Copyright 2008 Flaptor (flaptor.com)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package com.flaptor.hounder.indexer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dom4j.Document;
import org.dom4j.Node;
import com.flaptor.clusterfest.NodeListener;
import com.flaptor.clusterfest.controlling.ControllerModule;
import com.flaptor.clusterfest.controlling.node.ControllableImplementation;
import com.flaptor.clusterfest.monitoring.MonitorModule;
import com.flaptor.hounder.indexer.util.Hash;
import com.flaptor.util.Config;
import com.flaptor.util.DocumentParser;
import com.flaptor.util.DomUtil;
import com.flaptor.util.Execute;
import com.flaptor.util.Pair;
import com.flaptor.util.PortUtil;
import com.flaptor.util.RunningState;
* This class implements the hounder multi indexer. It recieves documents
* to index and relays them to one of a number of indexers according to a
* pluggable function of the received document, for example the hash of the
* url. It is important that this hash function splits the incomming stream
* of documents evenly so each indexer will end up with a similarly sized
* index, otherwise the search result scores will not be compatible.
* @author Flaptor Development Team
public class MultiIndexer implements IRmiIndexer, IIndexer {
private NodeListener nodeListener;
private IndexerMonitoredNode indexerMonitoredNode;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Execute.whoAmI());
protected RunningState state = RunningState.RUNNING;
protected ArrayList<IRemoteIndexer> indexers = new ArrayList<IRemoteIndexer>();
protected DocumentParser parser = new DocumentParser();
private Hash hashFunction = null;
protected static final int RETRY_LIMIT = 30;
// xslt related variables
private final boolean useXslt;
private final XsltModule xsltModule;
* Constructor.
public MultiIndexer() {
// get the indexer stubs.
Config config = Config.getConfig("multiIndexer.properties");
String[] hosts = config.getStringArray("indexer.hosts");
for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) {
Pair<String, Integer> host = PortUtil.parseHost(hosts[i]);
indexers.add(new RmiIndexerStub(host.last(), host.first()));
hashFunction = new Hash(indexers.size());
useXslt = config.getBoolean("multiIndexer.useXslt");
if (useXslt) {
try {
xsltModule = new XsltModule();
logger.info("MultiIndexer will be using XsltModule");
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Constructor: while instantiating XsltModule: " + e,e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
xsltModule = null;
logger.info("MultiIndexer will NOT be using XsltModule");
if (config.getBoolean("clustering.enable")) {
int port = PortUtil.getPort("clustering.rpc.indexer");
nodeListener = new NodeListener(port, config);
ControllerModule.addModuleListener(nodeListener, new ControllableImplementation());
indexerMonitoredNode = IndexerMonitoredNode.getInstance();
MonitorModule.addModuleListener(nodeListener, IndexerMonitoredNode.getInstance());
* Adds a document to the indexing queue.
* @param doc the request Document
* @throws IllegalStateException if the state of the indexer is not running.
* @see com.flaptor.util.remote.XmlrpcServer
public IndexerReturnCode index(Document doc) {
if (state != RunningState.RUNNING) {
throw new IllegalStateException("index: Trying to index a document but the MultiIndexer is no longer running.");
if (null == doc) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Got null Document.");
if (useXslt) {
Document[] docs = xsltModule.process(doc);
if (null == docs || docs.length != 1) {
String error = "XsltModule did not return 1 document. It returned " + ((null == docs ) ? "null" : String.valueOf(docs.length)) +". This is wrong and we will not continue";
//this is just to make the damn compiler happy
return IndexerReturnCode.FAILURE;
// else
doc = docs[0];
if (null == doc) {
logger.fatal("got null document after transformation. this should not happen. I can't tell which is the offending document.");
// check commands
Node command = doc.selectSingleNode("/command");
if (null != command) {
return processCommand(doc);
// else, it may be a document to index / delete
// get the documentId.
Node node = doc.selectSingleNode("//documentId");
if (null == node) {
logger.error("Document missing documentId. Will not index it.");
logger.error("Document was : " + DomUtil.domToString(doc));
return IndexerReturnCode.FAILURE;
// get the target indexer.
// Make sure that urls begin with http://
String url = node.getText();
int target = hashFunction.hash(url);
// send the document to the target indexer.
try {
IRemoteIndexer indexer = indexers.get(target);
logger.debug("Sending " + node.getText() + " to indexer " + target);
IndexerReturnCode res = indexer.index(doc);
if (res != IndexerReturnCode.SUCCESS){
logger.debug("Problem ("+res+") indexing " + node.getText() + " to indexer " + target);
return res;
} catch (com.flaptor.util.remote.RpcException e) {
logger.error("Connection failed: ",e);
return IndexerReturnCode.FAILURE;
* Adds a document to the indexing queue.
* @param text the request in xml formatted text
* @throws IllegalStateException if the indexer is not in the "running" state.
* @see com.flaptor.util.remote.XmlrpcServer
public IndexerReturnCode index(final String text) {
Document doc = parser.genDocument(text);
if (null == doc) {
return (IndexerReturnCode.PARSE_ERROR);
} else {
return index(doc);
protected IndexerReturnCode processCommand(final Document doc) {
Node commandNode = doc.selectSingleNode("/command");
Node attNode = commandNode.selectSingleNode("@node");
if (null == attNode) { // so it is for all nodes
for (IRemoteIndexer indexer: indexers) {
boolean accepted = false;
int retries = 0;
// try until accepted, or too much retries.
while (!accepted && retries < RETRY_LIMIT ) {
try {
IndexerReturnCode retValue = indexer.index(doc);
if (IndexerReturnCode.SUCCESS == retValue) {
accepted = true;
} else {
Execute.sleep(10*1000); // wait 10 seconds before retry
} catch (com.flaptor.util.remote.RpcException e ) {
logger.error("processCommand: Connection failed: " + e.getMessage(),e);
// if could not send to indexer
if (!accepted) {
logger.error("processCommand: tried " + RETRY_LIMIT + " times to index command, but failed on node " + indexer.toString() + ". Will not continue with other indexers.");
return IndexerReturnCode.FAILURE;
// in case no one returned Indexer.FAILURE
return IndexerReturnCode.SUCCESS;
} else { // specific node
try {
int indexerNumber = Integer.parseInt(attNode.getText());
if (indexerNumber < indexers.size() && indexerNumber >=0) {
IRemoteIndexer indexer = indexers.get(indexerNumber);
try {
return indexer.index(doc);
} catch (com.flaptor.util.remote.RpcException e) {
logger.error("processCommand: while sending command to single node " + indexer.toString() + " " + e.getMessage(),e);
return IndexerReturnCode.FAILURE;
} else {
logger.error("processCommand: received command for node number out of indexers range. Received " + indexerNumber + " and have " + indexers.size() + " indexers. Ignoring command.");
return IndexerReturnCode.FAILURE;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
logger.error("processCommand: can not parse node number: " + e,e);
return IndexerReturnCode.PARSE_ERROR;
* @inheritDoc
public boolean isStopped() {
return (state == RunningState.STOPPED);
* @inheritDoc
* After this call, all further attempts to use the index methods (@link index , @link indexDom )
* will throw an IllegalStateException.
public void requestStop() {
if (state == RunningState.RUNNING) {
state = RunningState.STOPPED;
} else {
logger.warn("requestStop: stop requested while not running. Ignoring.");