Package com.flaptor.hounder.crawler

Source Code of com.flaptor.hounder.crawler.CrawlerProgress$Filter

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package com.flaptor.hounder.crawler;

import com.flaptor.util.Config;
import com.flaptor.util.Execute;
import com.flaptor.util.FileUtil;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

* Keeps stats about the progress of the crawler and reports them to a file.
* @author jorge
public class CrawlerProgress implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Execute.whoAmI());
    private long cycle;
    private long tosee;
    private long tofetch;
    private long tosort;
    private long tomerge;
    private long totrim;
    private long seen;
    private long fetched;
    private long processed;
    private long discovered;
    private long sorted;
    private long merged;
    private long trimmed;
    private long now;
    private long totalDeadTime;
    private long[] startTime;
    private long[] endTime;
    private long[] deadTime;
    private File reportFile;
    private File baseFile;
    private File binaryFile;
    private int stage;
    public final static int START = 0;
    public final static int FETCH = 1;
    public final static int SORT = 2;
    public final static int MERGE = 3;
    public final static int TRIM = 4;
    public final static int STOP = 5;

     * Constructor. Before reporting progress, a stage has to be started.
     * @param cycle the current crawler cycle.
    public CrawlerProgress(long cycle) {
        this.cycle = cycle;
        stage = 0;
        tosee = 0;
        seen = 0;
        fetched = 0;
        processed = 0;
        sorted = 0;
        trimmed = 0;
        Config config = Config.getConfig("");
        String baseFileName = config.getString("");
        baseFile = new File(baseFileName);
        reportFile = new File(baseFileName+"."+cycle);
        binaryFile = new File(baseFileName+"-b."+cycle);
        startTime = new long[6];
        startTime[START] = System.currentTimeMillis();
        endTime = new long[6];
        deadTime = new long[6];
        totalDeadTime = 0;

     * Default constructor for deserialization.
    protected CrawlerProgress() {
     * Marks the start of the fetch stage.
     * @param max number of pages in the old pagedb.
     * @param known number of known pages in the old pagedb.
    public void startFetch(long max, long known) {
        Config config = Config.getConfig("");
        int refetchPercent = config.getInt("");
        tosee = max > 0 ? max : 1;
        tofetch = (max-known)+known*refetchPercent/100;
        if (0 == tofetch) tofetch = 1;
        stage = FETCH;
        startTime[stage] = System.currentTimeMillis();
        deadTime[stage] = 0;

     * Marks the start of the sort stage.
     * @param max Number of records to sort.
    public void startSort(long max) {
        tosort = max > 0 ? max : 1;
        stage = SORT;
        startTime[stage] = System.currentTimeMillis();
        deadTime[stage] = 0;
        endTime[stage-1] = startTime[stage];

     * Marks the start of the merge stage.
     * @param max number of records to merge.
    public void startMerge(long max) {
        tomerge = max > 0 ? max : 1;
        stage = MERGE;
        startTime[stage] = System.currentTimeMillis();
        deadTime[stage] = 0;
        endTime[stage-1] = startTime[stage];

     * Marks the start of the trim stage.
     * @param max number of pages in the pagedb.tmp.
    public void startTrim(long max) {
        totrim = max > 0 ? max : 1;
        stage = TRIM;
        startTime[stage] = System.currentTimeMillis();
        deadTime[stage] = 0;
        endTime[stage-1] = startTime[stage];

     * Marks the end of the crawl cycle.
    private void stop() {
        stage = STOP;
        endTime[stage-1] = System.currentTimeMillis();

     * Adds the number of pages that have been read from the old pagedb
     * since the start of the fetch stage or last call to this method.
     * @param seen
    public void addSeen(long seen) {
        this.seen += seen;
     * Adds the number of pages that have been fetched
     * since the start of the fetch stage or last call to this method.
     * @param fetched
    public void addFetched(long fetched) {
        this.fetched += fetched;
        if (this.fetched > tofetch) tofetch = this.fetched;

     * Adds the number of pages that have been processed
     * since the start of the fetch stage or last call to this method.
     * @param processed
    public void addProcessed(long processed) {
        this.processed += processed;

     * Adds the number of pages discovered that where not seen before
     * since the start of the fetch stage or last call to this method.
     * @param discovered
    public void addDiscovered(long discovered) {
        this.discovered += discovered;
     * Adds the number of pages that have been sorted
     * since the start of the sort stage or last call to this method.
     * @param sorted
    public void addSorted(long sorted) {
        this.sorted += sorted;

