Package com.itextpdf.text

Source Code of com.itextpdf.text.FontFactoryImp

* $Id: 4863 2011-05-12 07:01:55Z redlab_b $
* This file is part of the iText (R) project.
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 1T3XT BVBA
* Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
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* following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
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package com.itextpdf.text;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Set;

import com.itextpdf.text.Font.FontFamily;
import com.itextpdf.text.log.Level;
import com.itextpdf.text.log.Logger;
import com.itextpdf.text.log.LoggerFactory;
import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BaseFont;

* If you are using True Type fonts, you can declare the paths of the different ttf- and ttc-files
* to this class first and then create fonts in your code using one of the getFont method
* without having to enter a path as parameter.
* @author  Bruno Lowagie

public class FontFactoryImp implements FontProvider {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FontFactoryImp.class);
/** This is a map of postscriptfontnames of True Type fonts and the path of their ttf- or ttc-file. */
    private final Hashtable<String, String> trueTypeFonts = new Hashtable<String, String>();

    private static String[] TTFamilyOrder = {
        "3", "1", "1033",
        "3", "0", "1033",
        "1", "0", "0",
        "0", "3", "0"

/** This is a map of fontfamilies. */
    private final Hashtable<String, ArrayList<String>> fontFamilies = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<String>>();

/** This is the default encoding to use. */
    public String defaultEncoding = BaseFont.WINANSI;

/** This is the default value of the <VAR>embedded</VAR> variable. */
    public boolean defaultEmbedding = BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED;

/** Creates new FontFactory */
    public FontFactoryImp() {
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.COURIER.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.COURIER);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.COURIER_BOLD.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.COURIER_BOLD);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.COURIER_OBLIQUE.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.COURIER_OBLIQUE);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.COURIER_BOLDOBLIQUE);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.HELVETICA.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.HELVETICA);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLD);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.HELVETICA_OBLIQUE);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.HELVETICA_BOLDOBLIQUE);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.SYMBOL.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.SYMBOL);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.TIMES_BOLD.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.TIMES_BOLD);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.TIMES_ITALIC.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.TIMES_ITALIC);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.TIMES_BOLDITALIC.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.TIMES_BOLDITALIC);
        trueTypeFonts.put(FontFactory.ZAPFDINGBATS.toLowerCase(), FontFactory.ZAPFDINGBATS);

        ArrayList<String> tmp;
        tmp = new ArrayList<String>();
        fontFamilies.put(FontFactory.COURIER.toLowerCase(), tmp);
        tmp = new ArrayList<String>();
        fontFamilies.put(FontFactory.HELVETICA.toLowerCase(), tmp);
        tmp = new ArrayList<String>();
        fontFamilies.put(FontFactory.SYMBOL.toLowerCase(), tmp);
        tmp = new ArrayList<String>();
        fontFamilies.put(FontFactory.TIMES.toLowerCase(), tmp);
        fontFamilies.put(FontFactory.TIMES_ROMAN.toLowerCase(), tmp);
        tmp = new ArrayList<String>();
        fontFamilies.put(FontFactory.ZAPFDINGBATS.toLowerCase(), tmp);

     * Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
     * @param  fontname    the name of the font
     * @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
     * @param       embedded    true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
     * @param  size      the size of this font
     * @param  style      the style of this font
     * @param  color      the <CODE>BaseColor</CODE> of this font.
     * @return the Font constructed based on the parameters
    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded, final float size, final int style, final BaseColor color) {
        return getFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, size, style, color, true);

     * Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
     * @param  fontname    the name of the font
     * @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
     * @param       embedded    true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
     * @param  size      the size of this font
     * @param  style      the style of this font
     * @param  color      the <CODE>BaseColor</CODE> of this font.
     * @param  cached     true if the font comes from the cache or is added to
     *         the cache if new, false if the font is always created new
     * @return the Font constructed based on the parameters
    public Font getFont(String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded, final float size, int style, final BaseColor color, final boolean cached) {
      if (fontname == null) return new Font(FontFamily.UNDEFINED, size, style, color);
        String lowercasefontname = fontname.toLowerCase();
        ArrayList<String> tmp = fontFamilies.get(lowercasefontname);
        if (tmp != null) {
            // some bugs were fixed here by Daniel Marczisovszky
            int s = style == Font.UNDEFINED ? Font.NORMAL : style;
            int fs = Font.NORMAL;
            boolean found = false;
            for (String string : tmp) {
                String f = string;
                String lcf = f.toLowerCase();
                fs = Font.NORMAL;
                if (lcf.toLowerCase().indexOf("bold") != -1) fs |= Font.BOLD;
                if (lcf.toLowerCase().indexOf("italic") != -1 || lcf.toLowerCase().indexOf("oblique") != -1) fs |= Font.ITALIC;
                if ((s & Font.BOLDITALIC) == fs) {
                    fontname = f;
                    found = true;
            if (style != Font.UNDEFINED && found) {
                style &= ~fs;
        BaseFont basefont = null;
        try {
            try {
                // the font is a type 1 font or CJK font
                basefont = BaseFont.createFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, cached, null, null, true);
            catch(DocumentException de) {
            if (basefont == null) {
                // the font is a true type font or an unknown font
                fontname = trueTypeFonts.get(fontname.toLowerCase());
                // the font is not registered as truetype font
                if (fontname == null) return new Font(FontFamily.UNDEFINED, size, style, color);
                // the font is registered as truetype font
                basefont = BaseFont.createFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, cached, null, null);
        catch(DocumentException de) {
            // this shouldn't happen
            throw new ExceptionConverter(de);
        catch(IOException ioe) {
            // the font is registered as a true type font, but the path was wrong
            return new Font(FontFamily.UNDEFINED, size, style, color);
        catch(NullPointerException npe) {
            // null was entered as fontname and/or encoding
            return new Font(FontFamily.UNDEFINED, size, style, color);
        return new Font(basefont, size, style, color);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
* @param       embedded    true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @param  style      the style of this font
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded, final float size, final int style) {
        return getFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, size, style, null);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
* @param       embedded    true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded, final float size) {
        return getFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, size, Font.UNDEFINED, null);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
* @param       embedded    true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final boolean embedded) {
        return getFont(fontname, encoding, embedded, Font.UNDEFINED, Font.UNDEFINED, null);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @param  style      the style of this font
* @param  color      the <CODE>BaseColor</CODE> of this font.
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final float size, final int style, final BaseColor color) {
        return getFont(fontname, encoding, defaultEmbedding, size, style, color);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @param  style      the style of this font
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final float size, final int style) {
        return getFont(fontname, encoding, defaultEmbedding, size, style, null);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final String encoding, final float size) {
        return getFont(fontname, encoding, defaultEmbedding, size, Font.UNDEFINED, null);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @param  color      the <CODE>BaseColor</CODE> of this font.
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters
* @since 2.1.0

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final float size, final BaseColor color) {
        return getFont(fontname, defaultEncoding, defaultEmbedding, size, Font.UNDEFINED, color);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  encoding    the encoding of the font
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final String encoding) {
        return getFont(fontname, encoding, defaultEmbedding, Font.UNDEFINED, Font.UNDEFINED, null);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @param  style      the style of this font
* @param  color      the <CODE>BaseColor</CODE> of this font.
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final float size, final int style, final BaseColor color) {
        return getFont(fontname, defaultEncoding, defaultEmbedding, size, style, color);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @param  style      the style of this font
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final float size, final int style) {
        return getFont(fontname, defaultEncoding, defaultEmbedding, size, style, null);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @param  size      the size of this font
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname, final float size) {
        return getFont(fontname, defaultEncoding, defaultEmbedding, size, Font.UNDEFINED, null);

* Constructs a <CODE>Font</CODE>-object.
* @param  fontname    the name of the font
* @return the Font constructed based on the parameters

    public Font getFont(final String fontname) {
        return getFont(fontname, defaultEncoding, defaultEmbedding, Font.UNDEFINED, Font.UNDEFINED, null);

     * Register a font by giving explicitly the font family and name.
     * @param familyName the font family
     * @param fullName the font name
     * @param path the font path
    public void registerFamily(final String familyName, final String fullName, final String path) {
        if (path != null)
            trueTypeFonts.put(fullName, path);
        ArrayList<String> tmp = fontFamilies.get(familyName);
        if (tmp == null) {
            tmp = new ArrayList<String>();
            fontFamilies.put(familyName, tmp);
        else {
            int fullNameLength = fullName.length();
            boolean inserted = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < tmp.size(); ++j) {
                if (tmp.get(j).length() >= fullNameLength) {
                    tmp.add(j, fullName);
                    inserted = true;
            if (!inserted)

* Register a ttf- or a ttc-file.
* @param   path    the path to a ttf- or ttc-file

    public void register(final String path) {
        register(path, null);

* Register a font file and use an alias for the font contained in it.
* @param   path    the path to a font file
* @param   alias   the alias you want to use for the font

