// Informa -- RSS Library for Java
// Copyright (c) 2002 by Niko Schmuck
// Niko Schmuck
// http://sourceforge.net/projects/informa
// mailto:niko_schmuck@users.sourceforge.net
// This library is free software.
// You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
// Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// Version 2.1 of the license should be included with this distribution in
// the file LICENSE. If the license is not included with this distribution,
// you may find a copy at the FSF web site at 'www.gnu.org' or 'www.fsf.org',
// or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge,
// MA 02139 USA.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied waranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// $Id: PollerWorkerThread.java,v 1.13 2006/12/04 23:43:26 italobb Exp $
package de.nava.informa.utils.poller;
import de.nava.informa.core.ChannelBuilderIF;
import de.nava.informa.core.ChannelIF;
import de.nava.informa.core.ItemIF;
import de.nava.informa.core.ParseException;
import de.nava.informa.core.UnsupportedFormatException;
import de.nava.informa.impl.basic.ChannelBuilder;
import de.nava.informa.parsers.FeedParser;
import de.nava.informa.utils.FormatDetector;
import de.nava.informa.utils.HttpHeaderUtils;
import de.nava.informa.utils.InformaUtils;
import de.nava.informa.utils.toolkit.ChannelRecord;
import de.nava.informa.utils.toolkit.WorkerThread;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.EOFException;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.Collection;
* Worker thread is the main processing unit. Worker thread is not dedicated to single channel,
* group or whatever else. It represents a single thread, which is capable of doing well-defined
* and unified job. <code>WorkersManager</code> submits jobs for free <code>WorkerThread</code>'s.
* Workers simply do their jobs. This architecture allows to scale to as much threads as necessary.
* @author Aleksey Gureev (spyromus@noizeramp.com)
public class PollerWorkerThread extends WorkerThread {
private static final ChannelBuilderIF BUILDER = new ChannelBuilder();
/** Scanning for new items in channel finishes when existing item detected. */
public static final int POLICY_SKIP_AFTER_EXISTING = 1;
/** Scanning for new items performed fully. */
public static final int POLICY_SCAN_ALL = 2;
private static int seq = 1;
private PollerObserverIF observer;
private PollerApproverIF approver;
private int itemScanningPolicy;
private String userAgent;
private InputSourceProviderIF inputSourceProvider;
private InputStreamProviderIF inputStreamProvider;
* Creates worker thread for poller with given observer and approver.
* @param observer observer object.
* @param approver approver object.
* @param itemScanningPolicy policy for item scanning.
* @param inputSourceProvider provider of <code>InputSource</code> for feeds' streams.
* @param inputStreamProvider provider of <code>InputStream</code> for feeds.
public PollerWorkerThread(PollerObserverIF observer, PollerApproverIF approver,
int itemScanningPolicy, InputSourceProviderIF inputSourceProvider,
InputStreamProviderIF inputStreamProvider) {
super("Poller " + (seq++));
this.observer = observer;
this.approver = approver;
this.itemScanningPolicy = itemScanningPolicy;
this.inputSourceProvider = inputSourceProvider;
this.inputStreamProvider = inputStreamProvider;
* Sets specific user-agent to use when using HTTP protocol.
* @param userAgent user agent or NULL to use default.
public void setUserAgent(String userAgent) {
this.userAgent = userAgent;
* Processes record.
* @param record record to process.
protected final void processRecord(ChannelRecord record) {
final ChannelIF channel = record.getChannel();
// Notify observer
try {
// Resolve format of channel it it isn't resolved yet.
if (!record.isFormatResolved()) {
// Read the contents and check for possible new items.
// Notify observer
} catch (Exception e) {
observer.channelErrored(channel, e);
* Resolve channel format.
* @param record channel record to process.
* @throws IOException
* @throws UnsupportedFormatException
private void resolveFormat(ChannelRecord record)
throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException {
// Resolve channel format.
final ChannelIF channel = record.getChannel();
InputStream in = getInputStream(channel, "Detecting format");
if (in != null) {
try {
} catch (EOFException e) {
// It can happen if the file stream is empty (from the start or as result of
// ifModifiedSince server check) -- not an error in our case.
* Returns input stream for URL. If connection, opened for the URL is using HTTP protocol
* then make additional effort to install user-agent (if any set).
* @param channel to get input stream for.
* @param activity name of activity.
* @return input stream.
* @throws IOException if connection cannot be opened.
private InputStream getInputStream(ChannelIF channel, String activity) throws IOException {
return inputStreamProvider != null
? inputStreamProvider.getInputStreamFor(channel, activity)
: getInputStream(channel.getLocation());
* Returns input stream for URL. If connection, opened for the URL is using HTTP protocol
* then make additional effort to install user-agent (if any set).
