Copyright 2008 Flaptor (flaptor.com)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.bayes;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.util.DocumentParser;
import com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.util.TokenCounterPersistence;
import com.flaptor.util.Config;
import com.flaptor.util.Execute;
import com.flaptor.util.FileUtil;
import com.flaptor.util.sort.MergeSort;
import com.flaptor.util.sort.RecordReader;
import com.flaptor.util.sort.RecordWriter;
* This class implements the bayes classifier formulae.
* There are two differents stages of the filter.
* Traning: <br />
* Use multiple calls to addData() to feed the classfier with document tokens,
* explicitly specifying if the document belongs to the category or not.<br />
* Call computeProbabilities() to calculate the probability of each token to belong
* to the category or not, and to persist the new data to disk, making it available
* to start classifying new documents.<br />
* @todo load some (now hardcoded parameters) from the configuration.
* TODO: NOT THREAD SAFE: WHoHas is static
* @author Flaptor Development Team
public class BayesCalculator {
private static final Logger logger= Logger.getLogger(Execute.whoAmI());
// The following thresholds are additional constraints to the terms to have assigned a probability different than the default.
// These values are the minimum number of ocurrencies of the term in each of the following cases:
// If the term appears only in documents that don't belong to the category, it must appear in more than MIN_REQ_NON_CATEGORIZED docs.
// If the term appears only in documents that belong to the category, it must appear in more than MIN_REQ_CATEGORIZED docs.
// If the term appears in documents that belong to the category and in documents that don't, it must appear in more than MIN_REQ_BOTH docs.
private final int MIN_REQ_NON_CATEGORIZED;
private final int MIN_REQ_CATEGORIZED;
private final int MIN_REQ_BOTH;
private final float IGNORE_TERM_PROBABILITY_TO;
private final String TEMP_DIR;
private final String CAT_TOK_FILE_UNSORTED;
private final String CAT_TOK_FILE_SORTED;
private final int MAX_TUPLE_SZ;
// Name of the category.
private final String categoryName;
// Name of the directory that will hold the probabilities and counter files.
private final String dataDir;
private long categoryDocumentCount = 0L;
private long nonCategoryDocumentCount = 0L;
// Count of the token ocurrencies for the categorized documents.
private RecordWriter tokenCountersFile;
private Map<String, Double> myProbabilities;
* When the Bayesian filter was trained the documents were parsed and
* tokenized by ({@link DocumentParser#parse(String, int)} to calculate the
* probability of each token.
* When the probabilities files are used to decide on a document,
* there is no point in tokenizing more than when the probabilities file
* was created. Ie: if we tokenized in tuples of 1, 2 and 3 words, there
* is no point in tokenizing in tuples of 4 or more words, as no such token
* will be in the probabilities file.
* The solution is to save the used maxTupleSize number in the probabilities
* file.
* @see BayesClassifier#getMaxTuple()
public static final String MAX_TUPLE_SIZE="__MAX_TUPLE_SIZE__";
public BayesCalculator(String categoryName, Config cfg, int maxTuple) throws IOException {
this(".", categoryName, cfg, maxTuple);
public BayesCalculator(String dir, String categoryName, Config cfg, int maxTuple) throws IOException {
this.MAX_TUPLE_SZ= maxTuple;
MIN_REQ_NON_CATEGORIZED= cfg.getInt("bayes.calculator.min.required.non.categorized");
MIN_REQ_CATEGORIZED= cfg.getInt("bayes.calculator.min.required.categorized");
MIN_REQ_BOTH= cfg.getInt("bayes.calculator.min.required.both");
TEMP_DIR= cfg.getString("bayes.calculator.tmp.dir");
try {
FileUtil.createOrGetDir(TEMP_DIR, true, true);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.error("Cant create directory " + TEMP_DIR, e);
throw e;
IGNORE_TERM_PROBABILITY_FROM= cfg.getFloat("bayes.calculator.ignore.term.probability.from");
IGNORE_TERM_PROBABILITY_TO= cfg.getFloat("bayes.calculator.ignore.term.probability.to");
CAT_TOK_FILE_UNSORTED= TEMP_DIR + "/tokenCountUnsorted";
CAT_TOK_FILE_SORTED= TEMP_DIR + "/tokenCountSorted";
this.categoryName = categoryName;
dataDir = dir;
myProbabilities = PersistenceManager.readProbabilitiesFromFile(dataDir,
try {
tokenCountersFile= new TokenCounterPersistence().newRecordWriter(
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
throw (e);
* Returns the date of the last modification of the .probabilities file
* @param dir
* @param categoryName
* @return
public static Date getProbabilitiesFileDate(String dir, String categoryName){
File f= new File(dir,categoryName+".probabilities");
long t= f.lastModified();
return new Date(t);
* Adds the token counters corresponding to a document categorized or
* non-categorized.
