//----------------------------BEGIN LICENSE----------------------------
* Willow : the Open Source WorkFlow Project
* Distributable under GNU LGPL license by gun.org
* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 huihoo.org
* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 ZosaTapo <dertyang@hotmail.com>
* ====================================================================
* Project Homepage : http://www.huihoo.org/willow
* Source Forge : http://sourceforge.net/projects/huihoo
* Mailing list : willow@lists.sourceforge.net
//----------------------------END LICENSE-----------------------------
package org.huihoo.willow.startup;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester;
import org.apache.commons.digester.Rule;
import org.apache.commons.digester.RuleSetBase;
import org.huihoo.willow.Container;
import org.huihoo.willow.Loader;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
* @author reic
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Generation - Code and Comments
public class ContextRuleSet extends RuleSetBase
// ----------------------------------------------------- Instance Variables
* The matching pattern prefix to use for recognizing our elements.
protected String prefix = null;
// ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructor
* Construct an instance of this <code>RuleSet</code> with the default
* matching pattern prefix.
public ContextRuleSet()
* Construct an instance of this <code>RuleSet</code> with the specified
* matching pattern prefix.
* @param prefix Prefix for matching pattern rules (including the
* trailing slash character)
public ContextRuleSet(String prefix)
this.namespaceURI = null;
this.prefix = prefix;
// --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods
* <p>Add the set of Rule instances defined in this RuleSet to the
* specified <code>Digester</code> instance, associating them with
* our namespace URI (if any). This method should only be called
* by a Digester instance.</p>
* @param digester Digester instance to which the new Rule instances
* should be added.
public void addRuleInstances(Digester digester)
prefix + "Context",
digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context");
digester.addRule(prefix + "Context", new CopyParentClassLoaderRule(digester));
prefix + "Context",
new LifecycleListenerRule(
digester.addRule(prefix + "Context", new SetAppBaseRule(digester));
digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context", "addChild", "org.huihoo.willow.Context");
digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Listener", null, // MUST be specified in the element
digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Listener");
prefix + "Context/Listener",
prefix + "Context/Loader",
new CreateLoaderRule(digester, "org.huihoo.willow.loader.WebappLoader", "className"));
digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Loader");
digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Loader", "setLoader", "org.huihoo.willow.Loader");
digester.addObjectCreate(prefix + "Context/Logger", null, // MUST be specified in the element
digester.addSetProperties(prefix + "Context/Logger");
digester.addSetNext(prefix + "Context/Logger", "setLogger", "org.huihoo.willow.Logger");
// ----------------------------------------------------------- Private Classes
* Rule that creates a new <code>Loader</code> instance, with the parent
* class loader associated with the top object on the stack (which must be
* a <code>Container</code>), and pushes it on to the stack.
final class CreateLoaderRule extends Rule
public CreateLoaderRule(Digester digester, String loaderClass, String attributeName)
this.loaderClass = loaderClass;
this.attributeName = attributeName;
private String attributeName;
private String loaderClass;
public void begin(Attributes attributes) throws Exception
// Look up the required parent class loader
ClassLoader parentClassLoader = null;
Object ojb = digester.peek();
if (ojb instanceof Container)
parentClassLoader = ((Container) ojb).getParentClassLoader();
// Instantiate a new Loader implementation object
String className = loaderClass;
if (attributeName != null)
String value = attributes.getValue(attributeName);
if (value != null)
className = value;
Class clazz = Class.forName(className);
Class types[] = { ClassLoader.class };
Object args[] = { parentClassLoader };
Constructor constructor = clazz.getDeclaredConstructor(types);
Loader loader = (Loader) constructor.newInstance(args);
// Push the new loader onto the stack
if (digester.getDebug() >= 1)
digester.log("new " + loader.getClass().getName());
public void end() throws Exception
Loader loader = (Loader) digester.pop();
if (digester.getDebug() >= 1)
digester.log("pop " + loader.getClass().getName());