     * Adds the number of pages that have been merged
     * since the start of the merge stage or last call to this method.
     * @param merged
    public void addMerged(long merged) {
        this.merged += merged;

     * Adds the number of pages that have been trimmed
     * since the start of the trim stage or last call to this method.
     * @param trimmed
    public void addTrimmed(long trimmed) {
        this.trimmed += trimmed;
     * Get the current crawl cycle.
     * @return the current crawl cycle.
    public long cycle() {
        return cycle;
     * Get the current stage.
     * @return the current stage.
    public int stage() {
       return stage;
     * Get the current number of processed documents.
     * @return the current number of processed documents.
    public long processed() {
        return processed;

     * Get the curent number of discovered documents.
     * @return the curent number of discovered documents.
    public long discovered() {
        return discovered;
     * Convertes a period of time from milliseconds to a readable format
     * @param time milliseconds representing the period of time.
     * @param absolute if true converts to "YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS" format,
     *          if false converts to "X days, Y hours, Z minutes" format
     * @return the formated string.
    private String formatTime(long time, boolean absolute) {
        if (time < 0) {
            return "unknown";
        } else {
            if (absolute) {
                return new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss").format(time);
            } else {
                long seconds = time / 1000;
                long minutes = seconds / 60;
                seconds -= minutes * 60;
                long hours = minutes / 60;
                minutes -= hours * 60;
                long days = hours / 24;
                hours -= days * 24;
                return (days > 0 ? days + " days, " : "") +
                       (hours > 0 ? hours + " hours, " : "") +
                       minutes + " minutes";
     * Updates the report file.
    public void report() {
        if (stage < START || stage > STOP) return;
        now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long elapsed = now - startTime[START] - totalDeadTime;
        if (0 == elapsed) { elapsed = 1; }
        BufferedWriter buf = null;
        try {
            buf = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(reportFile));
            buf.write("Cycle: "+cycle+"                                                            ");
            buf.write("Start: "+formatTime(startTime[START],true)+"                                ");
            buf.write("Now:   "+formatTime(now,true));
            buf.write("Elapsed: "+formatTime(elapsed,false)+"                               ");
            buf.write("PageDB: "+tosee+" docs (fetching "+tofetch+")                                 ");

            buf.write("                                            ");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            logger.error("While writing to the crawler progress report file:", ex);
        } finally {

     * Produces the status for the fetch stage.
     * @param buf the output buffer.
     * @throws if there is a problem writing to the buffer.
    private void showFetch(BufferedWriter buf) throws IOException {
        if (stage == FETCH) {
            buf.write("Fetch: ");
            buf.write("seen " + seen + " (" + (100 * seen / tosee) + "%) - ");
            buf.write("fetched " + fetched + " (" + (100 * fetched / tofetch) + "%) - ");
            buf.write("processed " + processed + " (" + (100 * processed / tofetch) + "%)");
            buf.write("                                            ");
        } else if (stage > FETCH) {
            buf.write("Fetch: ");
            showFinished(buf, processed, FETCH);

     * Produces the status for the sort stage.
     * @param buf the output buffer.
     * @throws if there is a problem writing to the buffer.
    private void showSort(BufferedWriter buf) throws IOException {
        if (stage == SORT) {
            buf.write("Sort:  ");
            buf.write(sorted + " (" + (100 * sorted / tosort) + "%)");
            buf.write("                                            ");
        } else if (stage > SORT) {
            buf.write("Sort:  ");
            showFinished(buf, sorted, SORT);

     * Produces the status for the merge stage.
     * @param buf the output buffer.
     * @throws if there is a problem writing to the buffer.
    private void showMerge(BufferedWriter buf) throws IOException {
        if (stage == MERGE) {
            buf.write("Merge: ");
            buf.write(merged + " (" + (100 * merged / tomerge) + "%)");
            buf.write("                                            ");
        } else if (stage > MERGE) {
            buf.write("Merge: ");
            showFinished(buf, merged, MERGE);
     * Produces the status for the trim stage.
     * @param buf the output buffer.
     * @throws if there is a problem writing to the buffer.
    private void showTrim(BufferedWriter buf) throws IOException {
        if (stage == TRIM) {
            buf.write("Trim:  ");
            buf.write(trimmed + " (" + (100 * trimmed / totrim) + "%)");
            buf.write("                                            ");
        } else if (stage > TRIM) {
            buf.write("Trim:  ");
            showFinished(buf, trimmed, TRIM);
     * Produces the status info for a stage that is in progress.
     * @param buf the output buffer.
     * @throws if there is a problem writing to the buffer.
    private void showProgress(BufferedWriter buf, long current, long max) throws IOException {
        long elapsed = now - startTime[stage] - deadTime[stage];
        if (0 == elapsed) { elapsed = 1; }
        long remaining = (current > 0) ? ((max * elapsed) / current) - elapsed : -1;
        float rate = ((10000L * current) / elapsed) / 10.0f;
        buf.write("         Elapsed: "+formatTime(elapsed,false)+"                               ");
        buf.write("         Remaining: "+formatTime(remaining,false)+"                           ");
        buf.write("         Rate: "+rate+" docs/s"+"                                             ");