* @param documentTokenCount the map with the tokens of the document and
* their respective number of ocurrencies
* @param belongsToCategory true if the document belongs to the category,
* false otherwise
* @throws IOException
* note the Map<String,int[]> was intended to be Map<String,int>, however
* java doesnt allow to insert primitives into a Map. Because the Integer
* are inmutables the (ugly) solution is to use an int[] of size 1.
public void addData(Map<String,int[]>documentTokenCount,
boolean belongsToCategory, String url) throws IOException {
Set<String> tokens = documentTokenCount.keySet();
* In previous versions, we added the data to a Map(token->TokenCounter)
* in memory. However such aproach took too much RAM and was discarded.
* In this version we add the data to a file that is lately transformed
* into a Map. see #computeTokenCounter
TokenCounterPersistence.TCRecord tcr;
if (belongsToCategory) {
for (String token : tokens) {
tcr= new TokenCounterPersistence().newRecord(token,
documentTokenCount.get(token)[0], 0);
} else {
for (String token : tokens) {
tcr= new TokenCounterPersistence().newRecord(token, 0,
* In previous versions, we added the data to a Map(token->TokenCounter)
* in memory. However such aproach consumes too much RAM and was discarded.
* In this version we add the data to a file that is lately transformed
* into a Map.
* The addCount method, adds a line 'token catVal nonCatVal' to a file, for
* each token.
* That file is then sorted in the computeTokenCounter() method.
* After that the file is "folded" (all the lines having the same token
* are summed).
* Finally the probability of each token is calculated. If it's !=0 and
* !=UNKNOWN_TOKEN_PROBABILITY, its added to the probabilities Map.
private void computeTokenCounter(Map<String, Double> tokenProbabilities)
throws IOException{
logger.info("Closing categoryTokenCount...");
logger.info("Closing categoryTokenCount.... done");
logger.info("Sorting categoryTokenCount....");
File beforeSort= new File(CAT_TOK_FILE_UNSORTED);
File afterSort= new File(CAT_TOK_FILE_SORTED);
TokenCounterPersistence tcp= new TokenCounterPersistence();
MergeSort.sort(beforeSort, afterSort, tcp, null);
logger.info("Sorting categoryTokenCount.... done");
logger.info("Folding categoryTokenCount.... ");
// Now saves all this data to a FileCache
RecordReader tcrr= tcp.newRecordReader(afterSort);
TokenCounter catTc= new TokenCounter();
TokenCounter nonCatTc= new TokenCounter();
TokenCounterPersistence.TCRecord tcr= (TokenCounterPersistence.TCRecord) tcrr.readRecord();
if (null==tcrr) return;
String prevToken= tcr.getToken();
while (null != (tcr= (TokenCounterPersistence.TCRecord) tcrr.readRecord())){
if (tcr.getToken().equals(prevToken)){
} else {
computeProbs(prevToken, catTc, nonCatTc, tokenProbabilities);
catTc= new TokenCounter();
nonCatTc= new TokenCounter();
prevToken= tcr.getToken();
computeProbs(prevToken, catTc, nonCatTc, tokenProbabilities);
logger.info("Folding categoryTokenCount.... done");
private void computeProbs( String token, TokenCounter catTC,
TokenCounter nonCatTC, Map<String, Double> tokenProbabilities){
/* System.err.println("calculating " + token + " cat: " + catTC.getCount()
+ ", " + catTC.getCountUnique() + ". noncat: " + nonCatTC.getCount() +
", " + nonCatTC.getCountUnique());*/
double probability = 0;
// If the counters for the category are null, the token doesn't belong any document in the category.
// Thus, its probability is MIN_PROBABILITY.
if (0 == catTC.getCountUnique()) {
if (nonCatTC.getCountUnique() > MIN_REQ_NON_CATEGORIZED) { // Rule determined by heruistic analisys
probability = BayesProbabilities.CATEGORY_MIN_PROBABILITY;
// If the counters for the non-category are null, the token only appears on categorized documents.
// Thus, its probability is MAX_PROBABILITY.
} else if (0 == nonCatTC.getCountUnique()) {
if (catTC.getCountUnique() > MIN_REQ_CATEGORIZED) { // Rule determined by heruistic analisys
probability = BayesProbabilities.CATEGORY_MAX_PROBABILITY;
// If none of counters are null, the token appears in both types of documents.