    public void register(final String path, final String alias) {
        try {
            if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".ttf") || path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".otf") || path.toLowerCase().indexOf(".ttc,") > 0) {
                Object allNames[] = BaseFont.getAllFontNames(path, BaseFont.WINANSI, null);
                trueTypeFonts.put(((String)allNames[0]).toLowerCase(), path);
                if (alias != null) {
                    trueTypeFonts.put(alias.toLowerCase(), path);
                // register all the font names with all the locales
                String[][] names = (String[][])allNames[2]; //full name
                for (String[] name : names) {
                    trueTypeFonts.put(name[3].toLowerCase(), path);
                String fullName = null;
                String familyName = null;
                names = (String[][])allNames[1]; //family name
                for (int k = 0; k < TTFamilyOrder.length; k += 3) {
                    for (String[] name : names) {
                        if (TTFamilyOrder[k].equals(name[0]) && TTFamilyOrder[k + 1].equals(name[1]) && TTFamilyOrder[k + 2].equals(name[2])) {
                            familyName = name[3].toLowerCase();
                            k = TTFamilyOrder.length;
                if (familyName != null) {
                    String lastName = "";
                    names = (String[][])allNames[2]; //full name
                    for (String[] name : names) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < TTFamilyOrder.length; k += 3) {
                            if (TTFamilyOrder[k].equals(name[0]) && TTFamilyOrder[k + 1].equals(name[1]) && TTFamilyOrder[k + 2].equals(name[2])) {
                                fullName = name[3];
                                if (fullName.equals(lastName))
                                lastName = fullName;
                                registerFamily(familyName, fullName, null);
            else if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".ttc")) {
                if (alias != null)
                    LOGGER.error("You can't define an alias for a true type collection.");
                String[] names = BaseFont.enumerateTTCNames(path);
                for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
                    register(path + "," + i);
            else if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".afm") || path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pfm")) {
                BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(path, BaseFont.CP1252, false);
                String fullName = bf.getFullFontName()[0][3].toLowerCase();
                String familyName = bf.getFamilyFontName()[0][3].toLowerCase();
                String psName = bf.getPostscriptFontName().toLowerCase();
                registerFamily(familyName, fullName, null);
                trueTypeFonts.put(psName, path);
                trueTypeFonts.put(fullName, path);
            if (LOGGER.isLogging(Level.TRACE)) {
            LOGGER.trace(String.format("Registered %s", path));
        catch(DocumentException de) {
            // this shouldn't happen
            throw new ExceptionConverter(de);
        catch(IOException ioe) {
            throw new ExceptionConverter(ioe);

    /** Register all the fonts in a directory.
     * @param dir the directory
     * @return the number of fonts registered
    public int registerDirectory(final String dir) {
        return registerDirectory(dir, false);

     * Register all the fonts in a directory and possibly its subdirectories.
     * @param dir the directory
     * @param scanSubdirectories recursively scan subdirectories if <code>true</true>
     * @return the number of fonts registered
     * @since 2.1.2
    public int registerDirectory(final String dir, final boolean scanSubdirectories) {
      if (LOGGER.isLogging(Level.DEBUG)) {
        LOGGER.debug(String.format("Registering directory %s, looking for fonts", dir));
        int count = 0;
        try {
            File file = new File(dir);
            if (!file.exists() || !file.isDirectory())
                return 0;
            String files[] = file.list();
            if (files == null)
                return 0;
            for (int k = 0; k < files.length; ++k) {
                try {
                    file = new File(dir, files[k]);
                    if (file.isDirectory()) {
                        if (scanSubdirectories) {
                            count += registerDirectory(file.getAbsolutePath(), true);
                    } else {
                        String name = file.getPath();
                        String suffix = name.length() < 4 ? null : name.substring(name.length() - 4).toLowerCase();
                        if (".afm".equals(suffix) || ".pfm".equals(suffix)) {
                            /* Only register Type 1 fonts with matching .pfb files */
                            File pfb = new File(name.substring(0, name.length() - 4) + ".pfb");
                            if (pfb.exists()) {
                                register(name, null);
                        } else if (".ttf".equals(suffix) || ".otf".equals(suffix) || ".ttc".equals(suffix)) {
                            register(name, null);
                catch (Exception e) {
                    //empty on purpose
        catch (Exception e) {
            //empty on purpose
        return count;

    /** Register fonts in some probable directories. It usually works in Windows,
     * Linux and Solaris.
     * @return the number of fonts registered
    public int registerDirectories() {
        int count = 0;
        String windir = System.getenv("windir");
        String fileseparator = System.getProperty("file.separator");
        if (windir != null && fileseparator != null) {
          count += registerDirectory(windir + fileseparator + "fonts");
        count += registerDirectory("/usr/share/X11/fonts", true);
        count += registerDirectory("/usr/X/lib/X11/fonts", true);
        count += registerDirectory("/usr/openwin/lib/X11/fonts", true);
        count += registerDirectory("/usr/share/fonts", true);
        count += registerDirectory("/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts", true);
        count += registerDirectory("/Library/Fonts");
        count += registerDirectory("/System/Library/Fonts");
        return count;

* Gets a set of registered fontnames.
* @return a set of registered fonts

    public Set<String> getRegisteredFonts() {
        return trueTypeFonts.keySet();

* Gets a set of registered fontnames.
* @return a set of registered font families

    public Set<String> getRegisteredFamilies() {
        return fontFamilies.keySet();

* Checks if a certain font is registered.
* @param   fontname    the name of the font that has to be checked.
* @return  true if the font is found
    public boolean isRegistered(final String fontname) {
        return trueTypeFonts.containsKey(fontname.toLowerCase());

Related Classes of com.itextpdf.text.FontFactoryImp

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