     * Produces the status info for a stage that has already finished.
     * @param buf the output buffer.
     * @param max the number of records processed.
     * @param stage the stage to which this info belongs.
     * @throws if there is a problem writing to the buffer.
    private void showFinished(BufferedWriter buf, long max, int stage) throws IOException {
        long elapsed = endTime[stage] - startTime[stage] - deadTime[stage];
        if (0 == elapsed) { elapsed = 1; }
        float rate = ((10000L * max) / elapsed) / 10.0f;
        buf.write(max+" docs in "+formatTime(elapsed,false)+" ("+rate+" docs/s)");
        buf.write("                                            ");

     * Closes the progress file for the current cycle and appends it
     * to the end of the general progress file.
    public void close() {
        if (FileUtil.copyFile(reportFile,baseFile,true)) {

     * Deletes the progess report files.
    public static void cleanup() {
        Config config = Config.getConfig("");
        String baseFileName = config.getString("");
        File baseFile = new File(".",baseFileName);
        File dir = baseFile.getParentFile();
        for (File file : dir.listFiles(new Filter(baseFile.getName()))) {

    /* Persistence management */
     * Write a binary version of the progress report.
    private void writeCrawlerProgress() {
        ObjectOutputStream out = null;
        try {
            out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(baseFile.getAbsolutePath()+"-b."+cycle));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Reading binary crawler progress file: ",e);
        } finally {

     * Restore a CrawlerProgress instance from the latest progress report file.
     * If there is no binary progress report file, null is returned.
     * @return a CrawlerProgress instance, or null if there is no binary report file.
    public static CrawlerProgress readCrawlerProgress() {
        CrawlerProgress cp = null;
        Config config = Config.getConfig("");
        String baseFileName = config.getString("");
        int cycle = latestReportedCycle(baseFileName);
        if (cycle > 0) {
            ObjectInputStream in = null;
            try {
                in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(baseFileName+"-b."+cycle));
                cp = (CrawlerProgress)in.readObject();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Reading binary crawler progress file: ",e);
            } finally {
        return cp;
     * Restores a CrawlerProgress instance from the latest progress report file
     * and compensate for the time elapsed since it was last updated.
     * If there is no binary progress report file, null is returned.
     * @return a CrawlerProgress instance, or null if there is no binary report file.
    public static CrawlerProgress restartCrawlerProgress() {
        CrawlerProgress cp = readCrawlerProgress();
        if (null != cp) {
            long delta = System.currentTimeMillis() -;
            cp.deadTime[cp.stage] += delta;
            cp.totalDeadTime += delta;
            if (cp.stage == FETCH) { cp.seen = 0; }
        return cp;
     * Filter for binary progress file spec.
    private static class Filter implements FilenameFilter {
        String basename;
        public Filter(String name) {
            basename = name;
        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
            return name.startsWith(basename);
     * Read the current crawler cycle from the latest report file.
     * If there is not progress report file, 0 es returned.
     * @return the current cycle, or 0 if there is no report file.
    private static int latestReportedCycle(String baseName) {
        int cycle = 0;
        try {
            int minCycle = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            File baseFile = new File(".",baseName);
            File dir = baseFile.getParentFile();
            for (File file : dir.listFiles(new Filter(baseFile.getName()+"-b."))) {
                String[] parts = file.getName().split("\\.");
                int val = Integer.parseInt(parts[parts.length-1]);
                if (val < minCycle) { minCycle = val; }
            if (minCycle < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { cycle = minCycle; }
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.warn("While trying to read the cycle number from the crawler progress report file: ", e);
        return cycle;


Related Classes of com.flaptor.hounder.crawler.CrawlerProgress$Filter

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