// Thus, I need to calculate the probability.
} else {
if (catTC.getCountUnique() + nonCatTC.getCountUnique() > MIN_REQ_BOTH) { // Rule determined by heuristic analisys
double categoryFreq = (double)catTC.getCountUnique()/(double)categoryDocumentCount;
double nonCategoryFreq= (double)nonCatTC.getCountUnique()/(double)nonCategoryDocumentCount;
probability = categoryFreq / (categoryFreq + nonCategoryFreq);
if (probability > 0 &&
tokenProbabilities.put(token, Double.valueOf(probability));
* Computes the probabilities of the whole set of tokens.
* It writes the following data to disk: <br />
* <ul>
* <li>Counters for the category documents
* <li>Counters for the non-category documents
* <li>Token probabilities
* </ul>
* @throws IOException
public void computeProbabilities() throws IOException {
Map<String, Double> tokenProbabilities = new HashMap<String, Double>();
setMaxTupleSize(tokenProbabilities, MAX_TUPLE_SZ);
logger.info("Computing probabilities.... done");
categoryName+".probabilities", tokenProbabilities);
private void setMaxTupleSize(Map<String, Double> probs, int mt){
probs.put(BayesCalculator.MAX_TUPLE_SIZE, new Double(mt));
public void updateMyProbabilities(String key, Double value, boolean flush){
myProbabilities.put(key, value);
if (flush){
categoryName+".my.probabilities", myProbabilities);
public Map<String,Double> getMyProbabilities(){
return myProbabilities;
public static void printUsageAndExit() {
System.err.println("Usage: BayesCalculator remove_tokens <category> -f <terms file>");
System.err.println("Usage: BayesCalculator add_tokens <category> -f <terms file>");
System.err.println("Usage: BayesCalculator convert <category>");
System.err.println("The <category>.probabilities file is assumed to be in this (.) directory");
System.err.println("The <terms file> should contain a list of tokens:values, " +
"one per line as:\n token1:0.3\n token2:0.1\n token3:0.2");
System.err.println("Convert: The old .probabilities file, didn't include" +
" the MAX_TUPLE_SIZE value, as the 'tuples' where allways size 1." +
"Use 'convert', to automatically load an old-probabilities-file," +
" and add the MAX_TUPLE_SIZE value (=1) to avoid getting a " +
"warning with old files.");
System.err.println("You can use the PersistenceManager " +
"(com.flaptor.hounder.classifier.bayes.PersistenceManager)" +
" to print the contents of a .probabilities file");
public static void removeTokens(String category, Set<String>tokens) {
Map<String,Double> probabilities = PersistenceManager.readProbabilitiesFromFile(null, category+".probabilities");
PersistenceManager.writeProbabilitiesToFile(null, category+".probabilities", probabilities);
public static void addTokens(String category, Set<String>tokens) {
Map<String,Double> probabilities = PersistenceManager.readProbabilitiesFromFile(null, category+".probabilities");
for (String line : tokens) {
String[] parsedLine = line.split(":");
probabilities.put(parsedLine[0], Double.valueOf(parsedLine[1]));
PersistenceManager.writeProbabilitiesToFile(null, category+".probabilities", probabilities);
* The old probabilities file, didn't included the MAX_TUPLE_SIZE value, as
* the 'tuples' where allways size 1.
* This method, loads an old-probabilities-file, and adds the MAX_TUPLE_SIZE
* value (=1) to avoid getting a warning with old files.
* @param category
public static void convert(String category) {
Map<String,Double> probabilities = PersistenceManager.readProbabilitiesFromFile(null, category+".probabilities");
if (probabilities.containsKey(MAX_TUPLE_SIZE)){
Double val= probabilities.get(MAX_TUPLE_SIZE);
logger.warn("The file already has MAX_TUPLE_SIZE defined to " + val + ". Doing nothing.");
Set<String> tokens = new HashSet<String>();
tokens.add(MAX_TUPLE_SIZE + ":1");
addTokens(category, tokens);
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length < 1) {
if ("remove_tokens".equals(args[0]) && (args.length == 4) && "-f".equals(args[2])) {
Set<String> tokens = new HashSet<String>();
FileUtil.fileToSet(null, args[3], tokens);
removeTokens(args[1], tokens);
} else if ("add_tokens".equals(args[0]) && (args.length == 4) && "-g".equals(args[2])) {
Set<String> tokens = new HashSet<String>();
FileUtil.fileToSet(null, args[3], tokens);
addTokens(args[1], tokens);
} else if ("convert".equals(args[0]) && (args.length == 2)) {
} else {
System.err.println("Invalid parameter");