), null);
PdfArray array = new PdfArray(PdfName.PATTERN);
addToBody(array, patternColorspaceGRAY.getIndirectReference());
return patternColorspaceGRAY;
case ExtendedColor.TYPE_SEPARATION: {
ColorDetails details = addSimple(((SpotColor)color).getPdfSpotColor());
ColorDetails patternDetails = documentSpotPatterns.get(details);
if (patternDetails == null) {
patternDetails = new ColorDetails(getColorspaceName(), body.getPdfIndirectReference(), null);
PdfArray array = new PdfArray(PdfName.PATTERN);
addToBody(array, patternDetails.getIndirectReference());
documentSpotPatterns.put(details, patternDetails);
return patternDetails;
throw new RuntimeException(MessageLocalization.getComposedMessage("invalid.color.type"));
catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage());
// [M3] Images
* Use this method to get the strictImageSequence status.
* @return value of property strictImageSequence
public boolean isStrictImageSequence() {
return pdf.isStrictImageSequence();
* Use this method to set the image sequence, so that it follows
* the text in strict order (or not).
* @param strictImageSequence new value of property strictImageSequence
public void setStrictImageSequence(final boolean strictImageSequence) {
* Use this method to clear text wrapping around images (if applicable).
* @throws DocumentException
public void clearTextWrap() throws DocumentException {
/** Dictionary, containing all the images of the PDF document */
protected PdfDictionary imageDictionary = new PdfDictionary();
/** This is the list with all the images in the document. */
private final HashMap<Long, PdfName> images = new HashMap<Long, PdfName>();
* Use this method to adds an image to the document
* but not to the page resources. It is used with
* templates and <CODE>Document.add(Image)</CODE>.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> to add
* @return the name of the image added
* @throws PdfException on error
* @throws DocumentException on error
public PdfName addDirectImageSimple(final Image image) throws PdfException, DocumentException {
return addDirectImageSimple(image, null);
* Adds an image to the document but not to the page resources.
* It is used with templates and <CODE>Document.add(Image)</CODE>.
* Use this method only if you know what you're doing!
* @param image the <CODE>Image</CODE> to add
* @param fixedRef the reference to used. It may be <CODE>null</CODE>,
* a <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE> or a <CODE>PRIndirectReference</CODE>.
* @return the name of the image added
* @throws PdfException on error
* @throws DocumentException on error
public PdfName addDirectImageSimple(final Image image, final PdfIndirectReference fixedRef) throws PdfException, DocumentException {
PdfName name;
// if the images is already added, just retrieve the name
if (images.containsKey(image.getMySerialId())) {
name = images.get(image.getMySerialId());
// if it's a new image, add it to the document
else {
if (image.isImgTemplate()) {
name = new PdfName("img" + images.size());
if(image instanceof ImgWMF){
try {
ImgWMF wmf = (ImgWMF)image;
wmf.readWMF(PdfTemplate.createTemplate(this, 0, 0));
catch (Exception e) {
throw new DocumentException(e);
else {
PdfIndirectReference dref = image.getDirectReference();
if (dref != null) {
PdfName rname = new PdfName("img" + images.size());
images.put(image.getMySerialId(), rname);
imageDictionary.put(rname, dref);
return rname;
Image maskImage = image.getImageMask();
PdfIndirectReference maskRef = null;
if (maskImage != null) {
PdfName mname = images.get(maskImage.getMySerialId());
maskRef = getImageReference(mname);
PdfImage i = new PdfImage(image, "img" + images.size(), maskRef);
if (image instanceof ImgJBIG2) {
byte[] globals = ((ImgJBIG2) image).getGlobalBytes();
if (globals != null) {
PdfDictionary decodeparms = new PdfDictionary();
decodeparms.put(PdfName.JBIG2GLOBALS, getReferenceJBIG2Globals(globals));
i.put(PdfName.DECODEPARMS, decodeparms);
if (image.hasICCProfile()) {
PdfICCBased icc = new PdfICCBased(image.getICCProfile(), image.getCompressionLevel());
PdfIndirectReference iccRef = add(icc);
PdfArray iccArray = new PdfArray();
PdfArray colorspace = i.getAsArray(PdfName.COLORSPACE);
if (colorspace != null) {
if (colorspace.size() > 1 && PdfName.INDEXED.equals(colorspace.getPdfObject(0)))
colorspace.set(1, iccArray);
i.put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, iccArray);
i.put(PdfName.COLORSPACE, iccArray);
add(i, fixedRef);
name = i.name();
images.put(image.getMySerialId(), name);
return name;
* Writes a <CODE>PdfImage</CODE> to the outputstream.