* @param location location to get stream for.
* @return input stream.
* @throws IOException if connection cannot be opened.
private InputStream getInputStream(URL location) throws IOException {
if (location == null) return null;
URLConnection connection = location.openConnection();
if (userAgent != null && connection instanceof HttpURLConnection) {
HttpHeaderUtils.setUserAgent((HttpURLConnection)connection, userAgent);
return new BufferedInputStream(connection.getInputStream());
* Check for item updates.
* @param record channel record to process.
* @throws IOException
* @throws ParseException
private void checkContents(ChannelRecord record)
throws IOException, ParseException {
// Read channel from URL.
final ChannelIF channel = record.getChannel();
URL baseUrl = channel.getLocation();
InputStream in = getInputStream(channel, "Fetching");
if (in != null) {
try {
ChannelIF tempChannel = FeedParser.parse(BUILDER, createInputSource(in), baseUrl);
// Copy channel information from newly retreived instance.
if (!record.isCanceled() && channelHasChanged(channel, tempChannel)) {
InformaUtils.copyChannelProperties(tempChannel, channel);
// Walk through the items list and check if we have newcomers.
if (!record.isCanceled()) checkItems(tempChannel, record);
} catch (EOFException e) {
// It can happen if the file stream is empty (from the start or as result of
// ifModifiedSince server check) -- not an error in our case.
* Create <code>InputSource</code> object from stream which will be
* used in parsing.
* @param feedInputStream stream.
* @return input source.
* @throws IOException in case of errors.
private InputSource createInputSource(InputStream feedInputStream)
throws IOException {
return inputSourceProvider == null
? new InputSource(feedInputStream)
: inputSourceProvider.getInputSourceFor(feedInputStream);
* Walks through the items and checks if new items present.
* @param newChannel new channel taken from web.
* @param record record about currently existing channel to match against.
final void checkItems(ChannelIF newChannel, ChannelRecord record) {
ChannelIF existingChannel = record.getChannel();
Collection<ItemIF> items = newChannel.getItems();
final ItemIF[] newItems = (ItemIF[]) items.toArray(new ItemIF[items.size()]);
final Collection currentItems = existingChannel.getItems();
boolean finish = false;
for (int i = 0; !record.isCanceled() && !finish && i < newItems.length; i++) {
final ItemIF newItem = newItems[i];
// If current list of item has no this item and approver allows to add item then proceed.
if (!record.isCanceled() && !currentItems.contains(newItem)) {
doAdditionIfApproved(newItem, existingChannel);
} else if (itemScanningPolicy == POLICY_SKIP_AFTER_EXISTING) {
finish = true;
private void doAdditionIfApproved(final ItemIF newItem, ChannelIF existingChannel) {
boolean approved = false;
try {
approved = approver.canAddItem(newItem, existingChannel);
} catch (Exception e) {
// For the case when approver fails.
if (approved) {
// Notify observer
try {
observer.itemFound(newItem, existingChannel);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// For the case when observer fails.
* Checks if channel has changed.
* @param o old channel.
* @param n new channel.
* @return result of the check.
static boolean channelHasChanged(ChannelIF o, ChannelIF n) {
// Note that this list has no LastUpdated and LastBuildDate. We don't need to compare them.
// LastUpdated changes each time we create new channel.
// LastBuildDate is generated by the server-side software during build operation
// each time we ask for a channel.
return o == null
|| differ(o.getTitle(), n.getTitle())
|| differ(o.getDescription(), n.getDescription())
|| differ(o.getSite(), n.getSite())
|| differ(o.getCreator(), n.getCreator())
|| differ(o.getCopyright(), n.getCopyright())
|| differ(o.getPublisher(), n.getPublisher())
|| differ(o.getLanguage(), n.getLanguage())
|| differ(o.getRating(), n.getRating())
|| differ(o.getGenerator(), n.getGenerator())
|| differ(o.getDocs(), n.getDocs())
|| (o.getTtl() != n.getTtl())
|| differ(o.getUpdateBase(), n.getUpdateBase())
|| (o.getUpdateFrequency() != n.getUpdateFrequency())
|| (o.getUpdatePeriod() != n.getUpdatePeriod())
|| differ(o.getPubDate(), n.getPubDate())
|| differ(o.getFormat(), n.getFormat());
* Checks if two objects differ. NULL isn't different from other NULL.
* @param a object.
* @param b object.
* @return result of the check.
static boolean differ(Object a, Object b) {
return !((a == null && b == null)
|| (a instanceof URL && b instanceof URL && (a.toString().equals(b.toString())))
|| (a != null && a.equals(b)));