* @param pdfImage the image to be added
* @param fixedRef the IndirectReference, may be null then a new indirect reference is returned
* @return a <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE> to the encapsulated image
* @throws PdfException when a document isn't open yet, or has been closed
PdfIndirectReference add(final PdfImage pdfImage, PdfIndirectReference fixedRef) throws PdfException {
if (! imageDictionary.contains(pdfImage.name())) {
PdfXConformanceImp.checkPDFXConformance(this, PdfXConformanceImp.PDFXKEY_IMAGE, pdfImage);
if (fixedRef instanceof PRIndirectReference) {
PRIndirectReference r2 = (PRIndirectReference)fixedRef;
fixedRef = new PdfIndirectReference(0, getNewObjectNumber(r2.getReader(), r2.getNumber(), r2.getGeneration()));
try {
if (fixedRef == null)
fixedRef = addToBody(pdfImage).getIndirectReference();
addToBody(pdfImage, fixedRef);
catch(IOException ioe) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(ioe);
imageDictionary.put(pdfImage.name(), fixedRef);
return fixedRef;
return (PdfIndirectReference) imageDictionary.get(pdfImage.name());
* return the <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE> to the image with a given name.
* @param name the name of the image
* @return a <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE>
PdfIndirectReference getImageReference(final PdfName name) {
return (PdfIndirectReference) imageDictionary.get(name);
protected PdfIndirectReference add(final PdfICCBased icc) {
PdfIndirectObject object;
try {
object = addToBody(icc);
catch(IOException ioe) {
throw new ExceptionConverter(ioe);
return object.getIndirectReference();
* A HashSet with Stream objects containing JBIG2 Globals
* @since 2.1.5
protected HashMap<PdfStream, PdfIndirectReference> JBIG2Globals = new HashMap<PdfStream, PdfIndirectReference>();
* Gets an indirect reference to a JBIG2 Globals stream.
* Adds the stream if it hasn't already been added to the writer.
* @param content a byte array that may already been added to the writer inside a stream object.
* @return the PdfIndirectReference of the stream
* @since 2.1.5
protected PdfIndirectReference getReferenceJBIG2Globals(final byte[] content) {
if (content == null) return null;
for (PdfStream stream : JBIG2Globals.keySet()) {
if (Arrays.equals(content, stream.getBytes())) {
return JBIG2Globals.get(stream);
PdfStream stream = new PdfStream(content);
PdfIndirectObject ref;
try {
ref = addToBody(stream);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
JBIG2Globals.put(stream, ref.getIndirectReference());
return ref.getIndirectReference();
// [F12] tagged PDF
* A flag indicating the presence of structure elements that contain user properties attributes.
private boolean userProperties;
* Gets the flag indicating the presence of structure elements that contain user properties attributes.
* @return the user properties flag
public boolean isUserProperties() {
return this.userProperties;
* Sets the flag indicating the presence of structure elements that contain user properties attributes.
* @param userProperties the user properties flag
public void setUserProperties(final boolean userProperties) {
this.userProperties = userProperties;
* Holds value of property RGBTranparency.
private boolean rgbTransparencyBlending;
* Gets the transparency blending colorspace.
* @return <code>true</code> if the transparency blending colorspace is RGB, <code>false</code>
* if it is the default blending colorspace
* @since 2.1.0
public boolean isRgbTransparencyBlending() {
return this.rgbTransparencyBlending;
* Sets the transparency blending colorspace to RGB. The default blending colorspace is
* CMYK and will result in faded colors in the screen and in printing. Calling this method
* will return the RGB colors to what is expected. The RGB blending will be applied to all subsequent pages
* until other value is set.
* Note that this is a generic solution that may not work in all cases.
* @param rgbTransparencyBlending <code>true</code> to set the transparency blending colorspace to RGB, <code>false</code>
* to use the default blending colorspace
* @since 2.1.0
public void setRgbTransparencyBlending(final boolean rgbTransparencyBlending) {
this.rgbTransparencyBlending = rgbTransparencyBlending;